Staff Profile
Dr Christopher Marshall
Principal Research Associate
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- Address: The Catalyst
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Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Christopher Marshall is a Principal Research Associate in Health Data Science and Lead for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the NIHR Innovation Observatory. He directs the design, development, and implementation of technical systems and applications to support horizon scanning and evidence synthesis.
With expertise in computer science and evidence synthesis, Chris has held research and leadership roles across academia and consultancy, delivering high-impact projects for organisations including the NHS, NIHR, NICE, WHO, and the Department of Health and Social Care. He holds a PhD and BSc in Computer Science from Keele University.
- Sadek J, Inskip A, Woltmann J, Wilkins G, Marshall C, Pokora M, Vedpathak A, Jadrevska A, Craig D, Trenell M. ScanMedicine: An online search system for medical innovation. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2023, 125, 107042.
- Chappell, M, Edwards, M, Watkins, W, Marshall, C, Graziadio, S. Machine learning for accelerating screening in evidence reviews. Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Methods 2023, 1(5). In Preparation.
- Schmidt L, Sinyor M, Webb R, Marshall C, Knipe D, Eyles E, John A, Gunnell D, Higgins J. A narrative review of recent tools and innovations toward automating living systematic reviews and evidence syntheses. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2023, 181, 65-75.
- Sutton A, O'Keefe H, Johnson E, Marshall C. A mapping exercise using automated techniques to develop a search strategy to identify systematic review tools. Research Synthesis Methods 2023, 14(6), 874-881.
- Marshall C, Lanyi K, Green R, Wilkins GC, Pearson F, Craig D. Using natural language processing to explore mental health insights from UK tweets during the COVID-19 pandemic: infodemiology study. JMIR Infodemiology 2022, 2(1), e32449.
- Johnson EE, O'Keefe H, Sutton A, Marshall C. The Systematic Review Toolbox: keeping up to date with tools to support evidence synthesis. Systematic Reviews 2022, 11, 258.
- Thomson K, Rice S, Arisa O, Johnson E, Tanner L, Marshall C, Sotire T, Richmond C, O'Keefe H, Mohammed W, Gosney M, Raffle A, Hanratty B, McEvoy CT, Craig D, Ramsay SE. Oral nutritional interventions in frail older people who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition: a systematic review. Health Technology Assessment 2022, 26(51).
- Thomson KH, Rice S, Arisa O, Johnson E, Tanner L, Marshall C, Sotire T, Richmond C, O'Keefe H, Mohammed W, Raffle A, Hanratty B, McEvoy CT, Craig D, Ramsay SE. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of oral nutritional supplements in frail older people who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2022, 3(10), E654-E666.
- Lanyi K, Green R, Craig D, Marshall C. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Analysing Twitter to Identify Barriers to Vaccination in a Low Uptake Region of the UK. Frontiers in Digital Health 2022, 3, 804855.
- Marshall C, Lanyi K, Green R, Wilkins GC, Pandey S, Craig D. Using Twitter to track public opinion in the UK about mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Behavioural Science and Public Health Network 2021, 4(2), 4-14.
- Marshall C, Shore J, Arber M, Cikalo M, Oladapo T, Peel A, McCool R, Jenks M. Mepilex Border Sacrum and Heel Dressings for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: A NICE Medical Technology Guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2019, 17(4), 1-13.
- Marshall C, Brereton OP, Kitchenham B. Tool Features to Support Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering – A Cross Domain Study. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal 2018, 12(1), 79-115.
- Eaton Turner E, Jenks M, McCool R, Marshall C, Millar L, Wood H, Peel A, Craig J, Sims AJ. The Memokath-051 Stent for the Treatment of Ureteric Obstruction: A NICE Medical Technology Guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2018, 16(4), 445-464.
- Westgate MJ, Haddaway NR, Cheng SH, McIntosh EJ, Marshall C, Lindenmayer DB. Software support for environmental evidence synthesis. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2018, 2(4), 588-590.
- Marshall C, Glanville J, McCool R. The Systematic Review Toolbox: finding software to support the systematic review process. Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (JEAHIL) 2016, 12(3), 58-59.
Book Chapters
- Lefebvre C, Glanville J, Briscoe S, Littlewood A, Marshall C, Metzendorf M-I, Noel-Storr A, Rader T, Shokraneh F, Thomas J, Wieland LS, on behalf of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group. Searching for and selecting studies. In: Chandler, J; Cumpston, M; Li, T; Page, M; Welch, V, ed. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Wiley, 2019, pp.67-99.
- Brereton P, Marshall C. Tool Support for Systematic Reviews. In: Evidence-Based Software Engineering and Systematic Reviews. Boca Raton: CRC Press: Taylor & Francics Group, 2015, pp.165-172.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Johnson E, O'Keefe H, Sutton A, Marshall C. The Systematic Review Toolbox: an updated resource to support evidence synthesis. In: Cochrane Colloquium 2023. 2023, London: Cochrane Collaboration.
