Staff Profile
Dr Silvia Del Din
Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Healthcare for translational applications
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 2081131
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Biomedical Research Building
Floor 2, Room 2.35
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
I received my Bachelor's Degree in Information Engineering in 2006 from the University of Padova (Italy) under the Supervision of Prof. Claudio Cobelli and my Master's Degree (cum laude) in Bioengineering in 2008 from the University of Padova ("Biomechanical analysis of swimmers through markerless motion capture." Supervisor: Prof. Claudio Cobelli, Co-advisor: Dr. Elena Ceseracciu).
In 2012 I completed my PhD in Bioengineering (Area of the Information Engineering PhD School) at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, under the supervision of Prof. Chiara Dalla Man and Dr Zimi Sawacha ("Innovative Techniques for Biomechanical Evaluation of Stroke Survivors: Combined fMRI-Gait Analysis Assessment and Fugl-Meyer Clinical Scores Estimation Through Wearable Sensors.").
From February 2012 until August 2012 I have been a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova.
Since September 2012 I have been working at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute of Newcastle University.
Since 2024, I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Healthcare for translational applications: my vision is to enhance remote clinical management by using digital health tools and developing integrated, real-time analytics. I am also a Newcastle University Academic Track (NUAcT) Fellow.
This is a short video that describes my research vision.
Areas of expertise: Digital Health, Wearable Technology, Digital Outcomes, Gait, Postural Control, Biomedical Engineering, Signal Processing, Neurodegenerative diseases, Ageing.
Education and Training
UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) Advance Higher Education (Advance HE) Fellowship (Level D2)
PhD at the PhD School of Information Engineering (XIV Cycle, Bioengineering area), Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova (Italy) Title of the Thesis: "Innovative Techniques for Biomechanical Evaluation of Stroke Survivors:
Combined fMRI-Gait Analysis Assessment and Fugl-Meyer Clinical Scores Estimation Through Wearable Sensors."
Head: Prof. Matteo Bertocco, Supervisors: Prof. Chiara Dalla Man, Dr Zimi Sawacha
Master's Degree in Bioengineering - Laurea Specialistica in Bioingegneria, University of Padova (Italy)
Professional Qualifying Exam for Engineer - Chartered Engineer (Esame di Stato di abilitazione per la Professione di Ingegnere), University of Padova (Italy)
Bachelor's Degree in Information Engineering - Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria dell'Informazione, University of Padova (Italy)
Experience abroad
October 2010- September 2011:
Harvard Medical School, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Motion analysis Laboratory of Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston (MA) USA.
I have been part of the Motion Analysis Laboratory team at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston in order to carry on my PhD research, under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Bonato. I have been involved in a rehabilitation project of stroke patients, based on the use of wearable sensors: the goal is to use accelerometers for gathering quantitative measures of movement quality, providing accurate assessments to guide the rehabilitation process. Models based on features extracted from wearable sensor data should be useful to accurately predict some clinical scores.
Funding & Awards
- NU PI: Pharma-UCD SUSTAIN Mobilise-D (£438,000).
- NU PI: UKRI MRC- Walking-related mobility assessment in older people with multimorbidity (UKRI091) (£93,000).
- Co-I: ARUK - Characterising digital mobility signatures of atypical dementia (£35,000).
- Co-I (Work Package Lead): UKRI EPSRC Programme Grant: Transforming the Objective Real-world measUrement of Symptoms (TORUS, EP/X036146/1) (£6,200,000).
- Co-I (Work Package Lead): UKRI EPSRC Northern Health Futures (NortHFutures) Hub (EP/X031012/1) (£3,400,000).
- Co-I: The Michael J Fox Foundation – Mobilise-D extension (£730,000).
- Co-PI: EPSRC and NIHR funding (Transforming acre and health at home and enabling independence) - Transforming Parkinson's disease clinical management with integrated digital health technologies (£500,000)
- Co-I: NIHR Global Health - NIHR Global Health Research Group on Transforming Parkinson's Care in Africa (TraPCAf) (£2,999,500)
- Newcastle Academic Track (NUAcT) Fellowship (5-year Fellowship, £300,000)
- Co-I: BRC Emerging Leaders - Remote monitoring of disease and physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (£67,574).
- Co-applicant: NIHR Programme Development Grants - Digital and Remote Enhancements for the Assessment and Management of older people living with frailty (DREAM) (£150,000).
- Co-applicant: QR funding application (Northumbria University) - Apps4Activity (£2,730).
- Co-applicant: National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre Funding - “Developing novel tools to accurately identify dementia subtypes: application of wearable-based gait analysis and machine learning approaches” (£4,000)
- PI: Medical Research Council (MRC) Confidence in Concept (CiC) funding - "Translating digital healthcare to enhance clinical management: evaluating the effect of medication on mobility in people with PD through remote monitoring tools" (£80,983).
- Co-applicant (Newcastle PI): Ageing Well through Eating, Sleeping, Socialising and Mobility Programme (AWESSoM) (£34,000)
- Co-applicant: Global Challenges Academy: Rapid Response Call - Use of wearable sensors for measuring walking activity in low-to-middle income countries (Tanzania), Newcastle University (£4,490).
- Co-applicant: European Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI) - IDEA-FAST: "Identifying digital endpoints to assess fatigue, sleep and activities of daily living in neurodegenerative disorders and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases" (50 million Euros).
- Winner of the Wellcome Trust Broadening Our Horizon Scheme (ISFF-ISB) (£1,223).
- Winner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Travel Award (£500).
- Winner of the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) International Travel Grant (£770 (900 Euros)).
- Winner of the Wellcome Trust Broadening Our Horizon Scheme (ISSF-ISPGR) (£1,082).
- Co-applicant: European Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI) - Mobilise-D: "Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement" (50 million Euros).
- Winner of the Wellcome Trust Broadening Our Horizon Scheme (ISSF-MDS) (£1,280).
- Winner of the Wellcome Trust Broadening Our Horizon Scheme (ISSF-WCB) (£1,338).
- Winner of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Congress Travel Grant (£610 ($800)).
- Awarded the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship (Level D2).
- Newcastle University Business Voucher - Project in collaboration with CasCom Ltd - VetSens (£4,000).
- Stroke Association - Co-PI: "Development and clinical trial feasibility evaluation of auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE)" (£207,511).
- Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) Research Travel Fund (£200).
- Winner of the Guarantors of Brain Travel Grant (£1,000).
- Winner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Travel Award (£500).
- PI: Newcastle University Institute for Ageing (NUIA) Early Career Researcher Funding: "Effect of medication on habitual gait in people with PD: a feasibility study" (£5,776).
- Co-PI: Newcastle University Institute for Ageing (NUIA) Responsive Mode: "A feasibility study of instrumented fall detection within the ICICLE-Gait cohort" (£5,000).
- Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) Research Travel Fund (£200).
- Winner of the Guarantors of Brain Travel Grant (£700).
- Winner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Travel Award (£500).
- Winner of the “Prof. Sergio Gambi Award 2012- Second Edition” (5,000 Euros) for PhD thesis related to an original research, preferably on a disability related topic, with possible theoretical and technological applications, with the PhD Thesis: "Innovative Techniques for Biomechanical Evaluation of Stroke Survivors: Combined fMRI-Gait Analysis Assessment and Fugl-Meyer Clinical Scores Estimation Through Wearable Sensors." Head: Prof. Matteo Bertocco, Supervisor: Prof. Chiara Dalla Man.
