Staff Profile
Professor Alan Thomas
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 445 5212
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Newcastle University
Biomedical Research Building
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
Present Appointment
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at Newcastle University and Honorary Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Area of expertise
- Dementia with Lewy bodies
- Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Late-life depression
- Biomarkers
Other Appointments
- Director of Brains for Dementia Research
- Director of MRC UK Nervous Tissue Network
- Clinical Director of Newcastle Human Brain Tissue Resource, Newcastle University
Main Research Interests:
Clinical studies in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
We are running studies to improve the early detection and characterisation of DLB. A prospective study (SUPERB, funded by ARUK and supported by Newcastle NIHR BRC) focusses on detailed repeated assessment of early symptoms and several biomarkers of DLB with subjects being compared with age-matched controls and having given consent to brain tissue donation so we can finally gain definitive autopsy-informed diagnoses.
In a related programme we are investigating two key imaging biomarkers, dopaminergic imaging using SPECT FPCIT and myocardial scintigraphy using MIBG, in people with cognitive decline and dementia, comparing them with healthy older control subjects. This project is funded by a fellowship to Gemma Roberts by the Alzheimer's Society and aims to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of these imaging techniques.
Brain Bank Studies in dementia with Lewy Bodies
Within our NIHR BRC we are conducting a series of inter-related studies examining different components of the neural networks underpinning DLB, and in particular the visual pathway, in human brain tissue in order to identify molecular abnormalities that underpin visual hallucinations in DLB.
Wider Dementia Research
As Director of Brains for Dementia Research I lead this national programme funded jointly by the Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Research UK. We have a cohort of >2500 people who are reviewed annually at one of our six centres (Newcastle, Bristol, London, Manchester, Cardiff and Oxford) using a wide range of clinical, behavioural and general health measures. All participants have agreed to brain tissue donation and so far over 700 people have donated brain tissue which is distributed to researchers from our participating brain banks.
Other Research
I direct a new MRC programme to establish a national nervous tissue resource for neuroscientists which involves collaborations with sites at UCL, KCL, Oxford, Swansea and Exeter,
I also contribute to several national, multicentre clinical trials and studies in dementia, such as the ESRC DETERMIND study, the MRC Deep and Frequent Phenotyping study, the NIHR HTA COBALT study of memantine in DLB and an NIHR HTA study to improve the management of depression in older people (ATLAS 75+)
Postgraduate: I teach on Vascular Dementia (on the Old Age Psychiatry module as part of the regional MRCPsych course).
External: I lecture on the British Association of Psychopharmacology module on Old Age Psychiatry on the Management of Mood Disorders.
- Hamilton CA, Gallagher P, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Barker SAH, Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Sustained attention in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2024, 30(5), 421-427.
- Walker L, Simpson H, Thomas AJ, Attems J. Prevalence, distribution, and severity of cerebral amyloid angiopathy differ between Lewy body diseases and Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2024, 12(1), 28.
- Pan X, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Chouliaras L, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ, Heslegrave AJ, Zetterberg H, McGuinness B, Passmore AP, Green BD, Kane JPM. Plasma metabolites distinguish dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional metabolomic analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2024, 15, 1326780.
- Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Ciafone J, Olsen K, Roberts G, Firbank M, Allan LM, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Outcomes of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease at 3 and 5 Years After Diagnosis. Neurology 2024, 103(2), e209499.
- Read S, Hicks B, Budden E, Douglass J, Grahamslaw A, Herrero E, Joseph G, Kirkup C, Pusey M, Russell A, Sondh H, Sondh S, Storey B, Towson G, Baxter K, Birks Y, Brayne C, Colclough C, Dangoor M, Dixon J, Donaghy P, Gridley K, Harris PR, Hu B, King D, Knapp M, Miles E, Mueller C, Perach R, Robinson L, Rusted J, Thomas AJ, Wittenberg R, Banerjee S. Long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of people with dementia and their family carers. Age and Ageing 2024, 53(1), afad233.
- Fernando R, Thomas A, Hamilton C, Durcan R, Barker S, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Firbank M, Roberts G, Lloyd J, Petrides G, Colloby S, Allan L, McKeith I, O'Brien J, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC. Identifying parkinsonism in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2024, 458, 122941.
- Grodstein F, Lemos B, Yang J, de Paiva Lopes K, Vialle RA, Seyfried N, Wang Y, Shireby G, Hannon E, Thomas A, Brookes K, Mill J, De Jager PL, Bennett DA. Genetic architecture of epigenetic cortical clock age in brain tissue from older individuals: alterations in CD46 and other loci. Epigenetics 2024, 19(1), 2392050.
- Firbank MJ, Collerton D, da Silva Morgan K, Schumacher J, Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Thomas A, Taylor JP. Functional connectivity in Lewy body disease with visual hallucinations. European Journal of Neurology 2024, 31(2), e16115.
- Hasoon J, Hamilton CA, Schumacher J, Colloby S, Donaghy PC, Thomas AJ, Taylor J-P. EEG Functional Connectivity Differences Predict Future Conversion to Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Body or Alzheimer Disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2024, 39(9), e6138.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Attems J, Donaghy PC, Erskine D, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Associations between multimorbidity and neuropathology in dementia: Consideration of functional cognitive disorders, psychiatric illness and dementia mimics. British Journal of Psychiatry 2024, 224(6), 237-244.
- Durcan R, Roberts G, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Howe K, Colloby SJ, Allan LM, Firbank M, Lawley S, Petrides GS, Lloyd JJ, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Serial Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies, Alzheimer Disease, and Age-Matched Controls. Neurology 2023, 101(12), e1196-e1205.
- Donaghy PC, Carrarini C, Ferreira D, Habich A, Aarsland D, Babiloni C, Bayram E, Kane JPM, Lewis SJG, Pilotto A, Thomas AJ, Bonanni L. Research diagnostic criteria for mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2023, 19(7), 3186-3202.
- Wright LM, Donaghy PC, Burn DJ, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Yarnall AJ, Matthews FE, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Lawson RA. Predicting cognitive decline using neuropsychiatric symptoms in prodromal Lewy body dementia: A longitudinal study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2023, 113, 105762.
- Hamilton CA, O'Brien JT, Heslegrave A, Laban R, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Roberts G, Firbank M, Taylor JP, Zetterberg H, Thomas AJ. Plasma Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies. Psychological Medicine 2023, 53(16), 7865-7873.
- Schumacher J, Ray NJ, Hamilton CA, Bergamino M, Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Watson R, Roberts G, Allan L, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ, Taylor J-P. Free water imaging of the cholinergic system in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2023, 19(10), 4549-4563.
- Donaghy PC, Hamilton C, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barker S, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Firbank M, Roberts G, Lloyd J, Allan LM, Saha R, McKeith IG, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Clinical symptoms in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: Frequency, time of onset, and discriminant ability. European Journal of Neurology 2023, 30(6), 1585-1593.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity participation in people with cognitive impairment in the North East of England. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2023, 95(1), 265-273.
- Katanga JA, Hamilton CA, Walker L, Attems J, Thomas AJ. Age-related hearing loss and dementia-related neuropathology: An analysis of the United Kingdom brains for dementia research cohort. Brain Pathology 2023, 33(6), e13188.
- Banerjee S, Farina N, Henderson C, High J, Stirling S, Shepstone L, Fountain J, Ballard C, Bentham P, Burns A, Fox C, Francis P, Howard R, Knapp M, Leroi I, Livingston G, Nilforooshan R, Nurock S, O'Brien J, Price A, Thomas AJ, Swart AM, Telling T, Tabet N. A pragmatic, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial to assess the safety, clinical and cost-effectiveness of mirtazapine and carbamazepine in people with Alzheimer’s disease and agitated behaviours: the HTA-SYMBAD trial. Health Technology Assessment 2023, 27(23).
- Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Petrides G, Lloyd J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Heslegrave A, Zetterberg H, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. The relationship between plasma biomarkers and amyloid PET in dementia with Lewy bodies. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2022, 101, 111-116.
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Barker S, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett N, Firbank M, Roberts G, Allan L, O'Brien J, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC. Olfactory Impairment in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer’s Disease. International Psychogeriatrics 2022, 34(Special Issue 6), 585-592.
- Donaghy PC, Ciafone J, Durcan R, Hamilton CA, Barker S, Lloyd J, Firbank M, Allan LM, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: neuropsychiatric supportive symptoms and cognitive profile. Psychological Medicine 2022, 52(6), 1147-1155.
