Staff Profile
Dr Calum Hamilton
ARUK Research Fellow
After attaining undergraduate and postgraduate masters degrees in psychology from the University of Edinburgh in 2013, and Loughborough University in 2014, I worked as a researcher in cognitive ageing at Nottingham Trent University before moving to Newcastle in 2017.
I completed my PhD in Neuroscience/Translational and Clinical Research in 2020, exploring the longitudinal progressions of mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease, before joining Newcastle University as a postdoctoral Research Associate in 2021, and an Alzheimer's Research UK Research Fellow in 2025.
My research concerns changes in cognitive impairment, clinical function, and biomarkers over the course of normal ageing and developing neurodegenerative diseases, with a particular focus on early-stage Lewy body disease. I am particularly interested in characterising variation within clinical syndromes; for example, in identifying declining and non-declining phenotypes, and considering how both degenerative and non-degenerative factors in ageing contribute to observed cognitive impairment.
My previous research contributions involve the LewyPro and SUPErB cohort studies at Newcastle University, and the national Brains for Dementia Research and DETERMIND programmes.
I previously contributed as a postgraduate demonstrator in Research Methods with the School of Psychology for several years, and Neuroscience seminars for Biomedical Sciences. I currently lecture on dementia and Alzheimer's disease for BMS3017 (Clinical Ageing and Health), and support delivery of teaching on dementia for MMB8020 (Scientific Basis of Neurological Disorders).
I lead delivery of a training programme in quantitative research methods for staff and PGRs in Ageing and Gerosciences at CAV/HIN. Those interested in attending should contact myself or Terry Lisle.
- Hamilton CA, Gallagher P, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Barker SAH, Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Sustained attention in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2024, 30(5), 421-427.
- Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Ciafone J, Olsen K, Roberts G, Firbank M, Allan LM, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Outcomes of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease at 3 and 5 Years After Diagnosis. Neurology 2024, 103(2), e209499.
- Greenfinch G, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Barnett NA, Allan L, Petrides GS, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Longitudinal changes in cardiac mIBG scintigraphy in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. BJPsych Open 2024, 10(6), e223.
- Fernando R, Thomas A, Hamilton C, Durcan R, Barker S, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Firbank M, Roberts G, Lloyd J, Petrides G, Colloby S, Allan L, McKeith I, O'Brien J, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC. Identifying parkinsonism in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2024, 458, 122941.
- Hasoon J, Hamilton CA, Schumacher J, Colloby S, Donaghy PC, Thomas AJ, Taylor J-P. EEG Functional Connectivity Differences Predict Future Conversion to Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Body or Alzheimer Disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2024, 39(9), e6138.
- Wyman-Chick KA, Chaudhury P, Bayram E, Abdelnour C, Matar E, Chiu SY, Ferreira D, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Toledo JB, Habich A, Barrett MJ, Patel B, Jaramillo-Jimenez A, Scott GD, Kane JPM. Differentiating Prodromal Dementia with Lewy Bodies from Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease: A Pragmatic Review for Clinicians. Neurology and Therapy 2024, 13, 885-906.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Attems J, Donaghy PC, Erskine D, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Associations between multimorbidity and neuropathology in dementia: Consideration of functional cognitive disorders, psychiatric illness and dementia mimics. British Journal of Psychiatry 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Durcan R, Roberts G, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Howe K, Colloby SJ, Allan LM, Firbank M, Lawley S, Petrides GS, Lloyd JJ, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Serial Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies, Alzheimer Disease, and Age-Matched Controls. Neurology 2023, 101(12), e1196-e1205.
- Hamilton CA, O'Brien JT, Heslegrave A, Laban R, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Roberts G, Firbank M, Taylor JP, Zetterberg H, Thomas AJ. Plasma Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies. Psychological Medicine 2023, 53(16), 7865-7873.
- Schumacher J, Ray NJ, Hamilton CA, Bergamino M, Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Watson R, Roberts G, Allan L, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ, Taylor J-P. Free water imaging of the cholinergic system in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2023, 19(10), 4549-4563.
- Donaghy PC, Hamilton C, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barker S, Ciafone J, Barnett N, Olsen K, Firbank M, Roberts G, Lloyd J, Allan LM, Saha R, McKeith IG, O'Brien JT, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Clinical symptoms in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: Frequency, time of onset, and discriminant ability. European Journal of Neurology 2023, 30(6), 1585-1593.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity participation in people with cognitive impairment in the North East of England. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2023, 95(1), 265-273.
- Katanga JA, Hamilton CA, Walker L, Attems J, Thomas AJ. Age-related hearing loss and dementia-related neuropathology: An analysis of the United Kingdom brains for dementia research cohort. Brain Pathology 2023, 33(6), e13188.
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Barker S, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett N, Firbank M, Roberts G, Allan L, O'Brien J, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC. Olfactory Impairment in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer’s Disease. International Psychogeriatrics 2022, 34(Special Issue 6), 585-592.
- Donaghy PC, Ciafone J, Durcan R, Hamilton CA, Barker S, Lloyd J, Firbank M, Allan LM, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: neuropsychiatric supportive symptoms and cognitive profile. Psychological Medicine 2022, 52(6), 1147-1155.
