Staff Profile
Matthew is Professor of Ageing and Epidemiology within the Population Health Sciences Institute. He has a strong quantitative background that focuses on both research and education, including capacity building.
His research has a global outlook and he works closely with several international collaborators, including the World Health Organization. He is one of the leads for the Cochrane Global Ageing Thematic Group and of the NUCoRE in Ageing & Inequalities
Before moving to Newcastle, Matthew was based at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (King's College London), where he headed the Social Epidemiology Research Group.
If you are interested in doing a PhD or apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of epidemiology and/or ageing, please do get in touch!
Most of his research focuses on healthy ageing, including the relationship between physical health and mental health. He is increasingly interested in assessing those factors at different stages of the lifecourse. His research often has a global health dimension, focusing on inequalities at a local, national or international level. He has been working with the 10/66 Dementia Research Group for over 15 years, trying to assess the epidemiology of dementia, mental health problems and other chronic conditions in several LMICs.
Current areas of work:
- Characterisation of trajectories of functional ability and intrinsic capacity throughout the lifecourse, including their relationship with their environment.
- Understanding the impact of climate change on older people
- Methodological development, particularly around improving evidence synthesis approaches and improving effectiveness of capacity building programmes.
- Tan MMC, Hanlon C, Muniz-Terrera G, Benaglia T, Ismail R, Mohan D, Konkoth ABJ, Reidpath D, Pinho PJMR, Allotey P, Kassim Z, Prina M, Su TT. Multimorbidity latent classes in relation to 11-year mortality, risk factors and health-related quality of life in Malaysia: a prospective health and demographic surveillance system study. BMC Medicine 2025, 23(1), 5.
- Ramsay SE, Cai Z, Sinclair DR, Prina M, Osborn DPJ, Adamson AJ, Kaner E, Adams EA. Inequalities at Age of Diagnosis of Severe Mental Illness in England. JAMA Network Open 2025, 8(1), e2457371.
- Wu Y-T, Gnanapragasam S, Sanchez-Niubo A, Hossin MZ, Grünberger I, Koskinen S, Cooper R, Prina M. Childhood socio-economic position and healthy ageing: results from five harmonised cohort studies in the ATHLOS consortium. BMJ Public Health 2025. In Press.
- Wu YT, Kitwiroon N, Beevers S, Barratt B, Brayne C, Cerin E, Franklin R, Houlden V, Woods B, Zied Abozied E, Prina M, Matthews F. The longitudinal associations between ambient air pollution exposure and dementia in the UK: results from the cognitive function and ageing study II and Wales. BMC Public Health 2024, 24, 1233.
- Llibre-Guerra JJ, Jiang M, Acosta I, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Jimenez-Velasquez IZ, Guerra M, Salas A, Rodriguez Salgado AM, Libre-Guerra JC, Sanchez ND, Prina M, Renton A, Albanese E, Yokoyama JS, Libre Rodriguez JJ. Social determinants of health but not global genetic ancestry predict dementia prevalence in Latin America. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024, 20(7), 4828-4840.
- Kim DJ, Isidro-Perez AL, Doering M, Llibre-Rodriguez JJ, Acosta I, Rodriguez Salgado AM, Pinilla-Monsalve GD, Tanner C, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Prina M. Prevalence and Incidence of Parkinson's Disease in Latin America: A Meta-Analysis. Movement Disorders 2024, 391(1), 105-118.
- Gao Q, Graciela Muniz T, Mayston R, Prina M. Multistate survival modelling of multimorbidity and transitions across health needs states and death in an ageing population. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2024, 78(4), 212-219.
- Gao Q, Kia-Chong C, Mayston R, Prina M. Longitudinal associations of loneliness and social isolation with care dependence among older adults in Latin America and China: A 10/66 dementia research group population-based cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2024, 39(7), e6115.
- Kim DJ, Khan N, Llibre-Rodriguez JJ, Jiang M, Rodriguez-Salgado AM, Acosta I, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Jimenez-Velasquez IZ, Guerra M, Salas A, Sanchez ND, Lopez-Contreras R, Hesse H, Tanner C, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Prina M. Cross-Sectional and Prospective Associations between Parkinsonism and Parkinson's Disease with Frailty in Latin America. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2024, 11(12), 1489-1499.
- Ping Y, Odden MC, Chen X, Prina M, Xu H, Xiang H, Wu C. A Polysocial Approach in Exploring Racial and Ethnic Differences in Dementia and Cognitive Decline Among U.S. Older Adults: Health and Retirement Study. Innovation in Aging 2024, 8(10), igae078.
