Staff Profile
Dr Eugene Tang
NIHR Advanced Fellow
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- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Newcastle University
Biomedical Research Building, Level 2
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
I completed my undergraduate and academic foundation training in Edinburgh before taking up a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship position in General Practice in Newcastle. I was then awarded a NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship, which was completed in 2020 before starting my NIHR Clinical Lectureship in 2021. I have subsequently been awarded a NIHR Advanced Fellowship which started in 2025 (Twitter: @eugeneyhtang). I am also the current NIHR RRDN General Practice specialty group lead and a GP engagement lead for NIHR RRDN NENC. I have been a NIHR mentee and a current NIHR mentor with a passion to develop individuals in their own academic career. I am also Newcastle University and Partners NIHR Research Support Service Hub Primary Care Outreach Workstream Lead.
2006, BSc (Neurosciences), 1st Class Honours, University of Edinburgh
2009, MBChB, University of Edinburgh
2012, MSc (Surgical Sciences), Distinction, University of Edinburgh
2012, MRCSEd, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
2014, PGDip(ClinRes) (Ageing), Newcastle University
2017, MRCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners
2020, PhD, Newcastle University
2024, FRCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners
2024 PGDip (Data Science for Health and Social Care), University of Edinburgh
Current PI Grants
2022 - present, The Academy of Medical Sciences, Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers (£15,880) - The Impact of Cognitive Difficulties On Post-Stroke Recovery
2024 - present, Research Capability Funding (£40,000) - "Developing the Academic Primary Care Workforce in the North East and North Cumbria"
2024 - present, NIHR CRN NENC (£19,000) - "Academic Primary Care in the North East and North Cumbria"
2024 - present, NIHR Three Schools' Prevention Research Development Grant (£39,996.24) - "Preventing Chronic Disease with Community Pharmacies at the Deep End".
Current Co-Applicant Grants
2024 - present, NIHR Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme Seed Fund (£19,819.35) - "Managing multimorbidities for people living with dementia: coproducing support to improve patient safety"
2024 - present, NIHR Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme: Doctoral Studentship, (£83,000) - "Development of ethnicity stratified causal risk prediction models of dementia"
2024 - present, BHF Health Innovation Fund Grant Application Form for Stage B - Development, Testing and Evaluation (£99,969) - "Real-time ambulance to GP notification of atrial fibrillation: A digital solution to prevent stroke"
Current Roles and Responsibilities
GP Engagement Lead and GP Champion, (NIHR RDN North East and North Cumbria)
Clinical Lead, (DEMON Network)
NIHR Advanced Fellow
Clinical Academic Training committee member
Research for Patient Benefit - Yorkshire and North East Regional Advisory Committee member
RCGP co-representative - UK Stroke Forum
4ward North PhD Academy (Deputy Director)
NHIP Academy Academic Primary and Community Care Lead
NIHR Mentor (Cohort 2, 2024)
NIHR RRDN specialty group lead for General Practice in NENC
Newcastle University and Partners NIHR Research Support Service Hub Primary Care Outreach Workstream Lead.
Personal Awards
2006, Caroline Lowe Prize, University of Edinburgh
2014, General Practice Specialty Trainee Award, Royal College of General Practitioners
2016, WONCA Europe Scholarship (€1000), WONCA Europe
2016, Best Poster (International Category), Royal College of General Practitioners
2017, Junior Researcher Award, The Vasco da Gama Movement
2021, Newcastle University Medical Sciences Doctoral Prize, Newcastle University
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- Royal College of General Practitioners
- NIHR SPHR Fuse Associate Member
Google scholar: Click here
ORCID: Click here
Scopus: Click here
Overall Summary
My research interests centre around optimising the care that patients with dementia and their families receive using a mixed methods approach. I am particularly interested in earlier diagnosis through risk prediction models in primary care to identify those at highest risk (including at-risk groups e.g. stroke-survivors) in order to receive timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
In particular, my work focusses on post-stroke care in the community with particular emphasis on looking after those either at risk or have subsequently developed cognitive impairment or dementia following their stroke. I am keen to unravel some of the challenges that patients may face in that regard by finding ways to reduce health inequalities in these populations. This includes working with practitioners across the healthcare system such as community pharmacists particularly in aspects of disease prevention.
