Research Group: µSystems
Our group builds on Newcastle’s traditional strengths in microelectronics.
We work at the leading edge of all aspects of microsystems.
Microsystems technology is an important basis for many real-world electronic systems. It permeates many aspects of our lives, from mobile phones to medical devices, to the new world of the Internet of Things.
We expect such systems to be ever more capable, energy-efficient and autonomous. This means exploring new architectures and applications. Many systems provide simple signal analysis. Our research will help them to migrate to full artificial intelligence and machine learning. Also, increased capability cannot come at the cost of reduced battery life. Thus, there is a significant impetus for investigation into new hardware design methods. We also need to train a new generation of engineers who can implement them.

Training the next generation
We provide exciting research projects for undergraduate students studying electronic and computer engineering. Our MSc programmes provide training in embedded systems, microelectronics and autonomous systems. We recruit and train PhD students in various disciplines fitting within our broad objectives.
Head of Group
Alex is Professor of Computer Systems Design at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University. He has worked at the University since 1991. He is the founder of Asynchronous Systems Lab, with 60 PhD alumni. He is an international pioneer of asynchronous circuit design and design automation. He was elected to Fellow of IET in 2015, Fellow of IEEE in 2016, and Fellow RAEng in 2017.
In 2011-2013 he was a Dream Fellow of EPSRC when he introduced the idea of energy-modulated computing. In 2018, he was awarded an IET Achievement Medal for contributions to electronic engineering.
Recently, Alex has been exploring computing at the speed of light and using clocks to measure data rather than a synchronisation tool.
Deputy Head of Group
Patrick is a professor in neuroprosthetics. He is the team leader of the neuroprosthetics lab at Newcastle University. He set up the lab in 2010. He graduated with a first class (Hons) degree in applied physics and an MRes Degree in surface science. After a short period as a medical engineering technician, he went on study a PhD at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. A period in the software industry preceded a return to academia as a post-doctoral researcher at Imperial College London. He started becoming interested in optogenetics. He received an RCUK fellowship and lectureship in 2005. This allows him to explore the new technology for applications in retinal prosthesis.
Patrick received promotion to senior lecturer at ICL in 2008. In 2010, he moved to Newcastle to work with the Institute of Neuroscience. He became a professor in 2019. Here in Newcastle, he coordinated the Eur2.1M OptoNeuro FP7 project to develop an optogenetic retinal prosthesis. Since then, he has been the engineering workpackage leader on the CANDO project. The project is developing an optogenetic prosthesis to negate seizures in epileptic patients.
Our current activities
We focus on the challenges of fundamental research. We are moving the current boundaries of microelectronic circuits and systems. Our research leads to improvements in speed, reliability, energy consumption, size and cost of design, manufacturing and maintenance.
Our interests evolve with the needs of society and the environment, and with the progress of underlying technologies.
Asynchronous design methods and tools
Semiconductor scaling continues, with an increasing degree of integration. At the same time, there are increasing limitations on and unpredictability of power and energy.
Thus, computation systems need more and more timing flexibility and heterogeneity. This is the case even within individual chips.
The µSystems group has a long history of successful research. Our research ranges from theoretical methods to practical implementation. We investigate all aspects of system timing and asynchrony. Our research continues with projects in:
- synchronization
- SoCs and NoCs
- GALS and
- asynchronous systems
Designing systems for survival
Energy and power sources are often unreliable and unpredictable. This is especially so for embedded systems using harvested energy. How to best deliver energy to computation units and how the units can best make use of this energy become critical research problems.
Many of our current projects focus on answering these questions by:
- increasing the system survival zone
- creating methods for near-threshold computing system design
- enhancing the variation tolerance of circuits
- developing efficient on-chip power delivery and conditioning including control and sensing techniques.
Embedded genomics and Big Data
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a Big Data application. It is used by a variety of applications in the healthcare, agriculture and pharmaceutical sectors.
Current computational WGS has major limitations. These can inhibit their widespread usage. They include low throughput and very high energy consumption.
We are designing new hardware/software co-design methods for empowering low-cost embedded genomics. We are working with genomics researchers at Newcastle University. We are designing algorithms and runtime systems to exploit computation and memory resources. At the same time, they also maintain low energy footprints.
Energy-driven computing and power-compute co-design
ICT systems are more and more bound in their capabilities and operations by the energy available to them. Energy driven computing is a new paradigm which states that computation should be a result of energy supply (computing on energy).
