Staff Profile
Professor David Thwaites
Professor of Epithelial Physiology
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8559
- Personal Website:
- Address: Biosciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Catherine Cookson Building
Framlington Place
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor David T. Thwaites is the Professor of Epithelial Physiology in the Newcastle University Biosciences Institute & The Physiological Society Momentum Fellow (Research).
Areas of Expertise
Our main area of interest is the physiological function of membrane transporters in eukaryotes. The investigations range from molecular to whole organism and include analysis of the:
- physiological and pathophysiological characteristics of epithelial transport in the mammalian small intestine and kidney
- role of membrane transporters in symbiotic relationships in blood-feeding and sap-feeding invertebrates
- role of amino acid transport in cancer cells
1997-1998 Certificate in Teaching & Learning, Newcastle University
1986-1989 PhD, Physiology, University of Liverpool
1983-1986 BSc (Hons), Physiological Sciences, Newcastle University
Previous positions
2007- Professor of Epithelial Physiology, Cell & Molecular Biosciences, Newcastle University
2001-2007 Reader in Gastrointestinal Physiology, Cell & Molecular Biosciences, Newcastle University
1997-2001 Lecturer, Physiological Sciences, Newcastle University
1993-1997 Wellcome Trust Research Fellow, Physiological Sciences, Newcastle University
1994 European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Fellow, Institute of Physiology, University of Zürich, Switzerland
1989-1993 Research Associate, Physiological Sciences, Newcastle University
Membership of Learned Societies
Fellow of The Physiological Society (FPhysiol)
Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society (FBPhS)
Royal Entomological Society
Appointments & Awards
2022-2024 The Physiological Society Momentum Fellowship (Research)
2020-2023 Elected Professorial Senate member of Newcastle University Council
2020 Invited Keynote speaker, Comparative Physiology symposium, Europhysiology 2020 (Berlin). Cancelled due to Covid & delivered in 2021.
2019 Elected, Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society (FBPhS)
2018-2021 Elected Professorial member Newcastle University Senate
2017 Elected, Fellow of The Physiological Society (FPhysiol)
2015 External reviewer, MRes courses, PG Medicine Periodic Review, Liverpool University
2015 External assessor for Physiology, Research Quality Review, University College Cork, Ireland
2013 Organiser, IUPS 2013 symposium “Solute and ion cotransporters and exchangers at atomic resolution”, Birmingham
2013 Organiser, Physiological Society/APS symposium “Fishing with flies, worms and bacteria: emerging models for mammalian membrane transport and trafficking”, Boston, USA
2012-2016 Member of The Physiological Society Meetings Committee
2012-2015 Elected Council Member & Non-Executive Trustee, The Physiological Society
2012-2015 Editorial Board, British Journal of Pharmacology
2012-2013 Editor, Gastrointestinal Section, Current Opinion in Pharmacology
2012 Organiser, Physiology@Newcastle meeting
2011 Invited lecture, American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences meeting, Washington, USA
2010-2013 Member of the international & local scientific programme committees (ISPC & LSPC) for the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) 2013 conference
2010 Invited lecture, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Basingstoke
2010 External Examiner, BSc (Hons), Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
2009-2011 Panel Member, Wellcome Trust Physiological Sciences Funding Committee
2009 Organiser, The Physiological Society symposium “Do protons perform useful work? Sensing, signalling, symport & cycling”, Dublin, Ireland
2008-2010, External Examiner, MRes in Biomedical Sciences, Liverpool University
2008 Invited lecture, Rank Prize Funds Mini-Symposium, Windermere
2008 Organiser, Rank Prize Symposium on “Recent Advances in Nutrient Transport”
2007-2012 The Physiological Society Rep for Newcastle University
2006 Invited lecture, Digestion, Diet & Health meeting, Manchester
2006 Invited lecture, UK/Brazilian Physiological Society meeting, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
2006 Invited lecture, German Physiological Society/FEPs meeting, Munich, Germany
