Staff Profile
Emerita Professor Jacqueline Rodgers
Professor of Psychology and Mental Health
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 282 0676
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
I am an emerita professor of psychology and mental health in the Population Health Sciences Institute. I have lead a programme of work that aims to advance the conceptualisation, assessment and treatment of mental health conditions experienced by autistic children and adults. I have a particular interest in anxiety in autism and have developed the first ever anxiety questionnaires specifically designed for use by autistic children (ASC-ASD, Rodgers et al 2016) and autistic adults (ASA-A, Rodgers et al 2020). I have also been involved in the development and evaluation of psychological interventions for co-occurring mental health difficulties in autism (anxiety, depression and suicidality). A focus of much of my work is on understanding the contribution that difficulties with uncertain situation have to the development of anxiety for autistic people. This work has led to the development of psychological interventions for autistic adults and children.
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I am an Emerita Professor of Psychology in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. My work focuses on the mental health experiences of autistic people. I am really keen to ensure that clinical services have good assessment methods available to them to identify when autistic people are experiencing mental health difficulties and I have also been involved in the development and evaluation of mental health interventions for autistic children and adults experiencing anxiety and self harm and suicidality. with colleagues I developed the first anxiety questionnaires specifically designed and validated with and for autistic children and adults. I was also involved in
the development and evaluation of a range of mental health focused interventions for autistic children and adults. Some of this work has focused on how autistic people respond to uncertainty. All of the work I am involved in is undertaken in collaboration with members of the autism community and I feel passionately that co-production is essential for us to be able to truly understand the experiences of autistic people.
- Graham J, Rodgers J, Cassidy S. Why Are Autistic People More Likely to Experience Suicidal Thoughts? Applying the Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model with Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood 2024, 6(3), 272-283.
- Adams D, Malone S, Dargue N, Keen D, Rodgers J, Simpson K, Wicks R, Bullot A, Rapee R. Prevention and Reduction of Anxiety in Autistic Preschoolers Through an Autism-Specific Parent-Mediated Intervention: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Evaluating Short and Longer Term Outcomes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2024, ePub ahead of print.
- Rodgers J, Cassidy S, Pelton M, Goodwin J, Wagnild J, Bhattarai R, Gordon I, Wilson C, Heslop P, Ogundimu E, OConnor R, Ramsay S, Townsend E, Vale L. Feasibility and acceptability of autism adapted safety plans: an external pilot randomised controlled trial. EClinical Medicine 2024, 73, 102662.
- Rodgers J, Cassidy S, Pelton M, Goodwin J, Wagnild J, Bhattarai N, Gordon I, Wilson C, Heslop P, Ogundimu E, O'Connor RC, Ramsay SE, Townsend E, Vale L. Feasibility and acceptability of autism adapted safety plans: an external pilot randomised controlled trial. eClinicalMedicine 2024, 73, 102662.
- Moore H, Cassidy S, Rodgers J. Exploring the Mediating Effect of Camouflaging and the Moderating Effect of Autistic Identity on the Relationship between Autistic Traits and Mental Wellbeing. Autism Research 2024, 17(7), 1391-1406.
- Kittridge C, Rob P, Fisher-Rogers A, Anis T, Attygalle U, Islam F, Sharma A, Rodgers J. Describing the development of the Helping your Anxious Child programme: a parent mediated group intervention for parents of autistic children in south Asia. British Journal of Psychiatry International 2024, 21(2), 26-28.
- Goodwin J, Gordon I, O'Keeffe S, Carling S, Berresford A, Bhattarai N, Heslop P, Nielsen E, O'Connor RC, Ogundimu E, Pelton M, Ramsay SE, Rodgers J, Townsend E, Vale L, Wilson C, Cassidy S. Adapting safety plans for autistic adults with involvement from the autism community. Autism in Adulthood 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Rodgers J, Brice S, Welsh P, Ingham B, Wilson C, Evans G, Steele K, Cropper E, Lecouteur A, Freeston M, Parr J. A Pilot Randomised Control Trial Exploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Delivering a Personalised Modular Psychological Intervention for Anxiety Experienced by Autistic Adults: Personalised Anxiety Treatment-Autism (PAT-A). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2024, 54, 4045–4060.
