Staff Profile
Dr Laurie Davies
Research Associate
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Biomedical Research Building (Second floor)
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a pharmacist and Research Associate in the Population Health Sciences Institute, with a PhD in epidemiology and primary interest in polypharmacy in older people. My current research, within the Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit, focusses on the use of large data sets to explore healthy ageing.
- Spiers GF, Davies L, Sinclair D, Tan MMC, Kingston A, Hanratty B. Which unmet social care needs have the biggest impact on healthy ageing? An analysis of data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. BMJ Open 2025, 15, e084812.
- Davies LE, Spiers GF, Kingston A, Todd A, Hanratty B. The Co-Occurrence of Polypharmacy and Unmet Needs for Social Care in Older People: A Systematic Review. Health and Social Care in the Community 2024, 2024, 9849110.
- Davies LE, Sinclair DR, Kingston A, Spiers GF, Hanratty B. Is it possible to identify populations experiencing material disadvantage in primary care? A feasibility study using the Clinical Practice Research Database. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2024, 78(12), 806-808.
- Davies LE, Spiers GF, Sinclair DR, Kingston A, Hanratty B. Characteristics of older unpaid carers in England: A study of social patterning from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Age and Ageing 2024, 53(3), afae049.
- Davies LE, Todd A, Sinclair D, Robinson L, Kingston A. Is polypharmacy associated with difficulty taking medicines in people aged ≥85 living at home? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2023, 89(10), 3217-3227.
- Davies LE, Mercer SW, Brittain K, Jagger C, Robinson L, Kingston A. The association between multimorbidity and mobility disability-free life expectancy in adults aged 85 years and over: A modelling study in the Newcastle 85+ cohort. PLOS Medicine 2022, 19(11), e1004130.
- Davies L, Kingston A, Todd A, Hanratty B. Prescribing at 95 years of age: cross-sectional findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2022, 44, 1072-1077.
- Davies LE, Kingston A, Todd A, Hanratty B. Is polypharmacy associated with mortality in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022, 88(6), 2988-2995.
- Davies L, Kingston A, Todd A, Robinson L. Does polypharmacy shape dependency transitions in the very old? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study . Age and Ageing 2022, 51(10).
- Davies LE, Brittain K, Wilkinson H, Lewis S, Robinson L, Kingston A. Describing transitions in residential status over 10 years in the very old: results from the Newcastle 85+ Study. Age and Ageing 2022, 51(3), 1-5.
- Davies LE, Kingston A, Todd A, Hanratty B. Characterising polypharmacy in the very old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. PLoS ONE 2021, 16(1), e0245648.
- Davies LE, Spiers G, Kingston A, Todd A, Adamson J, Hanratty B. Adverse Outcomes of Polypharmacy in Older People: Systematic Review of Reviews. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA) 2020, 21(2), 181–187.