2005 Invited lecture, University of Barcelona, Spain
2005 Invited lecture, 10th International Proton Transport Conference, San Diego, USA
2005 Organiser, Physiological Society/FEPS symposium “New Aspects of Sugar Absorption: Transport & Sensing”, Bristol
2005 Invited lecture, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
2004-2010 Convenor of the ERG (Epithelial Research Group), a faculty strategic research group
2004 Invited lecture, Experimental Biology, Washington, USA
2004 Co-organiser, Transporters 2004 meeting, Cambridge
2003 Invited lecture, International Conference on Amino Acids and Proteins, Rome, Italy
2003 Organiser, The Physiological symposium "Epithelial Electrolyte Transport: Multi-Tasking & Hidden Talents", Newcastle upon Tyne
2003 Organiser, The Physiological Society symposium "Transport & Signalling: From Gut to Brain and Back Again", Newcastle upon Tyne
2003 Co-organiser, The Physiological Society meeting, Newcastle upon Tyne
2002-2008 Lecturer, PhD course on Biological Membranes, Drug Targets & Absorption Barriers, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2002 Invited lecture, Transporters 2002, Germany
2002 Scientific Board Member, International Meeting on Transporters 2002, Germany
2001 Organiser, The Physiological Society symposium "Transporting the Essentials: Nutrient & Micronutrient Transporters", York
2001 Invited lecture, Rank Prize Funds Mini-Symposium, Grasmere
2000-2004 Editorial Board, British Journal of Pharmacology
1999-2005 Convenor of the Gastrointestinal Tract Special Interest Group, The Physiological Society
1999 Invited lecture, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA
1999 Organiser, The Physiological Society symposium "The Gut: Diet & Health", Newcastle upon Tyne
1999 Co-organiser, The Physiological Society meeting, Newcastle upon Tyne
1999 Invited lecture, Drug Metabolism Meeting, Warwick
1998 Invited lecture, Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich
1997 Invited lecture, International Congress on Amino Acids, Greece
1997 Invited lecture, FASEB Summer Research Conference, Colorado, USA
1997 Invited lecture, Wyeth-Ayerst, New York, USA
1996-1997 Consultant, European Advisory Board on Antibiotic Absorption
1996 Invited lecture, Wyeth-Ayerst, Paris, France
1995 Awarded The Physiological Society Glaxo-Wellcome Prize.
1994 Invited lecture, Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Horsham
1994 CIBA ACE award for collaboration in Europe
1994 European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Fellowship, University of Zürich, Switzerland
1993-1997 Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship, Newcastle University
1993 Invited lecture, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, York
Research Interests
Membrane transporters are the gatekeepers of all cells and organelles, controlling influx and efflux of essential organic and inorganic solutes, drugs and excretory products. Each individual cell type possesses a unique, large and diverse complement of membrane transport proteins to enable that cell to interact with its environment to import and export all material essential for life. Carrier-mediated transmembrane transport is essential in nutrient absorption from diet, neurotransmission, drug transport, osmoregulation, pH homeostasis and in the supply of components for cell growth, protein synthesis and energy production. Previously unidentified transport systems play fundamental roles in organismal biology but their importance has been over looked. New transport systems are emerging as potential therapeutic targets. The overall aim of our studies is to identify the basic functional characteristics of individual transport systems so that the physiological and pathophysiological roles can be identified and rational approaches to drug design be developed. The research falls into a number of key areas:
- Epithelial transport in the small intestine and kidney: physiology & pathophysiology
- The role of membrane transporters in symbiotic relationships in blood-feeding and sap-feeding invertebrates
- The role of pH homeostatic mechanisms in membrane transport
- Amino acid transport in cancer cells
Novel transport proteins are characterised functionally by a combination of flux measurements, imaging and electrophysiological techniques using isolated cells or mammalian cell culture. Heterologous expression of novel transporters is accomplished using the Xenopus expression system.
