Health MOT
A free check for all Newcastle University students and staff giving you an indication of your general health and wellbeing
A health MOT consists of 20 minute appointment where a trainee clinician (Newcastle University FMS student) will take clinical readings to assess your height, weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure and a ask you to complete a questionnaire about mood and general wellbeing.
Health MOTs are a School of Pharmacy led initiative with all clinics supervised by registered health care professionals who are on hand to answer any queries or support further.
Check out the information below for further details and instructions to make a booking.

What Happens After a Health MOT
The student conducting the health MOT will tell you your readings straight away, explain what these mean and then provide you wtih advice and guidance about healthy lifestyle choices. There will be a chance to ask questions. You will not be given prescriptions or medical advice, but you will be signposted appropriately.
All personal information will be stored securely and will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and will not be shared with anyone other than the clinical team conducting the checks.
Please note that the clinic will be also be supervised by trained clinical surervisors such as Pharmacists who will also be on hand should you need any further advice. It might be recommended, following your health MOT, that you visit your GP and relevant information or advice will be given at this point.
If the questionnaire about your mood indicates that there may be some options for support available that you could possbily benefit from, if you are interetsed, it will be possible for you to talk to some confidentially about this.
You may also be given some advice and options about specific services within and outside the university that could be helpful to you.