Staff Profile
Dr Sam Orange
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Email:
- Address: School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Dame Margaret Barbour Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Senior Lecturer and Clinical Exercise Physiologist. I have over 10 years' experience supporting people with long-term health conditions to be physically active, including people with obesity, older adults, and cancer survivors. I now lead an independent programme of research focused on developing and testing physical activity interventions in people at higher risk of, or diagnosed with, cancer.
Roles and responsibilities
Deputy director of research; School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences
Postgraduate research student coordinator; School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences
External activities
Scientific Advisor - Simple App
Editorial Board member - Communications in Kinesiology
Editorial Board member - BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Steering Committee Member - UK Therapeutic Cancer Prevention Network Group (UKTCPN)
PhD Clinical Exercise Physiology; University of Hull
MRes Exercise Science; Northumbria University
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science; York St John University
Higher Education Academy Fellowship
Professional registrations
Clinical Exercise Physiologist - The Academy for Healthcare Science
Previous positions
NIHR-funded postdoctoral researcher; Northumbria University
Lecturer in Exercise Physiology; York St John University
British Association of Cancer Research
The Association for the Study of Obesity
Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology (STORK) outreach committee
Open Research Award 2022 (First Prize), Newcastle University
British Association of Cancer Research Travel Award
Physical activity and cancer
There is good evidence that physical activity after a cancer diagnosis can improve treatment tolerability and improve health-related and clinical outcomes. I am leading trials across diverse cancer types to identify the most effective, acceptable, and scalable ways of supporting health behaviour change in people living with and beyond cancer, with a particular emphasis on becoming more active.
Mechanisms of physical activity and cancer risk
Regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of several site-specific cancers, but the underlying mechanisms of action are not fully resolved. I am interested in understanding these mechanisms better to inform the development of more precise, targeted preventive interventions. We have previously shown that exercise causes a protein called interleukin 6 (IL-6) to be released into the bloodstream, which helps repair the DNA of cancer damaged cells. This may be one mechanism underlying the protective effect of exercise against cancer.
Current research projects
PURE-EX: EXpanding into communities to imProve lifestyle sUpport foR womEn after breast cancer (funded by Breast Cancer Now; Lead Investigator)
CHEMORAD: Pathophysiology of physical deconditioning in patients treated with chemoradiotherapy for HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer (funded by the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University; Co-investigator)
INTENT: acute exercIse oN colorecTal adENoma growTh (funded by Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership; Lead Investigator)
MOTION: Mechanisms Of acuTe exercIse and cOlorectal caNcer progression (funded by Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund; Lead Investigator)
CASCADE: aCute exercise extrAcellular veSiCle releAse anD contEnt (funded by the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University; Lead Investigator)
Co-creation of an intervention to increase physical activity uptake for dementia risk reduction, among ethnic minority communities in North East England (funded by MRC Attain Healthy Ageing Network; Co-investigator)
Completed research projects
TELEX-Liver Cancer: TELehealth EXercise for patients with primary liver cancer (funded by NIHR Newcastle BRC, Co-investigator)
AEROBIC: Acute Effect of modeRate-intensity aerOBIc exercise on Colon cancer cell growth (funded by the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Northumbria University, Lead Investigator)
PROSCARDIO: PROState cancer patients initiating hormone therapy: effect of exercise on CARDIOvascular health (Co-investigator)
PhD supervision
Impact of lifestyle on liver cancer development and progression (Misti McCain, Newcastle University)
Exercise as a treatment for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy in women with breast cancer (Rosiered Brownson-Smith, Northumbria University)
Development of an evidence-based diet and exercise app for people living with and beyond colorectal cancer (Anna Fretwell, Newcastle University)
Impact of thermal strain in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (Ollie Page, Newcastle University)
I am accepting PhD applications in the following areas:
Understanding barriers and facilitators to health behaviours in people living with long-term health conditions
Developing and evaluating physical activity interventions in people at increased risk of, or diagnosed with, cancer
Understanding the biological mechanisms of how physical activity might prevent the progression of certain cancers
Undergraduate teaching
- SES3004 Physical Activity, Exercise and Disease
- SES2000 Principles of Strength and Conditioning
- SES2004 Exercise Physiology
- SES3000 Sport and Exercise Science Research Project
Postgraduate teaching
- SES8001 Exercise Physiology Assessment Skills (module lead)
- SES8099 Exercise Physiology Dissertation
- MMB8044: Exercise in Health and Disease
- SES8000 Applied Exercise Science
- CVR8007 Diagnostic Approaches & Current Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders
- Makaracia Y, Nasa K, Gündüzb K, Uysala A, Orange ST, Ruiz-Cárdenase JD. Validity and Test–Retest Reliability of a Smartphone App for Measuring Rising Time, Velocity, Power, and Inter-Limb Asymmetry During Single-Leg Sit-to-Stand Test in Female-Trained Athletes. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 2024, 28(4), 391-400.