We are one of the initiators of this paradigm. It is described in detail in Microelectronics for autonomy and survival (PDF: 175KB). The article identifies applications of this type of computing and the methods with which it can be designed.
Modelling and design methodologies for extremely low power
The µSystems group is traditionally very closely connected to the School of Computing. We continue to carry out research on the edge between computer science and electronic engineering.
We are currently engaged in research on powerful modelling methods. These support the design of computation units for use in environments where power and energy supplies are uncertain.
Andrey Mokhov is leading the research.
Neuro-silicon interfaces
Computing and electronics could generate considerable new ways of helping society. A crucial technological area is the potential use of computing in real-time health monitoring and care. An exciting aspect is the interfacing of silicon-based computation devices with biological neurons.
Power-performance-reliability interplay in many-core systems
Power and energy availability affects system performance and survivability. It also impacts system reliability. There is a complex, but poorly understood, interplay between:
- power supply (related to voltage)
- system computation throughput
- reliability
- how fast the circuits age and degrade.
The µSystems group is applying its considerable expertise in related areas to new research which aims to:
- improve the understanding of these complex relationships
- develop methods to improve system designs based on such discoveries.
Pervasive AI and learning automata
Electronic applications enabling pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) have unique and conflicting challenges. These include extreme energy efficiency, accuracy and continuous learning. We are developing a new generation of AI hardware architecture to address these challenges.
We have built our architecture on the principle of learning automata. Mikhail Tsetlin proposed the theory of learning automata in the 1960s. It has long been a basis for non-linear control systems. It allows for formulation of machine learning using propositional logic and game theory.
We are working with our collaborators at the University of Agder, Norway, led by Professor Ole-Christoffer Granmo. Together, we are enabling powerful new AI applications through our hardware innovations.
System design for optogenetic retinal prosthesis
The µSystems group includes the Neuro-prosthesis lab. Its primary interest is in developing neural stimulators and state of the art implantable systems. The new field of optogenetic neuroprosthesis uses this technology. Our research in this area will generate new understanding in core neurobiology. We are using neuro-inspired designs to make better circuits and systems.
For more information, please see the Neuro-prosthesis lab.
Telemetry for neuroscience research
The µSystems group and the Institute of Neuroscience are working together. They re providing an enabling technology to support neuroscientists. This technology will help them in their research into how the brain works. In the long term, this research will lead to improved treatment of nervous system injuries such as strokes and spinal cord injuries.
We are developing a radio telemetry system to transmit multiple muscle or nerve signals from a device which is implanted within the body. Radio frequency induction provides the power from an external coil placed over the skin. This avoids the need for battery replacement.
Check out our technical memos and reports, and have a look at our gallery of chips.
Taught Programmes
From day one, our Electrical and Electronic Engineering Undergraduate Programmes give students a path to become a professional engineer addressing major global challenges.
Our Electrical and Electronic Engineering Postgraduate Taught (MSc) Programmes equip students with the advanced skills and expertise to help shape the world.
Industrial lectures
- Technology in electronic microsystems is fast evolving. Thus, industrial alignment is crucial for our teaching and research. We regularly invite renowned technological experts from industry to deliver lectures. These lectures complement our academic curricula with industrial relevance.
A visiting professorship funded by the RAE
The Royal Academy of Engineering funds a Visiting Professorship for Dr Shidhartha Das from Arm. Dr Das is a Senior Principal Research Engineer in the Devices, Circuits, and Systems Group in Arm Research, based in Cambridge, UK.
Shidhartha is one of the key inventors at Arm. He has more than 35 US granted patents, several national and international awards, and many major publications. He teaches low-power processor and artificial intelligence systems design.
Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014
Our group was commended by the REF panel as producing best research outputs. We contributed to one of the best University Research Impact case studies: Powering Industry with Causality Modelling.
Student awards
Our students take part in and win design awards from national and international competitions. These are hosted by professional institutions, such as IEEE, IET and ACM, and by industry.
- The Microsystems team of PhD students won the Xilinx Open Hardware 2018 award with FANTASI (FAst NeTwork Analysis in SIlicon)
- Tousif Sheikh Rahman won an IET Final Year Student Project Competition in 2019 with his presentation Implementation of whole genome sequencing algorithms
Best paper awards
Our researchers regularly present at prestigious conferences around the world.