- Pihlstrom L, Shireby G, Geut H, Henriksen SP, Rozemuller AJM, Tunold J-A, Hannon E, Francis P, Thomas AJ, Love S, Mill J, van de Berg WDJ, Toft M. Epigenome-wide association study of human frontal cortex identifies differential methylation in Lewy body pathology. Nature Communications 2022, 13(1), 4932.
- Shireby G, Dempster EL, Policicchio S, Smith RG, Pishva E, Chioza B, Davies JP, Burrage J, Lunnon K, Seiler Vellame D, Love S, Thomas A, Brookes K, Morgan K, Francis P, Hannon E, Mill J. DNA methylation signatures of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology in the cortex are primarily driven by variation in non-neuronal cell-types. Nature Communications 2022, 13(1), 5620.
- Chouliaras L, Thomas A, Malpetti M, Donaghy P, Kane J, Mak E, Savulich G, Prats-Sedano MA, Heslegrave AJ, Zetterberg H, Su L, Rowe JB, O'Brien JT. Differential levels of plasma biomarkers of neurodegeneration in Lewy body dementia, Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia and progressive supranuclear palsy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2022, 93(6), 651-658.
- Henderson C, Knapp M, Stirling S, Shepstone L, High J, Ballard C, Bentham P, Burns A, Farina N, Fox C, Fountain J, Francis P, Howard R, Leroi I, Livingston G, Nilforooshan R, Nurock S, O'Brien JT, Price A, Swart AM, Tabet N, Telling T, Thomas AJ, Banerjee S. Cost-effectiveness of mirtazapine for agitated behaviors in dementia: findings from a randomized controlled trial. International Psychogeriatrics 2022, 34(10), 905-917.
- Schumacher J, Ray NJ, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Roberts G, Allan L, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Cholinergic white matter pathways in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 2022, 145(5), 1173-1784.
- Roberts G, Kane JPM, Lloyd J, Firbank M, Donaghy PC, Petrides GS, Taylor J-P, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Can early phase cardiac [123I]mIBG images be used to diagnose Lewy body disease?. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2022, 43(7), 770-777.
- Hamilton CA, Frith J, Donaghy PC, Barker SAH, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Allan LM, O'Brien J, Yarnall AJ, Thomas AJ. Blood pressure and heart rate responses to orthostatic challenge and Valsalva manoeuvre in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022, 37(5).
- Donaghy PC, Cockell SJ, Martin-Ruiz C, Coxhead J, Kane J, Erskine D, Koss D, Taylor JP, Morris CM, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Blood mRNA expression in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022, 30(9), 964-975.
- Hamilton CA, Frith J, Donaghy PC, Barker SAH, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Allan LM, O'Brien JT, Yarnall AJ, Thomas AJ. Assessment of autonomic symptoms may assist with early identification of mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022, 37(4).
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Heslegrave A, Barker S, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Lett D, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC, Zetterberg H, O'Brien JT. A Longitudinal Study of Plasma pTau181 in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease. Movement Disorders 2022, 37(7), 1495-1504.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Firbank MJ, Lawley S, O'Brien JT, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021, 36(9), 1407-1414.
- Prats-Sedano MA, Savulich G, Surendranathan A, Donaghy PC, Thomas AJ, Rowe JB, Su L, O'Brien JT. The revised Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination can facilitate differentiation of dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer's disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021, 36(6), 831-838.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Donaghy P, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. The Impact of Environment on Gait Assessment: Considerations from Real-World Gait Analysis in Dementia Subtypes. Sensors 2021, 21(3), 813.
- Banerjee S, High J, Stirling S, Shepstone L, Swart AM, Telling T, Henderson C, Ballard C, Bentham P, Burns A, Farina N, Fox C, Francis P, Howard R, Knapp M, Leroi I, Livingston G, Nilforooshan R, Nurock S, O'Brien J, Price A, Thomas AJ, Tabet N. Study of mirtazapine for agitated behaviours in dementia (SYMBAD): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet 2021, 398(10310), 1487-1497.
- Hamilton C, Schumacher J, Matthews FE, Taylor JP, Allan L, Barnett N, Cromarty R, Donaghy P, Durcan R, Firbank M, Lawley S, O'Brien JT, Roberts G, Thomas A. Slowing on quantitative EEG is associated with transition to dementia in mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics 2021, 33(Special Issue 12), 1321-1325.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett NA, Olsen K, Durcan R, Roberts G, Ciafone J, Barker S, Firbank MJ, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Progression to dementia in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology 2021, 96(22), e2685-e2693.
- Matar E, White SR, Taylor J-P, Thomas A, McKeith IG, Kane JPM, Surendranathan A, Halliday GM, Lewis SJG, O'Brien JT. Progression of Clinical Features in Lewy Body Dementia Can Be Detected Over 6 Months. Neurology 2021, 97(10), e1031-e1040.
- Ciafone J, Thomas A, Durcan R, Donaghy P, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Roberts G, Colloby S, Firbank MJ, Allan L, Petrides G, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Gallagher P. Neuropsychological Impairments and Their Cognitive Architecture in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) with Lewy Bodies and MCI-Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2021, 28(9), 963-973.
- Hamilton C, Matthews FE, Erskine D, Attems J, Thomas AJ. Neurodegenerative brain changes are associated with area deprivation in the United Kingdom: findings from the Brains for Dementia Research study. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2021, 9, 198.
- Dunne RA, Aarsland D, O'Brien JT, Ballard C, Banerjee S, Fox NC, Isaacs JD, Underwood BR, Perry RJ, Chan D, Dening T, Thomas AJ, Schryer J, Jones A-M, Evans AR, Alessi C, Coulthard EJ, Pickett J, Elton P, Jones RW, Mitchell S, Hooper N, Kalafatis C, Rasmussen JGC, Martin H, Schott JM, Burns A. Mild cognitive impairment: the Manchester consensus. Age and Ageing 2021, 50(1), 72-80.
- Firbank MJ, O'Brien JT, Durcan R, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Lloyd J, Roberts G, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: blood perfusion with arterial spin labelling. Journal of Neurology 2021, 268, 1284-1294.
- Surendranathan A, Kane J, Bentley A, Barker S, McNally R, Bamford C, Taylor J-P, Thomas A, McKeith I, Burn D, O'Brien JT. Introduction of an assessment toolkit associated with increased rate of DLB diagnosis. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2021, 13, 50.
- O'Brien JT, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Bamford C, Vale L, Hill S, Allan L, Finch T, McNally R, Hayes L, Surendranathan A, Kane JPM, Dunn S, Bentley A, Barker S, Mason J, Burn D, Taylor J-P. Introduction of a management toolkit for Lewy body dementia: A pilot cluster randomised trial. Movement Disorders 2021, 36(1), 143-151.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Cromarty RA, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. In vivo nucleus basalis of Meynert degeneration in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. NeuroImage: Clinical 2021, 30, 102604.
- Firbank MJ, Durcan R, O'Brien JT, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Hippocampal and insula volume in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2021, 86, 27-33.
- Lawingco T, Chaudhury S, Brookes KJ, Guetta-Baranes T, Guerreiro R, Bras J, Hardy J, Francis P, Thomas A, Belbin O, Morgan K. Genetic variants in glutamate-, Aβ−, and tau-related pathways determine polygenic risk for Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging 2021, 101, 299.e13-299.e21.
- Hannon E, Shireby GL, Brookes K, Attems J, Sims R, Cairns NJ, Love S, Thomas AJ, Morgan K, Francis PT, Mill J. Genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease influences neuropathology via multiple biological pathways. Brain Communications 2021, 2(2), fcaa167.
- Schumacher J, Thomas AJ, Peraza LR, Firbank M, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P. Functional connectivity of the nucleus basalis of Meynert in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. International Psychogeriatrics 2021, 33(1), 89-94.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Journal of Neurology 2021, 268, 4707-4720.
- McAleese KE, Miah M, Graham S, Hadfield GM, Walker L, Johnson M, Colloby SJ, Thomas AJ, DeCarli C, Koss D, Attems J. Frontal white matter lesions in Alzheimer’s disease are associated with both small vessel disease and AD-associated cortical pathology. Acta Neuropathologica 2021, 142, 937-950.
