Staff Profile
Professor Gavin Richardson
Lead of the Vascular Medicine and Biology Theme.
- Email:
- Address: Biosciences Institute
Newcastle University
Theme Lead: Vascular Biology and Medicine Theme
ECR Liaison: Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Transplantation Theme
Projects Grant Committee: British Heart Foundation
Committee Member: Newcastle University Stephenson Bursary
Leadership Team: RESETageing
Leadership Team: Healthy Aging Alliance
Collaborator: British Heart Foundation Regenerative Medicine Centres
Member: MRC Ageing Research Translation (ART) of Healthy Ageing network
Member: MRC-funded Extracellular Matrix Ageing (ECMage) Network
Editorial Positions
Editorial Board: Stem Cells
Review Editor: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Review Editor Frontiers in Aging
Area of Expertise: Myocardial senescence, regeneration and ageing.
Dr Gavin Richardson, Ph. D is a Senior Lecturer and acting lead of the Vascular Medicine and Biology Theme in the Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University. Dr Richardson is the lead of the heart platform for the Quality in Organ Donation (QUOD) biobank and BHF National Centre for Regenerative Medicine collaborator with imperial college London. He obtained his PhD in prostate cancer stem cell biology in Newcastle in 2004 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Durham University studying skin dermal stem cells and skin ageing. In 2010 Dr Richardson re-joined Newcastle University on an independent fellowship to apply his expertise in regeneration and ageing to study age-related cardiovascular disease. During his career, Dr Richardson has worked in institutions including Columbia and Harvard Universities as a visiting Fellow. His research aims to understand how senescence contributes to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease focusing on senescence-associated inflammation and maladaptive myocardial remodelling. The goal of Dr Richardson’s current work is to characterise the cardiac senescence signature to identify novel biomarkers of cardiovascular disease and develop new therapies, targeting senescence, to attenuate their detrimental impact on myocardial function.
Current Funding:
2024 Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery after Myocardial Infarction: Identifying Clinical Outcomes by Analysing the Senescence Associated Secretory Phenotype. Heart Research UK PHD23-100007
2023: Characterising chemotherapy-induced cardiac cell senescence to ascertain its role in chemotherapy-induced heart failure. British Heart Foundation project Grant PG/23/11571
2023: Deep immunophenotyping and functional analysis of leucocytes in heart failure. British Heart Foundation Clinical Research Training Fellowship FS/CRTF/23/24520
2023: Role of Amyloid-beta in cardiovascular ageing. British Heart Foundation project Grant PG/23/11093
2022: Senotherapy to improve recovery post-cardiac ischaemia reperfusion - British Heart Foundation project Grant PG/22/10788
2022: Identifying older donor hearts suitable for transplantation: The use of senescence as a marker of biological age - British Heart Foundation project Grant PG/21/10761
The Role of Senescence and Regeneration in Cardiovascular Ageing
Ageing is the biggest risk factor for impaired cardiovascular health and is associated not only with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease but also a poorer prognosis. In our published work, we have demonstrated that in mice cardiomyocyte turnover declines with age and we hypothesize that an impaired regenerative potential contributes to both a decline in cardiac function with age and poorer outcomes in the elderly following a heart attack termed a myocardial infarction. Supporting this hypothesis, cellular senescence, characterised by the irreversible loss of division potential and production of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype, increases with age. Senescence impairs regeneration and promotes adverse myocardial remodelling. Intriguingly, elimination of senescence with drugs termed senolytics, reduces age-associated cardiac dysfunction and improves survival of aged mice to myocardial infarction.
The Role of senescence in myocardial Remodelling
We have demonstrated that cellular senescence is induced by myocardial infarction. Through the production of a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which is pro-senescent, pro-fibrotic and pro-hypertrophic, senescent cells promote adverse myocardial remodelling. This ultimately impairs cardiac dysfunction. Elimination of senescence, and the SASP, attenuates inflammation and remodelling, improving cardiac function.
Our goals
To therapeutically target senescence in patients to improve cardiovascular health during ageing and outcomes following myocardial infarction.
