Staff Profile
Emeritus Professor Clarke Slater
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 794 360 5949
- Personal Website:
- Address: Biosciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH
Roles and Responsibilities
BA Biology, Harvard (1962)
PhD Biophysics, University College London (1966)
Previous Positions
Scientific Staff, Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology (1969-1974)
Society for Neuroscience (US)
British Neuroscience Association
Physiological Society
Association of British Neurologists
Research Interests
Structure, function, molecular organisation, development and pathology of the neuromuscular junction.
Motor nerve terminal and Schwann cell plasticity.
Ion channel localisation in the postsynaptic membrane.
Electrophysiology, light- and electron-microscopy, immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridisation.
Current Work
Studies of the structure and function of neuromuscular junctions
Future Research
- Roesl C, Evans ER, Dissanayake KN, Boczonadi V, Jones RA, Jordan GR, Ledahawsky L, Allen GCC, Scott M, Thomson A, Wishart TM, Hughes DI, Mead RJ, Shone CC, Slater CR, Gillingwater TH, Skehel PA, Ribchester RR. Confocal endomicroscopy of neuromuscular junctions stained with physiologically inert protein fragments of tetanus toxin. Biomolecules 2021, 11(10), 1499.
- Slater CR. ‘Fragmentation’ of NMJs: a sign of degeneration or regeneration? A long journey with many junctions. Neuroscience 2020, 439, 28-40.
- McMacken GM, Spendiff S, Whittaker RG, O'Connor E, Howarth RM, Boczonadi V, Horvath R, Slater CR, Lochmuller H. Salbutamol modifies the neuromuscular junction in a mouse model of ColQ myasthenic syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 2019, 28(14), 2339-2351.
- Issop K, Hathazi D, Khan MM, Rudolf R, Weis J, Spendiff S, Slater CR, Roos A, Lochmuller H. GFPT1 deficiency in muscle leads to myasthenia and myopathy in mice. Human Molecular Genetics 2018, 27(18), 3218-3232.
- Slater CR. The structure of human neuromuscular junctions: some unanswered molecular questions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017, 18(10), 2183.
- Nicole S, Azuma Y, Bauché S, Eymard B, Lochmüller H, Slater C. Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes or Inherited Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission: Recent Discoveries and Open Questions. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2017, 4(4), 269-284.
- Willadt S, Nash M, Slater CR. Age-related fragmentation of the motor endplate is not associated with impaired neuromuscular transmission in the mouse disaphragm. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 24849.
- Banks RW, Cahusac PM, Graca A, Kain N, Shenton F, Singh P, Nja A, Simon A, Watson S, Slater CR, Bewick GS. Glutamatergic modulation of synaptic-like vesicle recycling in mechanosensory lanceolate nerve terminals of mammalian hair follicles. Journal of Physiology 2013, 591(10), 2523-2540.
- Belaya K, Finlayson S, Slater CR, Cossins J, Liu WW, Maxwell S, McGowan SJ, Maslau S, Twigg SRF, Walls TJ, Pascual SIP, Palace J, Beeson D. Mutations in DPAGT1 Cause a Limb-Girdle Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome with Tubular Aggregates. American Journal of Human Genetics 2012, 91(1), 193-201.
- Rogozhin A, Pang K, Bukharaeva E, Young C, Slater C. Recovery of mouse neuromuscular junctions from single and repeated injections of botulinum neurotoxin A. Journal of Physiology 2008, 586(13), 3163-3182.
- Slater CR, Fawcett PRW, Walls TJ, Lyons PR, Bailey SJ, Beeson D, Young C, Gardner-Medwin D. Pre- and post-synaptic abnormalities associated with impaired neuromuscular transmission in a group of patients with 'limb-girdle myasthenia'. Brain 2006, 129(8), 2061-2076.
- Beeson D, Higuchi O, Palace J, Cossins J, Spearman H, Maxwell S, Newsom-Davis J, Burke G, Fawcett P, Motomura M, Muller JS, Lochmuller H, Slater C, Vincent A, Yamanashi Y. Dok-7 mutations underlie a neuromuscular junction synaptopathy. Science 2006, 313(5795), 1975-1978.
- Stocksley MA, Awad SS, Young C, Lightowlers RN, Brenner H-R, Slater CR. Accumulation of NaV1 mRNAs at differentiating postsynaptic sites in rat soleus muscles. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 2005, 28(4), 694-702.
