Staff Profile
Professor Mark Freeston
Research Director, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7925
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Psychology
Newcastle University
4th Floor, Dame Margaret Barbour Building
Wallace Street
Newcastle upon Tyne
My main research interests are in the field of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and other disorders dominated by intrusive thoughts, worry and rumination. The current focus is to extend psychological models of these disorders through increasing the degree of specification. Through this strategy I believe we will ultimately develop a knowledge base that will enable treatments to become more effective for those who currently benefit little with existing psychological treatments.
In recent years I have been investigating the role of Intolerance of Uncertainty along with colleagues and students. We first became interested in Intolerance of Uncertainty (IoU) in 1993 at Université Laval (Quebec) when we realized that although people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder had difficulty solving problems, they actually had good knowledge of problem solving. So what got in the way? Our clinical hunch was that they could not tolerate situations where the outcome was not yet known, and that this was independent of any negative consequences. That is, for some people uncertainty was part of the threat or threatening in and of itself. From a hunch came a questionnaire published in 1994, the Laval model of GAD with IoU at its heart, then a treatment with several RCTs, and much more work on the model. There has also been snowballing interest in the scale and indeed in the construct. It appears to have face validity, resonates as a concept with clinicians and patients alike and it is being used with different populations and in different areas of psychological research. Along with a range of collaborators, our current lines of research in this area include the nature of IoU and its manifestations in everyday life; its possible origins and developmental course, its potential contribution to anxiety (including performance anxiety), depression, psychosis, and autism spectrum disorders; its possible role in physical health conditions, its presentation and role in non-western cultures, IoU and healthy ageing, developing IoU-specific treatment strategies, etc.
In the last two years we have been looking at IoU as a trans-situational factor and how people react to real life events that occur and have both uncertainty and threat as their defining features. Since the pandemic we have been developing and testing the model, developing interventions, and providing training for uncertainty distress. Ongoing tests of the model include the various uncertainties of the pandemic that also go beyond health (finances, occupation, social change, etc.), climate change and extreme weather, Long Covid, and we will soon be considering vaccines.
The UNcertainty in COronavirus Research Network is an international group of researchers and clinicians developing understanding, models and treatments for uncertainty distress. We are conducting research in English, Italian, Spanish and Greek and post a range of materials clinical and otherwise, blogs, and links to the surveys.
Our website is here: UNiCORN | COVID-19 | Uncertainty | Incertezza | Incertidumbre | Αβεβαιότητα (
Mark Freeston completed a Maîtrise en Psychologie (M.Ps.) in 1990 at Université Laval in Québec, including clinical training in CBT, and was recipient of a scholarship awarded by Fonds pour la formation des chercheurs et de l'aide à la recherche (FCAR) from the Quebec provincial government. He then completed a Doctorat en psychologie (Ph.D.) in 1995 on the conceptualisation and treatment of obsessive thoughts at Université Laval, Québec and was supported by a scholarship awarded by the Medical Research Council of Canada. Post-doctoral studies followed at le Centre de recherché Université Laval Robert-Giffard researching factors related to the maintenance and treatment of GAD. During this time he received a post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
After completing post-doctoral studies, Mark Freeston took up a position as Assistant Professor (Research) at Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin in Montréal supported by les Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec (1997-1999) and then as Research Scholar by the Medical Research Council of Canada (1999-2000). He moved to Newcastle in September 2000 to take post as Director of Research and Training at the Newcastle Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Centre and Honorary Professor at the University of Durham. In March 2001, he was appointed Professor of Clinical Psychology at Newcastle University where he is Senior Research Tutor for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. From 2003 to 2006 he chaired the NICE Guideline Development Group for CG 31 (Obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder: treatment). He was Course Director for the NCBTC Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Therapy from 2000 to 2010 and Head of Research and Development at Newcastle Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Centre until 2018.
Roles and Responsibilities
I teach research methods in clinical psychology, with a particular interest in “smallish-N” designs in clinical settings and Single Case Experimental Design. I provide research supervision to PhD, DClinPsy, MPhil, MSc and undergraduate students and have supervised or co-supervised over 50 students in recent years.
I regularly provide workshops on the cognitive behavioural treatment of OCD and GAD in the UK, Europe and elsewhere as well as experiential approaches to training in CBT for anxiety, workshops on clinical supervision in CBT, approaches to comorbidity and complexity, and Intolerance of Uncertainty as a Transdiagnostic Construct.
Area of expertise
- Anxiety
- Research Methods
- Intolerance of Uncertainty
I am fluent in French.