- Schumacher J, Ray NJ, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Firbank M, Roberts G, Allan L, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Cholinergic white matter pathways in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 2022, 145(5), 1173-1784.
- Hamilton CA, Frith J, Donaghy PC, Barker SAH, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Allan LM, O'Brien J, Yarnall AJ, Thomas AJ. Blood pressure and heart rate responses to orthostatic challenge and Valsalva manoeuvre in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022, 37(5).
- Hamilton CA, Frith J, Donaghy PC, Barker SAH, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Allan LM, O'Brien JT, Yarnall AJ, Thomas AJ. Assessment of autonomic symptoms may assist with early identification of mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022, 37(4).
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Heslegrave A, Barker S, Durcan R, Lawley S, Barnett NA, Lett D, Firbank M, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Donaghy PC, Zetterberg H, O'Brien JT. A Longitudinal Study of Plasma pTau181 in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease. Movement Disorders 2022, 37(7), 1495-1504.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Durcan R, Firbank MJ, Lawley S, O'Brien JT, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021, 36(9), 1407-1414.
- Hamilton C, Schumacher J, Matthews FE, Taylor JP, Allan L, Barnett N, Cromarty R, Donaghy P, Durcan R, Firbank M, Lawley S, O'Brien JT, Roberts G, Thomas A. Slowing on quantitative EEG is associated with transition to dementia in mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics 2021, 33(Special Issue 12), 1321-1325.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett NA, Olsen K, Durcan R, Roberts G, Ciafone J, Barker S, Firbank MJ, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Progression to dementia in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology 2021, 96(22), e2685-e2693.
- Ciafone J, Thomas A, Durcan R, Donaghy P, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Roberts G, Colloby S, Firbank MJ, Allan L, Petrides G, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Gallagher P. Neuropsychological Impairments and Their Cognitive Architecture in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) with Lewy Bodies and MCI-Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2021, 28(9), 963-973.
- Hamilton C, Matthews FE, Erskine D, Attems J, Thomas AJ. Neurodegenerative brain changes are associated with area deprivation in the United Kingdom: findings from the Brains for Dementia Research study. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2021, 9, 198.
- Firbank MJ, O'Brien JT, Durcan R, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Lloyd J, Roberts G, Taylor J-P, Thomas AJ. Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: blood perfusion with arterial spin labelling. Journal of Neurology 2021, 268, 1284-1294.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Cromarty RA, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. In vivo nucleus basalis of Meynert degeneration in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. NeuroImage: Clinical 2021, 30, 102604.
- Firbank MJ, Durcan R, O'Brien JT, Allan LM, Barker S, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Hamilton CA, Lawley S, Roberts G, Taylor JP, Thomas AJ. Hippocampal and insula volume in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2021, 86, 27-33.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Journal of Neurology 2021, 268, 4707-4720.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett N, Olsen K, Lloyd J, Petrides G, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease: a prospective cohort study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021, 29(3), 272-284.
- Roberts G, Donaghy PC, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Petrides G, Colloby SJ, Lawley S, Ciafone J, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Allan L, Barnett N, Barker S, Olsen K, Howe K, Ali T, Taylor JP, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Accuracy of dopaminergic imaging as a biomarker for mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2021, 218(5), 276-282.
- Roberts G, Durcan R, Donaghy PC, Lawley S, Ciafone J, Hamilton CA, Colloby SJ, Firbank MJ, Allan L, Barnett N, Barker S, Howe K, Ali T, Petrides GS, Lloyd J, Taylor J-P, O'Brien J, Thomas AJ. Accuracy of Cardiac Innervation Scintigraphy for Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies. Neurology 2021, 96(23), e2801-e2811.
- Revie L, Hamilton CA, Ciafone J, Donaghy PC, Thomas AJ, Metzler-Baddeley C. Visuo-Perceptual and Decision-Making Contributions to Visual Hallucinations in Mild Cognitive Impairment in Lewy Body Disease: Insights from a Drift Diffusion Analysis. Brain Sciences 2020, 10(8), 540.
- Schumacher J, Taylor J-P, Hamilton CA, Firbank M, Cromarty RA, Donaghy PC, Roberts G, Allan L, Lloyd J, Durcan R, Barnett N, O'Brien JT, Thomas AJ. Quantitative EEG as a biomarker in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2020, 12(1), 82.
- Hamilton CA, Matthews FE, Donaghy PC, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT, Barnett N, Olsen K, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ. Prospective predictors of decline versus stability in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer’s disease. Psychological Medicine 2020, 51(15), 2590-2598.
- Thomas AJ, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, Martin-Ruiz C, Morris CM, Barnett N, Olsen K, Taylor JP, O'Brien JT. Prospective Longitudinal Evaluation of Cytokines in mild cognitive impairment due to AD and Lewy Body Disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(10), 1250-1259.
- Schumacher J, Thomas AJ, Peraza LR, Firbank M, Cromarty R, Hamilton CA, Donaghy PC, O'Brien JT, Taylor JP. EEG alpha reactivity and cholinergic system integrity in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers' Research & Therapy 2020, 12, 46.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity in cognitively impaired people: an accelerometry study. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2022, 18(S2), e066878.