- Bailey SJ, Stocksley MA, Buckel A, Young C, Slater CR. Voltage-gated sodium channels and ankyrinG occupy a different postsynaptic domain from acetylcholine receptors from an early stage of neuromuscular junction maturation in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 2003, 23(6), 2102-2111.
- Croxen R, Young C, Slater CR, Haslam S, Brydson M, Vincent A, Beeson D. Steady-state levels of α - and e-subunit mRNA unaffected by γ-subunit null mutations in AChR deficiency syndrome. Brain 2001, 124(7), 1362-1372.
- Awad SS, Lightowlers RN, Young C, Chrzanowska-Lightowlers ZMA, Lomo T, Slater CR. Sodium channel mRNAs at the neuromuscular junction: Distinct patterns of accumulation and effects of muscle activity. Journal of Neuroscience 2001, 21(21), 8456-8463.
- Croxen R, Young C, Slater C, Haslam S, Brydson M, Vincent A, Beeson D. End-plate γ- and ε-subunit mRNA levels in AChR deficiency syndrome due to ε-subunit null mutations. Brain 2001, 124(7), 1362-1372.
- Awad SS, Stocksley MA, Young C, Lightowlers RN, Slater CR. Expression of muscle sodium channel alpha subunit mRNAs at developing regenerating rat neuromuscular junctions [abstract]. European Journal of Neuroscience 2000, 12(supplement), 278-278.
- Walsh FS, Hobbs C, Wells DJ, Slater CR, Fazeli S. Ectopic expression of NCAM in skeletal muscle of transgenic mice results in terminal sprouting at the neuromuscular junction and altered structure but not function. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 2000, 15(3), 244-261.
- Reid B, Slater CR, Bewick GS. Synaptic vesicle dynamics in rat fast and slow motor nerve terminals. Journal of Neuroscience 1999, 19(7), 2511-2521.
- R. Vater, C. Young, L. V. B. Anderson, S. Lindsay, D. J. Blake, K. E. Davies, R. Zuellig and C. R. Slater. Utrophin mRNA expression in muscle is not restricted to the neuromuscular junction. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1998, 10, 229-242.
- S. J. Wood and C. R. Slater. Quantal content at neuromuscular junctions that lack postsynaptic folds. Journal of Physiology-London 1998, 511P, 142P-142P.
- S. J. Wood and C. R. Slater. beta-spectrin is colocalized with both voltage-gated sodium channels and ankyrin(G) at the adult rat neuromuscular junction. Journal of Cell Biology 1998, 140, 675-684.
- Young C, Lindsay S, Vater R, Slater CR. An improved method for the simultaneous demonstration of mRNA and esterase activity at the human neuromuscular junction. Histochemical Journal 1998, 30(1), 7-11.
- S. J. Wood, K. Shewry, C. Young and C. R. Slater. An early stage in sodium channel clustering at developing rat neuromuscular junctions. Neuroreport 1998, 9, 1991-1995.
- C. R. Slater, C. Young, S. J. Wood, G. S. Bewick, L. V. B. Anderson, P. Baxter, P. R. W. Fawcett, M. Roberts, L. Jacobson, J. Kuks, A. Vincent and J. NewsomDavis. Utrophin abundance is reduced at neuromuscular junctions of patients with both inherited and acquired acetylcholine receptor deficiencies. Brain 1997, 120, 1513-1531.
- S. J. Wood and C. R. Slater. The contribution of postsynaptic folds to the safety factor for neuromuscular transmission in rat fast- and slow-twitch muscles. Journal of Physiology-London 1997, 500, 165-176.
- A. E. Deconinck, A. C. Potter, J. M. Tinsley, S. J. Wood, R. Vater, C. Young, L. Metzinger, A. Vincent, C. R. Slater and K. E. Davies. Postsynaptic abnormalities at the neuromuscular junctions of utrophin-deficient mice. Journal of Cell Biology 1997, 136, 883-894.
- N. C. Day, S. J. Wood, P. G. Ince, S. G. Volsen, W. Smith, C. R. Slater and P. J. Shaw. Differential localization of voltage-dependent calcium channel alpha(1) subunits at the human and rat neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neuroscience 1997, 17, 6226-6235.
