Staff Profile

Seamus Kelly
Clinical Senior Lecturer/Consultant
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 293 2532
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 293 2578
- Address: School of Medical Education Development
Rake Lane
North Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE29 8NH
Research Interests
Seroprevalence of H pylori in patients with colorectal cancer and colorectal polyps
Plasma progastrin in patients with colorectal cancer and colorectal polyps
p53 gene sequencing and p53, p33 and mmr immunohistochemistry and predictors of outcome following chemotherapy with 5FU in patients with Duke's C colorectal cancer
Funding from:
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust
Astra Foundation
Miracle Fund
- Afshar S, Malcomson F, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Mathers JC. Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer Risk Decrease 6 months After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Obesity Surgery 2018, 28(4), 945-954.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Ibero-Baraibar I, Leung WC, Kelly S, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Effects of supplementation with nondigestible carbohydrates on fecal calprotectin and on epigenetic regulation of SFRP1 expression in the large-bowel mucosa of healthy individuals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 105(2), 400-410.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Lagerwaard B, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Non-digestible carbohydrates supplementation increases miR-32 expression in the healthy human colorectal epithelium: a randomized controlled trial. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2017, 56(9), 2104-2111.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Werner A, Malcomson F, Mathers JC. MicroRNA expression in the rectal mucosa: response to bariatric surgery and implications for colorectal cancer risk. (ISRCTN95459522). In: Society of Academic and Research Surgery Meeting. 2016, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Werner AD, Mathers JC. The Effects of Bariatric Procedures on Bowel Habit. Obesity Surgery 2016, 2348–2354.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling gene expression and crypt cell proliferation in the large bowel: a randomised controlled dietary intervention. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Malcomson F, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Bradburn M, Kelly S, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling pathway gene expression and its functional outcomes in the large bowel: a human dietary intervention study. In: Nutrition Society Winter Meeting 2013: Diet, Gut Microbiology and Human Health. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IJD, Dainty J, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on putative epigenetic biomarkers of colorectal cancer risk. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Afshar S, Mathers JC, Kelly S, Woodcock S, Seymour K. Systematic review of the effects of intentional weight loss on the risk of colorectal cancer. In: 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society. 2014, Lemington Spa, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Lara J, Woodcock S, Mathers JC. The Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Colorectal Cancer Risk: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Obesity Surgery 2014, 24(10), 1793-1799.
- Malcomson F, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling in the bowel: a randomised controlled dietary intervention. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E225-E225.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IDJ, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on biomarkers of gastrointestinal health: a human intervention study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IDJ, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on biomarkers of gastrointestinal health: a human intervention study. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E260-E260.
- McCallum IJD, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Willis N, Xie L, Mathers JC. Methylation of the notch pathway in patients at higher risk of colorectal cancer and effects of supplementation with resistant starch in a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Surgery 2013, 100(Suppl. 4), 8-8.
- McCallum IJD, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Willis N, Xie L, Mathers JC. Methylation of the notch pathway in patients at higher risk of colorectal cancer and effects of supplentation with resistant starch in a randomised controlled trial. In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Academic and Research Surgery. 2013, London, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Malcomson F, Portilla M, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. MicroRNA expression in the macroscopically-normal epithelium of people at differential risk of colorectal cancer. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E224-E224.
- Sewpaul A, Shaban F, Venkatasubramaniam AK, Tennant D, Kelly SB. The case of the forgotten toothbrush. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2012, 3(5), 184-185.
- Al Samaraee A, McCallum IJ, Kenny L, Isreb S, MacDougall L, Hayat M, Kelly S. Colorectal Stents: Do we have enough evidence?. International Journal of Surgery 2011, 9(8), 595-599.
- Kelly SB, Mills SJ, Bradburn DM, Ratcliffe AA, Borowski DW. Effect of the circumferential resection margin on survival following rectal cancer surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2011, 98(4), 573-581.
- Bharathan B, Welfare M, Borowski DW, Mills SJ, Steen IN, Kelly SB. Impact of deprivation on short- and long-term outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2011, 98(6), 854-865.
- Borowski DW, Bradburn DM, Mills SJ, Bharathan B, Wilson RG, Ratcliffe AA, Kelly SB, on behalf of the members of the Northern Region Colorectal Cancer Audit Group (NORCCAG). Volume-outcome analysis of colorectal cancer-related outcomes. British Journal of Surgery 2010, 97(9), 1416-1430.
- Dronamraju SS, Coxhead JM, Kelly SB, Mathers JC. Role of DNA-mismatch repair in anti-neoplastic effects of butyrate. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2008, 67(OCE2), E87.
- Murphy J, Smith A, Cobden I, Kelly SB. Early experience of nurse specialist led flexible sigmoidoscopy in an outpatient setting. In: Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain & Ireland. 2001, Harrogate, UK.
- Siddheshwar RK, Muhammad KB, Gray JC, Kelly SB. Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Patients With Colorectal Polyps and Colorectal Carcinoma. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001, 96(1), 84-88.
- Muhammad KB, Sherwani A, Welfare M, Barton R, Cobden I, Kelly SB. Epinephrine injection for endoscopic hemostasis in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers: A retrospective study. In: GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2000.
- Muhammad KB, Siddheshwar RK, Gray J, Kelly SB. Serum levels of progastrin but not amidated gastrin or glycine-extended gastrin are elevated in patients with colorectal neoplasia. In: Gastroenterology. 2000.
- Siddheshwar RK, Wilson RG, Bradburn M, Varma J, Campbell FC, Kelly SB. Evidence against a role for Helicobacter pylori in colorectal neoplasia. In: Gut. 1999, BMJ Group.
- Siddheshwar RK, Wilson RG, Bradburn M, Varma J, Campbell FC, Kelly SB. Prevalence of H pylori in colorectal neoplasia : Evidence against an association. In: Gastroenterology. 1999, W.B. Saunders Co.