Staff Profile
Dorcas Kareithi
Associate statistician (clinical trials and health research)
- Personal Website:
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute,
Ridley Building 1,
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Dorcas Kareithi is a biostatistician with an interest in improving clinical trial methodology through the use of observational data and routinely collected/registry data. Dorcas holds an MSc in Biometry/Biostatistics from The University of Nairobi (2016) and a BSc in Economics and Mathematics from Kabarak University (2013). In October 2021, she joined the Population Health Sciences Institute, working within the Biostatistics Research Group (BRG), where she provides statistical advice and support on ongoing research with the Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit, Sir Bobby Robson Foundation as well as other health research-supported by BRG. Her work contributes to the Innovation, Methodology and Application theme.
Before that, she was the
- Study Design and Analysis Manager (Head of Research) - Cocreation Hub Limited, based in Kigali (Rwanda), Nairobi (Kenya) and Lagos (Nigeria). (2019-2021)
- Consulting Analyst (Public Health) - Viamo LLC remotely supporting projects in Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe & Kenya. (2020-2022)
- Epidemiological Consultant - Sight Savers International, remotely supporting projects in Uganda, Malawi and Pakistan (2018-2019)
- Senior Research Analyst, Evidence Action LLC, based at the Africa headquarters in Nairobi. (2017-2018)
- Research Analyst, Evidence Action LLC, based at the Africa headquarters in Nairobi. (2016-2017)
- Dissertation Research Internship Programme (DRIP) Msc Fellow - International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya. (2015-2016)
- Research Trainee - International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya. (2024-2015)
In addition to work, Dorcas contributed to her field through discussions and interactions with international professional bodies she is part of including:
- Young African Statisticians Association (YASA), where she is the current president (2022-2025). She has been a member since 2016
- International Statistical Institute/International Association for Statistical Computing (ISI/IASC), where she has been a member since 2021
- Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), where she has been a member since 2018
- International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP), where she has been a country coordinator (Kenya), since 2016
Her full profile and work can be found here.
Current research interests:
- Improving the efficiency of clinical trials using observational data
- Surrogate endpoints in cancer research
- Advancing statistical computing through open data
Current and previous relevant research projects:
- 2024 - current: Trial of Mycophenolate for Persistent symptoms of Hypothyroidism- TRIuMPH: an MRC funded double blinded RCT on Hashimoto thyroiditis, which is in set up. Dorcas is a trial statistician on this trial.
- 2024 - current: Assessing the Availability and Completeness of Alternative Measurements in Routinely Collected Breast Cancer Patient Data: A Feasibility Study. As part of her NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship preparation, Dorcas is conducting a pilot study funded by the FMS Research Excellence Development Award, which I received in June 2023
- 2023-current: Enhancing Dental Advice (ENHANCE- D) Trial: a multi-million pound, multi-centre pragmatic randomised controlled trial, funded by the National Institute for Health (NIHR). This trial aims to investigate the effectiveness of three different dental health advice packages, offered by a dental professional, and whether these packages have a beneficial outcome for general dental health and for saving the NHS money. Dorcas is a trial statistician on this trial. More details here.
- 2022-current: Recovery, Renewal and Reset of Services to Disabled Children (PRP): A NIHR Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) funded mixed methods study assessing the impact of lockdowns on the services offered to children, and the effect on their health and wellbeing. Dorcas is the lead statistician quantifying the change in contacts and the effect on mortality and morbidity (work package 2). More details here
- 2021-2023: UKPBC POISE OLE External Controls: A collaborative UK-PBC /Intercept Pharma Phase 4 study. As the SAS analyst, her responsibilities included data wrangling and data analysis of an external control to an open-label clinical trial, manuscript writing and contributing to an FDA report with Intercept. This study was focused on evaluating the long-term efficiency of a drug,
- 2021: Smiles for Mothers: Nigeria government-led initiative to reduce postpartum haemorrhage through health systems improvement and effective introduction of new innovations. Her responsibilities included training Ministry of Health stakeholders in research methodology and analysis of field data, leading co-research activities such as data collection, analysis and co-creation of solutions with stakeholders of the 2nd work stream (Strengthening clinical care and appropriate use of uterotonics).
- 2020-2021: COVID-19 testing in Nigeria: a collaborative initiative by CcHUB and Nigeria Institute of Medical Research that assessed COVID-19 spread patterns and malaria coinfections, testing patterns and a DIY sampling and telemonitoring model. Ger responsibilities: project conceptualization, database development (that was embedded in a web platform), led data management, data analysis and manuscript writing.
- 2020: SNA Linked: innovation initiated by the research department at CCHUB to evaluate and investigate how social ties and connectedness on social media platforms can be leveraged in times of crisis. Her responsibilities: project conceptualization, data curation, algorithm development, and conversion to web platform.
- 2019-2020: NimCure: A digital health platform that enhances Tuberculosis Therapy Adherence in Nigeria. Her responsibilities: support implementation of the Clinical Trial Pilot protocol, data management, follow-up of patients, data analysis and manuscript writing.
