Staff Profile
Professor Simon Pearce
Prof of Endocrinology
My research looks at the reasons why people get autoimmune endocrine conditions such as Graves' hyperthyroidism and Addison's disease, and also what new treatments might be useful for these conditions. My studies range from laboratory based DNA analysis to clinical trials of new therapies.
MB, BS. First Class Hons. Newcastle University, 1989. MRCP(UK). RCP London 1992. MD with distinction, Newcastle University 1997. CCST Endocrinology/diabetes & General (internal) Medicine, STA, 2001. FRCP 2005
Previous Positions
1993-1996 MRC Training Fellow, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London. 1995 Visiting Fellow, Parathyroid Lab, Harvard Medical School, Boston. 1996-1999 Wellcome Advanced Fellow, Newcastle University. 1999-2001 Clinical Lecturer Endocrinology, Newcastle University.
Society for Endocrinology. European Society for Endocrinology. European Thyroid Association. British Thyroid Association. The Endocrine Society. Association of Physicians of Britain and Ireland.
Additional roles
President of British Thyroid Association (2020-2023). Editor in Chief of the European Thyroid Journal (2019-2024). Society for Endocrinology Programme Secretary 2016-2018. Member of a NICE panel reviewing guidelines for care of patients with benign thyroid disease (2018-19); and adrenal insufficiency (2022-2024).
Research Interests
Molecular genetics of autoimmune endocrine disorders (eg. Graves' disease, Addison's disease & autoimmune polyendocrinopathies).
Early-phase trials of immunomodulation and regenerative medicine for autoimmune endocrinopathies.
Role of thyroid homeostasis in ageing & outcome of subclinical thyroid diseases in older people.
Other Expertise
Clinical endocrinology: particularly benign thyroid disease and Addison’s disease
MRC Experimental Medicine Award 2008-2010
EU FP7 EURADRENAL Collaborative Project 2008-2013
MRC Translational Stem cell award 2010-2013
MRC Developmental Clinical Trials (DCS) 2013-2017
MRC DPFS Trial award 2020-2024
MRC Experimental Medicine Award 2024-2027
Undergraduate Teaching
Deliver thyroid component to stage 2 medical students
FoCP & CSIM bone teaching
Postgraduate Teaching
Thyroid convenor for Society for Endocrinology 'Clinical Update'
- Wolstenhulme F, Bibby I, Cole M, Grixti L, McGregor N, Bradley P, Maier RH, Walker J, Pearce SH, Wason J. Graves-PCD: protocol for a randomised, dose-finding, adaptive trial of the plasma cell-depleting agent daratumumab in severe Graves' disease. BMJ Open 2024, 14(6), e079158.
- Razvi SS, Wild H, Ingoe L, Vernazza J, Vanderpump M, Pearce SHS, Ludgate M. Changes in thyroid function and autoimmunity in older individuals: longitudinal analysis of the Whickham cohort. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Ahluwalia R, Baldeweg SE, Boelaert K, Chatterjee K, Dayan C, Okosieme O, Priestley J, Taylor P, Vaidya B, Zammitt N, Pearce SH. Use of liothyronine (T3) in hypothyroidism: Joint British Thyroid Association/Society for endocrinology consensus statement. Clinical Endocrinology 2023, 99(2), 206-216.
- Howarth S, Sneddon G, Allinson KR, Razvi S, Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. Replication of association at the LPP and UBASH3A loci in a UK autoimmune Addison's disease cohort. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023, 188(1).
- Perros P, Zarkovic M, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kolli H, Dickinson AJ. Inter-observer Variability of Clinical Activity Score: Assessments in Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2023, 252, 94-100.
- Howarth S, Giovanelli L, Napier C, Pearce SH. Heterogeneous natural history of Addison’s disease: mineralocorticoid deficiency may predominate. Endocrine Connections 2023, 12(1), e220305.
- Lane LC, Cheetham TD, Razvi S, Allinson K, Pearce SHS. Expansion of the immature B lymphocyte compartment in Graves' disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023, 189(2), 208–216.
- Ali M, Abouzaid M, Clarke L, Lau G, Mitchell A, Napier C, Pearce S. A rare case of severe bilateral Graves’ orbitopathy involving an anophthalmic socket. Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports 2023, 2023(1), 22-0341.
- Wood CL, Morrison N, Cole M, Donaldson M, Dunger DB, Wood R, Pearce SHS, Cheetham TD, Mayo A, Oxley C, Kirk J, Barrett T, Acerini C, Gregory J, Warner J, Stirling H, Greene S, Drake A, Shaikh G, Gault E-J, Staines J, Blair J, Dharmaraj P, Banerjee I, Ehtisham S, Johnstone H, Matthews D, Owen K, Thalange N, Dimitri P, Wright N, Wales J, Albanese A, Bain M. Initial response of young people with thyrotoxicosis to block and replace or dose titration thionamide. European Thyroid Journal 2022, 11(1), e210043.
- Cheetham TD, Cole M, Abinun M, Allahabadia A, Barratt T, Davies JH, Dimitri P, Drake A, Mohamed Z, Murray RD, Steele CA, Zammitt N, Carnell S, Prichard J, Watson G, Hambleton S, Matthews JNS, Pearce SHS. Adjuvant Rituximab-Exploratory Trial in Young People With Graves Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2022, 107(3), 743-754.
- Penna-Martinez M, Meyer G, Wolff AB, Skinningsrud B, Betterle C, Falorni A, Ollier W, Undlien D, Husebye E, Pearce S, Mitchell AL, Badenhoop K. Vitamin D status and pathway genes in five European autoimmune Addison's disease cohorts. European Journal of Endocrinology 2021, 184(3), 377-385.
- Du Puy RS, Poortvliet RKE, Mooijaart SP, Den Elzen WPJ, Jagger C, Pearce SHS, Arai Y, Hirose N, Teh R, Menzies O, Rolleston A, Kerse N, Gussekloo J. Outcomes of Thyroid Dysfunction in People Aged Eighty Years and Older: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Four Prospective Studies (Towards Understanding Longitudinal International Older People Studies Consortium). Thyroid 2021, 31(4), 552-562.
- Razvi S, Arnott B, Teare D, Hiu S, OBrien N, Pearce SH. Multinational Survey of Treatment Practices of Clinicians Managing Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Older People in 2019. European Thyroid Journal 2021, 10(4), 330-338.
- Gan EH, Jagger C, Yadegarfar ME, Duncan R, Pearce SH. Changes in Serum Thyroid Function Predict Cognitive Decline in the Very Old: Longitudinal Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. Thyroid 2021, 31(8), 1182-1191.
