Staff Profile
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Professor of Maternal & Child Nutrition
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3823
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Baddiley-Clark Building
Richardson Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
My research focuses on inequalities in maternal maternal and child nutrition, primarily relating to pregnancy nutrition and obesity and how routine care and support can be amended to improve health of women and their children. I commenced my role at Newcastle University in January 2012.
I currently hold an NIHR Advanced (Career Development) Fellowship which uses risk prediction and health economics to explore whether measures of adiposity in early pregnancy would be more preferable to BMI in identifying women who require additional clinical care and support.
I am the PHSI EDI Lead and member of the Executive Committee.
I am the current President of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity.
I am a co-founder and lead of the Nourishing Futures Network, and international network on food insecurity during preconception, pregnancy and early life (
PhD “Trends in Maternal Body Mass Index, Health Inequalities, and the Impact of Maternal Obesity on NHS Maternity Services”. 2009, Teesside University
MSc Health Sciences: Public Health. 2007, Teesside University
BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition. 1999, Teesside University
Previous Positions
Chair of the Board of Trustees, ASO, September 2022-July 2024
Elected Trustee for the UK Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO), September 2014-August 2022
NIHR Postdoctoral Research Fellow January 2012-May 2017
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Research, Teesside University, October 2007–December 2011
Research Assistant/Lecturer in Research Methods, Teesside University, March 2005–October 2007
Postgraduate Supervision
I have supervised seven PhD students to completion
- Dr Claire O'Malley, "Determinants and influences of diet and physical activity in pre-school children in the UK" Durham University (NIHR School for Public Health Research PhD studentship)
- Dr Uma Padmanabhan, "Excess gestational weight gain: exploring the role of weight-related behaviours" Teesside University (Teesside University PhD studentship)
- Dr Emma Slack, "A life course investigation of maternal ethnic group and pregnancy weight in the development of short and long-term health outcomes for women and their offspring", Newcastle University (MRC studentship)
- Dr Lem Ngongalah, "Ethnic disparities in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among women and children in high income countries: the case for African migrant women and children", Newcastle University (Overseas Research Scholarship)
- Dr Zoe Bell, "“It ripples through, it’s like dropping a stone into a pond…the ripple effect is huge”: Food insecurity and health: insights from women, children and frontline workers" (ESCR Collaboration studentship)
- Dr Zainab Akhter, "An investigation of maternal obesity, bariatric surgery in women of reproductive age and associations with severe adverse perinatal outcomes in subsequent pregnancy", Newcastle University (Research Excellence Academy studentship)
- Dr Anna Boath, "Maternal adiposity and the effectiveness of weight management interventions in pregnancy: gestational diabetes and gestational weight gain" (Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences studentship)
I am currently supervising seven PhD students.
- Augustina Pemu, "Asylum seekers and refugees in the North East of England: an advanced quantitative study of inequalities in maternity care and costs to NHS maternity services", Newcastle University (ESRC studentship)
- Ania Couchinho, "Using Intersectionality and Behaviour Change to Enhance Maternity Care for Black Women in the UK" (NIHR ARC North East and North Cumbria studentship)
- Susan Lennie, "Adiposity measurement quality and strategies for implementation in routine NHS maternity care" (Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences staff studentship)
- Caitlin Holt, "Exploring and responding to food insecurity in preschool children in Somerset" (NIHR School for Public Health Research studentship)
- Helen Little, "Optimising teachable moments in early parenthood: promoting healthy behaviours in parents and their 0-2-year-old" (NIHR School for Public Health Research studentship)
- Amanda Dickson, "Assessing food insecurity during pre-pregnancy and pregnancy life stages" (Deakin University studentship)
- Bashayr Alzughaibi "An exploration of nutritional inequalities in paediatric food allergy"
I regularly supervise undergraduate and masters student research projects and internships.
Hesketh, K., Kipping, R., Heslehurst, N. NIHR School for Public Health Research PhD Studentship (10/2023), £76,940, "Optimising teachable moments in early parenthood: promoting healthy behaviours in parents and their 0-2-year-old"
Heslehurst, N., Brown, H., Hurley, K., Jolly, C., Rankin, J., Scott, S., Nguyen, N., Brennan-Tovey, K. NIHR School for Public Health Research (09/2023), £217,867, "Exploring food insecurity in pregnancy in the UK to inform future Public Health intervention needs"
Rankin, J., Aquino, R., Heslehurst, N., Brown, H., Kipping, R., Ayorinde, A., Esan, O. NIHR School for Public Health Research (09/2023), £151,980, "‘Poverty-Proofing’ Maternity Services; a qualitative study to improve access and pregnancy outcomes"
Kipping, R., Porter, A., Heslehurst, N. NIHR School for Public Health Research studentship/University of Bristol co-funded PhD Studentship (04/2023), £76,940, "How are families with preschool children and early care settings affected by food insecurity during the post-pandemic cost-of-living crisis?"
