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Export Control

The UK Export Control Act aims to promote global security through strategic export controls.

Export controls are designed to restrict the export and communication of sensitive technology or strategic goods, with the aim of preventing international terrorism and the development or use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).  

These controls apply to activities at Newcastle University in the same way that they would apply to any other organisation. If an activity falls under the scope of UK Export Control legislation, an Export Licence will be required to move or take goods, software and technology outside of the UK. This applies to both:

  • physical exports - the shipment of physical goods, or the movement of tangible items such as hard copy documents, and research data carried overseas on electronic devices
  • transfer of intangible items - including digital transfers by email, text message and fax, telephone conversations and video conferences, accessing your emails and files stored on a UK server whilst overseas, or providing access to information and data stored on digital platforms