Staff Profile
Dr Hayley Alderson
NIHR Advanced Fellow and Senior Research Associate
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
I am an NIHR Advanced Fellow and Senior Research Fellow based within the Population Health Sciences Institute.
I have been working in Academia since January 2016 and since being at Newcastle I have been involved as a co-applicant on grants generating £4,120,627. My role within these grants has included study PI, Co-applicant and study co-ordinator, member of the steering group and qualitative researcher.
Prior to working in academia I was a drug and alcohol practitioner and I have worked within a variety of substance misuse settings (criminal justice, residential and in the community) between 2004- 2016. I also have experience of working alongside a team of Social Workers within the Emergency Duty Team addressing Health and Social Care problems across North Yorkshire and York.
Ba (Hons) Criminology and Psychology- University of Northampton- 2004
MSc Criminology- Teesside University- 2007
PhD- Newcastle University- 2016
Research Interests:
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
Social Care
Substance Misuse
Criminal Justice
Mental Health
Young People
I am a practitioner-researcher working at the interface of Social Care and Public Health. My research focuses on individuals with multiple disadvantage and complex needs particularly in the arena of domestic violence and abuse (DVA), mental health, substance use and safeguarding. Prior to commencing a career in research, I had 12 years’ practitioner experience working in voluntary, community or social enterprise organisations, local authorities and the HMP Prison service.
My practitioner experience has equipped me with skills and knowledge to engage with community groups often excluded from academic research. My combined practitioner background and researcher experience supports me to undertake pragmatic research that can have real world impact.
I commenced my academic journey working as a research Interventionist within Newcastle University on PAReNTS: ‘Brief interventions to reduce hazardous and harmful drinking in parents referred to children’s social care: a feasibility study’; AESOPS: a randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of opportunistic screening and stepped care interventions for older hazardous alcohol users in primary care; ACCEPT: A pilot feasibility trial of alcohol screening and brief intervention in the police custody suite setting; and SIPS JNR: Developing and Evaluating Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol use Disorders Presenting Through Emergency Departments.
Since 2016, I have been involved in 39 successful grant applications of which 25 have been successfully completed and 14 are ongoing. Of these grants, I have led 16 as PI (13 successfully completed and 3 ongoing).
Current PI projects include my NIHR Advanced Fellowship- RESPONSE: Rape and Sexual Assault: developing a trauma-informed framework to providing health and social care support to survivors; OUTCOMES: Domestic Abuse- Understanding the impact of Outcome 16 on racially minoritised women’s participation in Domestic Abuse investigations and INCLUDE: Understanding and developing father Inclusive Practice in Children’s Social Care.
An example of key projects within the domestic abuse space are VISTA: 'Integrating social care in response to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse: supporting the adult and child victim'; RIVA: ‘Evaluating models of health-based Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) within maternity services’ and “PROTECT COVID- 19: Exploring lived experiences of the impact of intimate partner violence and abuse on children, affected family members and perpetrators during the COVID- 19 global pandemic”
Furthermore, a number of projects have focused on social care and care experienced young people inclusive (but not limited to), RELATE: 'Leaving care: supporting positive Relational transitions of carE LeAvers and their birTh familiEs'; EXIT: ‘Innovation for Looked after Children Experiencing Post-16 Transition’ and SOLID: Supporting Looked After Children and Care Leavers in Decreasing Drugs and Alcohol
As my research career has developed, it has increasingly focused upon domestic/sexual violence and abuse. My research interests are driven by a commitment to improving outcomes for vulnerable individuals, inclusive of children and families.
I have been involved in teaching single sessions on the following modules;
MSc Fundamentals of Research module- Newcastle University
MSc Health Policy- Newcastle University
MSc Public Health Interventions- Newcastle University.