Heslehurst, N., Fong, M., Kenny, R., Thomson, K., Nguyen, G., Cullen, E., Moffatt, M., Aquino, R., Sermin-Reed, L., Patterson, M. (12/2022), £35,109, "Effectiveness and implementation of non-specialist interventions for weight management up to 5-years following pregnancy"
Heslehurst, N., Aquino, R., Pearce, M., McColl, E. Newcastle University Global Education and Community Fund (08/2022), £4,722, "Decolonising our Postgraduate Research” to promote global awareness among our PGR community"
Heslehurst, N., Aquino, R., Pearce, M., McColl, E. Newcastle University QR Enhancing Research Culture Fund (04/2022), £4,276, “Decolonising our Research” to enhance our research culture"
Thangaratinam, S., Pilar Betrán Lazaga, P., Foster, C., Allotey, J., Dodds, J., Nirantharakumar, K., Heslehurst, N., Iliodromiti, S., Austin, F., Moss, N., Hitman, G., Teede, H., Poston, L., Riley, R., Simpson, S., Roberts, T. NIHR HTA Researcher led evidence synthesis (03/2021), £315,207, "Diet and physical activity in pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes: Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis on the differential effects of interventions with economic evaluation"
Aquino, R., Farnworth, A., Heslehurst, N. ARC North East and North Cumbria PhD Studentship (01/2021), £76,000, "Using Intersectionality and Behaviour Change to Enhance Maternity Care for Black Women in the UK"
Heslehurst, N., Brown, H., Bambra, C., Rankin, J. Public Health Wales (09/2019), £50,000, "Upstream factors and wider determinants of health associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes "
Atkinson, H., Smith, J., Heslehurst, N., Farnworth, A., Smith, J. NIHR Clinical Research Network PPIE Small Grants Project (08/2019), £1,000, “Increasing diversity and inclusivity of PPIE in maternal and child research across the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) region”
Heslehurst, N., Vale, L. Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences PhD studentship funding (10/2019), £85,000, “Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Targeting Weight Management Interventions in Pregnancy using Risk Prediction Models”
Heslehurst, N. NIHR Career Development Fellowship (01/2019), £867,956, “Adiposity risk in pregnancy: identifying cost effective risk prediction measures that can be implemented at scale within NHS maternity services”
Bell, Z., Bambra, C., Heslehurst, N., Rankin, J. ESRC PhD Studentship (10/2018), £82,259, "Austerity and nutrition: A qualitative exploration of the social determinants of food insecurity and its nutritional impact amongst women and children in the North East of England"
Heslehurst, N. Research Design Service North East (2017), £390.25, “Patient and Public Involvement: PPI activities”
Lesley Wicks, L., Collins, C., Hutchesson, M., Rollo, M., Wynne, W., Heslehurst, N. University of Newcastle Australia Strategic Pilot Grant (08/2017), $3064 (AUD), “Health professional provision of nutrition and weight management advice to women who are pregnant; A survey to inform nutrition support as part of routine ante-natal care”
Jones, A., Heslehurst, N., Adamson, A., Ells, L., Woodcock, C., Fuse, Institute of Health & Society, Durham County Council (05/2017), £67,000, "Developing and feasibility testing an intervention to prevent childhood obesity in the early years”
Heslehurst, N., Rankin, J., Devlieger, R., Ackroyd, R., Newcastle University Research Excellence Acadamy (09/2016), £71,373, "An investigation of maternal obesity, bariatric surgery in women of reproductive age and associations with severe adverse perinatal outcomes in subsequent pregnancy”
Rankin J., Heslehurst, N., Brown, H. ESRC PhD Studentship (09/2016), £82,259.50, "Asylum seekers and refugees in the North East of England: an advanced quantitative study of inequalities in maternity care and costs to NHS maternity services”
Heslehurst, N., Rankin, J., Rushton, S. MRC 1 3 MSc/PhD Studentship (09/2013), £87,000, "A Life Course Investigation of Maternal Ethnic Group and Pregnancy Weight in the Development of Short and Long-term Health Outcomes for Women and their Offspring”
Summerbell, C., Moore, H., Heslehurst, N., NIHR School for Public Health Research PhD Studentship (08/2012), £75,000, "Determinants and influences of diet and physical activity in pre-school children in the UK"
Heslehurst, N., McColl, E., Knight, M. NIHR Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (01/2012), £304,287, “The development and rehearsal pilot of a guideline implementation intervention for the management of maternal obesity by midwives”
Heslehurst, N. North East Strategic Health Authority (10/2010), £29,070, “A Scoping Study to Develop Midwifery Training for Obesity in Pregnancy”
Heslehurst, N., Holt, A., Simpson, H., Sedgewick, G. South Tees NHS Trust Small Grant Application (06/2009),£5,802, “An evaluation of antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal clinical pathways for obese pregnant women within South Tees NHS Trust maternity services, and partnership public health organisations”
Heslehurst, N., Griffrin, K., Long, H. Teesside University Research Fund (06/2009), £4,348, “A qualitative study exploring experiences of the implementation of dietetic referrals for women with a raised body mass index in pregnancy”
Heslehurst, N., Ells, L., Wilkinson, JR. Public Health North East (09/2008), £50,000, “Maternal Obesity Maternity and Community Service Evaluation”
My teaching activities primarily include PhD, Masters and Undergraduate research supervision and assessments, external PhD assessment and examinations, and student internship supervisor.
