Staff Profile
Professor Martin Noble
Prof of Biom Struct & Anticanc Drug Des
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University
Translational & Clinical Research Institute
Paul O'Gorman Building
Medical School
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Since October 2011 I have been Professor of Biomolecular Structure and Anticancer Drug Design at Newcastle University, initially in the Northern Institute for Cancer Research and now in the Newcastle University Translational and Clinical Research Institute. My group is pursuing structure-function studies of protein complexes involved in regulating transcription and progression through the eukaryotic cell cycle.
Prior to taking up my appointment in Newcastle I was a Professor at the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics in the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University, where I worked from 1993 as postdoc, Royal Society University Research Fellow, University Lecturer, and ultimately Head of Laboratory, after having been recruited initially to the group of Professor Dame Louise Johnson.
My main interest is in understanding the molecular recognition events that drive cellular signalling processes, and in exploiting that understanding to produce new chemical probes and potential leads for drug discovery. This interest has also lead me into the field of bionanotechnology, where protein structures can be recycled as building blocks for novel materials.
Within Newcastle, I am Head of Academic Structural Sciences with Cancer Research Horizons- Therapeutic Innovations, while my external commitments include being a member of the executive committee of CCP4, the principal resource for software development in macromolecular crystallography.
Area of expertise
- Structural biology and biophysical approaches to understand regulatory process at the atomic and molecular level.
- Structure based drug discovery.
- Computational methods in macromolecular structure determination and analysis.
Google scholar: Click here.
ORCID: Click here.
I look forward to welcoming M.Res and project students with an interest in
- The structural biology of cancer
- Computational and experimental structure-based drug design
I also co-lead and offer lectures and practicals in BGM3064 (Applied Biochemistry), and jointly run a laboratory in BGM2062
- Pastok MW, Tomlinson CWE, Turberville S, Butler AM, Basle A, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Pohl E, Tatum NJ. Structural requirements for the specific binding of CRABP2 to cyclin D3. Structure 2024, 32(12), 2301-2315.e6.
- Rowland RJ, Korolchuk S, Salamina M, Tatum NJ, Ault JR, Hart S, Turkenburg JP, Blaza JN, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. Cryo-EM structure of the CDK2-cyclin A-CDC25A complex. Nature Communications 2024, 15(1), 6807.
- Agirre J, Atanasova M, Bagdonas H, Ballard CB, Basle A, Beilsten-Edmands J, Borges RJ, Brown DG, Burgos-Marmol JJ, Berrisford JM, Bond PS, Caballero I, Catapano L, Chojnowski G, Cook AG, Cowtan KD, Croll TI, Debreczeni JE, Devenish NE, Dodson EJ, Drevon TR, Emsley P, Evans G, Evans PR, Fando M, Foadi J, Fuentes-Montero L, Garman EF, Gerstel M, Gildea RJ, Hatti K, Hekkelman ML, Heuser P, Hoh SW, Hough MA, Jenkins HT, Jimenez E, Joosten RP, Keegan RM, Keep N, Krissinel EB, Kolenko P, Kovalevskiy O, Lamzin VS, Lawson DM, Lebedev AA, Leslie AGW, Lohkamp B, Long F, Maly M, McCoy AJ, McNicholas SJ, Medina A, Millan C, Murray JW, Murshudov GN, Nicholls RA, Noble MEM, Oeffner R, Pannu NS, Parkhurst JM, Pearce N, Pereira J, Perrakis A, Powell HR, Read RJ, Rigden DJ, Rochira W, Sammito M, Sanchez Rodriguez F, Sheldrick GM, Shelley KL, Simkovic F, Simpkin AJ, Skubak P, Sobolev E, Steiner RA, Stevenson K, Tews I, Thomas JMH, Thorn A, Valls JT, Uski V, Uson I, Vagin A, Velankar S, Vollmar M, Walden H, Waterman D, Wilson KS, Winn MD, Winter G, Wojdyr M, Yamashita K. The CCP4 suite: integrative software for macromolecular crystallography. Acta crystallographica. Section D, Structural biology 2023, 79, 449-461.
- Morese PA, Anthony N, Bodnarchuk M, Jennings C, Martin MP, Noble RA, Phillips N, Thomas HD, Wang LZ, Lister A, Noble MEM, Ward RA, Wedge SR, Stewart HL, Waring MJ. Targeting cytotoxic agents through EGFR-mediated covalent binding and release. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66(17), 12324-12341.
- Salvini CLA, Darlot B, Davison J, Martin MP, Tudhope SJ, Turberville S, Kawamura A, Noble MEM, Wedge SR, Crawford JJ, Waring MJ. Fragment expansion with NUDELs – poised DNA-encoded libraries. Chemical Science 2023, 14(31), 8288-8294.
- Rowland RJ, Heath R, Maskell D, Thompson RF, Ranson NA, Blaza JN, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Salamina M. Cryo-EM structure of SKP1-SKP2-CKS1 in complex with CDK2-cyclin A-p27KIP1. Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 10718.
- Miller DC, Reuillon T, Molyneux L, Blackburn T, Cook SJ, Edwards N, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle I, Harnor SJ, Heptinstall A, Lochhead P, Martin MP, Martin NC, Myers S, Newell DR, Noble RA, Phillips N, Rigoreau L, Thomas H, Tucker JA, Wang L-Z, Waring MJ, Wong A-C, Wedge SR, Noble MEM, Cano C. Parallel Optimization of Potency and Pharmacokinetics Leading to the Discovery of a Pyrrole Carboxamide ERK5 Kinase Domain Inhibitor. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2022, 65(9), 6513-6540.
- Davison G, Martin MP, Turberville S, Dormen S, Heath R, Heptinstall AB, Lawson M, Miller DC, Ng YM, Sanderson JN, Hope I, Wood DJ, Cano C, Endicott JA, Hardcastle IR, Noble MEM, Waring MJ. Mapping ligand interactions of bromodomains BRD4 and ATAD2 with FragLites and PepLites ─ Halogenated probes of druglike and peptide-like molecular interactions. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2022, 65(22), 15416-15432.
- Martin MP, Noble MEM. Exiting the tunnel of uncertainty: crystal soak to validated hit. Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology 2022, D78(11), 1294-1302.
- Uguen M, Davison G, Sprenger LJ, Hunter JH, Martin MP, Turberville S, Watt JE, Golding BT, Noble MEM, Stewart HL, Waring MJ. Build–Couple–Transform: A paradigm for lead-like library synthesis with scaffold diversity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2022, 65(16), 11322-11339.
- Chessari G, Hardcastle IR, Ahn JS, Anil B, Anscome E, Bawn RH, Bevan LD, Blackburn TJ, Buck I, Cano C, Carbain B, Castro J, Cons B, Cully SJ, St Denis J, Endicott JA, Fazal L, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Haggerty K, Harnor S, Hearn K, Hobson S, Holvey RS, Howard S, Jennings C, Johnson CN, Lunec J, Miller DC, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Reeks J, Revill CH, Riedinger C, Tamanini E, Thomas H, Thompson NT, Vinkovic M, Wedge SR, Williams PA, Wilsher N, Zhang B, Zhao Y. Structure-Based Design of Potent and Orally Active Isoindolinone Inhibitors of MDM2-p53 Protein–Protein Interaction. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021, 64(7), 4071-4088.