Tutor, Essential Junior rotation in Public Health, Medical
school, Newcastle University
I have also delivered guest lectures in partner universities Durham and Teesside on the following courses;
Tutor, BSc Criminology (Drugs and Society module)-Teesside University
Guest Lecturer MSc Contemporary Issues in drug use- Teesside University
Guest Lecturer MSc Social Work- Durham University
- Mayrhofer A, Mansuri N, Sarma K, Smiles C, Alderson H, Kaner E, McGovern R. Implementing family safeguarding in the context of domestic violence and abuse: A case study of a local authority in England. British Journal of Social Work 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Wearn A, Brennan-Tovey K, Adams EA, Alderson H, Baariu J, Cheetham M, Bartle V, Palfreyman L, Rooke V, Shenton F, Ramsay SE, Kaner E. Evaluating Process and Outcomes of Public Involvement in Applied Health and Social Care Research: A Rapid Systematic Review. Health Expectations 2025, 28(1), e70160.
- Close H, Vincent S, Alderson H, Wilson-Harrop C, Allen S, Waters GM, Hanson S, Pepper GV, Neave N. What do we know about hoarding behaviours among care-experienced children (CEC)? A systematic review. Cogent Psychology 2024, 11(1), 2416757.
- McGovern R, Balogun-Katung A, Artis B, Bareham B, Spencer L, Alderson H, Brown E, Brown J, Lingam R, McArdle P, Newham JJ, Wojciechowska A, Rankin J, Redgate S, Thomason P, Kaner E. The Effectiveness of Preventative Interventions to Reduce Mental Health Problems in at‐risk Children and Young People: A Systematic Review of Reviews. Journal of Prevention 2024, 45, 651-684.
- McGovern R, Smart D, Alderson H, Fouweather T, Kaner E. Promoting Alcohol Reduction in Non-Treatment Seeking parents (PAReNTS): a pilot feasibility cluster randomized controlled trial of brief alcohol interventions with parents in contact with child safeguarding services. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2024, 59(1).
- Balogun-Katung A, Artis B, Alderson H, Brown E, Kaner E, Rankin J, Lingam R, McGovern R. Practitioner perspectives on the nature, causes and the impact of poor mental health and emotional wellbeing on children and young people in contact with children's social care: A qualitative study. Child Abuse and Neglect 2024, 154, 106867.
- Redgate S, Smart D, Barrett S, Barron C, Burns S, Frost H, McGovern W, Peart V, Adams E, Alderson H, Kaner E, McGovern R. Mechanisms That Promote and Support Family Preservation for Children at the Edge of Care: A Realist Synthesis. SAGE Open 2024, 14(2).
- Currie G, Lynch A, Swan J, Alderson H, Friel S, Harrop C, Johnson R, Kerridge G, Smart D, McGovern R, Munro E. How to extend pilot innovation in public services: A case of children's social care innovation. Public Administration 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Lynch A, Friel S, Munro ER, Sultana M, Hamilton CJ, Kerridge G, Oswick R, Pillay Mitchell T, Alderson H, Harrop C, McGovern R, Mohamoud J, Smart D, Currie G. Developing care experienced young peoples' participation as peer researchers in an inter-disciplinary study: applying the 'Ability-Motivation-Opportunity' frameworkKinder- und Jugendhilfe und die Klimakrise–Konzeptionelle Erweiterungen durch sozial-ökologische und sozialräumliche Ansätze. European Journal of Social Work 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- McGovern R, Balogun-Katung A, Artis B, Alderson H, Brown E, Diggle T, Lingam R, McArdle P, Rankin J, Thomason P, Kaner E. Co-producing an intervention to prevent mental health problems in children and young people in contact with child welfare services. BMC Public Health 2024, 24, 2276.
- Sattar Z, Lochhead L, Alderson H, Lhussier M, McGovern R, McGovern W. British South Asian and Muslim Community’s Perceptions and Experiences of Addiction and Traditional Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024, 21(10), 1338.