- Heslehurst N, McParlin C, Sniehotta FF, Rankin J, Crowe L, McColl E. The Gestational Obesity Weight Management: Implementation of National Guidelines (GLOWING) study: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2024, 10(1), 47.
- Fong M, Kenny RPW, Thomson K, Jesurasa A, Lavans A, Patterson M, Sermin-Reed L, Nguyen G, Aquino MRJ, Cullen E, O'Keefe H, Moffat M, Heslehurst N. Effectiveness and implementation of lower-intensity weight management interventions delivered by the non-specialist workforce in postnatal women: a mixed-methods systematic review. Frontiers in Public Health 2024, 12, 1359680.
- Bell Z, Nguyen G, Andreae G, Scott S, Sermin-Reed L, Lake AA, Heslehurst N. Associations between food insecurity in high-income countries and pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine 2024, 21(9), e1004450.
- Heslehurst N, Vinogradov R, Nguyen GT, Bigirumurame T, Teare D, Hayes L, Lennie SC, Murtha V, Tothill R, Smith J, Allotey J, Vale L. Study of How Adiposity in Pregnancy has an Effect on outcomeS (SHAPES): protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2023, 13(9), e073545.
- Akhter Z, Rankin J, Shackford-Alizart A, Ackroyd R, Devlieger R, Heslehurst N. Preconception and Pregnancy Nutrition Support for Women with a History of Bariatric Surgery: A Mixed-Methods Survey of Healthcare Professionals in the UK. Nutrients 2023, 15(20), 4415.
- Heslehurst N, McParlin C, Sniehotta FF, Rankin J, McColl E. Midwives' survey of their weight management practice before and after the GLOWING guideline implementation intervention: A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE 2023, 18(1), e0280624.
- Heslehurst N, Cullen E, Flynn AC, Briggs C, Smart L, Rankin J, McColl E, Sniehotta FF, McParlin C. Maternal Obesity and Patterns in Postnatal Diet, Physical Activity and Weight among a Highly Deprived Population in the UK: The GLOWING Pilot Trial. Nutrients 2023, 15(17), 3805.
- Boath A, Vale L, Hayes L, Allotey J, Heslehurst N. Differential effects of diet and physical activity interventions in pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes mellitus and reduce gestational weight gain by level of maternal adiposity: a protocol for an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ open 2023, 13(3), e065335.
- Ngongalah L, Rapley T, Rankin J, Heslehurst N. Cultural Influences on African Migrant Pregnant and Postnatal Women’s Dietary Behaviours and Nutrition Support Needs in the UK. Nutrients 2023, 15(19), 4135.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Children's nutritional health and wellbeing in food insecure households in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography. PLoS ONE 2023, 18(9), e0292178.
- Heslehurst N, Evans EH, Incollingo Rodriguez AC, Nagpal TS, Visram S. Newspaper media framing of obesity during pregnancy in the UK: A review and framework synthesis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(12), e13511.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Experiences and perceptions of nutritional health and wellbeing amongst food insecure women in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography. Social Science and Medicine 2022, 311, 115313.
