Staff Profile
Professor John Wildman
Peter & Norah Lomas Chair in Economics
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 208 1574
- Address: Frederick Douglass Centre
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am an economist specialising in the area of health. I am part of Economics, based in Newcastle University Business School. My research is largely focused on applied econometrics and has covered a wide range of issues relating to health economics and labour economics. My current research areas include Social Prescribing, the economics of Cancer Screening and oral health economics. I have recently published papers on COVID-19 and inequalities, education inequalities, oral health inequalities and labour supply.
I am currently the Chair of the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation. As such, I am interested in research and views relating to the allocation of resources that can help to address inequalities in health.
I currently serve as an Associate Editor for Health Economics (
Research Interests
Health Economics, health inequalities, causal analysis
Other Expertise
Econometric applications in health, social prescribing
I am currently supervising Undergraduate and Postgraduate dissertations.
I teach stage 1 statistics for the UG economics students.
- Gebka B, Kanungo RP, Wildman J. The transition from COVID-19 infections to deaths: Do governance quality and corruption affect it?. Journal of Policy Modeling 2024, 46(2), 235-253.
- Beeson M, Wildman JM, Wildman J. Does tackling poverty related barriers to education improve school outcomes? Evidence from the North East of England. Economics Letters 2024, 236, 111614.
- Simpson J, Wildman J, Bambra C, Brown H. Do longer job hours matter for maternal mental health? A longitudinal analysis of single versus partnered mothers. Health Economics 2024, 33(12), 2742-2756.
- Bray KM, Braakmann N, Wildman JR. Austerity, welfare cuts and hate crime: Evidence from the UK's Age of Austerity. Journal of Urban Economics 2024, 141, 103439.
- Price T, McGowan V, Visram S, Wildman J, Bambra C. “They're not mentally ill, their lives are just shit”: Stakeholders' understanding of deaths of despair in a deindustrialised community in North East England. Health and Place 2024, 90, 103346.
- Vernazza CR, Carr K, Holmes RD, Wildman J, Gray J, Exley C, Smith RA, Donaldson C. Resource Allocation in a National Dental Service Using Program Budgeting Marginal Analysis. JDR Clinical and Translational Research 2023, 8(1), 56-65.
- Alam MF, Wildman J, Abdul Rahim H. Income inequality and its association with COVID-19 cases and deaths: a cross-country analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean region. BMJ Global Health 2023, 8, e012271.
- Moffatt S, Wildman J, Pollard TM, Gibson K, Wildman JM, O'Brien N, Griffith B, Morris S, Moloney E, Jeffries J, Pearce M, Mohammed W. Impact of a social prescribing intervention in North East England on adults with type 2 diabetes: the SPRING_NE multimethod study. Public Health Research 2023, 11(2).
- Wildman J, Wildman JM. Impact of a link worker social prescribing intervention on non-elective admitted patient care costs: A quasi-experimental study. Social Science and Medicine 2023, 317, 115598.
- Wildman J. COVID‑19 and income inequality in OECD countries: a methodologicalcomment—a reply. European Journal of Health Economics 2023.
- Braakmann N, Eberth B, Wildman J. Worker adjustment to unexpected occupational risk: Evidence from COVID-19. European Economic Review 2022, 150, 104325.
- Brown H, Xiang H, Albani V, Goffe L, Akhter N, Lake A, Sorrell S, Gibson E, Wildman J. No new fast-food outlets allowed! Evaluating the effect of planning policy on the local food environment in the North East of England. Social Science and Medicine 2022, 306, 115126.
- Bonilla R, Kiraly F, Wildman J. Marriage premium with productivity heterogeneity. Bulletin of Economic Research 2022, 74(1), 317-328.
- Sandhu S, Lian T, Drake C, Moffatt S, Wildman J, Wildman JM. Intervention components of link worker social prescribing programmes: A scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community 2022, 30(6), e3761-e3774.
- Sandhu S, Wildman JM, Alderwick H, Wildman J, Gottlieb LM. Developing a research agenda for social prescribing in the UK using lessons from the US. British Journal of General Practice 2022, 72(725), 589-592.
- Johnson MT, Johnson EA, Webber L, Friebel R, Reed HR, Lansley S, Wildman J. Modelling the size, cost and health impacts of univeral basic income: What can be done in advance of a trial?. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 2021, 21, 459-476.
- Wildman J, Wildman JM. Evaluation of a Community Health Worker Social Prescribing Program Among UK Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4(9), e2126236.
- Guarnizo-Herreño CG, Scholes S, Heilmann A, OConnor RC, Fuller E, Shen J, Watt RG, Morris S, Wildman J, Tsakos G. Dental attendance and behavioural pathways to adult oral health inequalities. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2021, 75(11), 1063-1069.
- Wildman J. COVID-19 and income inequality in OECD countries. The European Journal of Health Economics 2021, 22, 455-462.