Undergraduate Teaching
1997-current Module Leader & Lecturer PSC3011 Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract I (15 credits)
2015-2022 & 2024-current Module Leader PSC3012 Integrated Physiology (10 credits)
1997-current Lecturer PSC3012 Integrated Physiology
1997-current Undergraduate Project Supervisor CMB3000 Research Projects
Postgraduate Teaching
PhD supervisor
Previous Undergraduate Teaching, Module Leader & Leadership roles
2014-2019 Curriculum Chair, Physiological Sciences Degree Programme
2018-2022 Lecturer, PSC2018 Human Anatomy for Physiologists
2007-2022 Module Leader & Lecturer PSC3013 Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract II (15 credits)
2006-2007 Module Leader & Lecturer PSC3001 Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract (30 credits)
2002-2006 Module Leader & Lecturer PSC3020 Epithelia, Gut & Kidney (30 credits)
1997-2002 Module Leader & Lecturer PSC301 Gastrointestinal Physiology (15 credits)
1997-2003 Lecturer, Gastrointestinal Physiology, Stage 1 BDS
1997-2017 Seminar Leader, Stage 1 MBBS
1997-2003 Seminar Leader, Stage 1 BDS
1997-2000 Seminar Leader, Stage 1 BSc Physiology
1990-1996 Lecturer PSC301 Gastrointestinal Physiology
- Alexander SPH, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie AA, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Davies JA, Amarosi L, Anderson CMH, Beart PM, Broer S, Dawson PA, Gyimesi G, Hagenbuch B, Hammond JR, Hancox JC, Hershfinkel M, Inui K-I, Kanai Y, Kemp S, Kunji ERS, Stewart G, Tavoulari S, Thwaites DT, Verri T. The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Transporters. British Journal of Pharmacology 2023, 180(S2), S374-S469.
- Duncan RP, Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT, Luetje CW, Wilson ACC. Co-option of a conserved host glutamine transporter facilitates aphid/Buchnera metabolic integration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2023, 120(43), e2308448120.
- Anderson CMH, Edwards N, Watson AK, Althaus M, Thwaites DT. Reshaping the Binding Pocket of the Neurotransmitter:Solute Symporter (NSS) Family Transporter SLC6A14 (ATB0,+) Selectively Reduces Access for Cationic Amino Acids and Derivatives. Biomolecules 2022, 12(10), 1404.
- Alexander SP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Southan C, Davies JA, Amarosi L, Anderson CMH, Beart PM, Broer S, Dawson PA, Hagenbuch B, Hammond JR, Inui KI, Kanai Y, Kemp S, Stewart G, Thwaites DT, Verri T. THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Transporters. British Journal of Pharmacology 2021, 178(S1), S412-S513.
- Feng H, Edwards N, Anderson CMH, Althaus M, Duncan RP, Hsu Y-C, Luetje CW, Price DRG, Wilson ACC, Thwaites DT. Trading amino acids at the aphid–Buchnera symbiotic interface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019, 116(32), 16003-16011.
- Palazzolo L, Paravicini C, Laurenzi T, Adobati S, Saporiti S, Guerrini U, Gianazza E, Indiveri C, Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT, Eberini I. SLC6A14, a Pivotal Actor on Cancer Stage: When Function Meets Structure. SLAS Discovery 2019, 24(9), 928-938.
- Major P, Sendra K, Dean P, Williams TA, Watson AK, Thwaites DT, Embley TM, Hirt RP. A new family of cell surface located purine transporters in Microsporidia and related fungal endoparasites. eLife 2019, 8, e47037.
- Edwards N, Anderson CMH, Conlon NJ, Watson AK, Hall RJ, Cheek TR, Embley TM, Thwaites DT. Resculpting the binding pocket of APC superfamily LeuT-fold amino acid transporters. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2018, 75(5), 921-938.
- Halbritter J, Baum M, Hynes AM, Rice SJ, Thwaites DT, Gucev ZS, Fisher B, Spaneas L, Porath JD, Braun DA, Wassner AJ, Nelson CP, Tasic V, Sayer JA, Hildebrandt F. Fourteen Monogenic Genes Account for 15% of Nephrolithiasis/Nephrocalcinosis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2015, 26(3), 543-551.