- Rodriguez Salgado AM, Acosta I, Kim DJ, Zitser J, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Jimenez-Velasquez IZ, Guerra M, Salas A, Valvuerdi A, Llibre-Guerra JC, Jeyachandran C, Contreras RL, Hesse H, Tanner C, Llibre Rodriguez JJ, Prina M, Llibre-Guerra JJ. Prevalence and impact of neuropsychiatric symptoms in normal aging and neurodegenerative syndromes: A population-based study from Latin America. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2023, 19(12), 5730-5741.
- Gonzalez-Bautista E, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Sosa AL, Acosta I, Andrieu S, Acosta D, Llibre-Rodríguez JJ, Prina M. Exploring the natural history of intrinsic capacity impairments: longitudinal patterns in the 10/66 study. Age and Ageing 2023, 52(7), afad137.
- Co Melissa, Mueller C, Maystone R, Das-Munshi J, Prina M. Ethnicity and survival after a dementia diagnosis: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health record data. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2023, 15, 67.
- Kim DJ, Rodriguez-Salgado AM, Llibre-Rodriguez JJ, Acosta I, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Jimenez-Velasquez IZ, Guerra M, Salas A, Jeyachandran C, Lopez-Contreras R, Hesse H, Tanner C, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Prina M. Burden of Parkinsonism and Parkinson's Disease on Health Service Use and Outcomes in Latin America. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2023, 13(7), 1199-1211.
- Wu YT, Prina M, Matthews F. The availability of local primary care services, satisfaction with health services and self-rated health in older English adults: a population-based study. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022, 27, 101786.
- McGrattan A, Pakpahan E, Siervo M, Mohan D, Reidpath D, Prina M, Allotey P, Zhu Y, Shulin C, Yates J, Paddick SM, Robinson L, Stephan BCM. Risk of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to dementia in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 2022, 8(1), e12267.
- Barmpas P, Tasoulis S, Vrahatis AG, Georgakopoulos SV, Anagnostou P, Prina M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Bickenbach J, Bayes I, Bobak M, Caballero FF, Chatterji S, Egea-Cortes L, Garcia-Esquinas E, Leonardi M, Koskinen S, Koupil I, Pajak A, Prince M, Sanderson W, Scherbov S, Tamosiunas A, Galas A, Haro JM, Sanchez-Niubo A, Plagianakos VP, Panagiotakos D. A divisive hierarchical clustering methodology for enhancing the ensemble prediction power in large scale population studies: the ATHLOS project. Health Information Science and Systems 2022, 10(1), -.
- Wu Y-T, Niubo AS, Daskalopoulou C, Moreno-Agostino D, Stefler D, Bobak M, Oram S, Prince M, Prina M. Sex differences in mortality: Results from a population-based study of 12 longitudinal cohorts. CMAJ 2021, 193(11), E361-E370.
- Wu Y-T, Kralj C, Acosta D, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jotheeswaran AT, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Liu Z, Llibre Rodriguez JJ, Salas A, Sosa AL, Alkholy R, Prince M, Prina AM. The association between, depression, anxiety, and mortality in older people across eight low- and middle-income countries: Results from the 10/66 cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(1), 29-36.
- Stephan BCM, Pakpahan E, Siervo M, Licher S, Muniz-Terrera G, Mohan D, Acosta D, Rodriguez Pichardo G, Sosa AL, Acosta I, Llibre-Rodriguez JJ, Prince M, Robinson L, Prina M. Prediction of dementia risk in low-income and middle-income countries (the 10/66 Study): an independent external validation of existing models. The Lancet Global Health 2020, 8(4), e524-e535.
- Wu Y-T, Brayne C, Liu Z, Huang Y, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Prina M. Neighbourhood environment and dementia in older people from high-, middle- and low income countries: results from two population-based cohort studies. BMC Public Health 2020, 20, 1330.
- Nguyen H, Wu Y-T, Dregan A, Vitoratou S, Chua K-C, Prina AM. Multimorbidity patterns, all-cause mortality and healthy aging in older English adults: Results from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 2020, 20(12), 1126-1132.
- Bayes-Marin I, Sanchez-Niubo A, Egea-Cortes L, Nguyen H, Prina M, Fernandez D, Haro JM, Olaya B. Multimorbidity patterns in low-middle and high income regions: A multiregion latent class analysis using ATHLOS harmonised cohorts. BMJ Open 2020, 10(7), e034441.
- Aceituno D, Pennington M, Iruretagoyena B, Prina MA, McCrone P. Health state utility values in schizophrenia: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Mental Health 2019, 22(4), 142-144.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Matthews FE, Brayne C. The Built Environment and Cognitive Disorders: Results From the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2017, 53(1), 25-32.
