Staff Profile
Professor Ann Daly
Professor of Pharmacogenetics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7031
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Medical School
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
BA in Biochemistry (University of Dublin) (1978)
PhD in Biochemistry (University of Dublin) (1982)
FBPhS (2012)
Member of Academia Europaea (MAE) (2023)
Present appointment
Professor of Pharmacogenetics, Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, UK (since August 2004)
Previous appointments
Senior Lecturer, School of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences, Newcastle University (1998-2004)
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Newcastle University (1992-1998)
Senior Research Associate, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Newcastle University (1989-1992)
Research Associate, Medical Molecular Biology Group, Newcastle University (1984-1989)
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland (1982-1984)
Other current appointments
Member, Pharmacovigilance Expert Advisory Group, Commission on Human Medicines, MHRA (2017-2024)
Chair, European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy (ESPT) (2023-2024)
Vice-chair, IUPHAR Pharmacogenetics subcommittee (2018-2023)
Committee member, UK Pharmacogenetics and Stratified Medicine Network (since 2014)
Senior Editor, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Editorial Board Member, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Pharmacogenetics & Genomics, Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, Pharmacogenomics
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
Pharmacogenetic studies on the discovery of novel human genetic polymorphisms, their functional significance and their relationship to outcome of drug therapy, susceptibility to adverse drug reactions and susceptibility to complex diseases, especially those affecting the liver. These studies are central to the area of personalised (stratified) medicine and a key aim is to translate our findings to simple tests that can be used to determine the most appropriate drug treatment on an individual basis.
I coordinate the iDILIC network on genetics of drug-induced liver injury (see iDILIC Description) which is concerned with identifying genes relevant to drug-induced liver injury and also participate as the UNEW PI in the IMI-FP7-funded TransBioLine project which seeks to identify novel biomarkers for serious adverse drug reactions ( I contribute to the LITMUS project ( which is also IMI-FP7-funded and to the NIAAA-funded GenomALC (see GenomALC description). These studies are concerned with identification of biomarkers for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and for alcoholic liver cirrhosis respectively.
I am the principal investigator for Newcastle University on the Erasmus Plus-funded project OPPM. OPPM aims to develop web-based postgraduate courses in Pharmacogenomics for Middle Eastern countries and is coordinated by University of Alexandria, Egypt. (see
Erasmus plus is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.
Profile in best female scientist in the UK
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Scopus link
- Lucena MI, Villanueva-Paz M, Alvarez-Alvarez I, Aithal GP, Bjornsson ES, Cakan-Akdogan G, Cubero FJ, Esteves F, Falcon-Perez JM, Fromenty B, Garcia-Ruiz C, Grove JI, Konu O, Kranendonk M, Kullak-Ublick GA, Miranda JP, Remesal-Doblado A, Sancho-Bru P, Nelson L, Andrade RJ, Daly AK, Fernandez-Checa JC. Roadmap to DILI research in Europe. A proposal from COST action ProEuroDILINet. Pharmacological Research 2024, 200, 107046.
- Elmansoury N, Megahed AA, Kamal A, El-Nikhely N, Labane M, Abdelmageed M, Daly AK, Wahid A. Relevance of PNPLA3, TM6SF2, HSD17B13, and GCKR Variants to MASLD Severity in an Egyptian Population. Genes 2024, 15(4), 455.
- Govaere O, Cockell SJ, Zatorska M, Wonders K, Tiniakos D, Frey AM, Palmowksi P, Walker R, Porter A, Trost M, Anstee QM, Daly AK. Pharmacogene expression during progression of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: Studies on mRNA and protein levels and their relevance to drug treatment. Biochemical Pharmacology 2024, 228, 116249.
- Sabatini S, Sen P, Carli F, Pezzica S, Rosso C, Lembo E, Verrastro O, Daly A, Govaere O, Cockell S, Hyotylainen T, Mingrone G, Bugianesi E, Anstee QM, Oresic M, Gastaldelli A. Hepatic glucose production rises with the histological severity of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis. Cell Reports Medicine 2024, 5(11), 101820.
- Vacca V, Kamzolas I, Mørch Harder L, Oakley F, Trautwein C, Hatting M, Ross T, Bernardo B, Oldenburger A, Toftegaard Hjuler S, Ksiazek I, Linden D, Schuppan D, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Manuela Tonini M, Castañeda TR, Kannt A, Rodrigues CMP, Cockell S, Govaere O, Daly AK, Allison M, Honnens de Lichtenberg K, Kim YO, Lindblom A, Oldam S, Andréasson A-C, Schlerman F, Marioneaux J, Sanyal A, Afonso MB, Younes R, Amano Y, Friedman SL, Wang S, Bhattacharya D, Simon E, Paradis V, Burt A, Grypari IM, Davies S, Driessen A, Yashiro H, Pors S, Worm Andersen M, Feigh M, Yunis C, Bedossa P, Stewart M, Cater HL, Wells S, Schattenberg JM, Anstee QM, The LITMUS Investigators, Tiniakos D, Perfield JW, Petsalaki E, Davidsen P, Vidal-Puig A. An unbiased ranking of murine dietary models based on their proximity to human metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). Nature Metabolism 2024, 6, 1178-1196.
- van Schaik RH, Manolopoulos VG, Daly AK, Niemi M, Zukic B, Patrinos GP, Primorac D, Swen JJ, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Morris T, Molden E, Muller D, Pavlovic S, Russmann S, Ansari M, Henricks LM, den Broek WV, Florindi F, Bozina N, Akin D, Christrup L, Llerena A, Sipeky C, Stankovic S. The Sixth European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy Congress. Pharmacogenomics 2023, 24(5), 243-246.
- Nicoletti P, Dellinger A, Li YJ, Barnhart HX, Chalasani N, Fontana RJ, Odin JA, Serrano J, Stolz A, Etheridge AS, Innocenti F, Govaere O, Grove JI, Stephens C, Aithal GP, Andrade RJ, Bjornsson ES, Daly AK, Lucena MI, Watkins PB. Identification of Reduced ERAP2 Expression and a Novel HLA Allele as Components of a Risk Score for Susceptibility to Liver Injury Due to Amoxicillin-Clavulanate. Gastroenterology 2023, 164(3), 454-466.
- Govaere O, Hasoon M, Alexander L, Cockell S, Tiniakos D, Ekstedt M, Schattenberg JM, Boursier J, Bugianesi E, Ratziu V, LITMUS Investigators, Daly AK, Anstee QM. A proteo-transcriptomic map of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease signatures. Nature Metabolism 2023, 5, 572-578.
- Sen P, Govaere O, Sinioja T, McGlinchey A, Geng D, Ratziu V, Bugianesi E, Schattenberg JM, Vidal-Puig A, Allison M, Cockell S, Daly AK, Hyotylainen T, Anstee QM, Oresic M. Quantitative modeling of human liver reveals dysregulation of glycosphingolipid pathways in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. iScience 2022, 25(9), 104949.
- McGlinchey AJ, Govaere O, Geng D, Ratziu V, Allison M, Bousier J, Petta S, deOliviera C, Bugianesi E, Schattenberg JM, Daly AK, Hyotylainen T, Anstee QM, Oresic M. Metabolic signatures across the full spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. JHEP Reports 2022, 4(5), 100477.
- Govaere O, Petersen SK, Martinez-Lopez N, Wouters J, VanHaele M, Mancina RM, Jamialahmadi O, Bilkei-Gorzo O, Lassen PB, Darlay R, Peltier J, Palmer JM, Younes R, Tiniakos D, Aithal GP, Allison M, Vacca M, Göransson M, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Clark J, Drinnan MJ, Yki-Järvinen H, Dufour JF, Ekstedt M, Francque S, Petta S, Bugianesi E, Schattenberg JM, Day CP, Cordell HJ, Topal B, Clément K, Romeo S, Ratziu V, Roskams T, Daly AK, Anstee QM, Trost M, Härtlova A. Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 mediates lipid-induced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology 2022, 76(5), 1001-1012.
- Johnson K, Leary PJ, Govaere O, Barter MJ, Charlton SH, Cockell SJ, Tiniakos D, Zatorska M, Bedossa P, Brosnan MJ, Cobbold JF, Ekstedt M, Aithal GP, Clement K, Schattenberg JM, Boursier J, Ratziu V, Bugianesi E, Anstee QM, Daly AK, LITMUS Consortium Investigators. Increased serum miR-193a-5p during non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression: Diagnostic and mechanistic relevance. JHEP Reports 2022, 4(2), 100409.
- Vujkovic M, Ramdas S, Lorenz KM, Guo X, Darlay R, Cordell HJ, He J, Gindin Y, Chung C, Myers R, Schneider C, Park J, Lee K, Serper M, Carr R, Kaplan D, Haas M, MacLean M, Witschey W, Zhu X, Tcheandjieu C, Kember R, Kranzler H, Verma A, Giri A, Klarin D, Sun Y, Huang J, Huffman J, Townsend Creasy K, Hand N, Liu C, Long M, Yao J, Budoff M, Tan J, Li X, Lin H, Chen Y, Taylor K, Chang R, Krauss R, Vilarinho S, Brancale J, Nielsen J, Locke A, Jones M, Verweij N, Baras A, Reddy K, Neuschwander-Tetri B, Schwimmer J, Sanyal A, Chalasani N, Ryan K, Mitchell B, Gill D, Wells A, Manduchi E, Saiman Y, Mahmud N, Miller D, Reaven P, Phillips L, Muralidhar S, DuVall S, Lee J, Assimes T, Pyarajan S, Cho K, Edwards T, Damrauer S, Wilson P, Gaziano J, ODonnell C, Khera A, Grant S, Brown C, Tsao P, Saleheen D, Lotta L, Bastarache L, Anstee QM, Daly A, Meigs J, Rotter JI, Lynch JA, Rader DJ, Voight BF, Chang KM. A multiancestry genome-wide association study of unexplained chronic ALT elevation as a proxy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with histological and radiological validation. Nature Genetics 2022, 54, 761-771.
- Kozumi K, Kodama T, Murai H, Sakane S, Govaere O, Cockell S, Motooka D, Kakita N, Yamada Y, Kondo Y, Tahata Y, Yamada R, Hikita H, Sakamori R, Kamada Y, Daly AK, Anstee QM, Tatsumi T, Morii E, Takehara T. Transcriptomics Identify Thrombospondin-2 as a Biomarker for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Advanced Liver Fibrosis. Hepatology 2021, 74(5), 2452-2466.
