Staff Profile
Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
Principal Investigator
- Personal Website:
- Address: Biosciences Institute
Theme Vascular Biology & Medicine
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Central Parkway
Newcastle upon Tyne
Graduate student, University of Angers, France, 2008-2011
During my PhD, financed by a prestigious grant awarded by the French Ministry of Research (University of Angers, France, 2008-2011; PI: Dr C Martinez), I revealed for the first time the importance of extracellular vesicles in driving the endothelial dysfunction in diseases associated with hypoxia (Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010; Am J Pathol. 2012; Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014).
Marie Curie Fellow, Arthur Lab, Newcastle University, 2012-2015
I joined Newcastle University in 2012, supported by the highly competitive Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (host lab: Prof H Arthur; 2012-2015). I first established the mandatory role of Alk1 in the maintenance of vascular integrity (PLoS One. 2014) and then demonstrated the essential cardioprotective role of endoglin after myocardial infarction (Stem Cell Reports. 2017) This work was highlighted in Horizon, the EU Research & Innovation Magazine. Within these studies, I optimised technologies and tools now widely used by the research community to assess in vivo angiogenesis (J Vis Exp. 2013) and vascular remodelling after myocardial infarction by cardiac imaging (Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2016).
Post-doc, Arthur Lab, Newcastle University, 2015-2018
Thanks to a British Heart Foundation (BHF) Project Grant Application (PI: Helen Arthur; co-I: S TualChalot; 2015-2018) and my Young Investigator Award from Cure HHT (PI: S Tual-Chalot), I demonstrated the importance of endothelial endoglin in the adult vasculature (Circ Res. 2020). In parallel, I contributed through my imaging skills to a highly collaborative work by deciphering the vascular senescence process in age-related cardiovascular diseases (EMBO. 2019; Aging Cell. 2019, 2020).
Post-doc, Stellos Lab, Newcastle University, October 2018-2023
In the ERC-funded lab of Prof Stellos, I worked on the role of RNA-based mechanisms in vascular endothelial cell homeostasis and disease. (Immunity. 2023). In parallel, I led or contributed with international collaborators to several vascular biology studies and clinical investigations on novel inflammatory markers for cardiovascular disease and ageing (Front Immunol. 2023).
Principal Investigator, Newcastle University, 2024-present
Supported by the BHF, I am establishing my lab studying one of the most critical processes governing our life: how endothelial cells adapt to ageing in health and diseases.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of adult morbidity and mortality globally, and its prevalence grows with age. Ageing is now the main risk factor for CVD development through the deterioration of heart and vessel physiological functions. While CVD has long been a major focus of biomedical research, our understanding of the causes driving cardiovascular ageing is still limited, precluding the design strategies able to contain or delay it. Gaining a better understanding of its mechanisms is of paramount importance for tackling the growing epidemic of age-related diseases. My lab aims at identifying novel mechanism involved in the regulation of vascular ageing and finding new solutions to maintain healthy ageing.
Research Funding:
2024-2025 Royal Society research grant, £69,936
Amyloid-beta and myocardial infarction: unlocking new therapeutic avenues
PI: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
2024-2027 BHF project grant, £279,66
Characterising chemotherapy-induced cardiac cell senescence to ascertain its role in chemotherapy- induced heart failure
Co-I: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot (PI: Dr Gavin Richardson)
2024-2027 BHF project grant, £299,998
The role of Amyloid-beta in cardiovascular ageing
PI: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
2022-2025 BHF project grant, £304,017
Senotherapy to improve recovery post-cardiac ischemia reperfusion
Co-I: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot (PI: Dr Gavin Richardson)
2022-2024 BHF project grant, £243,111.5
Identifying older donors suitable for transplantation: The use of senescence as a marker of biological
Co-I: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot (PI: Dr Gavin Richardson)
2022-2023 Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund, £9,136
The role of Amyloid-beta in cardiovascular ageing
PI: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot; co-I: Dr Gavin Richardson
2020-2021 British Society for Research on Ageing consumable grant, £500
The Alzheimer's disease Amyloid-beta hypothesis in vascular ageing
PI: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
2015-2018 BHF project grant, £248,861
Endothelial endoglin is required to maintain normal cardiac function in adult life
Co-I: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot (PI: Prof Helen Arthur)
