Staff Profile
Dr Angela Jones
Research Associate
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5276
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
(Human Nutrition & Exercise Research Centre)
Newcastle University
Room M1.151, William Leech Building, Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
PhD (Newcastle University)
BSc (Hons) Food and Human Nutrition (Newcastle University)
Research Interests
My main research interests are in nutrition and childhood obesity and identifying effective strategies for prevention of overweight and obesity in children. I am also interested in the relationship between whole grain consumption and health.
Projects that I am involved include:
The Gateshead Millennium Study
How can we help parents recognise unhealthy body weight in their children
Can embedding the MapMe intervention, a tool to improve parental acknowledgement and understanding of childhood overweight and obesity, in the National Child Measurement Programme lead to improved child weight outcomes at one year?
Undergraduate supervision
I routinely co-supervise Food and Human Nutrition students during their final year project.
Postgraduate supervision
I have supervised one PhD student to completion (Laura Cutler, Parental perceptions of their child's weight status and assessment of their child's Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL)
- Inclan-Lopez P, Martinez-Andres M, Jones AR, Tovee MJ, Adamson AJ, Bartolome-Gutierrez R. Adaptation and Validation of the MapMe Body Image Scales in Spanish Parents of Schoolchildren. Children 2024, 11(4), 448.
- Adamson A, Davies K, Wham C, Kepa M, Foster E, Jones A, Mathers J, Granic A, Teh R, Moyes S, Hayman K, Siervo M, Maxted E, Redwood K, Collerton J, Jagger C, Kirkwood T, Dyall L, Kerse N. Assessment of Dietary Intake in Three Cohorts of Advanced Age in Two Countries: Methodology Challenges. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2023, 27, 59-66.
- Jones AR, Mann KD, Cutler LR, Pearce MS, Tovée MJ, Ells LJ, Araujo-Soares V, Arnott B, Harris JM, Adamson AJ. A Randomised Control Trial Investigating the Efficacy of the MapMe Intervention on Parental Ability to Correctly Categorise Overweight in Their Child and the Impact on Child BMI Z-Score Change at 1 Year. Children 2023, 10, 1577.
- McSweeney L, Arnott B, Jones A, Gain G, Jenkins J, Andras A, Adamson A. Challenges and opportunities of remote public involvement and community engagement during a pandemic: refining the MapMe childhood health weight intervention. Perspectives in Public Health 2022, 142(4), 224-230.
- Sallis A, Porter L, Tan K, Howards R, Brown L, Jones A, Ells L, Adamson A, Taylor R, Vlaev I, Chadborn T. Improving child weight management uptake through enhanced National Child Measurement Programme parental feedback letters: A randomised controlled trial. Preventive Medicine 2019, 121, 128-135.
- Wrieden W, Mann K, Reilly JJ, Basterfield L, Reilly J, Janssen X, Pearce M, Jones AR, Adamson AJ. Longitudinal study of fruit and vegetable intake from childhood to adolescence in a population-based birth cohort: the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2018. Submitted.
- Jones AR, Tovée MJ, Cutler LR, Parkinson KN, Ells LJ, Araujo-Soares V, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Scott D, Harris JM, Adamson AJ. Development of the MapMe intervention body image scales of known weight status for 4-5 and 10-11 year old children. Journal of Public Health 2018, 40(3), 582-590.
- Jones AR, Mann KD, Kuznesof SA, Richardson DP, Seal CJ. The whole grain content of foods consumed in the UK. Food Chemistry 2017, 214, 453-459.
- Parkinson K, Reilly J, Basterfield L, Reilly J, Janssen X, Jones A, Cutler L, Le Couteur A, Adamson A. Mothers' perceptions of child weight status and the subsequent weight gain of their children: a population based longitudinal study. International Journal of Obesity 2017, 41, 801-806.
- Fletcher S, Wright C, Jones A, Parkinson K, Adamson A. Tracking of toddler fruit and vegetable preferences to intake and adiposity later in childhood. Maternal and Child Nutrition 2016, 13(2), e12290.
- Almoosawi S, Jones A, Parkinson K, Pearce M, Collins H, Adamson A. Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(2), e0144931.