- Rhodes HL, Yarram L, Rice SJ, Tabaksert A, Edwards N, Hartley A, Woodward MN, Smithson SL, Tomson C, Welsh GI, Williams M, Thwaites DT, Sayer JA, Coward RJM. Clinical and genetic analysis of patients with cystinuria in the UK. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2015, 10(7), 1235-1245.
- Edwards N, Rice SJ, Raman S, Hynes AM, Srivastava S, Moore I, Al-Hamed M, Xu Y, Santibanez-Koref M, Thwaites DT, Gale D, Sayer JA. A novel LMX1B mutation in a family with end-stage renal disease of ‘unknown cause’. Clinical Kidney Journal 2015, 8(1), 113-119.
- Rice SJ, Thwaites DT, Halbritter J, Sayer JA. Cystinuria revisited: presentations with calcium-containing stones demands vigilance and screening in the stone clinic. Medical & Surgical Urology 2014, 3(3), 1-2.
- Alexander SP, Benson HE, Faccenda E, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, McGrath JC, Catterall WA, Spedding M, Peters JA, Harmar AJ, Abul-Hasn N, Anderson CM, Anderson CM, Araiksinen MS, Arita M, Arthofer E, Barker EL, Barratt C, Barnes NM, Bathgate R, Beart PM, Belelli D, Bennett AJ, Birdsall NJ, Boison D, Bonner TI, Brailsford L, Bröer S, Brown P, Calo G, Carter WG, Catterall WA, Chan SL, Chao MV, Chiang N, Christopoulos A, Chun JJ, Cidlowski J, Clapham DE, Cockcroft S, Connor MA, Cox HM, Cuthbert A, Dautzenberg FM, Davenport AP, Dawson PA, Dent G, Dijksterhuis JP, Dollery CT, Dolphin AC, Donowitz M, Dubocovich ML, Eiden L, Eidne K, Evans BA, Fabbro D, Fahlke C, Farndale R, Fitzgerald GA, Fong TM, Fowler CJ, Fry JR, Funk CD, Futerman AH, Ganapathy V, Gaisnier B, Gershengorn MA, Goldin A, Goldman ID, Gundlach AL, Hagenbuch B, Hales TG, Hammond JR, Hamon M, Hancox JC, Hauger RL, Hay DL, Hobbs AJ, Hollenberg MD, Holliday ND, Hoyer D, Hynes NA, Inui KI, Ishii S, Jacobson KA, Jarvis GE, Jarvis MF, Jensen R, Jones CE, Jones RL, Kaibuchi K, Kanai Y, Kennedy C, Kerr ID, Khan AA, Klienz MJ, Kukkonen JP, Lapoint JY, Leurs R, Lingueglia E, Lippiat J, Lolait SJ, Lummis SC, Lynch JW, MacEwan D, Maguire JJ, Marshall IL, May JM, McArdle CA, McGrath JC, Michel MC, Millar NS, Miller LJ, Mitolo V, Monk PN, Moore PK, Moorhouse AJ, Mouillac B, Murphy PM, Neubig RR, Neumaier J, Niesler B, Obaidat A, Offermanns S, Ohlstein E, Panaro MA, Parsons S, Pertwee RG, Petersen J, Pin JP, Poyner DR, Prigent S, Prossnitz ER, Pyne NJ, Pyne S, Quigley JG, Ramachandran R, Richelson EL, Roberts RE, Roskoski R, Ross RA, Roth M, Rudnick G, Ryan RM, Said SI, Schild L, Sanger GJ, Scholich K, Schousboe A, Schulte G, Schulz S, Serhan CN, Sexton PM, Sibley DR, Siegel JM, Singh G, Sitsapesan R, Smart TG, Smith DM, Soga T, Stahl A, Stewart G, Stoddart LA, Summers RJ, Thorens B, Thwaites DT, Toll L, Traynor JR, Usdin TB, Vandenberg RJ, Villalon C, Vore M, Waldman SA, Ward DT, Willars GB, Wonnacott SJ, Wright E, Ye RD, Yonezawa A, Zimmermann M. The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2013/14: Overview. British Journal of Pharmacology 2013, 170(8), 1449-1458.