- Nagpal TS, Souza SCS, Moffat M, Hayes L, Nuyts T, Liu RH, Bogaerts A, Dervis S, Piccinini-Vallis H, Adamo KB, Heslehurst N. Does prepregnancy weight change have an effect on subsequent pregnancy health outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(1), e13324.
- Nguyen G, Hayes L, Ngongalah L, Bigirumurame T, Gaudet L, Odeniyi A, Flynn A, Crowe L, Skidmore B, Simon A, Smith V, Heslehurst N. Association between maternal adiposity measures and infant health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(10), e13491.
- Heslehurst N, Ngongalah L, Bigirumurame T, Nguyen TG, Odeniyi A, Flynn A, Smith V, Crowe L, Skidmore B, Gaudet L, Simon A, Hayes L. Association between maternal adiposity measures and adverse maternal outcomes of pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(7), e13449.
- Thomson K, Moffat M, Arisa O, Jesurasa A, Richmond C, Odeniyi A, Bambra C, Rankin J, Brown H, Bishop J, Wing S, McNaughton A, Heslehurst N. Socioeconomic inequalities and adverse pregnancy outcomes in the UK and Republic of Ireland: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2021, 11, e042753.
- Akhter Z, Heslehurst N, Ceulemans D, Rankin J, Ackroyd R, Devlieger R. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: A nested case-control study of risk factors for small for gestational age babies in aurora. Nutrients 2021, 13(5), 1699.
- Ngongalah L, Rankin J, Heslehurst N, Rapley T. Pre-and post-migration influences on weight management behaviours: Perceptions of african migrant women in england. Nutrients 2021, 13(5), 1667.
- Coomar D, Hazlehurst JM, Austin F, Foster C, Hitman GA, Heslehurst N, Iliodromiti S, Betran AP, Moss N, Poston L, Nirantharakumar K, Roberts T, Simpson SA, Teede HJ, Riley R, Allotey J, Thangaratinam S. Diet and physical activity in pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes: A protocol for an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis on the differential effects of interventions with economic evaluation. BMJ Open 2021, 11(6), e048119.
- Brown H, Jesurasa A, Bambra C, Rankin J, McNaughton A, Heslehurst N. Assessing the relationship between adverse pregnancy outcomes and area-level deprivation in Wales 2014-2019: A national population-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2021, 11(11), e052330.
- Heslehurst N, Hayes L, Jones D, Newham J, Olajide J, McLeman L, McParlin C, De Brun C, Azevedo L. The effectiveness of smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, diet and physical activity interventions in changing behaviours during pregnancy: A systematic review of systematic reviews. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(5), e0232774.
- Slack E, Best KE, Rankin J, Heslehurst N. Maternal obesity classes, preterm and post-term birth: a retrospective analysis of 479,864 births in England. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2020, 19, 1-9.
- Insan N, Slack E, Heslehurst N, Rankin J. Antenatal depression and anxiety and early pregnancy BMI among White British and South Asian women: Retrospective analysis of data from the Born in Bradford cohort. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2020, 20(1), 502.
- Heslehurst N, Vieira R, Akhter Z, Bailey H, Slack E, Ngongalah L, Pemu A, Rankin J. The association between maternal body mass index and child obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine 2019, 16, e1002817.
- Shawe J, Ceulemans D, Akhter Z, Neff K, Hart K, Heslehurst N, Stotl I, Agrawal S, Steegers-Theunissen R, Taheri S, Greenslade BV, Rankin J, Huda MSB, Douek I, Ogden J, Galjaard S, Blumenfeld O, Robinson A, Whyte M, Murphy E, Wood C, Devlieger R. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: Consensus recommendations for periconception, antenatal and postnatal care. Obesity Reviews 2019, 20(11), 1507-1522.
- Akhter Z, Rankin J, Ceulemans D, Ngongalah L, Ackroyd R, Devlieger R, Vieira R, Heslehurst N. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery and adverse perinatal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine 2019, 16(8), e1002866.
- Heslehurst N, Brown H, Pemu A, Coleman H, Rankin J. Perinatal health outcomes and care among asylum seekers and refugees: a systematic review of systematic reviews. BMC Medicine 2018, 16, 89.
- Bell R, Hayes L, Pasecinic N, Heslehurst N. Implementation of national screening guidelines for gestational diabetes: A national survey of maternity units in England. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2018, 146, 58-66.
- Heslehurst N, Rankin J, McParlin C, Sniehotta FF, Howel D, Rice S, McColl E. GestationaL Obesity Weight management: Implementation of National Guidelines (GLOWING): A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a guideline implementation intervention for the management of maternal obesity by midwives. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2018, (4), 47.
