Staff Profile
Dr Laura Lindsey
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 20823511
- Address: School of Pharmacy
The Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
King George VI Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a senior lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and member of the Population Health Sciences research institute in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. I am a chartered psychologist with interest in mental health research and interdisciplinary working.
Roles and responsibilities
Senior tutor for MPharm
FMS ethics committee member
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Durham University
PhD, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University
BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Plymouth
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Chartered member of the British Psychological Society (CPsychol)
Informal interests
Anti-plastic : pro planet, sustainability, social justice & chocolate.
My research expertise is around patient experience and access to care. My particular interest is around antipsychotic withdrawal and people being offered the support they need. As a qualitative researcher, I am interested in the use of qualitative methods and the role they can play to explore ways of improving the patient experience and outcomes and patient involvement in the care process.
My pedagogic research focuses on ensuring students from diverse backgrounds are supported in their studies and that institutional barriers to their learning are removed. I am also passionate about education and practice working together to improve the process of care and patient experience.
Postgraduate Research Student Supervision
Current Phd students I supervise:
Swzan Akel - Antipsychotic withdrawal and role of support mechanisms
Fatma Alhendyani - delivery of maternal flu vaccination
Fatemah Ashkanani - the role of pharmacists in supporting sleep
Berk Cayci - the role of community pharmacist in supporting young people with atopic dermatitis
Ogo Offu - the role of community pharmacists in management and prevention of prescription and illicit drug misuse
My teaching role in the MPharm programme involves research methods, health psychology and clinical skills. I am also the lead for the portfolio assessment.
As a senior tutor, I oversee personal tutoring and ensure that all students within the school are supported to study and achieve all they can.
- Hussein T, Cartright N, Kirschner J, Nadarasa A, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L. Social prescribing in pharmacies: What is it, does it work and what does it mean for Canadian pharmacies?. Canadian Pharmacists Journal 2024, 157(1).
- Cayci AB, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L, Richardson C. Pharmacy Students’ Lived Experiences With Atopic Dermatitis Inform Perceptions of Learning in the Curriculum. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2024, 88(2), 100651.
- Cooper M, Atkinson O, Black D, Lindsey L, Cooper C, Nazar H, Wong G, Hughes C, Richardson CL. Informal carer involvement in the transition of medicines-related care for patients moving from hospital to home: a realist review protocol. BMJ Open 2024, 14(9), e091005.
- Offu OF, Visram S, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L. Factors influencing pharmacists’ roles in preventing prescription and over-the-counter opioid misuse: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(2), 133-145.
- Lindsey L, Barber M, Elawad A, Rathbone AP. Challenges of living with a mental health condition as a registered healthcare professional: exploring experiences of organisational support and stigma. Cogent Psychology 2024, 11(1), 2364947.
- Richardson CL, Edwards E, Lunny J, Lindsey L. A qualitative exploration of the barriers and enablers to supporting informal and familial carers within community pharmacies. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(3), 201-207.
- King SR, Allan M, Lindsey L. “I found hundreds of other people…but I still wasn’t believed” – An exploratory study on lived experiences of antipsychotic withdrawal. Psychosis 2024, 16(1), 15-27.
- Rathbone AP, Pearson H, Akinyemi O, Cartwright N, Tierney S, Rowlands G, Lindsey L. "You don't get side effects from social prescribing"—A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists' attitudes to social prescribing. PLoS ONE 2024, 19(5), e0301076.
- Howe J, Lindsey L. The role of pharmacists in supporting service users to optimise antipsychotic medication. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 1293-1298.
- Ashkanani FZ, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L. The role of pharmacists in deprescribing benzodiazepines: A scoping review. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 2023, 12, 100328.
- Cayci AB, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L. Practices and Perceptions of Community Pharmacists in the Management of Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis. Healthcare 2023, 11(15), 2159.
- Richardson CL, Filan J, Lindsey L, Mundell A, Rathbone AP, Nazar H. Intersectional identities: making sense of skill development on clinical placements. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2023, 87(7), 100050.
- Richardson CL, Black D, Lindsey L, Nazar H. Community pharmacies as a place for informal carer support in mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023, 45, 1302-1306.
