Staff Profile
Dr Shelina Visram
Senior lecturer in public health
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 2279
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Ridley Building 1
5th Floor
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a member of the Population Health Sciences Institute and work in the Public Health & Health Inequalities research theme.
BA (Hons) Human Sciences, 2003, University of Oxford
MPH Public Health, 2007, Northumbria University
PhD Public Health, 2011, Northumbria University
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice, 2013, Northumbria University
Previous Positions
Associate Professor in Public Policy and Health, Durham University, 2016-2017
Lecturer in Public Policy and Health, Durham University, 2013-2016
Lecturer in Public Health Research, Fuse and Northumbria University, 2012-2013
Postgraduate Research Associate, Northumbria University, 2006-2012
Research Assistant, Northumbria University, 2004-2006
Fuse: the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health (, member organisation of the NIHR School for Public Health Research
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East & North Cumbria (ARC NENC)
UK Society for Social Medicine and Population Health (SSM)
European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
Honours and Awards
NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Doctoral Research Fellowship Award Holder, 2008-2011
Awarded the Faculty of Public Health President Medal for Outstanding Service to Public Health, 2021
ORCID profile:
Research Interests
My interests include:
- Understanding the lived experiences of marginalised, vulnerable and under-represented populations
- Asset- and place-based approaches to improving health and reducing inequalities
- Lay involvement in public health
- Evaluations of complex, policy or system level interventions
- Qualitative, participatory and creative research approaches
- Co-production and knowledge mobilisation
I co-lead the Health Inequalities Research Cluster within Fuse (the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health): Health inequalities | Fuse | Newcastle University
Postgraduate Supervision
I welcome enquiries from prospective students interested in any of the areas mentioned above.
Current students:
- The health and social impact of outside medical referrals of Palestinian patients to Egypt and Jordan (Anas Ismail)
- Exploring lived experiences of shared decision making in antipsychotic treatment: a qualitative longitudinal study (Suzanne Akel)
- What are the experiences of families who are supported by a Baby Bank? (Katie Burgess)
- The financial impact of childhood illness on families in disadvantaged communities (Abi Collins)
- The impact of precarious employment on young adults’ health and wellbeing in the UK (Cara Leavey)
- Prevalence, determinants, and experiences of mental health conditions amongst Covid-19 survivors during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria: a mixed-method study (Pela Okorie)
- Socio-economic deprivation and deaths of despair: a mixed methods investigation in the North East of England (Timothy Price)
- The role of community pharmacists in the management and prevention of licit opioid misuse in the United Kingdom (Ogochukwu Offu)
Past student projects:
- Critically examining the experience of end of life care for people with interstitial lung disease: views of patients, families and clinicians (Evelyn Palmer)
- Unfolding and infrastructuring social innovation within youth-led groups in Lebanon (Sara Armouch)
- Exploring community gardening as a complex public health intervention: an action research study (Natalie Connor)
Funded Projects
Visram S, Burgess K, Capewell S, Brunskill G (2024-25). Building the evidence base on baby banks. The Catherine Cookson Foundation.
Visram S (2024-25). Evaluation of the North Tyneside Gateway Access Plus Service. North Tyneside Council.
Visram S, Castelli M, Hill T, Hetherington R, Kingston A, O’Donnell A, Pearce M (2024). Understanding and enhancing the research project offer within the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS). FMS Educational Research, Development & Practice Grants, Newcastle University.
Visram S, Salvatelli R, Nwaru C, Collins A, Bambra C (2024). Multiple and complex needs across the North East Mayoral Combined Authority: a scoping review. Insights North East.
Visram S, Aquino R (2023-24). Evaluation of the LEAP (Little Explorers And Parents & families) Creative Health for Early Years Wellbeing pilot project. Northern Ballet and The Child Health and Wellbeing Network North East & North Cumbria.
Gorman S, Cheetham M, Bhattarai N, van der Graaf P, Visram S, McGowan V, Pollard F, Ward S, Wiseman A, Gibson E, Kiritharan G (2022-23). Assessing the impact and cost effectiveness of a community-centred approach to public health on mental health and wellbeing; a co-produced, mixed methods study. NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East & North Cumbria.