PSC2020 – BSc Cardiovascular System Physiology
MMB8037 - MRes Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease
MMB8038 - MRes Bioscience Research Development and Enterprise
- Redgrave R, Walaszczyk A, Dewi MW, Encina MC, Clemens J, Matrins R, Richardson GD, Das M. The effect of varying irrigation flow-rate during irrigated radiofrequency ablation on optimising lesion shape. EP Europace 2024, 26(1), euad321.
- Kelly G, Kataura T, Panek J, Gailing M, Salmonowicz H, Davis A, Kendall H, Brookes C, Ayine-Tora DM, Banks P, Nelson G, Dobby L, Pitrez PR, Booth L, Costello L, Richardson GD, Lovat P, Przyborski S, Ferreira L, Greaves L, Szczepanowska K, von Zglinicki T, Miwa S, Brown M, Flagler M, Oblong JE, Bascom CC, Carroll B, Reynisson J, Korolchuk VI. Suppressed basal mitophagy drives cellular aging phenotypes that can be reversed by a p62-targeting small molecule. Developmental Cell 2024, 59(15), 1924-1939.e7.
- Tomkova K, Roman M, Adebayo AS, Sheikh S, Yusoff S, Gulston M, Joel-David L, Lai FY, Murgia A, Eagle-Hemming B, Aujla H, Chad T, Richardson GD, Griffin JL, Murphy GJ, Wozniak MJ. Multimorbidity is associated with myocardial DNA damage, nucleolar stress, dysregulated energy metabolism, and senescence in cardiovascular disease. npj Aging 2024, 10, 58.
- Camacho-Encina M, Booth LK, Redgrave R, Honkanen-Scott MM, Scott III WE, Martin-Ruiz C, MacGowan G, Richardson S, Dark J, Tual-Chalot S, Richardson GD. Identifying optimal reference genes for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction in human myocardial tissues. Cardiovascular Research 2024, 120(17), 2163-2165.
- Nguyen H, Hsu C, Meeson A, Oldershaw RA, Richardson GD, Czosseck A, Lundy D. Differentiation, metabolism and cardioprotective secretory functions of human cardiac stromal cells from ischemic and endocarditis patients. Stem Cells and Development 2024, 33(17-18), 484-495.
- Camacho-Encina M, Booth LK, Redgrave RE, Folaranmi O, Spyridopoulos I, Richardson DG. Cellular Senescence, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Their Link to Cardiovascular Disease. Cells 2024, 13(4), 353.
- Ekinci Y, Richardson GD, Spyridopoulos I. A Phase IIa Clinical Trial of KAND567, Fractalkine Receptor Inhibitor, in Patients with ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2024, 389(S3), 472.
- Booth L, Redgrave R, Camacho Encina M, Tual-Chalot S, Folaranmi O, Martin-Ruiz C, Spyridopoulos I, Gill J, Richardson GD. The senescence-associated secretory phenotype as a biomarker for age-related myocardial remodelling and cardiovascular disease. Heart 2023, 109(Supp. 3), A265-A266.
- Redgrave R, Dookun E, Booth LK, Camacho Encina M, Folaranmi O, Tual-Chalot S, Gill JH, Owens WA, Spyridopoulos I, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Senescent cardiomyocytes contribute to cardiac dysfunction following myocardial infarction. npj Aging 2023, 9, 15.
- Witham MD, Granic A, Miwa S, Passos JF, Richardson GD, Sayer AA. New Horizons in cellular senescence for clinicians. Age and Ageing 2023, 52(7), afad127.
- Camacho Encina M, Tyler A, Hardwick I, Booth L, Redgrave R, Richardson GD. Identifying older donor hearts suitable for transplantation: the use of senescence as a marker of biological age. Heart 2023, 109(Supp. 3), A288-A289.
- Loh SX, Ekinci Y, Spray L, Jeyalan V, Olin T, Richardson G, Austin D, Alkhalil M, Spyridopoulos I. Fractalkine Signalling (CX3CL1/CX3CR1 Axis) as an Emerging Target in Coronary Artery Disease. J. Clin. Med 2023, 12(14), 4821.