- Teo K, Abeysekera KWM, Adams L, Aigner E, Anstee QM, Banales JM, Banerjee R, Basu P, Berg T, Bhatnagar P, Buch S, Canbay A, Caprio S, Chatterjee A, Chen YD, Chowdhury A, Daly AK, Datz C, deGraciaHahn D, DiStefano JK, Dong J, Duret A, Emdin C, Fairey M, Gerhard GS, Guo X, Hampe J, Hickman M, Heintz L, Hudert C, Hunter H, Kelly M, Kozlitina J, Krawczyk M, Lammert F, Langenberg C, Lavine J, Li L, Lim HK, Loomba R, Luukkonen PK, Melton PE, Mori TA, Palmer ND, Parisinos CA, Pillai SG, Qayyum F, Reichert MC, Romeo S, Rotter JI, Im YR, Santoro N, Schafmayer C, Speliotes EK, Stender S, Stickel F, Still CD, Strnad P, Taylor KD, TybjærgHansen A, Umano GR, Utukuri M, Valenti L, Wagenknecht LE, Wareham NJ, Watanabe RM, Wattacheril J, Yaghootkar H, YkiJarvinen H, Young KA, Mann JP. rs641738C>T near MBOAT7 is associated with liver fat, ALT and fibrosis in NAFLD: A meta-analysis. Journal of Hepatology 2021, 74(1), 20-30.
- Cazanave SC, Warren AD, Pacula M, Touti F, Zagorska A, Gural N, Huang EK, Sherman S, Cheema M, Ibarra S, Bates J, Billin AN, Liles JT, Budas GR, Breckenridge DG, Tiniakos D, Ratziu V, Daly AK, Govaere O, Anstee QM, Gelrud L, Luther J, Chung RT, Corey KE, Winckler W, Bhatia S, Kwong GA. Peptide-Based Urinary Monitoring of Fibrotic Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis by Mass Barcoded Activity-Based Sensors. Science Translational Medicine 2021, 13(616), eabe8939.
- Whitfield JB, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Stickel F, Soyka M, Muellhaupt B, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Foroud T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet J-M, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Mathurin P, Morgan TR, Seth D. Obesity, Diabetes, Coffee, Tea, and Cannabis Use Alter Risk for Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis in 2 Large Cohorts of High-Risk Drinkers. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2021, 116(1), 106-115.
- Pfister D, Gonzalo N, Nunez N, Pinyol R, Govaere O, Pinter M, Szydlowska M, Gupta R, Qiu M, Deczkowska A, Weiner A, Muller F, Sinha A, Friebel E, Engleitner T, Lenggenhager D, Moncsek A, Heide D, Stirm K, Kosla J, Kotsiliti E, Leone V, Dudek M, Yousuf S, Inverso D, Singh I, Teijeiro A, Castet F, Montironi C, Haber PK, Tiniakos D, Bedossa P, Cockell S, Younes R, Vacca M, Marra F, Schattenberg JM, Allison M, Bugianesi E, Ratziu R, Pressiani T, DAlessio A, Personeni N, Rimassa L, Daly AK, Scheiner B, Pomej K, Kirstein MM, Vogel A, PeckRadosavljevic M, Hucke F, Finkelmeier F, Waidmann O, Trojan J, Schulze K, Wege H, Koch S, Weinmann A, Bueter M, Rossler F, Siebenhuner A, DeDosso S, Mallm JP, Umansky V, Jugold M, Luedde T, Schietinger A, Schirmacher P, Emu B, Augustin HG, Billeter A, MullerStich B, Kikuchi H, Duda DG, Kutting F, Waldschmidt DT, Ebert MP, Rahbari N, Mei HE, Schulz AR, Ringelhan M, Malek N, Spahn S, Bitzer M, deGalarreta MR, Lujambio A, Dufour JF, Marron TU, Kaseb A, Kudo M, Huang YH, Djouder N, Wolter K, Zender L, Marche PN, Decaens T, Pinato DJ, Rad R, Mertens JC, Weber A, Unger K, Meissner F, Roth S, Jilkova ZM, Claassen M, Anstee QM, Amit I, Knolle P, Becher B, Llovet JM, Heikenwalder M. NASH limits anti-tumor surveillance in immunotherapy-treated HCC. Nature 2021, 592, 450-456.
- Lin W-Y, Fordham SE, Hungate E, Sunter NJ, Elstob C, Xu Y, Park C, Quante A, Strauch K, Gieger C, Skol A, Rahman T, Sucheston-Campbell L, Wang J, Hahn T, Clay-Gilmour AI, Jones GL, Marr HJ, Jackson GH, Menne T, Collin M, Ivey A, Hills RK, Burnett AK, Russell NH, Fitzgibbon J, Larson RA, Le Beau MM, Stock W, Heidenreich O, Alharbi A, Allsup DJ, Houlston RS, Norden J, Dickinson AM, Douglas E, Lendrem C, Daly AK, Palm L, Piechocki K, Jeffries S, Bornhauser M, Rollig C, Altmann H, Ruhnke L, Kunadt D, Wagenfuhr L, Cordell HJ, Darlay R, Andersen MK, Fontana MC, Martinelli G, Marconi G, Sanz MA, Cervera J, Gomez-Segui I, Cluzeau T, Moreilhon C, Raynaud S, Sill H, Voso MT, Lo-Coco F, Dombret H, Cheok M, Preudhomme C, Gale RE, Linch D, Gaal-Wesinger J, Masszi A, Nowak D, Hofmann W-K, Gilkes A, Porkka K, Milosevic Feenstra JD, Kralovics R, Grimwade D, Meggendorfer M, Haferlach T, Krizsan S, Bodor C, Stolzel F, Onel K, Allan JM. Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Communications 2021, 12(1), 6233.
- SchwantesAn TH, Darlay R, Mathurin P, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Muellhaupt B, Stickel F, Soyka M, Goldman D, Liang T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet JM, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Botwin G, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Foroud TM, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Whitfield JB, Morgan TR, Seth D. Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis on alcohol-related liver cirrhosis identifies novel genetic risk factors. Hepatology 2021, 73(5), 1920-1931.
- Nicoletti P, Devarbhavi H, Goel A, Venkatesan R, Eapen CE, Grove JI, Zafer A, Bjornsson E, Lucena MI, Andrade RJ, Pirmohamed M, Wadelius M, Larrey D, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Ibanez L, Watkins PB, Daly AK, Aithal GP. Genetic risk factors in drug-induced liver injury due to isoniazid-containing anti-tuberculosis drug regimens. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2021, 109(4), 1125-1135.
- Eldafashi N, Darlay R, Shukla R, McCain MV, Watson R, Liu YL, McStraw N, Fathy M, Fawzy MA, Zaki MYW, Daly AK, Mauricio JP, Burt AD, Haugk B, Cordell HJ, Bianco C, Dufour J-F, Valenti L, Anstee QM, Reeves HL. A pdcd1 role in the genetic predisposition to nafld-hcc?. Cancers 2021, 13(6), 1412.
- Li Y, Phillips E, Dellinger A, Nicoletti P, Schutte R, Danmeng L, Ostrov DA, Fontana RJ, Watkins PB, Stolz A, Daly AK, Aithal GP, Barnhart H, Chalasani N. Human Leukocyte Antigen B*14:01 and B*35:01 Are Associated With Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Induced Liver Injury. Hepatology 2021, 73(1), 268-281.
- Govaere O, Cockell S, Tiniakos D, Queen R, Younes R, Vacca M, Alexander L, Ravaioli F, Palmer J, Petta S, Boursier J, Rosso C, Johnson K, Wonders K, Day CP, Ekstedt M, Oresic M, Darlay R, Cordell H, Marra F, Vidal-Puig A, Bedossa P, Schattenberg JM, Clément K, Allison M, Bugianesi E, Ratziu V, Daly AK, Anstee QM. Transcriptomic profiling across the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease spectrum reveals gene signatures for steatohepatitis and fibrosis. Science Translational Medicine 2020, 12(572), eaba4448.
- Koido M, Kawakami E, Fukumura J, Noguchi Y, Ohori M, Nio Y, Nicoletti P, Aithal GP, Daly AK, Watkins PB, Anayama H, Dragan Y, Shinozawa T, Takebe T. Polygenic architecture informs potential vulnerability to drug-induced liver injury. Nature Medicine 2020, 26(10), 1541-1548.
- Alshabeeb MA, Aithal GP, Daly AK. Investigation of Oxidative Stress-Related Candidate Genes as Risk Factors for Drug-Induced Liver Injury due to Co-Amoxiclav. DNA and Cell Biology 2020, 39(3), 349-354.
- Bruno CD, Fremd B, Church RJ, Daly AK, Aithal GP, Bjornsson ES, Larrey D, Watkins PB, Chow CR. HLA associations with infliximab-induced liver injury. Pharmacogenomics Journal 2020, 20, 681-686.
- Anstee QM, Darlay R, Cockell S, Meroni M, Govaere O, Tiniakos D, Burt AD, Bedossa P, Palmer J, Liu YL, Aithal GP, Allison M, Yki-Järvinen H, Vacca M, Dufour JF, Invernizzi P, Prati D, Ekstedt M, Kechagias S, Francque S, Petta S, Bugianesi E, Clement K, Ratziu V, Schattenberg JM, Valenti L, Day CP, Cordell HJ, Daly AK. Genome-Wide Association Study of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Steatohepatitis in a Histologically-Characterised Cohort. Journal of Hepatology 2020, 73(3), 505-515.
- Nicoletti P, Barrett S, McEvoy L, Daly AK, Aithal G, Lucena MI, Andrade RJ, Wadelius M, Hallberg P, Stephens C, Bjornsson ES, Friedmann P, Kainu K, Laitinen T, Marson A, Molokhia M, Phillips E, Pichler W, Romano A, Shear N, Sills G, Tanno LK, Swale A, Floratos A, Shen Y, Nelson MR, Watkins PB, Daly MJ, Morris AP, Alfirevic A, Pirmohamed M. Shared Genetic Risk Factors Across Carbamazepine‐Induced Hypersensitivity Reactions. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2019, 106(5), 1028-1036.
- Lucena MI, Garcia-Martin E, Daly AK, Blanca M, Andrade RJ, Agundez JAG. Next-Generation Sequencing of PTGS Genes Reveals an Increased Frequency of Non-synonymous Variants among Patients with NSAID-Induced Liver Injury. Frontiers in Genetics 2019, 10, 134.