- Parkinson KN, Jones AR, Tovée MJ, Ells LJ, Pearce MS, Araujo-Soares V, Adamson A. A cluster randomised trial testing an intervention to improve parents' recognition of their child's weight status: study protocol. BMC Public Health 2015, 15, 549.
- Basterfield L, Jones AR, Parkinson KN, Reilly J, Pearce MS, Reilly JJ, Adamson AJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Physical activity, diet and BMI in children aged 6–8 years: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 2014, 4(6), e005001.
- Wetton AR, Radley R, Jones AR, Pearce MS. What Are the Barriers Which Discourage 15-16 Year-Old Girls from Participating in Team Sports and How Can We Overcome Them?. BioMed Research International 2013, 738705.
- Parkinson KN, Drewett RF, Jones AR, Adamson AJ, The Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Mothers' judgements about their child's weight: distinguishing facts from values. Child: Care Health and Development 2013, 39(5), 722-727.
- Pearce MS, James PW, Franco-Villoria M, Parkinson KN, Jones AR, Basterfield L, Drewett RF, Wright CM, Adamson AJ. Creation of an Adiposity Index for Children Aged 6–8 Years: The Gateshead Millennium Study. BioMed Research International 2013, 2013, 431825.
- Parkinson KN, Drewett RF, Jones AR, Wright CM, Dale A, Pearce NS, Adamson AJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. When do mothers think their child is overweight?. International Journal of Obesity 2011, 35(4), 510-516.
- Jones AR, Parkinson KN, Drewett RF, Hyland RM, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, and the Gateshead Millennium Study core team. Parental perceptions of weight status in children: the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Obesity 2011, 35(7), 953-962.
- Jones AR, Hyland RM, Parkinson KN, Adamson AJ, The Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Developing a focus group approach for exploring parents' perspectives on childhood overweight. Nutrition Bulletin 2009, 34(2), 214–219.
- Seal CJ, Brownlee IA, Jones AR. Grains and health: The "whole" picture. Quintessence International 2007, 38(6), 498-503.
- Thane CW, Jones AR, Stephen AM, Seal CJ, Jebb SA. Comparative whole-grain intake of British adults in 1986-7 and 2000-1. British Journal of Nutrition 2007, 97(5), 987-992.
- Seal CJ, Jones AR, Whitney AD. Whole grains uncovered. Nutrition Bulletin 2006, 31(2), 129-137.
- Thane CW, Jones AR, Stephen AM, Seal CJ, Jebb SA. Whole-grain intake of British young people aged 4-18 years. British Journal of Nutrition 2005, 94(5), 825-831.
Book Chapter
- Seal CJ, Jones AR. Barriers to the consumption of wholegrain foods. In: Marquart, L; Jacobs, DR; McIntosh, GH; Poutanen, K; Reicks, M, ed. Whole Grains and Health. Iowa, USA: Balckwell Publishing, 2007, pp.243-254.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McSweeney L, Jones A, Basterfield L, Adamson A. Parent views of national child measurement programme feedback letters and engagement with the healthy weight maintenance MapMe tool. In: Society for Social Medicine and Population Health. 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
- McSweeney L, Jones A, Basterfield L, Adamson A. Local authority delivery of a large-scale public health intervention: experiences, challenges, and solutions. In: Society for Social Medicine and Population Health Annual Scientific Meeting. 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
- Reilly JK, Basterfield L, Slack EL, Parkinson KN, Jones AR, Pearce MS, Dale A, Le Couteur AS, Adamson AJ. Tracking of fruit and vegetable consumption from childhood to adolescence: The Gateshead Millennium Study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jones AR, Cutler LR, Parkinson KN, Ells LJ, Tovée MJ, Scott D, Araujo-Soares V, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Speed C, Harris JM, Treleaven P, Adamson AJ. Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: The Map Me Study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jones AR, Cutler LR, Parkinson KN, Ellis LJ, Tovée MJ, Araujo-Soares V, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Speed C, Harris JM, Treleaven P, Adamson AJ. Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: the Map Me Study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Shaw CA, Lara J, Adamson AJ, Jones AR, Mathers JC. Dietary patterns as predictors of childhood adiposity. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge University Press.