- Kateryna, Tual-Chalot S, Mueller-Hennessen M, Vlachogiannis N, Georgiopoulos G, Biener M, Sachse M, Turchinovich A, Polycarpou-Schwarz M, Spray L, Maneta E, Bennaceur K, Mohammad A, Richardson GD, Gatsiou A, Langer HF, Frey N, Stamatelopoulos K, Heineke J, Duerschmied D, Giannitsis E, Spyridopoulos I, Stellos K. Effector T cell chemokine IP-10 predicts cardiac recovery and clinical outcomes post-myocardial infarction. Frontiers in Immunology 2023, 14, 1177467.
- Tomkova k, Roman M, Adebayo AS, Sheikh S, Yusoff S, Gulston M, Joel-David L, Lai FY, Murgia A, Eagle-Hemming B, Aujla H, Richardson GD, Griffin JL, Murphy GJ, Wozniak MJ. DNA damage, nucleolar stress and dysregulated energy metabolism as mechanisms of multimorbidity. medRxiv 2023, 2023.02.22.23286318.
- Bawamia B, Spray L, Wangsaputra VK, Bennaceur K, Vahabi S, Stellos K, Kharatikoopaei E, Ogundimu E, Gale CP, Keavney B, Maier R, Hancock H, Richardson GD, Austin D, Spyridopoulos I. Activation of telomerase by TA-65 enhances immunity and reduces inflammation post myocardial infarction Randomized Pilot Trial. GeroScience 2023, 45, 2689-2705.
- Dookun E, Passos JF, Arthur HM, Richardson GD. Therapeutic Potential of Senolytics in Cardiovascular Disease. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2022, 36, 187-196.
- Oldershaw RA, Richardson GD, Carling P, Owens WA, Lundy DJ, Meeson A. Cardiac Mesenchymal Stem Cell-like Cells Derived from a Young Patient with Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease Have a Prematurely Aged Phenotype. Biomedicines 2022, 10(12), 3143.
- Spray L, Park C, Cormack S, Mohammed A, Panahi P, Boag S, Bennaceur K, Sopova K, Richardson G, Stangl V, Rech L, Rainer P, Ramos G, Hofmann U, Stellos K, Spyridopoulos I. The Fractalkine Receptor CX3CR1 Links Lymphocyte Kinetics in CMV-Seropositive Patients and Acute Myocardial Infarction With Adverse Left Ventricular Remodeling. Frontiers in Immunology 2021, 12, 605857.
- Coelho-Lima J, Georgiopoulos G, Ahmed J, Adil Syeda, Gaskin D, Bakogiannis C, Sopova k, Ahmed F, Ahmed H, Spray L, Richardson G, Bagnall A, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K, Spyridopoulos I. Prognostic value of admission high-sensitivity troponin in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Heart BMJ 2021, 107(23), 1881-1888.
- Spray L, Park C, Cormack S, Mohammad A, Panahi P, Boag S, Bennaceur K, Richardson G, Arthur H, Stellos K, Spyridopoulos I. Role of CMV-serostatus and CX3CR1 on lymphocyte kinetics and left ventricular remodelling in patients with acute myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal 2020, 41(Suppl. 2), ehaa946.1289.
- Liu D, Richardson G, Benli FM, Park C, de Souza JV, Bronowska AK, Spyridopoulos I. Inflammageing in the cardiovascular system: mechanisms, emerging targets, and novel therapeutic strategies. Clinical Science 2020, 134(17), 2243-2262.
- Martin-Ruiz C, Hoffmann J, Shmeleva E, von Zglinicki T, Richardson G, Draganova L, Redgrave R, Collerton J, Arthur H, Keavney B, Spyridopoulos I. CMV-independent increase in CD27−CD28+ CD8+ EMRA T cells is inversely related to mortality in octogenarians. npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease 2020, 6, 3.
- Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Palmowski P, Tual Chalot S, Suwana A, Chapman J, Jirkovsky E, Donastorg Sosa L, Gill E, Yausep O, Santin Y, Mialet Perez J, Owens WA, Grieve D, Spyridopoulos I, Taggart M, Arthur HM, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Clearance of senescent cells during cardiac ischemia–reperfusion injury improves recovery. Aging Cell 2020, 19(10), e13249.