Research Interests
My main research interests are in the field of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and related disorders dominated by intrusive thoughts and rumination. The current focus is to extend psychological models of these disorders through increasing the degree of specification. In particular we are looking at complex emotions such as guilt and shame, and also the anticipation of guilt and regret, and they may contribute to a range of disorders.
From a transdiagnostic standpoint we have been examining the roles of Intolerance of Uncertainty and threat across disorders, include GAD, OCD, BDD, Body Focused-Repetitive Behaviours, Eating Disorders and Psychosis.
Through these strategies I believe we will ultimately develop a knowledge base that will enable treatments to become more effective for those who currently benefit little with existing psychological treatments.
Other past research interests include Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT) formulation, training and supervision research.
Other Expertise
I have a particular interest in "smallish N" and single case designs that under the right circumstances can provide a high level of inference in response to focused clinically-relevant questions.
Current Work
In the last two years we have been looking at IoU as a trans-situational factor and how people react to real life events that occur and have both uncertainty and threat as their defining features. Since the pandemic we have been developing and testing the model, developing interventions, and providing training for uncertainty distress. Ongoing tests of the model include the various uncertainties of the pandemic that also go beyond health (finances, occupation, social change, etc.), climate change and extreme weather, Long Covid, and we will soon be considering vaccines. We are also examining the role of interoception and how it contributes to IoU and whether an increased focus on the body may potentiate our current interventions.
The UNcertainty in COronavirus Research Network is an international group of researchers and clinicians developing understanding, models and treatments for uncertainty distress. We are conducting research in English, Italian, Spanish and Greek and post a range of materials clinical and otherwise, blogs, and links to the surveys.
Our website is here: UNiCORN | COVID-19 | Uncertainty | Incertezza | Incertidumbre | Αβεβαιότητα (
Future Research
The current research will ultimately lead to new cognitive behavioural treatment strategies. These are initially will be developed and piloted using experimental single case designs or through designs that potentially allow the identification of mediators.
Research Roles
I am Research Director for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
Postgraduate Supervision
I provide supervision in the areas of interest noted above.
Postgraduate Teaching
I am module leader for the Research Module for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I provide a significant amount of teaching into the module, especially on quantitative research methodology and the particular issues for effective research in clinical settings.
I provide teaching into the Postgraduate Diploma in CBT.
I lead the CBT module for the MSc in Foundations in Clinical Psychology.
I provide research supervision for undergraduate students in Psychology, for MSc in Foundations of Clinical Psychology, and for doctoral students on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme.
- Freeston M. What if we have too many models of worry and GAD?. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2023, 51(Special Issue 6), 559-578.
- Dumont E, Parent S, Castellanos-Ryan N, Jacques S, Freeston MH, Zelazo PD, Seguin JR. The Role of Executive Function at 6 Years in the Association between Behavioral Inhibition at 5 Years and Anxiety at 7 Years. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 2024, 52, 919–931.
- Moore H, Freeston M, Rodgers J, Cassidy S. A measurement invariance analysis of the Anxiety Scale for Autism–Adults in a sample of autistic and non-autistic men and women. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2024, 55, 981-996.
- Freeston M, Komes J. Revisiting uncertainty as a felt sense of unsafety: The somatic error theory of intolerance of uncertainty. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 2023, 79, 101827.
- Rodgers J, Brice S, Welsh P, Ingham B, Wilson C, Evans G, Steele K, Cropper E, Lecouteur A, Freeston M, Parr J. A Pilot Randomised Control Trial Exploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Delivering a Personalised Modular Psychological Intervention for Anxiety Experienced by Autistic Adults: Personalised Anxiety Treatment-Autism (PAT-A). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2024, 54, 4045–4060.
- Philpot N, Thwaites R, Freeston M. Understanding why people with OCD do what they do, and why other people get involved: supporting people with OCD and loved ones to move from safety-seeking behaviours to approach-supporting behaviours. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2022, 15, E25.
- Moore H, Brice S, Powell L, Ingham B, Freeston M, Parr JR, Rodgers J. The Mediating Effects of Alexithymia, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Anxiety on the Relationship Between Sensory Processing Differences and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2022, 52, 4384-4396.
- Murray AL, Caye A, McKenzie K, Auyeung B, Murray G, Ribeaud D, Freeston M, Eisner M. Reciprocal Developmental Relations Between ADHD and Anxiety in Adolescence: A Within-Person Longitudinal Analysis of Commonly Co-Occurring Symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders 2022, 26(1), 109-118.