Visram S, Lie M (2022). Better Mental Health Fund (BMHF) evaluation. South Tyneside Council.
Visram S, Lie M, Cheetham M, Hodgson P (2021-22). Understanding local health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside. NIHR Clinical Research Network North East & North Cumbria and South Tyneside Council.
Defeyter G, Lake A, Visram S, Stretesky P, Clear A, Lloyd S, Matthews C, Jeffels K (2021-22). Following Covid-19 Lockdown: Measuring food insecurity in Redcar and Cleveland to inform future food provision at local authority and ward level. NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East & North Cumbria.
Visram S, Andrew R, Antonopolous G, Berger N, Burrell S, Cook J, Forrest S, Haywood C, Rashid I, Smith B (2020-21). An evaluability assessment of BoroManCan: working with local communities to improve men’s health and wellbeing in Middlesbrough. NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East & North Cumbria.
Scott S, Visram S, Broadbridge A (2020-2021). Understanding community aid responses to the coronavirus pandemic: a qualitative exploration of how communities in North East England have mobilised to tackle food insecurity. Catherine Cookson Foundation.
Visram S, Sowden S, Ramsay S, Lally J, Lie M (2020-2021). Embedding public health and prevention in secondary care. NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS).
Scott S, Lake AA, Giles E, Leese M, Visram S, Woodall J, Baybutt M, Williamson K (2020-2021). Exploring food environments with people in prison and prison catering staff: mapping priorities for the improvement of food standards and diet quality. NHS England.
Carr S, Visram S, Sattar Z (2019-2020). Utilising a community-assets based approach to develop physical activity interventions in micro communities. NIHR Clinical Research Network NE&NC.
Bambra C, McGowan V... Visram S (2019-2020). Places and Communities: What is known? Stakeholder views and research synthesis. NIHR School for Public Health Research.
Crossley S, Visram S, Irving A (2017). Assessing the impact of Gateshead’s Innovation Fund projects on social isolation. Institute of Local Governance.
Cheetham M, Rushmer R, Visram S (2016-2018). Cross-site evaluation of the North East integrated wellbeing and wellness services. Public Health England.
Visram S, Thirlway F, Lewis S, Russell A, Bambra C (2015-2017). Evaluation of the County Durham Wellbeing for Life Service. Durham County Council.
Hunter DJ, Visram S, Finn R, Gosling J, Adams L, Forrest A (2015-2017). Evaluating the leadership role of Health and Wellbeing Boards as drivers of health improvement and integrated care across England. Department of Health Policy Research Programme.
Marks L, Visram S, Mason A, David H, Hunter DJ, Smithson J (2015-17). Commissioning public health services: the impact of the health reforms on access, health inequalities and innovation in service provision. Department of Health Policy Research Programme.
Hunter DJ, Visram S, Marks L (2015-2016). Reviewing the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services. World Health Organization Europe.
Hunter DJ, Visram S (2015). Delivering on health and wellbeing in Middlesbrough: Review of current partnership working arrangements. Institute of Local Governance.
Visram S (2014-2016). Evaluating the Shildon Health Express programme. Durham County Council.
Hunter DJ, Visram S (2014-2015). Supporting delivery of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services. Durham University ‘pathways to impact’ funding.
Visram S, Lake AA, Cheetham M, Riby D (2014-2015). The HYPER! (Hearing Young People’s views on Energy Drinks: Research) study. The Children’s Foundation.
Visram S (2013-2014). Evaluation of the Willington long-term conditions pilot. County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.
Crosland A, Wallace A, Visram S (2013-2014). Alcohol health trainer pilot evaluation. NHS Durham.
Chinouya M, Visram S (2012-2013). Peer health advisors working with black African communities: a community-based participatory research project. NHS Middlesbrough.
Visram S, Clarke C, White M (2008-2011). Exploring the issues of client engagement and health behaviour change in the NHS Health Trainers initiative: a comparative, qualitative study to inform the intervention development and evaluation. NIHR Research Training Fellowship.