Winner of the BTS Bioengineering/SIMFER Award for the best scientific contribution on the evaluated functional analysis of the movement applied to the rehabilitation through robotic instruments. (17th PRM Congress – 38° Congresso Nazionale: European Rehabilitation: Quality, Evidence, Efficacy and Effectiveness, Lido di Venezia 2010), with the study: E. Carraro, Z. Sawacha, S. Del Din, F. Spolaor, A. Guiotto, A. R. Gravina, R. Guglielmin, C. Cobelli, S. Masiero. (2010) Abnormal activation of knee and ankle flexors-extensors is related to altered gait in ankylosing spondylitis? European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 46, Suppl. 1, n° 2: 105.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET)
International Society of Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR)
International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB)
Association of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers and Bioengineers (BioMedEng Association)
Elected Chair/Lead of the Early Career Researchers Working Group of the BioMedEng association Council (2022)
Research Interests
I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Healthcare for translational applications.
I am part of the Brain and Movement (BAM) Research Group at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute of Newcastle University and I have been contributing to build the digital health theme within the group.
My expertise and translational research interests focus on digital health. In particular, I am interested in the use of wearable technology and in developing analytics for quantification of digital mobility outcomes in ageing and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson's disease), to enhance remote monitoring and clinical management.
This is a short video that describes my research vision.
I am the PI various studies including a MRC funded Confidence in Concept (CiC) project “Translating digital healthcare to enhance clinical management: evaluating the effect of medication on mobility in people with Parkinson’s disease”. The project aims at using wearable technology to assess medication adherence in people with Parkinson’s and its impact on their real-world mobility.
I have been/ am involved as Co-I with leadership roles in various clinical trials and digital health projects including Mobilise-D (where I served as Academic Lead of Work Package 2 - the Technical Validation Study), IDEA-FAST, D&FP and Exenatide.
Member of Parkinson's UK College of Experts (2022)
Elected Chair of the Early Career Researchers Working Group of the BioMedEng Association Council (2022).
ECR Representative for the Biomedical Engineering NUCoRE.
Member of the ISPGR Scientific Content Committee.
Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB).
Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE-JBHI).
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Movement Disorders part of Frontiers in Neurology.
Peer Reviews
I have reviewed scientific papers for the following peer-reviewed Journals:
- Gait & Posture
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
- Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
- Medical Engineering & Physics
- Movement Disorders
- Neural Regeneration Research
- Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine
- Physiological Measurement
- Sensors
- Applied Sciences
- Digital Health
- Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
- Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
- Journal of Neuroscience Methods
- Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
- Journal of Parkinson's Disease
I have been a reviewer for the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Chilean National Science and Technology Commission (CONICYT - Chile).
I have served as Internal (Newcastle University) and External Reviewer and Examiner for six PhD candidates (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Salford, Cardiff University, Politecnico di Torino, University of Padova).
Fellow of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) Advance Higher Education (Advance HE) - Level D2 (teaching qualification).
University of Padua
- Biological Signal Processing (Elaborazione di segnali biologici) 2008/2009 (Prof. Maria Gianna Toffolo)
- Biological Signal Processing (Elaborazione di segnali biologici) 2009/2010 (Prof. Maria Gianna Toffolo)
- Bioengineering of Rehabilitation and Movement (Bioingegneria del movimento e riabilitazione) 2009/2010 (Prof. Chiara Dalla Man)
- Bioengineering of Movement (Bioingegneria del Movimento) for resident physicians in Orthopaedic and Traumatology 2011/2012 (Prof. Claudio Cobelli)
Newcastle University
- Module SES2005: Applied Biomechanics - Matlab 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 (Lecturer)
- ITN Keep Control - Summer School 2019 - "The good, the bad and the controllable sides of ageing" (22-26/07/2019, Atheens, Greece) - Silvia Del Din: Biomechanical Signal Processing (22/07/2019).
University of Genoa
- Module on Functional Assessment in Neurorehabilitation: Innovative tools (Master in Neuroscience and Neurological Rehabilitation 2022, Lecturer)
Supervisor for: UG or PGT students (JobsOC placement), UG students (Medical School), MSc students (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering),
Supervisor and co-supervisor of 8 PhD students:
4 completed PhD students: Dr Rana Zia Ur Rehman (2018-2021, European Union Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network (ITN) KEEP CONTROL - Marie Skłodowska-Curie program), recipient of the Newcastle University Medical Sciences Doctoral Prize, Dr Michael Dunne-Willows (2017-2021, EPSRC CDT), Dr Cameron Kirk (2019-2024, Mobilise-D), Dr Gemma Bate (2020-2024, MRC DiMeN DTP).
4 ongoing: Emma Packer (NUAcT), Nana Aboagye (Newcastle NIHR BRC), Khalid Abdul Jabbar (New Zealand AWESSoM Study) and Giorgia Giovannetti (SAgE).
Tutor of 9 Exercise Physiology MSc students (Newcastle University, 2021-2023).
Tutor of 4 BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science students (Newcastle University, 2023-2024).
- Mc Ardle R, Ryan LJ, Rehman RZU, Dignan E, Thompson A, Del Din S, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L, Alcock L. Validation of an algorithm for detecting turning in people with cognitive impairment, considering dementia disease subtype. Gait & Posture 2025, 118, 141-147.
- Sarvestan J, Baker KF, Silvia Del Din S. Exploring the Effect of Sampling Frequency on Real-World Mobility, Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Activity and Sleep Outcomes Measured with Wearable Devices in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Feasibility, Usability and Practical Considerations. Bioengineering 2025, 12(1), 18.
- Baker K, Das J, Rochester L, Del Din S, Naisby J. Exploring context allows us to better understand physical activity in people with and without Parkinson’s who have fallen: a mixed methods study. Geriatrics 2025, 10(1), 8.
- Marcianò V, Cereatti A, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Alcock L, Gazit E, Ireson I, Bevilacqua A, Mazzà C, Ciravegna F, Del Din S, Hausdorff JM, Ifrim G, Caulfield B, Caruso M. Discriminating Between Indoor and Outdoor Environments During Daily Living Activities Using Local Magnetic Field Characteristics and Machine Learning Techniques. IEEE Sensors Journal 2025, 25(1), 1507-1515.
- Albites-Sanabria J, Palumbo P, D'Ascanio I, Bonci T, Caruso M, Salis F, Cereatti A, Del Din S, Alcock L, Kuederle A, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Gazit E, Kluge F, Kirk C, Micó-Amigo ME, Scott K, Hansen C, Klenk J, Schwickert L, Megaritis D, Vogiatzis I, Becker C, Maetzler W, Hausdorff J, Caulfield B, Vereijken B, Rochester L, Muller A, Mazzà C, Carpinella I, Bowman T, De Ciechi R, Torchio A, Cattaneo D, Bianchi S, Ferrarin M, Randi P, Piraccini L, Davalli A, Chiari L, Palmerini L. Automated Multicohort Mobility Assessment with an Instrumented L-test (iL-test). IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering 2025, 33, 717-727.
- Brand YE, Kluge F, Palmerini L, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Becker C, Cereatti A, Maetzler W, Sharrack B, Vereijken B, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Del Din S, Muller A, Buchman AS, Hausdorff JM, Perlman O. Self-Supervised Learning of Wrist-Worn Daily Living Accelerometer Data Improves the Automated Detection of Gait in Older Adults. Scientific Reports 2024, 14, 20854.
