Staff Profile
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Research Associate
- Telephone: 01912087648
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
M1.151 William Leech Building
I am a member of the Population Health Sciences Institute and work in the Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre. I am part of the Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism research theme and also the Public Health and Health Inequalities theme.
Research interests
My research interests are focused around dietary assessment methods and how we can obtain accurate self-reported dietary data, particularly from children and adolescents.
Current work
I currently work as a research associate at the Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre. My work explores dietary assessment methodology in children and adolescents; how we can use novel methods to improve both the accuracy of self-reported intakes and the process of obtaining these data.
Previous work
I led a pilot study for the Diet and Nutrition Survey of Infants and Young Children (DNSIYC) to test the feasibility of a food diary method to assess intakes in 4-18 month infants. I was involved in the development of Intake24, an online 24 hour dietary recall tool, which is being used in the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) and the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) and has been adapted for use in other countries. I have worked on various aspects of the Northumberland Middle Schools Food study; a cross-sectional survey of food intakes in 11-12 year olds living in Ashington and Morpeth. I also worked on an evaluation of the Change4Life Sugar Smart campaign. My PhD was completed by publication, and was entitled 'The development and application of approaches to measuring diet across childhood and adolescence'.
- Spence S, Matthews JNS, McSweeney L, Adamson AJ, Bradley Jennifer. The Effect of a Product Placement Intervention on Pupil’s Food and Drink Purchases in Two Secondary Schools: An Exploratory Study. Nutrients 2022, 14(13), 2626.
- Bradley J, Rowland M, Matthews J, Adamson AJ, Spence S. A comparison of food portion size estimation methods among 11-12 year olds: 3D food models vs an online tool using food portion photos (Intake24). BMC Nutrition 2021, 7(10).
- Bradley J, Gardner G, Rowland MK, Fay M, Mann K, Holmes R, Foster E, Exley C, Don Bosco A, Hugueniot O, Moynihan P. Impact of a health marketing campaign on sugars intake by children aged 5–11 years and parental views on reducing children’s consumption. BMC Public Health 2020, 20, 331.
- Foster E, Lee C, Imamura F, Hollidge SE, Westgate KL, Venables MC, Poliakov I, Rowland MK, Osadchiy T, Bradley JC, Simpson EL, Adamson AJ, Olivier P, Wareham N, Forouhi NG, Brage S. Validity and reliability of an online self-report 24-hour dietary recall method (Intake24): A doubly-labelled water study and repeated measures analysis. Journal of Nutritional Science 2019, 8, e29.
- Scott S, Beyer F, Parkinson K, Muir C, Graye A, Kaner E, Stead M, Power C, Fitzgerald N, Bradley J, Wrieden W, Adamson AJ. Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Eating and Risky Drinking in Young Adults Aged 18-25 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients 2018, 10(10), 1538.
- Scott S, Beyer F, Parkinson K, Muir C, Graye A, Kaner E, Stead M, Power C, Fitzgerald N, Bradley J, Wrieden W, Adamson A. Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18-25 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients 2018, 10(10), 1538.
- Rowland M, Adamson AJ, Poliakov I, Bradley J, Simpson E, Olivier P, Foster E. Field Testing of the Use of Intake24 - An Online 24-Hour Dietary Recall System. Nutrients 2018, 10, 1690.
- Bradley J, West-Sadler S, Foster E, Sommerville J, Allen R, Stephen AM, Adamson AJ. Feasibility of an estimated method using graduated utensils to estimate food portion size in infants aged 4 to 18 months. PLoS ONE 2018, 13(6), e0197591.
- Albani V, Bradley J, Wrieden WL, Scott S, Muir C, Power C, Fitzgerald N, Stead M, Kaner E, Adamson AJ. Examining Associations between Body Mass Index in 18–25 Year-Olds and Energy Intake from Alcohol: Findings from the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey. Nutrients 2018, 10(10), 1477.
- Simpson E, Bradley J, Poliakov I, Jackson D, Olivier P, Adamson AJ, Foster E. Iterative Development of an Online Dietary Recall Tool: INTAKE24. Nutrients 2017, 9(2), 1-14.
- McParlin C, O'Donnell A, Robson SC, Beyer F, Moloney E, Bryant A, Bradley J, Muirhead CR, Nelson-Piercy C, Newbury-Birch D, Norman J, Shaw C, Simpson E, Swallow B, Yates L, Vale L. Treatments for Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Medical Association 2016, 316(13), 1392-1401.
- Bradley J, Simpson E, Poliakov I, Matthew JNS, Olivier P, Adamson AJ, Foster E. Comparison of INTAKE24 (an Online 24-h Dietary Recall Tool) with Interviewer-Led 24-h Recall in 11–24 Year-Old. Nutrients 2016, 8(6), 358.
- Simpson E, Delve J, Poliakov I, Foster E, Jackson D, Comber R, Olivier P, Adamson A. Iterative development of an online dietary recall tool, INTAKE24. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 74(OCE1), E117-E117.
- Foster E, Hawkins A, Delve J, Adamson AJ. Reducing the cost of dietary assessment: Self-Completed Recall and Analysis of Nutrition for use with children (SCRAN24). Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2014, 27(Supplement 1), 26-35.
- Spence S, Delve J, Stamp E, Matthews JNS, White M, Adamson AJ. The Impact of Food and Nutrient-Based Standards on Primary School Children's Lunch and Total Dietary Intake: A Natural Experimental Evaluation of Government Policy in England. PLoS One 2013, 8(10), e78298.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McSweeney L, Bradley J, Adamson A, Spence S. Exploring pupil and staff perceptions of school food and drinks: Findings from a feasibility study. In: 6th UK Congress on Obesity 2019. 2019, Leeds: Association for the Study of Obesity.
- Delve J, Simpson E, Adamson AJ, Poliakov I, Olivier P, Foster E. Comparison of INTAKE24 (an online 24hr dietary recall tool) with an interviewer-led 24hr recall method in 11-16 year olds. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- McParlin C, O'Donnell A, Robson S, Beyer F, Moloney E, Bryant A, Bradley J, Muirhead C, Nelson-Peircey C, Newbury-Birch D, Norman J, Simpson E, Swallow B, Yates L, Vale L. A systematic review of the clinical-effectiveness of interventions for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. In: British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) 17th Annual Conference 2015. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Spence S, Shen J, Delve J, White M, Vale L, Adamson AJ. An evaluation of the effect of the New School Food Policy on children's nutritional intake and socio-economic consequences in North East England. In: 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine. 2012, London: BMJ Group.
- O'Donnell A, McParlin C, Robson SC, Beyer F, Moloney E, Bryant A, Bradley J, Muirhead C, Nelson-Piercy C, Newbury-Birch D, Norman J, Simpson E, Swallow B, Yates L, Vale L. Treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: a systematic review and economic assessment. London: NIHR Journals Library, 2016. Health Technology Assessment.
- Foster E, Bradley J. Methodological considerations and future insights for 24-hour dietary recall assessment in children. Nutrition Research 2018, 51, 1-11.