- Salamina M, Montefiore BC, Liu M, Wood DJ, Heath R, Ault JR, Wang L-Z, Korolchuk S, Basle A, Pastok MW, Reeks J, Tatum NJ, Sobott F, Arold ST, Pagano M, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. Discriminative SKP2 Interactions with CDK-Cyclin Complexes Support a Cyclin A-Specific Role in p27KIP1 Degradation. Journal of Molecular Biology 2021, 433(5), 166795.
- Al-Khawaldeh I, Aldred GG, Alyassiri M, Basmadjian C, Bordoni C, Harnor SJ, Heptinstall AB, Hobson SJ, Jennings CE, Khalifa S, Lebraud H, Miller DC, Shrives HJ, de Souza JV, Stewart HL, Temple M, Totobenazara J, Tucker JA, Tudhope SJ, Wang LZ, Bronowska AK, Cano C, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Hickson I, Wedge SR, Willmore E, Noble MEM, Waring MJ. An alkynylpyrimidine-based covalent inhibitor that targets a unique cysteine in NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021, 64(14), 10001-10018.
- Lochhead PA, Tucker JA, Tatum NJ, Wang J, Oxley D, Kidger AM, Johnson VP, Cassidy MA, Gray NS, Noble MEM, Cook SJ. Paradoxical activation of the protein kinase-transcription factor ERK5 by ERK5 kinase inhibitors. Nature Communications 2020, 11(1), 1383.
- Douangamath A, Fearon D, Gehrtz P, Krojer T, Lukacik P, Owen CD, Resnick E, Strain-Damerell C, Aimon A, Abranyi-Balogh P, Brandao-Neto J, Carbery A, Davison G, Dias A, Downes TD, Dunnett L, Fairhead M, Firth JD, Jones SP, Keeley A, Keseru GM, Klein HF, Martin MP, Noble MEM, O'Brien P, Powell A, Reddi RN, Skyner R, Snee M, Waring MJ, Wild C, London N, von Delft F, Walsh MA. Crystallographic and electrophilic fragment screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease. Nature Communications 2020, 11(1), 5047.
- Verhoork SJM, Jennings CE, Rozatian N, Reeks J, Meng J, Corlett EK, Bunglawala F, Noble MEM, Leach AG, Coxon CR. Tuning the binding affinity and selectivity of perfluoroaryl-stapled peptides by cysteine-editing. Chemistry - A European Journal 2019, 25(1), 177-182.
- Myers SM, Miller DC, Molyneux L, Arasta M, Bawn RH, Blackburn TJ, Cook SJ, Edwards N, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hammonds T, Hardcastle IR, Harnor SJ, Heptinstall AB, Lochhead PA, Martin MP, Martin NC, Newell DR, Owen PJ, Pang LC, Reuillon T, Rigoreau LJM, Thomas HD, Tucker JA, Wang L-Z, Wong A-C, Noble MEM, Wedge SR, Cano C. Identification of a novel orally bioavailable ERK5 inhibitor with selectivity over p38α and BRD4. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2019, 178, 530-543.
- Wood D, Lopez-Fernandez JD, Knight LE, Al-Khawaldeh I, Gai C, Lin S, Martin MP, Miller DC, Cano C, Endicott JA, Hardcastle IR, Noble MEM, Waring MJ. FragLites - minimal, halogenated fragments displaying pharmacophore doublets. An efficient approach to druggability assessment and hit generation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2019, 62(7), 3741-3752.
- Wood DJ, Korolchuk S, Tatum NJ, Wang L-Z, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Martin MP. Differences in the conformational energy landscape of CDK1 and CDK2 suggest a mechanism for achieving selective CDK inhibition. Cell Chemical Biology 2019, 26(1), 121-130.e5.
- Unterlass JE, Baslé A, Blackburn TJ, Tucker J, Turlais F, Cano C, Noble MME, Curtin NJ. Validating and enabling phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) as a target for fragment-based drug discovery in PHGDH-amplified breast cancer. Oncotarget 2018, 9, 13139-13153.
- Whittaker SR, Barlow C, Martin MP, Mancusi C, Wagner S, Self A, Barrie E, Te Poele R, Sharp S, Brown N, Wilson S, Jackson W, Fischer PM, Clarke PA, Walton MI, McDonald E, Blagg J, Noble M, Garrett MD, Workman P. Molecular profiling and combinatorial activity of CCT068127: a potent CDK2 and CDK9 inhibitor. Molecular Oncology 2018, 12(3), 287-304.
- Miller DC, Martin MP, Adhikari S, Brennan A, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Heptinstall A, Hobson S, Jennings C, Molyneux L, Ng Y, Wedge SR, Noble MEM, Cano C. Identification of a novel ligand for the ATAD2 bromodomain with selectivity over BRD4 through a fragment growing approach. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2018, 16(11), 1843-1850.
- Martin MP, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Structure-based discovery of cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitors. Essays in Biochemistry 2017, 61(5), 439-452.
- Unterlass JE, Wood RJ, Basle A, Tucker J, Cano C, Noble MM, Curtin NJ. Structural insights into the enzymatic activity and potential substrate promiscuity of human 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH). Oncotarget 2017, 8(61), 104478-104491.
- Hallett ST, Pastok MW, Morgan RML, Wittner A, Blundell KLIM, Felletar I, Wedge SR, Prodromou C, Noble MEM, Pearl LH, Endicott JA. Differential Regulation of G1 CDK Complexes by the Hsp90-Cdc37 Chaperone System. Cell Reports 2017, 21(5), 1386-1398.
- Coxon C, Anscombe E, Harnor S, Martin M, Carbain B, Golding B, Hardcastle I, Harlow L, Korolchuk S, Matheson C, Newell D, Noble M, Sivaprakasam M, Tudhope SJ, Turner D, Wang L, Wedge SR, Wong C, Griffin R, Endicott J, Cano C. Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) Inhibitors; Structure-Activity Relationships and Insights into the CDK-2 Selectivity of 6-Substituted 2-Arylaminopurines. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 60, 1746-1767.
- Jones D, Noble M, Wedge SR, Robson CN, Gaughan L. Aurora A regulates expression of AR-V7 in models of castrate resistant prostate cancer. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 40957.
- Tan YS, Reeks J, Brown CJ, Thean D, Gago FJF, Yuen TY, Goh ETL, Lee XEC, Jennings CE, Joseph TL, Lakshminarayanan R, Lane DP, Noble MEM, Verma CS. Benzene Probes in Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Novel Binding Sites for Ligand Design. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2016, 7(17), 3452-3457.
- Anscombe E, Meschini E, Mora-Vidal R, Martin MP, Staunton D, Geitmann M, Danielson UH, Stanley WA, Wang LZ, Reuillon T, Golding BT, Cano C, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Wedge SR, Endicott JA, Griffin RJ. Identification and characterization of an irreversible inhibitor of CDK2. Chemistry & Biology 2015, 22(9), 1159-1164.