- Conlon NJ, Edwards N, Anderson CMH, Cheek TR, Thwaites DT. Rheogenic amino acid transport by Drosophila CG4991 of the Amino Acid Auxin Permease (AAAP) transporter family. FASEB Journal 2013, 27, 732-735.
- Thwaites DT. Go with the flow – membrane transport in the gut. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2013, 13, 843-846.
- Thwaites DT. News from the dark side!. Journal of Physiology 2012, 590(24), 6255-6256.
- Thwaites DT, Anderson CMH. The SLC36 family of proton-coupled amino acid transporters and their potential role in drug transport. British Journal of Pharmacology 2011, 164(7), 1802-1816.
- Edwards N, Anderson CMH, Gatfield KM, Jevons MP, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Amino acid derivatives are substrates or non-transported inhibitors of the amino acid transporter PAT2 (slc36a2). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Biomembranes 2011, 1808(1), 260-270.
- Anderson CMH, Jevons M, Thangaraju M, Edwards N, Conlon NJ, Woods S, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Transport of the Photodynamic Therapy Agent 5-Aminolevulinic Acid by Distinct H+-Coupled Nutrient Carriers Coexpressed in the Small Intestine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2010, 332(1), 220-228.
- Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT. Hijacking solute carriers for proton-coupled drug transport. Physiology 2010, 25(6), 364-377.
- Anderson CMH, Howard A, Walters JRF, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Taurine uptake across the human intestinal brush-border membrane is via two transporters: H+-coupled PAT1 (SLC36A1) and Na+- and Cl--dependent TauT (SLC6A6). Journal of Physiology 2009, 587(4), 731-744.
- Anderson CMH, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Human solute carrier SLC6A14 is the β-alanine carrier. Journal of Physiology 2008, 586(17), 4061-4067.
- Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT. Regulation of intestinal hPepT1 (SLC15A1) activity by phosphodiesterase inhibitors is via inhibition of NHE3 (SLC9A3). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Biomembranes 2007, 1768(7), 1822-1829.
- Thwaites DT, Anderson CMH. H+-coupled nutrient, micronutrient and drug transporters in the mammalian small intestine. Experimental Physiology 2007, 92(4), 603-619.
- Thwaites DT, Anderson CMH. Deciphering the mechanisms of intestinal imino (and amino) acid transport: The redemption of SLC36A1. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Biomembranes 2007, 1768(2), 179-197.
- Abbot EL, Grenade DS, Kennedy DJ, Gatfield KM, Thwaites DT. Vigabatrin transport across the human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) brush-border membrane is via the H+-coupled amino-acid transporter hPAT1. British Journal of Pharmacology 2006, 147(3), 298-306.
- Kennedy DJ, Gatfield KM, Winpenny JP, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Substrate specificity and functional characterisation of the H+/amino acid transporter rat PAT2 (SLC36A2). British Journal of Pharmacology 2005, 144(1), 28-41.
- Miyauchi S, Abbot EL, Zhuang L, Subramanian R, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Isolation and function of the amino acid transporter PAT1 (SLC36A1) from rabbit and discrimination between transport via PAT1 and system IMINO in renal brush-border membrane vesicles. Molecular Membrane Biology 2005, 22(6), 549-559.
- Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT. Indirect regulation of the intestinal H+-coupled amino acid transporter hPAT1 (SLC36A1). Journal of Cellular Physiology 2005, 204(2), 604-613.
- Kennedy DJ, Raldua D, Thwaites DT. Dual modes of 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride modulation of apical dipeptide uptake in the human small intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2005, 62(14), 1621-1631.
- Anderson CMH, Grenade DS, Boll M, Foltz M, Wake KA, Kennedy DJ, Munck LK, Miyauchi S, Taylor PM, Campbell FC, Munck BG, Daniel H, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. H+/amino acid transporter 1 (PAT1) is the imino acid carrier: An intestinal nutrient/drug transporter in human and rat. Gastroenterology 2004, 127(5), 1410-1422.