- IET Computers & Digital Techniques Premium Award
- Dahir N, Mak T, Al-Dujaily R, Missailidis P, Yakovlev A. Highly adaptive and deadlock-free routing for three-dimensional networks-on-chip. In: IET Computers & Digital Techniques 2013, 7(6) 255-263
- Graeme M. Bragg, Charles Leech , Domenico Balsamo , James J. Davis , Eduardo Wachter , Geoff V. Merrett , George A. Constantinides and Bashir M. Al-Hashimi. An Application- and Platform-agnostic Control and Monitoring Framework for Multicore Systems. 3rd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing, Porto Portugal, 29-31 July 2018 . Best Paper Award.
- Abeyrathna, K. Darshana, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Rishad Shafik, Alex Yakovlev, Adrian Wheeldon, Jie Lei, and Morten Goodwin. “A Novel Multi-step Finite-State Automaton for Arbitrarily Deterministic Tsetlin Machine Learning.” In International Conference on Innovative Techniques and applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 108-122, Springer, 2020. Best Paper Award.
- Jie Lei, Adrian Wheeldon, Rishad Shafik, Alex Yakovlev and Ole-Christoffer Granmo, From Arithmetic to Logic Based AI: a Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks and Tsetlin Machine, 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, 2020. Best Poster Award.
Start-ups and commercialisation
We train the next generation of engineers. We also encourage our students to take up entrepreneurial initiatives. This includes startups and other commercialisation activities. We have successfully spun out translational research initiatives in the recent past. These include iGLX, Elastix, and Temporal Computing.
Johnson Fernandes is a PhD alumnus of the group. He recently formed his IoT startup, EquiWatt. The company is based around energy metering and management for smart homes and offices.
We are currently exploring opportunities for spinning out businesses in the field of AI and Design Automation.
Engaging with industry
Some of our research activities are directly funded by our industrial partners.
Designing industrially relevant training for our researchers is crucial for us. We engage with industries and invite key technological experts for lectures and seminars. Dr Shidhartha Das from Arm Research is currently an RAEng-sponsored Visiting Professor with our group.
We have past and current collaborations with:
- Arm Research
- Intel
- Dialog Semiconductor
- Analog Devices
We have long -term collaborations with local SMEs, such as EquiWatt and Temporal Computing.
Research and academic vacancies
We often have exciting opportunities available to join our team. We regularly recruit talented new students and researchers. Check Newcastle University job vacancies for current opportunities.
Research fellowships
We welcome applications for those with fellowship funding. We can provide mentorship, office space and cutting edge lab facilities, as well as state of the art servers operating the latest CAD design tools.
Contact Prof Alex Yakovlev or Prof Patrick Degenaar.
PhD opportunities
We produce high quality graduates who go on to forge successful careers across the world, in many fields.
We have a successful history of producing high quality PhD graduates.
We tackle the challenges of evolving pervasive applications such as:
- Internet of Things
- Autonomous Devices
- Bio-implantable Microsystems
Our expertise covers fundamental and applied research in complex microsystems engineering. It includes:
- circuits, architectures, algorithms, and systems
- design automation tools
- designing systems with low to zero energy footprints
- converting energy to computation
- communication with maximum energy utilisation in a wide band of operating conditions
Enabling success in your future career
We produce high-quality PhD graduates. Most go on to successful academic and industrial careers, in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas.
The area of µSystems is experiencing continuous worldwide growth. The skills involved in obtaining a PhD degree in this rapidly growing area is extremely useful. This is the case not only for people who intend to follow a career within microelectronics, but also elsewhere.
Our PhD graduates hold senior positions in diverse fields, from computing science to rail transport systems.
PhD students at Newcastle University
You will make contributions to and attend high-quality international conferences. You will collaborate with colleagues and external experts. You will publish papers in recognised research journals.
The group has a highly connected environment and friendly atmosphere. Students on different projects work with one another:
- formally through our regular seminars, such as the ASL series, which is co-hosted with the School of Computing
- informally through daily contacts in the office and recreation spaces around the School
Our students include mathematicians, programmers, circuit designers, biologists, and others from diverse backgrounds.
Available PhDs
We regularly provide financial support to our PhD students on a case-by-case basis. There are opportunities to work within our current research projects with external funding. Contact the µSystems leader, Professor Alex Yakovlev, or Dr Patrick Degenaar, for further details.
