Staff Profile
Professor Iain Keenan
Professor of Anatomical Education
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- Telephone: +44(0) 191 208 6861
- Address: School of Medicine
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Iain D Keenan B.Sc. (Hons), M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., N.T.F., F.A.S.
Iain is Professor of Anatomical Education in the School of Medicine (SoM) and is an Advance HE National Teaching Fellow. Iain leads anatomical sciences teaching for medicine and medical sciences degree programmes; leads a programme of anatomy education research; and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate research projects. Iain is a Fellow of the Anatomical Society (FAS) and was previously an Anatomical Society Councillor and Committee Chair (2015-2022).
Iain leads research in learning and teaching for the School of Medicine (School of Medicine Research); is PGR Co-ordinator for the School of Medicine (Postgraduate Research); is ERDP Lead for the School of Medicine: Educational Research Development and Practice; is Co-Lead of the FMS Education Research Theme.
Professor of Anatomical Education, School of Medicine, Newcastle University ( 2024-present)
Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, School of Medicine, Newcastle University (2019-2024)
Lecturer in Anatomy, School of Medical Education, Newcastle University (2015-2019)
Teaching Fellow in Anatomy, School of Medical Education, Newcastle University (2012-2015)
Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University (2010-2012)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of St Andrews (2007-2009).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Dundee (2004-2007)
PhD, Biology, University of York (2004)
BSc (Hons), Biology, University of York (2000)
Master of Medical Education (2016)
Professor Iain D Keenan B.Sc. (Hons), M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., N.T.F., F.A.S.
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Iain leads a research programme and supervises postgraduate research students and undergraduate projects. Iain's research involves strategic design, evaluation and curricular implementation of art-based and technology-enhanced three-dimensional learning approaches to support visual and haptic observation in anatomy learning, and student understanding of complex spatial anatomical concepts.
Iain has a number of successful research collaborations within Newcastle University and beyond, including working with colleagues in the School of Medicine, with numerous undergraduate and postgraduate student partners, and with Leonard Shapiro (University of Cape Town, South Africa).
Iain and Leonard have created a massive open online course called Exploring 3D Anatomy, with the aim of supporting spatial understanding for a global audience of anatomy students and educators.
Iain has published work in high ranking journals including Anatomical Sciences Education (2021 Impact Factor 6.7); is editor for two volumes of the Springer Biomedical Visualisation book series; is an Associate Editor for BMC Medical Education; and is on the reviewer board for several esteemed journals. Iain was guest co-editor for a theme edition ‘Life Sciences in an Integrated Curriculum’ for the MedEdPublish journal.
Iain has supervised a PhD student funded by the Kuwait Public Authority for Applied Education and Training. Iain has also been awarded several small grants to support research, including funding from the Anatomical Society Symington Bequest; the Anatomical Society Departmental Seminar Award; two grants from the Faculty of Medical Sciences Educational Research Development and Practice (ERDP); and two awards from the Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice.
Professor Iain D Keenan B.Sc. (Hons), M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., N.T.F., F.A.S.
Learning and Teaching
Iain leads anatomy, embryology, and histology teaching for undergraduate medical, physicians associates, dental and biomedical sciences programmes, and for postgraduate medical sciences programmes.
Iain currently leads the MBBS Year 2 Case 14 unit of study (Embryology, Development, Reproduction, and Fertility). Iain was module lead for the Life Cycle 1 and Life Cycle 2 units of study 2014-2017, and Case 10 (Liver Disease) unit of study lead 2017-2020. Iain was academic timetable co-ordinator for the MBBS programme (2017-2019).
Iain supervises PhD student projects, Master of Medical Education dissertation projects, MBBS Student Selected Component projects, Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship projects, and final year Biomedical, Nutritional, and Sport Sciences projects. While working with student partners, Iain has led the implementation of a number of teaching and curricular innovations for the School of Medicine, including art-based learning, 3D digital learning technologies, and 3D printing
Education Awards
Iain was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from Advance HE in 2020 based on Iain's implementation of educational frameworks, evidence-based learning approaches, student-partnerships and commitment to global open-open access communication. Iain has also achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, having achieved Descriptor 3 (2018) and Descriptor 1 and 2 (2013) of the United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).