- Brown NR, Korolchuk S, Martin MP, Stanley WA, Moukhametzianov R, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. CDK1 structures reveal conserved and unique features of the essential cell cycle CDK. Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6769.
- Echalier A, Hole AJ, Lolli G, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. An Inhibitor's-Eye View of the ATP-Binding Site of CDKs in Different Regulatory States. ACS Chemical Biology 2014, 9(6), 1251-1256.
- Carbain B, Paterson DJ, Anscombe E, Campbell AJ, Cano C, Echalier A, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Haggerty K, Hardcastle IR, Jewsbury PJ, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Roche C, Wang LZ, Griffin RJ. 8-Substituted O-6-Cyclohexylmethylguanine CDK2 Inhibitors: Using Structure-Based Inhibitor Design to Optimize an Alternative Binding Mode. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 57(1), 56-70.
- Anil B, Riedinger C, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. The structure of an MDM2-Nutlin-3a complex solved by the use of a validated MDM2 surface-entropy reduction mutant. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 2013, 69(8), 1358-1366.
- Shao H, Shi SH, Huang SL, Hole AJ, Abbas AY, Baumli S, Liu XR, Lam F, Foley DW, Fischer PM, Noble M, Endicott JA, Pepper C, Wang SD. Substituted 4-(Thiazol-5-yl)-2-(phenylamino)pyrimidines Are Highly Active CDK9 Inhibitors: Synthesis, X-ray Crystal Structures, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Anticancer Activities. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56(3), 640-659.
- Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Structural characterization of the cyclin-dependent protein kinase family. Biochemical Society Transactions 2013, 41(4), 1008-1016.
- Hole AJ, Baumli S, Shao H, Shi SH, Huang SL, Pepper C, Fischer PM, Wang SD, Endicott JA, Noble ME. Comparative Structural and Functional Studies of 4-(Thiazol-5-yl)-2-(phenylamino)pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile CDK9 Inhibitors Suggest the Basis for Isotype Selectivity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56(3), 660-670.
- Baumli S, Hole AJ, Wang LZ, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. The CDK9 Tail Determines the Reaction Pathway of Positive Transcription Elongation Factor b. Structure 2012, 20(10), 1788-1795.
- Baumli S, Hole AJ, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. The CDK9 C-helix Exhibits Conformational Plasticity That May Explain the Selectivity of CAN508. ACS chemical biology 2012, 7(5), 811-816.
- Boehringer J, Riedinger C, Paraskevopoulos K, Johnson EOD, Lowe ED, Khoudian C, Smith D, Noble MEM, Gordon C, Endicott JA. Structural and functional characterization of Rpn12 identifies residues required for Rpn10 proteasome incorporation. Biochemical Journal 2012, 448(1), 55-65.
- Riedinger C, Noble ME, Wright DJ, Mulks F, Hardcastle I, Endicott JA, McDonnell JM. Understanding small-molecule binding to MDM2: Insights into structural effects of isoindolinone inhibitors from NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Biology and Drug Design 2011, 77(5), 301-308.
- Watson AF, Liu JF, Bennaceur K, Drummond CJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Haggerty K, Lu XH, McDonnell JM, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Revill CH, Riedinger C, Xu Q, Zhao Y, Lunec J, Hardcastle IR. MDM2-p53 protein-protein interaction inhibitors: A-ring substituted isoindolinones. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2011, 21(19), 5916-5919.
- Hardcastle IR, Liu J, Valeur E, Watson A, Ahmed SU, Blackburn TJ, Bennaceur K, Clegg W, Drummond C, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Gruber J, Haggerty K, Harrington RW, Hutton C, Kemp S, Lu X, McDonnell JM, Newell DR, Noble ME, Payne SL, Revill CH, Riedinger C, Xu Q, Lunec J. Isoindolinone Inhibitors of the Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2)-p53 Protein-Protein Interaction: Structure-Activity Studies Leading to Improved Potency. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 54(5), 1233-1243.
- Riedinger C, Boehringer J, Trempe JF, Lowe ED, Brown NR, Gehring K, Noble MEM, Gordon C, Endicott JA. Structure of Rpn10 and Its Interactions with Polyubiquitin Chains and the Proteasome Subunit Rpn12. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285(44), 33992-34003.
- Banerji S, Hide BRS, James JR, Noble MEM, Jackson DG. Distinctive Properties of the Hyaluronan-binding Domain in the Lymphatic Endothelial Receptor Lyve-1 and Their Implications for Receptor Function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285(14), 10724-10735.
- Trempe JF, Brown NR, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. A new crystal form of Lys48-linked diubiquitin. Acta Crystallographica. Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 2010, 66(9), 994-998.
- Takaki T, Echalier A, Brown NR, Hunt T, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. The structure of CDK4/cyclin D3 has implications for models of CDK activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2009, 106(11), 4171-4176.
- Merckx A, Echalier A, Langford K, Sicard A, Langsley G, Joore J, Doerig C, Noble M, Endicott J. Structures of P. falciparum protein kinase 7 identify an activation motif and leads for inhibitor design. Structure 2008, 16(2), 228-238.
- Lack N, Lowe ED, Lui J, Eltis LD, Noble MEM, Sim E, Westwood IM. Structure of HsaD, a steroid-degrading hydrolase, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Acta Crystallographica. Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 2008, 64(1), 2-7.
- Lorenz S, Vakonakis I, Lowe ED, Campbell ID, Noble MEM, Hoellerer MK. Structural Analysis of the Interactions Between Paxillin LD Motifs and α-Parvin. Structure 2008, 16(10), 1521-1531.
- Fullam E, Westwood IM, Anderton MC, Lowe ED, Sim E, Noble MEM. Divergence of cofactor recognition across evolution: Coenzyme a binding in a prokaryotic arylamine N-acetyltransferase. Journal of Molecular Biology 2008, 375(1), 178-191.
- Sim E, Sandy J, Evangelopoulos D, Fullam E, Bhakta S, Westwood I, Krylova A, Lack N, Noble MEM. Arylamine N-acetyltransferases in mycobacteria. Current Drug Metabolism 2008, 9(6), 510-519.
- Riedinger C, Endicott JA, Kemp SJ, Smyth LA, Watson A, Valeur E, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle IR, Noble ME, McDonnell JM. Analysis of Chemical Shift Changes Reveals the Binding Modes of Isoindolinone Inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 Interaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(47), 16038-16044.
- Banerji S, Wright AJ, Noble M, Mahoney DJ, Campbell ID, Day AJ, Jackson DG. Structures of the Cd44-hyaluronan complex provide insight into a fundamental carbohydrate-protein interaction. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2007, 14(3), 234-239.
- Marchetti F, Sayle KL, Bentley J, Clegg W, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Haggerty K, Harrington RW, Mesguiche V, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Parsons RJ, Pratt DJ, Wang L, Hardcastle IR, Mesguiche V, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Parsons RJ, Pratt DJ, Wang L, Hardcastle IR. Structure-based design of 2-arylamino-4-cyclohexylmethoxy-5-nitroso-6- aminopyrimidine inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase 2. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2007, 5(10), 1577-1585.