Previous PI Funding
2014, Scientific Foundation Board Grant Holder (£996.88), Royal College of General Practitioners
2014, James Wilkie Smith PhD Fellowship, Newcastle University
2015 - 2020, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship (£27,894)
2019, NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria (£10,000)
2020, NIHR SPCR Capacity Building Award (£16,314)
2021, Research Capability Funding (£32,629)
2021 - 2023, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria Response Funding (£6000)
2022, QR Enhancing Research Culture Fund (£595), Newcastle University
2022 - 2023, NIHR Targeting Health Needs Award (£14,363)
2022 - 2023, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria Funding (£14,363)
2022 - 2024, NIHR Three Schools' Dementia Research Programme Call for Individual Dementia Career Development award (£21, 363)
2023 - 2024, NIHR Three Schools' Dementia Research Programme (£197,031) - "Dementia Risk Prediction in Areas of Social Deprivation: Views of Key Stakeholders"
Previous Co-I Funding
2022 - 2024, NIHR Three Schools' Mental Health Funding (£172,082) - "EVOLVE: Establishing Evidence to Inform Culturally Competent mental health services"
2024, NIHR Studentship (£2342) - "Primary Care Based Pathways for Post-Stroke Follow-up for Long-Term Care: A Systematic Review"
2024, NIHR Writing Internship - "Shifting the Attention to Long-Term Community Stroke Care"
Previous Positions Held
South East Scotland Academic Foundation Programme Trainee, NHS Lothian
South East Scotland Core Surgical Trainee, NHS Lothian
Academic Clinical Fellow (General Practice), National Institute for Health Research
National Associate in Training, Northern Deanery Representative, Royal College of General Practitioners
Junior International Committee, Research Lead, Royal College of General Practitioners
Academic General Practice StR, Northern Deanery
Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group Theme Lead: Dietary interventions for prevention of dementia in people with mild cognitive impairment, Cochrane
RCGP's #ThinkGP campaign representative for academic primary care (
First5 Representative, (RCGP North East Faculty)
Doctoral Research Fellow, (National Institute for Health Research)
NICE Stroke Rehabilitation Guidelines committee member
Deputy Speciality Group lead (Primary Care), (NIHR CRN North East and North Cumbria)
NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Practice
Undergraduate Teaching
I have previously co-led the BMS module Clinical Ageing and Health (3017) and continue to lecture and teach on this module.
Current supervisor on MPharm programme
Postgraduate Supervision
2023 - present, "Vaccine hesitancy within the medical student curriculum", (Phillip White, MD Supervisor)
2024 - present, "Development of ethnicity stratified causal risk prediction models of dementia", (Alexandra Baousi, PhD Supervisor)
I am happy to discuss with potential MD/PhD candidates regarding supervision and mentorship.
Previous Roles
2008, Year 3 and 5 Case-based Learning (Online Surgical Cases), University of Edinburgh
2008, Year 2 OSCE PAL, University of Edinburgh
2010, FY1 Prescribing Tutor, University of Edinburgh
2014, NSAMR, Invited Abstract and Poster Marker
2015, MBBS, Marker
2016 Dementia Care: Staying Connected and Living Well - mentor
- Sabatini S, Hawes F, Eluigwe K, Tang EYH. Identifying Challenges Related to the Management of Comorbidities in People with Dementia in Residential Care: Expert Delphi Consensus Exercise. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2025, Epub ahead of print.
- White P, Alberti H, Rowlands G, Tang E, Gagnon D, Dubé È. Vaccine hesitancy educational interventions for medical students: A systematic narrative review in western countries. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2024, 20(1), 2397875.
- Tang E, Moran N, Cadman M, Hill S, Sloan C, Warburton E. Stroke rehabilitation in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance. BMJ 2024, 384, q498.
- Fu Y, Tang EYH, Yu G. Impact of pandemics on primary care: changes in general practitioner antidepressant prescriptions and mental health referrals during lockdowns in England, UK. Public Health 2024, 236, 60-69.
- Alshahrani M, Sabatini S, Mohan D, Brain J, Pakpahan E, Tang EYH, Robinson L, Siervo M, Naheed A, Stephan BCM. Dementia risk prediction modelling in low- and middle-income countries: current state of evidence. Frontiers in Epidemiology 2024, 4, 1397754.
