Committee staff
Professor Hamde Nazar
Professor of Pharmacy Education and Primary Care Research
- Telephone: 0191 2082361
- Address: School of Pharmacy
Newcastle University
King George VI building
Victoria rd
I am a qualified pharmacist registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. I am a team member for the GPhC accreditation panel and have contributed to the accreditation processes of UK pharmacy schools across the country.
I have worked in academia since graduating in 2007, as I undertook a 6-month community pharmacy/academia pre-registration split placement. I have avidly contributed to MPharm programmes in three different Schools of Pharmacy, held the role of MPharm Programme Director for the Newcastle undergraduate pharmacy programme and the role of Director of Education. I have developed innovative work-based learning for undergraduate pharmacy students. In 2019, I piloted Newcastle University's undergraduate pharmacy student-led health clinic. The success of this pilot has led to the establishment and growth of the Young@Heart clinic where undergraduate pharmacy students provide a range of public health services to a wide range of populations around Newcastle and Gateshead. I have provided advice and guidance to other Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine who have expressed interest to set up their own clinics.
My contribution and experience to pharmacy education has been recognised through the award of Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My experience of practicing pharmacy has been mainly gained from community pharmacy and in contributing to local professional groups such as the Local Professional Network and Local Pharmaceutical Committee. I also work closely with the Director of Pharmacy and colleagues at Newcastle Hospital Trust, where I have a role as an Honorary Research Pharmacist.
I have also developed my knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical public health and health service research by undertaking a Masters in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
I have gained recognition for my contribution to the pharmacy profession via my educational, research and innovation through the award of Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. I have been invited as an expert to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee to contribute to the assessment of the government's commitments to community pharmacy.
I have generally undertaken research that investigates the greater integration of pharmacy into the wider NHS. My engagement with local Trusts, as an Honorary Research Pharmacist for Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospital Trust, with local professional networks and local pharmaceutical committees has resulted in key projects that are of national interest and have the potential to impact national health policy and practice.
I have nationally funded work focusing on safer integrated care environments for patients with multiple long-term conditions, and on the design and implementation of CVD preventative services.
I have a team of research associates and group of funded PhD students contributing across these projects.
As a committed educator of the next generation of pharmacists, I have keen interest in the development and implementation of engaging pharmacy education to prepare graduates for the diversifying professional world of pharmacy.
I actively research to capture and disseminate pedagogical lessons learnt in the journey to continually improve and optimise our MPharm programme provision and further inform the evidence in pharmacy education.
I am the Director of Education in the School. I lead on innovation and development of the MPharm programme and related programmes. Most recently, I have led on the review and development of our undergraduate clinical placement provision. We have innovated in developing and delivering placements where students are actively engaging in clinical practice. We have established student-led clinics that are delivered at various locations that are providing a valuable service to diverse populations and communities.
In the past, I have held the role of the Degree Programme Director and contributed to all aspects of the programme. My key areas of contribution are now reflective practice, clinical skills, interprofessional educational and work-based learning.
- Abdul-Salam P, Richardson C, Nazar H. Undergraduate pharmacy students' perceptions and experiences of a student-led clinic providing preventative services. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(4), 316-321.
- Chin S, Richardson CL, Gardner A, Nazar H. The impact and user experience of a student-led clinic providing preventative services. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(3), 237-243.
- Ashcroft N, Cooper M, Nazar H. Digital screens in community pharmacy for public health messaging; a mixed-methods study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(5), 340-346.
- Mashael Alowais M, Rudd G, Besa V, Nazar H, Shah T, Tolley C. Digital literacy in undergraduate pharmacy education: a scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2024, 31(3), 732-745.
- Maughan E, Richardson C, Nazar H. A cross-sectional investigation of a mobile health clinic run by undergraduate pharmacy students providing services to underserved communities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2024, 46, 1546–1551.
- Meaadi J, Obara I, Eldabe S, Nazar H. The safety and efficacy of gabapentinoids in the management of neuropathic pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 556-565.
- Maddison R, Nazar H, Obara I, Vuong QC. The efficacy of sensory neural entrainment on acute and chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Pain 2023, 17(2), 126-141.
- Khayyat SM, Nazar H. Qualitative investigation of barriers to providing an electronic hospital to community pharmacy referral service for discharged patients. PLoS One 2023, 18(3), e0283836.
- Richardson CL, Filan J, Lindsey L, Mundell A, Rathbone AP, Nazar H. Intersectional identities: making sense of skill development on clinical placements. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2023, 87(7), 100050.
- Alamer S, Robinson-Barella A, Nazar H, Husband A. Influence of ethnicity on adherence to non-surgical interventions for COPD: scoping review. ERJ Open Research 2023, 9(6), 00421-2023.
- Nygard T, Wright D, Nazar H, Haavik S. Enhancing potential impact of hospital discharge interventions for patients with COPD: a qualitative systematic review. BMC Health Services Research 2023, 23(1), 684.
- Kandiah J, Nazar H, Blacklock J, Robinson A, Wright D. Contextual factors influencing medicines‐related interventions to support safe transitions for care home residents post hospital discharge: a systematic review and meta‐ethnographic synthesis. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 26-37.