Iain led the School of Medicine Anatomy Team in being awarded the Newcastle University Vice Chancellor's Educational Excellence Award in 2022 and Iain contributed to the Anatomy Team being awarded the Engagement and Place Awards 'Inclusive Education, Lifelong Learning and Continuing Professional Development' Award 2023 for World Anatomy Day events.
Iain received the Teaching Excellence Award for Innovative Teaching (Faculty of Medical Sciences) in 2015, an award that is voted for by Newcastle University students. Iain has also been nominated for TEA awards in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020.
- Horne CA, Hepworth D, Saunders E, Keenan ID. Everyone can draw: An inclusive and transformative activity for conceptualization of topographic anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education 2024, 17(5), 1080-1096.
- Shapiro L, Hobbs E, Keenan ID. Transforming musculoskeletal anatomy learning with haptic surface painting. Anatomical Sciences Education 2023, 16(4), 677-693.
- Ben Awadh A, Clark J, Clowry G, Keenan ID. Multimodal three-dimensional visualization enhances novice learner interpretation of basic cross-sectional anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education 2022, 15(1), 127-142.
- Shapiro L, Bell K, Dhas K, Branson T, Louw G, Keenan ID. Focused Multisensory Anatomy Observation and Drawing for Enhancing Social Learning and Three‐Dimensional Spatial Understanding. Anatomical Sciences Education 2019, 13(4), 488-503.
- Keenan ID, Hutchinson J, Bell K. Twelve tips for implementing artistic learning approaches in anatomy education. MedEd Publish 2017, 6(2), 1-13.
- Keenan ID, Slater JD, Matthan JM. Social media: Insights for medical education from instructor perceptions and usage. MedEdPublish 2017, 1(7), 1-27.
- Backhouse M, Fitzpatrick M, Hutchinson J, Thandi CS, Keenan ID. Improvements in anatomy knowledge when utilizing a novel cyclical “Observe-Reflect-Draw-Edit-Repeat” learning process. Anatomical Sciences Education 2017, 10(1), 7-22.
- Boczonadi V, Gillespie R, Keenan ID, Ramsbottom SA, Donald-Wilson C, Al Nazer M, Humbert P, Schwarz RJ, Chaudhry B, Henderson DJ. Scrib:Rac1 interactions are required for the morphogenesis of the ventricular myocardium. Cardiovascular Research 2014, 104(1), 103-115.
- Keenan ID, Rhee HJ, Chaudhry B, Henderson DJ. Origin of non-cardiac endothelial cells from an Isl1+ lineage. FEBS Letters 2012, 586(13), 1790-1794.
- Ekerot M, Stavridis MP, Delavaine L, Mitchell MP, Staples C, Owens DM, Keenan ID, Dickinson RJ, Storey KG, Keyse SM. Negative-feedback regulation of FGF signalling by DUSP6/MKP-3 is driven by ERK1/2 and mediated by Ets factor binding to a conserved site within the DUSP6/MKP-3 gene promoter. Biochemical Journal 2008, 412(2), 287-98.
- Smith TG, Karlsson M, Lunn JS, Eblaghie MC, Keenan ID, Farrell ER, Tickle C, Storey KG, Keyse SM. Negative feedback predominates over cross-regulation to control ERK MAPK activity in response to FGF signalling in embryos. FEBS Letters 2006, 580(17), 4242-4245.
- Keenan ID, Sharrard RM, Isaacs HV. FGF signal transduction and the regulation of Cdx gene expression. Developmental Biology 2006, 299(2), 478-88.
- Reece-Hoyes JS, Keenan ID, Pownall ME, Isaacs HV. A consensus Oct1 binding site is required for the activity of the Xenopus Cdx4 promoter. Developmental Biology 2005, 282(2), 509-523.
- Reece-Hoyes JS, Keenan ID, Isaacs HV. Cloning and expression of the Cdx family from the frog Xenopus tropicalis. Developmental Dynamics 2002, 223(1), 134-140.
