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Get agile, sharpen your ball skills, and soak up the team spirit with intramural netball.

Weekly netball leagues

There are two intramural netball leagues:

  • Saturday league has 16 teams
  • Midweek league has 24 teams

League fixtures take place in Terms 1 and 2. All leagues are split into divisions of eight.

When and where

The Saturday league runs from 10.00-13.00

The Midweek league runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 16.30-18.00 and. Teams can register for any league(s).

All fixtures are played weekly indoors at the Sport & Fitness Centre in Sports Hall 1 and have a qualified umpire from the University Netball club.

League format

Teams play each other once in a league format. Once all the league fixtures have been played, the top four teams from each division qualify for the knockout play-offs.

  • Saturday fixtures are 36 minutes in duration: 4 x 9 minute quarters with a 2 minute break between quarters
  • Midweek fixtures are 32 minutes in duration : 4 x 8 minute quarters with a 1 minute break between quarters.

At the end of the play-offs, the winning team comes away with a shiny crystal trophy and winners medals, as well as a place in Intramural history.


Find out more

For more information on Intramural netball, contact:

Tom Brearley, Intramural Sport Officer

Telephone: 0191 208 8548


Need to know

Fixtures, results and tables

Saturday 10am-11.30am League

Armstrong Netball Lucy Donoghue
Kate Dowling
07710 485146
075570 21234
NUBS Netball Francesca Cuming
Abbie Andreassen

074842 18696
Angels of the north isobel foster 07745 031687
Las Senoritas Ruth Gardiner 07576 398809
Medics C Lucy Sheddon 07507 001556
SALTY Andrea Koo 07778 207138
Hefty Hoopers Beckie Knowles 07772 186041

Saturday 11.30am-1pm League

MUNTers Lara Parsons 07507 718 484
Net-onomics Chloe Russell 07951 793776
BioSci Olivia Mcfarlane 07730 043073
NUBS Netball Francesca Cuming
Abbie Andreassen

074842 18696
Pithons Alice Rains 07821 482369
Las Senoritas Ruth Gardiner 07576 398809
ACS Angels Eniola Tawio 07946 138976
Law Netball A Grainne Sweeney 07710 893664

Tuesday 4:30pm-6pm League

GeogSoc Poppy White 07398 181623
MUNTers Lara Parsons 07507 718 484
Armstrong Netball Lucy Donoghue
Kate Dowling
07710 485146
075570 21234
Chem Eng Emily Watmore 07972 499273
BioSci Olivia Mcfarlane 07730 043073
Medics A Tabby Burnham 07507 001556
Toothfairies India Kenth 07826 527283
Pink Freud Faye Godley 07708 012188

Thursday 4:30pm-6pm League

GeogSoc Poppy White 07398 181623
Armstrong Netball Lucy Donoghue
Kate Dowling
07710 485146
075570 21234
Chem Eng Emily Watmore 07972 499273
NUBS Netball Francesca Cuming
Abbie Andreassen

074842 18696
Slagpies Lauren Smith 07483 232 769
Law Netball A Amelia Buckley 07533 238008
Medics B Scarlet Dawson 07507 001556
Agrics  Olivia Goodall 07720 251050

Friday 4:30pm-6pm League

GeogSoc Poppy White 07398 181623
No Stick Just Balls Molly Marshall 07872 171128
NUAS Fruit Flies Jess Waterworth 07541 987243
Pink Freud Faye Godley 07708 012188
Nifty Netters Amelie Haslehurst a.haslehurst2@newcastle 07947 136161
MarxITS Eir Murray 07399 475764
BioSci Olivia Mcfarlane 07730 043073
Armstrong Netball Lucy Donoghue
Kate Dowling
07710 485146
075570 21234

Intramural netball at Newcastle University is played in Sports Hall 1 at the Sport & Fitness Centre

Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: 0191 208 7225


Access to the Sports & Fitness Centre is via Richardson Road, Claremont Road or the pedestrian route past the Ridley Building and the Medical and Dental Schools.

Directions and map

Registering a team

League 2024-25

Registration for the Intramural Saturday and Midweek Netball leagues is now SOLD OUT!

You can register a team here: Registration 2024/25 

If you would like to join our waiting list or receive further information on upcoming tournaments please get in touch.

To participate in the league, all players must be Sports Centre Members (Sport, Fitness or Sport & Fitness)


Tom Brearley, Intramural Sport Officer

Telephone: 0191 208 5349



First Aid and Accident Report

Injuries and Incidents

The Sport & Fitness Centre Supervisors and the Sport & Recreation Officers at the Sport & Fitness Centre are First Aid Qualified. They will be your first point of contact for any injuries and incidents.

If a member of your team leaves the Sport & Fitness Centre and their injury or illness; which occurred whilst playing netball, deteriorates resulting in attendance at a hospital, urgent care centre or doctors then we require the captain to submit the Intramural Accident Report form – this should be emailed to the Participation & Fitness Manager or handed to the Sport & Fitness Centre reception:

  • For minor injuries – reports must be submitted by 09:00 the following day
  • For medical emergencies – notify the Participation & Fitness Manager immediately, a report should then be submitted by 09:00 the following day

Calling Emergency Services

If a member of your team has called for an ambulance please inform a member of the Sport & Fitness Centre Staff on site who will assist you with the incident and ensure the ambulance has a clear passage to the injured player.

Accident Report Form

Download the form Intramural Accident Report (PDF: 43KB) for submission.


