Staff Profile
Dr Claire McDonald
Clinical Intermediate Fellow/Honorary Consultant in Geriatric Medicine
In 2023 Dr Claire McDonald was appointed as an Intermediate Clinical Fellow and member of the AGE research group at Newcastle University.
She is also a practicing clinician, working as an Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust where she is lead for the movement disorder service and PI on a number clinical trials focused on Ageing Syndromes
She is NIHR LCRN Speciality lead for Ageing for North east and North Cumbria
Claire trained in Geriatric medicine the North East of England. During her training posts she was appointed as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Geriatric Medicine, Research into Ageing / Age UK Clinical Fellow and a post as an Academic Clinical Lecturer. She has a PhD from Newcastle University.
Claire's current research focuses on ageing, sarcopenia and multiple long term conditions (MLTC)
She in an experienced CI and PI having delivered several pharmacological and non-pharmacological clinical trials in older people and people with Parkinson's disease.
As well has her work in clinical trials, she has published in a range of Ageing syndromes including
- Sarcopenia
- Autonomic dysfunction and cognitive decline
- Parkinson's disease
- The neuromuscular causes for fatigue in chronic disease
Claire has supervised and examined M Res students and Clinical Academic Trainees. She has been an assessor and examiner for a number of PhD candidates.
She offers clinical training and supervision to undergraduate and postgraduate medics, nurses and allied health professionals.
- Witham MD, McDonald C, Wilson N, Rennie KJ, Bardgett M, Bradley P, Clegg AP, Connolly S, Hancock H, Hiu S, Nicholson K, Robertson L, Simms L, Steel AJ, Steves CJ, Storey B, Wason J, von Zglinicki T, Sayer AA. Metformin to improve physical performance in older people with probable sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty: Results of the MET-PREVENT randomised trial. Lancet Healthy Longevity 2025. In Press.
- McDonald C, Cooper R, Sayer AA, Witham MD. Improving care for patients with multiple long-term conditions admitted to hospital – challenges and potential solutions British Journal of Hospital Medicine. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2024, 85(3).
- McDonald C, Sayer AA, Witham MD. Geriatric Medicine and Olympic Elite Sports – Parallels and Philosophies. Age and Ageing 2024, 53(10), afae212.
- McDonald C, Alderson C, Birkbeck MG, Brown L, Del Din S, Gorman G, Hollingsworth KG, Massarella C, Rehman R, Rochester L, Sayer AA, Su H, Tuppen HAL, Warren C, Witham MD. A study protocol to investigate if Acipimox improves muscle function and sarcopenia –an open-label, uncontrolled, before-and-after experimental medicine feasibility study in community dwelling older adults. BMJ Open 2024, 14, e076518.
- Graham L, Armitage J, Vitorio R, Das J, Barry G, Godfrey A, Mcdonald C, Walker R, Mancini M, Morris R, Stuart S. Visual Exploration While Walking With and Without Visual Cues in Parkinson’s Disease: Freezer Versus Non-Freezer. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2023, 37(10), 734-743.
- Das J, Morris R, Barry G, Celik Y, Godfrey A, McDonald C, Walker R, Vitorio R, Stuart S. Technological solution for the assessment and rehabilitation of visuo-cognition in Parkinson’s disease. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2023, 20(4), 253–257.
- Graham L, Das J, Vitorio R, McDonald C, Walker R, Godfrey A, Morris R, Stuart S. Ocular microtremor: a structured review. Experimental Brain Research 2023, 241, 2191–2203.
- Araújo HA, Smaili SM, Morris R, Graham l, Das J, McDonald C, Walker R, Stuart S, Vitório R. Combination of Clinical and Gait Measures to Classify Fallers and Non-Fallers in Parkinson’s Disease. Sensors 2023, 23(10), 4651.
- Das J, Vitorio R, Butterfield A, Morris R, Graham L, Barry G, McDonald C, Walker R, Mancini M, Stuart S. Visual Cues for Turning in Parkinson’s Disease. Sensors 2022, 22(18), 6746.
- Witham MD, Heslop P, Dodds RM, Clegg AP, Hope SV, McDonald C, Smithard D, Storey B, Tan AL, Thornhill A, Sayer AA. Performance of the SarQoL quality of life tool in a UK population of older people with probable sarcopenia and implications for use in clinical trials: findings from the SarcNet Registry. BMC Geriatrics 2022, 22, 368.
- Rennie KJ, Witham M, Bradley P, Clegg A, Connolly S, Hancock HC, Hiu S, Marsay L, McDonald C, Robertson L, Simms L, Steel AJ, Steves CJ, Storey B, Wason J, Wilson N, von Zglinicki T, Sayer AAP. MET-PREVENT: metformin to improve physical performance in older people with sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty - protocol for a double-blind, randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial. BMJ Open 2022, 12(7), e061823.
- Das J, Morris R, Barry G, Vitorio R, Oman P, McDonald C, Walker R, Stuart S. Exploring the feasibility of technological visuo-cognitive training in Parkinson’s: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Plos One 2022, 17(10), e0275738.
- Witham MD, Heslop P, Dodds RM, Clegg AP, Hope SV, McDonald C, Smithard D, Storey B, Tan AL, Thornhill A, Sayer AA. Developing a UK sarcopenia registry: recruitment and baseline characteristics of the SarcNet pilot. Age and Ageing 2021, afab084.
- McDonald C, Rees J, Winge K, Newton JL, Burn DJ. Bladder training for urinary tract symptoms in Parkinson disease. Neurology 2020, 94(13), e1427-e1433.
- Klaptocz J, Gray WK, Marwood S, Agarwal M, Ziegler J, Webb Z, Prabhakar M, Hand A, Oates L, McDonald C, Walker RW. The Pattern of Hospital Admissions Prior to Care Home Placement in People With Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence of a Period of Crisis for Patients and Carers. Journal of Aging and Health 2019, 31(9), 1616-1630.