- Higman VA, Blundell CD, Mahoney DJ, Redfield C, Noble MEM, Day AJ. Plasticity of the TSG-6 HA-binding loop and mobility in the TSG-6-HA complex revealed by NMR and X-ray crystallography. Journal of Molecular Biology 2007, 371(3), 669-684.
- Wang CJ, Hagemeier C, Rahman N, Lowe E, Noble MEM, Coughtrie M, Sim E, Westwood I. Molecular cloning, characterisation and ligand-bound structure of an azoreductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Molecular Biology 2007, 373(5), 1213-1228.
- Welburn JPI, Tucker JA, Johnson T, Lindert L, Morgan M, Willis A, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. How tyrosine 15 phosphorylation inhibits the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 2-cyclin A. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282(5), 3173-3181.
- Cheng KY, Noble MEM, Skamnaki V, Brown NR, Lowe ED, Kontogiannis L, Shen K, Cole PA, Siligardi C, Johnson LN. The role of the phospho-CDK2/cyclin A recruitment site in substrate recognition. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2006, 281(32), 23167-23179.
- Lowe ED, Hasan N, Trempe JF, Fonso L, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Johnson LN, Brown NR. Structures of the Dsk2 UBL and UBA domains and their complex. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 2006, 62(2), 177-188.
- Griffin RJ, Henderson A, Curtin NJ, Echalier A, Endicott J, Hardcastle IR, Newell DR, Noble M, Wang L, Golding BT. Searching for cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors using a new variant of the cope elimination. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128(18), 6012-6013.
- Pratt DJ, Bentley J, Jewsbury P, Boyle FT, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Dissecting the determinants of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor selectivity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2006, 49(18), 5470-5477.
- Holton SJ, Dairou J, Sandy J, Rodrigues-Lima F, Dupret JM, Noble MEM, Sim E. Structure of Mesorhizobium loti arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 2005, 61(1), 14-16.
- MacDonald N, Welburn JPI, Noble MEM, Nguyen A, Yaffe MB, Clynes D, Moggs JG, Orphanides G, Thomson S, Edmunds JW, Clayton AL, Endicott JA, Mahadevan LC. Molecular basis for the recognition of phosphorylated and phosphoacetylated histone H3 by 14-3-3. Molecular Cell 2005, 20(2), 199-211.
- Trempe JF, Brown NR, Lowe ED, Gordon C, Campbell ID, Noble MEM, Endicott JA. Mechanism of Lys48-linked polyubiquitin chain recognition by the Mud1 UBA domain. EMBO Journal 2005, 24(18), 3178-3189.
- Kemp, S.J., Hardcastle, I.R, Ahmed, S.U., Atatreh, N.A., Barrett, P., Endicott, J.A., Golding, B.T., Griffin, R.J., Gruber, J, Hutton, C., Lunec, J., Noble, M.E.M., Reid, R.J., Riedinger, C., Smyth, L.A. Isoindolinone based inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 protein-protein interaction. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2005, 230, 2735-2736.
- Sandy J, Mushtaq A, Holton SJ, Schartau P, Noble MEM, Sim E. Investigation of the catalytic triad of arylamine N-acetyltransferases: essential residues required for acetyl transfer to arylamines. Biochemical Journal 2005, 390(1), 115-123.
- Hardcastle, I.R., Ahmed, S.U., Barrett, P.A., Endicott, J.A., Golding, B.T., Griffin, R.J., Gruber, J., Hutton, C., Kemp, S.J., Lunec, J., Noble, M.E., Riedinger, C, Smyth, L.A. Inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 protein-protein interaction based on an isoindolinone scaffold. Clinical Cancer Research 2005, 11(24, Supplement 2), 9053.
- Westwood IM, Holton SJ, Rodrigues-Lima F, Dupret JM, Bhakta S, Noble MEM, Sim E. Expression, purification, characterization and structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylamine N-acetyltransferase. Biochemical Journal 2005, 385(2), 605-612.
- Noble M, Barrett P, Endicott J, Johnson L, McDonnell J, Robertson G, Zawaira A. Exploiting structural principles to design cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics 2005, 1754(1-2), 58-64.
- Sandy J, Holton S, Fullam E, Sim E, Noble M. Binding of the anti-tubercular drug isoniazid to the arylamine N-acetyltransferase protein from Mycobacterium smegmatis. Protein Science 2005, 14(3), 775-782.
- Teriete P, Banerji S, Noble M, Blundell CD, Wright AJ, Pickford AR, Lowe E, Mahoney DJ, Tammi MI, Kahmann JD, Campbell ID, Day AJ, Jackson DG. Structure of the regulatory hyaluronan binding domain in the inflammatory leukocyte homing receptor CD44. Molecular Cell 2004, 13(4), 483-496.
- Hardcastle IR, Arris CE, Bentley J, Boyle FT, Chen Y, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Gibson AE, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Jewsbury, P., Menyerol, J., Mesguiche, V., Newell, D.R., Noble, M., Pratt, D., Wang, L., Whitfield, H.J. N2-substituted O6-cyclohexylmethylguanine derivatives: Potent inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2004, 47(15), 3710-3722.
- Potterton L, McNicholas S, Krissinel E, Gruber J, Cowtan K, Emsley P, Murshudov GN, Cohen S, Perrakis A, Noble M. Developments in the CCP4 molecular-graphics project. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 2004, 60(part 12), 2288-2294.
- Holton S, Merckx A, Burgess D, Doerig C, Noble M, Endicott J. Structures of P-falciparum PfPK5 test the CDK regulation paradigm and suggest mechanisms of small molecule inhibition. Structure 2003, 11(11), 1329-1337.
- Sayle, K., Bentley, J., Boyle, F., Calvert, A. H., Cheng, Y., Curtin, N. J., Endicott, J., Golding, B., Hardcastle, I., Jewsbury, P., Mesguiche, V., Newell, D. R., Noble, M., Parsons, R., Pratt, D., Wang, L., Griffin, R. J. Structure-based design of 2-arylamino-4-cyclohexylmethyl-5-nitroso-6-aminopyrimidine inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2003, 13(18), 3079-3082.
- Kawamura A, Sandy J, Upton A, Noble M, Sim E. Structural investigation of mutant Mycobacterium smegmatis arylamine N-acetyltransferase: a model for a naturally occurring functional polymorphism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis arylamine N-acetyltransferase. Protein Expression and Purification 2003, 27(1), 75-84.
- Hoellerer MK, Noble MEM, Labesse G, Campbell ID, Werner JM, Arold ST. Molecular recognition of paxillin LD motifs by the focal adhesion targeting domain. Structure 2003, 11(10), 1207-1217.
- Sim E, Pinter K, Mushtaq A, Upton A, Sandy J, Bhakta S, Noble M. Arylamine N-acetyltransferases: a pharmacogenomic approach to drug metabolism and endogenous function. Biochemical Society Transactions 2003, 31(3), 615-619.
- Mettey Y, Gompel M, Thomas V, Garnier M, Leost M, Ceballos-Picot I, Noble M, Endicott J, Vierfond JM, Meijer L. Aloisines, a new family of CDK/GSK-3 inhibitors. SAR study, crystal structure in complex with CDK2, enzyme selectivity, and cellular effects. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2003, 46(2), 222-236.