Denis Murphy, Participation & Fitness Manager
Telephone 0191 208 5349

Rules and guidelines
  1. Please remember All players MUST Be Newcastle University Students & Sport & Fitness Centre Members (Sport, Fitness or Sport & Fitness) to play Intramural netball.  As captains please ensure you are a Sports & Fitness Centre Member and then ask all your squad to become a member.

  2. Please ensure all players have their student card when entering the Sport & Fitness Centre each week. Entry may be delayed without it.

  3. All fixtures will take place in Sports Hall 1 at the Sport & Fitness Centre.

  4. Balls and bibs will be provided for all games and available courtside
  5. All fixtures, league tables and results are available on the Sport & Fitness Centre’s website
  6. Matches should start at the time specified, and certainly no later than 5 minutes after the designated start time. Where a late start occurs, games should be shortened accordingly and not run over into another booking.
  7. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday league fixtures are 32 minutes in duration: 4 x 8 minute quarters with a 1 minute break between quarters.  Saturday league fixtures are 36 minutes in duration: 4 x 9 minute quarters with a 2 minute break between quarters.
  8. The University Netball Club will provide umpires for all Intramural fixtures. A £5 (Tuesday, Thursday & Friday leagues) & £5 (Saturday leagues) umpire fee per team per game is required prior to the start of the fixture. If the umpire does not turn up, the fixture may still go ahead with a nominated umpire, as agreed by the two captains.
  9. The umpire has the authority to sin bin players (up to 5 minutes) for misconduct or continuous infringement of the rules. Any player sent off during a fixture will automatically serve a two match ban.
  10. Players MUST REMOVE ALL JEWELLERY before the start of a fixture to avoid injury to you as a player and your opposition, this includes ear piercings and wristbands - YOU CANNOT TAPE UP JEWLLLERY!
  11. Fingernails MUST BE KEPT SHORT to prevent injury to you as a player and your opposition.  YOU CANNOT TAPE UP FINGERNAILS! NOTE: There will be nail clippers in the umpire fixture folder courtside if required.
  12. Any injuries resulting in bleeding must be dealt with immediately. No bleeding players are allowed on court.
  13. Four points will be awarded for a win and two points for a draw.
  14. If a team fails to turn up, the fixture is awarded as a 30-0 walkover to the opposing team. The team failing to show up will also have 1 point deducted from their league table score.
  15. If a team fails to turn up to play on three occasions, they will be immediately withdrawn from the league, with no refund given.
  16. Substitutes are roll on, roll off. Players who have been substituted may return to the game at a later stage.
  17. Whistles, netballs and bibs will be available courtside for teams & umpires.
  18. All matches must be played on the date and time stated on the original fixture list. No matches will be rearranged unless in exceptional circumstances. Rearranged fixtures are totally at the discretion of the Participation & Events Manager.
  19. Each team is allowed a maximum of one player who regularly represent the University in BUCS competitions, in the squad or on the court at any one time.
  20. Players must have played in a minimum of two league games to be eligible to play in the play-offs.
  21. Each team will play each other once. The top four teams from each league will qualify for the play-offs.
  22. This is a female only league.
  23. Official England Netball rules of the game are on the England Netball website.

Result Entry

The Umpires will record and submit the results after each game and the Participation & Fitness Manager will update the league tables on the Intramural netball website.

League Commitment / Fielding A Team

Registering a team into an Intramural League involves committing to the whole season!  Can all team captains please stress to their players that they must commit to their weekly league games.   Drop-outs are very frustrating and unfair for all involved.  Please ensure you field a team every week - NO SHOWS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!


If a team cannot find enough players for a particular match and have to concede they must do the following:

  • Ring the opposition captain ASAP and inform them – All captains contacts details can be found on the Intramural netball website HERE
  • Email informing of the cancellation and confirming that the opposition team are aware.
  • The team conceding will be changed their umpire match fee (£5)
  • The team conceding will lose the game 30-0


If a team cannot find enough players and just doesn’t show up without informing the opposition captain (please don’t do this) the following applies:

  • The team conceding will still be changed the FULL umpire match fee (£10)
  • The team conceding will lose the game 30-0

This should NEVER happen and is totally UNACCEPTABLE.  Please have the courtesy to ring the opposition so they don’t make a wasted trip to the Sports & Fitness Centre.

League Spirit/Spectators

Ensure all players and spectators play the league in the correct spirit. Teams are made up of mixed ability players so it’s important that they also enjoy the league experience. If you bring spectators along to watch your game, ensure they conduct themselves in the correct manner and show respect and courtesy to all players and umpires on the court.


Tom Brearely

Intramural Sport Officer

Past winners
 Mid-Week LeagueSaturday League
2005-06 Jesabelles The Monkeys
2006-07 Denominators The Hollies
2007-08 NUSSC Tuesday The Hollies
2008-09 Combined Bio Northern Monkeys
2010-11 Mansoc B Mansoc
2011-12 Ladies Hockey The Agrics
2012-13 Ladies Hockey Blue Lightening
2013-14 Hotshots Medics Netball
2014-15 Time Team Medics Netball
2015-16 Toothfairies Toothfairies
2016-17 History History
 MW Term 1MW Term 2WE Term 1WE Term 2
2017-18 Medics Medics NUNC Development Medics
2018-19 Chem Eng Charlie's Angles History Medics
2023-24 Pink Freud NUBS Net Setters NUBS
2024-25 Agrics Hefty Hoopers  Hefty Hoopers Medics