- O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Bamford C, Vale L, Hill S, Allan L, Finch T, McNally R, Hayes L, Surendranathan A, Kane J, Chrysos AE, Bentley A, Barker S, Mason J, Burn D, McKeith I. DTC-RP-PG-0311-12001: Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Neurodegenerative Dementia of Lewy Body Type in the NHS (DIAMOND-Lewy Programme). NIHR Journals Library 2021, 9(7).
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett N, Olsen K, Lloyd J, Petrides G, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease: a prospective cohort study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021, 29(3), 272-284.
- Roberts G, Lloyd JJ, Kane JPM, Durcan R, Lawley S, Howe K, Petrides GS, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Cardiac 123I-MIBG normal uptake values are population-specific: Results from a cohort of controls over 60 years of age. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 2021, 28, 1692-1701.
- Mc Ardle R, Pratt S, Buckley C, Del Din S, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L, Alcock L. Balance Impairments as Differential Markers of Dementia Disease Subtype. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2021, 9, 639337.
- Roberts G, Donaghy PC, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Petrides G, Colloby SJ, Lawley S, Ciafone J, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Allan L, Barnett N, Barker S, Olsen K, Howe K, Ali T, Taylor JP, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Accuracy of dopaminergic imaging as a biomarker for mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2021, 218(5), 276-282.
- Roberts G, Durcan R, Donaghy PC, Lawley S, Ciafone J, Hamilton CA, Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, Allan L, Barnett N, Barker S, Howe K, Ali T, Petrides GS, Lloyd J, Taylor J-P, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Accuracy of Cardiac Innervation Scintigraphy for Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies. Neurology 2021, 96(23), e2801-e2811.
- Smith RG, Pishva E, Shireby G, Smith AR, Roubroeks JAY, Hannon E, Wheildon G, Mastroeni D, Gasparoni G, Riemenschneider M, Giese A, Sharp AJ, Schalkwyk L, Haroutunian V, Viechtbauer W, van den Hove DLA, Weedon M, Brokaw D, Francis PT, Thomas AJ, Love S, Morgan K, Walter J, Coleman PD, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Mill J, Lunnon K. A meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies in Alzheimer’s disease highlights novel differentially methylated loci across cortex. Nature Communications 2021, 12(1), 3517.
- Revie L, Hamilton CA, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Thomas AJ, Metzler-Baddeley C. Visuo-Perceptual and Decision-Making Contributions to Visual Hallucinations in Mild Cognitive Impairment in Lewy Body Disease: Insights from a Drift Diffusion Analysis. Brain Sciences 2020, 10(8), 540.
- McKeith IG, Ferman TJ, Thomas AJ, Blanc F, Boeve BF, Fujishiro H, Kantarci K, Muscio C, O'Brien JT, Postuma RB, Aarsland D, Ballard C, Bonanni L, Donaghy P, Emre M, Galvin JE, Galasko D, Goldman JG, Gomperts SN, Honig LS, Ikeda M, Leverenz J, Lewis SJG, Marder KS, Masellis M, Salmon DP, Taylor JP, Tsuang DW, Walker Z, Tiraboschi P. Research criteria for the diagnosis of prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurology 2020, 94(17), 743-755.
- Shireby GL, Davies JP, Francis PT, Burrage J, Walker EM, Neilson GWA, Dahir A, Thomas AJ, Love S, Smith RG, Lunnon K, Kumari M, Schalkwyk LC, Morgan K, Brookes K, Hannon E, Mill J. Recalibrating the epigenetic clock: implications for assessing biological age in the human cortex. Brain : a journal of neurology 2020, 143(12), 3763-3775.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Cromarty RA, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Quantitative EEG as a biomarker in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2020, 12(1), 82.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett N, Olsen K, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Prospective predictors of decline versus stability in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease. Psychological Medicine 2020, 51(15), 2590-2598.
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Martin-Ruiz C, Morris CM, Barnett N, Olsen K, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT. Prospective Longitudinal Evaluation of Cytokines in mild cognitive impairment due to AD and Lewy Body Disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(10), 1250-1259.
- Durcan R, Donaghy PC, Barnett NA, Olsen K, Yarnall AJ, Taylor J-P, McKeith I, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Prevalence and severity of symptoms suggestive of gastroparesis in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 34(7), 990-998.
- Liu KY, Reeves S, McAleese KE, Attems J, Francis P, Thomas A, Howard R. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy and Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology 2020, 143(12), 3842-3849.
- Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Mitra D, Petrides G, Lloyd J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. Microbleeds in dementia with Lewy bodies. Journal of Neurology 2020, 267, 1491-1498.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Donaghy P, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. Factors that influence habitual activity in mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Gerontology 2020, 66, 197-208.
- Schumacher J, Thomas AJ, Peraza LR, Firbank M, Cromarty R, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP. EEG alpha reactivity and cholinergic system integrity in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers' Research & Therapy 2020, 12, 46.
- Stylianou M, Zaaimi B, Thomas A, Taylor J-P, LeBeau FEN. Early Disruption of Cortical Sleep-Related Oscillations in a Mouse Model of Dementia With Lewy Bodies (DLB) Expressing Human Mutant (A30P) Alpha-Synuclein. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020, 14, 579867.
- Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Petrides G, Lloyd J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. Diffusion imaging in dementia with Lewy bodies: Associations with amyloid burden, atrophy, vascular factors and clinical features. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2020, 78, 109-115.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. Differentiating dementia disease subtypes with gait analysis: feasibility of wearable sensors? . Gait & Posture 2020, 76, 372-376.
- Farina N, Hicks B, Baxter K, Birks Y, Brayne C, Dangoor M, Dixon J, Harris PR, Hu B, Knapp M, Miles E, Perach R, Read S, Robinson L, Rusted J, Stewart R, Thomas A, Wittenberg R, Banerjee S. DETERMinants of quality of life, care and costs, and consequences of INequalities in people with Dementia and their carers (DETERMIND): A protocol paper. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(3), 290-301.
- McAleese KE, Walker L, Erskine D, Johnson M, Koss D, Thomas AJ, Attems J. Concomitant LATE-NC in Alzheimer's disease is not associated with increased tau or amyloid-β pathological burden. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 2020, 46(7), 722-734.
- Surendranathan A, Kane JPM, Bentley A, Barker SAH, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ, Allan LM, McNally RJQ, James PW, McKeith IG, Burn DJ, O'Brien JT. Clinical diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. BJ Psych Open 2020, 6(4), e61.
- Roberts G, Lloyd JJ, Petrides GS, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Cardiac 123I-MIBG planar heart to mediastinum ratios depend on patient size; Phantom studies suggest SPECT-CT could improve quantification. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 2020, 6(1), 015011.
- Donaghy PC, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Lloyd J, Petrides G, Barnett N, Olsen K, O'Brien JT. Amyloid imaging and longitudinal clinical progression in dementia with Lewy bodies. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 28(5), 573-577.
- Roberts G, Lloyd JJ, Jefferson E, Kane JPM, Durcan R, Lawley S, Petrides GS, Howe K, Haq I, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Uniformity of cardiac 123I-MIBG uptake on SPECT images in older adults with normal cognition and patients with dementia. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 2019, ePub ahead of Print.
- Schumacher J, Cromarty R, Gallagher P, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Kaiser M, Blamire AM, O'Brien JT, Peraza LR, Taylor JP. Structural correlates of attention dysfunction in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease: an ex-Gaussian analysis. Journal of Neurology 2019, 266(7), 1716–1726.
- King E, O'Brien JT, Donaghy P, Morris C, Barnett N, Olsen K, Martin-Ruiz C, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Peripheral inflammation in mild cognitive impairment with possible and probable Lewy body disease and Alzheimer’s disease. International Psychogeriatrics 2019, 31(4), 551-560.
- Erskine D, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Collerton D, McKeith I, Khundakar A, Attems J, Morris C. Pathological Changes to the Subcortical Visual System and its Relationship to Visual Hallucinations in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Neuroscience Bulletin 2019, 35, 295-300.
- Patterson L, Firbank MJ, Colloby SJ, Attems J, Thomas AJ, Morris CM. Neuropathological Changes in Dementia With Lewy Bodies and the Cingulate Island Sign. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 2019, 78(8), 717–724.
- King E, O'Brien J, Donaghy P, Williams-Gray CH, Lawson RA, Morris CM, Barnett N, Olsen K, Martin-Ruiz C, Burn DJ, Yarnall AJ, Taylor JP, Duncan GW, Khoo TK, Thomas A. Inflammation in Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Parkinson’s disease, Lewy Body disease and Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019, 34(8), 1244-1250.
