Staff Profile
Liam Spencer
Research Associate
- Telephone: (0191) 208 4938
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Baddiley-Clark Building
Richardson Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined Newcastle University in December 2014, and I am currently undertaking a 2-year NIHR ARC Mental Health Fellowship, focussing on building mental health research capacity in the North East and North Cumbria (NENC). I have been involved with several projects as part of the NIHR SPHR Public Mental Health programme; an evaluation of the Youth Intensive Psychological Practitioners (YIPP) approach within the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear (CNTW) NHS Foundation Trust; and an evaluation of the NENC Integrated Care Board (ICB) Learning and Improvement system.
Other recent work has included the NIHR SPHR PHPES Best Start in Life Evaluation (South Tyneside Council), and a NENC ARC-funded evaluation of the implementation of whole-school approaches to mental health in Trailblazer schools. Prior to this I was involved with ATTUNE (Understanding Pathways to Stimulant Use: A mixed-methods examination of the individual, social and cultural factors shaping illicit stimulant use across Europe), and 'Using Behavioural Insights to Improve the Uptake of Support for Services for Drug and Alcohol Misuse in Hartlepool'.
Prior to working in research, I spent several years working in youth and community work practice, for local authority, charity, and private organisations. This work was in both generic and targeted contexts, and included work with autistic young people, and the delivery of universal mental health interventions. Alongside my full-time research role, I am undertaking my PhD part-time by published works.
- 2024 - Present: Research Associate, Newcastle University
- 2014 - 2024: Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- 2013 - 2015: Youth Engagement Worker, YoungMinds
- 2013 - 2015: Children and Young People Worker, Barnardo's
- 2011 - 2015: Transitions Worker, Patchwork People
- 2010 - 2011: Young Associate, Cernis Limited
- 2008 - 2013: Youth Support Worker, Darlington Borough Council
- Social Science and Health Research MSc, Newcastle University
- Psychology BSc (Hons), Newcastle University
- British Psychological Society
- FUSE (The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health)
- IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health
Research Interests
- Public mental health
- Young people's mental health
- Early intervention and prevention
- Substance use
- Spencer L. (2025). PhD by Publication Award. NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR). £1,800.00.
- Spencer L. (2023). Summer Internship in Public Health Research. NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR). £3978.24.
- Henderson E, Woodley H, Maniatopoulos G, Flynn D, Spencer L, Newham J, Perkins N. (2022). Evaluation of a piloted Early Help Youth Hub for a multi-academy trust in Newcastle. Streetwise Young People's Project. £25,000.
- Wearn A, Shenton F, El-Zerbi C, Pearson A, Spencer L, Collier Z, Bramhall L, Rogan E, Takunda A, Hollis D, Matthews A, Sheridan S, Leighton K, Jenkins K, Kristen R, Wearn L, Louise N. (2022). Developing inclusive school environments: Optimising the provision of staff training to support positive mental health in autistic young people. NIHR NENC ARC. £24,662.
- Henderson E, Woodley H, Newham J, Flynn D, Wood M, Maniatopoulos G, Johnson A, Spencer L. (2020). Evaluating the implementation of whole school approaches (WSAs) to improve mental health and wellbeing in the Trailblazer schools. NIHR NENC ARC. £49,287.
- Flynn D, Scott S, Bhardwaj-Gosling R, Devanney-Glynn C, Rathmell G, Daneshyar J, Gordon I, Spencer L. (2020). Developing and Piloting Mental Health Campaigns in Trailblazer Schools. NHS England North East Clinical Neworks. £20,000.
- McGovern R, Christie A, Arnott B, Brown H, Hardy C, Harrison H, Kaner E, Claire M, McGovern W, Phillips P, Rankin J, Spencer L. (2020). Public Health Practice Evaluation: Best Start in Life Alliance. NIHR SPHR. £214,299.75.
- Troy D, Spencer L, McGovern R, Winstone L, Dykxhoorn J, Kidger J, Campbell R. (2019). Investigating the feasibility of delivering a resilience building programme to parents/caregivers of secondary school children. NIHR SPHR (ResNet). £28,890
- Spencer L, Kaner E. (2018). Living Well - Mental Wellbeing and Public Life in the North East. Tyne and Wear Citizens. (Consultancy). £2,000.