- Turro E, Astle WJ, Graf S, Greene D, Allen HL, Frontini M, Stephens J, Downes K, Tuna S, Deevi SVV, Aitman TJ, Bennett DL, Calleja P, Caulfield MJ, Chinnery PF, Dixon PH, James R, Laffan MA, Levine AP, Maher ER, Markus HS, Morales J, Morrell NW, Mumford AD, Rankin S, Rendon A, Richardson S, Roberts I, Roy NBA, Saleem MA, Smith KGC, Tan RYY, Thrasher AJ, Watkins H, Webster AR, Wilkins MR, Williamson C, Whitworth J, Humphray S, Abbs S, Abulhoul L, Adlard J, Ahmed M, Aitman TJ, Alachkar H, Allsup DJ, Almeida-King J, Ancliff P, Antrobus R, Armstrong R, Arno G, Ashford S, Astle WJ, Attwood A, Aurora P, Babbs C, Bacchelli C, Bakchoul T, Banka S, Bariana T, Barwell J, Batista J, Baxendale HE, Beales PL, Bennett DL, Bentley DR, Bentley DR, Bierzynska A, Biss T, Bitner-Glindzicz MAK, Black GC, Bleda M, Blesneac I, Bockenhauer D, Bogaard H, Bourne CJ, Boyce S, Bradley JR, Bragin E, Breen G, Brennan P, Brewer C, Brown M, Browning AC, Browning MJ, Buchan RJ, Buckland MS, Bueser T, Diz CB, Burn J, Burns SO, Burren OS, Burren OS, Burrows N, Calleja P, Campbell C, Carr-White G, Carss K, Carss K, Casey R, Caulfield MJ, Chambers J, Chambers J, Chan MMY, Cheah C, Cheng F, Chinnery PF, Chitre M, Christian MT, Church C, Clayton-Smith J, Cleary M, Brod NC, Coghlan G, Colby E, Cole TRP, Collins J, Collins PW, Colombo C, Compton CJ, Condliffe R, Cook S, Cook HT, Cooper N, Corris PA, Furnell A, Cunningham F, Curry NS, Cutler AJ, Daniels MJ, Dattani M, Daugherty LC, Davis J, De Soyza A, Deevi SVV, Dent T, Deshpande C, Dewhurst EF, Dixon PH, Douzgou S, Downes K, Drazyk AM, Drewe E, Duarte D, Dutt T, Edgar JDM, Edwards K, Egner W, Ekani MN, Elliott P, Erber WN, Erwood M, Estiu MC, Evans DG, Evans G, Everington T, Eyries M, Fassihi H, Favier R, Findhammer J, Fletcher D, Flinter FA, Floto RA, Fowler T, Fox J, Frary AJ, French CE, Freson K, Frontini M, Gale DP, Gale DP, Gall H, Ganesan V, Gattens M, Geoghegan C, Gerighty TSA, Gharavi AG, Ghio S, Ghofrani H-A, Gibbs JSR, Gibson K, Gilmour KC, Girerd B, Gleadall NS, Goddard S, Goldstein DB, Gomez K, Gordins P, Gosal D, Graf S, Graham J, Grassi L, Greene D, Greenhalgh L, Greinacher A, Gresele P, Griffiths P, Grigoriadou S, Grocock RJ, Grozeva D, Gurnell M, Hackett S, Hadinnapola C, Hague WM, Hague R, Haimel M, Haimel M, Hall M, Hanson HL, Haque E, Harkness K, Harper AR, Harris CL, Hart D, Hassan A, Hayman G, Henderson A, Herwadkar A, Hoffman J, Holden S, Horvath R, Houlden H, Houweling AC, Howard LS, Hu F, Hudson G, Hughes J, Huissoon AP, Humbert M, Humphray S, Hunter S, Hurles M, Irving M, Izatt L, James R, Johnson SA, Jolles S, Jolley J, Josifova D, Jurkute N, Karten T, Karten J, Kasanicki MA, Kazkaz H, Kazmi R, Kelleher P, Kelly AM, Kelsall W, Kempster C, Kiely DG, Kingston N, Klima R, Koelling N, Kostadima M, Kovacs G, Koziell A, Koziell A, Kreuzhuber R, Kuijpers TW, Kumar A, Kumararatne D, Kurian MA, Laffan MA, Lalloo F, Lambert M, Allen HL, Lawrie A, Layton DM, Lench N, Lentaigne C, Lester T, Levine AP, Linger R, Longhurst H, Lorenzo LE, Louka E, Lyons PA, Machado RD, MacKenzie Ross RV, Madan B, Maher ER, Maimaris J, Malka S, Mangles S, Mapeta R, Mapeta R, Marchbank KJ, Marks S, Markus HS, Marschall H-U, Marshall A, Martin J, Mathias M, Matthews E, Maxwell H, McAlinden P, McCarthy MI, McKinney H, McMahon A, Meacham S, Mead AJ, Castello IM, Megy K, Megy K, Mehta SG, Michaelides M, Millar C, Mohammed SN, Moledina S, Montani D, Moore AT, Morales J, Morrell NW, Mozere M, Muir KW, Mumford AD, Nemeth AH, Newman WG, Newnham M, Noorani S, Nurden P, O'Sullivan J, Obaji S, Odhams C, Okoli S, Olschewski A, Olschewski H, Ong KR, Oram SH, Ormondroyd E, Ormondroyd E, Ouwehand WH, Palles C, Papadia S, Park S-M, Parry D, Patel S, Paterson J, Peacock A, Pearce SH, Peden J, Peerlinck K, Pepke-Zaba J, Petersen R, Pilkington C, Poole KES, Prathalingam R, Psaila B, Pyle A, Quinton R, Rahman S, Rankin S, Rao A, Raymond FL, Rayner-Matthews PJ, Rees C, Rendon A, Renton T, Rhodes CJ, Rice ASC, Richardson S, Richter A, Robert L, Roberts I, Rogers A, Rose SJ, Ross-Russell R, Roughley C, Roy NBA, Ruddy DM, Sadeghi-Alavijeh O, Saleem MA, Samani N, Samarghitean C, Sanchis-Juan A, Sanchis-Juan A, Sargur RB, Sarkany RN, Satchell S, Savic S, Sayer JA, Sayer G, Scelsi L, Schaefer AM, Schulman S, Scott R, Scully M, Searle C, Seeger W, Sen A, Sewell WAC, Seyres D, Shah N, Shamardina O, Shamardina O, Shapiro SE, Shaw AC, Short PJ, Sibson K, Side L, Simeoni I, Simpson MA, Sims MC, Sivapalaratnam S, Smedley D, Smith KR, Smith KGC, Snape K, Soranzo N, Soubrier F, Southgate L, Spasic-Boskovic O, Staines S, Staples E, Stark H, Stark H, Stephens J, Steward C, Stirrups KE, Stuckey A, Suntharalingam J, Swietlik EM, Syrris P, Tait RC, Talks K, Tan RYY, Tate K, Taylor JM, Taylor JC, Thaventhiran JE, Themistocleous AC, Themistocleous AC, Thomas E, Thomas D, Thomas MJ, Thomas P, Thomson K, Thrasher AJ, Threadgold G, Thys C, Thys C, Tilly T, Tischkowitz M, Titterton C, Todd JA, Toh C-H, Tolhuis B, Tomlinson IP, Toshner M, Traylor M, Treacy C, Treadaway P, Trembath R, Tuna S, Turek W, Turro E, Twiss P, Vale T, Geet CV, Zuydam N, Vandekuilen M, Vandersteen AM, Vazquez-Lopez M, von Ziegenweidt J, Noordegraaf AV, Wagner A, Waisfisz Q, Walker SM, Walker N, Walter K, Ware JS, Watkins H, Watt C, Webster AR, Wedderburn L, Wei W, Welch SB, Wessels J, Westbury SK, Westwood J-P, Wharton J, Whitehorn D, Whitworth J, Wilkie AOM, Wilkins MR, Williamson C, Wilson BT, Wong EKS, Wood N, Wood Y, Woods CG, Woodward ER, Wort SJ, Worth A, Wright M, Yates K, Yong PFK, Young T, Yu P, Yu-Wai-Man P, Zlamalova E, Kingston N, Walker N, Bradley JR, Ashford S, Penkett CJ, Penkett CJ, Freson K, Stirrups KE, Raymond FL, Ouwehand WH. Whole-genome sequencing of patients with rare diseases in a national health system. Nature 2020, 583, 96-102.