- Moore H, Freeston M, Rodgers J, Cassidy S. A measurement invariance analysis of the Anxiety Scale for Autism–Adults in a sample of autistic and non-autistic men and women. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2024, 55, 981-996.
- Pelton MK, Crawford H, Bul K, Roberston AE, Adams J, de Beurs D, Rodgers J, Baron Cohen S, Cassidy S. The role of anxiety and depression in suicidal thoughts for autistic and non-autistic people: a theory-driven network analysis. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 2023, 53(3), 426-442.
- Ong SY, Magiati I, Maybery MT, Rodgers J, Uljarevic M, Alvares GA. Parental Perspectives of the Everyday Experiences of Uncertainty among Young Children on the Autism Spectrum. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2023, 101, 102087.
- Rhodes SM, Eaton CB, Oldridge J, Rodgers J, Chan S, Skouta S, McKechanie AG, Mackie L, Stewart TM. Lived experiences of depression in autistic children and adolescents: A qualitative study on child and parent perspectives. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2023, 138, 104516.
- Cassidy S, McLaughlin E, McGranaghan R, Pelton M, O'Connor R, Rodgers J. Is camouflaging autistic traits associated with defeat, entrapment, and lifetime suicidal thoughts? Expanding the Integrated Motivational Volitional Model of Suicide. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2023, 53(4), 572-585.
- Rodgers J, Goodwin J, Garland D, Grahame V, Isard L, Kernohan A, Labus M, Osborne M, Parr JR, Rob P, Wright C, Freeston M. Coping with uncertainty in everyday situations (CUES©) to address intolerance of uncertainty in autistic children: an intervention feasibility trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2023, 53, 3460-3474.
- Rodgers J, Goodwin J, Nielsen E, Bhattarai N, Heslop P, Kharatikoopaei E, O'Connor RC, Ogundimu E, Ramsay SE, Steele K, Townsend E, Vale L, Walton E, Wilson C, Cassidy S. Adapted suicide safety plans to address self-harm, suicidal ideation, and suicide behaviours in autistic adults: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023, 9, 31.
- Simpson K, Malone S, Rappe R, Rodgers J, Adams D. A Parent-Mediated Anxiety Intervention Specifically Tailored for Autistic Preschoolers: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2023, 77(2), 7702185100.
- Martin A, Tyrell S, Honey E, Rodgers J, Ingham B. What Promotes Transfer of Staff Training Related to Challenging Behavior Displayed by Adults With Intellectual Disabilities?. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 2022, 19(2), 128-152.
- Spackman E, Lerh JW, Rodgers J, Hollocks MJ, South M, McConachie H, Ozsivadjian A, Vanhecke A, Libove R, Hardan AY, Leekam SR, Simonoff E, Frazier TW, Alvares GA, Schwartzman JM, Magiati I, Uljarevic M. Understanding the Heterogeneity of Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Person-Centered Approach. Autism Research 2022, 15(9), 1742-1754.
- Moore H, Brice S, Powell L, Ingham B, Freeston M, Parr JR, Rodgers J. The Mediating Effects of Alexithymia, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Anxiety on the Relationship Between Sensory Processing Differences and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2022, 52, 4384-4396.
- Mason D, Rodgers J, Garland D, Wilson C, Parr JR, McConachie H. Measuring quality of life in autistic adults: the reliability and validity of the Brief Version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale. AMRC Open Research 2022, 4(3).
- Cassidy S, Au-Yeung S, Robertson A, Cogger-Ward H, Richards G, Allison C, Bradley L, Kenny R, O'Connor R, Mosse D, Rodgers J, Baron-Cohen S. Autism and autistic traits in those who died by suicide in England. British Journal of Psychiatry 2022, 221(5), 683-691.
