Staff Profile
Dr Lisa Shaw
Reader in Stroke Research
- Telephone: 0191 208 3826
- Address: Stroke Research Group
Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Henry Wellcome Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am currently Reader in Stroke Research with the Stroke Research Group, Newcastle University. A clinician by background, I worked as a junior doctor in and around the Oxford area prior to moving to Newcastle upon Tyne. In Newcastle, I have worked in medical teaching and research, joining the Stroke Research Group in 2006.
MD Newcastle University 2010
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education Newcastle University 2006
MRCP Royal College of Physicians 2001
BM BCh Oxford University 1998
BSc (Hons) 1st class St Andrews University 1995
Previous positions
Principal Research Associate, Stroke Research Group, Newcastle University
Senior Research Associate, Stroke Research Group, Newcastle University
Clinical Research Associate, Stroke Research Group, Newcastle University
Teaching and Education Fellow, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Specialist Registrar, Oxford Deanery
Senior House Officer posts, Oxford and London
House Officer posts, Oxford region
Research expertise
I have worked as a researcher in stroke medicine since July 2006, initially undertaking a MD which involved co-ordination of a 12 centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of botulinum toxin for the treatment of upper limb spasticity after stroke.
Since completion of my MD (2010), I have been involved in the design, delivery, analysis and reporting of further clinical studies to evaluate stroke care. This includes pilot/feasibility trials, individually and cluster randomised controlled large multi-centre trials, and observational studies. These studies have evaluated drugs, complex rehabilitation interventions, pathway interventions, and new technology including diagnostic tests. Several of the studies have included qualitative and/or health economic components.
Research grants
1.Real-world evidence for NHS adoption of a point-of-care blood-test for pre-hospital identification of stroke patients suitable for thrombectomy treatment (LVOne-Pathway).
Funder: SBRI Healthcare.
Start March 2025, duration 12 months.
Investigators: Edoardo Gaude, David Burgess, Gonzalo Ladreda, Stephen Lynn, Graham McClelland, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw, Jana Suklan.
2.Real-time ambulance to GP notification of atrial fibrillation: A digital solution to prevent stroke.
Funder: British Heart Foundation Health Innovation Fund
Start July 2024, duration 24 months.
Investigators: Chris Wilkinson, Graham McClelland, David Austin, Laura Blair, Tim Butler, Chris Gale, Andrew Hodge, Nicholas Linker, Susan Moloney, Michael Norton, Chris Price. Andrew Rosser, Lisa Shaw, Eugene Tang.
3.What is the risk of stroke for patients with migraine-like symptoms referred as suspected TIA? A multi-site observational cohort study to inform development of a standardised clinical risk assessment.
Funder NIHR RfPB
Start August 2024, duration 36 months
Investigators: Chris Price, Theophile Bigirumurame, Jason Scott, Linda Sharp, Lisa Shaw, David Werring
4.Modelling the resource requirements for implementation of mobile stroke units across the National Health Service, their cost-effectiveness, and their effect on equity of access to emergency stroke care.
Start June 2023, end January 2025
Investigators: Peter McMeekin, Michael Allen, Gary Ford, Martin James, Graham McClelland, Kerry Pearn, Jason Scott, Lisa Shaw, Daniel Phillips, Phil White, Dave Wilson.
5.A point-of-care blood test for the pre-hospital identification of stroke patients suitable for emergency thrombectomy treatment
Funder: SBRI Healthcare, phase 2
Start January 2023, end December 2024
Investigators: Edoardo Gaude, Richard Campbell, Gonzalo Ladreda, Clare Lendrem, Stephen Lynn, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw
6. Technology Supported Rehabilitation Impact Evaluation Study
Funder: MRC IAA
Start October 2022, duration 18 months
Investigators: Dorothy Monekosso, Ruth da Silva, Sarah Moore, Chris Price, Abayomi Salawu, Lisa Shaw
7. Video Triage for Suspected Stroke Patients
Funder: NHSE
Start June 2022, end May 2023
Investigators: Graham McClelland, Dan Howarth, Gemma Marie-Smith, Cathy Maxwell, Chris Price, Louise Southern, Lisa Shaw, Louise Smyth, Warren Tivnen
8. A point-of-care blood test for the pre-hospital identification of stroke patients suitable for emergency thrombectomy treatment
Funder: SBRI Healthcare, phase 1
Start January 2022, end December 2022
Investigators: Edoardo Gaude, Richard Campbell, Gonzalo Ladreda, Clare Lendrem, Stephen Lynn, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw
9. OPTimising IMplementation of Ischaemic Stroke Thrombectomy (OPTIMIST)
Funder: NIHR PGfAR
Start August 2021, duration 5 years.