Carr S, Lhussier M, Visram S, Geddes L, Deane K, Pennington M, White M, Michie S, Donaldson C, Hildreth A (2007-2011). An evidence synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research on component intervention techniques, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, equity and acceptability of different versions of health-related lifestyle advisor role in improving health. NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme.
Master of Public Health/MSc Public Health and Health Service Research/MSc Global Public Health
- Degree programme director
- Module lead: Public Policy, Health and Health Inequalities (HSC8047); Health Care Quality (HSC8048)
- Dissertation supervisor
BSc Biomedical Sciences
- Dissertation supervisor
BSc Food & Human Nutrition/Nutrition with Food Marketing
- Dissertation supervisor
BSc Psychology
- Dissertation supervisor
- Dissertation supervisor
DClin Psychology
- Dissertation supervisor
MRes Global Health
- Personal tutor
Other roles and responsibilities
- Deputy director of education within the Population Health Sciences Institute
- Deputy lead (education) for the Public Health & Health Inequalities research theme
- Offu OF, Visram S, Rathbone AP, Lindsey L. Factors influencing pharmacists’ roles in preventing prescription and over-the-counter opioid misuse: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2024, 32(2), 133-145.
- Ajibo C, Van Griethuysen A, Visram S, Lake AA. Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a systematic review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes. Public Health 2024, 227, 274-281.
- Price T, McGowan V, Visram S, Wildman J, Bambra C. “They're not mentally ill, their lives are just shit”: Stakeholders' understanding of deaths of despair in a deindustrialised community in North East England. Health and Place 2024, 90, 103346.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Children's nutritional health and wellbeing in food insecure households in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography. PLoS ONE 2023, 18(9), e0292178.
- Perkins S, Visram S, Lindsey L. ‘What does good look like’ – Exploring access to healthcare for the homeless population in Gateshead, England. Journal of Public Health 2023, 45(3), e486-e493.
- Scott S, McGowan VJ, Bradley A, Visram S. ‘How I'm feeling today, I probably won't be feeling tomorrow’. Using I-Poems to explore young people's changing emotions during the Covid-19 pandemic – A qualitative, longitudinal study. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2023, 3, 100239.
- Palmer E, Kavanagh E, Visram S, Bourke AM, Forrest I, Exley C. When should palliative care be introduced for people with progressive fibrotic interstitial lung disease? A meta-ethnography of the experiences of people with end-stage interstitial lung disease and their family carers. Palliative Medicine 2022, 36(8), 1171 - 1185.
- Heslehurst N, Evans EH, Incollingo Rodriguez AC, Nagpal TS, Visram S. Newspaper media framing of obesity during pregnancy in the UK: A review and framework synthesis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(12), e13511.
- Almulhem M, Harnett N, Graham S, Haq I, Visram S, Ward C, Brodlie M. Exploring the impact of elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor treatment on opinions regarding airway clearance techniques and nebulisers: TEMPO a qualitative study in children with cystic fibrosis, their families and healthcare professionals. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2022, 9, e001420.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Experiences and perceptions of nutritional health and wellbeing amongst food insecure women in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography. Social Science and Medicine 2022, 311, 115313.
- Price T, McColl E, Visram S. Barriers and Facilitators of Childhood Flu Vaccination: The Views of Parents in North East England. Journal of Public Health 2022, 30, 2619-2626.
- Palmer E, Kavanagh E, Visram S, Bourke AM, Forrest I, Exley C. Which factors influence the quality of end of life care in interstitial lung disease? A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Palliative Medicine 2021, 36(2), 237-253.
- Visram S, Hunter DJ, Perkins N, Adams L, Finn R, Gosling J, Forrest A. Health and Wellbeing Boards as theatres of accountability: A dramaturgical analysis. Local Government Studies 2021, 47(6), 931-950.
- Scott S, McGowan VJ, Visram S. ‘I’m Gonna Tell You about How Mrs Rona Has Affected Me’. Exploring Young People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in North East England: A Qualitative Diary-Based Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(7), 3837.