- Richardson CL, Black D, Lindsey L, Nazar H. Community pharmacies as a place for informal carer support in mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 1302-1306.
- Tolley C, Seymour H, Watson N, Nazar H, Heed J, Belshaw D. Barriers and Opportunities for the Use of Digital Tools in Medicines Optimization Across the Interfaces of Care: Stakeholder Interviews in the United Kingdom. JMIR Medical Informatics 2023, 11, e42458.
- Meaadi J, Obara I, Nazar H. A qualitative study to investigate community pharmacists' perceptions about identifying and addressing inappropriately prescribed analgesia. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2023, 31(4), 396-402.
- Almoghirah H, Illing J, Nazar H. A qualitative study to explore student learning and development of interprofessional collaboration during an online interprofessional education intervention. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23(1), 957.
- Almoghirah H, Illing J, Nazar M, Nazar H. A pilot study evaluating the feasibility of assessing undergraduate pharmacy and medical students interprofessional collaboration during an online interprofessional education intervention about hospital discharge. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23(1), 589.
- Yahya F, Nazar H, Hadi MA. Role of primary care pharmacists in the post-hospital discharge care of patients: a scoping review protocol. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 2022, 15, 75.
- Kandiah J, Nazar H, Wright D. Formative service evaluation of transfer of care service for care home residents after hospital discharge. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2022, 30(4), 394-397.
- Mills VG, Meaadi J, Nazar H, Obara I. A review and narrative synthesis of community pharmacist-led interventions to tackle medicines for pain that are misused. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2022, 30(4), 305-314.
- Nazar H, Rathbone AP, Richardson C, Livsey L, Husband AK. Young@Heart clinic: a feasibility study of an undergraduate pharmacy student-led blood pressure and healthy lifestyle clinic. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2021, 29(3), 277-284.
- Nazar H, Rathbone A, Husband AK. The development of undergraduate pharmacy students as reflective thinkers for the evolving field of pharmacy. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2021, 1-6.
- Khayyat S, Walters P, Whittlesea C, Nazar H. Patient and public perception and experience of community pharmacy services post-discharge in the UK: A rapid review and qualitative study. BMJ Open 2021, 11(3), e043344.
- Rathbone AP, Richardson CL, Mundell A, Lau WM, Nazar H. Exploring the role of pharmacy students using entrusbable professional activities to complete medication histories and deliver patient counselling services in secondary care. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 2021, 4, 100079.
- Almoghirah H, Nazar H, Illing J. Assessment tools in pre-licensure interprofessional education: A systematic review, quality appraisal and narrative synthesis. Medical Education 2021, 55, 795-807.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z. Adopting a systems thinking approach to investigate the implementation and provision of a pharmacist-led post-discharge domiciliary medicines review service. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2021, 17(4), 808-815.
- Khayyat SM, Nazar Z, Nazar H. A study to investigate the implementation process and fidelity of a hospital to community pharmacy transfer of care intervention. PLoS ONE 2021, 16(12), e0260951.
- Nazar H, Howard C, Nazar Z, Watson NW. A rapid review and narrative synthesis of hospital to community pharmacy transfer of care services in England. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2021, 29(2), 96-105.
- Nazar Z, Nazar H. Exploring the experiences and preparedness of humanitarian pharmacists in responding to an emergency-response situation. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2020, 16(1), 90-95.
- Nazar H, Evans C, Kyei N, Lindsey L, Nazar Z, Thomson K, Yeung A, Todd A. A service evaluation and stakeholder perspectives of an innovative digital minor illness referral service from NHS 111 to community pharmacy. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(3), e0230343.
- Nazar H, Lindsey L, Fletcher J, Rook L, Todd A, Husband A. Training Student Pharmacists in Medication Dispensing and Checking Within a High-Fidelity Clinical Environment. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2019, 83(7), 7106.
- Rathbone AP, Nazar H, Harburn J, Todd A, Husband A. Exploring Undergraduate Pharmacy Student Experiences of Learning Human Anatomy Using Cadaveric Specimens. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2019, 83(8), 7103.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z. Community pharmacy minor ailment services in England: Pharmacy stakeholder perspectives on the factors affecting sustainability. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2019, 15(3), 292-302.
- Nazar ZJ, Nazar H, White S, Rutter P. A systematic review of the outcome data supporting the Healthy Living Pharmacy concept and lessons from its implementation. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(3), e0213607.
- Nazar H, Omer U, Nazar Z, Husband A. A study to investigate the impact of a blended learning teaching approach to teach pharmacy law. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2019, 27(3), 303-310.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z, Yeung A, Maguire M, Connelly A, Slight SP. Consensus methodology to determine minor ailments appropriate to be directed for management within community pharmacy. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2018, 14(11), 1027-1042.
