Staff Profile
Professor Neil Rajan
Professor of Dermatogenetics and Honorary Consultant Dermatologist
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6000
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University Medical School
Dermatological Sciences
William Leech Building 2nd Floor
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Prof. Neil Rajan M.D. PhD is a principal investigator and honorary consultant dermatologist. He started his own lab group with funding from the Wellcome Trust and the MRC and is passionate about translational research in rare genetic skin disease. He has received 9 national awards including the Whimster Prize and Honorary Membership to the Hungarian Dermatological Society for his work on CYLD cutaneous syndrome.
Patient partnership is central to his work. His research group engages the public and patients at events such as Rare Disease Day. He has >110 peer reviewed publications in Lancet Oncology, JAMA Dermatology, Nature Communications, Nature and Science. His basic science research programme is coupled with the delivery of early phase clinical trials in rare disease, an exemplar of which is the TRAC study in CYLD cutaneous syndrome, where he was chief investigator. He works with patients with inherited skin tumour syndromes to jointly advance understanding of how skin tumours form, with the intent of developing new therapeutic strategies.
Area of expertise
- Dermatogenetics
- Skin Cancer
- Rare disease
Linkedin: Neil Rajan
I am a proponent of mainstreaming genomics into the practice of clinical dermatology in the NHS. I use genetics for diagnostics, discovery of novel therapeutics and disease stratification.
Mentoring clinical trainees and scientists to recognise the importance of research to is critical for the development of future researchers in the NHS, which underpins excellent service delivery. I have mentored dermatology specialist trainees in a range skin genetics research projects, three of whom have won national prizes.
- Lai C, Fuggle NR, Matin RN, Tanaka RJ, Banerji CRS, Rajan N. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in dermatological research and healthcare: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Skin Club Report, Southampton, April 2024. British Journal of Dermatology 2025, 192(1), 118-124.
- Fostier W, Husain A, Rajan N. Squamous cell carcinoma and MYH9-associated elastin aggregation (MALTA) syndrome. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2024, 49(1), 105-107.
- Kibbi N, Owen JL, Worley B, Alam M, Wang JX, Harikumar V, Downing MB, Aasi SZ, Aung PP, Barker CA, Bolotin D, Bordeaux JS, Cartee TV, Chandra S, Cho NL, Choi JN, Chung KY, Cliby WA, Dorigo O, Eisen DB, Fujisawa Y, Golda N, Halfdanarson TR, Iavazzo C, Brian Jiang SI, John EM, Kanitakis J, Keimig EL, Khan A, Linos E, Kim JYS, Kuzel TM, Lawrence N, Leitao MM, MacLean AB, Maher IA, Mittal BB, Nehal KS, Ozog DM, Pettaway CA, Rajan N, Ross JS, Rossi AM, Servaes S, Solomon MJ, Thomas VD, Tolia M, Voelzke BB, Waldman A, Wong MK, Zhou Y, Brackett A, Poon E, Ahmed A. Recommended guidelines for screening for underlying malignancy in extramammary Paget's disease based on anatomic subtype. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Andrew K, van Bodegraven B, Vernon S, Balogun M, Craig P, Rajan N, Venables ZC, Tso S. National epidemiology of digital papillary adenocarcinoma in England 2013-2020: a population-based registry study. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2024, 49(11), 1389-1395.
- Gault A, Hogarth L, Williams KC, Greystoke A, Rajan N, Speight A, Lamb CA, Bridgewood A, Brown-Schofield LJ, Rayner F, Isaacs JD, Nsengimana J, Stewart CJ, Anderson AE, Plummer R, Pratt AG. Monitoring immunE DysregulAtion foLLowing Immune checkpOint-inhibitioN (MEDALLION): protocol for an observational cancer immunotherapy cohort study. BMC Cancer 2024, 24(1), 733.
