Staff Profile
Dr Rachel Green
SL / Hon Con in Oral Surgery
- Address: Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences
School of Dental Sciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I gained my BDS from Dundee University and following this undertook junior positions based around the west coast of Scotland. Having always had an interest in Oral Surgery I initially joined Newcastle University as a Clinical Fellow and, following completion of my PhD, was subsequently appointed as a Clinical Lecturer. Having since competed specialist training, I continue my clinical and academic practice thorough my current role as a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery.
- Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination in Oral Surgery, RCSEd
- Membership in Oral Surgery RCSEd
- PhD, Newcastle University
- PG Certificate in Advanced Studies in Academic Practice
- Newcastle Teaching Award
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Dundee University
Roles and Responsibilities
- Deputy Director of Clinical Studies (BDS and BSc)
- Clinical Teaching Lead for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, BDS
- Course leader for Stage 4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical Attachment
- Significant contribution to the delivery of clinical teaching, lectures and seminars for Stages 3 and 4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Course
- Chair of the Board of Examiners for Stage 3 BDS
- Involvement of all aspects of the examination process for Oral Diseases and Human Diseases courses
- Personal tutor for BDS and MSc students
- PhD student supervisor
- BDS admissions panel member
- Board of Studies member
- School Executive Committee member
Professional Memberships
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
- Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
- Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
- Member of the Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Member of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Member of the International Association of Dental Research
Research Interests
Elements of the educational process including;
- The use of technology to enhance the acquisition of practical skills
- Managing the transition to surgical practice
- Student perceptions and experiences of the academic process
- Patient feedback as a component of the BDS curriculum
Orofacial pain
Living with uncertain disease
Communication in health care
Patient and professional views and experience of oral premalignancy
Funding and Scholarships
- BAOMS small research grant
- QUILT 'just one thing' grant - Newcastle University
- ADEE Scholarship - Advancement of video dentistry in dental education
- AURORA programme funding - Newcastle University
- PhD supervisor
- Academic progress panel member
- Reviewer for the JDR Clinical and Translational Research, the European Journal of Dental Education, Oral Surgery and the British Dental Journal.
- Member of the JDR CTR Scientific Advisory Board
Undergraduate Teaching Responsibilities
Deputy Directory of Clinical Studies (BDS and BSc)
Clinical Teaching Lead for OMFS (BDS)
BDS Stage 3
- Chair of the Board of Examiners for Stage 3
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgery course - significant contribution to the provision of clinical teaching, seminars and competency based assessment
- Involvement in OMFS course examinations: question writing, standard setting, examining (OSCE, in-course assessment)
- Human diseases - responsible for producing and maintaining question bank for Stage 3 examinations
BDS Stage 4
- Deputy Stage Director of Stage 4 BDS
- Course lead for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical Attachment
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgery course - significant contribution to the provision of clinical teaching (minor oral surgery), seminars, lecturers and competency based assessment
- Human Diseases course - involvement in lectures and examinations (OSCE and in- course assessment)
Postgraduate Responsibilities
- IAT and Academic Training Lead, North East region
- Training Programme Director for Oral Surgery StR programme North East region
- Organiser and facilitator for Newcastle University post graduate MOS courses
- Contributor to the MFDS lecture programme
- Invited speaker for DF1 lecture programme
- Facilitator for minor oral surgery training days as part of the Northern Deanery's lifelong learning programme
- Examiner for MFDS RCS Edinburgh
- Penlington C, Durham J, O'Brien N, Green R. Filling in the Gaps. Making sense of living with temporomandibular disorders: a reflexive thematic analysis. Journal of Dental Research Clinical and Transational Research 2024, 9(4), 312-398.
- Field J, Dixon J, Towers A, Green R, Albagami H, Lambourn G, Mallinson J, Fokkinga W, Tricio-Pesce J, Crnic T, Vital S. Defining dental operative skills curricula: An ADEE consensus paper. European Journal of Dental Education 2021, 25(2), 405-414.
- Dargue A, Fyfe E, French K, Ali K, Bailey E, Bell A, Bolt R, Bulsara Y, Carey J, Emanuel C, Green R, Khawaja N, Kushnerev E, Patel N, Shepherd S, Smart B, Smyth J, Taylor K, Datla KV. The impact of wrong-site surgery on dental undergraduate teaching: a survey of UK dental schools. European Journal of Dental Education 2020, 25(4), 670-678.
- Al-Baghdadi M, Green R, Durham J, Steele J, Araujo-Soares V. Decision-making in the management of TMJ disc displacement without reduction: A qualitative study. Journal of Dentistry 2019, 91, 103223.
- Greenwood M, Beattie A, Green R, Durham J. Aspects of training in clinical medical sciences in dentistry (human disease): recent graduates’ perspectives from a UK dental school. European Journal of Dental Education 2013, 17(2), 114-121.
- Staines KS, Green R, Felix DH. The management of fistulizing oral Crohn's disease with infliximab. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2007, 36(7), 444-446.
- Green R, Bhatia K, McHugh S, Hodge P. Influence of Deprivation on Referral to a Specialist Periodontal Department. Journal of Dental Research 2006, 85 (Special Iss C), 498.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lilo A, Moynihan P, Durham J, Stone S, Green R. Temporomandibular Disorders, Diet And Nutrition: A Mixed-Methods Exploration. In: 2018 IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London: IADR.
- Al-baghdadi M, Durham J, Green R, Steele J, Araujo-soares V. Understanding Clinicians’ Decisions in Managing Disc Displacement Without Reduction. In: 2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session. 2015, Boston, Massachusetts: International Association for Dental Research.
- Green RA, Exley C, Steele JG, Thomson PJ. Patients understanding of the unknown: oral precancer. In: Journal of Dental Research. 2014.
- Green R, Thomson PJ, Exley C, Steele JG. Understanding the transition from primary to secondary care: experiences of patients with oral precancer. In: British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting. 2011, Nice, France: Churchill Livingstone.
- Green R, Exley C, Thomson PJ, Steele JG. Understanding patient views and experience of oral precancer. In: International Association for Dental Research General Session (IADR 2010). 2010, Barcelona, Spain: Sage Publications, Inc.