- Marshall C, Bracewell J, Littlewood A, Ferrante di Ruffano L, Edwards M, McCool R. Integrating Machine Learning into a Systematic Review Workflow: Testing the Cochrane RCT Classifier in a Research Consultancy Setting. In: Cochrane Colloquium. 2023.
- Kavalci, E, Sadek, J, Young, M, Marshall, C. Machine Learning Modelling for Clinical Trial Design Using the NIHR Innovation Observatory's ScanMedicine Database. In: HTAi 2022. 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Lanyi K, Green R, Marshall C. Tracking Global Views on COVID-19 Vaccines: A Case Study Deploying Machine Learning to Analyse Public Insights from Twitter Data. In: HTAi 2021. 2021, Online: Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi).
- Green R, Marshall C. Leveraging Twitter to track global views on pharmacological treatments for mental health conditions: a natural language processing study. In: ISPOR 2021. 2021, Virtual: Elsevier.
- Marshall C, Lanyi K, Green R, Wilkins G, Pandey S, Craig D. Exploring the value of soft-intelligence: a case study using Twitter to track mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: HTAi 2021. 2021, Online: Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi).
- Pandey, S, Marshall, C, Pokora, M, Oyewole, A, Craig, D. Analysis of discussions on Twitter on the topic of COVID-19 tests: exploring a natural language processing approach. In: HTAi 2021. 2021. In Preparation.
- Marshall C, Still M, Hassenfuss J, Stoniute A, Crooks J, Craig D, Sniehotta F, Exley C, Fisher A, Beyer F. Barriers, facilitators and interventions concerning organ donation in people from minority ethnic backgrounds: updating the evidence base. In: British Transplant Society Congress 2020 “Collaboration in Transplantation”. 2020, Belfast.
- Marshall C, Still M, Hassenfuss J, Stoniute A, Crooks J, Craig D, Sniehotta F, Exley C, Fisher A, Beyer F. Barriers and facilitators to organ donation in people from minority ethnic backgrounds: a logic model. In: British Transplant Society Congress 2020 “Collaboration in Transplantation”. 2020, Belfast.
- McCool R, Wilson K, Marshall C. Automated Solutions to Network Development in Network Meta-Analysis. In: Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi). 2019, Cologne, Germany: Health Technology Assessment International.
- Marshall C, Wilson K, McCool R. Software tools to support network development in network meta-analysis: a feature analysis. In: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 2018, Edinburgh, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Sutton A, Marshall C. Better, faster, stronger: how to find tools to expedite the systematic review process. In: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 2018, Edinburgh, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Sutton A, Marshall C. Mapping the Systematic Review Toolbox. In: ISPOR Europe 2017. 2017, Glasgow, UK: ISPOR.
- Edwards M, Marshall C. Evaluating RobotReviewer for Automated Risk of Bias Assessment in a Systematic Review: A Case Study. In: ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress. 2017, Glasgow, UK: Elsevier.
- Marshall C, Sutton A. Systematic Review Toolbox. In: ISPOR 19th European Congress. 2016, Vienna, Austria: Elsevier.
- Fleetwood K, Glanville J, McCool R, Wood H, Wilson K, Marshall C, Yellowless A, James D, Toupin S, McCabe R. A Review of the Use of Network Meta-Analysis in Nice Single Technology Appraisals. In: ISPOR Europe. 2016, Glasgow, UK: ISPOR.
- Marshall C, Brereton P, Kitchenham B. Tools to Support Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering: A Cross-Domain Survey using Semi-Structured Interviews. In: 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '15). 2015, Nanjing, China: ACM.
- Marshall C, Brereton P. Systematic Review Toolbox: A Catalogue of Tools to Support Systematic Reviews. In: 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '15). 2015, Nanjing, China: ACM.
- Marshall C, Brereton P, Kitchenham B. Tools to Support Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering: A Feature Analysis. In: 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'14). 2014, London, UK.
- Marshall C, Brereton P. Tools to Support Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering: Protocol for a Feature Analysis. In: Psychology of Programming Interest Group. 2013, Keele University, UK.
- Marshall C, Brereton P. Tools to Support Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering: A Mapping Study. In: International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Marshall C, Glanville J. Software tools to support systematic reviews. Cochrane Methods 2016; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, (10 (Suppl.1)), 34-35.
- Marshall C, Still M, Hasenfuss J, Stoniute A, Crooks J, Craig D, Sniehotta FF, Exley C, Fisher A, Beyer FR. Identifying interventions to increase organ donation rates in people from minority ethnic backgrounds. NIHR, 2019.
- Rice S, Carr K, Sobiesuo P, Shabaninejad H, Orozco-Leal G, Kontogiannis V, Marshall C, Pearson F, Moradi N, O'Connor N, Stoniute A, Richmond C, Craig D, Allegranzi B, Cassini A. Economic evaluations of interventions to prevent and control health-care-associated infections: a systematic review. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2023, 23(7), e228-e239.