Investigators: Chris Price, Michael Allen, Chris Grant, Michael Grayling, Martin James, Bill Laing, Graham McClelland, Peter McMeekin, Catherine Pope, Lisa Shaw, Ken Stein, Phil White, Nina Wilson
10. Point-of-care for stroke subtype diagnosis to enable rapid treatment
Funder: Innovate UK
Start November 2018, end January 2021
Investigators: Edoardo Guade, Al Edwards, Sheila Graham, Sara Graziadio, Julie Hart, Patrick Hester, Nicholas Hutchings, Gonzalo Ladreda, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw. Ian Wilkinson.
11. Purines for Rapid Identification of Stroke Mimics (PRISM)
Funder: Innovate UK
Start August 2017, end March 2021
Investigators: Chris Price, Nick Dale, Gary Ford, Sara Graziadio, Chris Imray, Dennis Lendrem, Everad Mascarenhas, Peter McMeekin, Christine Roffe, Lisa Shaw, Craig Smith.
12. Electrical Bioimpedence Cerebral Spectroscopy detection of large vessel occlusion amoungst patients with symptoms of acute stroke
Funder: MRC Confidence in Concepts
Start April 2018, end July 2021
Investigators: Chris Price, Anand Dixit, Dip Mitra, Helen Rodgers, Lisa Shaw, Philip White.
13. Development and clinical trial feasibility evaluation of auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE).
Funder: The Stroke Association
Start July 2017, end June 2020.
Investigators: Sarah Moore, Alan Godfrey, Allen Lambert, Sue Lord, Chris Price, Lynn Rochester, Helen Rodgers, Lisa Shaw.
14. Protocol development and clinical trial feasibility evaluation of a wrist-worn accelerometer to monitor, prompt and report impaired upper limb activity during self-supervised rehabilitation after stroke (WAVES).
Funder: The Stroke Association
Start January 2015, end March 2018
Investigators: Chris Price, Madeline Balaam, Katie Brittain, Lianne Brkic, Thomas Ploetz, Helen Rodgers, Lisa Shaw, Frederike van Wijck.
15. RATULS: Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke.
Funder: NIHR HTA
Start January 2014, end December 2019.
Investigators: Helen Rodgers, Lydia Aird, Janet Eyre, Tracy Finch, Gary Ford, Denise Howel, Hermano Igo Krebs, Christopher Price, Lynn Rochester, Lisa Shaw, Laura Ternent, Luke Vale.
16. A trial to evaluate an extended rehabilitation service for stroke patients (EXTRAS).
Funder: NIHR HTA
Start October 2012, end October 2018.
Investigators: Helen Rodgers, Mark Deverill, Avril Drummond, Gary Ford, Anne Forster, Denise Howel, Anne-Marie Laverty, Chris McKevitt, Peter McMeekin, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw, Robin Cant
17. Development and feasibility evaluation of a repetitive functional task practice (RFTP) programme for upper limb recovery early after stroke.
Funder: The Stroke Association
Start September 2011, end February 2015
Investigators: Helen Rodgers, Anne Forster, Peter Langhorne, Chris Price, Lisa Shaw, Caroline Watkins, Frederike van Wijck.
