Staff Profile
Dr Nehal Hassan
Research Associate
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- Address: School of Pharmacy,
King George VI Building,
Queen Victoria Road,
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am a registered pharmacist both in Egypt and the United Kingdom. I practised in Egypt as a specialist Clinical Pharmacist (Cardiology Pharmacotherapy) for nine years before coming to the UK. I have clinical experience in different care settings (primary, secondary and tertiary care) through my clinical practice in Egypt and the UK. I am a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, a visiting Research Fellow at King's College London and an associate member of fuse (The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health). Currently, I am a Post-doctoral Researcher at the Newcastle School of Pharmacy and the Population Health Sciences Institute working in the area of using Digital Health Technologies (particularly Artificial Intelligence predictive models) to support clinical decision-making. My PhD was in the area of data science, machine learning and digital health based at Newcastle School of Pharmacy and the Population Health Science Institute (PHSI), with a thesis titled " Reducing Post-Operative Infections: The Development and Validation of Artificial Intelligence Predictive Model to Inform Shared Decision Making". My Masters was in Clinical Pharmacy from the Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University with a thesis around conducting a prospective, randomised, controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of nebulised Amikacin as adjunctive therapy in hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated multi-drug resistant bacterial pneumonia in surgical patients, which was published in Critical Care Medicine Journal.
My current research focuses on developing AI-predictive models to help predict the risk of a patient developing a particular condition or complication, which in turn can inform the shared decision-making process between clinicians and patients through mixed-method study approaches. I also work with my research group at the School of Pharmacy on multiple NIHR and UKRI-funded projects, collaborating with varying organisations and universities all over the UK. These projects address the use of AI and predictive analytics to tackle urgent environmental threats to health, especially to the most vulnerable populations. I also have an interest in using AI to optimise healthcare utilisation among multimorbid patients from deprived communities.
Milestones and Achievements:
- I was picked as one of the top ten Early Career Researcher projects nationally in STEM for Britain, 2021. I also presented my research virtually at both UK Houses of Parliament.
- I won best oral presentation at the Annual Conference for The Faculty of Clinical Informatics in 2021 and 2023.
- I was the winner of the Insights Doctoral Thesis Prize (public vote) held by the Faculty of Medical Sciences,Newcastle University, 2021.
Funding and Grants:
- 2024: Summer Research Internship at the School of Pharmacy, Newcastle University. (£10,080).
- 2024: Co-developed Environmental Solutions to Mitigate the Impact of Temperature Extremes on the Health of Vulnerable Populations. PI: Prof. Justin Sheffield. (£2,551,954).
- 2023: Summer Research Internship at the School of Pharmacy, Newcastle University. (£10,080).
- 2023: Newcastle School of Pharmacy Fund towards Conference registration and travel fees (£350).
- 2023: Co-applicant on an NIHR Programme Development Grant on using AI to tackle the impact of air pollution on health (£150,000). PI: Prof. Sarah Slight, Dr. Robert Slight.
- 2023: Doctoral College Enhancement Fund towards Conference registration fees (£512),02/23.(Awarded).
- 2019: Newcastle University Overseas Research Scholarship (NUORS) for three years (£17,000 to £19,000/year), Newcastle University, UK.
Research Profiles:
Google scholar:
Research gate:
I feel passionate about helping the next generation of pharmacists and researchers. Throughout my career in Egypt, I mentored many undergraduate and post-graduate pharmacy students and taught infectious diseases and Cardiology Pharmacotherapy courses through different programmes over seven years. In the UK, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and I contributed to undergraduate teaching at Newcastle School of Pharmacy by co-supervising two final-year Master's students (2022/2023). I’m currently co-supervising four final-year MPharm students’ research projects 2023-2024.
- Hassan N, Slight R, Bimpong K, Bates DW, Weiand D, Vellinga A, Morgan G, Slight SP. Systematic review to understand users perspectives on AI-enabled decision aids to inform shared decision making. npj Digital Medicine 2024, 7(1), 332.
- Hassan,NA,Awdallah,FF,Abbassi,MM,Sabry,NA. Nebulized versus IV amikacin as adjunctive antibiotic for hospital and ventilator-acquired pneumonia postcardiac surgeries: A randomized controlled trial. 2018.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hassan N, Wilson S, Marley K, Slight R, Slight S. Artificial intelligence informing clinical decision making on the risk of hospital readmissions in multi-morbid patients: a systematic review. In: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2024, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland: Oxford University Press.
- Rawi AA, Hassan N, Mc Ardle R, Slight S. Using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the conversion of cognitively unimpaired individuals to mild cognitive impairment. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2023). 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: AAIC.
- Wilson S, Tolley C, Mc Ardle R, Beswick E, Lawson L, Slight R, Slight S, Hassan N. Strategies to develop, design, implement and support digital health equity in key underserved groups: protocol for a systematic review. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2023). 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: AAIC.
- Hassan N, Slight R, Weiand D, Morgan G, Vellinga A, Mamdouh H, Gallier S, Sapey E, Slight S. Developing an AI-predictive model for predicting the likelihood of post-operative infection in surgical patients. In: The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference. 2023, Oxford University Press.
- Hassan N, Slight RD, Slight SP. Healthcare staff perceptions on using artificial intelligence predictive tools: A qualitative study. In: Faculty of Clinical Informatics Annual Scientific Conference 2022. 2022, Online: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Hassan N, Slight R, Weiand D, Vellinga A, Morgan G, Aboushareb F, Slight SP. Predicting infection and sepsis; what predictors have been used to train machine learning algorithms? A systematic review. In: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference (HSRPP 2021). 2021, Reading: Oxford University Press.
- Hassan N, Slight RD, Bimpong K, Weiand D, Vellinga A, Morgan G, Slight SP. Clinicians' and patients' perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence decision aids to inform shared decision making: a systematic review. In: Public Health Science 2021. 2021, Online: The Lancet Publishing Group.
- Hassan N, Slight R, Slight SP. A survey of the knowledge and attitudes of Egyptian healthcare professionals towards the application of Health Information Technology to optimize antibiotic therapy. In: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference (HSRPP 2021). 2021, Reading: Oxford University Press.
- Wilson S, Tolley C, Mc Ardle R, Lawson L, Beswick E, Hassan N, Slight R, Slight S. Recommendations to advance digital health equity: a systematic review of qualitative studies. npj Digital Medicine 2024, 7(1), 173.
- Hassan N, Slight RD, Morgan G, Bates DW, Gallier S, Sapey E, Slight SP. A road map for clinicians to develop and evaluate AI predictive models to inform clinical decision making. BMJ Health & Care Informatics 2023, 30(1), e100784.
- Hassan N, Slight R, Weiand D, Vellinga A, Morgan G, Aboushareb F, Slight SP. Preventing sepsis; how can artificial intelligence inform the clinical decision-making process? A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2021, 150, 104457.