- Mesguiche, V, Parsons, R.J., Arris, C.E., Bentley, J., Boyle, F., Curtin, N.J., Davies, T.G., Endicott, J., Gibson, A., Golding, B., Griffin, R.J., Jewsbury, P., Johnson, L.N., Newell, D.R., Noble, M.E.M., Wang, L., Hardcastle, I.R. 4-Alkoxy-2,6-diaminopyrimidine derivatives: Inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinases 1 and 2. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2003, 13(2), 217-222.
- Sandy J, Mushtaq A, Kawamura A, Sinclair J, Sim E, Noble M. The structure of arylamine N-acetyltransferase from mycobacterium smegmatis - An enzyme which inactivates the anti-tubercular drug, Isoniazid. Journal of Molecular Biology 2002, 318(4), 1071-1083.
- Davies T, Bentley J, Arris CE, Boyle FT, Curtin NJ, Endicott J, Gibson A, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle IR, Jewsbury, P., Johnson, L., Mesguiche, V., Newell, D.R., Noble, M., Tucker, J.A., Wang, L., Whitfield, H.J. Structure-based design of a potent purine-based cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Nature Structural Biology 2002, 9(10), 745-749.
- Lowe ED, Tews I, Cheng KY, Brown NR, Gul S, Noble MEM, Gamblin SJ, Johnson LN. Specificity determinants of recruitment peptides bound to phospho-CDK2/cyclin A. Biochemistry 2002, 41(52), 15625-15634.
- Leng XH, Noble M, Adams PD, Qin J, Harper JW. Reversal of growth suppression by p107 via direct phosphorylation by cyclin D1/cyclin-dependent kinase 4. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2002, 22(7), 2242-2254.
- Gibson A, Arris CE, Bentley J, Boyle F, Curtin NJ, Davies T, Endicott J, Golding BT, Grant S, Griffin R, Jewsbury, P., Johnson, L., Mesguiche, V., Newell, D.R., Noble, M., Tucker, J., Whitfield, H.J. Probing the ATP ribose-binding domain of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 with O6-substituted guanine derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2002, 45(16), 3381-3393.
- Arold ST, Ulmer TS, Mulhern TD, Werner JM, Ladbury JE, Campbell ID, Noble MEM. The role of the Src homology 3-Src homology 2 interface in the regulation of Src kinases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001, 276(20), 17199-17205.
- Davies TG, Endicott JA, Johnson LN, Noble ME, Arris CE, Bentley J, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle IH, Mesguiche V, Newell H, Parsons RJ, Whitfield HJ, Boyle T, Jewsbury P. Structure based design of a potent inhibitor of cdk2. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 2001, 6(2B), 470.
- Davies TG, Endicott JA, Noble ME, Johnson LN, Arris CE, Bentley J, Boyle FT, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Jewsberry PJ, Gibson AE, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle I, Mesguiche V, Parsons R, Whitfield H, Newell DR. Structural and thermodynamic validation of inactive cdk2 as a template for structure-based drug design. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 2001, 6(2B), 514-515.
- Song HW, Hanlon N, Brown NR, Noble MEM, Johnson LN, Barford D. Phosphoprotein-protein interactions revealed by the crystal structure of kinase-associated phosphatase in complex with PhosphoCDK2. Molecular Cell 2001, 7(3), 615-626.
- Davies TG, Tunnah P, Meijer L, Marko D, Eisenbrand G, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Inhibitor binding to active and inactive CDK2: The crystal structure of CDK2-cyclin A/indirubin-5-sulphonate. Structure 2001, 9(5), 389-397.
- Lawrie AM, Tito P, Hernandez H, Brown NR, Robinson CV, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Johnson LN. Xenopus phospho-CDK7/cyclin H expressed in baculoviral-infected insect cells. Protein Expression and Purification 2001, 23(2), 252-260.
- Bentley J, Arris CE, Boyle FT, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Gibson AE, Golding BT, Grant S, Griffin RJ, Jewsbury PJ, Johnson LN, Noble MEM, Newell DR. Structure-activity relationships and cellular effects of novel purine- and pyrimidine-based cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors. Clinical Cancer Research 2000, 6, 328.
- Arris CE, Boyle FT, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Garman EF, Gibson AE, Golding BT, Grant S, Griffin RJ, Jewsbury P, Johnson LN, Lawrie AM, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Sausville EA, Schultz R, Yu W. Identification of novel purine and pyrimidine cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors with distinct molecular interactions and tumor cell growth inhibition profiles. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2000, 43(15), 2797-2804.
- Griffin RJ, Arris CE, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Jewsbury P, Endicott JA, Gibson AE, Boyle FT, Golding BT, Grant S, Johnson LN, Noble MEM, Newell DR, Lawrie A. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of O-6-alkylguanine and O-4-alkylpyrimidine cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2000, 219(2), U55 296-MEDI.
- Legraverend M, Tunnah P, Noble M, Ducrot P, Ludwig O, Grierson DS, Leost M, Meijer L, Endicott J. Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition by new C-2 alkynylated purine derivatives and molecular structure of a CDK2-inhibitor complex. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2000, 43(7), 1282-1292.
- Sim E, Payton M, Noble M, Minchin R. An update on genetic, structural and functional studies of arylamine N-acetyltransferases in eucaryotes and procaryotes. Human Molecular Genetics 2000, 9(16), 2435-2441.
- Brown NR, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Johnson LN. The structural basis for specificity of substrate and recruitment peptides for cyclin-dependent kinases. Nature Cell Biology 1999, 1(7), 438-443.
- Johnson LN, Noble MEM, Barford D, Brown N, Endicott JA, Lawrie A, Owen DJ. Signal transduction proteins: Structural basis of control by phosphorylation. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 1999, 21(3), 185-201.
- Hoessel R, Leclerc S, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Lawrie A, Tunnah P, Leost M, Damiens E, Marie D, Marko D, Niederberger E, Tang WC, Eisenbrand G, Meijer L. Indirubin, the active constituent of a Chinese antileukaemia medicine, inhibits cyclin-dependent kinases. Nature cell biology 1999, 1(1), 60-67.
- Arris CE, Boyle FT, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Dewsbury PJ, Endicott JA, Gibson AE, Golding BT, Grant S, Griffin RJ, Johnson, L. N., Noble, M. E. M., Newell, D. R., Sausville, E., Schultz, R. In vitro growth activity of novel purine- and pyrimidine-based CDK1 and CDK2 inhibitors. British Journal of Cancer 1999, 80(Supplement 2), 11 no. 110.
- Brown NR, Noble MEM, Lawrie AM, Morris MC, Tunnah P, Divita G, Johnson LN, Endicott JA. Effects of phosphorylation of threonine 160 on cyclin-dependent kinase 2 structure and activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1999, 274(13), 8746-8756.
- Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Tucker JA. Cyclin-dependent kinases: inhibition and substrate recognition. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1999, 9(6), 738-744.