- Brice S, Rodgers J, Ingham B, Mason D, Wilson C, Freeston M, Le Couteur A, Parr JP. The importance and availability of adjustments to improve access for autistic adults who need mental and physical healthcare: findings from a UK survey. BMJ Open 2021, 11(3), e043336.
- Normansell-Mossa KM, Top DN, Russell NCC, Freeston M, Rodgers J, South M. Sensory Sensitivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty Influence Anxiety in Autistic Adults. Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12, 731753.
- Wigham S, McKinnon I, Reid K, Milton D, Lingam R, Rodgers J. Questionnaires used in Complex Trauma Intervention Evaluations and Consideration of their Utility for Autistic Adults with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2021, 117, 104039.
- Adams D, Malone S, Simpson K, Tucker M, Rapee RM, Rodgers J, Keen D. Protocol for a longitudinal study investigating the role of anxiety on academic outcomes in children on the autism spectrum. PLOS One 2021, 16(9), e0257223.
- Millar EB, Singhal D, Vijayaragh P, Sheshadri S, Smith E, Dixon P, Humble S, Rodgers J, Sharma A. Health anxiety, coping mechanisms and COVID 19: an Indian community sample at week 1 of lockdown. PLOS one 2021, 16(4), e0250336.
- Cassidy S, Bradley L, Cogger Ward H, Rodgers J. Development and Validation of the Suicide Behaviours Questionnaire – Autism Spectrum Conditions in a Community Sample of Autistic, Possibly Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults. Molecular Autism 2021, 12, 46.
- Goodwin J, Rob P, Freeston M, Garland D, Grahame V, Kernohan A, Labus M, Osborne M, Parr J, Wright C, Rodgers J. Caregiver perspectives on the impact of uncertainty on the everyday lives of autistic children and their families. Autism 2021, 26(4), 827-838.
- Grahame V, Dixon L, Fletcher-Watson S, Garland D, Glod M, Goodwin J, Grayson Z, Heron S, Honey E, Iversen R, Kasim AS, Kernohan A, Kharatikoopaei E, Le Couteur A, Mackie L, Mathias A, Probert H, Riby D, Rob P, Rogan L, Thompson S, Vale L, Walls E, Webb EI, Weetman C, Wolstenhulme F, Wood R, Rodgers J. A clinical and cost-effectiveness trial of a parent group intervention to manage challenging restricted and repetitive behaviours in young children with autism spectrum disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2021, 22(1), 240.
- Pelton MK, Crawford H, Robertson AE, Rodgers J, Baron-Cohen S, Cassidy S. Understanding Suicide Risk in Autistic Adults: Comparing the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in Autistic and Non-autistic Samples. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 50, 3620-3637.
- Parr JR, Brice S, Welsh P, Ingham B, Le Couteur A, Evans G, Monaco A, Freeston M, Rodgers J. Treating anxiety in autistic adults: Study protocol for the Personalised Anxiety Treatment-Autism (PAT-A©) pilot randomised controlled feasibility trial. Trials 2020, 21(1), 265.
- Glod M, Riby D, Rodgers J. Sensory Processing Profiles and Autistic Symptoms as Predictive Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2020, 64(8), 657-665.
- Glod M, Riby D, Rodgers J. Sensory Processing in Williams Syndrome: A Narrative Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 7(1), 32–45.
- Gaigg SB, Flaxman PE, McLaven G, Shah R, Bowler D, Meyer B, Roestorf A, Haenschel C, Rodgers J, South M. Self-guided mindfulness and cognitive behavioural practices reduce anxiety in autistic adults: A pilot 8-month waitlist-controlled trial of widely available online tools. Autism 2020, 24(4), 867-883.
- Cassidy S, Bradley L, Cogger-Ward H, Shaw R, Bowen E, Glod M, Baron-Cohen S, Rodgers J. Measurement Properties of the Suicidal Behaviour Questionnaire-Revised in Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 50, 3477-3488.