- Slack E, Rankin J, Jones D, Heslehurst N. Effects of maternal anthropometrics on pregnancy outcomes in South Asian women: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 2018, 19(4), 485-500.
- Watterson C, MacDonald-Wicks L, Collins C, Hutchesson M, Shrewsbury V, Vincze L, Heslehurst N, Follong B. Effectiveness of maternal dietary interventions for improving mother and infant health outcomes: an umbrella review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2018, 16(10), 1929-1938.
- Ngongalah L, Rankin J, Rapley T, Odeniyi A, Akhter Z, Heslehurst N. Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviours in African Migrant Women Living in High Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Framework Synthesis. Nutrients 2018, 10, 8.
- Heslehurst N, Vieira R, Hayes L, Crowe L, Jones D, Robalino S, SLack L, Rankin J. Maternal body mass index and post-term birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2017, 18(3), 293–308.
- Barber C, Rankin J, Heslehurst N. Maternal body mass index and access to antenatal care: a retrospective analysis of 619,502 births in England. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2017, 17(1), 1-10.
- Heslehurst N, Dinsdale S, Brandon H, Johnston C, Summerbell C, Rankin J. Lived experiences of routine antenatal dietetic services among women with obesity: A qualitative phenomenological study. Midwifery 2017, 49, 47-53.
- Heslehurst N, Russell S, Brandon H, Johnston C, Summerbell C, Rankin J. Women's perspectives are required to inform the development of maternal obesity services: a qualitative study of obese women's experiences. Health Expectations 2015, 18(5), 969-981.
- Heslehurst N, Dinsdale S, Sedgewick G, Simpson H, Sen S, Summerbell CD, Rankin J. An Evaluation of the Implementation of Maternal Obesity Pathways of Care: A Mixed Methods Study with Data Integration. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(5), e0127122.
- Padmanabhan U, Summerbell CD, Heslehurst N. A qualitative study exploring pregnant women's weight-related attitudes and beliefs in UK: the BLOOM study. BMC Pregnancy and Birth 2015, 15, 99.
- Heslehurst NH, Crowe L, Robalino S, Sniehotta FF, McColl E, Rankin J. Interventions to change maternity healthcare professionals' behaviours to promote weight-related support for obese pregnant women: a systematic review. Implementation Science 2014, 9, 97.
- Heslehurst N, Newham J, Maniatopoulos G, Fleetwood C, Robalino S, Rankin J. Implementation of pregnancy weight management and obesity guidelines: a meta-analysis of healthcare professionals' barriers and facilitators using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Obesity Reviews 2014, 15(6), 462-486.
- Heslehurst N. Systematic review and meta-analysis: Diet and physical activity interventions reduce pregnancy weight gain compared with control, with dietary interventions having the greatest effect (Thangaratinam S, Rogozinska E, Jolly K, et al. Effects of interventions in pregnancy on maternal weight and obstetric outcomes: meta-analysis of randomised evidence. BMJ 2012;344:e2088). Evidence-Based Nursing 2013, 16(2), 41-42.
- Heslehurst N, Russell S, McCormack S, Sedgewick G, Bell R, Rankin J. Midwives perspectives of their training and education requirements in maternal obesity: a qualitative study. Midwifery 2013, 229(7), 736-744.
- Heslehurst N, Sattar N, Rajasingam D, Wilkinson J, Summerbell C, Rankin J. Existing maternal obesity guidelines may increase inequalities between ethnic groups: a national epidemiological study of 502,474 births in England. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2012, 12(1), 156.
- Heslehurst N, Bell R, Rankin J. Tackling maternal obesity: the challenge for public health. Perspectives in Public Health 2011, 131(4), 161-162.
- Heslehurst N. Identifying groups of 'at risk' women, associated health inequalities and the impact of maternal obesity on NHS maternity services. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2011, 70(4), 439-449.
- Heslehurst N, Moore H, Rankin J, Ells LJ, Wilkinson JR, Summberbell CD. How can maternity services be developed to effectively address maternal obesity? A qualitative study. Midwifery 2011, 27(5), 170-177.
- Smith SA, Heslehurst N, Ells LJ, Wilkinson JR. Community-based service provision for the prevention and management of maternal obesity in the North East of England: A qualitative study. Public Health 2011, 125(8), 518-524.
- Heslehurst N, Rankin J, Wilkinson J, Summerbell CD. A nationally representative study of maternal obesity in England, UK: trends in incidence and demographic inequalities in 619 323 births, 1989–2007. International Journal of Obesity 2010, 34(3), 420-428.