Book Chapters
- Almen J, Parkes AE, Chaudhry A, Saunders EL, Scotcher K, Swamy M, Keenan ID. Student and Educator Perceptions of Asynchronous Anatomical Education and a Digital Anatomy Learning Resource. In: F Gröning, ed. Enhancing Biomedical Education: Integrating Digital Visualization and 3D Technologies. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2024, pp.43-73.
- Keenan ID, Green E, Haagensen E, Hancock R, Scotcher K, Swainson H, Swamy M, Walker S, Woodhouse L. Pandemic-Era Digital Education: Insights from an Undergraduate Medical Programme. In: Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 14‒COVID-19 Technology and Visualisation Adaptations for Biomedical Teaching. Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp.1-19.
- Abdel Meguid EM, Holland JC, Keenan ID, Mishall P. Exploring Visualisation for Embryology Education: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective. In: Paul M. Rea, ed. Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 11. Cham: Springer, 2022, pp.173-193.
- Thompson B, Green E, Scotcher K, Keenan ID. A Novel Cadaveric Embalming Technique for Enhancing Visualisation of Human Anatomy. In: Rea PM, ed. Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 11. Cham: Springer, 2022, pp.299-317.
- Keenan ID, Powell M. Interdimensional Travel: Visualisation of 3D-2D Transitions in Anatomy Learning. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer, 2020, pp.103-116.
- Keenan ID, Ben Awadh A. Integrating 3D Visualisation Technologies in Undergraduate Anatomy Education. In: Paul M. Rea, ed. Biomedical Visualisation. Cham: Springer, 2019, pp.39-53.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Swainson H, Kajal K, Keenan ID, Matthan J. The future of the anatomy spotter: student perceptions of digital and cadaveric assessment methods. In: British Association of Clinical Anatomists Summer Meeting. 2022, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Keenan I, Green E, Swainson H, Scotcher K, Swamy M, Saunders E, White P. Rapid and medium-term adaptations to Covid-19: Insights from an undergraduate medical programme. In: Anatomical Society summer meeting. 2022, Glasgow and Virtual: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Swainson H, Kevat K, Keenan ID, Matthan J. Digitalising anatomy assessments: Dental students' perceptions of 3D and cadaveric spotters. In: Summer Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2022, Dublin: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ben Awadh A, Clark J, Clowry G, Keenan ID. Supporting medical student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic through integration of remote digital embryology resources. In: Anatomical Society Virtual Winter Meeting. 2021, Virtual: Journal of Anatomy.
- Almen J, Chaudhry A, Saunders E, Scotcher K, Keenan I. Student and educator perceptions of remote anatomy learning. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting Glasgow 2021: Cutting Edge Anatomy. 2021, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ben Awadh A, Keenan ID. Brave new world: Adapting 3D visualisation for post-pandemic curricula. In: Anatomical Society Virtual Winter Meeting. 2021, Virtual: Wiley.
- Thompson B, Green E, Scotcher K, Saunders E, Keenan I. A novel cadaveric embalming technique for enhancing visualisation of human anatomy. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting Glasgow 2021: Cutting Edge Anatomy. 2021, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ben Awadh A, Clark J, Lindsay S, Clowry G, Keenan ID. Combined impact of simultaneous 3D digital visualisation and 3D printed model usage on medical student anatomy learning and clinical image interpretation. In: 19th International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Congress. 2020, London: Wiley.
- Shapiro L, Keenan ID. Collaborative optimisation of focused anatomy observation and drawing techniques for enhancing cognitive memorisation. In: International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 19th Congress. 2020, London: Journal of Anatomy.