- Kluge F, Brand YE, Mico-Amigo E, Bertuletti S, Gazit E, Bonci T, Kirk C, Kuderle A, Palmerini L, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Salis F, Soltani A, Ullrich M, Alcock L, Arminian K, Becker C, Brown P, Buekers J, Carsin AE, Caruso M, Caulfield B, Cereatti A, Chiari L, Echevarria C, Eskofier BM, Evers J, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hache T, Hansen C, Hausdorff JM, Hiden H, Hume E, Keogh A, Koch S, Maetzler W, MacLean MK, Megaritis D, Niessen M, Perlman O, Schwickert L, Scott K, Sharrack B, Sillen H, Singleton D, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Mazza C, Del Din S, Mueller A. Real-world gait detection using a wrist-worn inertial sensor: Validation study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024, 8, e50035.
- Zhang H, Ho ESL, Zhang X, Del Din S, Shum HPH. Pose-based Tremor Type and Level Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease from Video. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024, 19(5), 831-840.
- Kirk C, Küderle A, Micó-Amigo ME, Bonci T, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Ullrich M, Soltani A, Gazit E, Salis F, Alcock L, Aminian K, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Brown P, Buckley E, Cantu A, Carsin A, Caruso M, Caulfield B, Cereatti A, Chiari L, D'Ascanio I, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hansen C, Hausdorff JM, Hiden H, Hume E, Keogh A, Kluge F, Koch S, Maetzler W, Megaritis D, Mueller A, Niessen M, Palmerini L, Schwickert L, Scott K, Sharrack B, Sillén H, Singleton D, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Yarnall A, Rochester L, Mazzà C, Eskofier B, Del Din S, Mobilise‑D consortium. Mobilise-D insights to estimate real-world walking speed in multiple conditions with a wearable device. Scientific Reports 2024, 14, 1754.
- Mahmoud A, Goodwin VA, Morley N, Whitney J, Lamb SE, Lyndon H, Creanor S, Frost J, DREAM Study Team Clegg A, Crocker T, Del Din S, Hamilton F, Hulme C, Sanders T. How can we improve Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for older people living with frailty in primary care and community settings? A qualitative study. BMJ Open 2024, 14(3), e081304.
- Hinchliffe C, Rehman RZU, Pinaud C, Branco D, Jackson D, Ahmaniemi T, Guerreiro T, Chatterjee M, Manyakov NV, Pandis I, Davies K, Macrae V, Aufenberg S, Paulides E, Hildesheim H, Kudelka J, Emmert K, Van Gassen G, Rochester L, van der Woude CJ, Reilmann R, Maetzler W, Ng W-F, Del Din S. Evaluation of walking activity and gait to identify physical and mental fatigue in neurodegenerative and immune disorders: preliminary insights from the IDEA-FAST feasibility study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2024, 21, 94.
- Taylor L, Parsons J, Moyes SA, Cavadino A, Binns E, Taylor D, Lord S, Del Din S, Rochester L, Kerse N. Effects of an Exercise Program to Reduce Falls in Older People Living in Long-Term Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMDA 2024, 25(2), 201-208.e6.
- Scotland A, Cosne G, Juraver A, Karatsidis A, Penalver-Andres J, Bartholomé E, Kanzler CM, Mazzà C, Roggen D, Hinchliffe C, Del Din S, Belachew S. DISPEL: a Python Framework for Developing Measures from Digital Health Technologies. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2024, 5, 494-497.
- Mirelman A, Volkov J, Salomon A, Gazit E, Nieuwboer A, Rochester L, Del Din S, Avanzino L, Pelosin E, Bloem BR, Della Croce U, Cereatti A, Thaler A, Roggen D, Mazza C, Shirvan J, Cedarbaum JM, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM. Digital mobility measures: a window into real-world severity and progression of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 2024, 39(2), 328-338.
- Mc Ardle R, Taylor L, Cavadino A, Rochester L, Del Din S, Kerse N. Characterising walking behaviours in aged residential care using accelerometery: a cross-sectional comparison of care level, cognitive status and physical function. JMIR Aging 2024, 7, e53020.
- Zadka A, Rabin N, Gazit E, Mirelman A, Nieuwboer A, Rochester L, Del Din S, Pelosin E, Avanzino L, Bloem BR, Della Croce U, Cereatti A, Hausdorff JM. A wearable sensor and machine learning estimate step length in older adults and patients with neurological disorders. npj Digital Medicine 2024, 7(1), 142.
- McDonald C, Alderson C, Birkbeck MG, Brown L, Del Din S, Gorman G, Hollingsworth KG, Massarella C, Rehman R, Rochester L, Sayer AA, Su H, Tuppen HAL, Warren C, Witham MD. A study protocol to investigate if Acipimox improves muscle function and sarcopenia –an open-label, uncontrolled, before-and-after experimental medicine feasibility study in community dwelling older adults. BMJ Open 2024, 14, e076518.
- MacLean MK, Rehman RZU, Kerse N, Taylor L, Rochester L, Del Din S. Walking Bout Detection for People Living in Long Residential Care: A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for a 3-Axis Accelerometer on the Lower Back. Sensors 2023, 23(21), 8973.
- Abdul Jabbar K, Sarvestan J, Rehman RZU, Lord S, Kerse N, Teh R, Del Din S. Validation of an Algorithm for Measurement of Sedentary Behaviour in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Sensors 2023, 23(10), 4605.
- Packer E, Debelle H, Bailey HGB, Ciravegna F, Ireson N, Evers J, Niessen M, Shi JQ, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Alcock L, Del Din S. Translating digital healthcare to enhance clinical management: a protocol for an observational study utilising a digital health technology system to monitor medication adherence and its effect on mobility in people with Parkinson’s. BMJ Open 2023, 13, e073388.
- Walker R, Fothergill-Misbah N, Kariuki S, Ojo O, Cilia R, Dekker MCJ, Agabi O, Akpalu A, Amod F, Breckons M, Cham M, Del Din S, Dotchin C, Guggsa S, Kwasa S, Mushi D, Nwaokorie FO, Park T, Rochester L, Rogathi J, Sarfo FS, Shalash A, Ternent L, Urasa S, Okubadejo N. Transforming Parkinson's Care in Africa (TraPCAf): Protocol for a multimethodology National Institute for Health and Care Research Global Health Research Group project. BMC Neurology 2023, 23, 373.
- Bate GL, Kirk C, Rehman RZ, Guan Y, Yarnall AJ, Del Din S, Lawson RA. The Role of Wearable Sensors to Monitor Physical Activity and Sleep Patterns in Older Adult Inpatients: A Structured Review. Sensors 2023, 23(10), 4881.
- Jabbar KA, Mc Ardle R, Lord S, Kerse N, Del Din S, Teh R. Physical activity in community-dwelling older adults: which real-world accelerometry measures are robust? A systematic review. Sensors 2023, 23(17), 7615.
- Palmerini L, Reggi L, Bonci T, Del Din S, Micó-Amigo ME, Salis F, Bertuletti S, Caruso M, Cereatti A, Gazit E, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Soltani A, Kluge F, Küderle A, Ullrich M, Kirk C, Hiden H, D'Ascanio I, Hansen C, Rochester L, Mazzà C, Chiari L. Mobility recorded by wearable devices and gold standards: the Mobilise-D procedure for data standardization. Scientific Data 2023, 10, 38.
