Staff Profile
Dr Marie Poole
Senior Research Associate and NIHR ARC Dementia Research Fellow
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7215
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
I am a senior qualitative researcher and NIHR NENC ARC research fellow with special interest in exploring the experiences of people with dementia, their carers and health and social care professionals, in relation to improving healthcare and service provision. This research included care and support from pre-diagnosis through to end of life care in a range of settings including the community, primary care, respite care, care homes and hospital settings.
I support approaches to dementia, care and research which recognise the rights, values, wishes and abilities of people with dementia. In particular I am passionate about supporting people living with dementia from underserved communities through novel service provision such as through football clubs and organisations. I have research expertise in the use of co-design methods and ethnographic methods (observations and interviews).
My work also considers using innovative and accessible ways of sharing research findings with the wider public.
Current research:
- NIHR NENC ARC Dementia Fellowship: Exploring integrated and innovative dementia care for people from socially disadvantaged communities.
- PRIDEM: Primary care-led post diagnostic Dementia Care: developing evidence-based, person-centred sustainable models for future care. Project Lead: Prof Dame Louise Robinson PriDem | PriDem | Newcastle University ( Co-applicant.
- EquaDem Network Plus: Project Leads: Dr Clarissa Giebel University of Liverpool and Prof Dame Louise Newcastle University Co-applicant.
- Insleep46: Detecting and monitoring dementia using dynamic digital biomarkers of night-time behaviour. PI Prof David Sharpe, Imperial College London.Co-applicant.
- STRIDE England. Strengthening Dementia Care and Support in England: national policies and local care ecosystems. PI Asst Prof Adelina Comas-Herrera, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Previous research projects:
- NIHR Dementia Career Development Award: Developing specialist networks to support research into integrated models of post diagnostic dementia support.
- DECIDE: Diverse Experiences of End of Life care for Dementia: Establishing Consensus and Capacity through Collaboration and Co-production. Project Leads Dr Marie Poole, Dr Felicity Dewhurst, Dr Louise Tomkow
- The 'Forget Me Not' approach: Co-producing accessible guidance videos for communicating and receiving a dementia diagnosis PI Jemima Dooley, University of Exeter. Co-applicant.
- Forward with Dementia: Co-producing support for social care needs after a dementia diagnosis: PI: Jane Wilcock (UCL).Co-applicant.
- Facilitating the role of social prescribing link workers in providing care for people living with dementia. PI Jane Wilcock (UCL). Co-applicant.
- COGNISANCE programme - CO-desiGning demeNtia dIagnoSis ANd post-diagnostic CarE. Coordinator:Henry Brodaty, University of New South Wales, Australia Partners: University of Sydney, Australia, McGill University, Canada; Maastricht University, The Netherlands; University College London, UnitedKingdom Louise Robinson, Newcastle University Institute for Ageing, United Kingdom;Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
- PEACE project - COVID-19: Palliative and End of life care experiences of people of African and Caribbean dEscent: Dr Felicity Dewhurst and Dr Louise Tomkow
- SEED Programme - Supporting Excellence in End of Life Care in Dementia. Project Leader(s): Professor Dame Louise Robinson
- CoDem - Co-morbidity and Dementia. Project Leader(s): Dr Frances Bunn (University of Hertfordshire); Professor Louise Robinson
- A pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Collaborative cARE for people with DEMentia in primary care (CARE-DEM trial).
- Project Leader(s): Professor Louise Robinson
- Assessment of capacity and best interests in dementia on discharge from hospital Project Leader(s): Dr Julian Hughes
- Person- and carer-centred respite care for people with dementia: developing methods of evaluating the effectiveness of different models: Project Leader(s): Claire Bamford
- Improving patient safety through the involvement of patients: Promoting patient involvement in patient safety. Project Leader (s): Prof Richard Thomson
- MRC CFAS: The Medical Research Council Study of Cognitive Function and Ageing: Project Leader(s): Professor Carol Brayne, University of Cambridge
- North of England and Scotland Study of Tonsillectomy and Adeno-Tonsillectomy in Children (NESSTAC)Project Leader(s): John Bond, Martin Eccles, Janet Wilson
Undergraduate Teaching
I currently do not have any teaching responsibilities
Postgraduate Teaching
I am part of a supervisory team for 2 PhD candidate in FMS and an annual assessor for three PhD students in FMS. I have also examined PhD Theses as an internal and external examiner.
I teach Qualitative Research Methods for the Critical Appraisal module for the MRCPsych curriculum and Evaluative methods in Health Services Research for the Masters in Public Health.
- Di Lorito C, Poole M, Rait G, Samsi K, McComiskie L, Robinson L, Wilcock J. What are the challenges that social prescribers face when supporting people within dementia and how can these be addressed? A qualitative study. PLoS One 2025, 20(1), e0317749.
- Di Lorito C, Griffiths S, Poole M, Kaviraj C, Robertson M, Cutler N, Wilcock J. Patient and public involvement and engagement with underserved communities in dementia research: Reporting on a partnership to co-design a website for postdiagnostic dementia support. Health Expectations 2024, 27(1), e13992.