- Boll M, Foltz M, Anderson CMH, Oechsler C, Kottra G, Thwaites DT, Daniel H. Substrate recognition by the mammalian proton-dependent amino acid transporter PAT1. Molecular Membrane Biology 2003, 20(3), 261-269.
- Chen Z, Kennedy DJ, Wake KA, Zhuang L, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Structure, tissue expression pattern, and function of the amino acid transporter rat PAT2. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003, 304(4), 747-754.
- Chen Z, Fei Y-J Y, Anderson CMH, Wake K, Miyauchi S, Huang W, Thwaites DT, Ganapathy V. Structure, function and immunolocalization of a proton-coupled amino acid transporter (hPAT1) in the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. Journal of Physiology 2003, 546(2), 349-361.
- Anderson CMH, Mendoza ME, Kennedy DJ, Raldua D, Thwaites DT. Inhibition of intestinal dipeptide transport by the neuropeptide VIP is an anti-absorptive effect via the VPAC1 receptor in a human enterocyte-like cell line (Caco-2). British Journal of Pharmacology 2003, 138(4), 564-573.
- Kennedy DJ, Thwaites DT. Optimal dipeptide uptake across the apical membrane of human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers is dependent on functional NHE3 activity. Journal of Physiology 2002, 539(supplement), 10P-11P.
- Kennedy DJ, Leibach FH, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT. Optimal absorptive transport of the dipeptide glycylsarcosine is dependent on functional Na+/H+ exchange activity. Pfluegers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 2002, 445(1), 139-146.
- Thwaites DT, Kennedy D, Raldua D, Anderson CMH, Mendoza ME, Bladen C, Simmons N. H+/dipeptide absorption across the human intestinal epithelium is controlled indirectly via a functional Na+/H+ exchanger. Gastroenterology 2002, 122(5), 1322-1333.
- Glanville M, Kingscote S, Thwaites DT, Simmons NL. Expression and role of sodium, potassium, chloride cotransport (NKCC1) in mouse inner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD-K2) epithelial cells. Pfluegers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 2001, 443(1), 123-131.
- Thwaites DT, Basterfield L, McCleave P, Carter S, Simmons NL. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transport across human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cell monolayers. British Journal of Pharmacology 2000, 129(3), 457-464.
- Thwaites DT, Stevens BC. H+-zwitterionic amino acid symport at the brush-border membrane of human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells. Experimental Physiology 1999, 84(2), 275-284.
- Thwaites DT, Ford D, Glanville M, Simmons NL. H+/solute-induced intracellular acidification leads to selective activation of apical Na+/H+ exchange in human intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation 1999, 104(5), 629-635.
- Marcaggi P, Thwaites DT, Deitmer JW, Coles JA. Chloride-dependent transport of NH4+ into bee retinal glial cells. European Journal of Neuroscience 1999, 11(1), 167-177.
- Ford D, Thwaites D, Simmons N, Gilbert H, Hirst B. Substrate upregulation of the human small intestinal peptide transporter, hPepT1. Journal of Physiology 1998, 507(3), 697-706.
- Thwaites DT. H+/amino acid symport in intestinal epithelia. Amino Acids 1997, 13(1), 49.
- Thwaites DT, Markovich D, Murer H, Simmons NL. Na+-independent lysine transport in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Journal of Membrane Biology 1996, 151(3), 215-224.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Simmons NL. The role of the proton electrochemical gradient in the transepithelial absorption of amino acids by human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers. Journal of Membrane Biology 1995, 145(3), 245-256.
- Wenzel U, Thwaites DT, Daniel H. Stereoselective uptake of beta-lactam antibiotics by the intestinal peptide transporter. British Journal of Pharmacology 1995, 116(7), 3021-3027.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. H+-coupled alpha-methylaminoisobutyric acid transport in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Biomembranes 1995, 1234(1), 111-118.