- Cassidy SA, Gould K, Townsend E, Pelton P, Robertson A, Rodgers J. Is camouflaging autistic traits associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an undergraduate student sample. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 50, 3638-3648.
- Rodgers J, Farquhar K, Mason D, Brice S, Wigham S, Ingham B, Freeston MF, Parr JR. Development and initial evaluation of the Anxiety Scale for Autism - Adults. Autism in Adulthood 2020, 2(1), 24-33.
- Samadi SA, McConkey R, Rodgers J. Assessing anxiety in Iranian children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2020, 79, 101673.
- Lau BY, Leong R, Uljarevic M, Lerh JW, Rodgers J, Hollocks M, South M, McConachie H, Ozsivadjian A, Van Hecke A, Libove R, Hardan A, Leekam S, Simonoff E, Magiati I. Anxiety in young people with autism spectrum disorder: Common and autism-related anxiety experiences and their associations with individual characteristics. Autism 2020, 24(5), 1111-1126.
- Cassidy SA, Nicolaidis C, Davies B, Des Roches Rosa S, Eisenman D, Onaiwu MG, Kapp SK, Kripke C, Rodgers J, Waisman TC. An Expert Discussion on Autism in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Autism in Adulthood 2020, 2(2), 106-117.
- Beneytez-Barroso C, Del Pozo-Armenti A, García-Villamisar D, Rodgers J. Adaptación al español de la Anxiety Scale for Children with ASD (ASC ASD-P) [Spanish Adaptation of the Anxiety Scale for Children with ASD (ASC ASD-P). Acción Psicológica 2020, 17(2), 71-82.
- Pelton MK, Crawford H, Roberston A, Rodgers J, Baron-Cohen S, Cassidy S. A measurement invariance analysis of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale in autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism in Adulthood 2020, 2(3), 193-203.
- McConachie H, Wilson C, Mason D, Garland D, Parr J, Rattazzi A, Rodgers J, Skevington S, Uljarevic M, Magiati I. What Is Important in Measuring Quality of Life? Reflections by Autistic Adults in Four Countries. Autism in Adulthood 2019, 2(1), 4-12.
- McKenzie K, Murray A, Freeston M, Whelan K, Rodgers J. Validation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scales (RCADS) and RCADS short forms adapted for adults. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019, 245, 200-204.
- Maskey M, Rodgers J, Ingham B, Freeston M, Evans G, Labus M, Parr JR. Using Virtual Reality Environments to Augment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Fears and Phobias in Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood 2019, 1(2), 134-145.
- Rodgers J, Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Cooper R, Heslop P, Freeston M. Uncertain Futures: Reporting the Experiences and Worries of Autistic Adults and Possible Implications for Social Work Practice. British Journal of Social Work 2019, 49(7), 1817–1836.
- Welsh P, Rodgers J, Honey E. Teachers’ perceptions of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours (RRBs) in children with ASD: Attributions, confidence and emotional response. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2019, 89, 29-40.
- Glod M, Riby D, Rodgers J. Short report: Relationships between sensory processing, repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and intolerance of uncertainty in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. Autism Research 2019, 12(5), 759-765.
- Mason D, Mackintosh J, McConachie H, Rodgers J, Finch T, Parr J. Quality of life for older autistic people: The impact of mental health difficulties. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2019, 63, 13-22.
- Wigham S, Rodgers J, Berney T, Le Couteur A, Ingham B, Parr JR. Psychometric properties of questionnaires and diagnostic measures for autism spectrum disorders in adults: a systematic review. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 2019, 23(2), 287-305.
- Rodgers J, Goodwin J, Parr JP, Grahame V, Wright C, Padget J, Garland D, Osborne M, Labus M, Kernohan A, Freeston M. Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations (CUES©) to address Intolerance of Uncertainty in autistic children: Study protocol for an intervention feasibility trial. Trials 2019, 20, 385.
- Maskey M, McConachie H, Rodgers J, Grahame V, Maxwell J, Tavernor L, Parr JR. An intervention for fears and phobias in young people with autism spectrum disorders using flat screen computer-delivered virtual reality and cognitive behaviour therapy. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2019, 59, 58-67.