- CorreiaMelo C, Birch J, Fielder E, Rahmatika D, Taylor J, Chapman J, Lagnado A, Carroll BM, Miwa S, Richardson G, Jurk D, Oakley F, Mann J, Mann DA, Korolchuk V, Passos JF. Rapamycin improves healthspan but not inflammaging in nfkb1-/- mice. Aging Cell 2019, 18(1), e12882.
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot A, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur HM, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Pharmacological clearance of senescent cells improves survival and recovery in aged mice following acute myocardial infarction. Aging Cell 2019, 18(3), e12945.
- Anderson R, Lagnado A, Maggiorani D, Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Chapman J, Birch J, Salmonowicz H, Ogrodnik M, Jurk D, Proctor C, Correia-Melo C, Victorelli S, Fielder E, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Owens WA, Greaves L, Kolsky K, Parini A, Douin-Echinard V, LeBrasseur N, Arthur H, Tual-Chalot S, Schafer M, Roos C, Miller J, Robertson N, Mann J, Adams P, Tchkonia T, Kirkland J, Mialet-Perez J, Richardson GD, Passos J. Length‐independent telomere damage drives post‐mitotic cardiomyocyte senescence. The EMBO Journal 2019, 38(5), e100492.
- Oldershaw R, Owens WA, Sutherland R, Linney M, Liddle R, Magana L, Lash GE, Gill JH, Richardson G, Meeson A. Human Cardiac-Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Like Cells, a Novel Cell Population with Therapeutic Potential. Stem Cells and Development 2019, 28(9), 593-607.
- Richardson G, Sage A, Bennaceur K, Al Zhrany N, Coelho-Lima J, Dookun E, Draganova L, Saretzki G, Breault D, Mallat Z, Spyridopoulos I. Telomerase Mediates Lymphocyte Proliferation but Not the Atherosclerosis-Suppressive Potential of Regulatory T-Cells. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2018, 38(6), 1283-1296.
- Anderson R, Richardson GD, Passos JF. Mechanisms driving the ageing heart. Experimental Gerontology 2018, 109, 5-15.
- Richardson GD. Simultaneous Assessment of Cardiomyocyte DNA Synthesis and Ploidy: A Method to Assist Quantification of Cardiomyocyte Regeneration and Turnover. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2016, (111), e53979.
- Madich A, Richardson GD, Jahoda CAB. Contribution of GFP expressing Dermal Papillae cells to the formation of chimeric embryos and their survival in uterine environment. British Biotechnological Journal 2016, 12(2), 23393.
- Richardson GD, Laval S, Owens WA. Cardiomyocyte regeneration in the mdx mouse model of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Stem Cells and Development 2015, 24(14), 1672-1679.
- Bennaceur K, Atwill M, Al Zhrany N, Hoffmann J, Keavney B, Breault D, Richardson G, von Zglinicki T, Saretzki G, Spyridopoulos I. Atorvastatin induces T cell proliferation by a telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) mediated mechanism. Atherosclerosis 2014, 236(2), 312-320.
- Meeson A, Fuller A, Breault D, Owens W, Richardson G. Optimised Protocols for the Identification of the Murine Cardiac Side Population. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 2013, 9(5), 731-739.
- Richardson GD, Breault D, Horrocks G, Cormack S, Hole H, Owens WA. Telomerase expression in the mammalian heart. FASEB Journal 2012, 26(12), 4832-4840.
- Richardson GD, Meeson A, Laval S, Fuller A, Owens A. mTERT EXPRESSION IS INCREASED IN THE MDX MODEL OF CARDIOMYOPATHY. Heart 2012, 98:A8.
- Bell E, Richardson G, Jahoda CA, Gledhill K, Phillips HM, Henderson D, Owens WA, Hole N. Dermal stem cells can differentiate down an endothelial lineage. Stem Cells and Development 2012, 21(16), 3019-3030.
- Meeson A, Owens WA, Richardson GD. Analysis of the Murine Cardiac Side Population from Postnatal to Adult heart; The Effect of Aging.. 2012.