- Phatvej W, Datta HK, Wilkinson SC, Mutch E, Daly AK, Horrocks BR. Endocytosis and lack of cytotoxicity of alkyl–capped silicon quantum dots prepared from porous silicon. Materials 2019, 12(10), 1702.
- Nicoletti P, Aithal GP, Chamberlain TC, Coulthard S, Alshabeeb M, Grove JI, Andrade RJ, Bjornsson E, Dillon JF, Hallberg P, Lucena MI, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Martin JH, Molokhia M, Pirmohamed M, Wadelius M, Shen Y, Nelson MR, Daly AK. Drug‐Induced Liver Injury due to Flucloxacillin: Relevance of Multiple Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2019, 106(1), 245-253.
- Cirulli ET, Nicoletti P, Abramson K, Andrade RJ, Bjornsson ES, Chalasani N, Fontana RJ, Hallberg P, Li YJ, Lucena MI, Long N, Molokhia M, Nelson MR, Odin JA, Pirmohamed M, Rafnar T, Serrano J, Stefansson K, Stolz A, Daly AK, Aithal GP, Watkins PB. A Missense Variant in PTPN22 is a Risk Factor for Drug-induced Liver Injury. Gastroenterology 2019, 156(6), 1707-1716.
- Athersuch TJ, Antoine DJ, Boobis AR, Coen M, Daly AK, Possamai L, Nicholson JK, Wilson ID. Paracetamol metabolism, hepatotoxicity, biomarkers and therapeutic interventions: A perspective. Toxicology Research 2018, 7(3), 347-357.
- Usui T, Tailor A, Faulkner L, Meng X, Farrell J, Daly AK, Dear GJ, Park BK, Naisbitt DJ. HLA-A∗33:03-Restricted Activation of Ticlopidine-Specific T-Cells from Human Donors. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2018, 31(10), 1022-1024.
- Bakar NS, Neely D, Avery P, Brown C, Daly AK, Kamali F. Genetic and Clinical Factors Are Associated With Statin-Related Myotoxicity of Moderate Severity: A Case–Control Study. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2018, 104(1), 178-187.
- Whitfield JB, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Hyman J, Mueller S, Aithal G, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Stickel F, Soyka M, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Liang T, Foroud T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Bence C, Jacquet J-M, Louvet A, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Podevin P, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Mathurin P, Morgan TM, Seth D. Evaluation of laboratory tests for cirrhosis and for alcohol use, in the context of alcoholic cirrhosis. Alcohol 2018, 66, 1-7.
- Liu W, Anstee QM, Wang X, Gawrieh S, Gamazon ER, Athinarayanan S, Liu Y-L, Darlay R, Cordell HJ, Daly AK, Day CP, Chalasani N. Transcriptional regulation of PNPLA3 and its impact on susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver Disease (NAFLD) in humans. Aging 2017, 9(1), 26-40.
- Donati B, Pietrelli A, Pingitore P, Dongiovanni P, Caddeo A, Walker L, Baselli G, Pelusi S, Rosso C, Vanni E, Daly A, Mancina RM, Grieco A, Miele L, Grimaudo S, Craxi A, Petta S, De Luca L, Maier S, Soardo G, Bugianesi E, Colli F, Romagnoli R, Anstee QM, Reeves HL, Fracanzani AL, Fargion S, Romeo S, Valenti L. Telomerase reverse transcriptase germline mutations and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Cancer Medicine 2017, 6(8), 1930-1940.
- Urban TJ, Nicoletti P, Chalasani N, Serrano J, Stolz A, Daly AK, Aithal GP, Dillon J, Navarro V, Odin J, Barnhart H, Ostrov D, Long N, Cirulli ET, Watkins PB, Fontana RJ. Minocycline hepatotoxicity: Clinical characterization and identification of HLA-B∗35:02 as a risk factor. Journal of Hepatology 2017, 67(1), 137-144.
- Nicoletti P, Aithal GP, Bjornsson ES, Andrade RJ, Sawle A, Arrese M, Barnhart HX, Bondon-Guitton E, Hayashi PH, Bessone F, Carvajal A, Cascorbi I, Cirulli ET, Chalasani N, Conforti A, Coulthard SA, Daly MJ, Day CP, Dillon JF, Fontana RJ, Grove JI, Hallberg P, Hernandez N, Ibanez L, Kullak-Ublick GA, Laitinen T, Larrey D, Lucena MI, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Martin JH, Molokhia M, Pirmohamed M, Powell EE, Qin S, Serrano J, Stephens C, Stolz A, Wadelius M, Watkins PB, Floratos A, Shen Y, Nelson MR, Urban TJ, Daly AK. Association of Liver Injury From Specific Drugs, or Groups of Drugs, With Polymorphisms in HLA and Other Genes in a Genome-Wide Association Study. Gastroenterology 2017, 152(5), 1078-1089.
- Daly AK. Are Polymorphisms in Genes Relevant to Drug Disposition Predictors of Susceptibility to Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Pharmaceutical Research 2017, 34(8), 1564-1569.
- Steven S, Hollingsworth KG, Small PK, Woodcock SA, Pucci A, Aribisala B, Al-Mrabeh A, Daly AK, Batterham RL, Taylor R. Weight Loss Decreases Excess Pancreatic Triacylglycerol Specifically in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2016, 39(1), 158-165.
- Rosen HR, Golden-Mason L, Daly AK, Yang I, Day CP. Variants in the LGALS9 Gene Are Associated With Development of Liver Disease in Heavy Consumers of Alcohol. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016, 14(5), 762-768.
- Kalman LV, Agundez JAG, Appell ML, Black JL, Bell GC, Boukouvala S, Bruckner C, Bruford E, Caudle K, Coulthard SA, Daly AK, Del Tredici AL, den Dunnen JT, Drozda K, Everts RE, Flockhart D, Freimuth RR, Gaedigk A, Hachad H, Hartshorne T, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Klein TE, Lauschke VM, Maglott DR, McLeod HL, McMillin GA, Meyer UA, Muller DJ, Nickerson DA, Oetting WS, Pacanowski M, Pratt VM, Relling MV, Roberts A, Rubinstein WS, Sangkuhl K, Schwab M, Scott SA, Sim SC, Thirumaran RK, Toji LH, Tyndale RF, van Schaik RHN, Whirl-Carrillo M, Yeo KTJ, Zanger UM. Pharmacogenetic allele nomenclature: International workgroup recommendations for test result reporting. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2016, 99(2), 172-185.
- Nicoletti P, Werk AN, Sawle A, Shen YF, Urban TJ, Coulthard SA, Bjornsson ES, Cascorbi I, Floratos A, Stammschulte T, Gundert-Remy U, Nelson MR, Aithal GP, Daly AK, on behalf of the International Drug-induced Liver Injury Consortium (iDILIC). HLA-DRB1*16:01-DQB1*05:02 is a novel genetic risk factor for flupirtine-induced liver injury. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2016, 26(5), 218-224.
- Bourgeois S, Jorgensen A, Zhang EJ, Hanson A, Gillman MS, Bumpstead S, Toh CH, Williamson P, Daly AK, Kamali F, Deloukas P, Pirmohamed M. A multi-factorial analysis of response to warfarin in a UK prospective cohort. Genome medicine 2016, 8, 2.
- Marvig CL, Verhoef TI, de Boer A, Kamali F, Redekop K, Pirmohamed M, Daly AK, Manolopoulos VG, Wadelius M, Bouvy M, Maitland-van der Zee AH, EU-PACT Consortium. Quality of life in patients with venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation treated with coumarin anticoagulants. Thrombosis Research 2015, 136(1), 69-75.
- Salameh H, Raff E, Erwin A, Seth D, Nischalke HD, Falleti E, Burza MA, Leathert J, Romeo S, Molinaro A, Corradini SG, Toniutto P, Ulrich S, Daly A, Day CP, Kuo YF, Singal AK. PNPLA3 Gene Polymorphism Is Associated With Predisposition to and Severity of Alcoholic Liver Disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2015, 110(6), 846-856.
- Kim SH, Saide K, Farrell J, Faulkner L, Tailor A, Ogese M, Daly AK, Pirmohamed M, Park BK, Naisbitt DJ. Characterization of amoxicillin- and clavulanic acid-specific T cells in patients with amoxicillin-clavulanate-induced liver injury. Hepatology 2015, 62(3), 887-899.
- Whitfield JB, Rahman K, Haber PS, Day CP, Masson S, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Mueller S, Seitz HK, Liangpunsakul S, Westerhold C, Liang TB, Lumeng L, Foroud T, Nalpas B, Mathurin P, Stickel F, Soyka M, Botwin GJ, Morgan TR, Seth D, GenomALC Consortium. Brief Report: Genetics of Alcoholic Cirrhosis-GenomALC Multinational Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2015, 39(5), 836-842.
- Liu Y-L, Reeves HL, Burt AD, Tiniakos D, McPherson S, Leathart JBS, Allison MED, Alexander GJ, Piguet A-C, Anty R, Donaldson P, Aithal GP, Francque S, VanGaal L, Clement K, Ratziu V, Dufour J-F, Day CP, Daly AK, Anstee QM. TM6SF2 rs58542926 Influences Hepatic Fibrosis Progression in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Nature Communications 2014, 5, 4309.
- Verhoef TI, Redekop WK, Daly AK, van Schie RMF, de Boer A, Maitland-van der Zee AH. Pharmacogenetic-guided dosing of coumarin anticoagulants: algorithms for warfarin, acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014, 77(4), 626-641.
- Daly AK, Cascorbi I. Opportunities and limitations: the value of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014, 77(4), 583-586.
- Daly AK. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Pharmacogenomic Tests: Potential and Pitfalls. Current Drug Metabolism 2014, 15(2), 196-201.
- Aravinthan A, Mells G, Allison M, Leathart J, Kotronen A, Yki-Jarvinen H, Daly AK, Day CP, Anstee QM, Alexander G. Gene Polymorphisms of Cellular Senescence Marker P21 and Disease Progression in Non-Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver Disease. Cell Cycle 2014, 13(9), 1489-1494.
- Liu Y-L, Patman GL, Leathart J, Piguet A-C, Burt AD, Dufour J-F, Day CP, Daly AK, Reeves HL, Anstee QM. Carriage of the PNPLA3 rs738409 C>G Polymorphism Confers an Increased Risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology 2014, 61(1), 75-81.