- Maskey M, Rodgers J, Grahame V, Glod M, Honey E, Kinnear J, Labus M, Milne J, Minos D, McConachie H, Parr JR. A randomised controlled feasibility trial of immersive virtual reality treatment with cognitive behaviour therapy for specific phobias in young people with autism spectrum disord5er. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2019, 49(5), 1912-1927.
- Rodgers J, Herrema R, Honey E, Freeston M. Towards a Treatment for Intolerance of Uncertainty for Autistic Adults: A Single Case Experimental Design Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2018, 48(8), 2832-2845.
- Mason D, McConachie H, Garland D, Petrou A, Rodgers J, Parr JR. Predictors of quality of life for autistic adults. Autism Research 2018, 11(8), 1138-1147.
- Cassidy SA, Bradley L, Bowen E, Wigham S, Rodgers J. Measurement properties of tools used to assess depression in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions: A systematic review. Autism Research 2018, 11(5), 738-754.
- Littlewood M, Dagnan D, Rodgers J. Exploring the Emotion Regulation Strategies used by Adults with Intellectual Disabilities International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2018, 64(3), 204-211.
- Littlewood M, Dagnan D, Rodgers J. Exploring the emotion regulation strategies used by adults with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2018, 64(3), 204-211.
- McConachie H, Mason D, Parr JR, Garland D, Wilson C, Rodgers J. Enhancing the validity of a Quality of Life measure for autistic people. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2018, 48(5), 1596-1611.
- Ayres M, Parr JR, Rodgers J, Mason D, Avery L, Flynn D. A systematic review of quality of life of adults on the autism spectrum. Autism 2018, 22(7), 774-783.
- Rodgers J, Hodgson A, Shields K, Wright C, Honey E, Freeston M. Towards a treatment for intolerance of uncertainty in young people with autism spectrum disorder: Development of the Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday situations (CUES©) programme. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(12), 3959-3966.
- Magiati I, Lerh JW, Uljarevic M, Rodgers J, McConachie H, Ozsivadjian A, South M, Van Hecke A, Hardan A, Libove R, Leekam S, Simonoff E. The measurement properties of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale- Parent version in a large international pooled sample of young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research 2017, 10(10), 1629-1652.
- Glod M, Riby DM, Honey E, Rodgers J. Sensory atypicalities in dyads of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their parents. Autism Research 2017, 10(3), 531-538.
- Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Mental Wellbeing of Family Members of Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(11), 3589-3599.
- Hodgson A, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Facing the Unknown: Intolerance of Uncertainty in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2017, 30(2), 336-344.
- Glod M, Cresswell C, Waite P, Jamieson R, McConachie HR, Don South M, Rodgers J. Comparisons of the Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Parent Version in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Anxious Children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(12), 3834-3846.
- Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(11), 3659-3668.
- Joyce C, Honey E, Leekam SR, Barrett SL, Rodgers J. Anxiety, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviour: Insights Directly from Young People with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(12), 3789-3802.
- South M, Rodgers J, van Hecke A. Anxiety and ASD: Current Progress and Ongoing Challenges. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(12), 3679-3681.
- Wigham S, Barton S, Parr JR, Rodgers J. A systematic review of the rates of depression in children and adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2017, 10(4), 267-287.
- Lough E, Rodgers J, Janes E, Little K, Riby DM. Parent insights into atypicalities of social approach behaviour in Williams syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2016, 60(11), 1097-1108.
- Maisel ME, Stephenson KG, South M, Rodgers J, Freeston MH, Gaigg SB. Modeling the cognitive mechanisms linking autism symptoms and anxiety in adults. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2016, 125(5), 692-703.
- Rodgers J, Wigham S, McConachie H, Freeston M, Honey E, Parr JR. Development of the Anxiety Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASC-ASD). Autism Research 2016, 9(11), 1205-1215.
