Staff Profile
Emma McLellan
Research Assistant
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3028
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle Biomedical Research Building
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
I joined Newcastle University in November 2010 and have worked on several research projects within the Population Health Sciences Institute. Research experience has predominantly involved people aged over 60 years, people living with dementia and their families, and has also included being part of a global research project into dementia care in low and middle income countries (LMICs).Qualitative research methods are my primary focus, with experience of ethnography, focus groups and interviews.
I am currently involved in a longitudinal qualitative research project, 'Ageing in place successfully: exploring factors which facilitate and hinder independent living with age' in collaboration with the Advanced Care Research Centre, Edinburgh University.
- MSc Social Research
- BSc (Hons) Psychology/Sociology
- Ageing in Place successfully
- Palliative and End of life care experiences of people of African and Caribbean dEscent (PEACE)
- Dementia Prevention and Enhanced Care (De-PEC)
- Supporting Excellence in End of life care in Dementia (SEED)
- Strategies to Increase confidence, InDependence and Energy (STRIDE)
- Do-Well trial
- Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II)
- Gibson K, Brittain K, McLellan E, Kingston A, Wilkinson H, Robinson L. ‘It’s where I belong’: what does it mean to age in place from the perspective of people aged 80 and above? A longitudinal qualitative study (wave one). BMC Geriatrics 2024, 24(1), 524.
- Gibson K, Kingston A, McLellan E, Robinson L, Brittain K. "Successful" ageing in later older age: a sociology of class and ageing in place. Social Science & Medicine 2024, 358, 117258.
- Dewhurst F, Tomkow L, Poole M, McLellan E, Kunonga TP, Damisa E, Stowell M, Todd C, Hanratty B. Unrepresented, unheard and discriminated against: A qualitative exploration of relatives' and professionals' views of palliative care experiences of people of African and Caribbean descent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative Medicine 2023, 37(9), 1447-1460.
- Goodson M, McLellan E, Rosli R, Tan MP, Kamaruzzaman S, Robinson L, Moloney S. A Qualitative Study on Formal and Informal Carers' Perceptions of Dementia Care Provision and Management in Malaysia. Frontiers in Public Health 2021, 9, 637484.
- Poole M, Bamford C, McLellan E, Coe Dorothy, Young J, Harrison-Dening K, Robinson L. A valuable specialist role to support end of life care . Journal of Dementia Care 2020, 28(5), 32-35.
- Bamford C, Lee R, McLellan E, Poole M, Harrison-Dening K, Hughes J, Robinson L, Exley C. What enables good end of life care for people with dementia? A multi-method qualitative study with key stakeholders. BMC Geriatrics 2018, 18, 302.
- Poole M, Bamford C, McLellan E, Lee RP, Exley C, Hughes JC, Harrison-Denning K, Robinson L. End of life care: a qualitative study comparing the views of people with dementia and family carers. Palliative Medicine 2018, 32(3), 631-642.
- Macdonald A, Neves S, McLellan E, Poole M, Harrison-Dening K, Tucker S, Bamford C, Robinson L. Co-designing new resources to support better quality end of life care with people with dementia and family carers. Journal of Dementia Care 2018, 26(1), 28-31.
- Lee RP, Bamford C, Poole M, McLellan E, Exley C, Robinson L. End of life care for people with dementia: The views of health professionals, social care service managers and frontline staff on key requirements for good practice. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(6), e0179355.
- Gott ZM, Baur N, McLellan E, Goodman C, Robinson L, Lee RP. Commissioning care for people with dementia at the end of life: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 2016, 6, e013554.
- Robinson L, Poole M, McLellan E, Lee R, Amador S, Bhattarai N, Bryant A, Coe D, Corbett A, Exley C, Goodman C, Gotts Z, Harrison-Dening K, Hill S, Howel D, Hrisos S, Hughes J, Kernohan A, Macdonald A, Mason H, Massey C, Neves S, Paes P, Rennie K, Rice S, Robinson T, Sampson E, Tucker S, Tzelis D, Vale L, Bamford C. Supporting good quality, community-based end-of-life care for people living with dementia: the SEED research programme including feasibility RCT. National Institute for Health Research, 2020. 8.