- Higgins CA, Richardson GD, Ferdinando D, Westgate GE, Jahoda CA. Modelling the hair follicle dermal papilla using spheroid cell cultures. Experimental Dermatology 2010, 19(6), 546-548.
- Richardson GD, Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Waters JM, Crawford H, Hynd P, Christiano AM, Jahoda CA. KGF and EGF signalling block hair follicle induction and promote interfollicular epidermal fate in developing mouse skin. Development 2009, 136(13), 2153-2164.
- Higgins CA, Richardson GD, Westgate GE, Jahoda CA. Exogen involves gradual release of the hair club fibre in the vibrissa follicle model. Experimental Dermatology 2009, 18(9), 793-795.
- Waters J, Richardson G, Dhouailly D, Jahoda C. Epithelial–mesenchymal interactions promote hair follicle neogenesis and a new stem cell niche in adult corneal epithelium. MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT 2009, 126, S151 – S181.
- Richardson GD, Fantauzzo KA, Bazzi H, Määttä A, Jahoda CA. Dynamic expression of Syndecan-1 during hair follicle morphogenesis. Gene Expression Patterns 2009, 9(6), 454-460.
- Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Richardson GD, Jahoda CA, Christiano AM. Transcriptional profiling of developing mouse epidermis reveals novel patterns of coordinated gene expression. Developmental Dynamics 2007, 236(4), 961-970.
- Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Richardson GD, Jahoda CA, Christiano AM. The Wnt inhibitor, Dickkopf 4, is induced by canonical Wnt signaling during ectodermal appendage morphogenesis. Developmental Biology 2007, 305(2), 498-507.
- Richardson GD, Arnott EC, Whitehouse CJ, Lawrence CM, Hole N, Jahoda CAB. Cultured cells from the adult human hair follicle dermis can be directed toward adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2005, 124(5), 1090-1091.
- Richardson GD, Robson CN, Lang S, Neal DE, Maitland N, Collins AT. CD133, a novel marker for human prostatic epithelial stem cells. Journal of Cell Science 2004, 117(16), 3539-3545.
Book Chapter
- Booth k, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot s, Spyridopoulos I, Phillips HM, Richardson GD. Heart Disease and Ageing: The Roles of Senescence, Mitochondria, and Telomerase in Cardiovascular Disease. In: Harris, J.R., Korolchuk, V.I, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part IV, Clinical Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023, pp.45-78.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Redgrave R, Palmowski P, Tual Chalot S, Gill E, Owens A, Grieve D, Spyridopoulos I, Taggart M, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson GD. Therapeutic potential of navitoclax in age-related cardiovascular diseases. In: Termis 6th World Congress. 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands: Mary Ann Liebert.
- Spyridopoulos I, Bawamia B, Spray L, Wangsaputra V, Stellos K, Bennaceur K, Kharatikoopaei E, Ogundimu E, Gale CP, Keavney B, Maier R, Hancock H, Richardson G, Austin D. Activation of mitochondrial telomerase reverses relative lymphopenia post myocardial infarction: results from the randomised, double-blinded TACTIC phase IIa pilot trial. In: ESC Congress 2022. 2022, Barcelona, Spain: Oxford University Press.
- Yausep Oliver, Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot S, Chapman J, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. The Effects of Senolytics on Murine Cardiac Function and Morphology Post-Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. In: 24th ASEAN Federation Cardiology Congress (24th AFCC) 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Idonesian Heart Association (28th ASMIHA). 2019, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot S, Yausep O, Chapman J, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. Navitoclax eliminates senescence attenuating remodelling and improving outcome to cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury. In: Senescence Symposium. 2019, MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Doyle j, Dyson N, Bourne M, Honkanen-Scott M, Hunter H, Jones C, Coulthard R, Ness T, Bury Y, Tiniakos D, Fisher AJ, Dark J, Richardson GD, Scott WE, Ploeg RJ, Shaw JAM. MRC-QUOD Expand: Creation of Searchable Organ Pathology Atlases. In: Molecular Pathology: Innovation for a Digital Future. 2019. In Preparation.