- Ng CS, Hasnat A, Al Maruf A, Ahmed MU, Pirmohamed M, Day CP, Aithal GP, Daly AK. N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) genotype as a risk factor for development of drug-induced liver injury relating to antituberculosis drug treatment in a mixed-ethnicity patient group. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014, 70(9), 1079-1086.
- Islam MS, Ahmed MU, Bin Sayeed MS, Al Maruf A, Mostofa AGM, Hussain SMA, Kabir Y, Daly AK, Hasnat A. Lung cancer risk in relation to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, CYP2A6 and CYP1A1 genotypes in the Bangladeshi population. Clinica Chimica Acta 2013, 416, 11-19.
- Monshi MM, Faulkner L, Gibson A, Jenkins RE, Farrell J, Earnshaw CJ, Alfirevic A, Cederbrant K, Daly AK, French N, Pirmohamed M, Park BK, Naisbitt DJ. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-B(star)57:01-Restricted Activation of Drug-Specific T Cells Provides the Immunological Basis for Flucloxacillin-Induced Liver Injury. Hepatology 2013, 57(2), 727-739.
- Elsharkawy AM, Schwab U, McCarron B, Burt AD, Daly AK, Hudson M, Masson S. Efavirenz induced acute liver failure requiring liver transplantation in a slow drug metaboliser. Journal of Clinical Virology 2013, 58(1), 331-333.
- Veal GJ, Errington J, Rowbotham SE, Illingworth NA, Malik G, Cole M, Daly AK, Pearson ADJ, Boddy AV. Adaptive dosing approaches to the individualization of 13-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin) treatment for children with high-risk neuroblastoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2013, 19(2), 469-479.
- Pirmohamed M, Burnside G, Eriksson N, Jorgensen AL, Toh CH, Nicholson T, Kesteven P, Christersson C, Wahlström B, Stafberg C, Zhang JE, Leathart JB, Kohnke H, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Williamson PR, Daly AK, Avery P, Kamali F, Wadelius M. A Randomized Trial of Genotype-Guided Dosing of Warfarin. New England Journal of Medicine 2013, 369, 2294-2303.
- Lane S, Al-Zubiedi S, Hatch E, Matthews I, Jorgensen AL, Deloukas P, Daly AK, Park BK, Aarons L, Ogungbenro K, Kamali F, Hughes D, Pirmohamed M. The population pharmacokinetics of R- and S-warfarin: effect of genetic and clinical factors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2012, 73(1), 66-76.
- Al-Serri A, Anstee QM, Valenti L, Nobili V, Leathart JBS, Dongiovanni P, Patch J, Fracanzani A, Fargion S, Day CP, Daly AK. The SOD2 C47T polymorphism influences NAFLD fibrosis severity: Evidence from case-control and intra-familial allele association studies. Journal of Hepatology 2012, 56(2), 448-454.
- Daly AK, Veal GJ, Jamieson D, Coulthard S. Pharmacogenomics research at Newcastle University. Pharmacogenomics 2012, 13(12), 1333-1338.
- Urban TJ, Shen YF, Stolz A, Chalasani N, Fontana RJ, Rochon J, Ge DL, Shianna KV, Daly AK, Lucena MI, Nelson MR, Molokhia M, Aithal GP, Floratos A, Pe'er I, Serrano J, Bonkovsky H, Davern TJ, Lee WM, Navarro VJ, Talwalkar JA, Goldstein DB, Watkins PB, Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network, DILIGEN, EUDRAGENE, Spanish DILI Registry, Int Serious Adverse Events Consort. Limited contribution of common genetic variants to risk for liver injury due to a variety of drugs. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2012, 22(11), 784-795.
- Valenti L, Nobili V, Al-Serri A, Rametta R, Leathart JB, Zappa MA, Dongiovanni P, Fracanzani AL, Alterio A, Roviaro G, Daly AK, Fargion S, Day CP. The APOC3 T-455C and C-482T promoter region polymorphisms are not associated with the severity of liver damage independently of PNPLA3 I148M genotype in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver. Journal of Hepatology 2011, 55(6), 1409-1414.
- Lucena MI, Molokhia M, Shen Y, Urban TJ, Aithal GP, Andrade RJ, Day CP, Ruiz-Cabello F, Donaldson PT, Stephens C, Pirmohamed M, Romero-Gomez M, Navarro JM, Fontana RJ, Miller M, Groome M, Bondon-Guitton E, Conforti A, Stricker BHC, Carvajal A, Ibanez L, Yue Q-Y, Eichelbaum M, Floratos A, Pe'er I, Daly MJ, Goldstein DB, Dillon JF, Nelson MR, Watkins PB, Daly AK, Spanish DILI Registry, EUDRAGENE, DILIN, DILIGEN, and International SAEC. Susceptibility to amoxicillin-clavulanate-induced liver injury is influenced by multiple HLA class I and class II alleles. Gastroenterology 2011, 141(1), 338-347.
- Becquement L, Alfrieve A, Amstutz U, Brauch H, Jacqz-Algrain E, Laurent-Puig P, Molina MA, Niemi M, Schwab M, Somogyi AA, Thervet E, Maitland-van der Zee AH, van Kuilenburg ABP, van Schaik RHN, Verstuyft C, Wadelius M, Daly AK. Practical recommendations for pharmacogenomics-based prescription: 2010 ESF-UB Conference on Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics 2011, 12(1), 113-124.
- Howard R, Leathart JB, French DJ, Krishan E, Kohnke H, Wadelius M, van Schie R, Verhoef T, Maitland van der Zee AH, Daly AK, Barallon R. Genotyping for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 alleles by a novel point of care assay with HyBeacon(R) probes. Clinica Chimica Acta 2011, 412(23-24), 2063-2069.
- Al Maruf A, Ahmed MU, Yasmin H, Ullah MA, Azad MAK, Daly AK, Hasnat A. Genotypes and phenotypes of CYP3A in Bangladeshi population. Clinica Chimica Acta 2011, 412(7-8), 531-536.
- Lochan R, Daly AK, Reeves HL, Charnley R. Family history of cancer and tobacco exposure in index cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Journal of Oncology 2011, article 215985.
- Ozhan G, Lochan R, Leathart JB, Charnley R, Daly AK. Cyclooxygenase-2 polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer susceptibility. Pancreas 2011, 40(8), 1289-1294.
- Wahie S, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Goodfield MJ, Jones SK, Lovell CR, Carmichael AJ, Carr MM, Drummond A, Natarajan S, Smith CH, Reynolds NJ, Meggitt SJ. Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Influences on Response to Hydroxychloroquine in Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2011, 131(10), 1981-1986.
- Illingworth NA, Boddy AV, Daly AK, Veal GJ. Characterisation of the metabolism of fenretinide by human liver microsomes, cytochrome P450 enzymes and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. British Journal of Pharmacology 2011, 162(4), 989-999.
- Aithal GP, Watkins PB, Andrade RJ, Larrey D, Molokhia M, Takikawa H, Hunt CM, Wilke RA, Avigan M, Kaplowitz N, Bjornsson E, Daly AK. Case Definition and Phenotype Standardization in Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2011, 89(6), 806-815.
- Iwata R, Baur K, Stieger B, Mertens JC, Daly AK, Frei P, Braun J, Vergopoulos A, Stickel F, Sabrane K, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Goetze O, Day CP, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group. A common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene is associated with advanced fibrosis in hepatitis C but not in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Science 2011, 120(7-8), 287-296.
- Biss TT, Avery PJ, Brandao LR, Chalmers EA, Williams MD, Grainger JD, Leathart JB, Hanley JP, Daly AK, Kamali F. VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotype and patient characteristics explain a large proportion of the variability in warfarin dose requirement among children. Blood 2011, 119(3), 868-873.
- Rowbotham SE, Illingworth NA, Daly AK, Veal GJ, Boddy AV. Role of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase isoforms in 13-cis retinoic acid metabolism in humans. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2010, 38(7), 1211-1217.
- Rowbotham SE, Boddy AV, Redfern CPF, Veal GJ, Daly AK. Relevance of non-synonymous CYP2C8 polymorphisms to 13-cis retinoic acid and paclitaxel hydroxylation. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2010, 38(8), 1261-1266.
- Savill SA, Leitch HF, Daly AK, Harvey JN, Thomas TH. Polymorphisms in the Tropomyosin TPM1 Short Isoform Promoter Alter Gene Expression and Are Associated With Increased Risk of Metabolic Syndrome. American Journal of Hypertension 2010, 23(4), 399-404.
- Caple F, Williams EA, Spiers A, Tyson J, Burtle B, Daly AK, Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. Inter-individual variation in DNA damage and base excision repair in young, healthy non-smokers: effects of dietary supplementation and genotype. British Journal of Nutrition 2010, 103(11), 1585-1593.
- Donaldson PT, Daly AK, Henderson J, Graham J, Pirmohamed M, Bernal W, Day CP, Aithal GP. Human leucocyte antigen class II genotype in susceptibility and resistance to co-amoxiclav-induced liver injury. Journal of Hepatology 2010, 53(6), 1049-1053.
- Valenti L, Al-Serri A, Daly AK, Galmozzi E, Rametta R, Dongiovanni P, Nobili V, Mozzi E, Roviaro G, Vanni E, Bugianesi E, Maggioni M, Fracanzani AL, Fargion S, Day CP. Homozygosity for the Patatin-Like Phospholipase-3/Adiponutrin I148M Polymorphism Influences Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Hepatology 2010, 51(4), 1209-1217.
- Dongiovanni P, Valenti L, Rametta R, Daly A, Nobili V, Mozzi E, Leathart J, Pietrobattista A, Burt A, Maggioni M, Fracanzani A, Lattuada E, Zappa M, Roviaro G, Marchesini G, Day C, Fargion S. Genetic variants regulating insulin receptor signalling are associated with the severity of liver damage in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut 2010, 59(2), 267-273.
- Daly AK. Drug-induced liver injury: past, present and future. Pharmacogenomics 2010, 11(5), 607-611.
- Potter C, Cordell HJ, Barton A, Daly AK, Hyrich K, Mann D, Morgan A, Wilson AG, and the Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics and Genomics Study Syndicate (BRAGGSS), Isaacs J. Association between anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment response and genetic variants within the TLR and NFĸB signalling pathways. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2010, 69(7), 1315-1320.
- Andrews E, Armstrong M, Tugwood J, Swan D, Glaves P, Pirmohamed M, Aithal GP, Wright MC, Day CP, Daly AK. A Role for the Pregnane X Receptor in Flucloxacillin-Induced Liver Injury. Hepatology 2010, 51(5), 1656-1664.