- Napier C, Gan EH, Mitchell AL, Gilligan LC, Rees DA, Moran C, Chatterjee K, Vaidya B, James RA, Mamoojee Y, Ashwell S, Arlt W, Pearce SHS. Residual Adrenal Function in Autoimmune Addison's Disease-Effect of Dual Therapy With Rituximab and Depot Tetracosactide. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2020, 105(4).
- Wood CL, Cole M, Donaldson M, Dunger DB, Wood R, Morrison N, Matthews JNS, Pearce SHS, Cheetham TD. Randomised trial of block and replace vs dose titration thionamide in young people with thyrotoxicosis. European Journal of Endocrinology 2020, 183(6), 637-645.
- Lane LC, Cheetham TD, Perros P, Pearce SHS. New Therapeutic Horizons for Graves' Hyperthyroidism. Endocrine Reviews 2020, 41(6), bnaa022.
- Napier C, Allinson K, Gan EH, Mitchell AL, Gilligan LC, Taylor AE, Arlt W, Pearce SHS. Natural history of adrenal steroidogenesis in autoimmune Addison's disease following diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2020, 105(7), 2322-2330.
- Arlt W, Baldeweg SE, Pearce SHS, Simpson HL. Endocrinology in the time of COVID-19: Management of adrenal insufficiency. European Journal of Endocrinology 2020, 183(1), G25–G32.
- Jabbar A, Ingoe L, Junejo S, Carey P, Addison C, Thomas H, Parikh JD, Austin D, Hollingsworth KG, Stocken DD, Pearce SHS, Greenwood JP, Zaman A, Razvi S. Effect of levothyroxine on left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and acute myocardial infarction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 2020, 324(3), 249-258.
- Lane LC, Kus A, Bednarczuk T, Bossowski A, Daroszewski J, Jurecka-Lubieniecka B, Cordell HJ, Pearce SHS, Cheetham T, Mitchell AL. An Intronic HCP5 Variant Is Associated With Age of Onset and Susceptibility to Graves Disease in UK and Polish Cohorts. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020, 105(9), dgaa347.
- Razvi S, Ryan V, Ingoe L, Pearce SH, Wilkes S. Age-related serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Reference range in Older Patients treated with Levothyroxine: a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial (SORTED 1). European Thyroid Journal 2020, 9, 40-48.
- Pearce SHS, Dayan C, Wraith DC, Barrell K, Olive N, Jansson L, Walker-Smith T, Carnegie C, Martin KF, Boelaert K, Gilbert J, Higham CE, Muller I, Murray RD, Perros P, Razvi S, Vaidya B, Wernig F, Kahaly GJ. Antigen-Specific Immunotherapy with Thyrotropin Receptor Peptides in Graves' Hyperthyroidism: A Phase I Study. Thyroid 2019, 29(7), 1003-1011.
- Cole M, Hynes AM, Howel D, Hall L, Abinun M, Allahabadia A, Barrett T, Boelaert K, Drake AJ, Dimitri P, Kirk J, Zammitt N, Pearce S, Cheetham T. Adjuvant rituximab, a potential treatment for the young patient with Graves’ hyperthyroidism (RiGD): study protocol for a single-arm, single-stage, phase II trial. BMJ Open 2019, 9, e024705.
- Ingoe LE, Hickey J, Pearce S, Rapley T, Razvi S, Wilkes S, Hrisos S. Older patients' experience of primary hypothyroidism: A qualitative study. Health Expectations 2018, 21(3), 628-635.
- Kahaly GJ, Riedl M, Konig J, Pitz S, Ponto K, Diana T, Kampmann E, Kolbe E, Eckstein A, Moeller LC, Fuhrer D, Salvi M, Curro N, Campi I, Covelli D, Leo M, Marino M, Menconi F, Marcocci C, Bartalena L, Perros P, Wiersinga WM, Ayvaz G, Baldeschi L, Boborides K, Boschi A, Brix TH, Clarke L, Dayan C, Daumerie C, Dickinson AJ, Fichter N, Hegedus L, Konuk O, Krassas GE, Lane C, Lazarus J, Morris DS, Mourits M, Nardi M, Neoh C, Orgiazzi J, Pearce SHS, von Arx G, Zarkovic M. Mycophenolate plus methylprednisolone versus methylprednisolone alone in active, moderate-to-severe Graves' orbitopathy (MINGO): a randomised, observer-masked, multicentre trial. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2018, 6(4), 287-298.
- Gan EH, Robson W, Murphy P, Pickard R, Pearce S, Oldershaw R. Isolation of a multipotent mesenchymal stem cell-like population from human adrenal cortex. Endocrine Connections 2018, 7(5), 617-629.
- Dew R, King K, Okosieme OE, Pearce SH, Donovan G, Taylor PN, Hickey J, Dayan CM, Leese G, Razvi S, Wilkes S. Attitudes and perceptions of health professionals towards management of hypothyroidism in general practice: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open 2018, 8, e019970.
- Lane LC, Allinson KR, Campbell K, Bhatnagar I, Ingoe L, Razvi S, Cheetham T, Cordell HJ, Pearce SH, Mitchell AL. Analysis of BAFF gene polymorphisms in UK Graves' disease patients. Clinical Endocrinology 2018, 90(1), 170-174.
- Jayasekera BAP, Hall J, Pearce S, Jenkins AJ. Ventriculitis from a pituitary prolactinoma: bacterial or chemical?. British Journal of Neurosurgery 2017, 31(2), 262-263.
- Gan EH, Mitchell AL, Plummer R, Pearce S, Perros P. Tremelimumab-Induced Graves Hyperthyroidism. European Thyroid Journal 2017, 6(3), 167-170.
- Jabbar A, Pingitore A, Pearce SHS, Zaman A, Iervasi G, Razvi S. Thyroid hormones and cardiovascular disease. Nature Reviews Cardiology 2017, 14, 39-55.
- Dew R, King K, Okosieme OE, Pearce S, Donovan G, Taylor P, Leese G, Hickey J, Razvi S, Dayan C, Wilkes S. Patients' attitudes and perceptions towards treatment of hypothyroidism in general practice: an in-depth qualitative interview study. BJGP Open 2017, 1(2), BJGP-2017-0125.
- Mitchell AL, Devine K, Lal V, Galloway P, House M, White K, Watson J, Parry S, Miller M, Morris M, James RA, Perros P, Pearce SHS, Quinton R. Improving the prehospital safety of steroid-dependent patients in northern England: A hospital-initiated ambulance service registration pathway. Clinical Endocrinology 2017, 87(6), 881-882.
- Demain LAM, Urquhart JE, O'Sullivan J, Williams SG, Bhaskar SS, Jenkinson EM, Lourenco CM, Heiberg A, Pearce SH, Shalev SA, Yue WW, Mackinnon S, Munro KJ, Newbury-Ecob R, Becker K, Kim MJ, O' Keefe RT, Newman WG. Expanding the genotypic spectrum of Perrault syndrome. Clinical Genetics 2017, 91(2), 302-312.