- Dewi M, Walaszczyk A, Das M, Richardson G. Continuous Reduction In Irrigation Rate During Irrigated Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Results In A More Optimised Lesion Shape Through Reduced Endocardial Sparing. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (HRC) 2019. 2019, International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham: Touch Medical Media Ltd.
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Redgrave R, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. Senescence contributes to reduced survival and impaired cardiac function following myocardial infraction in aged mice. In: 9th Annual Alliance for Healthy Aging Conference. 2018, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA.
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Redgrave R, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. Senescence contributes age related cardiac dysfunction. In: 26th Northern Cardiovascular Research Group Meeting. 2018, Newcastle, UK.
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun ER, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot S, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson GD. Senescence as a therapeutic target for myocardial ageing. In: BAS/BSCR Spring Meeting 2018. 2018, Manchester, UK: Heart.
- Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot S, Yausep O, Chapman J, Anderson R, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. Cardiomyocyte Senescence accumulates following Myocardial Infarction and Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury. In: 26th Northern Cardiovascular Research Group Meeting. 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Dookun ER, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot S, Yausep O, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson GD. Accumulation of cardiomyocyte senescence following ischaemia-reperfusion injury (IRI); a potential therapeutic target?. In: BAS/BSCR Spring Meeting 2018. 2018, Manchester, UK: Heart.
- Anderson R, TualChalot S, Redgrave R, Dodds R, Owens WA, Saretzki G, Arthur H, vonZglinicki T, Passos JF, Richardson GD. The role of cardiomyocyte senescence and regeneration in Ageing. In: British Microcirculation Society 66th Annual Meeting. 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: BMS.
- Rockley KL, Richardson GD, Gill JH. Characterisation of novel molecular mechanisms involved in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. In: British Toxicology Society Annual Congress 2016. 2016.
- Owens WA, Richardson GD. Cardiomyocyte regeneration in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy. In: Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference. 2014, Madrid, Spain.
- Meeson AP, Laval SH, Owens WA, Richardson GD. The Cardiac Side Population is Dynamic during the Progression of Cardiomyopathy in the mdx Model of DMD. In: EMBO/EMBL: Cardiac Biology - From Development to Regenerative Medicine. 2013, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Richardson G, Meeson A, Fuller A, Owens A. The Cardiac Side Population is Dynamic during the Progression of Cardiomyopathy in the mdx Model of DMD. In: EMBO/EMBL: Cardiac Biology - From Development to Regenerative Medicine. 2013, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Richardson GD, Meeson AP, Laval SH, Fuller A, Owens WA. mTert Expression is Increased in the MDX Model of Cardiomyopathy. In: BSCR Autumn Meeting. 2012, Belfast, Ireland: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Richardson GD, Meeson AP, Laval SH, Fuller A, Owens WA. mTert Expression is Increased in the mdx Model of Cardiomyopathy. In: BSCR. Novel Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cardiac Remodelling. 2012, Queens University Belfast.
- Richardson GD, Breault D, Horrocks G, Cormack S, Hole N, Owens WA. The Identification of Native Cardiac Stem Cells Based on Telomerase Activity. In: CNIC: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares. 2010, Madrid, Spain.
- Wojciechowicz K, Richardson G, Waters J, Markiewicz E, Higgins C, Christiano A, Jahoda C. Molecular characterization of perifollicular adipogenesis during mouse skin development Free Papers. In: 6th World Congress for Hair Research. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
- Higgins C, Itoh I, Inoue K, Richardson G, Jahoda C, Christiano A. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells by reprogramming human dermal papilla cells Stem Cells, Stem Cell Niches and Cicatricial Alopecia. In: 6th World Congress for Hair Research. Cairns. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
- Richardson GD, Jahoda C. Multiple Properties of Hair Follicle Dermis Include Stem Cell Potential, Stem Cell Support, and Epithelial Reprogramming. In: Bionet. 2009, Korea.