- Tyson J, Caple F, Spiers A, Burtle B, Daly AK, Williams EA, Hesketh JE, Mathers JC. Inter-individual variation in nucleotide excision repair in young adults: effects of age, adiposity, micronutrient supplementation and genotype. British Journal of Nutrition 2009, 101(9), 1316-1323.
- van Schie RMF, Wadelius M, Kamali F, Daly AK, Manolopoulos VG, de Boer A, Barallon R, Verhoef TI, Kirchheiner J, Haschke-Becher E, Briz M, Rosendaal FR, Redekop WK, Pirmohamed M, Maitland-van eer Zee AH. Genotype-guided dosing of coumarin derivatives: the European pharmacogenetics of anticoagulant therapy (EU-PACT) trial design. Pharmacogenomics 2009, 10(10), 1687-1695.
- Jorgensen AL, Al-Zubiedi S, Zhang JE, Keniry A, Hanson A, Hughes DA, van Eker D, Stevens L, Hawkins K, Toh CH, Kamali F, Daly AK, Fitzmaurice D, Coffey A, Williamson PR, Park BK, Deloukas P, Pirmohamed M. Genetic and environmental factors determining clinical outcomes and cost of warfarin therapy: a prospective study. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2009, 19(10), 800-812.
- Klein TE, Altman RB, Eriksson N, Gage BF, Kimmel SE, Lee MTM, Limdi NA, Page D, Roden DM, Wagner MJ, Caldwell MD, Johnson JA, Chen YT, Wen MS, Caraco Y, Achache I, Blotnick S, Muszkat M, Shin JG, Kim HS, Suarez-Kurtz G, Perini JA, Silva-Assuncao E, Anderson JL, Horne BD, Carlquist JF, Caldwell MD, Berg RL, Burmester JK, Goh BC, Lee SC, Kamali F, Sconce E, Daly AK, Wu AHB, Langaee TY, Feng H, Cavallari L, Momary K, Pirmohamed M, Jorgensen A, Toh CH, Williamson P, McLeod H, Evans JP, Weck KE, Brensinger C, Nakamura Y, Mushiroda T, Veenstra D, Meckley L, Rieder MJ, Rettie AE, Wadelius M, Melhus H, Stein CM, Schwartz U, Kurnik D, Deych E, Lenzini P, Eby C, Chen LY, Deloukas P, Motsinger-Reif A, Sagreiya H, Srinivasan BS, Lantz E, Chang T, Ritchie M, Lu LS, Shin JG, International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium. Estimation of the Warfarin Dose with Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Data. New England Journal of Medicine 2009, 360(8), 753-764.
- Daly AK, Donaldson PT, Bhatnagar P, Shen Y, Pe'er I, Floratos A, Daly MJ, Goldstein DB, John S, Nelson MR, Graham J, Park BK, Dillon JF, Bernal W, Cordell HJ, Pirmohamed M, Aithal GP, Day CP. HLA-B*5701 genotype is a major determinant of drug-induced liver injury due to flucloxacillin. Nature Genetics 2009, 41(7), 816-819.
- McCaslin J, Ashour H, Bhattacharya V, Cleanthis M, Daly A, Stansby G. Increased Platelet-monocyte Aggregation in Male Claudicants with the PlA1/A2 Polymorphism of Gp IIb/IIIa. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2008, 36(2), 132-137.
- Lochan R, Daly AK, Reeves HL, Charnley RM. Genetic susceptibility in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. British Journal of Surgery 2008, 95(1), 22-32.
- Mutch E, Daly AK, Williams FM. The Relationship between PON1 Phenotype and PON1-192 Genotype in Detoxification of Three Oxons by Human Liver. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2007, 35(2), 315-320.
- Daly AK. Individualized drug therapy. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development 2007, 10(1), 29-36.
- Daly AK, Aithal GP, Leathart JBS, Swainsbury RA, Dang TS, Day CP. Genetic Susceptibility to Diclofenac-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Contribution of UGT2B7, CYP2C8, and ABCC2 Genotypes. Gastroenterology 2007, 132(1), 272-281.
- Thanacoody RHK, Daly AK, Reilly JG, Ferrier IN, Thomas SHL. Factors affecting drug concentrations and QT interval during thioridazine therapy. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007, 82(5), 555-565.
- Bermano G, Pagmantidis V, Holloway N, Kadri S, Mowat NAG, Shiel RS, Arthur JR, Mathers JC, Daly AK, Broom J, Hesketh JE. Evidence that a polymorphism within the 3'UTR of glutathione peroxidase 4 is functional and is associated with susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Genes and Nutrition 2007, 2(2), 225-232.
- Daly AK, King BP, Leathart JB. Genotyping for cytochrome P450 polymorphisms. Methods in Molecular Biology 2006, 320, 193-207.
- Sconce EA, Daly AK, Khan TI, Wynne HA, Kamali F. APOE genotype makes a small contribution to warfarin dose requirements. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2006, 16(8), 609-611.
- Hatch E, Sconce EA, Daly AK, Kamali F. A rapid genotyping method for the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) gene. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2006, 4(5), 1158-1159.
- Sconce EA, Khan TI, Wynne HA, Avery P, Monkhouse L, King BP, Wood P, Kesteven P, Daly AK, Kamali F. The impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and patient characteristics upon warfarin dose requirements: Proposal for a new dosing regimen. Blood 2005, 106(7), 2329-2333.
- Niemi M, Backman JT, Kajosaari LI, Leathart JB, Neuvonen M, Daly AK, Eichelbaum M, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ. Polymorphic organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 is a major determinant of repaglinide pharmacokinetics. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2005, 77(6), 468-478.
- Todhunter CE, Sutherland-Craggs A, Bartram S, Donaldson PT, Daly AK, Francis RM, Mansfield JC, Thompson NP. Influence of IL-6, COL1A1, and VDR gene polymorphisms on bone mineral density in Crohn's disease. Gut 2005, 54(11), 1579-1584.
- Kocabas NA, Sardas S, Cholerton S, Daly AK, Elhan AH, Karakaya AE. Genetic polymorphism of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and breast cancer susceptibility. Cell Biochemistry and Function 2005, 23(1), 73-76.
- Malhi H, Atac B, Daly AK, Gupta S. Warfarin and celecoxib interaction in the setting of cytochrome P450 (CYP2C9) polymorphism with bleeding complication. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2004, 80(940), 107-109.
- King BP, Khan TI, Aithal GP, Kamali F, Daly AK. Upstream and coding region CYP2C9 polymorphisms: Correlation with warfarin dose and metabolism. Pharmacogenetics 2004, 14(12), 813-822.
- Kocabas NA, Sardas S, Cholerton S, Daly AK, Karakaya AE. N-Acetyltransferase (NAT2) Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Susceptibility: A Lack of Association in a Case-Control Study of Turkish Population. International Journal of Toxicology 2004, 23(1), 25-31.
- Aithal GP, Ramsay L, Daly AK, Sonchit N, Leathart JBS, Alexander G, Kenna JG, Caldwell J, Day CP. Hepatic Adducts, Circulating Antibodies, and Cytokine Polymorphisms in Patients with Diclofenac Hepatotoxicity. Hepatology 2004, 39(5), 1430-1440.
- Anglicheau D, Thervet E, Etienne I, De Ligny BH, Le Meur Y, Touchard G, Buchler M, Laurent-Puig P, Tregouet D, Beaune P, Daly A, Legendre C, Marquet P. CYP3A5 and MDR1 genetic polymorphisms and cyclosporine pharmacokinetics after renal transplantation. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 2004, 75(5), 422-433.
- Kamali F, Khan TI, King BP, Frearson R, Kesteven P, Wood P, Daly AK, Wynne H. Contribution of age, body size, and CYP2C9 genotype to anticoagulant response to warfarin. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2004, 75(3), 204-212.
- Smits KM, Benhamou S, Garte S, Weijenberg MP, Alamanos Y, Ambrosone C, Autrup H, Autrup JL, Baranova H, Bathum L, Boffetta P, Bouchardy C, Brockmoller J, Butkiewicz D, Cascorbi I, Clapper ML, Coutelle C, Daly AK, Muzi G, Dolzan V, Duzhak TG, Farker K, Golka K, Haugen A, Hein DW, Hildesheim A, Hirvonen A, Hsieh LL, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Kang D, Katoh T, Kihara M, Ono-Kihara M, Kim H, Kiyohara C, Kremers P, Lazarus P, Le Marchand L, Lechner MC, London S, Manni JJ, Maugard CM, Morgan GJ, Morita S, Nazar-Stewart V, Kristensen VN, Oda Y, Parl FF, Peters WHM, Rannug A, Rebbeck T, Pinto LFR, Risch A, Romkes M, Salagovic J, Schoket B, Seidegard J, Shields PG, Sim E, Sinnett D, Strange RC, Stucker I, Sugimura H, To-Figueras J, Vineis P, Yu MC, Zheng W, Pedotti P, Taioli E. Association of metabolic gene polymorphisms with tobacco consumption in healthy controls. International Journal of Cancer 2004, 110(2), 266-270.
- Khan T, Kamali F, Daly A, King B, Wynne HA. Warfarin sensitivity: Be aware of genetic influence. Age and Ageing 2003, 32(2), 226-227.
- Niemi M, Leathart JB, Neuvonen M, Backman JT, Daly AK, Neuvonen PJ. Polymorphism in CYP2C8 is associated with reduced plasma concentrations of repaglinide. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2003, 74(4), 380-387.
- Thervet E, Anglicheau D, King B, Schlageter M-H, Cassinat B, Beaune P, Legendre C, Daly AK. Impact of cytochrome P450 3A5 genetic polymorphism on tacrolimus doses and concentration-to-dose ratio in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation 2003, 76(8), 1233-1235.
- Vidali M, Stewart SF, Rolla R, Daly AK, Chen Y, Mottaran E, Jones DEJ, Leathart JB, Day CP, Albano E. Genetic and epigenetic factors in autoimmune reactions toward cytochrome P4502E1 in alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 2003, 37(2), 410-419.
- Mutch E, Daly AK, Leathart JBS, Blain PG, Williams FM. Do multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms contribute to parathion metabolism in man?. Archives of Toxicology 2003, 77(6), 313-320.