- Buekers J, Megaritis D, Koch S, Alcock L, Ammour N, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Brown P, Buckley E, Buttery SC, Caulfied B, Cereatti A, Chynkiamis N, Demeyer H, Echevarria C, Frei A, Hansen C, Hausdorff JM, Hopkinson NS, Hume E, Kuederle A, Maetzler W, Mazzà C, Micó-Amigo EM, Mueller A, Palmerini L, Salis F, Scott K, Troosters T, Vereijken B, Watz H, Rochester L, Del Din S, Vogiatzis I, Garcia-Aymerich J. Laboratory and free-living gait performance in adults with COPD and healthy controls. ERJ Open Research 2023, 9(5), 00159-2023.
- Furtado S, Godfrey A, Del Din S, Rochester L, Gerrand C. Free-living monitoring of ambulatory activity after treatments for lower extremity musculoskeletal cancers using an accelerometer-based wearable – a new paradigm to outcome assessment in musculoskeletal oncology?. Disability and Rehabilitation 2023, 45(12), 2021-2030.
- Debelle H, Packer E, Beales E, Bailey HGB, Mc Ardle R, Brown P, Hunter H, Ciravegna F, Ireson N, Evers J, Niessen M, SHI JQ, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Alcock L, Del Din S. Feasibility and usability of a digital health technology system to monitor mobility and assess medication adherence in mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Neurology 2023, 14, 1111260.
- Romijnders R, Salis F, Hansen C, Küderle K, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Cereatti A, Alcock L, Aminian K, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Brown P, Buckley E, Cantu A, Carsin A, Caruso M, Caulfield B, Chiari L, D'Ascanio I, Del Din S, Eskofier BM, Fernstad S, Fröhlich M, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gazit E, Hausdorff JM, Hiden H, Hume E, Keogh A, Kirk C, Kluge F, Koch S, Mazza C, Megaritis D, Micó-Amigo E, Müller A, Palmerini L, Rochester L, Schwickert L, Scott K, Sharrack B, Singleton D, Soltani A, Ullrich M, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Yarnall A, Schmidt G, Maetzler W. Ecological validity of a deep learning algorithm to detect gait events from real-life walking bouts in mobility-limiting diseases. Frontiers in Neurology 2023, 14, 124753.
- Kirk C, Rehman R, Galna B, Alcock L, Ranciati S, Palmerini L, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hansen C, Schaeffer E, Berg D, Maetzler W, Rochester L, Del Din S, Yarnall A. Can Digital Mobility Assessment Enhance the Clinical Assessment of Disease Severity in Parkinson’s Disease?. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2023, 13(6), 999-1009.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity participation in people with cognitive impairment in the North East of England. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2023, 95(1), 265-273.
- Micó-Amigo ME, Bonci T, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Ullrich M, Kirk C, Soltani A, Küderle A, Gazit E, Salis F, Alcock L, Aminian K, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Brown P, Buckley E, Cantu A, Carsin A, Caruso M, Caulfield B, Cereatti A, Chiari L, D'Ascanio I, Eskofier B, Fernstad S, Froehlich M, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hansen C, Hausdorff JM, Hiden H, Hume E, Keogh A, Kluge F, Koch S, Maetzler W, Megaritis D, Mueller A, Niessen M, Palmerini L, Schwickert L, Scott K, Sharrack B, Sillén H, Singleton D, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Mazzà C, Del Din S, Mobilise-D consortium. Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2023, 20, 78.
- Prigent G, Aminian K, Cereatti A, Salis F, Bonci T, Scott K, Mazzà C, Alcock L, Del Din S, Gazit E, Hansen C, Paraschiv-Ionescu A. A robust walking detection algorithm using a single foot-worn inertial sensor: validation in real-life settings. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2023, 61, 2341-2352.
- Salis F, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Caruso M, Scott K, Alcock L, Buckley E, Gazit E, Hansen C, Schwickert L, Aminian K, Becker C, Brown P, Carsin A, Caulfield B, Chiari L, D'ascanio I, Del Din S, Eskofier BM, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hausdorff JM, Hume EC, Kirk C, Kluge F, Koch S, Kuederle A, Maetzler W, Micó-Amigo EM, Mueller A, Neatrour I, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Palmerini L, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Sharrack B, Singleton D, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Della Croce U, Mazzà C, Cereatti A. A multi-sensor wearable system for the assessment of diseased gait in real-world conditions. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2023, 11, 1143248.
- Elshehabi M, Del Din S, Hobert MA, Warmerdam E, Sünkel U, Schmitz-Hübsch T, Behncke LM, Heinzel S, Brockmann K, Metzger FG, Schlenstedt C, Rochester L, Hansen C, Berg D, Maetzler W. Walking Parameters of Older Adults from a Lower Back Inertial Measurement Unit, a Six-Year Longitudinal Observational Study. Frontiers Aging Neuroscience 2022, 14, 789220.
- Lord S, The R, Gibson R, Smith M, Wrapson W, Thomson M, Rolleston A, Neville S, McBain L, Del Din S, Taylor L, Kayes N, Kingston A, Abey-Nesbit R, Kerse N. Optimising function and well-being in older adults: Protocol for an integrated research programme in Aotearoa/New Zealand. BMC Geriatrics 2022, 22, 215.
- Rehman RZU, Guan Y, Shi JQ, Alcock L, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Del Din S. Investigating the Impact of Environment and Data Aggregation by Walking Bout Duration on Parkinson’s Disease Classification Using Machine Learning. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2022, 14, 808518.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Morris R, Alcock L, Yarnall AJ, Burn DJ, Rochester L, Lawson RA. Factors Influencing Habitual Physical Activity in Parkinson’s Disease: Considering the Psychosocial State and Wellbeing of People with Parkinson’s and Their Carers. Sensors 2022, 22(3), 871.
- Scott K, Bonci T, Salis F, Alcock L, Buckley E, Gazit E, Hansen C, Schwickert L, Aminian K, Bertuletti S, Caruso M, Chiari L, Sharrack B, Maetzler W, Becker C, Hausdorff JM, Vogiatzis I, Brown P, Del Din S, Eskofier B, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Keogh A, Kirk C, Kluge F, Micó-Amigo ME, Mueller A, Neatrour I, Niessen M, Palmerini L, Sillen H, Singleton D, Ullrich M, Vereijken B, Froelich M, Brittan G, Caufield B, Koch S, Carsin A, Garcia-Aymerich J, Kuederle A, Yarnall A, Rochester L, Cereatti A, Mazzà C, the Mobilise-D consortium. Design and validation of a multi-task, multi-context protocol for real-world gait simulation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2022, 19, 141.
- Shaw L, McCue P, Brown P, Buckley C, DelDin S, Francis R, Hunter H, Lambert A, Lord S, Price CIM, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait in community-dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022, 8(1), 239.
- Bonci T, Salis F, Scott K, Alcock L, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Buckley E, Caruso M, Cereatti A, Del Din S, Gazit E, Hansen C, Hausdorff JM, Maetzler W, Palmerini L, Rochester L, Schwickert L, Sharrack B, Vogiatzis I, Mazzà C. An algorithm for accurate marker-based gait event detection in healthy and pathological populations during complex motor tasks. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2022, 10, 868928.