- Rodgers J, Goodwin J, Garland D, Grahame V, Isard L, Kernohan A, Labus M, Osborne M, Parr JR, Rob P, Wright C, Freeston M. Coping with uncertainty in everyday situations (CUES©) to address intolerance of uncertainty in autistic children: an intervention feasibility trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2023, 53, 3460-3474.
- Spencer HM, Dudley R, Johnston L, Freeston MH, Turkington D, Tully S. Case formulation—A vehicle for change? Exploring the impact of cognitive behavioural therapy formulation in first episode psychosis: A reflexive thematic analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 2023, 96(2), 328-346.
- Beckwith H, van IJzendoorn M, Freeston M, Woolgar M, Stenner P, Duschinsky R. A “transmission gap” between research and practice? A Q-methodology study of perceptions of the application of attachment theory among clinicians working with children and among attachment researchers. Attachment & Human Development 2022, 24(6), 661-689.
- Laverick T, Evans S, Freeston M, Baddeley A. The use of novel measures to detect Accelerated Long-term forgetting in people with epilepsy: The Crimes Test and Four Doors Test. Cortex 2021, 141, 144-155.
- Brice S, Rodgers J, Ingham B, Mason D, Wilson C, Freeston M, Le Couteur A, Parr JP. The importance and availability of adjustments to improve access for autistic adults who need mental and physical healthcare: findings from a UK survey. BMJ Open 2021, 11(3), e043336.
- Normansell-Mossa KM, Top DN, Russell NCC, Freeston M, Rodgers J, South M. Sensory Sensitivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty Influence Anxiety in Autistic Adults. Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12, 731753.
- Lebert L, Turkington D, Freeston M, Dudley R. Rumination, intolerance of uncertainty and paranoia in treatment resistant psychosis. Psychosis 2021, 30(1), 65-70.
- Goodwin J, Rob P, Freeston M, Garland D, Grahame V, Kernohan A, Labus M, Osborne M, Parr J, Wright C, Rodgers J. Caregiver perspectives on the impact of uncertainty on the everyday lives of autistic children and their families. Autism 2021, 26(4), 827-838.
- Veale D, Vaidya A, Papageorgiou A, Foks M, Giona S, Hodsoll J, Freeston M, Muir G. A preliminary investigation of a novel method to manipulate penis length to measure female sexual satisfaction: a single-case experimental design. BJUI 2021, 128(3), 374-385.
- Spencer HM, Dudley R, Freeston MH, Turkington D. What are the essential ingredients of a CBT case conceptualization for voices and delusions in schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A study of expert consensus. Schizophrenia Research 2020, 224, 74-81.
- Parr JR, Brice S, Welsh P, Ingham B, Le Couteur A, Evans G, Monaco A, Freeston M, Rodgers J. Treating anxiety in autistic adults: Study protocol for the Personalised Anxiety Treatment-Autism (PAT-A©) pilot randomised controlled feasibility trial. Trials 2020, 21(1), 265.
- Freeston M, Tiplady A, Mawn L, Bottesi G, Thwaites S. Towards a model of uncertainty distress in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19). the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2020, 13, E31.
- Grahame V, Stuart L, Honey E, Freeston M. Response: Demand Avoidance Phenomena: a manifold issue? Intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety as explanatory frameworks for extreme demand avoidance in children and adolescents – a response to Woods10.1111/camh.12376. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2020, 25(2), 71-73.
- Grahame V, Stuart L, Honey E, Freeston M. Response: Anxiety and behaviour in and beyond ASD; does the idea of ‘PDA’ really help? – a response to Green. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2020, 25(2), 77-78.
- Mofrad L, Tiplady A, Payne D, Freeston M. Making friends with uncertainty: experiences of developing a transdiagnostic group intervention targeting intolerance of uncertainty in IAPT. Feasibility, acceptability and implications. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2020, 13, e49.
- Stuart L, Grahame V, Honey E, Freeston M. Intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety as explanatory frameworks for extreme demand avoidance in children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2020, 25(2), 59-67.
- Rodgers J, Farquhar K, Mason D, Brice S, Wigham S, Ingham B, Freeston MF, Parr JR. Development and initial evaluation of the Anxiety Scale for Autism - Adults. Autism in Adulthood 2020, 2(1), 24-33.
- Mawn L, Campbell T, Aynsworth C, Beckwith H, Luce A, Barclay N, Dodgson G, Freeston M. Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive and psychotic experiences: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2020, 26.
- Hackett SS, Zubala A, Aafjes-van Doorm K, Chadwick T, Harrison TL, Bourne J, Freeston M, Jahoda A, Taylor JL, Ariti C, McNamara R, Pennington L, McColl E, Kaner E. A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6(1), 180.