- Watts J, Rodgers J, Riby DM. A systematic review of the evidence for hyporesponsivity in ASD. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities 2016, 3(4), 286-301.
- Lough E, Rodgers J, Hanley M, South M, Kirk H, Kennedy DP, Riby DM. Violations of personal space in young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Williams syndrome: Insights from the Social Responsiveness Scale. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2015, 45(12), 4101-4108.
- Hanratty J, Livingston N, Robalino S, Terwee CB, Glod M, Oono IP, Rodgers J, MacDonald G, McConachie H. Systematic review of the measurement properties of tools used to measure behaviour problems in young children with autism. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(12), e0144649.
- Grahame V, Brett D, Dixon L, McConachie H, Lowry J, Rodgers J, Steen N, Le Couteur AS. Managing Repetitive Behaviours in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of a New Parent Group Intervention. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2015, 45(10), 3168-3182.
- Williams S, Dagnan D, Rodgers J, Freeston M. Exploring carers' judgements of responsibility and control in response to the challenging behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2015, 28(6), 589-593.
- Wigham S, Rodgers J, South M, McConachie H, Freeston M. The interplay between sensory processing abnormalities, intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety and restricted and repetitive behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014, 45(4), 943-952.
- Riby D, Hanley M, Kirk H, Clark F, Janes E, Kelso L, O'Kane F, Cole-Fletcher R, Allday MH, Hocking D, Cornish K, Rodgers J. The Interplay Between Anxiety and Social Functioning in Williams Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014, 44(5), 1220-1229.
- Lidstone J, Uljarevic M, Sullivan J, Rodgers J, McConachie H, Freeston M, Le Couteur A, Prior M, Leekam S. Relations among restricted and repetitive behaviours, anxiety and sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2014, 8(2), 82-92.
- Maskey M, Lowry J, Rodgers J, McConachie H, Parr J. Reducing specific phobia/fear in young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) through a virtual reality environment intervention. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(7), e100374.
- Boulter C, Freeston M, South M, Rodgers J. Intolerance of Uncertainty as a Framework for Understanding Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014, 44(6), 1391-1402.
- McConachie H, McLaughlin E, Grahame V, Taylor H, Honey E, Tavernor L, Rodgers J, Freeston M, Hemm C, Steen N, Le Couteur A. Group therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism 2014, 18(6), 723-732.
- Janes E, Riby DM, Rodgers J. Exploring the prevalence and phenomenology of repetitive behaviours and abnormal sensory processing in children with Williams Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2014, 58(8), 746-757.
- South M, Chamberlain PD, Wigham S, Newton T, Le Couteur A, McConachie H, Gray L, Freeston M, Parr J, Kirwan CB, Rodgers J. Enhanced decision making and risk avoidance in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychology 2014, 28(2), 222-228.
- Wild A, Freeston M, Heary S, Rodgers J. Diminished physiological flexibility is associated with intolerance of uncertainty during affective decision making in adolescence. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 2014, 5(4), 503-513.
- Maskey M, Lowry J, Rodgers J, McConachie H, Parr J. Reducing specific phobia/fear in young people with ASD through a virtual reality environment intervention. 2013. Submitted.
- Little K, Riby D, Janes E, Clark F, Fleck R, Rodgers J. Heterogeneity of Social Approach Behaviour in Williams syndrome: The Role of Response Inhibition. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2013, 34(3), 959-967.
- Tavernor L, Barron E, Rodgers J, McConachie H. Finding out what matters: Validity of quality of life measurement in young people with ASD. Child: Care, Health and Development 2013, 39(4), 592-601.
- Maskey M, Warnell F, Parr J, LeCouteur A, McConachie H. Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2013, 43(4), 851-859.
- Riby DM, Janes E, Rodgers J. Brief Report: Exploring the Relationship Between Sensory Processing and Repetitive Behaviours in Williams Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2013, 43(2), 478-482.
- Chamberlain PD, Rodgers J, Crowley MJ, White SE, Freeston MH, South M. A potentiated startle study of uncertainty and contextual anxiety in adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism 2013, 4, 1-11.