- Abouhajar A, Alcock L, Bigirumurame T, Bradley P, Brown L, Campbell I, Del Din S, Faitg J, Falkous G, Gorman GS, Lakey R, McFarland R, Newman J, Rochester L, Ryan V, Smith H, Steel A, Stefanetti RJ, Su H, Taylor RW, Thomas NJP, Tuppen H, Vincent AE, Warren C, Watson G. Acipimox in Mitochondrial Myopathy (AIMM): study protocol for a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, adaptive design trial of the efficacy of acipimox in adult patients with mitochondrial myopathy. Trials 2022, 23(1), 789.
- McCue P, Shaw L, Del Din S, Hunter H, Lord S, Price CIM, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Acceptability and deliverability of an auditory rhythmical cueing (ARC) training programme for use at home and outdoors to improve gait and physical activity post-stroke. Archives of Physiotherapy 2022, 12, 1.
- Branco D, Carrington P, Del Din S, Doryab A, Gjoreski H, Guerreiro T, McNaney R, Montague K, Pradhan A, Rodrigues A, Verga J. Wild by Design: Workshop on Designing Ubiquitous Health Monitoring Technologies for Challenging Environments. UbiComp/ISWC 2021 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2021, 508-510.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Donaghy P, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. The Impact of Environment on Gait Assessment: Considerations from Real-World Gait Analysis in Dementia Subtypes. Sensors 2021, 21(3), 813.
- Mazzà C, Alcock L, Aminian K, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Brown P, Brozgol M, Buckley E, Carsin A, Caruso M, Caulfield B, Cereatti A, Chiari L, Chynkiamis N, Ciravegna F, Del Din S, Eskofier B, Evers J, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gazit E, Hansen C, Hausdorff J, Helbostad J, Hiden H, Hume E, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Ireson N, Keogh A, Kirk C, Kluge F, Koch S, Küderle A, Lanfranchi V, Maetzler W, Micó-Amigo EM, Mueller A, Neatrour I, Niessen M, P Luca, P L, Reggi L, Salis F, Schwickert L, Scott K, Sharrack B, Sillen H, Singleton D, Soltani A, Taraldsen K, Ullrich M, Van Gelder L, Vereijken B, Vogiatzis I, Warmerdam E, Yarnall A, Rochester L. Technical validation of real-world monitoring of gait: a multicentric observational study. BMJ Open 2021, 11(12), e050785.
- Vijiaratnam N, Girges C, Auld G, Chau M, MacLagan K, King A, Skene SS, Chowdhury K, Hibbert S, Morris H, Limousin P, Athauda D, Carroll C, Hu MT, Silverdale M, Duncan GW, Chaudhuri R, Lo C, Del Din S, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Gibson R, Dickson J, Hunter R, Libri V, Foltynie T. Exenatide once weekly over 2 years as a potential disease modifying treatment for Parkinson's disease: protocol for a multi-centre, randomised, double blind, parallel group, placebo controlled, Phase 3 trial, The 'Exenatide-PD3' study. BMJ Open 2021, 11(5), e047993.
- Mirelman A, Ben Or Frank M, Melamed M, Granovsky L, Nieuwboer A, Rochester L, Del Din S, Avanzino L, Pelosin E, Bloem BR, Della Croce U, Cereatti A, Bonato P, Camicioli R, Ellis T, Hamilton JL, Hass CJ, Almeida QJ, Maidan I, Thaler A, Shirvan J, Cedarbaum JM, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM. Detecting Sensitive Mobility Features for Parkinson's Disease Stages Via Machine Learning. Movement Disorders 2021, 36(9), 2144-2155.
- Kluge F, Del Din S, Cereatti A, Gassner H, Hansen C, Helbostad JL, Klucken J, Küderle A, Müller A, Rochester L, Ullrich M, Eskofier BM, Mazzà C. Consensus based framework for digital mobility monitoring. PLOS One 2021, 16(8), e0256541.
- Del Din S, Kirk C, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Hausdorff JM. Body-Worn Sensors for Remote Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease Motor Symptoms: Vision, State of the Art, and Challenges Ahead. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2021, 11(S1), S35-S47.
- Mc Ardle R, Pratt S, Buckley C, Del Din S, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L, Alcock L. Balance Impairments as Differential Markers of Dementia Disease Subtype. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2021, 9, 639337.
- Rehman RZU, Klocke P, Hryniv S, Galna B, Rochester L, Del Din S, Alcock L. Turning detection during gait: Algorithm validation and influence of sensor location and turning characteristics in the classification of Parkinson’s disease. Sensors 2020, 20(18), 5377.
- Mirelman A, Hillel I, Rochester L, Del Din S, Bloem BR, Avanzino L, Nieuwboer A, Maidan I, Shema Shiratzki S, Herman T, Thaler A, Gurevich T, Kestenbaum M, Orr-Urtreger A, Brys M, Cederbaum J, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM. Tossing and turning in bed: Nocturnal movements in Parkinson's disease . Movement Disorders 2020, 35(6), 959-968.
- Buckley C, Cavadino A, Del Din S, Lord S, Taylor L, Rochester L, Kerse N. Quantifying Reliable Walking Activity with a Wearable Device in Aged Residential Care: How Many Days Are Enough?. Sensors 2020, 20(21), 6314.
- Del Din S, Lewis EG, Gray WK, Collin H, Kissima J, Rochester L, Dotchin C, Urasa S, Walker R. Monitoring walking activity with wearable technology in rural-dwelling older adults in Tanzania: a feasibility study nested within a frailty prevalence study. Experimental Aging Research 2020, 46(5), 367-381.
- Buckley C, Micó-Amigo ME, Dunne-Willows M, Godfrey A, Hickey A, Lord S, Rochester L, Del Din S, Moore SA. Gait Asymmetry Post-Stroke: Determining Valid and Reliable Methods Using a Single Accelerometer Located on the Trunk. Sensors 2020, 20(1), 37.
- Rehman RZU, Zhou Y, Del Din S, Alcock L, Hansen C, Guan Y, Hortobágyi T, Maetzler W, Rochester L, Lamoth CJC. Gait Analysis with Wearables can Accurately Classify Fallers from Non-Fallers: A Step toward Better Management of Neurological Disorders. Sensors 2020, 20(23), 6992.
- Del Din S, Galna B, Lord S, Nieuwboer A, Bekkers EMJ, Pelosin E, Avanzino L, Bloem BR, Olde Rikkert MGM, Nieuwhof F, Cereatti A, Della Croce U, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM, Rochester L. Falls risk in relation to activity exposure in high risk older adults. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences 2020, 75(6), 1198-1205.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Donaghy P, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. Factors that influence habitual activity in mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Gerontology 2020, 66, 197-208.
- Taylor L, Parsons J, Taylor D, Binns E, Lord S, Edlin R, Rochester L, Del Din S, Klenk J, Buckley C, Cavadino A, Moyes SA, Kerse N. Evaluating the effects of an exercise program (Staying UpRight) for older adults in long-term care on rates of falls: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2020, 21, 46.
- Coates L, Shi JQ, Rochester L, Del Din S, Pantall A. Entropy of Real-World Gait in Parkinson’s Disease Determined from Wearable Sensors as a Digital Marker of Altered Ambulatory Behavior. Sensors 2020, 20(9), 2631.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L. Differentiating dementia disease subtypes with gait analysis: feasibility of wearable sensors? . Gait & Posture 2020, 76, 372-376.