- McKenzie K, Murray A, Freeston M, Whelan K, Rodgers J. Validation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scales (RCADS) and RCADS short forms adapted for adults. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019, 245, 200-204.
- Maskey M, Rodgers J, Ingham B, Freeston M, Evans G, Labus M, Parr JR. Using Virtual Reality Environments to Augment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Fears and Phobias in Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood 2019, 1(2), 134-145.
- Rodgers J, Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Cooper R, Heslop P, Freeston M. Uncertain Futures: Reporting the Experiences and Worries of Autistic Adults and Possible Implications for Social Work Practice. British Journal of Social Work 2019, 49(7), 1817–1836.
- Bottesi G, Noventa S, Freeston MH, Ghisi M. Seeking certainty about intolerance of uncertainty: Addressing old and new issues through the intolerance of uncertainty scale-revised. Plos One 2019, 14, e0211929.
- Parkes C, Bezzina O, Chapman A, Luteran A, Freeston MH, Robinson LJ. Jumping to conclusions in persistent pain using a somatosensory modification of the beads task. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2019, 126, 109819.
- Freeston MH, Thwaites R, Bennett-Levy J. 'Courses for Horses': Designing, adapting and implementing self practice/self-reflection programmes. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2019, 12, e28.
- Rodgers J, Goodwin J, Parr JP, Grahame V, Wright C, Padget J, Garland D, Osborne M, Labus M, Kernohan A, Freeston M. Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations (CUES©) to address Intolerance of Uncertainty in autistic children: Study protocol for an intervention feasibility trial. Trials 2019, 20, 385.
- Rodgers J, Herrema R, Honey E, Freeston M. Towards a Treatment for Intolerance of Uncertainty for Autistic Adults: A Single Case Experimental Design Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2018, 48(8), 2832-2845.
- Pepperdine E, Lomax C, Freeston M. Disentangling Intolerance of Uncertainty and Threat Appraisal in Everyday Situations. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2018, 57, 31-38.
- Rodgers J, Hodgson A, Shields K, Wright C, Honey E, Freeston M. Towards a treatment for intolerance of uncertainty in young people with autism spectrum disorder: Development of the Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday situations (CUES©) programme. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(12), 3959-3966.
- Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Mental Wellbeing of Family Members of Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(11), 3589-3599.
- Bottesi G, Ghisi M, Sica C, Freeston MH. Intolerance of uncertainty, not just right experiences, and compulsive checking: Test of a moderated mediation model on a non-clinical sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2017, 73, 111-119.
- Hackett SS, Taylor JL, Freeston M, Jahoda A, McColl E, Pennington L, Kaner E. Interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with learning disabilities in secure care: a protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2017, 3, 42.
- Hodgson A, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Facing the Unknown: Intolerance of Uncertainty in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2017, 30(2), 336-344.
- Romero-Sanchiz P, Nogueira-Arjona R, Godoy-Avila A, Gavino-Lazaro A, Freeston MH. Differences in clinical intrusive thoughts between obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and hypochondria. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 2017, 24(6), O1464-O1473.
- Thomson C, Wilson R, Collerton D, Freeston M, Dudley R. Cognitive behavioural therapy for visual hallucinations: An investigation using a single-case experimental design. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2017, 10, e10.
- Herrema R, Garland D, Osborne M, Freeston M, Honey E, Rodgers J. Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017, 47(11), 3659-3668.
- Romero-Sanchiz P, Nogueira-Arjona R, GodoyÁvila A, Gavino-Lazaro A, Freeston MH. Assessing transdiagnostic intrusive thoughts: Factor structure, reliability and validity of the Cognitive Intrusions Questionnaire-Transdiagnostic version in a Spanish sample. Personality and Individual Differences 2017, 114, 181-186.
- Sankar R, Robinson L, Honey E, Freeston M. ‘We know intolerance of uncertainty is a transdiagnostic factor but we don’t know what it looks like in everyday life’: A systematic review of intolerance of uncertainty behaviours. Clinical Psychology Forum 2017, 296, 10-15.
- Bottesi G, Ghisi M, Carraro E, Barclay N, Payne R, Freeston MH. Revising the Intolerance of Uncertainty Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence from UK and Italian Undergraduate Samples. Frontiers in Psychology 2016, 7, 1723.
- Greer J, Smailes D, Spencer H, Freeston M, Dudley R. Recall of threat material is modulated by self or other referencing in people with high or low levels of non-clinical paranoia. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 2016, 50, 1-7.