- Moseley L, McMeekin P, Price C, Shaw L, Allen M, Ford GA, James M, Laws A, McCarthy S, McClelland G, Park L, Pearn K, Phillips D, White P, Wilson D, Scott J. Practitioner, patient and public views on the acceptability of Mobile Stroke Units in England and Wales: a mixed methods study. PLOS ONE 2025, 20(1), e0310071.
- Price C, Ford GA, White P, James A, Shaw L. The probability of stroke patients receiving mechanical thrombectomy treatment in England, Wales and Northern Ireland depends upon the emergency admission pathway: a retrospective secondary analysis of aggregate population data. Emergency Medicine Journal 2024. In Press.
- Alton A, Flynn D, Burgess D, Ford GA, Price C, James M, McMeekin P, Allen M, Shaw L, White P. Stroke Survivor Views on Ambulance Redirection as a Strategy to Increase Access to Thrombectomy in England. British Paramedic Journal 2024. In Press.
- Shaw L, Burgess D, Dixit A, Gaude E, Lendrem C, McClelland G, White P, Williams C, Zhu G, Price C. Rapid Assay Diagnostic for Acute Stroke Recognition (RADAR): study protocol for a diagnostic accuracy study. BMJ Open 2024, 14(8), e087130.
- Price C, Zhu G, Alton A, Ford GA, James M, McClelland G, White P, Shaw L. Professional and public views about early return of patients from Comprehensive Stroke Centres to local Acute Stroke Centres in England following displacement by emergency care pathways. Frontiers in Stroke 2024, 3, 1431799.
- Price C, Shaw L, Hargroves D. Ideal emergency stroke pathway: work in progress. Emergency Medicine Journal 2024, 41(12), 710-716.
- Day JK, Simmonds RL, Pope C, James M, Shaw L, White PM, Ford GA, McLelland G, James M, Price CIM. Healthcare professional views about a prehospital redirection pathway for stroke thrombectomy: a multiphase deductive qualitative study. Emergency Medicine Journal 2024, 41(7), 429-435.
- Alton A, Shaw L, Finch T, Price C, McClelland G. A qualitative exploration of ambulance clinician behaviour and decision making to identify factors influencing on-scene times for suspected stroke patients in North East England. British Paramedic Journal 2024, 8(4), 1-9.
- McMeekin P, McCarthy S, McCarthy A, Porteous J, Allen M, Laws A, White P, James M, Ford GA, Shaw L, Price P. A lifetime economic model of mortality and secondary care use for patients discharged from hospital following acute stroke. International Journal of Stroke 2024, 20(1), 116-125.
- McClelland G, Burrow E, Alton A, Shaw L, Finch T, Price C. What factors contribute towards ambulance on-scene times for suspected stroke patients? An observational study. European Journal of Stroke 2023, 8(2), 492-500.
- Finney O, McClelland G, Shaw L, Price C. Comparison of prehospital stroke care at private homes and residential care settings. Journal of Paramedic Practice 2023, 15(9).
- Lumley H, Shaw L, Morris J, Alton A, White P, Ford G, James M, Price C. Associations between basic physiological observations recorded pre-thrombectomy and functional outcome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Stroke 2023, 2, 1283312.
- Sutcliffe L, Lumley H, Shaw L, Francis R, Price CI. Surface Electroencephalography (EEG) During the Acute Phase of Stroke to Assist With Diagnosis and Prediction of Prognosis: a Scoping Review. BMC Emergency Medicine 2022, 22, 29.
- Green K, Micocci M, Hicks T, Winter A, Martin JE, Shinkins B, Shaw L, Price C, Davies K, Allen JA. Perceived feasibility, facilitators and barriers to incorporating point-of-care testing for SARS-CoV-2 into emergency medical services by ambulance service staff: a survey-based approach. BMJ Open 2022, 12(11), e064038.
- Price CI, White P, Balami J, Bhattarai N, Coughlan D, Exley C, Flynn D, Halvorsrud K, Lally J, McMeekin P, Shaw L, Snooks H, Vale L, Watkins A, Ford GA. Improving emergency treatment for patients with acute stroke: the PEARS research programme, including the PASTA cluster RCT. Programme Grants for Applied Research 2022, 10(4).