- Henessy C, Brown K, Pascoe M, Holland J, Keenan ID, Royer D, Meyer A. 21st Century Anatomists: Social Media Use in Anatomy Education and Research. In: International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 19th Congress. 2020, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Carr H, Kui C, Beh SZ, Neszmelyi M, Lee EKM, Li CKH, Keenan ID. Student-led development of medical school 3D printing technology for enhancing delivery and accessibility of anatomy learning resources . In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hennessy C, Brown K, Pascoe M, Holland J, Keenan ID, Meyer A, Royer D. Social media use by anatomy educators and the implications for professionalism. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Keenan ID, Shapiro L, Bell K, Dhas K, Branson T, Louw G. Multisensory observation and drawing enhances social and spatial anatomy learning. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Cheong JJE, Keenan ID. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) in anatomical and medical education: A systematic review. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ben Awadh A, Clark J, Clowry G, Keenan ID. Integrating remote digital visualisation technologies for enhancing self-directed learning of 3D and cross-sectional anatomy. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Chu TSM, Oo AMM, Keenan ID. Dissection or prosection in anatomy education? A systematic review. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Cheong JJE, Bhandari F, Hardy S, Shapiro L, Keenan ID. Development of a massive open online course (MOOC) for enhancing spatial and social anatomy learning. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Juin DLY, Keenan ID. 3D digital visualisation technologies in anatomy education: A systematic review. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2019, Lancaster: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Keenan ID, Border S, Hennessy C. Live tweeting at Anatomical Society Conferences: A shorthistory of its rise and impact. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016. 2017, King's College London, UK: Journal of Anatomy.
- Woodward R, O'Sullivan J, Holmes E, Keenan ID. Investigating creative writing as an anatomy learning tool. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. 2017, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK: Journal of Anatomy.
- Keenan ID, Backhouse M, Fitzpatrick M, Hutchinson J, Thandi CS. Improvements in anatomy knowledge when using a novel cyclical artistic learning process. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. 2017, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK.
- Keenan ID, Solim ZN, Quigg S, Kerwin J, Lindsay S. Enhancing student learning of human embryology with aprototype e-learning resource. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016. 2017, King's College London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hennessy C, Keenan ID, Border S. Anatomy of a tweet: how to use social media as anacademic tool. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. 2017, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Keenan ID, Shapiro L. Teaching anatomists to draw: observational drawing as aneducational approach. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016. 2016, King's College London, UK: Journal of Anatomy.
- Backhouse M, Fitzpatrick M, Selwyn-Gotha J, Allen R, Keenan I. ORDER (observe-reflect-draw-edit-repeat): a novel cyclical learning process in anatomy education. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting: Skin and Bones. 2015, University of Bradford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Keenan ID, Backhouse M, Bashir A, Allen R. The future ORDER: a student partner approach forevidence-based evaluation and implementation of an ‘observe–reflect–draw–edit–repeat’ artistic learning process in anatomyeducation. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2013: Assessment Within Medical Education & Sense Organs. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Journal of Anatomy.
- Backhouse M, Bashir A, Allen R, Jackson S, Keenan ID. The future of anatomy: a student partner approach to theevaluation and implementation of evidence based artisticlearning techniques. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2013. 2014, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Backhouse M, Pergolizzi C, Fitzpatrick M, Allen R, Holmes E, Jackson S, Matthan J, Keenan ID. The future of anatomy education: investigating the impact of student partner approaches for evidence-based evaluation of teaching and learning techniques. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2013. 2014, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Matthan J, Keenan I. Acquisition, development and retention of clinical anatomical knowledge by foundation doctors during anatomy demonstrator rotations. In: Anatomical Society Summer Meeting Skin and Bones. 2014, University of Bradford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Pergolizzi C, Matthan J, Keenan I. Is dissection of more educational value than other methods of learning and teaching anatomy? A student partner approach for evidence-based investigation of dissection as a teaching and learning method in anatomy. In: Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2013: Assessment Within Medical Education & Sense Organs. 2013, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Keenan ID, Border S. Preface: Visualisation in Biomedical Education. Biomedical Visualisation volume 16: Digital Visualisation in Biomedical Education 2023, 1421, v-vi.
- Jennings BA, Keenan ID. Life Sciences in an Integrated Curriculum: Starting the Conversation. MedEdPublish 2017, 6(2).
- Keenan ID, Jennings BA. Concluding Commentary. Life Sciences in an Integrated Medical Curriculum: Continuing the Conversation. MedEdPublish 2017, 6(2), 52.
- Li K, Kui C, Lee E, Ho C, Wong S, Wu W, Wong W, Voll J, Li G, Liu T, Yan B, Chan J, Tse G, Keenan ID. The role of 3D printing in anatomy education and surgical training: A narrative review. MedEdPublish 2017, 6(2), 1-22.