Staff Profile
Dr Amy Brown
NHRP Academy Manager
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle Health Research Partnership Academy
Ridley 1, Room 4.04
Newcastle University
Newcastle Health Research Partnership (NHRP) Academy Manager
The NHRP Academy represents a flagship part of the NHRP's programme. It is a novel initiative to support academic career development for healthcare researchers. My role as the Academy Manager is to further develop the relationships between the NHRP Academy, NHRP Partners and our researchers. I am passionate about research and champion all clinical and practitioner academic career pathways and collaborative working.
If you are a medic, dentist; nurse, midwife, allied health professional, healthcare scientist, pharmacist; research methodologist; public health practitioner or social care researcher, the NHRP Academy is here to support your journey in research from undergraduate to chair.
Newcastle Health Research Partnership (NHRP)
Additional Roles
2024-ongoing NIHR INSIGHT for North East and North Cumbria, Inspiring Students into Research
Deputy Programme Lead
2024-ongoing Newcastle Academic Primary and Community Care Unit
Career Development Lead
2023-ongoing NIHR Integrated Academic Track Training Programme, Newcastle University
Programme Manager
Previous Roles
Senior Research Funding Development Manager - Experimental Medicine and Translational Research, NJRO
Research Funding Development Manager - Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering
Research Co-ordinator - Newcastle University Institute for Sustainability
I am a Medicinal Chemistry Graduate from Newcastle University and returned to the city to join the Institute for Sustainability team as a Research Coordinator in 2014, having spent a number of years pursuing academic and research interests elsewhere in the UK.
Upon leaving Newcastle, I enjoyed a period of time working in industry for P&G and Johnson and Johnson, before moving to the University of Oxford to undertake a DPhil in Chemical Biology under the supervision of Prof Hagan Bayley FRS. At Oxford, I researched the single molecule behaviour of K channels and then undertook postdoctoral research in biocatalysis and directed evolution of CYP450s at the University of Manchester with Prof Andrew Munro.
2004-2008 DPhil Chemistry (Chemical Biology) Hertford College, University of Oxford
1999-2003 MChem Medicinal Chemistry Newcastle University
Selected Awards
Scholar, The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers
Senior Scholar, Hertford College, University of Oxford
Alumni, Newcastle University Policy Academy, Fellows Programme