- Guzman A, Freeston M, Rochester L, Hughes J, James I. Psychomotor Dance Therapy Intervention (DANCIN) for people with dementia in care homes: a multiple-baseline single case study. International Psychogeriatrics 2016, 28(10), 1695-1715.
- Maisel ME, Stephenson KG, South M, Rodgers J, Freeston MH, Gaigg SB. Modeling the cognitive mechanisms linking autism symptoms and anxiety in adults. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2016, 125(5), 692-703.
- Wilson R, Collerton D, Freeston M, Christodoulides T, Dudley R. Is seeing believing? The process of change during cognitive-behavioural therapy for distressing visual hallucinations. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2016, 23(4), 285-297.
- Willson R, Veale D, Freeston M. Imagery Rescripting for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A multiple-baseline single case experimental design. Behavior Therapy 2016, 47(2), 248-261.
- Rodgers J, Wigham S, McConachie H, Freeston M, Honey E, Parr JR. Development of the Anxiety Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASC-ASD). Autism Research 2016, 9(11), 1205-1215.
- Moorhead C, Winfield J, Freeston MH. Becoming a more mindful practitioner: the effectiveness of a Mindfulness-based CBT Course in meeting training needs for clinical staff in adult mental health Urgent Care services. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2016, 9, e4.
- Barclay NA, Freeston MH. Transdiagnostic relationships between Desire for Predictability and Uncertainty Paralysis and common mental health problems: A meta-analytic review of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2015. Submitted.
- Dudley R, Ingham B, Sowerby K, Freeston M. The utility of case formulation in treatment decision making; the effect of experience and expertise. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 2015, 48, 66-74.
- Freeston MH, Bottesi G, Giuliano M, Walker S, Rodgers J, March C, Ford M, Clarke J, Shepherd K, Pickering C, Rosenkranz P, Leekam S. The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale among younger adolescents: Psychometric properties and transdiagnostic relationships. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2015. Submitted.
- Romero-Sanchiz P, Nogueira-Arjona R, Godoy-Ávila A, Gavino-Lázaro A, Freeston MH. Narrow Specificity of Responsibility and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 2015, 8(3), 239-257.
- Bottesi G, Ghisi M, Novara C, Bertocchi J, e Ilaria MB, Dominicis D, Freeston MH. Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-27 and IUS-12): Two preliminary studiesIntolerance of uncertainty scale (IUS-27 e IUS-12): Due studi preliminari. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale 2015, 21(3), 345-365.
- Robinson G, Freeston M. Intolerance of uncertainty as a predictor of performance anxiety and robustness of sport confidence in university student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 2015, 9(4), 335-344.
- Williams S, Dagnan D, Rodgers J, Freeston M. Exploring carers' judgements of responsibility and control in response to the challenging behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2015, 28(6), 589-593.
- Bottesi G, Spoto A, Freeston MH, Sanavio E, Vidotto G. Beyond the Score: Clinical Evaluation Through Formal Psychological Assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment 2015, 97(3), 252-260.
- Davis ML, Thwaites R, Freeston MH, Bennett-Levy J. A Measurable Impact of a Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Programme on the Therapeutic Skills of Experienced Cognitive-Behavioural Therapists. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2015, 22(2), 176-184.
- Chaddock A, Thwaites R, Bennett-Levy J, Freeston MH. Understanding individual differences in response to Self-Practice and Self-Reflection (SP/SR) during CBT training. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2014, 7, e14.
- Wigham S, Rodgers J, South M, McConachie H, Freeston M. The interplay between sensory processing abnormalities, intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety and restricted and repetitive behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014, 45(4), 943-952.
- Lidstone J, Uljarevic M, Sullivan J, Rodgers J, McConachie H, Freeston M, Le Couteur A, Prior M, Leekam S. Relations among restricted and repetitive behaviours, anxiety and sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2014, 8(2), 82-92.
- Boulter C, Freeston M, South M, Rodgers J. Intolerance of Uncertainty as a Framework for Understanding Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014, 44(6), 1391-1402.
- McConachie H, McLaughlin E, Grahame V, Taylor H, Honey E, Tavernor L, Rodgers J, Freeston M, Hemm C, Steen N, Le Couteur A. Group therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism 2014, 18(6), 723-732.
- South M, Chamberlain PD, Wigham S, Newton T, Le Couteur A, McConachie H, Gray L, Freeston M, Parr J, Kirwan CB, Rodgers J. Enhanced decision making and risk avoidance in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychology 2014, 28(2), 222-228.
- Wild A, Freeston M, Heary S, Rodgers J. Diminished physiological flexibility is associated with intolerance of uncertainty during affective decision making in adolescence. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 2014, 5(4), 503-513.