- Perkins N, Hunter DJ, Visram S, Finn R, Gosling J, Adams L, Forrest A. Partnership or insanity: why do health partnerships do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result?. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2020, 25(1), 41-48.
- Visram S, Walton N, Akhter N, Lewis S, Lister G. Assessing the value for money of an integrated health and wellbeing service in the UK. Social Science and Medicine 2020, 245, 112661.
- Mason AR, Liu D, Marks L, Davis H, Hunter D, Jehu LM, Visram S, Smithson J. Local authority commissioning of NHS Health Checks: A regression analysis of the first three years. Health Policy 2018, 122(9), 1035-1042.
- Visram S, Smith S, Connor N, Greig G, Scorer C. Examining associations between health, wellbeing and social capital: findings from a survey developed and conducted using participatory action research. Journal of Public Mental Health 2018, 17(3), 122-134.
- Liu D, Mason A, Marks L, Davis H, Hunter DJ, Jehu LM, Smithson J, Visram S. Effects of local authority expenditure on childhood obesity. European Journal of Public Health 2018, 29(4), 785-790.
- Jehu LM, Visram S, Marks L, Hunter DJ, Davis H, Mason A, Liu D, Smithson J. Directors of public health as 'a protected species': qualitative study of the changing role of public health professionals in England following the 2013 reforms. Journal of Public Health 2018, 40(3), e203-e210.
- Visram S, Hunter DJ, Kuchenmuller T. Capacity for evidence-informed policymaking across Europe: development and piloting of a multistakeholder survey. Public Health 2018, 163, 54-60.
- Visram S. Impact and acceptability of lay health trainer-led lifestyle interventions delivered in primary care: a mixed method study. Primary Health Care Research and Development 2017, 18(4), 333-343.
- Smith SA, Visram S, O'Malley C, Summerbell C, Araujo-Soares V, Hillier-Brown F, Lake AA. Designing equitable workplace dietary interventions: perceptions of intervention deliverers. BMC Public Health 2017, 17, 808.
- Visram S, Crossley SJ, Cheetham M, Lake A. Children and young people’s perceptions of energy drinks: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(11), e0188668.
- Cheetham M, Visram S, Rushmer R, Greig G, Gibson E, Khazaeli B, Wiseman A. ‘It is not a quick fix’ structural and contextual issues that affect implementation of integrated health and well-being services: a qualitative study from North East England. Public Health 2017, 152, 99-107.
- McMahon NE, Visram S, Connell LA. Mechanisms of change of a novel weight loss programme provided by a third sector organisation: A qualitative interview study. BMC Public Health 2016, 16(1), 378.
- Visram S, Cheetham M, Riby DM, Crossley SJ, Lake AA. Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a rapid review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes. BMJ Open 2016, 6(10), e010380.
- Visram S, Carr SM, Geddes L. Can lay health trainers increase uptake of NHS Health Checks in hard-to-reach populations? A mixed-method pilot evaluation. Journal of Public Health 2015, 37(2), 226-233.
- Visram S, Clarke C, White M. Making and Maintaining Lifestyle Changes with the Support of a Lay Health Advisor: Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Health Trainer Services in Northern England. PLoS One 2014, 9(5), e94749.
- Visram S, Goodall D, Steven A. Exploring conceptualizations of knowledge translation, transfer and exchange across public health in one UK region: A qualitative mapping study. Public Health 2014, 128(6), 497-503.
- Visram S, Hall T, Geddes L. Getting the balance right qualitative evaluation of a holistic weight management intervention to address childhood obesity. Journal of Public Health 2013, 35(2), 246-254.
- Pennington M, Visram S, Donaldson C, White M, Lhussier M, Deane K, Forster N, Carr SM. Cost-effectiveness of health-related lifestyle advice delivered by peer or lay advisors: synthesis of evidence from a systematic review. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 2013, 11, 30.
- Scurr C, Visram S. A lifestyle change, not a forever diet: one service user’s experience of accessing a local health trainer service. Perspectives in Public Health 2013, 133(4), 196-196.