- Bhattarai N, Price CI, McMeekin P, Javanbakht M, Vale L, Ford GA, Shaw L. Cost-effectiveness of an enhanced Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment (PASTA) during emergency stroke care: economic results from a pragmatic cluster randomised trial . International Journal of Stroke 2022, 17(3), 282-290.
- Shaw L, McCue P, Brown P, Buckley C, DelDin S, Francis R, Hunter H, Lambert A, Lord S, Price CIM, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait in community-dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022, 8(1), 239.
- McCue P, Shaw L, Del Din S, Hunter H, Lord S, Price CIM, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Acceptability and deliverability of an auditory rhythmical cueing (ARC) training programme for use at home and outdoors to improve gait and physical activity post-stroke. Archives of Physiotherapy 2022, 12, 1.
- Shaw L, Graziadio S, Lendrem C, Dale N, Ford GA, Roffe C, Smith CJ, White PM, Price CI. Purines for Rapid Identification of Stroke Mimics (PRISM): study protocol for a diagnostic accuracy study. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 2021, 5, 11.
- Bosomworth H, Rodgers H, Shaw L, Smith L, Aird L, Howel D, Wilson N, Alvarado N, Andole S, Cohen D, Dawson J, Fernandez-Garcia C, Finch T, Ford G, Francis R, Hogg S, Hughes N, Price C, Ternent L, Turner D, Vale V, Wilkes S, Krebs H, van Wijck F. Evaluation of the enhanced upper limb therapy programme within the Robot-Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke trial: descriptive analysis of intervention fidelity, goal selection and goal achievement. Clinical Rehabilitation 2021, 35(1), 119-134.
- Fernandez-Garcia C, Ternent L, Homer T, Rodgers H, Bosomworth H, Shaw L, Aird L, Andole S, Cohen D, Dawson J, Finch T, Ford G, Francis R, Hogg S, Hughes N, Krebs IH, Price C, Turner D, Van Wijck F, Wilkes S, Wilson N, Vale L. Economic evaluation of robot-assisted training versus an enhanced upper limb therapy programme or usual care for patients with moderate or severe upper limb functional limitation due to stroke: results from the RATULS randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2021, 11(5), e042081.
- Wilson N, Howel D, Bosomworth H, Shaw L, Rodgers H. Analysing the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT): a cautionary tale from the RATULS trial. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2021, 44(2), 166-169.
- Gaude E, Nogueira B, Mochales M, Graham S, Smith S, Shaw L, Graziadio S, Mochales G, Sloan P, Bernstock J, Shekhar S, Gropen T, Price C. A novel combination of blood biomarkers and clinical stroke scalesfacilitates detection of large vessel occlusion ischemic stroke. Diagnostics 2021, 11(7), 1137.
- Rodgers H, Bosomworth H, Krebs H, van Wijck F, Howel D, Wilson N, Finch T, Alvarado N, Ternent L, Fernandez-Garcia C, Aird L, Andole S, Cohen D, Dawson J, Ford G, Francis R, Hogg S, Hughes N, Price C, Turner D, Vale V, Wilkes S, Shaw L. Robot-assisted training compared with an enhanced upper limb therapy programme and with usual care for upper limb functional limitation after stroke: the RATULS three-group RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2020, 24(54).
- Lally J, Vaittinen A, McClelland G, Price C, Shaw L, Ford GA, Flynn D, Exley C. Paramedic experiences of using an enhanced stroke assessment during cluster randomised controlled trial; a qualitatve thematic analysis. Emergency Medicine Journal 2020, 37(8), 480-485.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Islam S, Javanbakht M, Watkins A, McMeekin P, Snooks S, Flynn D, Francis R, Lakey R, Sutcliffe L, McClelland G, Lally J, Exley C, Rodgers H, Russell I, Vale L, Ford GA. Effect of an Enhanced Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment (PASTA) on Thrombolysis Delivery During Emergency Stroke Care: A Cluster Randomised Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology 2020, 77(7), 840-848.