- Dew R, Okosieme O, Dayan C, Eligar V, Khan I, Razvi S, Pearce S, Wilkes S. Clinical, behavioural and pharmacogenomic factors influencing the response to levothyroxine therapy in patients with primary hypothyroidism-protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2017, 6(1), 60.
- Pazderska A, Pearce SHS. Adrenal insufficiency - Recognition and management. Clinical Medicine 2017, 17(3), 258-262.
- Razvi S, Ingoe L, Ryan V, Pearce SHS, Wilkes S. Study of Optimal Replacement of Thyroxine in the Elderly (SORTED) - results from the feasibility randomised controlled trial. Thyroid Research 2016, 9(1), 1-9.
- Gan EH, MacArthur K, Mitchell AL, Joshi A, Crock P, Pearce SHS. Spontaneous and tetracosactide-induced anti-ACTH antibodies in man. Clinical Endocrinology 2016, 84(4), 489-495.
- Pearce SHS, Razvi S, Yadegarfar ME, Martin-Ruiz C, Kingston A, Collerton J, Visser TJ, Kirkwood TB, Jagger C. Serum Thyroid Function, Mortality and Disability in Advanced Old Age: The Newcastle 85+Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2016, 101(11), 4385-4394.
- Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Francis RM, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. Osteoporosis International 2016, 27(3), 1199-1208.
- Lois KB, Santhakumar A, Vaikkakara S, Mathew S, Long A, Johnson SJ, Peaston R, Neely RDG, Richardson DL, Graham J, Lennard TWJ, Bliss R, Miller M, Ball SG, Pearce SHS, Woods DR, Quinton R. Phaeochromocytoma and ACTH-dependent cushing's syndrome: tumour crf secretion can mimic pituitary cushing's disease. Clinical Endocrinology 2016, 84(2), 177-184.
- Napier C, Gan EH, Pearce SHS. Loperamide-induced hypopituitarism. BMJ Case Reports 2016, 2016.
- Pazderska A, Fichna M, Mitchell AL, Napier CM, Gan E, Ruchala M, Santibanez-Koref M, Pearce SH. Impact of Month of Birth on the Risk of Development of Autoimmune Addison's Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2016, 101(11), 4214-4218.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Anderson IM, Finkelmeyer A, Gallagher P, Grunze HCR, Haddad PM, Hughes T, Lloyd AJ, Mamasoula C, McColl E, Pearce S, Siddiqi N, Sinha BNP, Steen N, Wainwright J, Winter FH, Ferrier IN, Watson S, ADD Study Team. Antidepressant augmentation with metyrapone for treatment-resistant depression (the ADD study): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry 2016, 3(2), 117-127.
- Crossland KL, Abinun M, Arkwright PD, Cheetham TD, Pearce SH, Hilkens CMU, Lilic D. AIRE is not essential for the induction of human tolerogenic dendritic cells. Autoimmunity 2016, 49(4), 211-218.
- Pazderska A, Oftedal BE, Napier CM, Ainsworth HF, Husebye ES, Cordell HJ, Pearce SHS, Mitchell AL. A Variant in the BACH2 Gene Is Associated With Susceptibility to Autoimmune Addison's Disease in Humans. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2016, 101(11), 3865-3869.
- Jabbar A, Ingoe L, Pearce S, Zaman A, Razvi S. Thyroxine in acute myocardial infarction (ThyrAMI) - levothyroxine in subclinical hypothyroidism post-acute myocardial infarction: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2015, 16, 115.
- Napier C, Mitchell AL, Gan E, Wilson I, Pearce SHS. Role of the X-Linked Gene GPR174 in Autoimmune Addison's Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2015, 100(1), E187-E190.
- Napier C, Pearce SHS. Rethinking antithyroid drugs in pregnancy. Clinical Endocrinology 2015, 82(4), 475-477.
- Perros P, Zarkovic M, Azzolini C, Ayvaz G, Baldeschi L, Bartalena L, Boschi A, Bournaud C, Brix TH, Covelli D, Ciric S, Daumerie C, Eckstein A, Fichter N, Fuhrer D, Hegedus L, Kahaly GJ, Konuk O, Lareida J, Lazarus J, Leo M, Mathiopoulou L, Menconi F, Morris D, Okosieme O, Orgiazzi J, Pitz S, Salvi M, Vardanian-Vartin C, Wiersinga W, Bernard M, Clarke L, Curro N, Dayan C, Dickinson J, Knezevic M, Lane C, Marcocci C, Marino M, Moller L, Nardi M, Neoh C, Pearce S, von Arx G, Toruner FB. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study: changes in referral patterns to European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres over the period from 2000 to 2012. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2015, 99(11), 1531-1535.
- Mitchell AL, Bøe Wolff A, MacArthur K, Weaver JU, Vaidya B, Bensing S, Erichsen MM, Darlay R, Husebye ES, Cordell HJ, Pearce SHS. Linkage Analysis in Autoimmune Addison’s Disease: NFATC1 as a Potential Novel Susceptibility Locus. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(6), e0123550.
- Lantang AM, Innes BA, Gan EH, Pearce SH, Lash GE. Expression of melanocortin receptors in human endometrium. Human Reproduction 2015, 30(10), 2404-2410.
- Wolff ASB, Mitchell AL, Cordell HJ, Short A, Skinningsrud B, Ollier W, Badenhoop K, Meyer G, Falorni A, Kampe O, Undlien D, Pearce SHS, Husebye ES. CTLA-4 as a genetic determinant in autoimmune Addison's disease. Genes & Immunity 2015, 16(6), 430-436.
- Hannan FM, Howles SA, Rogers A, Cranston T, Gorvin CM, Babinsky VN, Reed AA, Thakker CE, Bockenhauer D, Brown RS, Connell JM, Cook J, Darzy K, Ehtisham S, Graham U, Hulse T, Hunter SJ, Izatt L, Kumar D, McKenna MJ, McKnight JA, Morrison PJ, Mughal MZ, O'Halloran D, Pearce SH, Porteous ME, Rahman M, Richardson T, Robinson R, Scheers I, Siddique H, Van't Hoff WG, Wang T, Whyte MP, Nesbit MA, Thakker RV. Adaptor protein-2 sigma subunit mutations causing familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia type 3 (FHH3) demonstrate genotype-phenotype correlations, codon bias and dominant-negative effects. Human Molecular Genetics 2015, 24(18), 5079-5092.
- Gan EH, MacArthur K, Mitchell AL, Hughes BA, Perros P, Ball SG, James RA, Quinton R, Chen S, Furmaniak J, Arlt W, Pearce SHS. Residual Adrenal Function in Autoimmune Addison's Disease: Improvement After Tetracosactide (ACTH1-24) Treatment. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014, 99(1), 111-118.
- Robinson J, Richardson M, Hickey J, James A, Pearce SH, Ball SG, Quinton R, Morris M, Miller M, Perros P. Patient Knowledge of Antithyroid Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis. European Thyroid Journal 2014, 3(4), 245-251.
- Rogers A, Nesbit MA, Hannan FM, Howles SA, Gorvin CM, Cranston T, Allgrove J, Bevan JS, Bano G, Brain C, Datta V, Grossman AB, Hodgson SV, Izatt L, Millar-Jones L, Pearce SH, Robertson L, Selby PL, Shine B, Snape K, Warner J, Thakker RV. Mutational Analysis of the Adaptor Protein 2 Sigma Subunit (AP2S1) Gene: Search for Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia Type 3 (ADH3). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014, 99(7), E1300-E1305.