- King BP, Leathart JBS, Mutch E, Williams FM, Daly AK. CYP3A5 phenotype-genotype correlations in a British population. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2003, 55(6), 625-629.
- Dunn SA, Mohteshamzadeh M, Daly AK, Thomas TH. Altered tropomyosin expression in essential hypertension. Hypertension 2003, 41(2), 347-354.
- Stewart SF, Leathart JB, Chen Y, Daly AK, Rolla R, Vay D, Mottaran E, Vidali M, Albano E, Day CP. Valine-alanine manganese superoxide dismutase polymorphism is not associated with alcohol-induced oxidative stress or liver fibrosis. Hepatology 2002, 36(6), 1355-1360.
- Daly AK, Day CP, Donaldson PT. Polymorphisms in immunoregulatory genes: towards individualised immunosupressive therapy?. American Journal of PharmacoGenomics 2002, 2(1), 13-23.
- Lerer B, Segman RH, Fangerau H, Daly AK, Basile VS, Cavallaro R, Aschauer HN, McCreadie RG, Ohlraun S, Ferrier N, Masellis M, Verga M, Scharfetter J, Rietschel M, Lovlie R, Levy UH, Meltzer HY, Kennedy JL, Steen VM, Macciardi F. Pharmacogenetics of tardive dyskinesia: Combined analysis of 780 patients supports association with dopamine D3 receptor gene Ser9Gly polymorphism. Neuropsychopharmacology 2002, 27(1), 105-119.
- Benhamou S, Lee WJ, Alexandrie AK, Boffetta P, Bouchardy C, Butkiewicz D, Brockmoller J, Clapper ML, Daly A, Dolzan V, Ford J, Gaspari L, Haugen A, Hirvonen A, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Kihara M, Kremers P, Le Marchand L, London SJ, Nazar-Stewart V, Onon-Kihara M, Rannug A, Romkes M, Ryberg D, Seidegard J, Shields P, Strange RC, Stucker I, To-Figueras J, Brennan P, Taioli E. Meta- and pooled analyses of the effects of glutathione S-transferase M1 polymorphisms and smoking on lung cancer risk. Carcinogenesis 2002, 23(8), 1343-1350.
- Kocabas NA, Sardas S, Cholerton S, Daly AK, Karakaya AS. Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 and catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) genetic polymorphisms and breast cancer susceptibility in a Turkish population. Archives of Toxicology 2002, 76(11), 643-649.
- Bahadur N, Leathart JBS, Mutch E, Steimel-Crespi D, Dunn SA, Gilissen R, Houdt JV, Hendrickx J, Mannens G, Bohets H, Williams FM, Armstrong M, Crespi CL, Daly AK. CYP2C8 polymorphisms in Caucasians and their relationship with paclitaxel 6α-hydroxylase activity in human liver microsomes. Biochemical Pharmacology 2002, 64(11), 1579-1589.
- Lamba JK, Lin YS, Thummel K, Daly A, Watkins PB, Strom S, Zhang J, Schuetz EG. Common allelic variants of cytochrome P4503A4 and their prevalence in different populations. Pharmacogenetics 2002, 12(2), 121-132.
- Zhang J, Kuehl P, Green ED, Touchman JW, Watkins PB, Daly A, Hall SD, Maurel P, Relling M, Brimer C, Yasuda K, Wrighton SA, Hancock M, Kim RB, Strom S, Thummel K, Russell CG, Hudson JR, Schuetz EG, Boguski MS. The human pregnane X receptor: genomic structure and identification and functional characterization of natural allelic variants. Pharmacogenetics 2001, 11(7), 555-572.
- Kuehl P, Zhang J, Lin Y, Lamba J, Assem M, Schuetz J, Watkins PB, Daly A, Wrighton SA, Hall SD, Maurel P, Relling M, Brimer C, Yasuda K, Venkataramanan R, Strom S, Thummel K, Boguski MS, Schuetz E. Sequence diversity in CYP3A promoters and characterization of the genetic basis of polymorphic CYP3A5 expression. Nature Genetics 2001, 27(4), 383-391.
- Aithal GP, Craggs A, Day CP, Welfare M, Daly AK, Mansfield JC, Hudson M. Role of polymorphisms in the interleukin-10 gene in determining disease susceptibility and phenotype in inflamatory bowel disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2001, 46(7), 1520-1525.
- Harbottle A, Daly AK, Atherton K, Campbell FC. Role of glutathione S-transferase P1, P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 in acquired doxorubicin resistance. International Journal of Cancer 2001, 92(6), 777-783.
- Løvlie R, Daly AK, Matre GE, Molven A, Steen VM. Polymorphisms in CYP2D6 duplication-negative individuals with the ultrarapid metabolizer phenotype: a role for the CYP2D6*35 allele in ultrarapid metabolism?. Pharmacogenetics 2001, 11(1), 45-55.
- Garte S, Gaspari L, Alexandrie AK, Ambrosone C, Autrup H, Autrup JL, Baranova H, Bathum L, Benhamou S, Boffetta P, Bouchardy C, Breskvar K, Brockmoller J, Cascorbi I, Clapper ML, Coutelle C, Daly A, Dell'Omo M, Dolzan V, Dresler CM, Fryer A, Haugen A, Hein DW, Hildesheim A, Hirvonen A, Hsieh LL, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Kang DH, Kihara M, Kiyohara C, Kremers P, Lazarus P, Le Marchand L, Lechner MC, van Lieshout EMM, London S, Manni JJ, Maugard CM, Morita S, Nazar-Stewart V, Noda K, Oda Y, Parl FF, Pastorelli R, Persson I, Peters WHM, Rannug A, Rebbeck T, Risch A, Roelandt L, Romkes M, Ryberg D, Salagovic J, Schoket B, Seidegard J, Shields PG, Sim E, Sinnet D, Strange RC, Stucker I, Sugimura H, To-Figueras J, Vineis P, Yu MC, Taioli E. Metabolic gene polymorphism frequencies in control populations. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2001, 10(12), 1239-1248.
- Vineis P, Marinelli D, Autrup H, Brockmoller J, Cascorbi I, Daly AK, Golka K, Okkels H, Risch A, Rothman N, Sim E, Taioli E. Current smoking, occupation, N-acetyltransferase-2 and bladder cancer: A pooled analysis of genotype-based studies. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2001, 10(12), 1249-1252.
- Daly AK, Day CP. Candidate gene case-control association studies: advantages and potential pitfalls. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2001, 52(5), 489-499.
- Aithal GP, Day CP, Leathart J, Daly AK, Hudson M. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the interleukin-4 gene and interleukin-4 receptor gene with Crohn's disease in a British population. Genes and Immunity 2001, 2(1), 44-47.
- Smart J, Daly AK. Variation in induced CYP1A1 levels: Relationship to CYP1A1, Ah receptor and GSTM1 polymorphisms. Pharmacogenetics 2000, 10(1), 11-24.
- Welfare MR, Bassendine MF, Daly AK. The effect of NAT2 genotype and gender on the metabolism of caffeine in nonsmoking subjects. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2000, 49(3), 240-243.
- Aithal GP, Day CP, Leathart JBS, Daly AK. Relationship of polymorphism in CYP2C9 to genetic susceptibility to diclofenac-induced hepatitis. Pharmacogenetics 2000, 10(6), 511-518.
- Brown MA, Edwards S, Hoyle E, Campbell S, Laval S, Daly AK, Pile KD, Calin A, Ebringer A, Weeks DE, Wordsworth BP. Polymorphisms of the CYP2D6 gene increase susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis. Human Molecular Genetics 2000, 9(11), 1563-1566.
- London SJ, Smart J, Daly AK. Lung cancer risk in relation to genetic polymorphisms of microsomal epoxide hydrolase among African-Americans and Caucasians in Los Angeles County. Lung Cancer 2000, 28(2), 147-155.
- Grove J, Daly AK, Bassendine MF, Gilvarry E, Day CP. Interleukin 10 promoter region polymorphisms and susceptibility to advanced alcoholic liver disease. Gut 2000, 46(4), 540-545.
- McSorley LC, Daly AK. Identification of human cytochrome P450 isoforms that contribute to all-trans-retinoic acid 4-hydroxylation. Biochemical Pharmacology 2000, 60(4), 517-526.
- Lovlie R, Daly AK, Blennerhassett R, Ferrier N, Steen VM. Homozygosity for the Gly-9 variant of the dopamine D3 receptor and risk for tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenic patients. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2000, 3(1), 61-65.
- Ford GA, Wood SM, Daly AK. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotypes of patients with terodilin cardiotoxicity identified through the yellow card system. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2000, 50(1), 77-80.
- Agarwal K, Jones DEJ, Daly AK, James OFW, Vaidya B, Pearce S, Bassendine MF. CTLA-4 gene polymorphism confers susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 2000, 32(4), 538-541.
- Jones DEJ, Watt FE, Grove J, Newton JL, Daly AK, Gregory WL, Day CP, James OFW, Bassendine MF. Tumour necrosis factor-α promoter polymorphisms in primary biliary cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 1999, 30(2), 232-236.
- Yule, S. M., Walker, D., Cole, M., McSorley, L., Cholerton, S., Daly, A. K., Pearson, A. D. J., Boddy, A. V. The effect of fluconazole on cyclophosphamide metabolism in children. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1999, 27(3), 417-421.
- Welfare M, Adeokun AM, Bassendine MF, Daly AK. Polymorphisms in GSTP1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 and susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1999, 8(4), 289-292.
- Chen G-F, Tang Y-M, Green B, Lin D-X, Guengerich FP, Daly AK, Caporaso NE, Kadlubar FF. Low frequency of CYP2A6 gene polymorphism as revealed by a one-step polymerase chain reaction method. Pharmacogenetics 1999, 9(3), 327-332.
- London SJ, Idle JR, Daly AK, Coetzee GA. Genetic variation of CYP2A6, smoking, and risk of cancer. Lancet 1999, 353(9156), 898-899.
- Welfare MR, Aitkin M, Bassendine MF, Daly AK. Detailed modelling of caffeine metabolism and examination of the CYP1A2 gene: Lack of a polymorphism in CYP1A2 in Caucasians. Pharmacogenetics 1999, 9(3), 367-376.
- Atkinson A, Singleton AB, Steward A, Ince PG, Perry RH, McKeith IG, Fairbairn AF, Edwardson JA, Daly AK, Morris CM. CYP2D6 is associated with Parkinson's disease but not with dementia with Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer's disease. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 1999, 9(1), 31-36.