We are seeking to recruit PhD candidates in the following areas. These areas are examples and non-exclusive. Contact the group’s academic staff for other possibilities.
Energy and power in computing
Computing systems, especially hardware, are becoming more and more energy and power constrained. You will investigate the relationship between energy and power on one hand and computation on the other. You’ll also work on:
- energy modulated computing
- low power electronics
- energy harvesting
- storage and distribution on chip
Asynchronous circuits and systems
Asynchronous techniques do not rely on a consistent global clock. Thus, they offer solutions to many of the current and future problems encountered in computing.
You will explore and develop novel solutions for asynchronous circuits and systems . You will work at all levels of abstraction, from theoretical studies and algorithmic development to design of specific circuit elements.
On-chip fine-grain control
Computing systems are increasingly limited by the utilisation wall. This forces the use of dynamic feedback control at the smallest granularity, which is on-chip circuits.
You will investigate issues related to building on-chip dynamic control of computation. Your investigations will be in relation to variations in the environment and the circuits. You will develop:
- novel control algorithms
- control data communication solutions
- the hardware needed to deliver these solutions
On-chip parametric sensing
We can control computation dynamically on-chip. To do this requires sensing of the physical parameters related to the environment and circuit conditions.
On-chip sensing of these parameters is non-trivial. Reliable references are usually missing and the sensors themselves are based on the same kind of circuit as the system.
You will develop novel sensing techniques to overcome these problems.
Current system-level strategies to deal with power variability in the environment are multi-modal. For instance, a laptop may have a number of operating modes. These may include mains plugged in, on battery with networking, low activity, sleep, and so on.
You will work at the lowest hardware level to develop an entirely new paradigm. This will be based on multiple layers of circuits and functions targeting the ultimate survivability of computation.
Variability-driven security
Microelectronic systems are increasingly used in applications where security and privacy are essential.
As semiconductor technology moves into the nanoscale range, variability increases. The properties of hardware-level security change with it, including possible uses and nature of attacks.
You will investigate various aspects of nanoscale security due to variability, including:
- theoretical foundations
- attacks and countermeasures
- approaches that can harness the effects of variability for designed-in security
- security-enabling technologies for use in silicon chips
Biomedical electronics
Biomedical systems such as heart pacemakers and visual prostheses need advanced electronic processing architectures.
You will develop digital/analogue FPGA/CMOS designs to mimic key computational centres in the eye and brain. Successful outcomes will be translated to retinal and visual prostheses.
Neural implants
This is an opportunity to work on implantable optoelectronic neural stimulators and sensors.
You will explore implantable structures which link micro-optoelectronics stimulator and sensing systems. Real time close loop systems connect biosensor inputs and neural stimulation. They have particular application to brain prostheses, motor neurone disease and visual prosthesis.
How to apply
To apply for the open opportunities, discuss your potential interest with the relevant academic staff member.
Collaborations with academic and research teams
For years, we have had fruitful collaborations and joint projects with UK and overseas groups:
- Southampton (Profs Bashir Al-Hashimi, Geoff Merrett and Andrew Brown)
- Manchester (Prof Steve Furber)
- Imperial (Profs Peter Cheung and George Constantinides)
- Cambridge (Prof Simon Moore)
- Bristol (Profs Bernard Stark and Kerstin Eder, Dr Dinesh Pamunuwa)
- UPC Barcelona (Profs Jordi Cortadella and Josep Carmona)
- Politecnico di Torino (Prof Luciano Lavagno)
- TU Vienna (Prof Andreas Steininger)
- IHP Frankfurt on Oder (Dr Milos Krstic)
- TU Denmark (Prof Jens Sparsoe)
- TU Trondheim (Prof Snorre Aunet)
- Fern Universitaet Hagen (Prof Joerg Desel)
- Augsburg (Prof Walter Vogler)
- CEA-LETI (Dr Pascal Vivet)
- TNPG Grenoble (Prof Laurent Fesquet)
- USC Los Angeles (Prof Peter Beerel)
- Columbia University (Prof Steve Nowick)
- University of Utah (Profs Chris Myers, Ken Stevens and Erik Brunvand)
Summer internships and placements
Each summer, we take on around three interns to gain laboratory experience and skills. Typically, they are in the second year of their Engineering/Physics degree. In exceptional circumstances, we recruit from other backgrounds and disciplines.
Applications for interns must be received by the end of January each year, for all research-led academics.