- Hamilton A, Newby PR, Carr-Smith JD, Disanto G, Allahabadia A, Armitage M, Brix TH, Chatterjee K, Connell JM, Hegedus L, Hunt PJ, Lazarus JH, Pearce SH, Robinson BG, Taylor JC, Vaidya B, Wass JAH, Wiersinga WM, Weetman AP, Ramagopalan SV, Franklyn JA, Gough SCL, Simmonds MJ. Impact of month of birth on the development of autoimmune thyroid disease in the United Kingdom and Europe. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014, 99(8), E1459-E1465.
- Dawoodji A, Chen JL, Shepherd D, Dalin F, Tarlton A, Alimohammadi M, Penna-Martinez M, Meyer G, Mitchell AL, Gan EH, Bratland E, Bensing S, Husebye ES, Pearce SH, Badenhoop K, Kampe O, Cerundolo V. High Frequency of Cytolytic 21-Hydroxylase-Specific CD8+ T Cells in Autoimmune Addison's Disease Patients. Journal of Immunology 2014, 193(5), 2118-2126.
- Mitchell AL, Macarthur KDR, Gan EH, Baggott LE, Wolff ASB, Skinningsrud B, Platt H, Short A, Lobell A, Kämpe O, Bensing S, Betterle C, Kasperlik-Zaluska A, Zurawek M, Fichna M, Kockum I, Nordling Eriksson G, Ekwall O, Wahlberg J, Dahlqvist P, Hulting AL, Penna-Martinez M, Meyer G, Kahles H, Badenhoop K, Hahner S, Quinkler M, Falorni A, Phipps-Green A, Merriman TR, Ollier W, Cordell HJ, Undlien D, Czarnocka B, Husebye E, Pearce SHS. Association of Autoimmune Addison's Disease with Alleles of STAT4 and GATA3 in European Cohorts. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(3), e88991.
- Mitchell AL, Gan EH, Morris M, Johnson K, Neoh C, Dickinson AJ, Perros P, Pearce SHS. The effect of B cell depletion therapy on anti-TSH receptor antibodies and clinical outcome in glucocorticoid-refractory Graves' orbitopathy. Clinical Endocrinology 2013, 79(3), 437-442.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Smith E, Anderson IM, Barnes J, Gallagher P, Grunze HCR, Haddad PM, House AO, Hughes T, Lloyd AJ, McColl EMM, Pearce SHS, Siddiqi N, Sinha B, Speed C, Steen IN, Wainwright J, Watson S, Winter FH, Ferrier IN. Study protocol for the randomised controlled trial: Antiglucocorticoid augmentation of anti-Depressants in Depression (The ADD Study). BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13, 205.
- Wilkes S, Pearce SH, Ryan V, Rapley T, Ingoe L, Razvi S. Study of Optimal Replacement of Thyroxine in the ElDerly (SORTED): protocol for a mixed methods feasibility study to assess the clinical utility of lower dose thyroxine in elderly hypothyroid patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013, 14, 83.
- Sinha A, Cheetham TD, Pearce SHS. Prevention and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency. Calcified Tissue International 2013, 92(2), 207-215.
- Napier C, Pearce SHS. How should I approach standard endocrine evaluation in patients with coeliac disease?. Clinical Endocrinology 2013, 79(4), 464-467.
- Murray JS, Baines LA, Pearce SHS, Ball S, Leech N, Wood KM, Kanagasundaram NS. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated small-vessel vasculitis in a patient with diabetic nephropathy and autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome (APS) type 2: a case report. Clinical Nephrology 2013, 80, 223-226.
- Gan E, Pattman S, Pearce SHS, Quinton R. A UK epidemic of testosterone prescribing, 2001-2010. Clinical Endocrinology 2013, 79(4), 564-570.
- Pearce SH, Brabant G, Duntas LH, Monzani F, Peeters RP, Razvi S, Wemeau JL. 2013 ETA Guideline: Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism. European Thyroid Journal 2013, 2(4), 214-228.
- Chakera AJ, Pearce SHS, Vaidya B. Treatment for primary hypothyroidism: current approaches and future possibilities. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2012, 6, 1-11.
- Gan EH, MacArthur K, Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. The role of functionally defective rare germline variants of sialic acid acetylesterase in autoimmune Addison's disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2012, 167(6), 825-828.
- Jenkinson EM, Clayton-Smith J, Mehta S, Bennett C, Reardon W, Green A, Pearce SHS, De Michele G, Conway GS, Cilliers D, Moreton N, Davis JR, Trump D, Newman WG. Perrault syndrome: further evidence for genetic heterogeneity. Journal of Neurology 2012, 259(5), 168-176.
- Razvi S, Weaver JU, Butler TJ, Pearce SHS. Levothyroxine Treatment of Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Fatal and Nonfatal Cardiovascular Events, and Mortality. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012, 172(10), 811-817.
- Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. Autoimmune Addison disease: pathophysiology and genetic complexity. Nature Reviews Endocrinology 2012, 8(5), 306-316.
- Stefanija MA, Jeanpierre M, Sykiotis GP, Young J, Quinton R, Abreu AP, Plummer L, Au MG, Balasubramanian R, Dwyer AA, Florez JC, Cheetham T, Pearce SH, Purushothaman R, Schinzel A, Pugeat M, Jacobson-Dickman EE, Ten S, Latronico AC, Gusella JF, Dode C, Crowley WF, Pitteloud N. An ancient founder mutation in PROKR2 impairs human reproduction. Human Molecular Genetics 2012, 21(19), 4314-4324.
- Pearce SHS, Mitchell AL, Bennett S, King P, Chandran S, Nag S, Chen S, Smith BR, Isaacs JD, Vaidya B. Adrenal Steroidogenesis after B Lymphocyte Depletion Therapy in New-Onset Addison's Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2012, 97(10), E1927-E1932.
- Gan EH, Mitchell AL, MacArthur K, Pearce SHS. The role of a nonsynonymous CD226 (DNAX-accessory molecule-1) variant (Gly 307Ser) in isolated Addison's disease and autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 2 pathogenesis. Clinical Endocrinology 2011, 75(2), 165-168.
- Martin Ruiz C, Jagger C, Kingston A, Collerton J, Catt M, Davies K, Dunn M, Hilkens C, Keavney B, Pearce S, den Elzen W, Talbot D, Wiley L, Bond J, Mathers J, Eccles M, Robinson L, James O, Kirkwood T, von Zglinicki T. Assessment of a large panel of candidate biomarkers of ageing in the Newcastle 85+ study. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2011, 132(10), 496-502.
- Razvi S, Weaver JU, Vanderpump MP, Pearce SHS. The Incidence of Ischemic Heart Disease and Mortality in People with Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Reanalysis of the Whickham Survey Cohort. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010, 95(4), 1734-1740.
- Boelaert K, Newby PR, Simmonds MJ, Holder RL, Carr-Smith JD, Heward JM, Manji N, Allahabadia A, Armitage M, Chatterjee KV, Lazarus JH, Pearce SHS, Vaidya B, Gough SC, Franklyn JA. Prevalence and relative risk of other autoimmune diseases in subjects with autoimmune thyroid disease. American Journal of Medicine 2010, 123(2), 183.e1-183.e9.
- Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. How should we treat patients with low serum thyrotropin concentrations?. Clinical Endocrinology 2010, 72(3), 292-296.
- Pearce SHS, Cheetham TD. Diagnosis and management of vitamin D deficiency. British Medical Journal 2010, 340(7738), 142-147.
- Mitchell AL, Hickey B, Hickey JL, Pearce SHS. Trends in thyroid hormone prescribing and consumption in the UK. BMC Public Health 2009, 9, 132.
- McDonald DO, Pearce SHS. Thyroid peroxidase forms thionamide-sensitive homodimers: relevance for immunomodulation of thyroid autoimmunity. Journal of Molecular Medicine 2009, 87(10), 971-980.
- Roycroft M, Fichna M, McDonald D, Owen K, Zurawek M, Gryczynska M, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska D, Fichna P, Cordell H , Donaldson P, Nowak J, Pearce S. The tryptophan 620 allele of the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase (PTPN22 gene) predisposes to autoimmune Addison's disease. Clinical Endocrinology 2009, 70(3), 358-362.
- Mitchell AL, Cordell HJ, Soemedi R, Owen K, Skinningsrud B, Wolff AB, Ericksen M, Undlien D, Husebye E, Pearce SHS. Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) Gene Variants Contribute to Autoimmune Addison's Disease and Graves' Disease Susceptibility. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2009, 94(12), 5139-5145.
- Owen CJ, Habeb A, Pearce SH, Wright M, Ichikawa S, Sorenson AH, Econs MJ, Cheetham TD. Discordance for X-Linked Hypophosphataemic Rickets in Identical Twin Girls. Hormone Research 2009, 71(4), 237-244.
- Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. An elderly woman with weight loss and diarrhoea. British Medical Journal 2009, 338, b1721.
- Razvi S, Shakoor A, Vanderpump M, Weaver JU, Pearce SHS. The influence of age on the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and ischemic heart disease: A metaanalysis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008, 93(8), 2998-3007.
- Vaidya B, Williams GR, Abraham P, Pearce SHS. Radioiodine treatment for benign thyroid disorders: results of a nationwide survey of UK endocrinologists. Clinical Endocrinology 2008, 68(5), 814-820.
- Skinningsrud B, Husebye ES, Pearce SH, McDonald DO, Brandal K, Wolff AB, Lovas K, Egeland T, Undlien DE. Polymorphisms in CLEC16A and CIITA at 16p13 are associated with primary adrenal insufficiency. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008, 93(9), 3310-3317.
- Cole LW, Sidis Y, Zhang C, Quinton R, Plummer L, Pignatelli D, Hughes VA, Dwyer AA, Raivio T, Hayes FJ, Seminara SB, Huot C, Alos N, Speiser P, Takeshita A, Van Vliet G, Pearce SHS, Crowley Jr WF, Zhou Q-Y, Pitteloud N. Mutations in prokineticin 2 and prokineticin receptor 2 genes in human gonadotrophin-releasing hormone deficiency: Molecular genetics and clinical spectrum. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008, 93(9), 3551-3559.
- Vaidya B, Pearce SHS. Management of hypothyroidism in adults. British Medical Journal 2008, 337, 284-289.
- Sievenpiper JL, McIntyre EA, Verrill M, Quinton R, Pearce SHS. Lesson of the week: Unrecognised severe hypovitaminosis D. British Medical Journal 2008, 336(7657), 1371-1374.
- Advani A, Vaikkakara S, Gill M, Arun CS, Pearce S, Ball SG, James R, Lennard TWJ, Bliss R, Quinton R, Johnson SJ. Impact of standardised reporting in adrenocortical carcinoma: A single centre clinicopathological review. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2008, 61(8), 939-944.
- Falardeau J, Chung WCJ, Beenken A, Raivio T, Plummer L, Sidis Y, Jacobson-Dickman EE, Eliseenkova AV, Ma J, Dvfyer A, Quinton R, Na S, Hall JE, Huot C, Alois N, Pearce SHS, Cole LW, Hughes V, Mohammadi M, Tsai P, Pitteloud N. Decreased FGF8 signaling causes deficiency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in humans and mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2008, 118(8), 2822-2831.
- Adamson K, Cheetham T, Kendall-Taylor P, Seckl J, Pearce S. The role of the IDDM2 locus in the susceptibility of UK APS1 subjects to type 1 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Immunogenetics 2007, 34(1), 17-21.
- Raivio T, Falardeau J, Dwyer A, Quinton R, Hayes FJ, Hughes VA, Cole LW, Pearce SH, Lee H, Boepple P, Crowley WF, Pitteloud N. Reversal of idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. New England Journal of Medicine 2007, 357(9), 863-873.
- Sutherland A, Davies JM, Owen CJ, Vaikkakara S, Walker C, Cheetham TD, James RA, Perros P, Donaldson PT, Cordell HJ, Quinton R, Pearce SHS. Genomic polymorphism at the interferon-induced helicase (IFIH1) locus contributes to Graves' disease susceptibility. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007, 92(8), 3338-3341.
- Fanciulli M, Norsworthy PJ, Petretto E, Dong R, Harper L, Kamesh L, Heward JM, Gough SCL, De Smith A, Blakemore AIF, Froguel P, Owen CJ, Pearce SHS, Teixeira L, Guillevin L, Graham DSC, Pusey CD, Cook HT, Vyse TJ, Aitman TJ. FCGR3B copy number variation is associated with susceptibility to systemic, but not organ-specific, autoimmunity. Nature Genetics 2007, 39(6), 721-723.
- Pitteloud N, Quinton R, Pearce S, Raivio T, Acierno J, Dwyer A, Plummer L, Hughes V, Seminara S, Cheng Y-Z, Li W-P, Maccoll G, Eliseenkova AV, Olsen SK, Ibrahimi OA, Hayes FJ, Boepple P, Hall JE, Bouloux P, Mohammadi M, Crowley Jr W. Digenic mutations account for variable phenotypes in idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2007, 117(2), 457-463.