- Carr SM, Lhussier M, Forster N, Geddes L, Deane K, Pennington M, Visram S, White M, Michie S, Donaldson C, Hildreth A. An evidence synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research on component intervention techniques, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, equity and acceptability of different versions of health-related lifestyle advisor role in improving health. Health Technology Assessment 2011, 15(9), 1.
- Visram S, Crosland A, Cording H. Triggers for weight gain and loss among participants in a primary care-based intervention. British Journal of Community Nursing 2009, 14(11), 495-501.
- Visram S, Bremner AS, Harrington BE, Hawthorne G. Factors affecting uptake of an education and physical activity programme for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. European Diabetes Nursing 2008, 5(1), 17-22.
- Visram S, Crosland A, Unsworth J, Long S. Engaging women from South Asian communities in cardiac rehabilitation. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 2008, 15(7), 298-305.
Book Chapters
- Visram S, Crosland A. Exploring the views and experiences of participants in structured weight loss programmes. In: Laidyth,IR, ed. Nutritional Education. 2010, pp.1-29.
- Visram S. “It’s not a textbook thing, is it?” The use of lay knowledge in promoting health and increasing equity in more economically developed countries. In: Young Researchers for Health 2010. Health systems research: towards universal health coverage. Global Forum for Health Research & The Lancet Global Forum Publications, 2010, pp.134-138.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lattouf Y, Visram S, Albani V. Impact of the UK cost of living crisis on health, wellbeing and use of health services: an exploratory qualitative study. In: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2024, Glasgow, UK: Society for Social Medicine and Population Health (SSM) 68th Annual Scientific Meeting. In Preparation.
- Armouch S, Visram S, Vlachokyriakos V. Supporting innovation in a context of uncertainty: the role of design and technology. In: The 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T) (C&T ’23). 2023, Lahti, Finland: ACM, New York, NY, USA.
- Wigman I, Visram S, Bell Z, Heslehurst N. UK news media portrayal of mothers living in food insecurity since the 2008 global financial crisis: a mixed-methods news media analysis. In: Public Health Science 2021. 2022, Online: The Lancet Publishing Group.
- Offu OF, Lindsey L, Rathbone A, Visram S. Systematic review of facilitators and barriers to community pharmacists’ role in licit opioid misuse prevention. In: The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference. 2022, London: Oxford University Press.
- Heslehurst N, Evans EH, Rodriguez ACI, Nagpal TS, Visram S. Newspaper media framing of maternal obesity in the UK: a review and framework synthesis. In: A National Conference Dedicated to New Research in UK Public Health. 2022, Glasgow: Elseiver.
- Visram S, Lie M, Cheetham M, Hodgson P, Christie A, Jasperse J, Logan M. Gateways not gatekeepers – reaching seldom-heard groups to gather public health community insights. In: European Journal of Public Health. 2022, Berlin: Oxford University Press.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Food insecure women's experiences of their nutritional health and wellbeing in Europe: a qualitative systematic review and meta-ethnography. In: Public Health Science 2021. 2022, Online: The Lancet Publishing Group.
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Family's experiences of their children's nutritional health and wellbeing among food-insecure households in Europe: a qualitative systematic review and meta-ethnography. In: Public Health Science 2021. 2022, Online: The Lancet Publishing Group.
- Palmer E, Bourke A, Visram S, Forrest I, Exley C. Critically examining the experience of end of life care for people with interstitial lung disease: views of patients, families and healthcare professionals. In: The Marie Curie Research Conference Improving End of Life for All. 2022, Virtual: BMJ.
- Lie M, Visram S. Building capacity for mental health resilience – local impact of the UK Better Mental Health Fund. In: 15th European Public Health Conference 2022. 2022, Berlin: Oxford University Press.
- Visram S, Thirlway F, Akhter N, Walton N, Lewis S. Impact of an integrated health and wellbeing approach to addressing multiple lifestyle risks and reducing health inequalities: a mixed methods study. In: 61st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (SSM). 2017, Manchester, UK: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Walton N, Akhter N, Thirlway F, Lewis S. Evaluating the value for money of an integrated health and wellbeing service in County Durham, UK. In: 10th European Public Health Conference. 2017, Stockholm, Sweden: Oxford Academic.