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- O'Dowd S, Schumacher J, Burn DJ, Bonanni L, Onofrj M, Thomas A, Taylor J-P. Fluctuating cognition in the Lewy body dementias. Brain : A Journal of Neurology 2019, 142(11), 3338-3350.
- McAleese KE, Graham S, Dey M, Walker L, Erskine D, Johnson M, Johnston E, Thomas AJ, McKeith IG, DeCarli C, Attems J. Extravascular fibrinogen in the white matter of Alzheimer’s disease and normal aged brains: implications for fibrinogen as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Pathology 2019, 29(3), 414-424.
- Schumacher J, Peraza LR, Firbank M, Thomas AJ, Kaiser M, Gallagher P, OBrien JT, Blamire AM, Taylor JP. Dysfunctional brain dynamics and their origin in Lewy body dementia. Brain 2019, 142(6), 1767-1782.
- Schumacher J, Thomas AJ, Taylor J-P. Dynamic functional connectivity changes in Lewy body disease. Brain 2019, 142(12), e68-e68.
- Schumacher J, Peraza LR, Firbank M, Thomas AJ, Kaiser M, Gallagher P, O'Brien JT, Blamire AM, Taylor J-P. Dynamic functional connectivity changes in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage: Clinical 2019, 22, 101812.
- Mc Ardle R, Galna B, Donaghy P, Thomas A, Rochester L. Do Alzheimer’s and Lewy body disease have discrete pathological signatures of gait?. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2019, 15(10), 1367-1377.
- Thomas A, Donaghy P, Roberts G, Colloby SJ, Barnett NA, Petrides G, Lloyd J, Olsen K, Taylor J-P, McKeith I, O'Brien JT. Diagnostic Accuracy of Dopaminergic Imaging in Prodromal Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Psychological Medicine 2019, 49(3), 396-402.
- Outeiro TF, Koss DJ, Erskine D, Walker L, Kurzawa-Akanbi M, Burn DJ, Donaghy P, Morris CM, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ, Attems J, McKeith IG. Dementia with Lewy bodies: an update and outlook. Molecular Neurodegeneration 2019, 14, 5.
- Patterson L, Rushton SP, Attems J, Thomas AJ, Morris CM. Degeneration of dopaminergic circuitry influences depressive symptoms in Lewy body disorders. Brain Pathology 2019, 29(4), 544-557.
- Koychev I, Lawson J, Chessell T, Mackay C, Gunn R, Sahakian B, Rowe JB, Thomas AJ, Rochester L, Chan D, Tom B, Malhotra P, Ballard C, Chessell I, Ritchie CW, Raymont V, Leroi I, Lengyel I, Murray M, Thomas DL, Gallacher J, Lovestone S. Deep and Frequent Phenotyping study protocol: An observational study in prodromal Alzheimer's disease. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3), e024498.
- Mak E, Donaghy P, McKiernan E, Firbank M, Lloyd J, Petrides G, Thomas A, O'Brien J. Beta-amyloid deposition maps onto hippocampal and subiculum atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurobiology of Aging 2019, 73, 74-81.
- Roberts G, Kane JPM, Lloyd JJ, Petrides GS, Howe K, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. A comparison of visual and semi-quantitative analysis methods for planar cardiac 123I-MIBG scintigraphy in dementia with Lewy bodies. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2019, 40(7), 734-743.
- Kane JPM, Roberts G, Petrides GS, Lloyd JJ, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. 123I-MIBG scintigraphy utility and cut-off value in a clinically representative dementia cohort. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019, 62, 79-84.
- Roberts G, Lloyd JJ, Petrides GS, Donaghy PC, Kane JPM, Durcan R, Lawley S, Howe K, Sims AJ, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. 123I-FP-CIT striatal binding ratios do not decrease significantly with age in older adults. Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2019, 33(6), 434-443.
- Cromarty RA, Schumacher J, Graziadio S, Gallagher P, Killen A, Firbank MJ, Blamire A, Kaiser M, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Peraza LR, Taylor J-P. Structural Brain Correlates of Attention Dysfunction in Lewy Body Dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2018, 10, 347.
- Thomas AJ, Taylor JP, McKeith I, Bamford C, Burn D, Allan L, O'Brien J. Revision of assessment toolkits for improving the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia: The DIAMOND Lewy study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018, 33(10), 1293-1304.
- Stylianou M, Murphy N, Peraza LR, Graziadio S, Cromarty R, Killen A, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ, LeBeau FEN, Taylor J-P. Quantitative electroencephalography as a marker of cognitive fluctuations in dementia with Lewy bodies and aid to differential diagnosis. Clinical Neurophysiology 2018, 129(6), 1209-1220.
- King E, O'Brien JT, Donaghy P, Morris C, Barnett N, Olsen K, Martin-Ruiz C, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Peripheral inflammation in prodromal Alzheimer’s and Lewy body dementias. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2018, 89(4), 339-345.
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- Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett N, Olsen K, Colloby SJ, Lloyd J, Petrides G, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive profile in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Psychological Medicine 2018, 48(14), 2384-2390.
- Erskine D, Ding J, Thomas AJ, Kaganovich A, Khundakar AA, Hanson PS, Taylor JP, McKeith IG, Attems J, Cookson MR, Morris CM. Molecular changes in the absence of severe pathology in the pulvinar in dementia with Lewy bodies. Movement Disorders 2018, 33(6), 982-991.
- Thomas AJ, Mahin-Babaei F, Saidi M, Lett D, Taylor JP, Walker L, Attems J. Improving the identification of dementia with Lewy bodies in the context of an Alzheimer’s-type dementia. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018, 10(1), 27.
- Mc Ardle R, Morris R, Hickey A, Del Din S, Koychev I, Gunn RN, Lawson J, Zamboni G, Ridha B, Sahakian BJ, Rowe JB, Thomas A, Zetterberg H, MacKay C, Lovestone S, Rochester L. Gait in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease: Feasibility of Multi-Center Measurement in the Clinic and Home with Body-Worn Sensors: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018, 63(1), 331-341.
- Schumacher J, Peraza LR, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Kaiser M, Gallagher P, O'Brien JT, Blamire AM, Taylor J-T. Functional connectivity in dementia with Lewy bodies: A within- and between-network analysis. Human Brain Mapping 2018, 39(3), 1118-1129.
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- Peraza LR, Cromarty RA, Kobeleva X, Firbank MJ, Killen A, Graziadio S, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P. Electroencephalographic derived network differences in Lewy body dementia compared to Alzheimer’s disease patients. Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 4637.
- Kane JPM, Surendranathan A, Bentley A, Barker SAH, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ, Allan LM, McNally RJ, James PW, McKeith IG, Burn DJ, O'Brien JT. Clinical prevalence of Lewy body dementia. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2018, 10, 19.
- Donaghy PC, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Lloyd J, Petrides G, Barnett N, Olsen K, O'Brien JT. Clinical and imaging correlates of amyloid deposition in dementia with Lewy bodies. Movement Disorders 2018, 33(7), 1130-1138.
- Vasudev A, Firbank MJ, Gati JS, Ionson E, Thomas AJ. BOLD activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in patients with late life depression and comparison participants. International Psychogeriatrics 2018, 30(5), 629-634.
- Koychev I, Galna B, Zetterberg H, Lawson J, Zamboni G, Ridha BH, Rowe JB, Thomas A, Howard R, Malhotra P, Ritchie C, Lovestone S, Rochester L. Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ42/Aβ38 Ratios Are Associated with Measures of Gait Variability and Activities of Daily Living in Mild Alzheimer's Disease: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018, 65(4), 1377-1383.
- Lloyd JJ, Petrides G, Donaghy PC, Colloby SJ, Attems J, O'Brien JT, Roberts G, Thomas AJ. A new visual rating scale for Ioflupane imaging in Lewy body disease. NeuroImage: Clinical 2018, 20, 823-829.
- Mcaleese KE, Walker L, Erskine D, Thomas AJ, Mckeith IG, Attems J. TDP-43 pathology in Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and ageing. Brain Pathology 2017, 27(4), 472-479.
- King E, Thomas A. Systemic Inflammation in Lewy Body Diseases: A Systematic Review. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 2017, 31(4), 346-356.