- Arsenault-Lapierre G, Rodriguez Duarte MA, Rojas-Rozo L, Jeon Y-H, Hevink M, Ciulkowicz M, Szczesniak D, Rait G, Robinson L, Wilcock J, Poole M, McAiney C, Doucet S, Luke A, Reid AE, Vedel I. Exploring perceived helpfulness of health services in men and women with dementia and care partners: A cross-sectional analysis. Dementia 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Griffiths S, Spencer E, Flanagan K, O'Keeffe A, Hunter R, Wiegand M, D'Andrea F, Benjamin L, Poole M, Hagan AJ, Brar M, Wilcock J, Walters KR, Robinson L, Rait G. Evaluating a model of best practice in primary care led post-diagnostic dementia care: Feasibility and acceptability findings from the PriDem study. BMJ Open 2024, 14(7), e083175.
- Spencer E, Griffiths S, Flanagan K, O'Keeffe A, Wiegand M, Benjamin L, D'Andrea F, Wilcock J, Poole M, Walters KR, Robinson L, Rait G, Burns A, Evans E, King D, Knapp M, Lewins RD, Banerjee S, Manthorpe J, Allen L, Tucker S, Wittenberg R. Access to personalised dementia care planning in primary care: a mixed methods evaluation of the PriDem intervention. BMJ Open 2024, 14(7), e082083.
- Dewhurst F, Tomkow L, Poole M, McLellan E, Kunonga TP, Damisa E, Stowell M, Todd C, Hanratty B. Unrepresented, unheard and discriminated against: A qualitative exploration of relatives' and professionals' views of palliative care experiences of people of African and Caribbean descent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative Medicine 2023, 37(9), 1447-1460.
- Hevink M, Wolfs C, Ponds R, Doucet S, McAiney C, Vedel I, Maćkowiak M, Rymaszewska J, Rait G, Robinson L, Poole M, Gresham M, Jeon Y-H, Phillipson L, Low LF, Brodaty H, de Vugt M, Verhey F. Experiences of people with dementia and informal caregivers with post-diagnostic support: data from the international COGNISANCE study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2023, 5, e5916.
- McColl L, McMeekin P, Poole M, Parry SW. Is fear of falling key to identifying gait and balance abnormalities in community-dwelling older adults? Protocol of a mixed-methods approach. BMJ Open 2022, 12(12), e067040.
- Wheatley A, Poole M, Robinson L. Changes to postdiagnostic dementia support in England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. BMJ open 2022, 12(2), e059437.
- Yemm H, Robinson L, Paddick SM, Dotchin C, Goodson ML, Narytnyk A, Poole M, Mc Ardle R. Instrumental activities of daily living scales to detect cognitive impairment and dementia in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021, 83(1), 451-474.
- Wilcock J, Poole M, Brodaty H, Robinson L, Rait G. Co-designing toolkits to improve post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia, care partners and health and social care professionals (COGNISANCE). Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2021, 17(S8), e054415.
- Bhattarai N, Mason H, Kernohan A, Poole M, Bamford C, Robinson L, Vale L. The value of dementia care towards the end of life: A contingent valuation study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(5), 489-497.
- Poole M, Wilcock J, Rait G, Brodaty H, Robinson L. Overcoming barriers to a diagnosis of dementia: Can we do it?. International Psychogeriatrics 2020, 32(5), 555-557.
- Poole M, Bamford C, McLellan E, Coe Dorothy, Young J, Harrison-Dening K, Robinson L. A valuable specialist role to support end of life care . Journal of Dementia Care 2020, 28(5), 32-35.
- Poole M, Davis N, Robinson L. Massive open online courses: enhancing caregiver education and support about dementia care towards and at end of life. Age and Ageing 2019, 49(2), 171-174.
- Poole M, Yemm H, Young J, Davis N, Robinson L. Living well as dementia progresses: a MOOC for all. Journal of Dementia Care 2019, 27(6), 20-23.
- Bamford C, Lee R, McLellan E, Poole M, Harrison-Dening K, Hughes J, Robinson L, Exley C. What enables good end of life care for people with dementia? A multi-method qualitative study with key stakeholders. BMC Geriatrics 2018, 18, 302.
- Poole M, Bamford C, McLellan E, Lee RP, Exley C, Hughes JC, Harrison-Denning K, Robinson L. End of life care: a qualitative study comparing the views of people with dementia and family carers. Palliative Medicine 2018, 32(3), 631-642.
- Macdonald A, Neves S, McLellan E, Poole M, Harrison-Dening K, Tucker S, Bamford C, Robinson L. Co-designing new resources to support better quality end of life care with people with dementia and family carers. Journal of Dementia Care 2018, 26(1), 28-31.
- Hill SR, Mason H, Poole M, Vale L, Robinson L. What is important at the end of life for people with dementia? The views of people with dementia and their carers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017, 32(9), 1037-1045.
- Bunn F, Burn A-M, Robinson L, Poole M, Rait G, Brayne C, Schoeman J, Norton S, Goodman C. Health care organisation and delivery for people with dementia and comorbidity: a qualitative study exploring the views of patients, carers and professionals. BMJ Open 2017, 2017, e013067.