- Skamnaki VT, Owen DJ, Noble MEM, Lowe ED, Lowe G, Oikonomakos NG, Johnson LN. Catalytic Mechanism of Phosphorylase Kinase Probed by Mutational Studies. Biochemistry 1999, 38(4), 14718-14730.
- Newell, D. R., Arris, C. E., Boyle, F. T., Calvert, A. H., Curtin, N. J., Dewsbury, P., Endicott, J. A., Garman, E. F., Gibson, A. E., Golding, B. T., Griffin, R. J., Johnson, L. N., Lawrie, A., Noble, M. E. M., Sausville, E. A., Schultz, R. Antiproliferative cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors with distinct molecular interactions and tumor cell growth inhibition profiles. Clinical Cancer Research 1999, 5(Supplement 1), S3755 no. 124.
- Gregoriou M, Noble MEM, Watson KA, Garman EF, Krulle TM, DelaFuente C, Fleet GWJ, Oikonomakos NG, Johnson LN. The structure of a glycogen phosphorylase glucopyranose spirohydantoin complex at 1.8 angstrom resolution and 100 K: The role of the water structure and its contribution to binding. Protein Science 1998, 7(4), 915-927.
- Johnson LN, Lowe ED, Noble MEM, Owen DJ. The structural basis for substrate recognition and control by protein kinases. FEBS Letters 1998, 430(1-2), 1-11.
- Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Structural principles in cell-cycle control: beyond the CDKs. Structure 1998, 6(5), 535-541.
- Sinclair JC, Delgoda R, Noble MEM, Jarmin S, Goh NK, Sim E. Purification, characterization, and crystallization of an N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase from Salmonella typhimurium. Protein Expression and Purification 1998, 12(3), 371-380.
- Lowe ED, Noble MEM, Skamnaki VT, Oikonomakos NG, Owen DJ, Johnson LN. The crystal structure of a phosphorylase kinase peptide substrate complex: kinase substrate recognition. EMBO Journal 1997, 16(22), 6646-6658.
- Owen DJ, Noble MEM, Garman EF, Papageorgiou AC, Johnson LN. Two structures of the catalytic domain of phosphorylase kinase: an active protein kinase complexed with substrate analogue and product. Structure 1995, 3(5), 467-482.
- Endicott JA, Noble ME, Garman EF, Brown N, Rasmussen B, Nurse P, Johnson LN. The crystal structure of p13suc1, a p34cdc2-interacting cell cycle control protein. EMBO Journal 1995, 14(5), 1004-1014.
- Brown NR, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Garman EF, Wakatsuki S, Mitchell E, Rasmussen B, Hunt T, Johnson LN. The crystal structure of Cyclin A. Structure 1995, 3(11), 1235-1247.
- Bourne Y, Arvai AS, Bernstein SL, Watson MH, Reed SI, Endicott JE, Noble ME, Johnson LN, Tainer JA. Crystal structure of the cell cycle-regulatory protein suc1 reveals a beta-hinge conformational switch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1995, 92(22), 10232-10236.
- Kishan R, Zeelen JP, Noble MEM, Borchert TV, Mainfroid V, Goraj K, Martial JA, Wierenga RK. Modular mutagenesis of a TEM-barrel enzyme: the crystal structure of a chimeric E.coli TIM having the eighth βα-unit replaced by the equivalent unit of chicken TIM. Protein Engineering 1994, 7(8), 945-951.
- Kishan KVR, Zeelen JP, Noble MEM, Borchert TV, Wierenga RK. Comparison of the structures and the crystal contacts of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase in four different crystal forms. Protein Science 1994, 3(5), 779-787.
- Noble MEM, Cleasby A, Johnson LN, Egmond MR, Frenken LGJ. Analysis of the structure of Pseudomonas glumae lipase. Protein Engineering 1994, 7(4), 559-562.
- Noble MEM, Cleasby A, Johnson LN, Egmond MR, Frenkenb LGJ. The crystal structure of triacylglycerol lipase from Pseudomonas glumae reveals a partially redundant catalytic aspartate. FEBS Letters 1993, 331(1-2), 123-128.
- Noble MEM, Zeelen JP, Wierenga RK. Structures of the “open” and “closed” state of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, as observed in a new crystal form: Implications for the reaction mechanism. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 1993, 16(4), 311-326.
- Noble MEM, Zeelen JP, Wierenga RK, Mainfroid V, Goraj K, Gohimont AC, Martial JA. Structure of triosephosphate isomerase from Escherichia coli determined at 2.6 Å resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 1993, 49(part 4), 403-417.
- Mainfroid V, Goraj K, Rentierdelrue F, Houbrechts A, Loiseau A, Gohimont AC, Noble MEM, Borchert TV, Wierenga RK, Martial JA. Replacing the (βα)-unit 8 of E.coli TIM with its chicken homologue leads to a stable and active hybrid enzyme. Protein Engineering 1993, 6(8), 893-900.
- Borchert TV, Pratt K, Zeelen JP, Callens M, Noble MEM, Opperdoes FR, Michels PAM, Wierenga RK. Overexpression of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase in Escherichia coli and characterisation of a dimer-interface mutant. European Journal of Biochemistry 1993, 211(3), 703-710.
- Noble MEM, Musacchio A, Saraste M, Courtneidge SA, Wierenga RK. Crystal structure of the SH3 domain in human Fyn; comparison of the three-dimensional structures of SH3 domains in tyrosine kinases and spectrin. EMBO Journal 1993, 12(7), 2617-2624.
- Wierenga RK, Zeelen JP, Noble MEM. Crystal transfer experiments carried out with crystals of tryanosomal triosephosphate isomerase (TIM). Journal of Crystal Growth 1992, 122(1-4), 231-234.
- Musacchio A, Noble M, Pauptit R, Wierenga R, Saraste M. Crystal structure of a Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain. Nature 1992, 359(6398), 851-855.
- Wierenga RK, Noble MEM, Davenport RC. Comparison of the refined crystal structures of liganded and unliganded chicken, yeast and trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase. Journal of Molecular Biology 1992, 224(4), 1115-1126.
- Wierenga RK, Noble MEM, Postma JPM, Groendijk H, Kalk KH, Hol WGJ, Opperdoes FR. The crystal structure of the open and the closed conformation of the flexible loop of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase. Proteins 1991, 10(1), 33-49.
- Noble MEM, Wierenga RK, Lambeir AM, Opperdoes FR, Thunnissen AMWH, Kalk KH, Groenjijk H, Hol WGJ. The adaptability of the active site of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase as observed in the crystal structures of 3 different complexes. Proteins 1991, 10(1), 50-69.
- Wierenga RK, Noble MEM, Vriend G, Nauche S, Hol WGJ. Refined 1.83 Å structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase crystallized in the presence of 2.4 m-ammonium sulphate: A comparison with the structure of the trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase-glycerol-3-phosphate complex. Journal of Molecular Biology 1991, 220(4), 995-1015.
- Noble MEM, Verlinde CLMJ, Groendijk H, Kalk KH, Wierenga RK, Hol WGJ. Crystallographic and molecular modeling studies on trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase: a critical assessment of the predicted and observed structures of the complex with 2-phosphoglycerate. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1991, 34(9), 2709-2718.