- Donaghy PC, Barnett N, Olsen K, Taylor J-P, McKeith IG, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Symptoms associated with Lewy body disease in mild cognitive impairment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017, 32(11), 1163-1171.
- Erskine D, Thomas AJ, Attems J, Taylor JP, McKeith IG, Morris CM, Khundakar AA. Specific patterns of neuronal loss in the pulvinar nucleus in dementia with Lewy bodies. Movement Disorders 2017, 32(3), 414-422.
- Walker L, McAleese KE, Johnson M, Khundakar AA, Erskine D, Thomas AJ, McKeith IG, Attems J. Quantitative neuropathology: an update on automated methodologies and implicationsfor large scale cohorts. Journal of Neural Transmission 2017, 124(6), 671-683.
- Koychev I, Gunn RN, Firouzian A, Lawson J, Zamboni G, Ridha B, Sahakian BJ, Rowe JB, Thomas A, Rochester L, Ffytche D, Howard R, Zetterberg H, MacKay C, Lovestone S. PET tau and amyloid-β burden in mild Alzheimer's disease: Divergent relationship with age, cognition, and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2017, 60(1), 283-293.
- McAleese KE, Walker L, Graham S, Moya ELJ, Johnson M, Erskine D, Colloby SJ, Dey M, Martin-Ruiz C, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ, McKeith IG, De Carli C, Attems J. Parietal white matter lesions in Alzheimer's disease are associated with cortical neurodegenerative pathology, but not with small vessel disease. Acta Neuropathologica 2017, 134(3), 459-473.
- Erskine D, Thomas AJ, Taylor JP, Savage MA, Attems J, McKeith IG, Morris CM, Khundakar AA. Neuronal Loss and Α-Synuclein Pathology in the Superior Colliculus and Its Relationship to Visual Hallucinations in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017, 25(6), 595-604.
- Kobeleva X, Firbank M, Peraza L, Gallagher P, Thomas A, Burn DJ, O'Brien J, Taylor JP. Divergent functional connectivity during attentional processing in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Cortex 2017, 92, 8-18.
- Thomas AJ, Taylor JP, Mckeith I, Bamford C, Burn D, Allan L, O'Brien J. Development of assessment toolkits for improving the diagnosis of the Lewy body dementias: Feasibility study within the DIAMOND Lewy study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017, 32(12), 1280-1304.
- Thomas AJ, Attems J, Colloby SJ, O'Brien JT, Mckeith I, Walker R, Lee L, Burn D, Lett DJ, Walker Z. Autopsy validation of 123 I-FP-CIT dopaminergic neuroimaging for the diagnosis of DLB. Neurology 2017, 88(3), 276-283.
- Mak E, Colloby SJ, Thomas A, O'Brien JT. The segregated connectome of late-life depression: a combined cortical thickness and structural covariance analysis. Neurobiology of Aging 2016, 48, 212-221.
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- Killen A, Flynn D, De Brún A, O'Brien N, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ, McKeith I, Taylor JP. Support and information needs following a diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. International Psychogeriatrics 2016, 28(3), 495-501.
- McKeith I, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Donaghy P, Kane J. Revisiting DLB Diagnosis: A Consideration of Prodromal DLB and of the Diagnostic Overlap With Alzheimer Disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 2016, 29(5), 249-253.
- Firbank M, Kobeleva X, Cherry G, Killen A, Gallagher P, Burn DJ, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP. Neural correlates of attention-executive dysfunction in lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Human Brain Mapping 2016, 37(3), 1254-1270.
- Chen A, Akinyemi RO, Hase Y, Firbank MJ, Ndung'u MN, Foster V, Craggs LJL, Washida K, Okamoto Y, Thomas AJ, Polvikoski TM, Allan LM, Oakley AE, O'Brien JT, Horsburgh K, Ihara M, Kalaria RN. Frontal white matter hyperintensities, clasmatodendrosis and gliovascular abnormalities in ageing and post-stroke dementia. Brain 2016, 139(1), 242-258.
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- Vallortigara J, Whitfield D, Quelch W, Alghamdi A, Howlett D, Hortobágyi T, Johnson M, Attems J, O'Brien JT, Thomas A, Ballard CG, Aarsland D, Francis PT. Decreased Levels of VAMP2 and Monomeric Alpha-Synuclein Correlate with Duration of Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2016, 50(1), 101-110.
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- Khundakar AA, Hanson PS, Erskine D, Lax NZ, Roscamp J, Karyka E, Tsefou E, Singh P, Cockell SJ, Gribben A, Ramsay L, Blain PJ, Mosimann UP, Lett DJ, Elstner M, Turnbull DM, Xiang CC, Brownstein MJ, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Attems J, Thomas AJ, McKeith IG, Morris CM. Analysis of primary visual cortex in dementia with Lewy bodies indicates GABAergic involvement associated with recurrent complex visual hallucinations. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2016, 4, 66.
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- O'Brien JT, Thomas A. Vascular dementia. The Lancet 2015, 386(10004), 1698-1706.
- Khundakar AA, Thomas AJ. Neuropathology of Depression in Alzheimer's Disease: Current Knowledge and the Potential for New Treatments. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2015, 44(1), 27-41.
- Walker L, McAleese KE, Thomas AJ, Johnson M, Martin-Ruiz C, Parker C, Colloby SJ, Jellinger K, Attems J. Neuropathologically mixed Alzheimer's and Lewy body disease: burden of pathological protein aggregates differs between clinical phenotypes. Acta Neuropathologica 2015, 129(5), 729-748.
- Olsen K, Howel D, Barber R, Ford GA, Gallagher P, McAllister-Williams RH, Nilsson J, O'Brien J, Parker J, Thomas A. Lessons from a pilot and feasibility randomised trial in depression (Blood pressure Rapid Intensive Lowering And Normal Treatment for Mood and cognition in persistent depression (BRILiANT mood study)). Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2015, 1(44).
- Whitfield DR, Vallortigara J, Alghamdi A, Hortobgyi T, Ballard C, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Aarsland D, Francis PT. Depression and Synaptic Zinc Regulation in Alzheimer Disease, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, and Parkinson Disease Dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 23(2), 141-148.
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- McAleese K, Firbank M, Dey M, Colloby SJ, Walker L, Johnson M, Beverley JR, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Attems J. Cortical tau load is associated with white matter hyperintensities. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2015, 3, 60.
- Tiraboschi P, Attems J, Thomas A, Brown A, Jaros E, Lett DJ, Ossola M, Perry RH, Ramsay L, Walker L, McKeith IG. Clinicians' ability to diagnose dementia with Lewy bodies is not affected by β Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE -amyloid load. Neurology 2015, 84(5), 496-499.
- Erskine D, Taylor JP, Firbank MJ, Patterson L, Onofrj M, O'Brien JT, McKeith IG, Attems J, Thomas AJ, Morris CM, Khundakar AA. Changes to the lateral geniculate nucleus in Alzheimer's disease but not dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 2015, 42(4), 366–376.
- Donaghy P, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. Amyloid PET Imaging in Lewy Body Disorders. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 23(1), 23-37.
- Ballard C, Thomas A, Gerry S, Yu LM, Aarsland D, Merritt C, Corbett A, Davison C, Sharma N, Khan Z, Creese B, Loughlin P, Bannister C, Burns A, Win SN, Walker Z, MAIN-AD Investigators. A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Withdrawal Trial Comparing Memantine and Antipsychotics for the Long-Term Treatment of Function and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in People With Alzheimer's Disease (MAIN-AD). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2015, 16(4), 316-322.
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- Lee DR, McKeith I, Mosimann U, Ghosh-Nodial A, Grayson L, Wilson B, Thomas AJ. The Dementia Cognitive Fluctuation Scale, a New Psychometric Test for Clinicians to Identify Cognitive Fluctuations in People with Dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014, 22(9), 926-935.
- Mandler M, Walker L, Santic R, Hanson P, Upadhaya AR, Colloby SJ, Morris CM, Thal DR, Thomas AJ, Schneeberger A, Attems J. Pyroglutamylated amyloid-β is associated with hyperphosphorylated tau and severity of Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathologica 2014, 128(1), 67-79.
- Foster V, Oakley AE, Slade JY, Hall R, Polvikoski TM, Burke M, Thomas AJ, Khundakar A, Allan LM, Kalaria RN. Pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex in post-stroke, vascular and other ageing-related dementias. Brain 2014, 137(9), 2509-2521.