- O'Connor C, Passby L, Fields C, McGrath J, O'Toole EA, Rajan N. Mainstreaming genetic testing in dermatology in the UK. British Journal of Dermatology 2024, 191(5), 832-833.
- Garcia-Doval I, Rajan N, Hunter H, Frew J, Naldi L, Mellerio JE, Hay R. Clinical reports: the overarching home for case series and case reports in the BJD. British Journal of Dermatology 2024, 190(1), 1-2.
- Gopee NH, Winheim E, Olabi B, Admane C, Foster AR, Huang N, Botting RA, Torabi F, Sumanaweera D, Le AP, Kim J, Verger L, Stephenson E, Adao D, Ganier C, Gim KY, Serdy SA, Deakin C, Goh I, Steele L, Annusver K, Miah M-U, Tun WM, Moghimi P, Kwakwa KA, Li T, Basurto Lozada D, Rumney B, Tudor CL, Roberts K, Chipampe N-J, Sidhpura K, Englebert J, Jardine L, Reynolds G, Rose A, Rowe V, Pritchard S, Mulas I, Fletcher J, Popescu D-M, Poyner E, Dubois A, Guy A, Filby A, Lisgo S, Barker RA, Glass IA, Park J-E, Vento-Tormo R, Nikolova MT, He P, Lawrence JEG, Moore J, Ballereau S, Hale CB, Shanmugiah V, Horsfall D, Rajan N, McGrath JA, O'Toole EA, Treutlein B, Bayraktar O, Kasper M, Progatzky F, Mazin P, Lee J, Gambardella L, Koehler KR, Teichmann SA, Haniffa M. A prenatal skin atlas reveals immune regulation of human skin morphogenesis. Nature 2024, 635, 679-689.
- Winn RT, Gazzani P, Venables ZC, Shah F, Gkini M, Jeetle S, Oliphant T, Wijesuriya N, Martin-Clavijo A, Husain A, Harwood CA, Rajan N. Variation in management of porocarcinoma: a 10-year retrospective review of 75 cases across three UK tertiary centres. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2023, 48(2), 121-124.
- Cook S, Pethick J, Kibbi N, Hollestein L, Lavelle K, de Vere Hunt I, Turnbull C, Rous B, Husain A, Burn J, Luchtenborg M, Santaniello F, McRonald F, Hardy S, Linos E, Venebles Z, Rajan N. Sebaceous carcinoma epidemiology, associated malignancies and Lynch/Muir-Torre syndrome screening in England from 2008 to 2018. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2023, 89(6), 1129-1135.
- van Bodegraven B, Vernon S, Eversfield C, Board R, Craig P, Gran S, Harwood CA, Keohane S, Levell NJ, Matin RN, Proby C, Rajan N, Rous B, Ascott A, Millington GWM, Venables ZC. 'Get Data Out' Skin: national cancer registry incidence and survival rates for all registered skin tumour groups for 2013-2019 in England. British Journal of Dermatology 2023, 188(6), 777-784.
- Fostier W, Holt G, Sampson J, Rajan N. Folliculin inactivation and cutaneous leiomyosarcoma in Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. British Journal of Dermatology 2023, 188(4), 571-572.
- Joshy J, van Bodegraven B, Mistry K, Craig P, Rajan N, Vernon S, Levell NJ, Venables ZC. Epidemiology of porocarcinoma in England 2013-2018: a population-based registry study. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2023, 48(7), 770-777.
- Maloney NJ, Zacher NC, Hirotsu KE, Rajan N, Aasi SZ, Kibbi N. Comparison of clinicopathologic features, survival, and demographics in sebaceous carcinoma patients with and without Muir-Torre syndrome. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2023, 89(2), 269-273.
