Language Support
We provide support if English or Bahasa Malaysia is not your first language.
Support for English
For many students joining us, English will not be your first language. As a result, you may be a little nervous about coping with studying in English. Don’t panic!
Early on in your programme, your English skills will be tested. This will help us understand what language support you need.
English language support in academic writing skills will help you with your course assignments. Verbal skills support will help with your general communication needs.
There will be opportunities to improve your English in small-groups or in one-to-one sessions.
NUMed Malaysia is an English-speaking university and one important tip for you is to speak English even when you are not on campus.
Don’t fall into the trap of going back to your native language when you are with your friends. Speak English when you are with them and you will soon find out that you are starting to think in English. This will greatly help you with your studies.

Support for Bahasa Malaysia
Some students may be worrying about communicating using Bahasa Malaysia. This can be a concern for them when talking to patients in the clinical facilities.
Rest assured, we will provide Bahasa Malaysia language support. You will also always be paired with a student who is fluent in the national language.
This will be a great opportunity to master the language and use it during any future clinical attachment.