- Careau Y, OConnor K, Turgeon L, Freeston M. Cognitive reactivity in obsessional rumination: A naturalistic and longitudinal investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 2014, 5(4), 425-456.
- Howarth A, Freeston MH, Reichelt K, James IA. Clinicians’ views on the clinical utility of a revised definition of schema and its implications for the treatment of depression. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2014, 7, e3.
- Carleton RN, Duranceau S, Freeston MH, Boelen PA, McCabe RE, Antony MM. "But it might be a heart attack": Intolerance of uncertainty and panic disorder symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2014, 28(5), 463-470.
- Dudley R, Daley K, Nicholson M, Shaftoe D, Spencer H, Cavanagh K, Freeston M. 'Jumping to conclusions' in first-episode psychosis: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 2013, 52(4), 380-393.
- Ghisi M, Bottesi G, Sica C, Sanavio E, Freeston MH. Is Performance on the Go/Nogo Task Related to Not Just Right Experiences in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?. Cognitive Therapy and Research 2013, 37(6), 1121-1131.
- Chamberlain PD, Rodgers J, Crowley MJ, White SE, Freeston MH, South M. A potentiated startle study of uncertainty and contextual anxiety in adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism 2013, 4, 1-11.
- Man S, Freeston MH, Ellis JG, Lee DR. A pilot study investigating differences in sleep and life preoccupations in chronic and acute insomnia. Sleep Medicine Research 2013, 4(2), 43-50.
- Birrell J, Meares K, Wilkinson A, Freeston M. Toward a definition of intolerance of uncertainty: A review of factor analytical studies of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale. Clinical Psychology Review 2012, 31(7), 1198-1208.
- O'Connor K, Freeston M, Delorme ME, Aardema F, Polman A, Careau Y, Grenier S. Covert neutralization in the treatment of OCD with overt compulsions. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2012, 1(4), 274-282.
- Careau Y, O'Connor KP, Turgeon L, Freeston MH. Childhood experiences and adult beliefs in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evaluating a specific etiological model. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 2012, 26(3), 236-256.
- Ormrod J, Shaftoe D, Cavanagh K, Freeston M, Turkington D, Price J, Dudley R. A pilot study exploring the contribution of working memory to "jumping to conclusions" in people with first episode psychosis. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2012, 17(2), 97-114.
- Cromarty P, Jonsson J, Moorhead S, Freeston MH. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Withdrawal from Antidepressant Medication: A Single Case Series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2011, 39(1), 77-97.
- Dudley R, Shaftoe D, Cavanagh K, Spencer H, Ormrod J, Turkington D, Freeston M. ‘Jumping to conclusions’ in first-episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2011, 5(1), 50-56.
- Bacon E, Milne DL, Sheikh AI, Freeston MH. Positive Experiences in Caregivers: An Exploratory Case Series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2009, 37(1), 95-114.
- Shafran R, Clark D, Fairburn C, Arntz A, Barlow D, Ehlers A, Freeston M, Garety P, Hollon S, Ost L, Salkovskis P, Williams J, Wilson G. Mind the gap: Improving the dissemination of CBT. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2009, 47(11), 902-909.
- Flint B, Baker C, Freeston M, Newton JL. Level of psychosocial impairment predicts early response to treatment in vasovagal syncope. Europace 2009, 11(2), 231-236.
- Laing SV, Fernyhough C, Turner M, Freeston MH. Fear, Worry, and Ritualistic Behaviour in Childhood: Developmental Trends and Interrelations. Infant and Child Development 2009, 18(4), 351-366.
- Milne D, Kennedy E, Todd H, Lombardo C, Freeston M, Day A. Zooming in on CBT Supervision: A Comparison of Two Levels of Effectiveness Evaluation. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2008, 36(5), 619-624.
- Julien D, Careau Y, O'Connor KP, Bouvard M, Rheaume J, Langlois F, Freeston MH, Radomsky AS, Cottraux J. Specificity of belief domains in OCD: Validation of the French version of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire and a comparison across samples. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2008, 22(6), 1029-1041.
- Barton S, Armstrong P, Freeston M, Twaddle V. Early intervention for adults at high risk of recurrent/chronic depression: Cognitive model and clinical case series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2008, 36(3), 263-282.
- Keen AJA, Freeston MH. Assessing competence in cognitive-behavioural therapy. British Journal of Psychiatry 2008, 193(1), 60-64.