- McCue P, Del Din S, Hunter H, Lord S, Price CIM, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6(1), 68.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Dixit A, Graziadio S, Lendrem C, Mitra D, Rodgers H, Sutcliffe L, White P. Asymmetrical Bioimpedance in the Anterior Circulation for Urgent Stratification of suspected Stroke (ABACUS Stroke): study protocol for a diagnostic accuracy study. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 2020, 4, 2.
- Shaw L, Bhattarai N, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Howel D, Lavery AM, McKevitt C, Price C, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Rodgers H. An extended stroke rehabilitation service for people who have had a stroke: the EXTRAS RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2020, 24(24).
- Lumley HA, Flynn D, Shaw L, McClelland G, Ford GA, White P, Price C. A Scoping Review of Pre-hospital Technology to Assist Ambulance Personnel with Patient Diagnosis or Stratification during the Emergency Assessment of Suspected Stroke. BMC Emergency Medicine 2020, 20, 30.
- Da-Silva RH, Moore SA, Rodgers H, Shaw L, Sutcliffe L, van Wijck F, Price CI. Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercises after Stroke (WAVES): a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2019, 33(8), 1391-1403.
- Rodgers H, Bosomworth H, Krebs HI, van Wijck F, Howel D, Wilson N, Aird L, Alvarado N, Andole S, Cohen DL, Dawson J, Fernandez-Garcia C, Finch T, Ford GA, Francis R, Hogg S, Hughes N, Price CI, Ternent L, Turner DL, Vale L, Wilkes S, Shaw L. Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing robot-assisted training; an enhanced upper limb therapy programme; and usual care. Lancet 2019, 394(10192), 51-62.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Dodd P, Exley C, Flynn D, Francis R, Islam S, Javanbakht M, Lakey R, Lally J, McClelland G, McMeekin P, Rodgers H, Snooks H, Sutcliffe L, Tyrell P, Vale L, Watkins A, Ford GA. Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment (PASTA): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2019, 20, 121.
- Rodgers H, Howel D, Bhattarai N, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Laverty A-M, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price CIM, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Shaw L. Evaluation of an Extended Stroke Rehabilitation Service (EXTRAS): A Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Analysis. Stroke 2019, 50(12), 3561-3568.
- Da-Silva R, van Wijck F, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Balaam M, Brkic L, Ploetz T, Jackson D, Ladha K, Price CI. Prompting arm activity after stroke: a clinical proof of concept study of wrist-worn accelerometers with a vibrating alert function. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 2018, 5, 1-8.
- Whitham D, Turzanski J, Bradshaw L, Clarke M, Culliford L, Duley L, Shaw L, Skea Z, Treweek S, Walker K, Williamson P, Montgomery A. Development of a standardised set of metrics for monitoring site performance inmulticentre randomised trials: a Delphi study. Trials 2018, 19, 557.
- Rodgers H, Shaw L, Bosomworth H, Aird L, Alvarado N, Andole S, Cohen DL, Dawson J, Eyre J, Finch T, Ford GA, Hislop J, Hogg S, Howel D, Hughes N, Krebs HI, Price C, Rochester L, Stamp E, Ternent L, Turner D, Vale L, Warburton E, van Wijck F, Wilkes S. Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2017, 18(1), 340.
- Moore SA, Da Silva R, Balaam M, Brkic L, Jackson D, Jamieson D, Ploetz T, Rodgers H, Shaw L, van Wijck F, Price C. Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercise after Stroke (WAVES): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials 2016, 17, 508.
- Brkic L, Shaw L, vanWijck F, Francis R, Price C, Forster A, Langhorne P, Watkins C, Rodgers H. Repetitive arm functional tasks after stroke (RAFTAS): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2016, 2, 50.
- Rodgers H, Shaw L, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Hills K, Howel D, Laverty A, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price C. Evaluating an extended rehabilitation service for stroke patients (EXTRAS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2015, 16, 205.