- G. S. Bewick, C. Young and C. R. Slater. Spatial relationships of utrophin, dystrophin, beta- dystroglycan and beta-spectrin to acetylcholine receptor clusters during postnatal maturation of the rat neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neurocytology 1996, 25, 367-379.
- S. J. Wood, C. Young and C. R. Slater. Sodium channel concentration is related to postsynaptic folding at the neuromuscular junction. Journal of General Physiology 1996, 108, 51-51.
- C. R. Slater. Neurobiology - Agrin signals at the junction. Nature 1996, 381, 478-479.
- R. Vater, C. Young, S. J. Lindsay, L. V. B. Anderson and C. R. Slater. Distribution of utrophin mRNA in rat skeletal muscle. Journal of General Physiology 1996, 108, 80-80.
- Brenner HR, Herczeg A, Slater CR. Synapse-specific expression of acetylcholine receptor genes and their products at original synaptic sites in rat soleus muscle fibres regenerating in the absence of innervation. Development 1992, 116, 41-53.
- Slater CR, Lyons PR, Walls TJ, Fawcett PRW, Young C. Structure and function of neuromuscular junctions in man: A motor point biopsy study in two patient groups. Brain 1992, 115, 451-478.
- Bewick GS, Nicholson LVB, Young C, O`Donnell E, Slater CR. Different distributions of dystrophin and related proteins at nerve-muscle junctions. Neuroreport 3 3 857-860 1992.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Slater CR. Structural factors influencing the efficacy of neuromuscular transmission. In: Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders: 11th International Conference. 2008, Renaissance Chicago Hotel, USA: WileyBlackwell.
- Beeson D, Webster R, Cossins J, Lashley D, Spearman H, Maxwell S, Slater CR, Newsom-Davis J, Palace J, Vincent A. Congenital myasthenic syndromes and the formation of the neuromuscular junction. In: Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders: 11th International Conference. 2008, Renaissance Chicago Hotel, USA: WileyBlackwell.
- Charlton RG, Walsh J, Davison K, Slater CR, Laval SH, Straub V, Bushby KMD, Anderson LVB. Altered protein localisation during muscle regeneration in humans and rats. In: Neuromuscular Disorders: 10th International Congress of the World Muscle Society. 2005, Iguassu Falls, Brazil: Elsevier Ltd.
- Beeson D, Webster R, Ealing J, Croxen R, Brownlow S, Brydson M, Newsom-Davis J, Slater C, Hatton C, Shelley C, Colquhoun D, Vincent A. Structural abnormalities of the AChR caused by mutations underlying congenital myasthenic syndromes. In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: 10th International Conference on Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders. 2003, Key Biscayne, Florida, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Awad S, Buckel A, Lightowlers RN, Slater CR. Effect of innervation on sodium channel mRNA distribution at the neuromuscular junction. In: British Neuroscience Assosciation Abstracts: 15th National Meeting. 1999, Liverpool, UK: British Neuroscience Association.
- Buckel A, Young C, Slater CR. Accumulation of sodium channels and candidate binding proteins at postsynaptic sites on regenerating rat muscle fibres in the absence of the nerve. In: British Neuroscience Assosciation Abstracts: 15th National Meeting. 1999, Liverpool, UK: British Neuroscience Association.
- Slater C. Double agents and breakdown of integrity at the neuromuscular junction in Miller-Fisher syndrome. Brain 2001, 124(5), 847-848.
- Slater CR. Neuromuscular Transmission in a Biological Context. Comprehensive Physiology 2024, 14(4), 5641-5702.
- Ribchester RR, Slater CR. Rapid retrograde regulation of transmitter release at the NMJ. Current Opinion in Physiology 2018, 4, 82-87.
- Willadt S, Nash M, Slater CR. Age-related changes in the structure and function of mammalian neuromuscular junctions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2018, 1412(1), 41-53.
- Slater CR. The functional organization of motor nerve terminals. Progress in Neurobiology 2015, 134, 55-103.
- Slater C. Chapter 2 Reliability of neuromuscular transmission and how it is maintained. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2008, 91, 27-101.
- Slater CR. Structural determinants of the reliability of synaptic transmission at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neurocytology 2003, 32(5-8), 505-522.
- Wood SJ, Slater CR. Safety factor at the neuromuscular junction. Progress in Neurobiology 2001, 64(4), 393-429.