- Lalloo F, Kulkarni A, Chau C, Nielsen M, Sheaff M, Steele J, van Doorn R, Wadt K, Hamill M, Torr B, Tischkowitz M, Ahmed M, Bajalica-Lagercrantz S, Blatnik A, Brunet J, Cleaver R, Colas C, Dabir T, Evans DG, Feshtali S, Ghiorzo P, Graversen L, Griewank K, Helgadottir H, Jewell R, Kohut K, Lorentzen H, Massi D, Missotten G, Murray A, Murray J, Nadal E, Ong KR, Piulats JM, Puig S, Rajan N, Ribero S, Salle G, Teule A, Tham E, van Paassen B, De Putter R, Verdijk R, Wagner A, Woodward ER, Hanson H. Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and surveillance of BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics 2023, 31, 1261-1269.
- Polubothu S, Bender N, Muthiah S, Zecchin D, Demetriou C, Martin SB, Malhotra S, Travnickova J, Zeng Z, Bohm M, Barbarot S, Cottrell C, Davies O, Baselga E, Burrows NP, Carmignac V, Diaz JS, Fink C, Haenssle HA, Happle R, Harland M, Majerowski J, Vabres P, Vincent M, Newton-Bishop JA, Bishop DT, Siegel D, Patton EE, Topf M, Rajan N, Drolet B, Kinsler VA. PTPN11 Mosaicism Causes a Spectrum of Pigmentary and Vascular Neurocutaneous Disorders and Predisposes to Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2023, 143(6), 1042-1051.e3.
- Dubois A, Fostier W, Sampson J, Durham J, Rajan N. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and juxtaclavicular beaded lines. JAAD Case Reports 2022, 28, 110-112.
- Loh AYT, Spoljar S, Neo GYW, Escande-Beillard N, Leushacke M, Luijten MNH, Venkatesh B, Bonnard C, van Steensel MAM, Hamm H, Carmichael A, Rajan N, Carney TJ, Reversade B. Huriez syndrome: Additional pathogenic variants supporting allelism to SMARCAD syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 2022, 188(6), 1752-1760.
- Cook S, Rajan N. A 5-year retrospective review of skin adnexal tumours received at a tertiary dermatopathology service: Implications for linked genetic diagnoses. BJD 2022, 186(1), 167-173.
- Danis J, Kelemen E, Rajan N, Nagy N, Szell M, Adam E. TRAF3 and NBR1 both influence the effect of the disease-causing CYLD(Arg936X) mutation on NF-κB activity. Experimental Dermatology 2021, 30(11), 1705-1710.
- Gallon R, Kibbi N, Cook S, Santibanez-Koref M, Jackson MS, Burn J, Rajan N. Sebaceous tumours: a prototypical class of skin tumour for universal germline genetic testing. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 185(5), 1045-1046.
- Nagy N, Dubois A, Szell M, Rajan N. Genetic testing in cyld cutaneous syndrome: An update. Application of Clinical Genetics 2021, 14, 427-444.
- Reynolds G, Vegh P, Fletcher J, Poyner EFM, Stephenson E, Goh I, Botting RA, Huang N, Olabi B, Dubois A, Dixon D, Green K, Maunder D, Engelbert J, Efremova M, Polański K, Jardine L, Jones C, Ness T, Horsfall D, McGrath J, Carey C, Popescu D-M, Webb S, Wang X-N, Sayer B, Park J-E, Negri VA, Belokhvostova D, Lynch MD, McDonald D, Filby A, Hagai T, Meyer KB, Husain A, Coxhead J, Vento-Tormo R, Behjati S, Lisgo S, Villani A-C, Bacardit J, Jones PH, O'Toole EA, Ogg GS, Rajan N, Reynolds NJ, Teichmann SA, Watt FM, Haniffa M. Developmental cell programs are co-opted in inflammatory skin disease. Science 2021, 371(6527), eaba6500.
- Pap EM, Farkas K, Szell M, Nemeth G, Rajan N, Nagy N. Identification of putative phenotype-modifying genetic factors associated with phenotypic diversity in Brooke-Spiegler syndrome. Experimental Dermatology 2020, 29(10), 1017-1020.