- Blackburn P, Freeston M, Baker CR, Jones DEJ, Newton JL. The role of psychological factors in the fatigue of primary biliary cirrhosis. Liver International 2007, 27(5), 654-661.
- James IA, Reichelt FK, Freeston MH, Barton SB. Schemas as memories: Implications for treatment. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 2007, 21(1), 51-57.
- Flitcroft A, James IA, Freeston M, Wood-Mitchell A. Determining what is important in a good formulation. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2007, 35(3), 325-333.
- Gosselin P, Langlois F, Freeston MH, Ladouceur R, Laberge M, Lemay D. Cognitive variables related to worry among adolescents: Avoidance strategies and faulty beliefs about worry. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2007, 45(2), 225-233.
- Gracie J, Newton JL, Norton M, Baker C, Freeston M. The role of psychological factors in response to treatment in neurocardiogenic (vasovagal) syncope. Europace 2006, 8(8), 636-643.
- Thwaites R, Freeston MH. Safety-seeking behaviours: Fact or function? How can we clinically differentiate between safety behaviours and adaptive coping strategies across anxiety disorders?. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2005, 33(2), 177-188.
- Bruce S, Rodgers J, Firth M, Freeston M. Mum knows best? Psychological status in an oncology sample. Child: Care, Health and Development 2005, 31(6), 643-648.
- O'Connor K, Freeston MH, Gareau D, Careau Y, Dufour MJ, Aardema F, Todorov C. Group versus individual treatment in obsessions without compulsions. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2005, 12(2), 87-96.
- Ladouceur R, Leger E, Dugas M, Freeston MH. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) for older adults. International Psychogeriatrics 2004, 16(2), 195-207.
- Cromarty P, Robinson G, Callcott P, Freeston M. Cognitive therapy and exercise for panic and agoraphobia in primary care: Pilot study and service development. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2004, 32(3), 371-374.
- Langlois F, Ladouceur R, Patrick G, Freeston MH. Characteristics of illness intrusions in a non-clinical sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2004, 42(6), 683-696.
- Guay S, Boisvert JM, Freeston MH. Validity of three measures of communication for predicting relationship adjustment and stability among a sample of young couples. Psychological Assessment 2003, 15(3), 392-398.
- Bhar S, Bouvard M, Calamari J, Carmin C, Clark DA, Cottraux J, Emmelkamp P, Forrester E, Freeston M, Frost R, Hordern C, Janeck A, Kyrios M, McKay D, Neziroglu F, Novara C, Pinard G, Pollard CA, Purdon C, Rheaume J, Riskind J, Salkovskis P, Sanavio E, Shafran R, Sica C, Simos G, Sochting I, Sookman D, Steketee G, Taylor S, Thordarson D, van Oppen P, Warren R, Whittal M, Wilhelm S, Yaryura-Tobias J. Psychometric validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire and the Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory: Part I. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2003, 41(8), 863-878.
- Dugas MJ, Ladouceur R, Leger E, Freeston MH, Langlois F, Provencher MD, Boisvert JM. Group cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Treatment outcome and long-term follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2003, 71(4), 821-825.
- Gosselin P, Ladouceur R, Langlois F, Freeston MH, Dugas MJ, Bertrand J. Développement et validation d'un nouvel instrument évaluant les croyances erronéesà l'égard des inquiétudes. / Development and validation of a new instrument to evaluate erroneous beliefs about worries. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology 2003, 53(3-4), 199-211.
- Leger E, Ladouceur R, Dugas MJ, Freeston MH. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of generalized anxiety disorder among adolescents: A case series. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2003, 42(3), 327-330.
- Ladouceur R, Freeston MH, Fournier S, Dugas MJ, Doucet C. The social basis of worry in three samples: High-school students, University students, and older adults. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2002, 30(4), 427-438.
- Morizot F, Maranda J, Poirier M, Tremblay R, Freeston MH. The Behavior Dimensions Rating Scale-Parent form: Diagnostic sensitivity in a school context. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 2002, 34(1), 1-7.
- Turgeon L, O'Connor KP, Marchand A, Freeston MH. Recollections of parent-child relationships in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2002, 105(4), 310-316.
- Maranda J, Morizot J, Freeston MH, Tremblay R. Parents' version of an evaluation scale of the dimensions of behavior: Diagnostic sensitivity in an institutional context. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 2002, 34(3), 141-145.
- Townend M, Iannetta L, Freeston MH. Clinical supervision in practice: A survey of UK cognitive behavioural psychotherapists accredited by the BABCP. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2002, 30(4), 485-500.
- Leger E, Ladouceur R, Freeston MH. Anxiety and physical limitation: a complex relation. Encephale 2002, 28(1), 205-209.