- Lawson RA, McDonald C, Burn DJ. Defining delirium in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019, 64, 29-39.
- Daud DB, McDonald C. Medical and surgical care for patients with Parkinson's disease. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2018, 79(11), C162-C166.
- O'Dowd S, Galna B, Morris R, Lawson RA, McDonald C, Yarnall AJ, Burn DJ, Rochester L, Anderson KN. Poor Sleep Quality and Progression of Gait Impairment in an Incident Parkinson’s Disease Cohort. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2017, 7(3), 465-470.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Kerr SRJ, Newton JL. Blood pressure variability and cognitive decline in older people: a 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35(1), 140-147.
- McDonald C, Pearce M, Kerr SJR, Newton JL. A prospective study of the association between orthostatic hypotension and falls: Definition matters. Age and Ageing 2017, 46(3), 439-445.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Newton JL, Kerr SR. Modified criteria for carotid sinus hypersensitivity are associated with increased mortality in a population-based study. Europace 2016, 18(7), 1101-1107.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Wincenciak J, Kerr SRJ, Newton JL. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Variability Increases Over a 10-Year Follow-Up in Community-Dwelling Older People. American Journal of Hypertension 2016, 29(5).
- Durham J, McDonald C, Hutchinson L, Newton JL. Painful Temporomandibular Disorders Are Common in Patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Impact Significantly upon Quality of Life. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache 2015, 29(2), 152-157.
- Bohr I, McDonald C, He J, Kerr S, Newton J, Blamire AM. Brain oxygenation responses to autonomic challenge: a quantitative fMRI investigation of the Valsalva manoeuvre. AGE 2015, 37, 91.
- McDonald C, Koshi S, Busner L, Kavi L, Newton JL. Postural tachycardia syndrome is associated with significant symptoms and functional impairment predominantly affecting young women: a UK perspective. BMJ Open 2014, 4(6), e004127.
- McDonald C, Frith J, Newton JL. Single centre experience of ivabradine in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Europace 2011, 13(3), 427-430.
- Costigan A, Elliott C, McDonald C, Newton J. Orthostatic symptoms predict functional capacity in chronic fatigue syndrome: Implications for management. QJM 2010, 103(8), 589-595.
- McDonald C, Newton J, Lai HM, Baker SN, Jones DE. Central nervous system dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis and its relationship to symptoms. Journal of Hepatology 2010, 53(6), 1095-1100.
- Hollingsworth KG, Newton JL, Taylor R, McDonald C, Palmer JM, Blamire AM, Jones DEJ. Pilot Study of Peripheral Muscle Function in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Potential Implications for Fatigue Pathogenesis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2008, 6(9), 1041-1048.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McDonald C, Lawson RA, Duncan GW, O'Dowd ST, Khoo TK, Yarnall AJ, Burn DJ. The Frequency and Progression of Genitourinary and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and Healthy Controls Over 36 months Follow-up in the ICICLE-PD Study. In: Parkinson’s UK Research Conference. 2016, Leeds.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Newton JL, Kerr SRJ. Masked hypertension is common and is associated with significant mortality. In: British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting. 2014, Yorkshire: Oxford University Press.
- Kerr SRJ, Newton JL, McDonald C. Prevalence of Most Vascular Risk Factors Increases But End-Organ Disease Remains Constant Over 10 Years Follow-Up in a Community-Dwelling Cohort of Older People. In: British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting. 2013, Belfast, Ireland: Oxford University Press.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Newton JL, Kerr S. Poor Gait and Balance Predict Poor Cognitive Function and Cognitive Decline 10 Years Later. In: British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting. 2013, Belfast, Ireland: Oxford University Press.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Newton JL, Kerr SRJ. Management of Hypertension in Community-Dwelling Older People has improved over the Last Decade and is not associated with Increase Risk of Falls, Dizziness or Syncope. In: British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting. 2013, Belfast, Ireland: Oxford University Press.
- McDonald C, Pearce M, Newton J, Kerr S. Blood pressure variability is associated with cognitive impairment in community dwelling older persons and is a predictor of cognitive decline. In: 8th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion in Active Ageing. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Human Kinetics.
- Jones DE, McDonald C, Newton JL. A Efficacy and Tolerability of Modafinil for the Treatment of Daytime Somnolence and Fatigue in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. In: Hepatology: 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- McDonald C, Baker S, Lai M, Jones DE, Newton JL. Central cerebral activation is reduced in primary biliary cirrhosis and associated with excessive daytime sleepiness. In: 58th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 2007, Boston, MA: Hepatology, Wiley-Blackwell.
- McDonald C, Firbank M, Pearce M, Blamire AM, Newton JL, Kerr S. Symptoms During Carotid Sinus Massage, Not Hemodynamic Change, Are Associated with White Matter Hyperintensity Volume on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014, 62(10), 1988-1989.
- Hardy T, MacDonald C, Jones DEJ, Newton JL. A follow-up study of modafinil for the treatment of daytime somnolence and fatigue in primary biliary cirrhosis. Liver International 2010, 30(10), 1551-1552.
- McDonald C, Gordon G, Hand A, Walker RW, Fisher JM. 200 Years of Parkinson's disease: What have we learnt from James Parkinson?. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(2), 209-214.
- McDonald C, Winge K, Burn DJ. Lower urinary tract symptoms in Parkinson's disease: Prevalence, aetiology and management. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2017, 35, 8-16.
- McDonald C, Newton JL, Burn DJ. Orthostatic hypotension and cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: Causation or association?. Movement Disorders 2016, 31(7), 937-946.