- Hodgson P, Jordan A, Sinani C, Charura D, Orange ST. The relationship between physical function and psychological symptoms in Parkinson's Disease: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 2024, 30(2), e14562.
- Hallsworth K, McCain MV, Fallen-Bailey R, Brown MC, Orange ST, Reeves HL. Is home-based, virtually-delivered, group exercise feasible and acceptable for older patients with hepatocellular carcinoma? A non-randomised feasibility study (TELEX-Liver Cancer). BMJ Open 2024, 14(6), e082155.
- Orange ST, Roebuck J, Marshall P, Madden LA, Vince RV, Bell BT. 'I'm a failure again, I can't do it': Attitudes towards, and experiences of, exercise participation in adults with class III obesity. British Journal of Health Psychology 2024, 29(4), 943-957.
- Metcalfe JW, Orange ST, Madden LA, Marshall P, Vince RV. Effects of resistance training on quality of life, fatigue, physical function, and muscular strength during chemotherapy treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer 2024, 32(9), 593.
- Fretwell A, Dobson C, Orange ST, Corfe B. Diet and physical activity advice for colorectal cancer survivors: Critical synthesis of public-facing guidance. Supportive Care in Cancer 2024, 32, 609.
- Balachandran AT, Orange ST, Yipeng W, Lustin R, Vega A, Quiles N. Comparison of two popular transducers to measure sit-to-stand power in older adults. Plos One 2024, 19(8), e0308808.
- Orange ST, Guerin C, Taylor C, Poole L, Sanger K, Clarke S, Goodley L, Bradbury C, Pearmain W. Acute effects of using individual velocity targets to regulate resistance training load. Communications in Kinesiology 2024, 1, 6.
- Orange ST, Brown MC, Hallsworth K, Malcomson FC, Corfe B, Tweedie C, Cresti N, Cain H, Court P, Willson C, Ross K, Mathers JC, Saxton JM, Sharp L, Smith SG. Co-development of a programme to improve physical activity support for women after breast cancer treatment: a pre-protocol for PURE-EX . NIHR Open Research 2025, 5(3).
- Orange ST. What is the optimal type and dose of physical activity for colorectal cancer prevention?. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology 2023, 66, 101841.
- Orange ST, Leslie J, Ross M, Mann DA, Wackerhage H. The exercise IL-6 enigma in cancer. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2023, 34(11), 749-763.
- Hicks K, Orange ST, Dulson D, Ansdell P, Todryk S, Gilbert S, Saxton JM. The effect of menstrual cycle phase on immune responses to a 5km cycling time trial: An exploratory study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2023, 18(4), 435-439.
- Scott DJ, Ditroilo M, Orange ST, Marshall P. The Effect of Complex Training on Physical Performance in Rugby League Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2023, 18(3), 240–247.
- Scott DJ, Marshall P, Orange ST, Ditroilo M. The Effect of Complex Training on Muscle Architecture in Rugby League Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2023, 18(3), 231-239.
- Ross M, Turner JE, Orange ST, Metcalfe R. Editorial: The influence of lifestyle factors on cancer biology and treatment efficacy. Frontiers in Physiology 2023, 14, 1254151.
- Myslivecek J, Lung C-W, Martins-Marques T, Orange ST, Hiura M, Ding Y. Editorial: Model organisms and experimental models: opportunities and challenges in clinical and translational physiology. Frontiers in Physiology 2023, 14, 1267842.
- Orange ST, Hallsworth K, Brown MC, Reeves HL. The feasibility and acceptability of a home-based, virtual exercise intervention for older patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study (TELEX-Liver Cancer). Pilot And Feasibility Studies 2022, 8, 113.
- Makaraci Y, Nas K, Ruiz-Cárdenas JD, Gündüz K, Aydemir M, Orange ST. Test-Retest Reliability and Convergent Validity of Piezoelectric Force Plate Measures of Single-Leg Sit-to-Stand Performance in Trained Adults. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2022, 37(12), 2373-2380.
- Orange ST, Jordan AR, Odell A, Kavanagh O, Hicks KM, Todryk S, Saxton JM. Reply to “Comments on: Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage”. International Journal of Cancer 2022, 151(9), 1642-1643.
- Orange ST, Hritz A, Pearson L, Jeffries O, Jones TW, Steele J. Comparison of the effects of velocity-based vs. traditional resistance training methods on adaptations in strength, power and sprint speed: a systematic review, meta-analysis and quality of evidence appraisal. Journal of Sports Sciences 2022, 40(11), 1220-1234.
- Orange ST, Jordan AR, Odell A, Kavanagh O, Hicks KM, Eaglen T, Todryk S, Saxton JM. Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage. International Journal of Cancer 2022, 151(2), 265-274.