- Burton PR, Clayton DG, Cardon LR, Craddock N, Deloukas P, Duncanson A, Kwiatkowski DP, McCarthy MI, Ouwehand WH, Samani NJ, Todd JA, Donnelly P, Barrett JC, Davison D, Easton D, Evans DM, Leung H-T, Marchini JL, Morris AP, Spencer CCA, Tobin MD, Attwood AP, Boorman JP, Cant B, Everson U, Hussey JM, Jolley JD, Knight AS, Koch K, Meech E, Nutland S, Prowse CV, Stevens HE, Taylor NC, Walters GR, Walker NM, Watkins NA, Winzer T, Jones RW, McArdle WL, Ring SM, Strachan DP, Pembrey M, Breen G, Clair DSt, Caesar S, Gordon-Smith K, Jones L, Fraser C, Green EK, Grozeva D, Hamshere ML, Holmans PA, Jones IR, Kirov G, Moskivina V, Nikolov I, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Collier DA, Elkin A, Farmer A, Williamson R, McGuffin P, Young AH, Ferrier IN, Ball SG, Balmforth AJ, Barrett JH, Bishop TD, Iles MM, Maqbool A, Yuldasheva N, Hall AS, Braund PS, Dixon RJ, Mangino M, Stevens S, Thompson JR, Bredin F, Tremelling M, Parkes M, Drummond H, Lees CW, Nimmo ER, Satsangi J, Fisher SA, Forbes A, Lewis CM, Onnie CM, Prescott NJ, Sanderson J, Matthew CG, Barbour J, Mohiuddin MK, Todhunter CE, Mansfield JC, Ahmad T, Cummings FR, Jewell DP, Webster J, Brown MJ, Lathrop MG, Connell J, Dominiczak A, Marcano CAB, Burke B, Dobson R, Gungadoo J, Lee KL, Munroe PB, Newhouse SJ, Onipinla A, Wallace C, Xue M, Caulfield M, Farrall M, Barton A, Bruce IN, Donovan H, Eyre S, Gilbert PD, Hilder SL, Hinks AM, John SL, Potter C, Silman AJ, Symmons DPM, Thomson W, Worthington J, Dunger DB, Widmer B, Frayling TM, Freathy RM, Lango H, Perry JRB, Shields BM, Weedon MN, Hattersley AT, Hitman GA, Walker M, Elliott KS, Groves CJ, Lindgren CM, Rayner NW, Timpson NJ, Zeggini E, Newport M, Sirugo G, Lyons E, Vannberg F, Hill AVS, Bradbury LA, Farrar C, Pointon JJ, Wordsworth P, Brown MA, Franklyn JA, Heward JM, Simmonds MJ, Gough SCL, Seal S, Stratton MR, Rahman N, Ban M, Goris A, Sawcer SJ, Compston A, Conway D, Jallow M, Rockett KA, Bumpstead SJ, Chaney A, Downes K, Ghori MJR, Gwilliam R, Hunt SE, Inouye M, Keniry A, King E, McGinnis R, Potter S, Ravindrarajah R, Whittaker P, Widden C, Withers D, Cardin NJ, Ferreira T, Pereira-Gale J, Hallgrimsdottir IB, Howie BN, Su Z, Teo YY, Vukcevic D, Bentley D, Mitchell SL, Newby PR, Brand OJ, Carr-Smith J, Pearce SHS, McGinnis R, Keniry A, Deloukas P, Reveille JD, Zhou X, Sims A-M, Dowling A, Taylor J, Doan T, Davis JC, Savage L, Ward MM, Learch TL, Weisman MH. Association scan of 14,500 nonsynonymous SNPs in four diseases identifies autoimmunity variants. Nature Genetics 2007, 39(11), 1329-1337.
- Owen CJ, Kelly H, Eden JA, Merriman ME, Pearce SHS, Merriman TR. Analysis of the Fc receptor-like-3 (FCRL3) locus in caucasians with autoimmune disorders suggests a complex pattern of disease association. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007, 92(3), 1106-1111.
- Razvi S, Vaidya B, Perros P, Pearce SHS. What is the evidence behind the evidence-base? The premature death of block-replace antithyroid drug regimens for Graves' disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2006, 154(6), 783-786.
- Owen CJ, Eden JA, Jennings CE, Wilson V, Cheetham TD, Pearce SHS. Genetic association studies of the FOXP3 gene in Graves' disease and autoimmune Addison's disease in the United Kingdom population. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 2006, 37(1), 97-104.
- Jennings CE, Owen CJ, Wilson V, Pearce SHS. No association of the codon 55 methionine to valine polymorphism in the SUMO4 gene with Graves' disease. Clinical Endocrinology 2005, 62(3), 362-365.
- Jennings CE, Owen CJ, Wilson V, Pearce SHS. A haplotype of the CYP27B1 promoter is associated with autoimmune Addison's disease but not with Graves' disease in a UK population. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 2005, 34(3), 859-863.
- Pearce SHS, Leech NJ. Towards precise forecasting of autoimmune endocrinopathy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2004, 89(2), 544-547.
- Velaga MR, Wilson V, Jennings CE, Owen CJ, Herington S, Donaldson PT, Ball SG, James RA, Quinton R, Perros P, Pearce SHS. The codon 620 tryptophan allele of the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase (LYP) gene is a major determinant of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2004, 89(11), 5862-5865.
- Pearce SHS. Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions to carbimazole and propylthiouracil in the UK. Clinical Endocrinology 2004, 61(5), 589-594.
- Singh J, Pearce S, Moghal N, Cheetham TD. The investigation of hypocalcaemia and rickets. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2003, 88, 403-407.
- Owen CJ, Jennings CE, Imrie H, Lachaux A, Bridges NA, Cheetham TD, Pearce SHS. Mutational analysis of the FOXP3 gene and evidence for genetic heterogeneity in the immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2003, 88(12), 6034-6039.
- Sayer JA, Carr G, Pearce SHS, Goodship THJ, Simmons NL. Disordered calcium crystal handling in antisense CLC-5-treated collecting duct cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003, 300(2), 305-310.
- Vaidya B, Oakes EJC, Imrie H, Dickinson AJ, Perros P, Kendall-Taylor P, Pearce SHS. CTLA4 gene and Graves' disease: association of Graves' disease with the CTLA4 exon 1 and intron 1 polymorphisms, but not with the promoter polymorphism. Clinical Endocrinology 2003, 58(6), 732-735.
- Vaidya B, Kendall-Taylor P, Pearce SHS. The genetics of autoimmune thyroid disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2002, 87(12), 5385-5397.
- Vaidya B, Pearce SHS, Charlton S, Marshall N, Rowan AD, Griffiths ID, Kendall-Taylor P, Cawston TE, Young Min S. An association between the CTLA4 exon 1 polymorphism and early rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune endocrinopathies. Rheumatology 2002, 41(2), 180-183.
- Vaidya B, Pearce SHS, Charlton S, Marshall N, Rowan AD, Griffiths ID, Kendall-Taylor P, Cawston TE, Young-Min S. An association between the CTLA4 exon 1 polymorphism and early rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune endocrinopathies. Rheumatology 2002, 41(2), 180-183.
- Sayer JA, Stewart GS, Boese SH, Gray MA, Pearce SHS, Goodship THJ, Simmons NL. The voltage-dependent of Cl- channel ClC-5 and plasma membrane Cl- conductances of mouse renal collecting duct cells (mIMCD-3). Journal of Physiology 2001, 536(3), 769-783.
- Imrie H, Vaidya B, Perros P, Kelly WF, Toft AD, Young ET, Kendall-Taylor P, Pearce SHS. Evidence for a Graves' disease susceptibility locus at chromosome Xp11 in a United Kingdom population. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2001, 86(2), 626-630.
- Agarwal K, Jones DEJ, Daly AK, James OFW, Vaidya B, Pearce S, Bassendine MF. CTLA-4 gene polymorphism confers susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 2000, 32(4), 538-541.
- Pearce SHS, Vaidya BJ, Imrie H, Perros P, Kelly WF, Toft AD, McCarthy MI, Young ET, Kendall-Taylor P. Further evidence for a susceptibility locus on chromosome 20q13.11 in families with dominant transmission of Graves disease. American Journal of Human Genetics 1999, 65(5), 1462-1465.
- Pearce SHS, Cheetham TD, Imrie H, Vaidya BJ, Barnes ND, Bilous RW, Carr D, Meeran K, Shaw NJ, Smith CS, Toft AD, Williams G, Kendall-Taylor P. A common and recurrent 13-bp deletion in the autoimmune regulator gene in British kindreds with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 1. American Journal of Human Genetics 1998, 63(6), 1675-1684.