- Carr KC, Donaldson C, Wildman J, Smith RA, Vernazza CR. An examination of consistency in the incremental approach to willingness to pay: evidence using societal values for NHS dental services. Medical Decision Making 2021, 41(4), 465-474.
- Moffatt S, Wildman J, Pollard TM, Penn L, O'Brien N, Pearce MS, Wildman JM. Evaluating the impact of a community-based social prescribing intervention on people with type 2 diabetes in North East England: mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open 2019, 9(1).
- Wildman J, Wildman JM. Combining Health and Outcomes Beyond Health in Complex Evaluations of Complex Interventions: Suggestions for Economic Evaluation. Value in Health 2019, 22(5), 511-517.
- Bonilla R, Kiraly F, Wildman J. Beauty Premium and Marriage Premium in Search Equilibrium: Theory and Empirical Test. International Economic Review 2019, 60(2), 851-877.
- Vernazza CR, Carr K, Wildman J, Gray J, Holmes RD, Exley C, Smith RA, Donaldson C. Resource allocation in NHS dentistry: Recognition of societal preferences (RAINDROP): Study protocol. BMC Health Services Research 2018, 18(1), 487.
- Listl S, Broadbent J, Thomson MT, Stock C, Shen J, Steele J, Wildman J, Heilmann A, Watt RG, Tsakos G, Peres MA, van der Heijden G, Jurges H. Childhood socioeconomic conditions and teeth in older adulthood: evidence from SHARE wave 5. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2018, 46(1), 78-87.
- Tsakos G, Guarnizo-Herreño CG, O'Connor R, Wildman J, Steele JG, Finbarr-Allen P. Explaining time changes in oral health-related quality of life in England: a decomposition analysis. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2017, 71(12), 1203-1209.
- Braakmann N, Waqas M, Wildman J. Are immigrants in favour of immigration? Evidence from England and Wales. BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 2017, 17(1), 20160029.
- Braakmann N, Wildman JR. Reconsidering the impact of family size on labour supply: The twin-problems of the twin-birth instrument. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 2016, 179(4), 1093-1115.
- Mason H, van Exel J, Baker R, Brouwer W, Donaldson C, Donaldson C, Baker R, Mason H, Pennington M, Bell S, Jones-Lee M, Wildman J, Lancsar E, Robinson A, Bacon P, Olsen JA, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjaer T, Beck M, Nielsen JS, Persson U, Bergman A, Protiere C, Moatti JP, Luchini S, Pinto Prades JL, Mataria A, Khatib R, Jaralla Y, Brouwer W, van Exel J, Topor-Madry R, Kozierkiewicz A, Poznanski D, Kocot E, Gulacsi L, Pentek M, Kharroubi S, Manca A, Shackley P. From representing views to representativeness of views: Illustrating a new (Q2S) approach in the context of health care priority setting in nine European countries. Social Science and Medicine 2016, 166, 205-213.
- Wildman J, McMeekin P, Grieve E, Briggs A. Economic evaluation of integrated new technologies for health and social care: Suggestions for policy makers, users and evaluators. Social Science and Medicine 2016, 169, 141-148.
- Steele J, Shen J, Tsakos G, Fuller E, Morris S, Watt R, Guarnizo-Herreño C, Wildman J. The Interplay between Socioeconomic Inequalities and Clinical Oral Health. Journal of Dental Research 2015, 94(1), 19-26.
- McMeekin P, Wildman J, Ford GA, Vale L, Price CI. Relative distributions: a novel method for examining trends between stroke onset and thrombolysis time. Stroke 2015, 46(5), 1381-1383.
- Vernazza CR, Wildman JR, Steele JG, Whitworth JM, Walls AWG, Perry R, Matthews R, Hahn P, Donaldson C. Factors affecting patient valuations of caries prevention: using and validating the willingness to pay method. Journal of Dentistry 2015, 43(8), 981-988.
- Vernazza CR, Steele JG, Whitworth JM, Wildman JR, Donaldson C. Factors affecting direction and strength of patient preferences for treatment of molar teeth with non-vital pulps. International Endodontic Journal 2015, 48(12), 1137-1146.
- Guarnizo-Herreño GC, Watt RG, Fuller E, Steele JG, Shen J, Morris S, Wildman J, Tsakos G. Socioeconomic position and subjective oral health: findings for the adult population in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. BMC Public Health 2014, 14, 827.
- Baker R, Wildman J, Mason H, Donaldson C, SVQ Study Team. Q-ing for Health-A New Approach to Eliciting the Public's Views on Health Care Resource Allocation. Health Economics 2014, 23(3), 283-297.
- Pennington M, Baker R, Brouwer W, Mason H, Gyrd Hansen D, Robinson A, Donaldson C, the EuroVAQ Team. Comparing WTP Values of Different Types of QALY Gain Elicited from the General Public. Health Economics 2014, 24(3), 208-293.
- Graybill EM, McMeekin P, Wildman J. Can Aging in Place Be Cost Effective? A Systematic Review. PLoS One 2014, 9(7), e102705.