- Ullrich M, Kuederle A, Hannink J, Del Din S, Gassner H, Marxreiter F, Klucken J, Eskofier BM, Kluge F. Detection of gait from continuous inertial sensor data using harmonic frequencies. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2020, 24(7), 1869-1878.
- Del Din S, Yarnall AJ, Barber TR, Lo C, Crabbe M, Rolinski M, Baig F, Hu MT, Rochester L. Continuous Real-World Gait Monitoring in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2020, 10(1), 283-299.
- Zhou Y, Rehman RZU, Hansen C, Maetzler W, Del Din S, Rochester L, Hortobágyi T, Lamoth CJC. Classification of Neurological Patients to Identify Fallers Based on Spatial-Temporal Gait Characteristics Measured by a Wearable Device. Sensors 2020, 20(15), 4098.
- McCue P, Del Din S, Hunter H, Lord S, Price CIM, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6(1), 68.
- Furtado S, Godfrey A, Del Din S, Rochester L, Gerrand C. Are Accelerometer-based Functional Outcome Assessments Feasible and Valid After Treatment for Lower Extremity Sarcomas?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2020, 478(3), 482-503.
- Bonci T, Keogh A, Del Din S, Scott K, Mazzà C. An objective methodology for the selection of a device for continuous mobility assessment . Sensors 2020, 20(22), 6509.
- Rehman RZU, Buckley C, Micó-Amigo ME, Kirk C, Dunne-Willows M, Mazzà C, Shi JQ, Alcock L, Rochester L, Del Din S. Accelerometry-based digital gait characteristics for classification of Parkinson’s disease: what counts?. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2020, 1, 65-73.
- Rehman RZU, Del Din S, Guan Y, Yarnall AJ, Shi JQ, Rochester L. Selecting Clinically Relevant Gait Characteristics for Classification of Early Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Machine Learning Approach. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 17269.
- Hillel I, Gazit E, Nieuwboer A, Avanzino L, Rochester L, Cereatti A, Della Croce U, Olde Rikkert M, Bloem BR, Pelosin E, Del Din S, Ginis P, Giladi N, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM. Is every-day walking in older adults more analogous to dual-task walking or to usual walking? Elucidating the gaps between gait performance in the lab and during 24/7 monitoring. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2019, 16, 6.
- Del Din S, Elshehabi M, Galna B, Hobert M, Warmerdam E, Suenkel U, Brockmann K, Metzger F, Hansen C, Berg D, Rochester L, Maetzler W. Gait analysis with wearables predicts conversion to Parkinson’s disease. Annals of Neurology 2019, 86(3), 357-367.
- Rehman RZU, Del Din S, Shi JQ, Galna B, Lord S, Yarnall AJ, Guan Y, Rochester L. Comparison of walking protocols and gait assessment systems for machine learning based classification of Parkinson’s disease. Sensors 2019, 19(24), 5363.
- Galperin I, Hillel I, Del Din S, Bekkers EMJ, Nieuwboer A, Abbruzzese G, Avanzino L, Nieuwhof F, Bloem BR, Rochester L, Della Croce U, Cereatti A, Giladi N, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM. Associations between daily-living physical activity and laboratory-based assessments of motor severity in patients with falls and Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019, 62, 85-90.
- Del Din S, Galna B, Godfrey A, Bekkers EMJ, Pelosin E, Nieuwhof F, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM, Rochester L. Analysis of free-living gait in older adults with and without Parkinson's disease and with and without a history of falls: identifying generic and disease specific characteristics. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Medical Sciences 2019, 74(4), 500-506.
- Pantall A, Suresparan P, Kapa L, Morris R, Yarnall A, Del Din S, Rochester L. Postural dynamics are associated with cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Neurology 2018, 9, 1044.
- Pantall A, Del Din S, Rochester L. Longitudinal changes over thirty-six months in postural control dynamics and cognitive function in people with Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture 2018, 62, 468-474.
- Mc Ardle R, Morris R, Hickey A, Del Din S, Koychev I, Gunn RN, Lawson J, Zamboni G, Ridha B, Sahakian BJ, Rowe JB, Thomas A, Zetterberg H, MacKay C, Lovestone S, Rochester L. Gait in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease: Feasibility of Multi-Center Measurement in the Clinic and Home with Body-Worn Sensors: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018, 63(1), 331-341.
- Hausdorff JM, Hillel I, Shustak S, Del Din S, Bekkers E, Pelosin E, Nieuwhof F, Rochester L, Mirelman A. Everyday stepping quantity and quality among older adult fallers with and without mild cognitive impairment: Initial evidence for new motor markers of cognitive deficits?. Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 2018, 73(8), 1078-1082.
- Bertoli M, Cereatti A, Trojaniello D, Avanzino L, Pelosin E, Del Din S, Rochester L, Ginis P, Bekkers EMJ, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM, Della Croce U. Estimation of spatio-temporal parameters of gait from magneto-inertial measurement units: multicenter validation among Parkinson, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy older adults. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2018, 17, 58.
- Lord S, Isbey O, Rochester L, Del Din S, Taylor L. Discerning the contribution of balance and mobility to physical activity in community-dwelling octogenarians: A preliminary report. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 2018, 46(3), 133-138.
- Kemp GJ, Birrell F, Clegg PD, Cuthbertson DJ, De Vito G, van Dieën JH, Del Din S, Eastell R, Garnero P, Goljanek-Whysall K, Hackl M, Hodgson R, Jackson MJ, Lord S, Mazzà C, McArdle A, McCloskey EV, Narici M, Peffers MJ, Schiaffino S, Mathers JC. Developing a toolkit for the assessment and monitoring of musculoskeletal ageing. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(suppl_4), iv1–iv19.
- Pham MH, Elshehabi M, Haertner L, Del Din S, Srulijes K, Heger T, Synofzik M, Hobert MA, Faber GS, Hansen C, Salkovic D, Ferreira JJ, Berg D, Sanchez-Ferro A, van Dieen J, Becker C, Rochester L, Schmidt G, Maetzler W. Validation of a Step Detection Algorithm during Straight Walking and Turning in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Older Adults using an Inertial Measurement Unit at the Lower Back. Frontiers in Neurology 2017, 8, 457.
- Cerff B, Maetzler W, Sulzer P, Kampmeyer M, Prinzen J, Hobert MA, Blum D, van Lummel R, Del Din S, Graeber S, Berg D, Liepelt-Scarfone I. Home-Based Physical Behavior in Late Stage Parkinson Disease Dementia: Differences between Cognitive Subtypes. Neurodegenerative Diseases 2017, 17(4-5), 135-144.
- Hickey A, Del Din S, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Detecting free-living steps and walking bouts: validating an algorithm for macro gait analysis. Physiological Measurement 2017, 38(1), N1-N15.
- Moore SA, Hickey A, Lord S, Del Din S, Godfrey A, Rochester L. Comprehensive measurement of stroke gait characteristics with a single accelerometer in the laboratory and community. A feasibility, validity and reliability study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2017, 14, 130.
- Morris R, Hickey A, Del Din S, Godfrey A, Lord S, Rochester L. A model of free-living gait; a factor analysis in Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture 2017, 52, 68–71.
- Hill E, Stuart S, Lord S, Del-Din S, Rochester L. Vision, visuo-cognition and postural control in Parkinson's disease: An associative pilot study. Gait & Posture 2016, 48, 74-76.
