Staff Profile
Dr Birthe Hilgen
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Dorgau B, Herrling R, Schultz K, Greb H, Segelken J, Ströh S, Bolte P, Weiler R, Dedek K, Janssen-Bienhold U. Connexin50 couples axon terminals of mouse horizontal cells by homotypic gap junctions. Journal of Comparative Neurology 2015, 523(14), 2062-2081.
- Meyer A, Hilgen G, Dorgau B, Sammler EM, Weiler R, Monyer H, Dedek K, Hormuzdi SG. AII amacrine cells discriminate between heterocellular and homocellular locations when assembling connexin36-containing gap junctions. Journal of Cell Science 2014, 127, 1190-1202.
- Kranz K, Dorgau B, Pottek M, Herrling R, Schultz K, Bolte P, Monyer H, Penuela S, Laird DW, Dedek K, Weiler R, Janssen-Bienhold U. Expression of Pannexin1 in the outer plexiform layer of the mouse retina and physiological impact of its knockout. Journal of Comparative Neurology 2013, 521(5), 1119–1135.
- Sonntag S, Dedek K, Dorgau B, Schultz K, Schmidt KF, Cimiotti K, Weiler R, Löwel S, Willecke K, Janssen-Bienhold U. Ablation of Retinal Horizontal Cells from Adult Mice Leads to Rod Degeneration and Remodeling in the Outer Retina. Journal of Neuroscience 2012, 32(31), 10713-10724.