- Lynch E, Alderson H, McGovern R, Ling J, Spencer L, Scott S, Kaner E. (2018). Using behaviour insight to improve uptake of support for services for drug and alcohol misuse in Hartlepool and to reduce prevalence in children and young people. Hartlepool Borough Council/Local Government Association. £50,000.
- Lingam R, McGovern R, Shucksmith J, McArdle P, Barkla X, Robalino S, Geijer-Simpson E, Spencer L, Reynolds A, Kaner E. (2015). Mental Health Issues in Children and Young People. Institute for Local Governance. £44,000.
- HSC8001: Fundamentals of Research
- HSC8047: Public Policy, Health and Health Inequalities
- PSY3040: Psychobiology of Drug Addiction
- Spencer L, Carling S, Robinson T, Thomson K, Kaner E. Selective and indicated UK school-based mental health interventions: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Mental Health 2025, epub ahead of print.
- McGovern R, Balogun-Katung A, Artis B, Bareham B, Spencer L, Alderson H, Brown E, Brown J, Lingam R, McArdle P, Newham JJ, Wojciechowska A, Rankin J, Redgate S, Thomason P, Kaner E. The Effectiveness of Preventative Interventions to Reduce Mental Health Problems in at‐risk Children and Young People: A Systematic Review of Reviews. Journal of Prevention 2024, 45, 651-684.
- Plackett R, Hulin J, Mukuria C, Clowes M, Ramsay SE, Spencer L, Adams EA, Dykxhoorn J, Walters K, Osborn DPJ, Zamperoni V, Jones O, Weich S. Measures of social connectedness in adult populations: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2024, 24(1), 3384.
- Spencer L, Redgate S, Hardy C, Adams EA, Arnott B, Brown H, Christie A, Harrison H, Kaner E, Mawson C, McGovern W, Rankin J, McGovern R. Innovative local authority public health interventions to support the mental health of children and young people. Journal of Children’s Services 2024, 19(3), 173-188.
- Spencer L, Leonard N, Jessiman P, Kaluževičiūtė-Moreton G, Limmer M, Kidger J. Exploring the feasibility of using Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a mechanism for school culture change to improve mental health. Pastoral Care in Education 2024, epub ahead of print.
- McDermott E, Kaley A, Kaner E, Limmer M, McGovern R, McNulty F, Nelson R, Geijer-Simpson E, Spencer L. Understanding How School-Based Interventions Can Tackle LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health Inequality: A Realist Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(5), 4274.
- McDermott E, Kaley A, Kaner E, Limmer M, McGovern R, McNulty F, Nelson R, Geijer-Simpson E, Spencer L. Reducing LGBTQ+ adolescent mental health inequalities: a realist review of school-based interventions. Journal of Mental Health 2023, 33(6), 768-778.
- Adley M, Alderson H, Jackson K, McGovern W, Spencer L, Addison M, O'Donnell A. Ethical and practical considerations for including marginalised groups in quantitative survey research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2023, 27(5), 559-574.
- Redgate S, Spencer L, Adams EA, Arnott B, Brown H, Christie A, Hardy C, Harrison H, Kaner E, Mawson C, McGovern W, Phillips P, Rankin J, McGovern R. A realist approach to understanding alliancing within Local Government public health and social care service provision. European Journal of Public Health 2023, 33(1), 49-55.
- Spencer L, Alderson H, Scott S, Kaner E, Ling J. ‘The Addiction Was Making Things Harder for My Mental Health’: A Qualitative Exploration of the Views of Adults and Adolescents Accessing a Substance Misuse Treatment Service. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(11), 5967.
- Troy D, Anderson J, Jessiman PE, Albers PN, Williams JG, Sheard S, Geijer-Simpson E, Spencer L, Kaner E, Limmer M, Viner R, Kidger J. What is the impact of structural and cultural factors and interventions within educational settings on promoting positive mental health and preventing poor mental health: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2022, 22(524).