- Visram S, Thirlway F, Cairns J, Akhter N, Lewis S. Interim evaluation of an integrated approach to improving health and wellbeing in County Durham, UK. In: 9th European Public Health Conference. 2016, Vienna, Austria: Oxford University Press.
- Visram S. Examining links between health, wellbeing and social isolation: findings from a survey conducted using community-based participatory research. In: 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (SSM). 2016, York, UK: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Hunter DJ, Kuchenmüller T, Nguyen T. Developing a survey to establish a baseline of country capacity for evidence-informed policy-making. In: 9th European Public Health Conference. 2016, Vienna, Austria: Oxford University Press.
- Visram S, Crossley SJ, Cheetham M, Lake AA, Riby DM. Energy drinks: hype or hyper? a qualitative exploratory study involving children, parents and staff from schools in North East England. In: 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (SSM). 2015, Dublin, Republic of Ireland: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Cheetham M, Riby DM, Lake AA, Crossley SJ. Consumption of commercial energy drinks by children and adolescents: a systematic review of consumer attitudes and associations with health, behavioural, educational and social outcomes. In: 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (SSM). 2015, Dublin, Republic of Ireland: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Cheetham M, Riby D, Lake AA, Crossley SJ. A systematic review of the effects associated with children and young people's use of energy drinks. In: 8th European Public Health Conference. 2015, Milan, Italy: Oxford University Press.
- Visram S, Crossley SJ, Cheetham M, Lake AA, Riby D. A qualitative study to explore the use of energy drinks by children and young people in England. In: 8th European Public Health Conference. 2015, Milan, Italy: Oxford University Press.
- Visram S. Formative evaluation of a community-based NHS health check service. In: 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (SSM). 2013, Brighton, UK: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Clarke C, White M. Tell Me about Your Childhood ... Using Life Grids to Gather Information on Health-Related Behaviours and Experiences across the Life Course. In: 17th Qualitative Health Research Conference "Research for change: Impacting society through qualitative research". 2011, Vancouver, Canada: University of Alberta International Institute for Qualitative Methodology.
- Visram S, Clarke C, White M. Short and medium term effects of a community-based intervention to address social inequalities in health. In: 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine. 2011, Warwick: BMJ Group.
- Visram S, Clarke C, White M. A Qualitative Longitudinal Approach to Exploring Service User Experiences of Lay-Led Heath Improvement Interventions. In: 17th Qualitative Health Research Conference "Research for Change: Impacting Society through Qualitative Research". 2011, Vancouver, Canada: University of Alberta International Institute for Qualitative Methodology.
- Visram S, Clarke C, White M. "It's like the service that was never there": A qualitative longitudinal study of lay health trainer services in the North East of England. In: 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine. 2010, Belfast: BMJ Group.
- Hunter DJ, Visram S. Better evidence for smarter policy making. BMJ 2016, 355, i6399.
- Visram S, South J. Building an evidence base for health trainers. Perspectives in Public Health 2013, 133(4), 193-194.
- Lloyd S, Visram S, Johnson C, Errington R, Scorer C, Michie S. Correspondence. Journal of Public Health 2015, 37(4), 748-748.
Online Publication
- Visram S, Crossley S. Asset-based approaches in local authorities: achieving a better balance between service delivery and community building. London: Local Government Association, 2020. Available at:
- Bell Z, Scott S, Visram S, Rankin J, Bambra C, Heslehurst N. Food insecurity and the nutritional health and well-being of women and children in high-income countries: Protocol for a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Open 2021, 11(8), e048180.
- Visram S. Class, inequality and wellbeing. Sociology 2013, 47(4), 858-864.
- Visram S. Interpreting Interviews. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2012, 15(6).
Working Paper
- Visram S, Hashem K. Energy drinks: what's the evidence?. Food Research Collaboration 2016, 1-13.