- Farmer S, Ellis J, Alderson H. A qualitative study of dentists' and dental students' preparedness to support patients with lived experience of intimate partner violence and abuse. British Dental Journal 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Johnson RE, Kerridge G, Alderson H, Currie G, Friel S, Harrop C, Lynch A, McGovern R, Munro ER, Newlands F, Smart D. ‘Mind the Gap’: Extending Outcome Measurement for Accountability and Meaningful Innovation. British Journal of Social Work 2024, 54(5), 2067-2086.
- Adley M, Alderson H, Jackson K, McGovern W, Spencer L, Addison M, O'Donnell A. Ethical and practical considerations for including marginalised groups in quantitative survey research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2023, 27(5), 559-574.
- Alderson H, Lingam R, Brown R, McGovern R. Care-experienced young people’s reflections on their relationship to and use of alcohol: A qualitative exploration. Adoption and Fostering 2023, 47(1), 6-21.
- Spencer L, Alderson H, Scott S, Kaner E, Ling J. ‘The Addiction Was Making Things Harder for My Mental Health’: A Qualitative Exploration of the Views of Adults and Adolescents Accessing a Substance Misuse Treatment Service. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(11), 5967.
- Adams EA, Spencer L, Addison M, McGovern W, Alderson H, Adley M, McGovern R, Gilvarry E, Kaner E, O'Donnell A. Substance Use, Health, and Adverse Life Events amongst Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Users in North East England: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(12), 6996.
- Alderson H, Barrett S, Addison M, Burns S, Cooling V, Hackett S, Kaner E, McGovern W, Smart D, McGovern R. Parental intimate partner violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support. Women's Health 2022, 18, 1-12.
- Alderson H, Mayrhofer A, Smart D, Muir C, McGovern R. An Innovative Approach to Delivering a Family-Based Intervention to Address Parental Alcohol Misuse: Qualitative Findings from a Pilot Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(13), 8086.
- Alderson H, Kaner E, O'donnell A, Bate A. A Qualitative Exploration of Stakeholder Involvement in Decision-Making for Alcohol Treatment and Prevention Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(4), 2148.
- Smart D, Jackson K, Alderson H, Foley T, Foreman S, Kaner B, Kaner E, Lancaster H, Lingam R, Rankin R, Rowlands G, Spencer L, McGovern R. What Influences Parents and Practitioners’ Decisions to Share Personal Information within an Early Help (Social Care) Context? Implications for Practice in Sharing Digital Data across Sectors. British Journal of Social Work 2021, 52(4), 2146-2165.
- Alderson H, Spencer L, Scott S, Kaner E, Reeves A, Robson S, Ling J. Using behavioural insights to improve the uptake of services for drug and alcohol misuse. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(13), 6923.
- Spencer L, Addison M, Alderson H, McGovern W, McGovern R, Kaner E, O'Donnell A. 'The Drugs Did For Me What I Couldn't Do For Myself': A Qualitative Exploration of the Relationship Between Mental Health and Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Use. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2021, 15, 1-8.
- Alderson H, McGovern R, Copello A, McColl E, Kaner E, Smart D, McArdle P, Lingam R. Implementation factors for the delivery of alcohol and drug interventions to children in care: Qualitative findings from the solid feasibility trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(7), 3461.
- Lynch A, Alderson H, Kerridge G, Johnson R, McGovern R, Newlands F, Smart D, Harrop C, Currie G. An inter-disciplinary perspective on evaluation of innovation to support care leavers’ transition. Journal of Children's Services 2021, 16(3), 214-232.
- McGovern R, Gilvarry E, Addison M, Alderson H, Geijer-Simpson E, Lingam R, Smart D, Kaner E. The Association Between Adverse Child Health, Psychological, Educational and Social Outcomes, and Nondependent Parental Substance: A Rapid Evidence Assessment. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 2020, 21(3), 470-483.