- Hobden G, Tang EYH, Demeyere N. A qualitative study investigating the views of stroke survivors and their family members on discussing post-stroke cognitive trajectories. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2024, 34(10), 1404-1421.
- Hobden G, Tang EYH, Demeyere N. A modified Delphi survey to build expert consensus on the structure and content of an enhanced care pathway for cognitive changes after stroke in the UK. BMC Health Services Research 2024, 24, 1162.
- Whitehead IO, Moffatt S, Warwick S, Spiers GF, Kunonga TP, Tang E, Hanratty B. Systematic review of the relationship between burn-out and spiritual health in doctors. BMJ Open 2023, 13(8), e068402.
- Naheed A, Hakim M, Islam MS, Islam MB, Tang EYH, Prodhan AA, Amin MR, Stephan BCM, Mohammad QD. Prevalence of dementia among older age people and variation across different sociodemographic characteristics: a cross-sectional study in Bangladesh. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia 2023, 17, 100257.
- Yu G, Tang EYH, Fu Y. Health Disparities and Comparison of Psychiatric Medication Use before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown among General Practitioner Practices in the North East of England. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(11), 6034.
- Yu G, Panagioti M, Tang EYH, Robinson D, Husain N, Lasrado R, Lovell K, Kaner E, Fu Y. Establishing evidence to inform culturally competent mental health services: A mixed methods study protocol. PLoS ONE 2023, 18(3), e0282445.
- Fu Y, Tang EY, Sowden S, Newton JL, Whitty P. Tailoring lipid management interventions to reduce inequalities in cardiovascular disease risk management in primary care for deprived communities in Northern England: a mixed-methods intervention development protocol. BMJ Open 2022, 12(7), e058951.
- Stephan BCM, Tang E, Pakpahan E, Biswasd B, Guptae A, Fairley A, Bosco A, Richardson CD, Robinson L, Siervo M. Secular Trends in Dementia Free Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2022, 88(2), 417-428.
- Ebaid D, Bird LJ, McCambridge LJE, Cumming T, Tang E, Brodtmann A. Mood and Cognitive Trajectories Over the First Year after Mild Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 2022, 31(4), 106323.
- Ball EL, Mead GE, Tang EYH, Religa D, Quinn TJ, Shenkin SD. Informing Patients with Acute Stroke About their Risk of Dementia: A Survey of UK Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2022, 31(3), 106279.
- Ranson J, Rittman T, Hayat S, Brayne C, Jessen F, Blennow K, van Dujin C, Tang E, Mummery CJ, Stephan BCM, Altomare D, Risoni GB, Ribaldi F, Molinuevo L, Scheltens P, Llewellyn D, EuropeanTask Force forBrainHealthServices. Modifiable risk factors for dementia and dementia risk profiling. A user manual for Brain Health Services-part 2 of 6. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2021, 13(1), 169.
- Sahota K, Goeres P, Kelly M, Tang E, Hofmeister M, Alberti H. Intellectual stimulation in family medicine: An international qualitative study of student perceptions. BJGP Open 2020, 4(3), bjgpopen20X101045.
- Tang EY, Price CI, Stephan B, Robinson L, Exley C. Impact of Memory Problems Post-stroke on Patients and Their Family Carers: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Medicine 2020, 7, 267.
- Tang EY, Robinson L, Exley C, Flynn D, Stephan B, Price CI. Care Priorities for Stroke Patients Developing Cognitive Difficulties: A Delphi Survey of UK Professional Views. BMC Health Services Research 2020, 20, 717.
- Tang EYH, Price CI, Robinson L, Exley C. Assessing the Predictive Validity of Simple Dementia Risk Models in Harmonised Stroke Cohorts. Stroke 2020, 51(7), 2095–2102.
- Tang E, Exley C, Price C, Stephan B, Robinson L. The views of public and clinician stakeholders on risk assessment tools for post-stroke dementia: A qualitative study. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3), e025586.
- Tang EYH, Price C, Stephan BCM, Robinson L, Exley C. Post-stroke memory deficits and barriers to seeking help: views of patients and carers. Family Practice 2019, 36(4), 506-510.
- Modi RN, Chapman L, Gajria C, Tang EYH. 'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men': a workshop to teach the application of evidence based medicine in low- and middle-income countries. Education for Primary Care 2018, 5(2), 107-112.