- Leger E, Ladouceur R, Freeston MH. Anxiety and physical limitation : a complex relation. L' Encephale: Revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et thérapeutique 2002, 28(3), 205-209.
- Salkovskis P, Freeston MH. Obsessions, compulsions, motivation, and responsibility for harm. Australian Journal of Psychology 2001, 53(1), 1-6.
- Gosselin P, Dugas MJ, Ladouceur R, Freeston MH. Evaluation of worry: Validation of a French Translation of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire. L' Encephale 2001, 27(5), 475-484.
- Steketee G, Frost R, Amir N, Bouvard M, Carmin C, Clark DA, Cottraux J, Emmelkamp P, Forrester E, Freeston M, Hoekstra R, Kyrios M, Ladouceur R, Neziroglu F, Pinard G, Pollard CA, Purdon C, Rachman S, Rheaume J, Richards C, Salkovskis P, Sanavio E, Shafran R, Sica C, Simos G, Sochting I, Sookman D, Taylor S, Thordarson D, Oppen vanP, Warren R, Whittal M, Yaryura-Tobias J. Development and initial validation of the obsessive beliefs questionnaire and the interpretation of intrusions inventory. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2001, 39(8), 987-1006.
- Freeston MH. Cognitive-behavioural treatment of a 14 year old teenager with obsessive compulsive disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2001, 29(1), 71-84.
- Freeston MH, Leger E, Ladouceur R. Cognitive therapy of obsessive thoughts. Cognitive and Behavioural Practice 2001, 8(1), 61-78.
- Freeston MH, Salkovskis PM. Cognitive approaches to obsessive-compulsive disorder: Motivation and emotional ambivalence - A rejoinder to O'Kearney. Australian Journal of Psychology 2001, 53(1), 10-11.
Book Chapters
- Meares KM, Harrison S, Freeston MH. Generalised Anxiety Disorder. In: The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Los Angeles: Sage, 2018.
- Callcott P, Dudley R, Standart S, Freeston M, Turkington D. Treating Trauma in people with first-episode psychosis using cognitive behavioural therapy. In: CBT for Psychosis: A Symptom-Based Approach. London, UK: Taylor and Francis, 2013, pp.175-192.
- Callcott P, Dudley R, Standardt S, Freeston M, Turkington D. Treating trauma in people with first episode psychosis using cognitive behavioural therapy. In: Haagen, R; Turkington, D; Berge, T; Grawe, RW, ed. CBT for Psychosis: A Symptom-based Approach. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge, 2010, pp.175-192.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Morley C, Alias SHB, Marram B, Freeston MH, Rosenkranz P. Different Ways of Being Christian: A Clustering Approach to the Investigation of Religiosity. In: International Convention of Psychological Science. 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Garcia AG, Hughes J, Freeston M, Rochester L, James I. Dance embraces dementia: A psychomotor intervention in care homes. In: INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 2011, 32 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY 10013-2473 USA: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
- Hackett SS, Zubala A, Aafjes-van Doorn K, Chadwick T, Harrison TL, Bourne J, Freeston M, Jahoda A, Taylor JL, Ariti C, McNamara R, Pennington L, McColl E, Kaner E. Correction to: A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care (Pilot and Feasibility Studies, (2020), 6, 1, (180), 10.1186/s40814-020-00703-0). Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6, 195.
- Milne S, Lomax C, Freeston MH. A review of the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and threat appraisal in anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2019, 12, e38.
- Bowness Clarke J, Ford M, Heary S, Rodgers J, Freeston M. The Relationship Between Negative Problem Orientation and Worry: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychopathology Review 2017, a4(3), 319-340.
- Robinson LJ, Freeston MH. Emotion and internal experience in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Reviewing the role of Alexithymia, Anxiety Sensitivity and Distress Tolerance. Clinical Psychology Review 2014, 34(3), 256-271.
- Pace SM, Thwaites R, Freeston MH. Exploring the role of external criticism in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A narrative review. Clinical Psychology Review 2011, 31(3), 361-370.
- Veale D, Freeston M, Krebs G, Heyman I, Salkovskis P. Risk assessment and management in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2009, 15(5), 332-343.
- Milne DL, Freeston MH, Paxton R, James I, Cooper M, Knibbs J. A new pyramid of research knowledge for the NHS. Journal of Mental Health 2008, 17(5), 509-519.
- Gracie J, Baker C, Freeston MH, Newton JL. The role of psychological factors in the aetiology and treatment of vasovagal syncope. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2004, 4(2), 79-84.