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- Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Brooks WS, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Haan E, Hernandez I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimon J, Lleo A, Blesa R, Waldo ML, Nilsson K, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung GYR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wassermann EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky R, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Deschamps W, Van Langenhove T, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Le Ber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Spillantini MG, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Snowden JS, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Conidi ME, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EGP, Seelaar H, Al Pijnenburg Y, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang HH, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Kapogiannis D, Ferrucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Hardy J, Momeni P. Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study. Lancet Neurology 2014, 13(7), 686-699.
- Vallortigara J, Rangarajan S, Whitfield D, Alghamdi A, Howlett D, Hortobagyi T, Johnson M, Attems J, Ballard C, Thomas A, O'Brien J, Aarsland D, Francis P. Dynamin1 concentration in the prefrontal cortex is associated with cognitive impairment in Lewy body dementia. F1000Research 2014, 3, 108.
- Khundakar AA, Thomas AJ. Cellular Morphometry in Late-Life Depression: A Review of Postmortem Studies. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014, 22(2), 122-132.
- Whitfield DR, Vallortigara J, Alghamdi A, Howlett D, Hortobagyi T, Johnson M, Attems J, Newhouse S, Ballard C, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Aarsland D, Francis PT. Assessment of ZnT3 and PSD95 protein levels in Lewy body dementias and Alzheimer's disease: association with cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging 2014, 35(12), 2836-2844.
- Bohr IJ, Kenny E, Blamire A, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ, Richardson J, Kaiser M. Resting-state functional connectivity in late-life depression: higher global connectivity and more long distance connections. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2013, 3, 116.
- Vasudev A, Thomas AJ, Grunze H. Pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, 2013(4).
- Allan LM, Rowan EN, Thomas AJ, Polvikoski JT, O'Brien JT, Kalaria RN. Long-term incidence of depression and predictors of depressive symptoms in older stroke survivors. British Journal of Psychiatry 2013, n/a, n/a.
- Lee DR, McKeith I, Mosimann U, Ghosh-Nodyal A, Thomas AJ. Examining carer stress in dementia: the role of subtype diagnosis and neuropsychiatric symptoms. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2013, 28(2), 135-141.
- Romeo R, Knapp M, Hellier J, Dewey M, Ballard C, Baldwin R, Bentham P, Burns A, Fox C, Holmes C, Katona C, Lawton C, Lindesay J, Livingston G, McCrae N, Moniz-Cook E, Murray J, Nurock S, O'Brien J, Poppe M, Thomas A, Walwyn R, Wilson K, Banerjee S. Cost-effectiveness analyses for mirtazapine and sertraline in dementia: randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry 2013, 202(2), 121-128.
- Vasudev A, Saxby BK, O'Brien JT, Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, Brooker H, Wesnes K, Thomas AJ. Relationship Between Cognition, Magnetic Resonance White Matter Hyperintensities, and Cardiovascular Autonomic Changes in Late-Life Depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2012, 20(8), 691-699.
- Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, He JB, Thomas AJ, Vasudev A, Parry SW, O'Brien JT. Regional cerebral blood flow in late-life depression: arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance study. British Journal of Psychiatry 2012, 200(2), 150-155.
- Lee D, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Assessment of cognitive fluctuation in dementia: a systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2012, 27(10), 989-998.
- Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Vasudev A, Parry SW, O'Brien JT. White matter changes in late-life depression: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011, 135(1-3), 216-220.
- Khundakar A, Morris C, Thomas AJ. The immunhistochemical examination of GABAergic interneuron markers in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of patients with late-life depression. International Psychogeriatrics 2011, 23(4), 644-653.
- Banerjee S, Hellier J, Dewey M, Romeo R, Ballard C, Baldwin R, Bentham P, Fox C, Holmes C, Katona C, Knapp M, Lawton C, Lindesay J, Livingston G, McCrae N, Moniz-Cook E, Murray J, Nurock S, Orrell M, O'Brien J, Poppe M, Thomas A, Walwyn R, Wilson K, Burns A. Sertraline or mirtazapine for depression in dementia (HTA-SADD): a randomised, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2011, 378(9789), 403-411.
- Colloby SJ, Vasudev A, O'Brien JT, Firbank MJ, Parry SW, Thomas AJ. Relationship of orthostatic blood pressure to white matter hyperintensities and subcortical volumes in late-life depression. British Journal of Psychiatry 2011, 199(5), 404-410.
- Tsopelas C, Stewart R, Savva GM, Brayne C, Ince P, Thomas A, Matthews FE, Med Res Council Cognitive Function. Neuropathological correlates of late-life depression in older people. British Journal of Psychiatry 2011, 198(2), 109-114.
- Khundakar A, Morris C, Oakley A, Thomas AJ. Morphometric analysis of neuronal and glial cell pathology in the caudate nucleus in late-life depression. American Journal Geriatric Psychiatry 2011, 19(2), 132-141.
- Allan LM, Rowan EN, Firbank MJ, Thomas AJ, Parry SW, Polvikoski TM, O'Brien JT, Kalaria RN. Long term incidence of dementia, predictors of mortality and pathological diagnosis in older stroke survivors. Brain 2011, 134(12), 3716-3727.
- Khundakar A, Morris C, Slade J, Thomas AJ. Examination of glucose transporter-1, transforming growth factor-β and neuroglobin immunoreactivity in the orbitofrontal cortex in late-life depression. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2011, 65(2), 158-164.
- Kohler S, Ashton CH, Marsh R, Thomas AJ, Barnett NA, O'Brien JT. Electrophysiological changes in late life depression and their relation to structural brain changes. International Psychogeriatrics 2011, 23(1), 141-148.
- Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, Vasudev A, Parry SW, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. Cortical thickness and VBM-DARTEL in late-life depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011, 133(1-2), 158-164.
- O'Brien JT, Burns A, on behalf of the BAP Dementia Consensus Group. Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: a revised (second) consensus statement from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2011, 25(8), 997-1019.
- Khundakar AA, Morris CM, Oakley AE, Thomas AJ. Cellular pathology within the anterior cingulate cortex of patients with late-life depression: A morphometric study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2011, 194(2), 184-189.
- Vasudev A, O'Brien JT, Tan MP, Parry SW, Thomas AJ. A study of orthostatic hypotension, heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity in late-life depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011, 131(1-3), 374-378.
- Khundakar A, Morris C, Oakley A, Thomas AJ. A morphometric examination of neuronal and glial cell pathology in the orbitofrontal cortex in late-life depression. International Psychogeriatrics 2011, 23(1), 132-140.
- Kohler S, Thomas AJ, Lloyd A, Barber R, Almeida OP, O'Brien JT. White matter hyperintensities, cortisol levels, brain atrophy and continuing cognitive deficits in late-life depression. British Journal of Psychiatry 2010, 196(2), 143-149.
- Köhler S, Thomas AJ, Barnett NA, O'Brien JT. The pattern and course of cognitive impairment in late-life depression. Psychological Medicine 2010, 40(4), 591-602.
- Kenny ER, O'Brien JT, Cousins DA, Richardson J, Thomas AJ, Firbank MJ, Blamire AM. Functional Connectivity in Late-Life Depression Using Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2010, 18(7), 643-651.
- Kohler S, van Boxtel MPJ, van Os J, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Jolles J, Verhey FRJ, Allardyce J. Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Decline in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2010, 58(5), 873-879.
- Khundakar A, Morris C, Oakley A, McMeekin W, Thomas AJ. Morphometric analysis of neuronal and glial cell pathology in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in late-life depression. British Journal of Psychiatry 2009, 195(2), 163-169.
- Goodwin GM, Psychopharmacology CGotBAf. Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised second edition - recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2009, 23(4), 346-388.
- Richardson J, Kerr SRJ, Shaw F, Kenny RA, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. A Study of Orthostatic Hypotension in Late-Life Depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2009, 17(11), 996-999.
- Thomas AJ, Gallagher P, Robinson LJ, Porter RJ, Young AH, Ferrier IN, O'Brien JT. A comparison of neurocognitive impairment in younger and older adults with major depression. Psychological Medicine 2009, 39(5), 725-733.
- Thomas AJ, Hendriksen M, Piggott M, Ferrier IN, Perry E, Ince P, O'Brien JT. A study of the serotonin transporter in the prefrontal cortex in late-life depression and Alzheimer's disease with and without depression. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 2006, 32(3), 296-303.