- Hickey A, Gunn E, Alcock L, Del Din S, Godfrey A, Rochester L, Galna B. Validity of a wearable accelerometer to quantify gait in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. Physiological Measurement 2016, 37(11), N105-N117. In Preparation.
- Hickey A, Gunn E, Alcock L, Del Din S, Godfrey A, Rochester L, Galna B. Validity of a wearable accelerometer to quantify gait in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6. Physiological Measurement 2016, 37(11), N105-N117.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Rochester L. Validation of an Accelerometer to Quantify a Comprehensive Battery of Gait Characteristics in Healthy Older Adults and Parkinson's Disease: Toward Clinical and at Home Use. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2016, 20(3), 838-847.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Coleman S, Galna B, Lord S, Rochester L. Time-dependent changes in postural control in early Parkinson's disease: what are we missing?. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2016, 54(2), 401-410.
- Del Din S, Hickey A, Hurwitz N, Mathers JC, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Measuring gait with an accelerometer-based wearable: influence of device location, testing protocol and age. Physiological Measurement 2016, 37(10), 1785-1797.
- Del Din S, Hickey A, Ladha C, Stuart S, Bourke A, Esser P, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Instrumenting gait with a single wearable: an introductory tutorial. F1000 Research 2016, 5, 2323.
- Alderdice F, Newham JJ. Global maternal mental health: where you live matters. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2016, 34(1), 1-2.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Galna B, Lord S, Rochester L. Free-living gait characteristics in ageing and Parkinson's disease: impact of environment and ambulatory bout length. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2016, 13, 46.
- Hickey A, Newham J, Slawinska M, Kwasnicka D, McDonald S, Del Din S, Sniehotta F, Davis P, Godfrey A. Estimating cut points: a simple method for new wearables. Maturitas 2016, 83, 78-82.
- Godfrey A, Morris R, Hickey A, Del Din S. Beyond the front end: investigating a thigh worn accelerometer device for step count and bout detection in Parkinson's disease. Medical Engineering & Physics 2016, 38(12), 1524–1529.
- Mirelman A, Rochester L, Maidan I, Del Din S, Alcock L, Nieuwhof F, Olde Rikkert M, Bloem BR, Pelosin E, Avanzino L, Abbruzzese G, Dockx K, Bekkers E, Giladi N, Nieuwboer A, Hausdorff JM. Addition of a non-immersive virtual reality component to treadmill training to reduce fall risk in older adults (V-TIME): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2016, 388(10050), 1170-1182.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Barry G, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Instrumenting gait with an accelerometer: a system and algorithm examination. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015, 37(4), 400-407.
- Godfrey A, Lara J, Munro CA, Wiuff C, Chowdhury SA, Del Din S, Hickey A, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Instrumented assessment of test battery for physical capability using an accelerometer: a feasibility study. Physiological Measurement 2015, 36(5), N71-N83.
- Godfrey A, Lara J, Del Din S, Hickey A, Munro A, Wiuff C, Chowdhury S, Mathers JC, Rochester L. iCap: instrumented assessment of physical capability. Maturitas 2015, 82(1), 116-122.
- Del Din S, Bertoldo A, Sawacha Z, Jonsdottir J, Rabuffetti M, Cobelli C, Ferrarin M. Assessment of biofeedback rehabilitation in post-stroke patients combining fMRI and gait analysis: a case study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11, 53.
- Rigato A, Sawacha Z, Fantozzi S, Pretto F, Mantoan A, Del Din S, Cortesi M, Gatta G, Cobelli C. Underwater Gait Analysis: A Markerless Approach. Gait & Posture 2013, 38(Suppl. 1), S113-S113.
- Sawacha Z, Carraro E, Del Din S, Guiotto A, Bonaldo L, Punzi L, Cobelli C, Masiero S. Biomechanical assessment of balance and posture in subjects with ankylosing spondylitis. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2012, 9(1), 63.
- Del Din S, Carraro E, Sawacha Z, Guiotto A, Bonaldo L, Masiero S, Cobelli C. Impaired gait in ankylosing spondylitis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2011, 49(7), 801-809.
Book Chapters
- Rehman RZU, Del Din S. Novel analytics in the management of movement disorders. In: Roongroj Bhidayasiri and Walter Maetzler, ed. Handbook of Digital Technologies in Movement Disorders. Elsevier, 2024.
- Alcock L, Bonci T, Micó-Amigo EM, Del Din S. Algorithms for gait: technical and clinical validity. In: Stuart S; Morris R, ed. Gait, Balance and Mobility Analysis: Theoretical, Technical, and Clinical Applications. Academic Press, 2025, pp.277-321.
- Rochester L, Del Din S, Hu MT, Morgan C, Carroll C. The challenges and opportunities for remotely evaluating movement disorders. In: Alvaro Sánchez Ferro and Mariana HG Monje, ed. International Review of Movement Disorders. Elsevier, 2023.
- Masiero S, Bonaldo L, Del Din S, Sawacha Z. Approccio Riabilitativo e gestione della disabilità. In: Giovanni Arioli, ed. Terapia farmacologica e non farmacologica delle malattie reumatiche: quali sinergie? (Collana Reumatologia). 2010, pp.111-118.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hinchliffe C, Zhai B, Macrae V, Walton J, Ng W, Del Din S. Real-World Measures of Cardiorespiratory Function Can Stratify Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome Participants with Persistent Fatigue. In: 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2025, Orlando, FL, USA: IEEE.
- Bergami G, Packer E, Scott K, Del Din S. Predicting Dyskinetic Events through Verified Multivariate Time Series Classification. In: The 28th International Database Engineered Applications Symposium. 2024, Springer Verlag.
- Alsufyani S, Forshaw M, Del Din S, Yarnall A, Rochester L, Johansson Fernstad S. Multi-level visualization for exploration of structures in missing data. In: EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing. 2024, University of London, UK: The Eurographics Association.
- Hinchliffe C, Zhai B, Macrae V, Walton J, Ng WF, Del Din S. Can Measures of Habitual Activity Intensity Stratify Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome Participants With Persistent Fatigue? Insights From the Brc Tools Study. In: ICAMPAM. 2024, Rennes, Brittany, France: International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behavior (ISMPB).
- Hinchliffe C, Zhai B, Macrae V, Walton J, Ng WF, Del Din S. Can measures of habitual activity intensity stratify primary Sjogren’s syndrome participants with persistent fatigue? Insights from the BRC tools study. In: European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2024). 2024, Vienna, Austria: European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, EULAR.
- Carissimo C, Cerro G, Ferrigno L, Marino A, Miele G, Del Din S, Debelle H, Packer E, Rochester L, Alcock L, Yarnall A, Sarvestan J. A novel energy-based composite index for assessing motor state in Parkinson's disease by means of IMU-based Digital Health Technology. In: IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2024). 2024, Glasgow, Scotland: IEEE.
- Cantu A, Micó-Amigo E, Del Din S, Fernstad SJ. Parallel Assemblies Plot, a visualization tool to explore categorical and quantitative data: application to digital mobility outcomes. In: IEEE 16th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis). 2023, Seoul, Korea, Republic of: IEEE.
- Alaei F, Svoboda Z, Aghaiee Ataabadi P, Bahmani M, Del Din S, Sarvestan J. Lower limb kinematics, coordination and muscular activity responses to mobile phone use during gait . In: European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC 2023). 2023, Athens, Greece: Elsevier BV.