- Dobson-Stone C, Hallupp M, Shahheydari H, Ragagnin AMG, Chatterton Z, Carew-Jones F, Shepherd CE, Stefen H, Paric E, Fath T, Thompson EM, Blumbergs P, Short CL, Field CD, Panegyres PK, Hecker J, Nicholson G, Shaw AD, Fullerton JM, Luty AA, Schofield PR, Brooks WS, Rajan N, Bennett MF, Bahlo M, Landers JE, Piguet O, Hodges JR, Halliday GM, Topp SD, Smith BN, Shaw CE, McCann E, Fifita JA, Williams KL, Atkin JD, Blair IP, Kwok JB. CYLD is a causative gene for frontotemporal dementia - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain: A Journal of Neurology 2020, 143(3), 783-799.
- Dubois A, Rannan-Eliya S, Husain A, Rajan N, Oliphant T. Squamous cell carcinomas in linear epidermal naevi. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2019, 44(2), 238-240.
- Muthiah S, Wu KCP, Rajan N. Public engagement lectures targeting prospective medical students: an opportunity for dermatology. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2019, 44(3), 355-356.
- Lovgren M-L, Rajan N, Joss S, Melly L, Porter M. Inherited desmoplastic trichoepitheliomas. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2019, 44(7), e238-e239.
- March OP, Lettner T, Klausegger A, Ablinger M, Kocher T, Hainzl S, Peking P, Lackner N, Rajan N, Hofbauer JP, Guttmann-Gruber C, Bygum A, Koller U, Reichelt J. Gene editing-mediated disruption of epidermolytic ichthyosis-associated KRT10 alleles restores filament stability in keratinocytes. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2019, 139(8), 1699-1710.e6.
- Davies HR, Hodgson K, Schwalbe E, Coxhead J, Sinclair N, Zou X, Cockell S, Husain A, Nik-Zainal S, Rajan N. Epigenetic modifiers DNMT3A and BCOR are recurrently mutated in CYLD cutaneous syndrome. Nature Communications 2019, 10, 4717.
- Arefi M, Wilson V, Muthiah S, Zwolinski S, Bajwa D, Brennan P, Blasdale K, Bourn D, Burn J, Santibanez-Koref M, Rajan N. Diverse presentations of cutaneous mosaicism occur in CYLD cutaneous syndrome and may result in parent-to-child transmission. Journal of American Academy of Dermatology 2019, 81(6), 1300-1307.
- Danilenko M, Hodgson K, Stones R, Husain A, Zangarini M, Veal G, Rajan N. Diverse assays from a single skin punch biopsy to assess topical drug intervention. British Journal of Dermatology 2019, 180(4), 937-938.
- Shimomura Y, O'Shaughnessy RF, Rajan N. PLCD1 and pilar cysts. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2019, 139(10), 2075-2077.
- Danilenko M, Stones R, Rajan N. Transcriptomic profiling of human skin biopsies in the clinical trial setting: A protocol for high quality RNA extraction from skin tumours. Wellcome Open Research 2018, 3, 45.
- Brown S, Worthy SA, Langtry JAA, Rajan N. Tracking tumor kinetics in patients with germline CYLD mutations. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2018, 79(5), 949-951.
- Danilenko M, Stamp E, Stocken DD, Husain A, Zangarini M, Cranston A, Stones R, Sinclair N, Hodgson K, Bowett SA, Roblin D, Traversa S, Plummer R, Veal G, Langtry JAA, Ashworth A, Burn J, Rajan N. Targeting tropomyosin receptor kinase in cutaneous CYLD defective tumors (TRAC): A randomised placebo-controlled early phase trial with pegcantratinib. JAMA Dermatology 2018, 154(8), 913-921.
- Dubois A, Mestre T, Oliphant T, Husain A, Rajan N. Squamous cell carcinoma and multiple familial trichoepitheliomas: A recurrent association. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 2018, 98(9), 910-911.
