Staff Profile
Dr Eve Cosgrave
Research and Impact Manager
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 208 5869
- Address: Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering
Second Floor, Devonshire Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I graduated from Newcastle University in 2014 with a PhD from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research, Newcastle University. During my time here my laboratory work focused on Parkinson's Disease and how mitochondrial dysfunction may play a role in neurodegeneration.
Throughout my PhD I was actively involved in public engagement events, science communication and had the opportunity to undertake a policy internship at the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS). All of these increased my enthusiasm for the broader reaches of research and the diverse impact, work carried out here in Newcastle, has nationally and internationally.
My current role, working with school research and impact facilitators, is to support colleagues across the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering, identify, maximise and convey the impact of research. Alongside this I also work to facilitate understanding of impact and its importance to the faculty as we continue documenting and evaluating examples of impact with excellence.
2014 PhD in Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Neurodegeneration from Newcastle University
2007 MRes Medical and Molecular Biosciences (Ageing and Health)
2003 BSc (First Class with Hons) Biomedical Sciences
- Reeve, AK, Ludtmann, MHR, Angelova, PR, Simcox, EM, Horrocks, MH, Klenerman, D, Gandhi, S, Turnbull DM, Abramov, AY. Aggregated α-synuclein and complex I deficiency: exploration of their relationship in differentiated neurons. Cell Death & Disease 2015, 6, e1820.
- Reeve A, Simcox E, Turnbull D. Ageing and Parkinson's disease: Why is advancing age the biggest risk factor?. Ageing Research Reviews 2014, 14, 19-30.
- Simcox EM, Reeve A, Turnbull D. Monitoring mitochondrial dynamics and complex I dysfunction in neurons: implications for Parkinson's disease. Biochemical Society Transactions 2013, 41(6), 1618-1624.
- Bonnen PE, Yarham JW, Besse A, Wu P, Faqeih EA, Al-Asmari AM, Saleh MAM, Eyaid W, Hadeel A, He L, Smith F, Yau S, Simcox EM, Miwa S, Donti T, Abu-Amero KK, Wong LJ, Craigen WJ, Graham BH, Scott KL, McFarland R, Taylor RW. Mutations in FBXL4 Cause Mitochondrial Encephalopathy and a Disorder of Mitochondrial DNA Maintenance. American Journal of Human Genetics 2013, 93(3), 471-481.
- Reeve A, Meagher M, Lax N, Simcox E, Hepplewhite P, Jaros E, Turnbull D. The Impact of Pathogenic Mitochondrial DNA Mutations on Substantia Nigra Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 2013, 33(26), 10790-10801.