- Ilg W, Seemann J, Sarvestan J, Del Din S, Synofzik M, Alcock L. Inertial sensors on the feet, rather than lumbar sensor only, increase sensitivity of spatio-temporal gait measures to longitudinal progression in ataxia. In: International Society of Posture and Gait Research - ISPGR. 2023, Brisbane, Austalia: International Symposium on Posture and Gait Research.
- Hinchliffe C, Rehman RZU, Branco D, Jackson D, Ahmaniemi T, Guerreiro T, Chatterjee M, Manyakov NV, Pandis I, Davies K, Macrae V, Aufenberg S, Paulides E, Hildesheim H, Kudelka J, Emmert K, Van Gassen G, Rochester L, van der Woude CJ, Reilmann R, Maetzler W, Ng WF, Del Din S, IDEA-FAST Consortium. Identification of Fatigue and Sleepiness in Immune and Neurodegenerative Disorders from Measures of Real-World Gait Variability. In: 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2023, Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Sarvestan J, Seemann J, Del Din S, Synofzik M, Ilg W, Alcock L. Gait event detection in cerebellar ataxia: A single vs. multiple sensor approach. In: (ISPGR 2023) International Society of Posture & Gait Research. 2023, Brisbane, Australia: ISPGR.
- Carissimo C, Cerro G, Debelle H, Packer E, Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Alcock L, Ferrigno L, Marino A, Di Libero T, Del Din S. Enhancing remote monitoring and classification of motor state in Parkinson's disease using Wearable Technology and Machine Learning. In: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2023). 2023, Jeju, South Korea: IEEE.
- Rehman RZU, Rochester L, Yarnall AJ, Del Din S. Predicting the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease MDS-UPDRS-III Motor Severity Score from Gait Data using Deep Learning. In: 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2021, Mexico: IEEE.
- Buckley C, Mc Ardle R, Galna B, Thomas A, Rochester L, Del Din S. Evaluation of daily walking activity and gait profiles: a novel application of a time series analysis framework. In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2019, Berlin: IEEE.
- Gadaleta M, Cisotto G, Rossi M, Rehman RZU, Rochester L, Del Din S. Deep Learning Techniques for Improving Digital Gait Segmentation. In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2019, Berlin: IEEE.
- Dunne-Willows M, Watson P, Shi J, Rochester L, Del Din S. A Novel Parameterisation of Phase Plots for Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease. In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2019, Berlin: IEEE.
- Godfrey A, Bourke A, Del Din S, Morris R, Hickey A, Helbostad J, Rochester L. Towards holistic free-living assessment in Parkinson's disease: unification of gait and fall algorithms with a single accelerometer. In: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2016, Orlando, Florida: IEEE.
- Ladha C, Del Din S, Nazarpour K, Hickey A, Morris R, Catt M, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Toward a low-cost gait analysis system for clinical and free-living assessment. In: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2016). 2016, Orlando, FL, USA: IEEE.
- Del Din S, Hickey A, Woodman S, Hiden H, Morris R, Watson P, Nazarpour K, Catt M, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Accelerometer-based gait assessment: pragmatic deployment on an international scale. In: IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2016). 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: IEEE.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Galna B, Dockx K, Pelosin E, Reelick MF, Mirelman A, Hausdorff JM, Rochester L. Accelerometer based free-living data: does macro gait behaviour differ between fallers and non-fallers with and without Parkinson's disease?. In: ISPGR World Congress 2015. 2015, Seville, Spain: International Society for Posture & Gait Research.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Barry G, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Within trial validation and reliability of a single tri-axial accelerometer for gait assessment. In: 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE.
- Yarnall AJ, Del Din S, David R, Galna B, Baker MR, Burn DJ, Rochester L. Postural control stabilises over the first 30 seconds of quiet standing in Parkinson’s disease: time series analysis. In: International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society's 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Galna B, Del Din S, Godfrey A, Lord S, Rochester L. Coupling of gait and postural control in early Parkinson’s disease. In: International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) 2014 World Congress. 2014, Vancouver. In Preparation.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Galna B, Lord S, Mancini M, Rochester L. Variability Of Postural Control With Time In Parkinson’s Disease. In: 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement. 2013, Massachusetts, USA: ICAMPAM.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Galna B, Mathers J, Rochester L. Postural control during standing balance as a biomarker for healthy ageing. In: ICAMPAM 2013 - 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement. 2013, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Galna B, Lord S, Mancini M, Rochester L. Accelerometry based assessment of anti-parkinsonian medication on postural control. In: ICAMPAM 2013 - 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement. 2013, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Mancini M, Rochester L. A comparison of commercial systems to evaluate postural control during clinical testing. In: ICAMPAM 2013 : 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement. 2013, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Del Din S, Peharec S, Sawacha Z, Guglielmin R, Carraro E, Gravina AR, Spolaor F, Masiero S, Cobelli C. Reliability assessment of a marker based methodology for the evaluation of spine mobility in ankylosing spondylitis. In: 13th SIAMOC National Conference. 2012, Bellaria, Italy: Elsevier.
- Altini M, Del Din S, Patel S, Schachter S, Penders J, Bonato P. A Low-Power Multi-Modal Body Sensor Network with application to Epileptic Seizure Monitoring. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2012, Boston, Massachuesetts, USA: IEEE.
- Del Din S, Patel S, Cobelli C, Bonato P. Estimating Fugl-Meyer Clinical Scores in Stroke Survivors Using Wearable Sensors. In: 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS). 2011, Boston, MA: IEEE.
- Mc Ardle R, Del Din S, Yarnall A. Gait analysis as a clinical tool for dementia: current perspectives and future challenges. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation (ACNR) 2021.
- Taylor LM, Lord S, Parsons J, Moyes SA, Rehman RZU, Buckley C, Rochester L, Del Din S, Kerse N. Walking is associated with physical capacity and fatigue but not cognition in long-term care residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2022, 23(11), E1-E2.
- Maetzler W, Del Din S, Elshehabi M, Galna B, Berg D, Rochester L. Reply to “Quantitative Motor Functioning in Prodromal Parkinson Disease”. Annals of Neurology 2019, 86(6), 981-982.
- Mc Ardle R, Hamilton C, Del Din S, Kingston A, Robinson L, Galna B, Thomas AJ, Rochester L. Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity in cognitively impaired people: an accelerometry study. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2022, 18(S2), e066878.
- Mc Ardle R, Jabbar KA, Del Din S, Thomas AJ, Robinson L, Kerse N, Rochester L, Callisaya M. Using digital technology to quantify habitual physical activity in community-dwellers with cognitive impairment: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023, 25, e44352.
- Mc Ardle R, Sverdrup K, Del Din S, Lord S, Kerse N, Rochester L, Taylor L. Quantifying physical activity in aged residential care facilities: A structured review. Ageing Research Reviews 2021, 67, 101298.
- Buckley C, Alcock L, Mc Ardle R, Rehman RZU, Del Din S, Mazzà C, Yarnall A, Rochester L. The role of movement analysis in diagnosing and monitoring neurodegenerative conditions: Insights from gait and postural control. Brain Sciences 2019, 9(2), 34.
- Del Din S, Godfrey A, Mazzà C, Lord S, Rochester L. Free-living monitoring of Parkinson’s disease: lessons from the field. Movement Disorders 2016, 31(9), 1293–1313.