- Aithal GP, Day CP, Kesteven PJL, Daly AK. Association of polymorphisms in the cytochrome P450 CYP2C9 with warfarin dose requirement and risk of bleeding complications. Lancet 1999, 353(9154), 717-719.
- C. P. Day, J. Grove, A. K. Daly, M. W. Stewart, P. J. Avery and M. Walker. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha gene promoter polymorphism and decreased insulin resistance. Diabetologia 1998, 41, 430-434.
- Grove J, Brown AStJM, Daly AK, Bassendine MF, James OFW, Day CP. The RsaI polymorphism of CYP2E1 and susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease in Caucasians: Effect on age of presentation and dependence on alcohol dehydrogenase genotype. Pharmacogenetics 1998, 8(4), 335-342.
- A. K. Daly, K. S. Fairbrother and J. Smart. Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of polymorphisms in genes encoding cytochrome P450 enzymes. Toxicology Letters 1998, 103, 143-147.
- F. Zappala, J. Grove, F. E. Watt, A. K. Daly, C. P. Day, M. F. Bassendine and D. E. J. Jones. No evidence for involvement of the interleukin-10 -592 promoter polymorphism in genetic susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 1998, 28, 820-823.
- J. Grove, A. K. Daly, A. D. Burt, M. Guzail, O. F. W. James, M. F. Bassendine and C. P. Day. Heterozygotes for HFE mutations have no increased risk of advanced alcoholic liver disease. Gut 1998, 43, 262-266.
- Smith BC, Grove J, Guzail MA, Day CP, Daly AK, Burt AD, Bassendine MF. Heterozygosity for hereditary hemochromatosis is associated with more fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 1998, 27(6), 1695-1699.
- J. Grove, A. K. Daly, A. D. Burt, M. Guzail, M. F. Bassendine and C. P. Day. Do HLA-H mutations influence liver iron content or disease risk in alcoholics?. Gut 1998, 43, 153-154.
- K. S. Fairbrother, J. Grove, I. de Waziers, D. T. Steimel, C. P. Day, C. L. Crespi and A. K. Daly. Detection and characterization of novel polymorphisms in the CYP2E1 gene. Pharmacogenetics 1998, 8, 543-552.
- J. B. S. Leathart, S. J. London, A. Steward, J. D. Adams, J. R. Idle and A. K. Daly. CYP2D6 phenotype-genotype relationships in African-Americans and Caucasians in Los Angeles. Pharmacogenetics 1998, 8, 529-541.
- G. C. Ibeanu, J. Blaisdell, B. I. Ghanayem, C. Beyeler, S. Benhamou, C. Bouchardy, G. R. Wilkinson, P. Dayer, A. K. Daly and J. A. Goldstein. An additional defective allele, CYP2C19*5, contributes to the S-mephenytoin poor metabolizer phenotype in Caucasians. Pharmacogenetics 1998, 8, 129-135.
- M. R. Welfare, J. Cooper, M. F. Bassendine and A. K. Daly. Relationship between acetylator status, smoking, diet and colorectal cancer risk in the north-east of England. Carcinogenesis 1997, 18, 1351-1354.
- A. B. Singleton, A. M. Gibson, A. L. Atkinson, A. Daly and C. M. Morris. Presenilin polymorphisms in Alzheimer's disease. Lancet 1997, 350, 958-959.
- Singleton A.B., Atkinson A.M., Gibson A.M., Daly A., Morris C.M. No association between PS-2 polymorphism and AD. Lancet 1997, 350, 336-337.
- S. J. London, T. SullivanKlose, A. K. Daly and J. R. Idle. Lung cancer risk in relation to the CYP2C9 genetic polymorphism among Caucasians in Los Angeles County. Pharmacogenetics 1997, 7, 401-404.
- S. J. London, A. K. Daly, J. B. S. Leathart, W. C. Navidi, C. C. Carpenter and J. R. Idle. Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6 and lung cancer risk in African- Americans and Caucasians in Los Angeles county. Carcinogenesis 1997, 18, 1203-1214.
- Hildesheim A., Anderson L.M., Chen C.J., Cheng Y.J., Brinton L.A., Daly A.K., Reed C.D., Chen I.H., Caporaso N.E., Hsu M.M., Chen J.Y., Idle J.R., Hoover R.N., Yang C.S. and Chhabra S.K. CYP2E1 genetic polymorphisms and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Taiwan. J Natl Cancer Inst 1997, 89, 1207-1212.
- R. Lovlie, A. K. Daly, J. R. Idle and V. M. Steen. Characterization of the 16+9 kb and 30+9 kb CYP2D6 XbaI haplotypes. Pharmacogenetics 1997, 7, 149-152.
- Grove J, Daly AK, Bassendine MF, Day CP. Association of a tumor necrosis factor promoter polymorphism with susceptibility to alcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology 1997, 26(1), 143-146.
- M. Armstrong, A. K. Daly, R. Blennerhassett, N. Ferrier and J. R. Idle. Antipsychotic drug-Induced movement disorders in schizophrenics in relation to CYP2D6 genotype. British Journal of Psychiatry 1997, 170, 23-26.
- R. Lovlie, A. K. Daly, A. Molven, J. R. Idle and V. M. Steen. Ultrarapid metabolizers of debrisoquine: Characterization and PCR-based detection of alleles with duplication of the CYP2D6 gene. Febs Letters 1996, 392, 30-34.
- K. HartiganGo, D. N. Bateman, A. K. Daly and S. H. L. Thomas. Stereoselective cardiotoxic effects of terodiline. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 1996, 60, 89-98.
- C. Beyeler, M. Armstrong, H. A. Bird, J. R. Idle and A. K. Daly. Relationship between genotype for the cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 and susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1996, 55, 66-68.
- A. K. Daly, J. Brockmoller, F. Broly, M. Eichelbaum, W. E. Evans, F. J. Gonzalez, J. D. Huang, J. R. Idle, M. IngelmanSundberg, T. Ishizaki, E. JacqzAigrain, U. A. Meyer, D. W. Nebert, V. M. Steen, C. R. Wolf and U. M. Zanger. Nomenclature for human CYP2D6 alleles. Pharmacogenetics 1996, 6, 193-201.
- London SJ, Daly AK, Cooper J, Carpenter CL, Navidi WC, Ding L, Idle JR. Lung cancer risk in relation to the CYP2E1 Rsa I genetic polymorphism among African-Americans and Caucasians in Los Angeles County. Pharmacogenetics 1996, 6(2), 151-158.
- S. J. London, A. K. Daly, J. B. S. Leathart, W. C. Navidi and J. R. Idle. Lung cancer risk in relation to the CYP2C9*1/CYP2C9*2 genetic polymorphism among African-Americans and Caucasians in Los Angeles County, California. Pharmacogenetics 1996, 6, 527-533.
- A. K. Daly, V. M. Steen, K. S. Fairbrother and J. R. Idle. CYP2D6 multiallelism. Cytochrome P450, Pt B 1996, 272, 199-210.
- M. S. Sandy, M. Armstrong, C. M. Tanner, A. K. Daly, D. A. DiMonte, J. W. Langston and J. R. Idle. CYP2D6 allelic frequencies in young-onset Parkinson's disease. Neurology 1996, 47, 225-230.
- A. K. Daly, K. S. Fairbrother, O. A. Andreassen, S. J. London, J. R. Idle and V. M. Steen. Characterization and PCR-based detection of two different hybrid CYP2D7P/CYP2D6 alleles associated with the poor metabolizer phenotypes. Pharmacogenetics 1996, 6, 319-328.
- Welfare M.R., Daly A.K., Bassendine M.F. Caffeine phenotyping in patients with familial polyposis may shed light on sporadic colon cancer and acetylator status. Gut 1996, 28, 527-529.
- Walker, D., Flinois, J. P., Monkman, S. C., Beloc, C., Boddy, A. V., Cholerton, S., Daly, A. K., Lind, M. J., Pearson, A. D. J., Beaune, P. H., Idle, J. R. Identification of the major human hepatic cytochrome P450 involved in activation and N-dechloroethylation of ifosfamide. Biochemical Pharmocology 1994, 47(7), 1157-1163.
- Idle, J. R., Armstrong, M., Boddy, A. V., Boustead, C., Cholerton, S., Cooper, J., Daly, A. K., Ellis, J., Gregory, W., Hadidi, H., Hofer, C., Holt, J., Leathart, J., McCracken, N., Monkman, S. C., Painter, J. E., Taber, H., Walker, D., Yule, M. The pharmacogenetics of chemical carcinogenesis. Pharmacogenetics 1992, 2(6), 246-258.
- Daly AK, Redfern CPF, Martin B. Identification and analysis of retinoic acid-binding proteins and receptors from nuclei of mammalican cells. Methods in Enzymology 1990, 189, 239-247.
- Redfern CPF, Daly AK. Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein from neonatal rat skin: Purification and analysis. Methods in Enzymology 1990, 189, 307-314.
- Daly AK, Rees JL, Redfern CPF. Nuclear retinoic acid binding proteins and receptors in retinoic acid responsive cell lines. Experimental Cell Biology 1989, 57(6), 339-345.
- Rees JL, Daly AK, Redfern CPF. Differential expression of the alpha and beta retinoic acid receptors in tissues of the rat. Biochemical Journal 1989, 259(3), 917-919.
- Daly, A.K., Redfern, C.P.F. Purification and properties of cellular retinois acid-binding protein from neonatal rat skin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1988, 965(2-3), 118-126.
- Daly AK, Redfern CPF. Characterisation of a retinoic-acid-binding component from F9 embryonal-carcinoma-cell nuclei. European Journal of Biochemistry 1987, 168(1), 133-139.
Authored Book
- Donaldson P, Daly A, Ermini L, Bevitt D. Genetics of Complex Disease. Garland, 2015.
Book Chapters
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics of the cytochromes P450: Selected pharmacological and toxicological aspects. In: Advances in Pharmacology. Academic Press Inc, 2022, pp.49-72.
- Osanlou O, Pirmohamed M, Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics of Adverse Drug Reactions. In: Kim Brøsen and Per Damkier, ed. Pharmacogenetics. Academic Press Inc, 2018, pp.155-190.
- Daly AK. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and other genetic risk factors in drug-induced liver injury (DILI). In: Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Humana Press Inc, 2018, pp.497-509.
- Daly AK. Polymorphic Variants of Cytochrome P450: Relevance to Cancer and Other Diseases. In: Advances in Pharmacology. Academic Press Inc, 2015, pp.85-111.