- Shaw L, Price C, McLure S, Howel D, McColl E, Younger P, Ford GA. Paramedic Initiated Lisinopril For Acute Stroke Treatment (PIL-FAST): results from the pilot randomised controlled trial. Emergency Medicine Journal 2014, 31(12), 994-999.
- Shackley P, Shaw L, Price C, VanWijck F, Barnes M, Graham L, Ford G, Steen N, Rodgers H. Cost-effectiveness of treating upper limb spasticity due to stroke with botulinum toxin A: results from the botulinum toxin for the upper limb after stroke (BoTULS) trial. Toxins 2012, 4(12), 1415-1426.
- Shaw L, Price C, McLure S, Howel D, McColl E, Ford GA. Paramedic Initiated Lisinopril for Acute Stroke Treatment (PIL-FAST): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials 2011, 12(1), 152.
- Shaw LC, Price CIM, van Wijck FMJ, Shackley P, Steen N, Barnes MP, Ford GA, Graham LA, Rodgers H. Botulinum Toxin for the Upper Limb After Stroke (BoTULS) Trial: Effect on Impairment, Activity Limitation, and Pain. Stroke 2011, 42(5), 1371-1379.
- Shaw L, Rodgers H, Price C, van Wijck F, Shackley P, Steen N, Barnes M, Ford G, Graham L, BoTULS Investigators. BoTULS: a multicentre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treating upper limb spasticity due to stroke with botulinum toxin type A. Health Technology Assessment 2010, 14(26), 1-142.
- Rodgers H, Shaw L, Price C, Wijck Fvan, Barnes M, Graham L, Ford GA, Shackley P, Steen N. Study design and methods of the BoTULS trial: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical effect and cost effectiveness of treating upper limb spasticity due to stroke with botulinum toxin type A. Trials 2008, 9(1), 59.
- McClelland G, Stagg H, Shaw L, Finch T, Price C. On-scene times during ambulance assessment of suspected stroke patients across England from December 2021 to November 2022. Emergency Medicine Journal 2024, 41(10), 617-618.
- Price C, Ford GA, White P, James M, Shaw L. Accessing mechanical thrombectomy treatment for stroke in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: the importance of the emergency pathway. Emergency Medicine Journal 2024, 41(10), 619-620.
- White PM, Alton A, James M, Price C, Shaw L, Flynn D, Burgess D, McMeekin P, Ford GA. Research letter: An updated survey of intra-arterial mechanical thrombectomy service provision in England. European Stroke Journal 2023, 8(2), 598-599.
- McClelland G, Wilson N, Shaw L, Grayling M, Haworth D, Price CI. Ambulance documentation of stroke symptoms during the UK COVID-19 ‘Stay at home’ message. Emergency Medicine Journal 2021, 38(1), 83-84.
- Rodgers H, Bosomworth H, van Wijck F, Krebs HI, Shaw L. Usual care: the big but unmanaged problem of rehabilitation evidence – Authors' reply. The Lancet 2020, 395(10221), 337-338.
- Pandyan AD, Radford K, Ashford S, Bateman A, Burton C, Connell L, Gibson A, Harris N, Hoffman K, Nair R, Shaw L, Turton A, Tyson SF, van Wijck F. NICE on rehabilitation: New guidelines on rehabilitation likely to restrict practices and stifle innovation. BMJ 2013, 347, f4876.
- Shaw LC, Barnes MP, Rodgers H. Response to Letter by Munin et al Regarding Article, "Botulinum Toxin for the Upper Limb After Stroke (BoTULS) Trial: Effect on Impairment, Activity Limitation, and Pain". Stroke 2011, 42(7), E413.
- Buck D, Shaw LC, Price CI, Ford GA. Reperfusion Therapies for Wake-Up Stroke Systematic Review. Stroke 2014, 45(6), 1869-1875.
- Shaw L, Rodgers H. Botulinum toxin to treat spasticity after stroke. Stroke Matters 2010, (6), 12-13.
- Shaw L, Rodgers H. Botulinum toxin type A for upper limb spasticity after stroke. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2009, 9(12), 1713-1725.