- Ashkanani F, Lindsey L, Rathbone AP. A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring the role of pharmacists in supporting better sleep health and managing sleep disorders. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2023, 31(2), 153–164.
- Perkins S, Visram S, Lindsey L. ‘What does good look like’ – Exploring access to healthcare for the homeless population in Gateshead, England. Journal of Public Health 2023, 45(3), e486-e493.
- Ahmaro L, Lindsey L, Forrest S, Whittlesea C. Investigating community pharmacists' perceptions of delivering chlamydia screening to young people: a qualitative study using normalisation process theory to understand professional practice. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2022, 30(6), 507-513.
- Lindsey L, Rathbone AP. Beyond the numbers: Utilising existing textual data for qualitative research in pharmacy and health services research. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2022, 18(1), 2193-2199.
- Ahmaro L, Lindsey L, Forrest S, Whittlesea C. Young people’s perceptions of accessing a community pharmacy for a chlamydia testing kit: a qualitative study based in North East England. BMJ Open 2021, 11, e052228.
- Lindsey L, Hughes S, Rathbone AP. Social prescribing in community pharmacy: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. The Pharmaceutical Journal 2021, 307(7951).
- Lindsey L, Richardson CL. Involved stakeholders or voiceless backseat drivers: Volunteer patients’ experiences and perceptions of undergraduate pharmacy education. Pharmacy Education 2021, 21(1), 597-603.
- Nazar H, Evans C, Kyei N, Lindsey L, Nazar Z, Thomson K, Yeung A, Todd A. A service evaluation and stakeholder perspectives of an innovative digital minor illness referral service from NHS 111 to community pharmacy. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(3), e0230343.
- Nazar H, Lindsey L, Fletcher J, Rook L, Todd A, Husband A. Training Student Pharmacists in Medication Dispensing and Checking Within a High-Fidelity Clinical Environment. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2019, 83(7), 7106.
- Todd A, Husband A, Andrew I, Pearson S, Lindsey L, Holmes H. Inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness: a systematic review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2017, 7(2), 113-121.
- Lindsey L, Husband AK, Steed L, Walton R, Todd A. Helpful advice and hidden expertize: pharmacy users' experience of community pharmacy accessibility. Journal of Public Health 2017, 39(3), 609-615.
- Badenhorst J, Todd A, Lindsey L, Ling J, Husband A. Widening the scope for early cancer detection: identification of alarm symptoms by community pharmacies. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2015, 37(3), 465-470.
- Lindsey L, Husband A, Nazar H, Todd A. Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions. Cancer Epidemiology 2015, 39(5), 673-681.
- Watkins M, Jones R, Lindsey L, Sheaff R. The clinical content of NHS trust board meetings: an initial exploration. Journal of Nursing Management 2008, 16(6), 707-715.
- Jones R, Rogers R, Roberts J, Callaghan L, Lindsey L, Campbell J, Throgood M, Wright G, Gaunt N, Hanks C, Williamson G. What is eHealth: a research agenda for eHealth through stakeholder consultation and policy context review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2005, 7(5), e54.
Book Chapter
- Lindsey L, Rathbone AP. Using textual data in qualitative pharmacy and health services research. In: Desselle, SP;Garcıa Cardenas, V;Anderson, C;Aslani, P;Chen, AMH;Chen, TF, ed. Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services. London: Elsevier, 2022, pp.421-432.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lindsey L, Hogg H, Rathbone AP. Electronic medicines management systems and medicines administration errors: Aqualitative thematic analysis Electronic medicines management systems and medicines management errors: a qualitative thematic analysis. In: Pharmacy Education. 2023, International Pharmaceutical Federation.
- Offu OF, Lindsey L, Rathbone A, Visram S. Systematic review of facilitators and barriers to community pharmacists’ role in licit opioid misuse prevention. In: The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference. 2022, London: Oxford University Press.
- Badenhorst J, Husband A, Ling J, Lindsey L, Todd A. Do patients with cancer alarm symptoms present at the community pharmacy?. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2014. 2014, ICC Birmingham UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.