- Alderson H, Kaner E, Brown R, Howel D, McColl E, Smart D, Copello A, Fouweather T, McGovern R, Brown H, McArdle P, Lingam R. Behaviour change interventions to reduce risky substance use and improve mental health in children in care: the SOLID three-arm feasibility RCT. Public Health Research 2020, 8(13).
- Alderson H, Kaner E, McColl E, Howel D, Fouweather T, McGovern R, Copello C, Brown H, McArdle P, Smart D, Brown R, Lingam R. A pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of two behaviour change interventions compared to usual care to reduce substance misuse in looked after children and care leavers aged 12-20 years: The SOLID study. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(9), 0238286.
- Alderson H, Brown R, Smart D, Lingam R, Dovey-Pearce G. 'You've come to children that are in care and given us the opportunity to get our voices heard': The journey of looked after children and researchers in developing a Patient and Public Involvement group. Health Expectations 2019, 22(4), 657-665.
- Alderson H, Brown R, Copello A, Kaner E, Tober G, Lingam R, McGovern R. The key therapeutic factors needed to deliver behavioural change interventions to decrease risky substance use (drug and alcohol) for looked after children and care leavers: a qualitative exploration with young people, carers and front line workers. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019, 19(1), 38.
- Brown R, Alderson H, Kaner E, McGovern R, Lingam R. “There are carers, and then there are carers who actually care”; Conceptualizations of care among looked after children and care leavers, social workers and carers. Child Abuse and Neglect 2019, 92, 219-229.
- Alderson H, McGovern R, Brown R, Howel D, Becker F, Carr L, Copello A, Fouweather T, Kaner E, McArdle P, McColl E, Shucksmith J, Steele A, Vale L, Lingam R. Supporting Looked After Children and Care Leavers In Decreasing Drugs, and alcohol (SOLID): Protocol for a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of interventions to decrease risky substance use (drugs and alcohol) and improve mental health of Looked After Children and Care Leavers aged 12 -20 years. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2017, 3, 25.
- Alderson H, Smiles C, Sarma K, D'Souza N, McGovern W, Gangoli G, McGovern R. Understanding the impact of Outcome 16 on racially minoritised women’s participation in Domestic Abuse investigations. Manchester: N8 Policing Research Partnership, 2025.
- Wearn A, Kaner E, Ramsay S, Aquino MRJ, Alderson H, Cheetham M, Shenton F, Lally J, Anderson E, Rook V, Palfreyman L, Bartle V. Evaluating process and outcomes of public involvement in applied health and social care research: a rapid systematic review. London: National Institute for Health and Care Research, 2022. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022310210.
- Redgate S, Smart D, Adams E, Alderson H, Barrett S, Barron C, Burns S, Firth J, Frost H, Kaner E, McGovern W, Renwick T, Xeros P, McGovern R. A realist synthesis of evidence on the effectiveness of community delivered interventions to reduce the likelihood of children going into care and promote family preservation. London: National Institute for Health Research, 2021. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021231009.
- Mayrhofer AM, Alderson H, Sarma K, Jackson C, Olive P, Toma M, Mansuri N, Waterfield A, Crossen S, Parker D, Forder J, Kaner E, Miller R, Gabbay M, Akeju D, McGovern R. What are the Factors Influencing Service Provider Response to Working with Families Affected by Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse? A Qualitative Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Family Violence 2024, epub ahead of print.
- McGovern R, Bogowicz P, Meader N, Kaner E, Alderson H, Craig D, Geijer-Simpson E, Jackson K, Muir C, Salonen D, Smart D, Newham JJ. The association between maternal and paternal substance use and child substance use, internalizing and externalizing problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction 2023, 118(5), 804-818.
- McGovern R, Smart D, Alderson H, Araujo-Soares V, Brown J, Buykx P, Evans V, Fleming K, Hickman M, Macleod J, Meier P, Kaner E. Psychosocial interventions to improve psychological, social and physical wellbeing in family members affected by an adult relative’s substance use: A systematic search and review of the evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(4), 1793.