- Lee RP, Bamford C, Poole M, McLellan E, Exley C, Robinson L. End of life care for people with dementia: The views of health professionals, social care service managers and frontline staff on key requirements for good practice. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(6), e0179355.
- Bunn F, Burn A-M, Goodman C, Robinson L, Rait G, Norton S, Bennett H, Poole M, Schoeman J, Brayne C. Comorbidity and dementia: a mixed method study on improving healthcare for people with dementia (CoDem). Health services and delivery research 2016, 4(8), xxv, 156.
- Hughes JC, Poole M, Louw SJ, Greener H, Emmett C. Residence capacity: its nature and assessment. BJPsych Advances 2015, 21(5), 307-312.
- Bamford C, Poole M, Brittain K, Chew-Graham K, Fox C, Iliffe S, Manthorpe J, Robinson L, the CAREDEM team. Understanding the challenges to implementing case management for people with dementia in primary care in England: a qualitative study using Normalization Process Theory. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14, 549.
- Iliffe S, Waugh A, Poole M, Bamford C, Brittain K, Chew-Graham C, Fox C, Katona C, Livingston G, Manthorpe J, Steen N, Stephens B, Hogan V, Robinson L, CAREDEM Research Team. The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. Health Technology Assessment 2014, 18(52).
- Poole M, Bond J, Emmett C, Greener H, Louw SJ, Robinson L, Hughes JC. Going home? An ethnographic study of assessment of capacity and best interests in people with dementia being discharged from hospital. BMC Geriatrics 2014, 14, 56.
- Emmett C, Poole M, Bond J, Hughes JC. A Relative Safeguard? The Informal Roles that Families and Carers Play when Patients with Dementia are Discharged from Hospital into Care in England and Wales. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2014, 28(3), 302-320.
- Emmett C, Poole M, Bond J, Hughes JC. Residence capacity: complexity and confusion. Elder Law Journal 2013, 3(2), 159-166.
- Hughes JC, Poole M, Louw SJ. Nudging the older person into care: an end to the dilemma?. American Journal of Bioethics 2013, 13(6), 34-36.
- Emmett C, Poole M, Bond J, Hughes JC. Homeward bound or bound for a home? Assessing the capacity of dementia patients to make decisions about hospital discharge: comparing practice with legal standards. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2013, 36(1), 73-82.
- Greener H, Poole M, Emmett C, Bond J, Louw SJ, Hughes JC. Value judgements and conceptual tensions: decision-making in relation to hospital discharge for people with dementia. Clinical Ethics 2012, 7(4), 166-174.
- Kirkley C, Bamford C, Poole M, Arksey H, Hughes J, Bond J. The impact of organisational culture on the delivery of person-centred care in services providing respite care and short breaks for people with dementia. Health and Social Care in the Community 2011, 19(4), 498-448.
Book Chapters
- Neves S, Macdonald A, Poole M, Harrison Dening K. Participatory Co-design: Approaches to Enable People Living with Challenging Health Conditions to Participate in Design Research. In: Martins,N;Brandão,D;Moreira da Silva,F, ed. Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication. Springer, Cham, 2021, pp.193-216.
- Hughes JC, Poole M, Louw SJ, Greener H, Emmett C. Residence capacity: Its Nature and Assessment. In: Phillipa Lilford and Julian C Hughes, ed. Clinical Topics in Old Age Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp.305-316.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Wheatley A, Poole M, Robinson L. 211 - Changes to post-diagnostic dementia support in England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: 2021 IPA Virtual Congress. 2021, Virtual: Cambridge University Press.
- Bamford C, Poole M, Hughes J, Kirkley C, Arksey H, Corner L, Bond J. Defining Person Centred Care: The Views of People with Dementia, Family Carers and Professionals. In: 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. 2009, Atlanta, GA: Oxford University Press.
Online Publications
- Poole M. Working together for vital community dementia support through football. London: Alzheimer's Society, 2024. Available at:
- Poole M. United by dementia: accessing dementia support through football. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2024. Available at:
- Poole M, Wilson W, Wilcock J, Rait G, Robinson AL, Butcher L. Finding a way to move forward with dementia. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2022. Available at:
- Poole M. Living well as dementia progresses: helping carers across the world to feel more prepared and supported. British Geriatrics Society, 2019. Available at:
- Poole M. Creating extra carer support through a massive open online course. British Geriatrics Society, 2019. Available at:
- Robinson L, Poole M, McLellan E, Lee R, Amador S, Bhattarai N, Bryant A, Coe D, Corbett A, Exley C, Goodman C, Gotts Z, Harrison-Dening K, Hill S, Howel D, Hrisos S, Hughes J, Kernohan A, Macdonald A, Mason H, Massey C, Neves S, Paes P, Rennie K, Rice S, Robinson T, Sampson E, Tucker S, Tzelis D, Vale L, Bamford C. Supporting good quality, community-based end-of-life care for people living with dementia: the SEED research programme including feasibility RCT. National Institute for Health Research, 2020. 8.