- Nazar H, Obara I, Paterson A, Nazar Z, Portlock JC, Husband AK. A consensus approach to investigate undergraduate pharmacy students' experience of interprofessional education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017, 81(2), 1-16.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z, Yeung A, Simpson J, Whittlesea C. Use of a service evaluation and lean thinking transformation to redesign an NHS 111 refer to community Pharmacy for Emergency Repeat Medication Supply Service (PERMSS). BMJ Open 2016, 6, e011269.
- Nazar H, Brice S, Akhter N, Kasim A, Gunning A, Slight SP, Watson NW. New transfer of care initiative of electronic referral from hospital to community pharmacy in England: A formative service evaluation. BMJ Open 2016, 6(10), e012532.
- Kontogiannidou E, Andreadis D, Zografos A, Nazar H, Klepetsanis P, vanderMerwe S, Fatouros D. Ex vivo buccal delivery of ropinirole hydrochloride in the presence of permeation enhancers: the effect of charge. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 2016.
- Nazar H, Nazar M, Rothwell C, Portlock J, Chaytor A, Husband A. Teaching safe prescribing to medical Students: perspectives in the UK. Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2015, 2015(6), 279-295.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z, Yeung A, Simpson J, Whittlesea C. Summative service and stakeholder evaluation of an NHS-funded community Pharmacy Emergency Repeat Medication Supply Service (PERMSS). BMJ Open 2015, 6, e009736.
- Lindsey L, Husband A, Nazar H, Todd A. Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions. Cancer Epidemiology 2015, 39(5), 673-681.
- Nazar M, Kendall K, Day L, Nazar H. Decolonising medical curricula through diversity education. Medical Teacher 26, 1-9. Medical Teacher 2014, 26, 1-9.
- Nazar H, Nazar Z, Portlock J, Todd A, Slight SP. A systematic review of the role of community pharmacies in improving the transition from secondary to primary care. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2015, 80(5), 936-948.
- Karavasili C, Katsamenis O, Bouropoulos N, Nazar H, Thurner P, vanderMerwe S, Fatouros D. Preparation and characterisation of bioadhesive microparticles comprised of low degree of quaternization trimethylated chitosan for nasal administration: effect of concentration and molecular weight. ACS Langmuir 2014, 30, 12337-12344.
- Todd A, Nazar H, Pearson S, Andrew I, Baker L, Husband A. Inappropriate prescribing in patients accessing specialist palliative day care services. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2014, 36(3), 535-543.
- Nazar H, Caliceti P, Carpenter B, El-Mallah A, Fatouros D, vanderMerwe S, Roldo M, Tsibouklis J. A simple, once-a-day dosage form for the delivery of insulin through the nasal route: formulation, in vitro assessment and in vivo evaluation. Biomaterials Science 2013, 1(3), 306-314.
- Nazar H, Roldo M, Fatouros D, vanderMerwe S, Tsibouklis J. Hydrogels in mucosal delivery. Therapeutic Delivery 2012, 3, 535-555.
- Nazar H, Fatouros D, vanderMerwe S, Bouropolous N, Avgouropoulos G, Tsibouklis J, Roldo M. Thermosensitive hydrogels for nasal drug delivery: the formulation and characterisation of systems based on N-trimethyl chitosan chloride. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2011, 77, 225-232.
- Fatouros D, Douroumis D, Nikolakis V, Ntais S, Moschovi S, Trivedi V, Khima B, Roldo M, Nazar H, Cox P. In vitro and in silico investigations of drug delivery via zeolite BEA, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (21) 7789-7794. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 7789-7794.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Iannetti A, Nazar H. Who wants to be millionaire as a game for Pharmacy curriculum. In: 10th Pharmacy Education Symposium. 2019, Prato, Italy: Monash University.
- Nazar M, Husband A, Nazar H. Medical education in the press: Read all about it!. In: Pharmacy Education Symposium. 2017, Prato, Italy. In Preparation.
- Nazar H, Akhter N, Husband A. Evaluation of a blended learning approach to teach pharmacy law. In: Pharmacy Education Symposium. 2017, Prato, Italy.
- Nazar H, Watson N, Akhter N, Slight S. A formative service evaluation of transfer of care initiative from hospital to community pharmacy demonstrates an association with lower patient hospital readmissions. In: International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQuA). 2017, London, UK. In Preparation.
- Ferguson J, Seston E, Nazar H, Ashcroft D. Implementing seamless transfer of care from hospital to community: lessons from two case studies. In: International Social Pharmacy Workshop. 2016, Aberdeen, Scotland.
- Nazar H, Tsibouklis J. Towards the nasal delivery of insulin, Therapeutic Delivery 3, 1241-1243. Therapeutic Delivery 2012, 3, 1241-1243.
- Almoghirah H, Nazar H, Illing J. Interdependence is one of many factors that influences collaborative health care practice. Medical Education 2021, 55(10), 1112-1114.
- Yahya F, Nazar H, Huckerby C, Hadi MA. Facilitating the transfer of care from secondary to primary care: a scoping review to understand the role of pharmacists in general practice. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 587-603.
- Khayyat SM, Walters PA, Whittlesea C, Nazar H. Interventions developed to reduce secondary care utilisation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a narrative review. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2022, 30(2), 116-128.