- Tang E, Amiesimaka O, Harrison SL, Green E, Price C, Robinson L, Siervo M, Stephan B. Longitudinal Effect of Stroke on Cognition: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018, 7(2), e006443.
- Bridgwood B, Park J, Hawcroft C, Kay N, Tang E. International exchanges in primary care - learning from thy neighbour. Family Practice 2018, 35(3), 247-252.
- Tang EY, Birdi R, Robinson L. Attitudes to diagnosis and management in dementia care: views of future general practitioners. International Psychogeriatrics 2018, 30(3), 425-430.
- Bridgwood B, Willoughby H, Attridge M, Tang EYH. The Value of Exchange Programs for Early Career Family Doctors. Education for Primary Care 2017, 28(4), 232-236.
- Tang EYH, Robinson L, Stephan BCM. Risk Prediction Models for Post-Stroke Dementia. Geriatrics 2017, 2(3), 19.
- Tang EYH, Price C, Stephan BCM, Robinson L, Exley C. Gaps in care for patients with memory deficits after stroke: Views of healthcare providers. BMC Health Services Research 2017, 17, 634.
- Petrazzuoli F, Vinker S, Koskela TH, Frese T, Buono N, Soler JK, Ahrensberg J, Asenova R, Foguet-Boreu Q, Peker GC, Collins C, Hanzevacki M, Hoffmann K, Iftode C, Kurpas D, LeReste JY, Lichtwarck B, Petek D, Pinto D, Schrans D, Streit S, Tang EYH, Tatsioni A, Torzsa P, Unalan PC, vanMarwijk H, Thulesius H. Exploring dementia management attitudes in primary care: a key informant survey to primary care physicians in 25 European countries. International Psychogeriatrics 2017, 29(9), 1413-1423.
- Tang EYH, Fox H, Gajria C, Welsh VK, Mehrotra A. Development of an audit toolkit for use in resource-poor countries. Education for Primary Care 2016, 27(1), 79-80.
- Tang EYH, Burn D, Taylor JP, Robinson L. Dementia with Lewy Bodies: The Emerging Role of Primary Care. European Journal of General Practice 2016, 22(1), 53-57.
- Fowkes R, Byrne M, Sinclair H, Tang E, Kunadian V. Coronary artery disease in patients with dementia. Coronary Artery Disease 2016, 27(6), 511-520.
- Stephan BC, Tang E, Muniz-Terrera G. Composite Risk Scores for Predicting Dementia. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2016, 29(2), 174-180.
- Harrison SL, Tang EY, Keage HA, Taylor JP, Allan L, Robinson L, Jagger C, Rockwood K, Stephan BC. A Systematic Review of the Definitions of Vascular Cognitive Impairment, No Dementia in Cohort Studies. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016, 42(1-2), 69-79.
- Tang EYH, Robinson L. Opportunities in Academic Primary Care. InnovAIT 2015, 8(7), 441-443.
- Tang EYH, Brayne C, Albanese E, Stephan BCM. Mild Cognitive Impairment Definitions: More Evolution than Revolution. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 2015, 5(1), 11-17.
- Tang EYH, Harrison SL, Albanese E, Gorman TJ, Rutjes AWS, Siervo M, Stephan B. Dietary Interventions for Prevention of Dementia in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, (10), CD011909.
- Harrison SL, Birdi R, Smart CO, Brittain K, Rutjes AWS, Siervo M, Stephan B. Dietary interventions for maintaining cognitive function in cognitively healthy people in mid life. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, 2015(10).
- Siervo M, Lara J, Munro A, Tang EYH, Rutjes AWS, Stephan B. Dietary Interventions for Maintaining Cognitive Function in Cognitively Healthy People in Late Life. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, (10), CD011910.
- Tang EYH, Harrison S, Errington L, Gordon MF, Visser PJ, Launer L, Novak G, Dufouil C, Siervo M, Robinson L, Stephan BCM. Current Developments in Dementia Risk Prediction Modelling: An Updated Systematic Review. PLoS One 2015, 10(9), e0136181.
- Blackmur JP, Tang EYH, Dave J, Simpson AHRW. Use of Broth Cultures Peri-Operatively to Optimise the Microbiological Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Implant Infections. The Bone and Joint Journal 2014, 96-B(11), 1566-1570.