- Martin RJ, Arefi M, Splitt M, Redford L, Moss C, Rajan N. Phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica and precocious puberty associated with HRAS mutation. British Journal of Dermatology 2018, 178(1), 289-291.
- Hoyle A, Davies K, Rajan N, Melly L. p63 and smooth muscle actin expression in low grade spiradenocarcinomas in a case of CYLD cutaneous syndrome. Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 2018, 45(10), 760-763.
- Bajwa DS, Nasr B, Carmichael AJ, Rajan N. Milia: a useful clinical marker of CYLD mutation carrier status. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2018, 43(2), 193-195.
- Brown SM, Arefi M, Stones R, Loo PS, Barnard S, Bloxham C, Stefanos N, Langtry JAA, Worthy S, Calonje E, Husain A, Rajan N. Inherited pulmonary cylindromas: Extending the phenotype of CYLD mutation carriers. British Journal of Dermatology 2018, 179(3), 662-668.
- Brown S, Ahmed J, Zwolinski S, Brennan P, Rajan N. A novel link between keratoderma and cardiomyopathy: Contiguous gene deletion involving the desmoglein gene cluster. British Journal of Dermatology 2018, 178(1), 284-285.
- Dubois A, Hodgson K, Rajan N. Understanding Inherited Cylindromas Clinical Implications of Gene Discovery. Dermatologic Clinics 2017, 35(1), 61-71.
- Cranston A, Stocken DD, Stamp E, Roblin D, Hamlin J, Langtry J, Plummer R, Ashworth A, Burn J, Rajan N. Tropomyosin Receptor Antagonism in Cylindromatosis (TRAC), an early phase trial of a topical tropomyosin kinase inhibitor as a treatment for inherited CYLD defective skin tumours: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2017, 18, 111.
- Zangarini M, Rajan N, Danilenko M, Berry P, Traversa S, Veal GJ. Development and validation of LC–MS/MS with in-source collision-induced dissociation for the quantification of pegcantratinib in human skin tumors. Bioanalysis 2017, 9(3), 279-288.
- Rajan N, Andersson MK, Sinclair N, Fehr A, Hodgson K, Lord CJ, Kazakov DV, Vanecek T, Ashworth A, Stenman G. Overexpression of MYB drives proliferation of CYLD-defective cylindroma cells. The Journal of Pathology 2016, 239(2), 197-205.
- Whitaker S, Leech S, Taylor A, Splitt M, Natarajan S, Rajan N. Multifocal capillary malformations in an older, asymptomatic child with a novel RASA1 mutation. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2016, 41(2), 156-158.
- Dubois A, Arefi M, Splitt MP, Leech S, Natarajan S, Rajan N. Dry Skin and Blistering in Childhood. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2016, 41(7), 828-830.
- Dubois A, Wilson V, Bourn D, Rajan N. CYLD Genetic Testing for Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome, Familial Cylindromatosis and Multiple Familial Trichoepitheliomas. PLoS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests 2015, 7.
- Rajan N, Elliott RJR, Smith A, Sinclair N, Swift S, Lord CJ, Ashworth A. The cylindromatosis gene product, CYLD, interacts with MIB2 to regulate Notch signalling. Oncotarget 2014, 5(23), 12126-12140.
- Rajan N, Burn J, Langtry J, Sieber-Blum M, Lord CJ, Ashworth A. Transition from cylindroma to spiradenoma in CYLD-defective tumours is associated with reduced DKK2 expression. Journal of Pathology 2011, 224(3), 309-321.
- Rajan N, Elliot R, Clewes O, Mackay R, Reis-Filho JS, Burn J, Langtry J, Sieber-Blum M, Lord CJ, Ashworth A. Dysregulated TRK signalling is a therapeutic target in CYLD defective tumours. Oncogene 2011, 30(41), 4243-4260.
