Staff Profile
Dr Barry Ingham
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
- Painter J, Hastings R, Ingham B, Trevithick L, Roy A. Associations Between Mental Health Problems and Challenging Behavior in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities: A Test of the Behavioral Equivalents Hypothesis. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2018, 11(2), 157-172.
- Wigham S, Rodgers J, Berney T, Le Couteur A, Ingham B, Parr JR. Psychometric properties of questionnaires and diagnostic measures for autism spectrum disorders in adults: a systematic review. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 2019, 23(2), 287-305.
- Hamilton J, Ingham B, McKinnon I, Parr J, Tam L, Le Couter A. Mental capacity to consent to research? Experiences of consenting adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism to research. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 2017, 45(4), 230-237.
- Painter J, Trevithick L, Hastings RP, Ingham B, Roy A. Development and validation of the Learning Disabilities Needs Assessment Tool (LDNAT), a HoNOS-based needs assessment tool for use with people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2016, 60(12), 1178-1188.
- Dudley R, Ingham B, Sowerby K, Freeston M. The utility of case formulation in treatment decision making; the effect of experience and expertise. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 2015, 48, 66-74.
- Ingham B, Clarke L, James IA. Biopsychosocial case formulation for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems: A pilot study of a training workshop for direct care staff. British Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2008, 54(106), 41-54.