- Rodgers J, Glod M, Connolly B, McConachie H. The relationship between anxiety and repetitive behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2012, 42(11), 2404-2409.
- Rodgers J. Measuring anxiety in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: reliability and validity of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 2012. Submitted.
- Alhaj HA, Selman M, Jervis V, Rodgers J, Barton S, McAllister-Williams RH. Effect of low-dose acute tryptophan depletion on the specificity of autobiographical memory in healthy subjects with a family history of depression. Psychopharmacology 2012, 222(2), 285-292.
- Williams S, Dagnan D, Rodgers J, McDowell K. Changes in attributions as a consequence of training for challenging and complex behaviour for carers of people with learning disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2012, 25(3), 203-216.
- Fletcher-Watson S, Leekam SR, Connolly B, Collis JM, Findlay JM, McConachie HR, Rodgers J. Attenuation of change blindness in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2012, 30(3), 446-458.
- Rodgers J, Riby DM, Janes E, Connolly B, McConachie H. Anxiety and Repetitive Behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Williams syndrome: A Cross-syndrome Comparison. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2012, 42(2), 175-180.
- Wadnerkar MB, Pirinen T, Haines-Bazrafshan R, Rodgers J, James D. A single case study of a family-centred intervention with a young girl with cerebral palsy who is a multimodal communicator. Child: Care, Health and Development 2012, 38(1), 87-97.
- Honey E, McConachie H, Turner M, Rodgers J. Validation of the Repetitive Behaviour Questionnaire for use with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2011, 6(1), 355-364.
- McConachie H, Hoole S, LeCouteur A. Improving Mental Health Transitions for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child: Care, Health & Development 2011, 37(6), 764-766.
- Williams S, Dagnan D, Rodgers J, Freeston M. The moderation of attributions of control and their effect on the judgement of responsibility and subsequent emotional outcomes in carers of people with intellectual disability. JARID 2011. Submitted.
- Chen YH, Rodgers J, McConachie H. Restricted and repetitive behaviours, sensory processing and cognitive style in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2009, 39(4), 635-642.
- McFarlane J, Welch J, Rodgers J. Severity of Alzheimer's disease and effect on premorbid measures of intelligence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 2006, 45(4), 453-463.
- Buchanan T, Ali T, Heffernan TM, Ling J, Parrott AC, Rodgers J, Scholey AB. Nonequivalence of on-line and paper-and-pencil psychological tests: The case of the prospective memory questionnaire. Behavior Research Methods 2005, 37(1), 148-154.
- Bruce S, Rodgers J, Firth M, Freeston M. Mum knows best? Psychological status in an oncology sample. Child: Care, Health and Development 2005, 31(6), 643-648.
- Rodgers J, Martin CR, Morse RC, Kendell K, Verrill MW. An investigation into the psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in patients with breast cancer. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2005, 3, 41.
- Brown K, Rodgers J, Johnstone H, Adams W, Clarke M, Gibson M, Cheetham T. Abnormal cognitive function in treated congenital hypopituitarism. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2004, 89(9), 827-830.
- Rodgers J, Marckus R, Kearns P, Windebank K. Attentional ability among survivors of leukaemia treated without cranial irradiation. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2003, 88(2), 147-150.
- Mccue P, Martin C, Buchanan T, Rodgers J, Scholey AB. An investigation into the psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in individuals with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Psychology, Health & Medicine 2003, 8(4), 427-441.
- Foxton JM, Stewart ME, Barnard L, Rodgers J, Young AH, O'Brien G, Griffiths TD. Absence of auditory 'global interference' in autism. Brain 2003, 126(12), 2703-2709.
- Heffernan TM, Jarvis H, Rodgers J, Scholey AB, Ling J. Perceptions of everyday memory impairments and central executive functions in recreational users of ‘ecstasy’. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental - Special issue: The human psychopharmacology of MDMA or “Ecstasy” 2001, 16(8), 607-612.