- Orange ST, Gilbert SE, Brown MC, Saxton JM. Recall, perceptions and determinants of receiving physical activity advice amongst cancer survivors: a mixed‑methods survey. Supportive Care in Cancer 2021, 29, 6369-6378.
- Orange ST, Hicks KM, Saxton JM. Effectiveness of diet and physical activity interventions amongst adults attending colorectal and breast cancer screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Causes & Control 2021, 32, 13-26.
- Metcalfe R, Kemp R, Heffernan SM, Churm R, Chen Y, Ruffino JS, Conway GE, Tornillo G, Orange ST. Anti-carcinogenic effects of exercise-conditioned human serum: evidence, relevance and opportunities. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2021, 121, 2107-2124.
- Bell BT, Taylor C, Paddock D, Bates A, Orange ST. Body Talk in the Digital Age: A Controlled Evaluation of a Classroom-Based Intervention to Reduce Appearance Commentary and Improve Body Image. Health Psychology Open 2021, 8(1).
- Orange ST, Metcalfe JW, Liefeith A, Jordan AR. Validity of various portable devices to measure sit-to-stand velocity and power in older adults. Gait & Posture 2020, 76, 409-414.
- Orange ST, Jordan AR, Saxton JM. The serological responses to acute exercise in humans reduce cancer cell growth in vitro: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physiological Reports 2020, 8(22), e14635.
- Orange ST, Metcalfe JW, Marshall P, Vince RV, Madden LA, Liefeith A. Test-retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2020, 34(3), 728-737.
- Munson EH, Orange ST, Bray JW, Thurlow S, Marshall P, Vince RV. Sodium Ingestion Improves Groundstroke Performance in Nationally-Ranked Tennis Players: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial. Frontiers in Nutrition 2020, 7, 549413.
- Orange ST, Madden LA, Vince RV. Resistance training leads to large improvements in strength and moderate improvements in physical function in adults who are overweight or obese: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 2020, 66(4), 214-224.
- Ndjavera W, Orange ST, O'Doherty AF, Leicht AS, Rochester M, Mills R, Saxton JM. Exercise-induced attenuation of treatment side-effects in patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer beginning androgen-deprivation therapy: a randomised controlled trial. BJU International 2020, 125(1), 28-37.
- Orange ST, Marshall P, Madden LA, Vince RV. Effect of home‐based resistance training performed with or without a high‐speed component in adults with severe obesity. Translational Sports Medicine 2020, 3(1), 34-45.
- Orange ST, Metcalfe JW, Liefeith A, Marshall P, Madden LA, Fewster CR, Vince RV. Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2019, 33(9), 2398-2408.
- Orange ST, Marshall P, Madden LA, Vince RV. Short-Term Training and Detraining Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Exercise in Aging Adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2019, 33(10), 2733-2742.
- Orange ST, Metcalfe JW, Robinson A, Applegarth MJ, Liefeith A. Effects of In-Season Velocity-Versus Percentage-Based Training in Academy Rugby League Players. International journal of sports physiology and performance 2019, 15(4), 554-561.
- Orange ST, Marshall P, Madden LA, Vince RV. Can sit-to-stand muscle power explain the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity?. Journal of Sports Sciences 2019, 37(11), 1227-1234.
- Orange ST, Northgraves MJ, Marshall P, Madden LA, Vince RV. Exercise prehabilitation in elective intra-cavity surgery: A role within the ERAS pathway? A narrative review. International Journal of Surgery 2018, 56, 328-333.
- Orange ST, Smith A. Evidence-based strength and conditioning in soccer. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada 2016, 9, 21-37.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hallsworth K, Orange ST, McCain M, Fallen-bailey R, Reeves HL. Feasibility of a home-based, virtually-delivered, group exercise intervention in older patients with liver cancer (TELEX-Liver Cancer). In: EASL Congress 2023. 2023, Vienna, Austria: Elsevier BV.
- Orange ST, Marshall P, Madden L, Vince RV. The determinants of physical function in adults with severe obesity. In: 5th UK Congress on Obesity. 2018, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Nature.
- Alqallaf J, Orange ST, Matu J, Griffiths A, Johnson K, Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou A, Holliday A, Wilson O. The Effect of High-Fat Diet on Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression. Journal of Nutrition 2024, 154(4), 1087-1100.
- Fretwell A, Louca P, Cohoon G, Sakellaropoulou A, Henriques Caetano MDP, Koullapis A, Orange ST, Malcomson FC, Dobson C, Corfe BM. Still too little evidence: the role of diet in colorectal cancer survivorship - a systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2024, ePub ahead of Print.
- Brownson-Smith R, Orange ST, Cresti N, Hunt K, Saxton J, Temesi J. Effect of exercise before and/or during taxane-containing chemotherapy treatment on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms in women with breast cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2025, 19, 78-96.