Staff Profile
Dr Jack Thompson
Clinical Research Associate
- Address: William Leech Building,
Newcastle Medical School
Newcastle University
I have a background in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and completed my core training in 2021.
I am currently working as the Clinical Research Associate for the INFINIT trial. This is an active phase 2 multi-centre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double blinded interventional trial that is investigating the efficacy and safety of interferon gamma in patients with critical illness-induced immune suppression.
I currently work within the PRINCIPLE lab group and I am undertaking my PhD under the supervision of Prof Simpson and Dr Rostron. My research interests involve understanding the mechanisms driving critical illness-acquired immune suppression with a particular focus on the innate immune system. I have a specific interest in understanding the role and mechanisms of how immune stimulants can restore the acquired immune dysfunction witnessed in neutrophils and monocytes.
I undertake regular clinical-orientated teaching for multidisciplinary health care professionals including nurses, undergraduate medical students and postgraduate resident doctors. I have also been involved in the development of an internal medicine teaching module for resident doctors in New Zealand.
I have been awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education (Distinction) in 2018 by Queen's University Belfast.