- Daly A. Pharmacogenomics applications in drug Metabolism: From genotyping to drug label-challenges?. In: Cohen, N, ed. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. Berlin; New York: Springer, 2008, pp.109-120.
- Daly AK, Somogyi AA. Pharmacogenomics in 2023: Big studies, big results, big implications, big responsibilities: Editorial. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Kahali B, Liu YL, Daly AK, Day CP, Anstee QM, Speliotes EK. TM6SF2: Catch-22 in the Fight Against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Cardiovascular Disease?. Gastroenterology 2015, 148(4), 679-684.
- Maitland-van der Zee AH, Daly AK, Kamali F, Manolopoulous VG, Verhoef TI, Wadelius M, de Boer A, Pirmohamed M, EU-PACT Study Grp. Patients Benefit From Genetics-Guided Coumarin Anticoagulant Therapy. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2014, 96(1), 15-17.
- Daly AK. Is There a Need to Teach Pharmacogenetics?. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2014, 95(3), 245-247.
- Aithal GP, Daly AK. Preempting and preventing drug-induced liver injury. Nature Genetics 2010, 42(8), 650-651.
- Daly AK, Day CP, Liu YL, Anstee QM. TM6SF2 as a Genetic Risk Factor for Fibrosis. Hepatology 2015, 62(4), 1321-1321.
- Yaseen FS, Saide K, Kim SH, Monshi M, Tailor A, Wood S, Meng XL, Jenkins R, Faulkner L, Daly AK, Pirmohamed M, Park BK, Naisbitt DJ. Promiscuous T-cell responses to drugs and drug-haptens. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2015, 136(2), 474-476.
- Sim SC, Daly AK, Gaedigk A. CYP2D6 update: revised nomenclature for CYP2D7/2D6 hybrid genes. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2012, 22(9), 692-694.
- Ballestri S, Day CP, Daly AK. Polymorphism in the Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyl Transferase 1 Gene and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Severity. Gastroenterology 2011, 140(5), 1694-1695.
- Briz M, Talks K, Hanley J, Kesteven P, Daly A, Avery P, Kamali F. Reversal of warfarin-induced over-anticoagulation with individualized dosing of oral vitamin K: a pilot study. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2010, 8(5), 1123-1125.
- Sim SC, Miller WL, Zhong XB, Arlt W, Ogata T, Ding XX, Wolf CR, Fluck CE, Pandey AV, Henderson CJ, Porter TD, Daly AK, Nebert DW, Ingelman-Sundberg M. Nomenclature for alleles of the cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase gene. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2009, 19(7), 565-566.
- Sconce EA, Khan TI, Daly AK, Wynne HA, Kamali F. The impact of simvastatin on warfarin disposition and dose requirements. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2006, 4(6), 1422-1424.
- Gilhooly TC, Daly AK. CYP2D6 deficiency, a factor in ecstasy related deaths?. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2002, 54(1), 69-70.
- Daly AK, Day CP, Aithal GP. CYP2C9 polymorphism and warfarin dose requirements. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2002, 53(4), 408-409.
- Ingelman-Sundberg M, Oscarson M, Daly AK, Garte S, Nebert DW. Human cytochrome P-450 (CYP) genes: A web page for the nomenclature of alleles. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2001, 10(12), 1307-1308.
- Ingelman-Sundberg M, Daly AK, Oscarson M, Nebert DW. Human cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes: recommendations for the nomenclature of alleles. Pharmacogenetics 2000, 10(1), 91-93.
- Aithal GP, Day CP, Kesteven PJL, Daly AK. Warfarin dose requirement and CYP2C9 polymorphisms - Reply. Lancet 1999, 353(9168), 1972-1973.
- Magavern EF, Daly AK, Gilchrist A, Hughes DA. Pharmacogenomics spotlight commentary: From the United Kingdom to global populations. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2021, 87(12), 4546-4548.
- Seth D, Daly A, Haber P, Day C. Patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3: A case in point linking genetic susceptibility for alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 2010, 51(4), 1463-1465.
- Daly AK, King BP. Pharmacogenetics of oral anticoagulants. Pharmacogenetics 2003, 13(5), 247-252.
- Daly AK. Genetic and Genomic Approaches to the Study of Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Liver International 2025, 45(1), e16191.
- Zubiaur P, Rodriguez-Antona C, Boone EC, Daly AK, Tsermpini EE, Khasawneh LQ, Sangkuhl K, Duconge J, Botton MR, Savieo J, Nofziger C, Whirl-Carrillo M, Klein TE, Gaedigk A. PharmVar GeneFocus: CYP4F2. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2024, 116(4), 963-975.
- Daly AK. Genetics of drug-induced liver injury: Current knowledge and future prospects. Clinical and Translational Science 2023, 16(1), 37-42.
- Maldonato BJ, Vergara AG, Yadav J, Glass SM, Paragas EM, Li D, Lazarus P, McClay JL, Ning B, Daly AK, Russell LE. Epigenetics in drug disposition & drug therapy: symposium report of the 24th North American meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX). Drug Metabolism Reviews 2022, 54(3), 318-330.
- Daly AK, Rettie AE, Fowler DM, Miners JO. Pharmacogenomics of CYP2C9: Functional and Clinical Considerations. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2018, 8(1).
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics: A general review on progress to date. British Medical Bulletin 2017, 124(1), 65-79.
- Lonergan M, Senn SJ, McNamee C, Daly AK, Sutton R, Hattersley A, Pearson E, Pirmohamed M. Defining drug response for stratified medicine. Drug Discovery Today 2017, 22(1), 173-179.
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics of drug metabolizing enzymes in the United Kingdom population: Review of current knowledge and comparison with selected European populations. Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy 2015, 30(3), 165-174.
- Pirmohamed M, Kamali F, Daly AK, Wadelius M. Oral anticoagulation: a critique of recent advances and controversies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2015, 36(3), 153-163.
- Anstee QM, Daly AK, Day CP. Genetics of Alcoholic Liver Disease. Seminars in Liver Disease 2015, 35(4), 361-374.
- Urban TJ, Daly AK, Aithal GR. Genetic Basis of Drug-Induced Liver Injury: Present and Future. Seminars in Liver Disease 2014, 34(2), 123-133.
- Daly AK. Relevance of CYP2E1 to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Subcellular Biochemistry 2013, 67, 165-175.
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenomics of adverse drug reactions. Genome Medicine 2013, 5(1), 5.
- Daly AK. Optimal dosing of warfarin and other coumarin anticoagulants: the role of genetic polymorphisms. Archives of Toxicology 2013, 87(3), 407-420.
- Appell ML, Berg J, Duley J, Evans WE, Kennedy MA, Lennard L, Marinaki T, McLeod HL, Relling MV, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Weinshilboum R, Yeoh AEJ, McDonagh EM, Hebert JM, Klein TE, Coulthard SA. Nomenclature for alleles of the thiopurine methyltransferase gene. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2013, 23(4), 242-248.
- Daly AK. Using genome-wide association studies to identify genes important in serious adverse drug reactions. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2012, 52(1), 21-35.
- Daly AK. Genetic polymorphisms affecting drug metabolism: recent advances and clinical aspects. Advances in Pharmacology 2012, 63, 137-167.
- Daly AK, Day CP. Genetic association studies in drug-induced liver injury. Drug Metabolism Reviews 2012, 44(1), 116-126.
- Verhoef TI, Redekop WK, van Schie RMF, Bayat S, Daly AK, Geitona M, Haschke-Becher E, Hughes DA, Kamali F, Levin LA, Manolopoulos VG, Pirmohamed M, Siebert U, Stingl JC, Wadelius M, de Boer A, Maitland-van der Zee AH, EU-PACT Grp. Cost-effectiveness of pharmacogenetics in anticoagulation: international differences in healthcare systems and costs. Pharmacogenomics 2012, 13(12), 1405-1417.
- Lochan R, Daly AK, Reeves HL, Charnley R. The role of tobacco derived carcinogens in pancreas cancer. ISRN Oncology 2011, 249235.
- Anstee QM, Daly AK, Day CP. Genetics of alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Seminars in Liver Disease 2011, 31(2), 128-146.
- Anstee QM, Daly AK, Day CP. Genetic modifiers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Molecular Basis of Disease 2011, 1812(11), 1557-1566.
- Daly AK, Ballestri S, Carulli L, Loria P, Day CP. Genetic determinants of susceptibility and severity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2011, 5(2), 253-263.
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics and human genetic polymorphisms. Biochemical Journal 2010, 429, 435-449.
- Daly AK. Genome-wide association studies in pharmacogenomics. Nature Reviews: Genetics 2010, 11(4), 241-246.
- Verhoef TI, Redekop WK, Darba J, Geitona M, Hughes DA, Siebert U, de Boer A, van der Zee Maitland AH, Barallon R, Briz M, Daly A, Haschke-Becher E, Kamali F, Kirchheiner J, Manolopoulos VG, Pirmohamed M, Rosendaal FR, van Schie RM, Wadelius M, EU-PACT Group. A systematic review of cost-effectiveness analyses of pharmacogenetic-guided dosing in treatment with coumarin derivatives. Pharmacogenomics 2010, 11(7), 989-1002.
- Daly A. Pharmacogenomics of anticoagulants: Steps toward personal dosage. Genome Medicine 2009, 1(1), 10.
- Daly AK, Day CP. Genetic Association Studies in Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Seminars in Liver Disease 2009, 29(4), 400-411.
- Andrews EAG, Daly AK. Flucloxacillin-induced liver injury. Toxicology 2008, 254(3), 158-163.
- Daly AK. Significance of the minor cytochrome P450 3A isoforms. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2006, 45(1), 13-31.
- Daly AK, King BP. Contribution of CYP2C9 to variability in vitamin K antagonist metabolism. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 2006, 2(1), 3-15.
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics of the cytochromes P450. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2004, 4(16), 1733-1744.
- Daly AK. Development of analytical technology in pharmacogenetic research. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 2004, 369(1), 133-140.
- Daly AK. Pharmacogenetics of the major polymorphic metabolizing enzymes. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 2003, 17(1), 27-41.
- Daly AK, Aithal GP. Genetic Regulation of Warfarin Metabolism and Response. Seminars in Vascular Medicine 2003, 3(3), 231-237.
- Daly AK. Candidate gene case-control studies. Pharmacogenomics 2003, 4(2), 127-139.
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