- Rodgers J. Visual perception and Asperger Syndrome: Central coherence deficit or hierarchization deficit? A pilot study. Autism 2000, 4(3), 321-329.
- Whiteley P, Rodgers J, Shattock P. Feeding patterns in autism. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice 2000, 4(2), 207-211.
- Whiteley P, Rodgers J, Shattock P. Clinical features associated with autism: observations of symptoms outside the diagnostic boundaries of autistic spectrum disorders. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice 1998, 2, 4.
Book Chapter
- Grahame V, Rodgers J. Anxiety in neurodevelopmental disorders: Phenomenology, assessment, and intervention. In: Van Herwegen, J; Riby, DM, ed. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Research Challenges and Solutions. Abingdon, Oxford: Psychology Press, 2014, pp.268-287.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- McKinnon I, Wigham S, Reid K, Milton D, Lingam R, Rodgers J. Utility of Complex Trauma Questionnaires for Adults on the Autism Spectrum with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review. In: International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (INSAR). 2021, Virtual: INSAR.
- Cassidy SA, Robertson A, Townsend E, O'Connor RC, Rodgers J. Advancing Our Understanding of Self-harm, Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours in Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2020, 50(10), 3445-3449.
- South M, Rodgers J, VanHecke A. Anxiety and ASD: Current Progress and Ongoing Challenges. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47, 3679–3681.
- Rodgers J. Re: Caron et al. (2021) sociocultural context and autistics quality of life: A comparison between Quebec and France. Autism 2021, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Cassidy S, Rodgers J. Understanding and prevention of suicide in autism. The Lancet Psychiatry 2017, 4(6), e11.
- Rodgers J, South M. Commentary: Thinking flexibly about mental health and autism – a commentary on Ozsivadjian et al. (2020). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 2021, 62(6), 725-727.
- Devgun M, Kittridge C, Seshadri S, Rodgers J, Sharma AN. North East England South Asia Mental health Alliance (NEESAMA): An exemplar of global north and global south collaboration to improve research, training and service delivery in mental healthcare. BJPsych International 2023, 20(4), 92-95.
- Rodgers J, Ofield A. Understanding, Recognizing and Treating Co-occurring Anxiety in Autism. Current Developmental Disorders Reports 2018, 5, 58-64.
- Cameron S, Rodgers J, Dagnan D. The relationship between the therapeutic alliance and clinical outcomes in cognitive behaviour therapy for adults with depression: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 2018, 25(3), 446-456.
- Cassidy S, Bowen E, Bradley L, Wigham S, Rodgers J. Measurement properties of tools used to assess suicidality in autistic and general population adults: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review 2018, 62, 56-70.
- Bowness Clarke J, Ford M, Heary S, Rodgers J, Freeston M. The Relationship Between Negative Problem Orientation and Worry: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychopathology Review 2017, a4(3), 319-340.
- South M, Rodgers J. Sensory, Emotional and Cognitive Contributions to Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2017, 11, 20.
- McConachie HM, Parr J, Glod M, Hanratty J, Livingstone N, Oono IP, Robalino S, Baird GB, Beresford T, Charman T, Garland D, Green J, Gringras P, Jones G, Law J, Le Couteur AS, Macdonald G, McColl EM, Morris C, Rodgers J, Simonoff E, Terwee CB, Williams K. Systematic review of tools to measure outcomes for young children with autism spectrum disorder. Health Technology Assessment 2015, 19(41).
- Glod M, Riby D, Honey E, Rodgers J. Psychological Correlates of Sensory Processing Patterns in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities 2015, 2(2), 199-221.
- Honey E, Rodgers J, McConachie H. Measurement of restricted and repetitive behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorder: Selecting a questionnaire or interview. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2012, 6(2), 757-776.
- Morse R, Rodgers J, Verrill M, Kendell K. Neuropsychological functioning following systemic treatment in women treated for breast cancer: A review. European Journal of Cancer 2003, 39(16), 2288-2297.