- Ballard C, Margallo-Lana M, Juszczak E, Douglas S, Swann A, Thomas A, O'Brien J, Everratt A, Sadler S, Maddison C, Lee L, Bannister C, Elvish R, Jacoby R. Quetiapine and rivastigmine and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease: Randomised double blind placebo controlled trial. British Medical Journal 2005, 330(7496), 874-877.
- Thomas AJ, Davis S, Morris C, Jackson E, Harrison R, O'Brien JT. Increase in interleukin-1 beta in late-life depression. American Journal of Psychiatry 2005, 162(1), 175-177.
- Thomas A, Ballard C, Kenny RA, O'Brien J, Oakley A, Kalaria R. Correlation of entorhinal amyloid with memory in Alzheimer's and vascular but not Lewy body dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2005, 19(2-3), 57-60.
- Thomas AJ, Burn DJ, Rowan EN, Littlewood E, Newby J, Cousins D, Pakrasi S, Richardson J, Sanders J, McKeith IG. A comparison of the efficacy of donepezil in parkinson's disease with dementia and dementia with lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2005, 20(10), 938-944.
- Hellstrom-Lindahl E, Court J, Keverne J, Svedberg M, Lee M, Marutle A, Thomas A, Perry E, Bednar I, Nordberg A. Nicotine reduces Aβ in the brain and cerebral vessels of APPsw mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 2004, 19(10), 2703-2710.
- Hendricksen M, Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Ince P, O'Brien JT. Neuropathological study of the dorsal raphe nuclei in late-life depression and Alzheimer's disease with and without depression. American Journal of Psychiatry 2004, 161(6), 1096-1102.
- Thomas AJ, Davis S, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, O'Brien JT. Elevation of cell adhesion molecule immunoreactivity in the anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2004, 55(6), 652-655.
- Ballard CG, Thomas A, Fossey J, Lee L, Jacoby R, Lana MM, Bannister C, McShane R, Swann A, Juszczak E, O'Brien JT. A 3-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, neuroleptic discontinuation study in 100 people with dementia: The neuropsychiatric inventory median cutoff is a predictor of clinical outcome. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2004, 65(1), 114-119.
- Minett TSC, Thomas A, Wilkinson LM, Daniel SL, Sanders J, Richardson J, Littlewood E, Myint P, Newby J, McKeith IG. What happens when donepezil is suddenly withdrawn? An open label trial in dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2003, 18(11), 988-993.
- Thomas AJ, Perry R, Kalaria RN, Oakley A, McMeekin W, O'Brien JT. Neuropathological evidence for ischemia in the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in late-life depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2003, 18(1), 7-13.
- Burn DJ, Rowan EN, Minett T, Sanders J, Myint P, Richardson J, Thomas A, Newby J, Reid J, O'Brien JT, McKeith IG. Extrapyramidal features in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies: A cross-sectional comparative study. Movement Disorders 2003, 18(8), 884-889.
- Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Barber R, McMeekin W, Perry R. A neuropathological study of periventricular white matter hyperintensities in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2003, 76(1-3), 49-54.
- Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Davis S, Ballard C, Barber R, Kalaria RN, Perry RH. Ischemic basis for deep white matter hyperintensities in major depression - A neuropathological study. Archives of General Psychiatry 2002, 59(9), 785-792.
- Davis S, Thomas A, Perry R, Oakley A, Kalaria RN, O'Brien JT. Glial fibrillary acidic protein in late life major depressive disorder: an immunocytochemical study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2002, 73(5), 556-560.
- Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, Davis S, O'Brien JT. Cell adhesion molecule expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulite cortex in major depression in the elderly. British Journal of Psychiatry 2002, 181(2), 129-134.
- Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, Davis S, O'Brien JT, Porter RJ, Marshall EF, Barnett NA, Idey A, McGuckin EA. Cell adhesion molecule expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex in major depression in the elderly Effects of rapid tryptophan depletion on salivary and plasma cortisol in Alzheimer's disease and the healthy elderly Effects of hydrocortisone administration on cognitive function in the elderly. British Journal of Psychiatry 2002, 181(1), 129-134.
- O'Brien J, Thomas A, Ballard C, Brown A, Ferrier N, Jaros E, Perry R. Cognitive impairment in depression is not associated with neuropathologic evidence of increased vascular or Alzheimer-type pathology. Biological Psychiatry 2001, 49(2), 130-136.
- Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, Perry RH, Brown A, O'Brien JT. A neuropathological study of vascular factors in late-life depression. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2001, 70(1), 83-87.
- Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, Woodward SA, Ballard C, Oakley A, Perry RH, O'Brien JT. Elevation in late-life depression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. American Journal of Psychiatry 2000, 157(10), 1682-1684.
Book Chapters
- Khundakar AA, Thomas AJ. Neuropathology of Depression in Alzheimer's Disease: Current Knowledge and the Potential for New Treatments. In: Smith,GS, ed. Handbook of Depression in Alzheimer’s Disease. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2016, pp.187-201.
- Khundakar AA, Thomas AJ. The Possible Applications (And Pitfalls!) Of Stereological Analysis In Postmortem Brain Research. In: Mouton, P, ed. Neurostereology : unbiased stereology of neural systems. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp.129-138.
- Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Alzheimer's Disease. In: R. Jacoby; K Oppenheimer; T Dening; AJ Thomas, ed. Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. In Press.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Buckley C, Mc Ardle R, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L, Del Din S. Evaluation of daily walking activity and gait profiles: a novel application of a time series analysis framework. In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2019, Berlin: IEEE.
- Walker L, Thomas A, Lett DJ, McAleese KE, Johnson M, Attems J. Investigating the pathological correlate of motor dysfunction in DLB and PDD. In: 117th meeting of the British Neuropathological Society. 2016, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Donaghy P, Blanc F, Thomas A, Bousiges O. FP CIT imaging in prodromal DLB. In: Balancing Cure with Care: Advances in Late Life Mental Health. 17th IPA International Congress. 2015, Berlin, Germany: Cambridge University Press.
- Cromarty R, Graziadio S, Colloby S, Killen A, Peraza LR, Elder G, Firbank M, Thomas A, McKeith I, O'Brien J, Taylor J-P. Electrophysiological Correlates of Attentional Dysfunction in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. In: International Dementia with Lewy Bodies Conference 2015. 2015, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA: American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease.
- Murphy N, Killen A, Graziadio S, Peraza LR, Firbank M, Baker M, Elder G, Thomas A, McKeith I, Rochester L, Taylor J-P. Early Bottom-Up Visual Information Processing in Hallucinating Patients with Parkinson’s Disease with Dementia: A Preliminary Visual Evoked Potential Study. In: International Dementia with Lewy Bodies Conference 2015. 2015, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA: American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease.
- Peraza LR, Colloby S, Firbank M, McKeith I, O'Brien J, Thomas A, Taylor J-P. Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia Show No differences in Resting State Functional MRI. In: International Dementia with Lewy Bodies Conference 2015. 2015, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA: American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease.
- Blanc F, Thomas A, Donaghy P, Bousiges O. Cortical thickness in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease: A comparison of prodromal and dementia stages. In: 17th IPA International Conference: Balancing Cure with Care - Advances in Late Life Mental Health. 2015, Berlin, Germany: Cambridge University Press.
- Bousiges O, Donaghy P, Blanc F, Thomas A. Conventional Alzheimer's biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid are not pathological in patients with prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. In: Balancing Cure with Care: Advances in Late Life Mental Health. 17th IPA International Congress. 2015, Berlin, Germany: Cambridge University Press.
- Walker L, Thomas AJ, Attems J. Quantification of pathological lesions detects clinico-pathological phenotypes of mixed AD/LBD. In: BRAIN PATHOLOGY. 2014, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
- Attems J, Walker L, Santic R, Upadhaya AR, Colloby S, Thal D, Thomas A, Schneeberger A, Mandler M. Pyroglutamylated Amyloid-beta correlates with Hyperphosphorylated Tau and Severity of Alzheimer's Disease. In: American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. 90th Annual Meeting. 2014, Portland, OR, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Ltd.