- Rajan N, Wahie S, Seukeran D. Papulonodular eruption, proteinuria, and peripheral arthritis. Papulonodular dermal mucinosis (PDM) in systemic lupus erythematosus. Archives of Dermatology 2010, 146(7), 789-794.
- Rajan N, Langtry JAA, Ashworth A, Roberts C, Chapman P, Burn J, Trainer AH. Tumor Mapping in 2 Large Multigenerational Families With CYLD Mutations: Implications for Disease Management and Tumor Induction. Archives of Dermatology 2009, 145(11), 1277-1284.
- Rajan N, Das S, Taylor A, Abinun M, Spencer D, Carmichael A. Idiopathic Infantile Pyoderma Gangrenosum with Stridor Responsive to Infliximab. Pediatric Dermatology 2009, 26(1), 65-69.
- Rajan N, Trainer A, Burn J, Langtry J. Familial cylindromatosis and brooke-spiegler syndrome: A review of current therapeutic approaches and the surgical challenges posed by two affected families. Dermatologic Surgery 2009, 35(5), 845-852.
- Rajan N, Langtry JAA. The punch and graft technique: a novel method of surgical treatment for chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis. British Journal of Dermatology 2007, 157(4), 744-747.
- Rajan N, Ryan J, Langtry JA. Squamous cell carcinoma arising within a facial port-wine stain treated by Mohs micrographic surgical excision. Dermatologic Surgery 2006, 32(6), 864-866.
- Rajan N, Carmichael AJ, McCarron BM. Human cowpox: presentation and investigation in an era of bioterrorism. Journal of Infection 2005, 51(3), e167-e169.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Woodford MR, Andreou A, Baba M, van de Beek I, Malta CD, Glykofridis I, Grimes H, Henske EP, Iliopoulos O, Kurihara M, Lazor R, Linehan WM, Matsumoto K, Marciniak SJ, Namba Y, Pause A, Rajan N, Ray A, Schmidt LS, Shi W, Steinlein OK, Thierauf J, Zoncu R, Webb A, Mollapour M. Seventh BHD international symposium: recent scientific and clinical advancement. In: 7th Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) International Symposiu. 2022, Virtual: Impact Journals LLC.
- Brown S, Worthy SA, Barnard S, Langtry J, Rajan N. Tracking tumour kinetics in patients with germline CYLD mutations. In: British Association of Dermatologists 96th Annual Meeting. 2016, Birmingham, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Brown S, Barnard S, Langtry J, Worthy SA, Bloxham C, Loo PS, Husain A, Rajan N. Pulmonary cylindromas in CYLD cutaneous syndrome. In: British Association of Dermatologists 96th Annual Meeting. 2016, Birmingham, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Rajan N, Andersson M, Sinclair N, Fehr A, Hodgson K, Lord C, Kazakov D, Vanecek T, Ashworth A, Stenman G. Overexpression of MYB drives proliferation of CYLD-defective cylindroma cells. In: European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) 2016 Annual Meeting. 2016, Munich, Germany: Nature Publishing Group.
- Brown S, Brass D, Rajan N, Oliphant T, Plummer R, Langtry J. Advanced basal cell carcinomas treated by vismodegib and Mohs micrographic surgery: does neoadjuvant treatment have a role?. In: British Association of Dermatologists 96th Annual Meeting. 2016, Birmingham, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Brown S, Ahmed J, Zwolinski S, Brennan P, Rajan N. A novel contiguous heterozygous deletion involving the desmoglein 2 and desmocollin 2 genes is associated with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. In: BAD/RCP Medical Dermatology Meeting. 2016, Royal College of Physicians, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Kazmierczyk K, Oliphant T, Rajan N, Lawrence C, Langtry J. Sebaceous carcinoma treated by Mohs micrographic surgery: a review of 14 cases. In: British Association of Dermatologists 95th Annual Meeting. 2015, Manchester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Tang DYL, O'Shea S, Espinoza D, Rajan N, Carmichael A, Newton-Bishop JA. A second family with a telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) promoter gene mutation associated with melanomas. In: British Journal of Dermatology. 2015, Manchester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rajan N, Elliott R, Smith A, Sinclair N, Swift S, Lord C, Ashworth A. The Cylindromatosis gene product, CYLD, interacts with MIB2 to regulate Notch signalling. In: 44th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research. 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark: Nature Publishing Group.