- Freeman TC, Bentsen BS, Thwaites DT, Simmons NL. H+/di-tripeptide transporter (PepT1) expression in the rabbit intestine. Pfluegers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 1995, 430(3), 394-400.
- Thwaites DT, Armstrong G, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. D-Cycloserine transport in human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells is mediated by a H+-coupled amino acid transporter. British Journal of Pharmacology 1995, 115(5), 761-766.
- Thwaites DT, Cavet M, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor transport in human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells. British Journal of Pharmacology 1995, 114(5), 981-986.
- Thwaites DT, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Substrate specificity of the di/tripeptide transporter in human intestinal epithelia (Caco-2): identification of substrates that undergo H+-coupled absorption. British Journal of Pharmacology 1994, 113(3), 1050-1056.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Brown CDA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. L-Alanine absorption in human intestinal cells driven by the proton electrochemical gradient. Journal of Membrane Biology 1994, 140(2), 143-151.
- Thwaites DT, Brown CDA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Transepithelial glycylsarcosine transport in intestinal Caco-2 cells mediated by expression of H+-coupled carriers at both apical and basal membranes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1993, 268(11), 7640-7642.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Transepithelial dipeptide (glycylsarcosine) transport across epithelial monolayers of human Caco-2 cells is rheogenic. Pfluegers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 1993, 425(1-2), 178-180.
- Thwaites DT, Simmons NL, Hirst BH. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) uptake in intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles: comparison with proton-coupled dipeptide and Na+-coupled glucose transport. Pharmaceutical Research 1993, 10(5), 667-673.
- Thwaites DT, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Passive transepithelial absorption of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) via a paracellular route in cultured intestinal and renal epithelial cell lines. Pharmaceutical Research 1993, 10(5), 674-681.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Brown CDA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Na+-independent, H+-coupled transepithelial beta-alanine absorption by human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1993, 268, 18438-18441.
- Thwaites DT, Brown CDA, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. H+-coupled dipeptide (glycylsarcosine) transport across apical and basal borders of human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers display distinctive characteristics. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Biomembranes 1993, 1151(2), 237-245.
- Thwaites DT, McEwan GTA, Cook MJ, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. H+-coupled (Na+-independent) proline transport in human intestinal (Caco-2) epithelial cell monolayers. FEBS Letters 1993, 333(1-2), 78-82.
- Thwaites DT, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. Direct assessment of dipeptide/H+ symport in intact human intestinal (Caco-2) epithelium: a novel method utilising continuous intracellular pH measurement. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1993, 194(1), 432-438.
Book Chapter
- Thwaites DT, Hirst BH, Simmons NL. H+-coupled solute transport in cultured intestinal epithelia. In: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of H<sup>+</sup> Transport. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp.283-296.
- Thwaites DT. Fishing with flies, worms and bacteria: emerging models for mammalian membrane transport and trafficking. Journal of Physiology 2014, 592, 861-861.
Research Datasets/Databases
- Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT. SLC36 family of proton-coupled amino acid transporters in GtoPdb v.2023.1. 2023. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.
- Thwaites DT, Verri T. SLC15 family of peptide transporters in GtoPdb v.2023.1. 2023. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE.
- Anderson CM, Thwaites DT. SLC36 family of proton-coupled amino acid transporters in GtoPdb v.2021. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2021, 2021(3).
- Thwaites DT, Verri T. SLC15 family of peptide transporters in GtoPdb v.2021.3. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2021, 2021(3).
- Alexander SPH, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, Anderson CMH, Bröer S, Dawson P, Hagenbuch B, Hammond JR, Hancox J, Inui KI, Kanai Y, Kemp S, Thwaites DT, Verri T. THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Transporters. British Journal of Pharmacology 2019, 176(S1), S397-S493.
- Anderson CMH, Thwaites DT. SLC36 family of proton-coupled amino acid transporters (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2019, 2019(4).
- Thwaites DT, Verri T. SLC15 family of peptide transporters (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2019, 2019(4).
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