- Harrison S, Ding J, Tang EYH, Siervo M, Robinson L, Jagger C, Stephan BCM. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Models and Longitudinal Changes in Cognition: A Systematic Review. PLoS One 2014, 9(12), e114431.
- Tang EYH. Academic Primary Care: An Oxymoron?. Education for Primary Care 2014, 25(4), 184-185.
- Tang EYH, Robinson AL. Helping People to Live Well with Dementia. InnovAIT 2013, 6(12), 754-62.
Book Chapters
- Tang EYH, Robinson AL. Dementia: Identification and Primary Care Management. In: Mental Health and Older People - A Guide for Primary Care Practitioners. Springer, 2014. In Press.
- Robinson AL, Tang EYH. Dementia: End of Life Care. In: Mental Health and Older People - A Guide for Primary Care Practitioners. Springer, 2014. In Press.
- Elphick S, Price C, Tang EYH. Shifting the attention to long-term community stroke care. British Journal of General Practice 2024, 74(749), 536-537.
- Pawlak A, Tang EYH. Socioeconomic deprivation and post-stroke care in the community. British Journal of General Practice 2023, 73(727), 56-57.
- Tang EYH, Robinson L, Price CI. Stroke: Time to Address Cognition. British Journal of General Practice 2021, 71(704), 104-105.
- Tang EYH, Robinson L, Stephan BCM. Dementia risk assessment tools: an update. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 2017, 7(6), 345-347.
- Fox H, Tang EYH. GP attitudes to migrant health care across Europe. British Journal of General Practice 2016, 66(647), 313-313.
- Tang EYH, Fox H, Gajria C, Modi R. Challenges facing early career primary care researchers across Europe. Education for Primary Care 2016, 27(5), 425-426.
- Tang EYH, Robinson AL. Dementia and primary care: Views of future general practitioners. Education for Primary Care 2014, 25(6), 360-361.
- Underwood BR, Lourida I, Gong J, Tamburin S, Tang EYH, Sidhom E, Tai XY, Betts MJ, Ranson JM, Zachariou M, Olaleye OE, Das S, Oxtoby NP, Chen S, Llewellyn DJ, Deep Dementia Phenotyping (DEMON) Network. Data-driven discovery of associations between prescribed drugs and dementia risk: A systematic review. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 2025, 11(1), e70037.
- Griffiths A, Matu J, Tang EYH, Gregory S, Anderson E, Fairley A, Townsend R, Stevenson E, Stephan BCM, Siervo M, Shannon OM. Foods, dietary patterns, and risk of vascular dementia: a systematic review. Nutrition and Metabolism 2024, 21, 105.
- Tang EYH, Brain J, Sabatini S, Pakpahan E, Robinson L, Alshahrani M, Naheed A, Siervo M, Stephan BCM. Disease-Specific Risk Models for Predicting Dementia: An Umbrella Review. Life 2024, 14(11), 1489.
- Lyall D, Kormilitzin A, Lancaster C, Sousa J, Petermann-Rocha F, Buckley C, Harshfield E, Iveson M, Madan C, Mc Ardle R, Newby D, Orgeta V, Tang E, Tamburin S, Thakur L, Lourida I, Deep Dementia Phenotyping Network The, Llewellyn D, Ranson J. Artificial Intelligence for Dementia - Applied Models and Digital Health. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2023, 19(12), 5872-5884.
- Brain J, Tully PJ, Turnbull D, Tang E, Greene L, Beach S, Siervo M, Stephan BCM. Risk factors for dementia in the context of cardiovascular disease: A protocol of an overview of reviews. PLoS ONE 2022, 17(7), e0271611.
- Rutjes AWS, Denton DA, Di Nisio M, Chong L-Y, Abraham RP, Al-Assaf AS, Anderson JL, Malik MA, Vernooij RWM, Martinez G, Tabet N, Mccleery J. Vitamin and mineral supplementation for maintaining cognitive function in cognitively healthy people in mid and late life. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, 2018(12), CD011906.
- Stephan BCM, Birdi R, Tang EYH, Cosco TD, Donini LM, Licher S, Ikram MA, Siervo M, Robinson L. Secular trends in dementia prevalence and incidence worldwide: A systematic review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018, 66(2), 653-680.
- Robinson L, Tang E, Taylor JP. Dementia: timely diagnosis and early intervention. BMJ 2015, 350, h3029.