- Walker L, Thomas AJ, Morris CM, Attems J. Quantification of pathology in mixed Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia. In: 114th Meeting of the British Neuropathological Society: Symposium on Advances in Motor Neuron Diseases. 2013, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Watson R, O'Brien J, Blamire A, Barber R, Wood J. White matter changes in dementia with Lewy bodies: A diffusion tensor imaging study. In: International Psychogeriatrics: 15th International Congress on International Psychogeriatric Association Reinventing Aging through Innovation. 2011, The Hague, Netherlands: Cambridge University Press.
- Thomas AJ. The morphological basis of bipolar disorder. In: Summer Meeting of the British Association for Psychopharmacology. 2004, Harrogate, England: Journal of Psychopharmacology: Sage.
- Thomas AJ, Perry R, Barber R, Kalaria RN, O'Brien JT. Pathologies and pathological mechanisms for white matter hyperintensities in depression. In: Alzheimer's Disease: Vascular Etiology and Pathology. 2002, Kyoto, Japan: New York Academy of Sciences.
- Durcan R, Thomas AJ. Translating Progress in Neuroimaging into Clinical Practice. International Psychogeriatrics 2018, 30(5), 607-609.
- Thomas A, O'Brien JT. Management of late-life depression: a major leap forward. Lancet 2015, 386(10011), 2374-2375.
- Grayson L, Thomas AJ. Smoking, nicotine and dementia. Maturitas 2012, 72(1), 4-5.
- Thomas AJ. Antipsychotic drugs in dementia: A necessary evil?. Maturitas 2011, 68(2), 109-110.
- Thomas AJ. Criteria are needed for research in vascular depression. International Psychogeriatrics 2004, 16(1), 3-8.
- Roberts G, Taylor J-P, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Authors' response. British Journal of Psychiatry 2021, 219(3), 523-524.
- Roberts G, Lloyd J, Thomas A. Response to Dr. Kameyama’s letter to the editor. Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2019, 33, 785.
- McAleese KE, Walker L, Colloby SJ, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ, DeCarli C, Attems J. Cortical tau pathology: A major player in fibre-specific white matter reductions in Alzheimer's disease?. Brain 2018, 141(6), e44.
- Thomas AJ, Attems J, Colloby SJ, O'Brien JT, McKeith I, Walker R, Lee L, Burn D, Lett DJ, Walker Z. Author response: Autopsy validation of 123 I-FP-CIT dopaminergic neuroimaging for the diagnosis of DLB. Neurology 2017, 89(7), 751-751.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity in cognitively impaired people: an accelerometry study. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2022, 18(S2), e066878.
- Killen A, Olsen K, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Donaghy P, Taylor J-P. The challenges of COVID-19 for people with dementia with Lewy bodies and family caregivers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(12), 1431-1436.
- Hanson PS, Hiscock DRR, Morris CM, Thomas AJ. Glutamine Biomarkers of Depression. GB: GE Healthcare Limited, PCT/EP2009/055945, 15/05/2009.
- Hanson PS, Hiscock DRR, Morris CM, Thomas AJ. GABA Biomarkers of Depression. GB: GE Healthcare Limited, WO/2009/138500, 2009, 15/05/2008.
- Hanson PS, Hiscock DRR, Morris CM, Thomas AJ. Biomarkers For Depression. GB: GE Healthcare Limited, PCT/EP2009/055943, 15/05/2009.
- Thomas AJ, Ferrier IN, Kalaria RN, Woodward SA, Ballard C, Oakley A, Perry RH, O'Brien JT. Elevation in late-life depression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. United States: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. American Journal of Psychiatry.
- Mc Ardle R, Jabbar KA, Del Din S, Thomas AJ, Robinson L, Kerse N, Rochester L, Callisaya M. Using digital technology to quantify habitual physical activity in community-dwellers with cognitive impairment: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023, 25, e44352.
- Amin J, Erskine D, Donaghy PC, Surendranathan A, Swann P, Kunicki AP, Boche D, Holmes C, McKeith IG, O'Brien JT, Teeling JL, Thomas AJ. Inflammation in dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurobiology of Disease 2022, 168, 105698.
- Waite SJ, Maitland S, Thomas A, Yarnall AJ. Sarcopenia and frailty in individuals with dementia: A systematic review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2021, 92, 104268.
- O'Brien J, Taylor JP, Ballard C, Barker RA, Bradley C, Burns A, Collerton D, Dave S, Dudley R, Francis P, Gibbons A, Harris K, Lawrence V, Leroi I, McKeith I, Michaelides M, Naik C, O'Callaghan C, Olsen K, Onofrj M, Pinto R, Russell G, Swann P, Thomas A, Urwyler P, Weil RS, Ffytche D. Visual hallucinations in neurological and ophthalmological disease: Pathophysiology and management. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2020, 91(5), 512-519.
- Law ZK, Todd C, Mehraram R, Schumacher J, Baker MR, LeBeau FEN, Yarnall A, Onofrj M, Bonanni L, Thomas A, Taylor J-P. The role of EEG in the diagnosis, prognosis and clinical correlations of Dementia with Lewy Bodies—a systematic review. Diagnostics 2020, 10(9), 616.
- Ciafone J, Little B, Thomas AJ, Gallagher P. The Neuropsychological Profile of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Lewy Body Dementias. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2020, 26(2), 210-225.
- Taylor J-P, McKeith IG, Burn D, Boeve B, Weintraub D, Bamford C, Allan L, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT. New evidence on the management of Lewy body dementia. The Lancet Neurology 2020, 19(2), 157-169.
- Barnes TRE, Drake R, Paton C, Cooper SJ, Deakin B, Ferrier IN, Gregory CJ, Haddad PM, Howes OD, Jones I, Joyce EM, Lewis S, Lingford-Hughes A, MacCabe JH, Owens DC, Patel MX, Sinclair JMA, Stone JM, Talbot PS, Upthegrove R, Wieck A, Yung AR. Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia: Updated recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2020, 34(1), 3-78.
- Chouliaras L, Kumar GS, Thomas AJ, Lunnon K, Chinnery PF, O'Brien JT. Epigenetic regulation in the pathophysiology of Lewy body dementia. Progress in Neurobiology 2020, 192, 101822.
- Durcan R, Donaghy P, Osborne C, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Imaging in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies: Where do we stand?. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019, 34(5), 635-646.
- Vasudev A, Thomas AJ, Grunze H. Pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, 2018(11), CD010495.
- Mc Ardle R, Morris R, Wilson J, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. What Can Quantitative Gait Analysis Tell Us about Dementia and Its Subtypes? A Structured Review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2017, 60(4), 1295-1312.
- O'Brien JT, Holmes C, Jones M, Jones R, Livingston G, McKeith I, Mittler P, Passmore P, Ritchie C, Robinson L, Sampson EL, Taylor J-P, Thomas A, Burns A. Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: A revised (third) consensus statement from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2017, 31(2), 147-168.
- Goodwin GM, Haddad PM, Ferrier IN, Aronson JK, Barnes TRH, Cipriani A, Coghill DR, Fazel S, Geddes JR, Grunze H, Holmes EA, Howes O, Hudson S, Hunt N, Jones I, Macmillan IC, McAllister-Williams H, Miklowitz DR, Morriss R, Munafo M, Paton C, Saharkian BJ, Saunders KEA, Sinclair J, Taylor D, Vieta E, Young AH. Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: Revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2016, 30(6), 495-553.
- Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychological Medicine 2015, 45(2), 259-268.
- Nilsson J, Thomas AJ, O'Brien JT, Gallagher P. White Matter and Cognitive Decline in Aging: A Focus on Processing Speed and Variability. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2014, 20(3), 262-267.
- Olsen K, Taylor JP, Thomas A. Mild cognitive impairment: safe to drive?. Maturitas 2014, 78(2), 82-85.
- Bennett S, Thomas AJ. Depression and dementia: Cause, consequence or coincidence?. Maturitas 2014, 79(2), 184-190.
- Grayson L, Thomas A. A systematic review comparing clinical features in early age at onset and late age at onset late-life depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2013, 150(2), 161-170.
- Lee DR, Thomas AJ. Sleep in dementia and caregiving - assessment and treatment implications: a review. International Psychogeriatrics 2011, 23(2), 190-201.
- Burns A, O'Brien J, BAP Dementia Consensus Group:, Ford GA, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, et al. Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: A consensus statement from British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2006, 20(6), 732-755.
- Thomas AJ, Kalaria RN, O'Brien JT. Depression and vascular disease: What is the relationship?. Journal of Affective Disorders 2004, 79(1-3), 81-95.