- Wildman J, Hollingsworth B. Public smoking bans and self-assessed health: Evidence from Great Britain. Economics Letters 2013, 118(1), 209-212.
- Shen J, Wildman J, Steele J. Measuring and decomposing oral health inequalities in an UK population. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2013, 41(6), 481-489.
- Robinson A, EuroVAQ Team. Estimating a WTP-based value of a QALY: The 'chained' approach. Social Science and Medicine 2013, 92, 92-104.
- Donaldson C, Baker R, Mason H, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Wildman J, Bateman I, Loomes G, Robinson A, Sugden R, Prades JLP, Ryan M, Shackley P, Smith R. The social value of a QALY: raising the bar or barring the raise?. BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11(1), 8.
- Baker R, Chilton S, Donaldson C, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Mason H, Metcalf H, Pennington M, Wildman J. Searchers vs surveyors in estimating the monetary value of a QALY: resolving a nasty dilemma for NICE. Health Economics, Policy and Law 2011, 6(4), 435-447.
- Lancsar E, Wildman J, Donaldson C, Ryan M, Baker B. Deriving distributional weights for QALYs through discrete choice experiments. Journal of Health Economics 2011, 30(2), 466-478.
- Baker R, Bateman I, Donaldson C, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Loomes G, Mason H, Odejar M, Prades JLP, Robinson A, Ryan M, Shackley P, Smith R, Sugden R, Wildman J, SVQ Res Team. Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY Project. Health Technology Assessment 2010, 14(27), 1-162.
- Wildman J, Hollingsworth B. Blood donation and the nature of altruism. Journal of Health Economics 2009, 28(2), 492-503.
- Jones AM, Wildman J. Health, income and relative deprivation: Evidence from the BHPS. Journal of Health Economics 2008, 27(2), 308-324.
- Contoyannis P, Wildman J. Using relative distributions to investigate the body mass index in England and Canada. Health Economics 2007, 16(9), 929-944.
- Hollingsworth B, Wildman J. What population factors influence the decision to donate blood?. Transfusion Medicine 2004, 14(1), 9-12.
- Hollingsworth B, Wildman J. The Efficiency of Health Production: Re-estimating the WHO Panel Data using Parametric and Non-parametric Approaches to Provide Additional Information. Health Economics 2003, 12(6), 493-504.
- Wildman J. Modelling health, income and income inequality: The impact of income inequality on health and health inequality. Journal of Health Economics 2003, 22(4), 521-538.
- Wildman J. Income related inequalities in mental health in Great Britain: Analysing the causes of health inequality over time. Journal of Health Economics 2003, 22(2), 295-312.
- Wildman J, Gravelle H, Sutton M. Health and income inequality: Attempting to avoid the aggregation problem. Applied Economics 2003, 35(9), 999-1004.
- Richardson J, Wildman J, Robertson IK. A critique of the World Health Organisation's evaluation of health system performance. Health Economics 2003, 12(5), 355-366.
- Gravelle H, Wildman J, Sutton M. Income, income inequality and health: what can we learn from aggregate data?. Social Science & Medicine 2002, 54(4), 577-589.
- Wildman J. The Impact of Income Inequality on Individual and Societal Health: Absolute Income, Relative Income and Statistical Artefacts. Health Economics 2001, 10(4), 357-361.
Book Chapter
- Wildman J, Shen J. Impact of Income Inequality on Health. In: Encyclopedia of Health Economics. Elsevier, 2014, pp.10-14.
- Chilton S, Nielsen JS, Wildman J. Beyond COVID‐19: How the ‘dismal science’ can prepare us for the future. Health Economics 2020.
- Wildman J, Baker R, Donaldson C. Health and Brexit. Health Economics 2017, 26(8), 959–961.
- Sutton M, Rud Kristensen S, Lau YS, Glover G, Whittaker W, Wildman J, Gravelle H, Smith P. Developing the Mental Health Funding Formula for Allocations to General PracticePhase 3: Estimation of a formula based on person-level data. 2012. ACRA(2010)18A.
- Morris S, Sutton M, Dixion P, Wildman J, Birch S, Raine R, Chandola T, Orr S, Jit M, Wolff J, Atkinson S, Marmot M. Research on the health inequalities elements of theNHS weighted capitation formula. London, UK: Department of Health, 2010. Department of Health RARP36 122620.
- Sutton M, Whittaker W, Morris S, Glover G, Dusheiko M, Wildman J, Gravelle H, Burrows S, Simpson J, Fe-Rodriguez E, Brich S, Smith PC. Report of the Resource Allocation for Mental health and Prescribing (RAMP) Project. London, UK: Department of Health, 2010. Department of Health RARP35.
- Donaldson C, Baker R, Bateman I, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Loomes G, Mason H, Odejar M, Prades JLP, Robinson A, Ryan M, Shackley P, Smith R, Sugden R, Wildman J. Weighting and valuing quality adjusted life years: preliminary results from the social value of a QALY project. The SVQ Research Team, 2008.