- Rajan N, Brown S, Ward S, Pieniazek P, Hainsworth P, Douglas F, Husain A, Plummer R. Mesenteric cysts in Gorlin syndrome: a mimic of metastatic disease. In: Abstracts for the British Association of Dermatologists 94th Annual Meeting. 2014, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Tan HY, Kirkham N, Lovat P, Rajan N. Increased p62 expression in CYLD-defective tumours: indication of an autophagic dependency?. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rajan N, Sinclair N, Nakai H, Shimomura Y, Natarajan S. Heterozygote IL36RN mutations in a European case of early-onset generalized pustular psoriasis challenge the concept of private mutation. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Brass D, Rajan N, Oliphant TJ, Langtry JAA. Enucleation of cylindromas in Brooke-Spiegler syndrome: a novel surgical technique. In: Abstracts for the British Association of Dermatologists 94th Annual Meeting. 2014, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Koron S, Leech S, Taylor A, Splitt M, Natarajan S, Rajan N. A novel RASA1 mutation presenting with multiple cutaneous capillary malformations. In: 28th Annual Meeting of the British Society for Paediatric Dermatology. 2014, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rajan N, Gillinder K, Lord C, Langtry JAA, Burn J, Ashworth A, Chaudhury B, Sieber-Blum M. Unravelling cylindromas: insights into appendageal tumour patterning from patients with truncating CYLD mutations. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. 2010, Manchester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Rajan N, Lord CJ, Clewes O, Burn J, Sieber-Blum M, Ashworth A. Dysregulated tropomyosin receptor kinase signalling in CYLDtrunc/trunc tumours. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland: British Journal of Dermatology.
- Rajan N, Elliott R, Lord C, Clewes O, Burn J, Sieber-Blum M, Ashworth A. Dysregulated tropomyosin receptor kinase (Trk) signalling in CYLD mutant tumours. In: 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research. 2010, Nature Publishing Group.
- Rajan N, Elliott R, Lord CJ, Burn J, Sieber-Blum M, Ashworth A. Advances in the development of new therapies for CYLD mutation carriers: Targeting Trk. In: British Society of Human Genetics Annual Conference. 2010, London, UK: BMJ Group.
- Rajan N, Elliott R, Lord CJ, Burn J, Blum MS, Ashworth A. Advances in the development of new therapies for CYLD mutation carriers Targeting Trk. In: Journal of Medical Genetics. 2010, BMJ Publishing Group.
- Rajan N, Powell H, Langtry JAA, Carmichael A, Bourn D, Burn J. Two novel CYLD mutations associated with Brooke-Spiegler syndrome. In: 89th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. 2009, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Rajan N, Bourn D, Roberts C, Langtry JAA, Burn J. A review of seven UK pedigrees with CYLD mutations: clinical implications for mutation carriers. In: 89th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. 2009, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Rajan N, Langtry J, Chapman P, Trainer A, Burn J. Familial cylindromatosis, Brooke-Spiegler syndrome and multiple famililal trichoepithiliomas: Tumour mapping of 26 patients with CYLD mutations suggest androgen stimulation may play a role in tumourigenesis. In: 2008 Annual Meeting. 2008, Nature Publishing Group.
- Matin RN, Linos E, Rajan N. Leveraging large language models in dermatology. British Journal of Dermatology 2023, 189(3), 253–254.