- Heslehurst N, Simpson H, Ells LJ, Rankin J, Wilkinson J, Lang R, Brown TJ, Summerbell CD. The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta analysis. Obesity Reviews 2008, 9(6), 635-683.
- Heslehurst N, Ells LJ, Simpson H, Batterham A, Wilkinson J, Summerbell CD. Trends in maternal obesity incidence rates, demographic predictors, and health inequalities in 36 821 women over a 15-year period. BJOG 2007, 114(3), 334-342.
- Heslehurst N, Lang R, Rankin J, Wilkinson JR, Summerbell CD. Obesity in pregnancy: a study of the impact of maternal obesity on NHS maternity services. BJOG: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2007, 114(3), 334-342.
Book Chapter
- Heslehurst N. The 'Obesity Cycle': The impact of maternal obesity on the exogenous and endogenous causes of obesity in the offspring. In: Unnithan-Kumar, M., Tremayne, S, ed. Fatness and the Maternal Body: Women's Experiences of Corporeality and the Shaping of Social Policy. Oxford: Bergham Books, 2011, pp.111-129.
- Corfe BM, Smith T, Heslehurst N, Nightingale JM, Kenneally S, Williams S, Moore JB. Long overdue: Undergraduate nutrition education for medical students. British Journal of Nutrition 2023, 129(6), 1009-1010.
- Gunabalasingam S, Kyrka A, Hopkins L, Lebrett R, Dyer E, Forde R, Heslehurst N, Meek CL, Schoenaker DAJM, Flynn AC, White SL. Interventions in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum periods to optimise care and health outcomes: A systematic review. Diabetic Medicine 2025, 42(1), e15474.
- Quotah OF, Andreeva D, Nowak KG, Dalrymple KV, Almubarak A, Patel A, Vyas N, Cakir GS, Heslehurst N, Bell Z, Poston L, White SL, Flynn AC. Interventions in preconception and pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 2024, 16(1), 8.
- Nguyen G, Bell Z, Andreae G, Scott S, Sermin-Reed L, Lake AA, Heslehurst N. Food insecurity during pregnancy in high-income countries, and maternal weight and diet: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2024, 25(7), e13753.
- Luli M, Yeo G, Farrell E, Ogden J, Parretti H, Frew E, Bevan S, Brown A, Logue J, Menon V, Isack N, Lean M, McEwan C, Gately P, Williams S, Astbury N, Bryant M, Clare K, Dimitriadis GK, Finlayson G, Heslehurst N, Johnson B, Le Brocq S, Roberts A, McGinley P, Mueller J, O'Kane M, Batterham RL, Miras AD. The implications of defining obesity as a disease: a report from the Association for the Study of Obesity 2021 annual conference. eClinicalMedicine 2023, 58, 101962.
- Nguyen G, Boath A, Heslehurst N. Addressing inequalities and improving maternal and infant outcomes: the potential power of nutritional interventions across the reproductive cycle. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2023, 82(3), 241-252.
- Fakhraei R, Denize K, Simon A, Sharif A, Zhu-Pawlowsky J, Dingwall-Harvey ALJ, Hutton B, Pratt M, Skidmore B, Ahmadzai N, Heslehurst N, Hayes L, Flynn AC, Velez MP, Smith G, Lanes A, Rybak N, Walker M, Gaudet L. Predictors of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Pregnant Women Living with Obesity: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(4), 2063.
- Hayes L, McParlin C, Azevedo LB, Jones D, Newham J, Olajide J, McCleman L, Heslehurst N. The effectiveness of smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, diet and physical activity interventions in improving maternal and infant health outcomes: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Nutrients 2021, 13(3), 1036.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Food insecurity and the nutritional health and well-being of women and children in high-income countries: Protocol for a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Open 2021, 11(8), e048180.
- Stephenson J, Heslehurst N, Hall J, Schoenaker DAJM, Hutchinson J, Cade JE, Poston L, Barrett G, Crozier SR, Barker M, Kumaran K, Yajnik CS, Baird J, Mishra GD. Before the beginning: nutrition and lifestyle in the preconception period and its importance for future health. The Lancet 2018, 391(10132), 1830-1841.
- Dinsdale S, Azevedo LB, Shucksmith J, Newham J, Ells LJ, Jones D, Heslehurst N. Effectiveness of weight management, smoking cessation and alcohol reduction interventions in changing behaviors during pregnancy: an umbrella review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2016, 14(10), 29-47.