- Verlinde CLMJ, Noble MEM, Kalk KH, Groendijk H, Wierenga RK, Hol WGJ. Anion binding at the active site of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase: Monohydrogen phosphate does not mimic sulphate. European Journal of Biochemistry 1991, 198(1), 53-57.
Book Chapter
- Martin MP, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Tatum NJ. Crystallographic fragment screening in academic cancer drug discovery. In: Methods in Enzymology. San Diego: Academic Press Inc, 2023, pp.211-234.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Willmore E, Ahn M, Bevan L, Kyle S, Zhao Y, Thomas H, Rankin KS, Bevan L, Fazal L, Hearn K, Wilsher N, Kucia-Tran J, Ferrari N, Wallis N, Thompson N, Lyons J, Miller D, Cano C, Noble M, Hardcastle I, Howard S, Chessari G, Lunec J, Newell DR, Wedge S. Targeting the MDM2-p53 interaction: Time- and concentration-dependent studies in tumor and normal human bone marrow cells reveal strategies for an enhanced therapeutic index. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024. 2024, San Diego, California: AACR.
- Ahn M, Bevan L, Buck I, Cano C, Castro J, Cons B, Endicott J, Fazal L, Ferrari N, Hardcastle I, Hearn K, Holvey R, Howard S, Johnson C, Jennings C, Kucia-Tran J, Kyle S, Lunec J, Lyons J, Miller D, Rees D, Noble M, Newell DR, Reeks J, Saini H, St Denis J, Tamanini E, Thomas H, Thompson N, Vinkovic M, Ward G, Wallis N, Walton H, Wedge S, Williams P, Willmore E, Wilshire N, Zhao Y, Chessari G. Discovery of ASTX295, a potent, next-generation small molecule antagonist of MDM2 with differentiated pharmacokinetic profile. In: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting. 2024, San Diego: AACR Journals.
- Unterlass JE, Aljufri N, Bex S, Cano C, Noble MEM, Curtin NJ. Towards structure-based drug design of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase inhibitors. In: AACR 106th Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Philadelphia, PA, USA: American Association for Cancer Research.
- Massa BC, Martin MP, Noble ME, Endicott JA. Structural and functional characterization of Skp2-containing complexes. In: AACR 106th Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Philadelphia, USA: American Association for Cancer Research.
- Martin M, Anscombe E, Meschini E, Staunton D, Geitmann M, Danielson UH, Wang LZ, Vidal RM, Reuillon T, Golding BT, Newell DR, Wedge S, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Griffin RJ. Identification and characterization of an irreversible inhibitor of CDK2. In: 26th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 2014, Barcelona, Spain: Elsevier.
- Shouksmith AE, Evans LE, Griffin RJ, Golding BT, Newell H, Miller DC, Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Tweddle D. Design and synthesis of putative small-molecule inhibitors targeting the SCFSKP2 E3 ligase complex. In: 247th ACS National Meeting and Exposition. 2014, Dallas, Texas: American Chemical Society.
- Lebraud H, Golding BT, Meschini E, Cano C, Anscombe E, Wang LZ, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Newell DR, Griffin RJ. Anticancer agents targeted against cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2): Structure-based design of irreversible and reversible inhibitors. In: 247th ACS National Meeting and Exposition. 2014, Dallas, Texas: American Chemical Society.
- Anil B, Blackburn E, Blackburn T, Cully S, Liu J, Drummond CJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Haggerty K, Lunec J, Newell DR, Revill CH, Riedinger C, Watson AF, Xu Q, Zhao Y, Hardcastle IR, Noble MEM. An X-ray crystal structure-based understanding of the inhibition of the MDM2-p53 protein-protein interaction by isoindolinones. In: 26th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 2014, Barcelona, Spain: Elsevier.
- Cully SJ, Blackburn TJ, Cano C, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Lunec J, Newell D, Noble M, Zhao Y, Hardcastle IR. Regiospecific synthesis of isoindolinones as MDM2 inhibitors. In: 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition. 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana: American Chemical Society.
- Brami-Cherrier K, Gervasi N, Arsenieva D, Boutterin MC, Ortega A, Seantier B, Gasmi L, Bouceba T, Noble MEM, Girault JA, Arold ST. Mechanisms of Site-Specific Functions of Focal Adhesion Kinase. In: Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting. 2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Cell Press.
- Carbain B, Roche C, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Cano C, Zhen-Wang L, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Griffin RJ. Structure-based design of C8-substituted O6-alkylguanine CDK1 and 2 inhibitors. In: European Journal of Cancer Supplements: 22nd EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 2010, Berlin: Elsevier.
- Abuhammad AM, Lowe ED, Fullam E, Noble M, Schweichler J, Garman EF, Sim E. Structural Studies on the Mycobacterial Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases. In: Drug Metabolism Reviews: 9th International Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics(ISSX). 2010, Istanbul, Turkey: Informa Healthcare.
- Echalier A, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Recent developments in cyclin-dependent kinase biochemical and structural studies. In: BBA - Proteins and Proteomics: 6th International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases (IPK). 2010, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier BV.
- Meschini E, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Wang LZ, Griffin RJ. Design and synthesis of dual CDK2 and CDK7 inhibitors. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2010, American Chemical Society.
- Watson AF, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hutton C, Liu JF, Lug XH, Lunec J, Newell DR, Valeur E, Hardcastle IR. MEDI 147-Isoindolinone-based inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 protein-protein interaction. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society: 236th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. 2008, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: American Chemical Society.
- Fielder HL, Seyfried NT, Noble M, Day AJ. Expression and functional characterization of the G1 domain from human versican. In: International Journal of Experimental Pathology: Joint British Society for Matrix Biology/Biochemical Society Focused Meeting. 2007, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield: Blackwell Publishing.
- Echalier A, Endicott JA, Johnson LN, McDonnell J, Noble MEM. Structure-based protein kinase inhibitor design. In: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences: 18th Helsinki Drug Research. 2006, Helsinki, Finland: Elsevier BV.
- Henderson A, Cheng YZ, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hardcastle IR, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Wang LZ. Searching for potent CDK2 inhibitors using a variant of the Cope elimination. In: 230th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. 2005, Washington, District of Columbia, USA: Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society: American Chemical Society.
- Griffin RJ, Henderson AJ, Cheng YZ, Curtin NJ, Endicott JA, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Newell DR, Noble ME, Wang LZ. Potent CDK2 inhibitors generated using a variant of the cope elimination. In: AACR/NCI/EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Clinical Cancer Research: American Association for Cancer Research.
- Sandy J, Holton S, Noble MEM, Sim E. Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Mycobacterium smegmatis; An isoniazid metabolising enzyme in action. In: Drug Metabolism Reviews: 7th European ISSX Meeting. 2004, Vancouver, Canada: Taylor & Francis.
- Endicott JA, Merckx A, Hofmann G, Noble MEM. Molecular recognition of indigoids. In: International Meeting on Indirubin, the Red Shade of Indigo. 2003, Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, France: Editions "Life in Progress".