- Cosco TD, Prina M, Stubbs B, Wu Y-T. Reliability and Validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale in a Population-Based Cohort of Middle-Aged U.S. Adults. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2017, 25(3), 476-485.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Micro-scale environment and mental health in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II). Journal of Affective Disorders 2017, 218, 359-364.
- Prince M, Ali G-C, Guerchet M, Prina AM, Albanese E, Wu Y-T. Recent global trends in the prevalence and incidence of dementia, and survival with dementia. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2016, 8, 23.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C, CFAS MRC. Land use mix and five-year mortality in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Health and Place 2016, 38, 54-60.
- Stubbs B, Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Leng Y, Cosco TD. A population study of the association between sleep disturbance and suicidal behaviour in people with mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2016, 82, 149-154.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Relocation at older age: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Journal of Public Health 2015, 37(3), 480-487.
- Wu YT, Prina AM, Jones A, Matthews FE, Brayne C, MRC CFAS. Older people, the natural environment and common mental disorders: cross-sectional results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. BMJ Open 2015, 5(9), e007936.
- Wu Y-T, Grant WB, Prina AM, Lee H-Y, Brayne C. Nutrition and the prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: An ecological study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2015, 44(4), 1099-1106.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones AP, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Community environment, cognitive impairment and dementia in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Age and Ageing 2015, 44(6), 1005-1011.
- Brailean A, Guerra M, Chua K-C, Prince M, Prina MA. A multiple indicators multiple causes model of late-life depression in Latin American countries. Journal of Affective Disorders 2015, 184, 129-136.
- Cosco TD, Prina AM, Perales J, Stephan BCM, Brayne C. Whose "successful ageing"? Lay- and researcher-driven conceptualisations of ageing well. European Journal of Psychiatry 2014, 28(2), 124-130.
- Prina AM. Ageing, resilience and depression: Adding life to years as well as years to life. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 2017, 26(6), 571-573.
- Cosco TD, Stubbs B, Prina AM, Wu Y-T. Religiosity and suicidal behaviour in the National Survey of American Life. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2016, 134(2), 183-184.
- Prina M, Khan N, Akhter Khan S, Caicedo JC, Peycheva A, Seo V, Xue S, Sadana R. Climate change and healthy ageing: An assessment of the impact of climate hazards on older people. Journal of Global Health 2024, 14, 04101.
- Edwards N, Walker S, Paddick S-M, Prina AM, Chinnasamy M, Reddy N, Mboya IB, Mtei M, Varghese M, Nakkasuja N, Guerra M, Sapkota N, Dotchin C. Prevalence of depression and anxiety in older people in low- and middle- income countries in Africa, Asia and South America: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2023, 325, 656-674.
- Akhter-Khan SC, Hofmann V, Warncke M, Tamimi N, Mayston R, Prina MA. Caregiving, volunteering, and loneliness in middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review. Aging and Mental Health 2023, 27(7), 1233-1245.
- Moreno-Agostino D, Wu Y-T, Daskalopoulou C, Hasan MT, Huisman M, Prina M. Global trends in the prevalence and incidence of depression:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021, 281, 235-243.
- Couch E, Lawrence V, Co M, Prina M. Outcomes tested in non-pharmacological interventions in mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia: A scoping review. BMJ Open 2020, 10(4), e035980.
- Aceituno D, Pennington M, Iruretagoyena B, Prina AM, McCrone P. Health State Utility Values in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Value in Health 2020, 23(9), 1256-1267.
- Prina AM, Mayston R, Wu Y-T, Prince M. A review of the 10/66 dementia research group. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2019, 54(1), 10.
- Wu Y-T, Ali G-C, Guerchet M, Prina AM, Chan KY, Prince M, Brayne C. Prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018, 47(3), 709-719.
- van der Linde RM, Dening T, Stephan BCM, Prina AM, Evans E, Brayne C. Longitudinal course of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry 2016, 209(5), 366-377.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Brayne C. The association between community environment and cognitive function: a systematic review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2015, 50(3), 351-362.
- Wu Y-T, Lee H-Y, Norton S, Prina AM, Fleming J, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Period, birth cohort and prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014, 29(12), 1212-1220.
- Cosco TD, Prina AM, Perales J, Stephan BCM, Brayne C. Operational definitions of successful aging: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics 2014, 26(3), 373-381.
- Cosco TD, Prina AM, Perales J, Stephan BCM, Brayne C. Lay perspectives of successful ageing: a systematic review and meta-ethnography. BMJ Open 2013, 3(6), e002710.