- Chen B, Crawford H, Fearn A, Harris S, Liu J, Richardson GD, Waters JM, Reynolds AJ, Whitehouse J, Wojciechowicz K, Jahoda CAB. Stem and developmental potential of the hair follicle – induction, regeneration, wound healing and stem cells. In: Anatomical society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Summer Meeting in association with the North East Stem Cell Institute (NESCI). 2007, Durham, UK.
- Waters JM, Richardson GD, Fearn A, Taghizadeh R, Dhouailly D, Jahoda CAB. Hair and skin differentiation from the transit amplifying cells of the central cornea. In: 5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting. 2007, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
- Richardson GD, Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Waters JM, Crawford H, Hynd P, Christiano AM, Jahoda CA. Activation of EGF and FGF signaling in developing mouse skin inhibits hair follicle morphogenesis. In: Fifth International Congress on Hair Research. 2007, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada.
- Richardson GD, Jahoda C. Determining the molecular basis of hair follicle induction. In: 12th Annual Meeting of the European Hair Research Society (EHRS). 2006, London, UK.
- Richardson GD, Arnott EC, Whitehouse CJ, Lawrence CM, Reynolds AJ, Hole N, Jahoda CAB. Plasticity of rodent and human hair follicle dermal cells: Implications for cell therapy and tissue engineering. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings: 4th International Meeting of Hair Research Societies. 2005, Berlin, Germany: Nature Publishing Group.
- Richardson GD, Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Waters JM, Crawford H, Hynd P, Christiano AM, Jahoda CA. Analysing the mechanisms of follicle dermal cell aggregation and induction: a cell and molecular study. In: Epithelial Differentiation & Keratinization. 2005, Lucca, Italy.
- Richardson GD, Arnott EC, Whitehouse CJ, Lawrence CM, Reynolds AJ, Hole N, Jahoda CA. Stem cell potential of adult hair follicle dermal cells. In: 4th Intercontinental Meeting of Hair Research Societies. 2004, Berlin, Germany.
- Richardson GD, Robson CN, Lang SH, Neal DE, Maitland NJ, Collins AT. CD133 as a putative prostatic epithelial stem cell marker. In: Northern England & Scottish Urologist Society Special meeting. 2003.
- Richardson GD, Robson CN, Lang SH, Neal DE, Maitland NJ, Collins AT. Identification of differentially-expressed genes in the stem cells and transit amplifying compartments of prostatic epithelia by microarray. In: The British Prostate Group Collaborative Executive Meeting. 2002.
- Richardson GD, Robson CN, Lang SH, Neal DE, Maitland NJ, Collins AT. CD133 as a putative prostatic epithelial stem cell marker. In: The British Prostate Group Collaborative Executive Meeting. 2002.
- Richardson GD, Robson CN, Collins AT. AC133 as a putative prostatic epithelial stem cell marker. In: The British Prostate Group Annual Meeting. 2001.
- Higgins CA, Itoh M, Inoue K, Richardson GD, Jahoda CA, Christiano AM. Reprogramming of Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2012, 132, 1725-1727.
- Waters JM, Richardson GD, Jahoda CA. Keratin 10 (K10) is expressed suprabasally throughout the limbus of embryonic and neonatal rat corneas, with interrupted expression in the adult limbus. Experimental Eye Research 2009, 89(3), 435-438.
Research Dataset/Database
- Anderson R, Maggiorani D, Robertson NA, Mialet-Perez J, Richardson GD, Passos JF. Young vs Old mouse cardiomyocytes RNA-Seq. 2018. Gene expression omnibus: NCBI.
- Booth LK, Redgrave RE, Folaranmi O, Gil JH, Richardson GD. Anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and senescence. Frontiers in Aging 2022, 3, 1058435.
- Hoffmann J, Richardson GD, Haendeler J, Altschmied J, Andrés V, Spyridopoulos I. Telomerase As a Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2021, 41(3), 855-865.
- Owens WA, Walaszczyk A, Spyridopoulos I, Dookun E, Richardson GD. Senescence and Senolytics in Cardiovascular disease: Promise and Potential Pitfalls. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2021, 198, 111540.
- Waters JM, Richardson GD, Jahoda CA. Hair follicle stem cells. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 2007, 18(2), 245-254.