- Davies TG, Pratt DJ, Endicott JA, Johnson LN, Noble MEM. Structure-based design of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. In: Pharmacology & Therapeutics: 2nd International Confernce on Inhbitors of Protein Kinases. 2002, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier Inc.
- Johnson LN, DeMoliner E, Brown NR, Song HW, Barford D, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Structural studies with inhibitors of the cell cycle regulatory kinase cyclin-dependent protein kinase 2. In: Pharmacology & Therapeutics: 2nd International Confernce on Inhbitors of Protein Kinases. 2002, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier Inc.
- Sayle KL, Mesguishe V, Parsons RJ, Bentley J, Davies TG, Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Wang LZ, Hardcastle IR, Golding BT. 4-Alkoxy-2,6-diaminopyrimidine derivatives: inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinases 1 and 2. In: European Journal of Cancer: 14th EORTC/NCI/AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 2002, Frankfurt, Germany: Pergamon.
- Noble MEM, Endicott JA. Chemical inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases: Insights into design from X-ray crystallographic studies. In: Pharmacology & Therapeutics: 1st International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases (IPK). 1999, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier Inc.
- Grant S, Boyle F, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Endicott J, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Johnson LN, Newell DR, Noble MEM, Robson CN. O-6-alkylguanines as selective inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinases. In: 10th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy. 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Annals of Oncology: Oxford University Press.
- Endicott J, Noble M, Lawrie A, Tunnah P, Brown N, Johnson L, Calvert AH, Curtin NJ, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Newell DR. Insights into CDK inhibitor design from X-ray crystallographic studies. In: 10th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy. 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Annals of Oncology: Oxford University Press.
- Johnson LN, Brown NR, Endicott JA, Lawrie AM, Lowe ED, Noble MEM, Tunnah P. The structural basis for control by phosphorylation. In: FASEB Journal. 1997, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
- Johnson LN, Barford D, Owen DJ, Noble MEM, Garman EF. From phosphorylase to phosphorylase kinase. In: Signal Transduction in Health and Disease: 9th International Conference on Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins. 1997, Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
- Egmond MR, Antheunisse WP, vanBemmel CJ, Ravestein P, Frenken LGJ, Noble MEM, Johnson LN. Structural characterization of a prokaryotic lipase. In: Engineering of/with Lipases: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Engineering of/with Lipases. 1996, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal: Springer.
- Wierenga RK, Borchert TV, Noble MEM. Crystallographic binding studies with triosephosphate isomerases: Conformational changes induced by substrate and substrate-analogues. In: FEBS Letters: 21st Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. 1992, Dublin, Ireland: Elsevier BV.
- Opperdoes FR, Wierenga RK, Noble MEM, Hol WGJ, Willson M, Kuntz DA, Callens M, Perie J. Unique properties of glycosomal enzymes. In: Parasites: Molecular Biology, Drug and Vaccine Design. 1989, Keystone, Colorado: Wiley-Liss.
- Noble M, Ladbury JE. Catalysis and regulation. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2011, 21(6), 775-776.
- Adams PD, Afonine PV, Baskaran K, Berman HM, Berrisford J, Bricogne G, Brown DG, Burley SK, Chen M, Feng Z, Flensburg C, Gutmanas A, Hoch JC, Ikegawa Y, Kengaku Y, Krissinel E, Kurisu G, Liang Y, Liebschner D, Mak L, Markley JL, Moriarty NW, Murshudov GN, Noble M, Peisach E, Persikova I, Poon BK, Sobolev OV, Ulrich EL, Velankar S, Vonrhein C, Westbrook J, Wojdyr M, Yokochi M, Young JY. Announcing mandatory submission of PDBx/mmCIF format files for crystallographic depositions to the protein data bank (PDB). Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 2019, 75(4), 451-454.
- Sinclair JC, Davies KM, Venien-Bryan C, Noble MEM. Generation of protein lattices by fusing proteins with matching rotational symmetry. Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 6(9), 558-562.
- Sinclair JC, Sandy J, Delgoda R, Sim E, Noble MEM. Structure of arylamine N-acetyltransferase reveals a catalytic triad. Nature Structural Biology 2000, 7(7), 560-564.
- Lawrie AM, Noble MEM, Tunnah P, Brown NR, Johnson LN, Endicott JA. Protein kinase inhibition by staurosporine revealed in details of the molecular interaction with CDK2. Nature Structural Biology 1997, 4(10), 796-801.
- Owen DJ, Papageorgiou AC, Garman EF, Noble MEM, Johnson LN. Expression, purification and crystallisation of phosphorylase kinase catalytic domain. Journal of Molecular Biology 1995, 246(3), 374-381.
- Chessari G, Howard S, Buck IM, Cons BD, Johnson CN, Holvey RS, Rees DC, StDenis JD, Tamanini E, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Cano CF, Miller DC, Noble MEM, Osborne JD, Peach J, Lewis A, Hirst KL, Whittaker BP, Watson DW, Mitchell DR, Griffin RJ. Preparation of isoindolinones as inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 interaction having anticancer activity;WO 2017055860. WO2017055860, 2017.
- Chessari G, Howard S, Buck IM, Cons BD, Johnson CN, Holvey RS, Rees DC, StDenis JD, Tamanini E, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Cano CF, Miller DC, Noble MEM, Osborne JD, Peach J, Lewis A, Hirst KL, Whittaker BP, Watson DW, Mitchell DR, Griffin RJ. Preparation of isoindolinones as inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 interaction having anticancer activity. WO/2017055859, 06/04/2017.
- Chessari G, Howard S, Buck IM, Cons BD, Johnson CN, Holvey RS, Rees DC, St Denis JD, Tamanini E, Golding BT, Hardcastle IR, Cano CF, Miller DC, Noble MEM, Griffin RJ, Osborne JD, Peach J, Lewis A, Hirst KL, Whittaker BP, Watson DR. ISOINDOLINONE INHIBITORS OF THE MDM2-P53 INTERACTION HAVING ANTICANCER ACTIVITY. PCT/GB2016/053041, 06/04/2017.
- Reuillon T, Miller D, Myers S, Molyneux L, Cano C, Hardcastle I, Griffin R, Rigoreau L, Golding B, Noble M. Pyrrolcarboxamide Derivatives for the Inhibition of ERK5. WO/2016/042341, 24/03/2016.
- Watt J, Martin MP, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Different applications and differentiated libraries for crystallographic fragment screening. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2025, 90, 102982.
- Endicott JA, Noble MEM, Johnson LN. The Structural Basis for Control of Eukaryotic Protein Kinases. Annual Review of Biochemistry 2012, 81, 587-613.
- Pratt DJ, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. The role of structure in kinase-targeted inhibitor design. Current Opinion In Drug Discovery & Development 2004, 7(4), 428-436.
- Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Johnson LN. Protein kinase inhibitors: Insights into drug design from structure. Science 2004, 303(5665), 1800-1805.
- Noble MEM, Endicott JA, Brown NR, Johnson LN. The cyclin box fold: protein recognition in cell-cycle and transcription control. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 1997, 22(12), 482-487.
- Johnson LN, Noble MEM, Owen DJ. Active and inactive protein kinases: Structural basis for regulation. Cell 1996, 85(2), 149-158.