- Rajan N. Image gallery: first take a good picture, then tell a good story. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 184(1), 1-1.
- Guckian J, Ingram JR, Rajan N, Linos E. Dermatology is finally talking about race. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 185(5), 875-876.
- Linos E, Rajan N, Ingram JR. BJD: a global dermatology journal serving the needs of its readers worldwide. British Journal of Dermatology 2019, 181(1), 3-4.
- Rajan N, Cook S, Best K, LS UK SC Workshop Group, Monahan K. Universal testing of cutaneous sebaceous carcinoma: A missed opportunity in Lynch syndrome detection. Lancet Oncology 2024, 25(1), E1-E2.
- Fostier W, Horton A, Winship I, Rajan N. Reply to Importance of Identifying Physical Manifestations That Are Associated With Hereditary Cancer Predisposition: AXIN2 Mutation in an African-American Patient. JCO Oncology Practice 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Eisner M, Rajan N. A case of missing fingerprints. British Journal of Dermatology 2024, 191(4), 646-646.
- Clabbers JMK, Roemen GMJM, Rajan N, Shah A, Woo P, Arefi M, Vreeburg M, Steijlen PM, Gostyński A, van Geel M. HRAS mosaicism in linear palmoplantar keratoderma. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2024, 38(5), e382-e384.
- Sowter P, Santibanez-Koref M, Jackson MS, Borthwick GM, Burn J, Rajan N, Gallon R. Response to ‘Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is associated with Lynch syndrome: widening the spectrum of Lynch syndrome-associated tumours’. British Journal of Dermatology 2022, 186(5), 913-914.
- Bajwa DS, Cook S, Winn R, Winship IM, McQueen A, Husain A, Rajan N. Multifocal extracardiac rhabdomyomas: extending the phenotype of Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 185(4), 861-863.
- Loh A, Ho C, Muthias S, Venkatesh B, Bray A, Reversade B, Rajan N, Carney T. Huriez syndrome caused by a large deletion that abrogates the skin‐specific isoform of SMARCAD1. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 184(6), 1205-1207.
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Online Publication
- Dubois A, Rajan N. CYLD Cutaneous Syndrome. University of Washington: GeneReviews® [Internet], 2020. Available at:
- Cosgarea I, Oliphant T, Rannan-Eliya S, Rajan N. Melanoma. Surgery (Oxford) 2024, ePub ahead of Print.
- Geilswijk M, Genuardi M, Woodward ER, Nightingale K, Huber J, Madsen MG, Liekelema - van der Heij D, Lisseman I, Marle-Ballange J, McCarthy C, Menko FH, Moorselaar RJAV, Radzikowska E, Richard S, Rajan N, Sommerlund M, Wetscherek MTA, Di Donato N, Maher ER, Brunet J. ERN GENTURIS clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis, surveillance and management of people with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics 2024, 32, 1542-1550.
- Williams KC, Gault A, Anderson AE, Stewart CJ, Lamb CA, Speight RA, Rajan N, Plummer R, Pratt AG. Immune-related adverse events in checkpoint blockade: Observations from human tissue and therapeutic considerations. Frontiers in Immunology 2023, 14, 1122430.
- Marin-Rubio JL, Raote I, Inns J, Dobson-Stone C, Rajan N. CYLD in health and disease. Disease Models & Mechanisms 2023, 16(6), dmm050093.
- Joshy J, Mistry K, Levell NJ, van Bodegraven B, Vernon S, Rajan N, Craig P, Venables ZC. Porocarcinoma: a review. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2022, 47(6), 1030-1035.
- Gault A, Anderson A, Plummer R, Stewart C, Pratt AG, Rajan N. Cutaneous immune‐related adverse events in patients with melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors. British Journal of Dermatology 2021, 185(2), 263-271.
- Brown SM, Brennan P, Rajan N. Inherited skin tumour syndromes. Clinical Medicine Journal 2017, 17(6), 562-567.