- 2016-2018: Deworm the World (Africa): Research implemented in Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia assessing the impact and effect of the school-based deworming programme on the prevalence of Schistosomiasis and Soil-transmitted helminths, and school absenteeism. Her responsibilities: supported data collection, and led data management, analysis and reporting (word and dashboards).
Other interests:
- Mentorship and Leadership in Statistics
- Improving statistical literacy in underrepresented communities in Africa
Dorcas is supporting the following teaching activities in PHSI:
- 2024-current: Dorcas supervises Masters in Public Health (MPH) student dissertations, where she develops research topics, and provides her expertise in systematic reviews, cancer research cancer registry data and working with large datasets.
- 2024- current: Dorcas is a moderator for the data analysis project reports for the Health Statistics module on the MPH.
Dorcas has also conducted trainings, and given talks in research, programming and healthcare including:
- 2024: Research Proposal Writing Workshop; Day 2 - Methods, Qualitative and Quantitative data. - Young African Statisticians Association June workshop
- 2024: "Routinely collected data in clinical trials: methods, opportunities and challenges." - The International Association of Statistical Computing (ISI/IASC) March speaker
- 2023: A panellist at a side event at the 2023 annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) hosted by Utano Public Health Chats. The theme was "Creating a fit for purpose public health workforce in Africa: strategies for public health professionals growth and development"
- 2023: “Leveraging routinely collected data in clinical trials: opportunities and challenges” at St George’s University of London methodology group in May
- 2022: “Evolution of Data Analytics in Healthcare – Open Data in Healthcare” - Africa Digital Epidemiology and Innovation Network (ADEIN) May Speaker
- 2022: Utano Public Health Chats July Guest
- 2021: Moderator in #RMedicine 2021 Virtual Conference
- 2020: "Introduction to Shiny App Development" - R-Ladies Nairobi December Guest Trainer
- 2019-2021: Basics of research and R programming (CcHUB)
- Luke Ondijo, Ouma, Sarah, Al-Ashmori, Samuel, Sarkodie, Lou, Whitehead, Ann Breeze, Konkoth, Shaun,Hiu, Theophile, Bigirumurame, Dorcas, Kareithi, Jingky, Lozano-Kuehne, Marzieh, Shahmandi. Master protocols in Low-and-Middle income countries: A review of current use, limitations, and opportunities for precision medicine. 2024. In Press.
- Brookhart MA, Mayne TJ, Coombs C, Breskin A, Ness E, Bessonova L, Chu YJ, Li J, Fried MW, Hansen BE, Kowdley KV, Jones D, Mells G, Trivedi PJ, Hiu S, Kareithi DN, Wason J, Smith R, Seeger JD, Hirschfield GM. Hepatic real-world outcomes with obeticholic acid in primary biliary cholangitis (HEROES): a trial emulation study design. Hepatology 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Kowdley KV, Hirschfield GM, Coombs C, Malecha ES, Bessonova L, Li J, Rathnayaka N, Mells G, Jones DE, Trivedi PJ, Hansen BE, Smith R, Wason J, Hiu S, Kareithi DN, Mason AL, Bowlus CL, Muller K, Carbone M, Berenguer M, Milkiewicz P, Adekunle F, Villamil A. COBALT: A Confirmatory Trial of Obeticholic Acid in Primary Biliary Cholangitis With Placebo and External Controls. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2025, 120(2), 390-400.
- Murillo Perez CF, Fisher H, Hiu S, Kareithi DK, Adekunle F, Mayne T, Malecha E, Ness E, van der Meer DJ, Lammers WJ, Trivedi PJ, Battezzati PM, Nevens F, Kowdley KV, Bruns T, Cazzagon N, Floreani A, Mason AL, Parés A, Londoño M-C, Invernizzi P, Carbone M, Lleo A, Mayo MJ, Dalekos GN, Gatselis NK, Thorburn D, Verhelst X, Gulamhusein A, Janssen HLA, Smith R, Flack S, Mulcahy V, Trauner M, Bowlus CL, Lindor KD, Corpechot C, Jones D, Mells G, Hirschfield GM, Wason J, Hansen BE. Greater Transplant-Free Survival in Patients Receiving Obeticholic Acid for Primary Biliary Cholangitis in a Clinical Trial Setting Compared to Real-World External Controls. Gastroenterology 2022, 163(6), 1630-1642.e3.
- B, Tijani, O S, Amoo, T, Adaramewa, D N, Kareithi, A, Omavuohrerhe, S, Karera, B L, Salako. Care Seeking Behavior of Citizens During Pandemics: A Case Study of COVID-19 in Nigeria. 2020.
- Kareithi, DN, Salifu, D, Owuor, N, Subramanian, S, Tonnang, EZH. An algorithm for data reconstruction from published articles – Application on insect life tables. Congent Mathematics and Statistics 2019.