- Lloyd S.E., Pearce S.H.S., Gunther W., Kawaguchi H., Igarashi T., Jentsch T.J., Thakker R.V. Idiopathic low molecular weight proteinuria associated with hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis in Japanese children is due to mutations of the renal chloride channel (CLCN5). J Clin Invest 1997, 99, 967-974.
- Lloyd S.E., Gunther W., Pearce S.H.S., Thomson A., Bianchi M.L., Bosio M., Craig I.W., Fisher S.E., Scheinman S.J., Wrong O., Jentsch T.J., Thakker R.V. Characterisation of renal chloride channel, CLCN5, mutations in hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis disorders. Hum Mol Genet 1997, 6, 1233-1239.
- Pearce S.H.S., Trump D., Wooding C., Sheppard M.N., Clayton R.N., Thakker R.V. Loss of heterozygosity studies at the retinoblastoma and breast cancer susceptibility (BRCA2) loci in pituitary, parathyroid, pancreatic and carcinoid tumours. Clin Endocrinol 1996, 45, 195-200.
- Pearce S.H.S., Brown E.M. Genetic basis of endocrine disease: Disorders of calcium ion sensing. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996, 81, 2030-2035.
- Pearce S.H.S., Bai M., Quinn S.J., Kifor O., Thakker R.V., Brown E.M. Functional characterization of calcium-sensing receptor mutations expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. J Clin Invest 1996, 98, 1860-1866.
- Bai M., Quinn S., Trivedi S., Kifor O., Pearce S.H.S., Pollak M.R., Krapcho K., Hebert S.C., Brown E.M. Expression and characterization of inactivating and activating mutations in the human Ca2+o-sensing receptor. J Biol Chem 1996, 271, 19537-19545.
- Lloyd SE, Pearce SHS, Fisher SE, Steinmeyer K, Schwappach B, Scheinman SJ, Harding B, Bolino A, Devoto M, Goodyer P, Rigden SPA, Wrong O, Jentsch TJ, Craig IW, Thakker RV. Common molecular basis for three inherited kidney stone diseases. Nature 1996, 379, 445-449.
- S. H. S. Pearce, C. Williamson, O. Kifor, M. Bai, M. G. Coulthard, M. Davies, N. LewisBarned, D. McCredie, H. Powell, P. KendallTaylor, E. M. Brown and R. V. Thakker. A familial syndrome of hypocalcemia with hypercalciuria due to mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor. New England Journal of Medicine 1996, 335, 1115-1122.
Authored Book
- Pearce SHS, Spain S. Living with Addison's disease: A guide for people with Addison's, supporters and professionals. London: Addison's Disease Self-Help Group, 2019.
Book Chapters
- Napier C, Pearce SHS. Graves' disease. In: Paolo Vitti, Laszlo Hegedüs, ed. Thyroid Diseases: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Cham: Springer, 2018, pp.429-449.
- Lane LC, Petros P, Pearce SHS. Novel Immunomodulatory Treatment Modalities. In: Wiersinga, W.M. (Amsterdam) Kahaly, G.J. (Mainz), ed. Graves' Orbitopathy: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Questions and Answers. Basel: Karger, 2017, pp.177-192.
- Gan EH, Pearce SHS. Difficult-to-Treat Hyperthyroidism. In: Endocrinology and Diabetes: Case Studies, Questions and Commentaries. Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2015, pp.1-7.
- Vaidya B, Imrie H, Kendall-Taylor P, Pearce SHS. Genome screening for Graves Disease Susceptibility loci in UK families. In: Akamizu T; Kasuga M; Davies TF, ed. The Genetics of Complex Thyroid Diseases. Tokyo: Springer, 2002, pp.23-41.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Crossland KL, Pearce S, Abinun M, Cheetham T, Hilkens CMU, Lilic D. Role of Aire in the Induction of Human Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells. In: European Society for Immunodeficiencies. 2014, Prague, Czech Republic: Springer.
- Velaga R, Jennings C, Wilson V, Owen C, Pearce SHS, Quinton R. Analysis of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene in patients with idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. In: 12th International Congress of Endocrinology. 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Merriman T, Hall R, Merriman M, Green R, Smyth D, Heward J, Jennings C, Highton J, Hunt P, Pokorny V, Willis J, Gough S, Pearce S, McLean L. The deleted in colorectal carcinoma (DCC) gene 201 R-G polymorphism: evidence for an impact on the ability of DCC to induce caspase-3 activity but not for genetic association with autoimmune disease. In: Diabetologia: 18th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation. 2003, Paris, France: Springer.
- Young-Min S, Pearce SHS, Charlton S, Marshall N, Rowan AD, Griffiths ID, Kendall-Taylor P, Cawston TE, Vaidya B. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) exon 1 polymorphism in early rheumatoid arthritis. In: RHEUMATOLOGY. 2001, GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND: OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
- Adamson K, Kendall-Taylor P, Cheetham TD, Pearce SHS. Spectrum of mutations in the AIRE1 gene in UK APS1 (APECED) kindreds. In: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. 2000.
- Imrie H, Vaidya B, Perros P, Kelly WF, Toft AD, Young ET, Kendall-Taylor P, Pearce SHS. Genome scanning for Graves' disease susceptibility loci in a UK population. In: Journal of Medical Genetics. 1999, BMJ Group.
Edited Book
- Pearce SHS, ed. Autoimmune Endocrine Disorders. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009.
- Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. Subclinical hyperthyroidism: first do no harm. Clinical Endocrinology 2016, 85(1), 15-16.
- Vaidya B, Pearce SHS. Diagnosis and management of thyrotoxicosis. British Medical Journal 2014, 349, g5128.
- Barbar B, Hossen S, Quinton R, James A, Perros P, Pearce S, Napier C, Gan E, Mitchell A, Mamoojee YH. Levothyroxine absorption test: A therapeutic strategy for improving medication adherence. Clinical Endocrinology 2023, 98(5), 741-742.
- Mitchell AL, Napier C, Asam M, Siddaramaiah N, Heed A, Morris M, Miller M, Perros P, James RA, Ball SG, Pearce SHS, Quinton R. Saving lives of in-patients with adrenal insufficiency: implementation of an alert scheme within the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals e-Prescribing platform. Clinical Endrocrinology 2014, 81(6), 937-938.
- Pearce SHS. Glucocorticoid Replacement: Insufficient evidence to favour prednisolone over hydrocortisone in glucocorticoid replacement. BMJ: British Medical Journal 2014, 349, g5510.
- Pattman S, Quinton R, Pearce S, Datta H. Vitamin D testing. Lancet 2012, 379(9827), 1699-1700.
- Gan EH, Pattman S, Pearce S, Quinton R. Many men are receiving unnecessary testosterone prescriptions. BMJ 2012, 345, e5469.
- Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. "Grading" subclinical thyroid disease may be misleading: Authors' response to Goichot, Vinzio and Luca. Clinical Endocrinology 2011, 74(1), 137-138.
- Young-Min S, Pearce S, Vaidya B. Re: An association between the CTLA4 exon 1 polymorphism and early rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune endocrinopathies, by Vaidya et al. - Reply. Rheumatology 2002, 41(10), 1213-1213.
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