- Spencer L, Flynn D, Johnson A, Maniatopoulos G, Newham J, Perkins N, Wood M, Woodley H, Henderson E. The implementation of whole-school approaches to transform mental health in UK schools: A realist evaluation protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2022, 21.
- Adams EA, Spencer L, Addison M, McGovern W, Alderson H, Adley M, McGovern R, Gilvarry E, Kaner E, O'Donnell A. Substance Use, Health, and Adverse Life Events amongst Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Users in North East England: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(12), 6996.
- Kaluzeviciute G, Jessiman T, Burn A, Ford T, Kidger J, Leonard N, Limmer M, Spencer L. Studying Mental Health in Schools: A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Approach in Public Mental Health. The Journal of Concurrent Disorders 2022.
- Jessiman P, Kidger J, Spencer L, Geijer-Simpson E, Kaluzeviciute G, Burn A-M, Leonard N, Limmer M. School culture and student mental health: a qualitative study in UK secondary schools. BMC Public Health 2022, 22(1), 619.
- Liebregts N, McGovern W, Spencer L, O'Donnell A. No Thanks! A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Social Processes Shaping Persistent Non-Initiation of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants. Contemporary Drug Problems 2022, 49(2), 228-247.
- Spencer L, McGovern R, Kaner E. A qualitative exploration of 14 to 17-year old adolescents' view of early and preventative mental health support in schools. Journal of Public Health 2022, 44(2), 363–369.
- Smart D, Jackson K, Alderson H, Foley T, Foreman S, Kaner B, Kaner E, Lancaster H, Lingam R, Rankin R, Rowlands G, Spencer L, McGovern R. What Influences Parents and Practitioners’ Decisions to Share Personal Information within an Early Help (Social Care) Context? Implications for Practice in Sharing Digital Data across Sectors. British Journal of Social Work 2021, 52(4), 2146-2165.
- Alderson H, Spencer L, Scott S, Kaner E, Reeves A, Robson S, Ling J. Using behavioural insights to improve the uptake of services for drug and alcohol misuse. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(13), 6923.
- Spencer L, Addison M, Alderson H, McGovern W, McGovern R, Kaner E, O'Donnell A. 'The Drugs Did For Me What I Couldn't Do For Myself': A Qualitative Exploration of the Relationship Between Mental Health and Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Use. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2021, 15, 1-8.
- Kaluzeviciute G, Jessiman T, Burn A-M, Ford T, Geijer-Simpson E, Kidger J, Limmer M, Ramsay SE, Spencer L. Participatory Action Research on School Culture and Student Mental Health: A Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2021, 20.
- Addison M, Kaner E, Spencer L, McGovern W, McGovern R, Gilvarry E, O'Donnell A. Exploring pathways into and out of amphetamine type stimulant use at critical turning points: a qualitative interview study. Health Sociology Review 2021, 30(2), 111-126.
- Martens M, Zurhold H, Rosenkranz M, ODonnell A, Addison M, Spencer L, McGovern W, Gabrhelík R, Petruzelka B, Rowicka M, Liebregts N, Degkwitz P, Kaner E, Verthein U. Using life course charts to assess and compare trajectories of amphetamine type stimulant consumption in different user groups – a cross-sectional study. Harm Reduction Journal 2020, 17, 8.
- Bareham BK, Kaner E, Spencer L, Hanratty B. Health and social care providers’ perspectives of older people’s drinking: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Age and Ageing 2020, 49(3), 453-467.
- O'Donnell A, Addison M, Spencer L, Zurhold H, Rosenkranz M, McGovern R, Gilvarry E, Martens M, Verthein U, Kaner E. Which individual, social and environmental influences shape different pathways of amphetamine type stimulant use over the life course? A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the qualitative literature. Addiction 2019, 114(1), 24-47.
- Bareham BK, Kaner E, Spencer LP, Hanratty B. Drinking in later life: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies exploring older people's perceptions and experiences. Age and Ageing 2019, 48(1), 134-146.
- ODonnell A, Addison M, Spencer L, Zurhold H, Rosenkranz M, McGovern R, Gilvarry E, Martens M, Verthein U, Kaner E. A systematic review of qualitative research on the factors shaping amphetamine type stimulant use over the life course (abstract). The Lancet 2018, 390(S64).