2015-2016 Young Investigator award from Cure HHT, £19,108
Role of endoglin in HHT and high output heart failure
PI: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
2013-2015 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, £231,283
Endoglin-mediated vascular regeneration to promote heart repair (VASC-GEN)
Fellow: Dr Simon Tual-Chalot; host lab: Prof. Helen Arthur
Honours and Awards:
2019: Best oral presentation prize runner up. British Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting, Oxford, UK
2019: Highest Scoring Abstract Basic Science. British Cardiovascular Society and the British Heart Foundation Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK
2019: Best oral presentation prize runner up. British Cardiovascular Research Society and the British Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK
2018: Best poster prize runner up. British Cardiovascular Research Society and the British Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK
2015: Young Investigator award from Cure HHT
2013: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship. Total Score of 95.2/100
2011: Best poster presentation prize. 27th Annual Meeting of the “Groupe de Réflexion sur la Recherche Cardiovasculaire”, Lyon, France
2009: Best oral presentation prize. 13th Annual Meeting of French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Marseille, France
Committee membership:
2022-present: Board member of the Working group "microcirculation and inflammation" of the European Society of hypertension
2020-present: Newcastle University Biosciences Institute Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee
2021-present Lecture on vascular endothelial cells for BMS 3017 “Clinical Ageing and Health” and MMB8037 “Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease” module
2021-present Member of PhD review panel
2020-present Teaching Assistant on CMB1004 “Cell Biology” and PSC1002 “Physiology” module
2010-2011 Lecture on Vascular Inflammation (Mres level)
2009-present Laboratory supervision of 10 MRes students, 14 BSc students and 3 Summer Research Scholarship students
- Camacho-Encina M, Booth LK, Redgrave R, Honkanen-Scott MM, Scott III WE, Martin-Ruiz C, MacGowan G, Richardson S, Dark J, Tual-Chalot S, Richardson GD. Identifying optimal reference genes for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction in human myocardial tissues. Cardiovascular Research 2024, 120(17), 2163-2165.
- Redgrave RE, Singh E, Tual-Chalot S, Park C, Hall D, Bennaceur K, Smyth DJ, Maizels RM, Spyridopoulos I, Arthur HM. Exogenous Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Its Helminth-Derived Mimic Attenuate the Heart's Inflammatory Response to Ischemic Injury and Reduce Mature Scar Size. The American Journal of Pathology 2024, 194(4), 562-573.
- Delialis D, Georgiopoulos G, Tual-Chalot S, Angelidakis L, Aivalioti E, Mavraganis G, Sopova K, Argyris A, Kostakou P, Konstantaki C, Papaioannou M, Tsilimigras D, Chatoupis K, Zacharoulis AA, Galyfos G, Sigala F, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K. Amyloid beta is associated with carotid wall echolucency and atherosclerotic plaque composition. Scientific Reports 2024, 14(1), 14944.
- Gatsiou A, Tual-Chalot S, Napoli M, Ortega-Gomez A, Regen T, Badolia R, Cesarini V, Garcia-Gonzalez C, Chevre R, Ciliberti G, Silvestre-Roig C, Martini M, Hoffmann J, Hamouche R, Visker JR, Diakos N, Wietelmann A, Silvestris DA, Georgiopoulos G, Moshfegh A, Schneider A, Chen W, Guenther S, Backs J, Kwak S, Selzman CH, Stamatelopoulos K, Rose-John S, Trautwein C, Spyridopoulos I, Braun T, Waisman A, Gallo A, Drakos SG, Dimmeler S, Sperandio M, Soehnlein O, Stellos K. The RNA editor ADAR2 promotes immune cell trafficking by enhancing endothelial responses to interleukin-6 during sterile inflammation. Immunity 2023, 56(5), 979-997.e11.
- Redgrave R, Dookun E, Booth LK, Camacho Encina M, Folaranmi O, Tual-Chalot S, Gill JH, Owens WA, Spyridopoulos I, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Senescent cardiomyocytes contribute to cardiac dysfunction following myocardial infarction. npj Aging 2023, 9, 15.
- Georgiopoulos G, Kraler S, Mueller-Hennessen M, Delialis D, Mavraganis G, Sopova K, Wenzl FA, Raber L, Biener M, Stahli BE, Maneta E, Spray L, Iglesias JF, Coelho-Lima J, Tual-Chalot S, Muller O, Mach F, Frey N, Duerschmied D, Langer HF, Katus H, Roffi M, Camici GG, Mueller C, Giannitsis E, Spyridopoulos I, Luscher TF, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K. Modification of the GRACE Risk Score for Risk Prediction in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes. JAMA Cardiology 2023, 8(10), 946-956.
- Kateryna, Tual-Chalot S, Mueller-Hennessen M, Vlachogiannis N, Georgiopoulos G, Biener M, Sachse M, Turchinovich A, Polycarpou-Schwarz M, Spray L, Maneta E, Bennaceur K, Mohammad A, Richardson GD, Gatsiou A, Langer HF, Frey N, Stamatelopoulos K, Heineke J, Duerschmied D, Giannitsis E, Spyridopoulos I, Stellos K. Effector T cell chemokine IP-10 predicts cardiac recovery and clinical outcomes post-myocardial infarction. Frontiers in Immunology 2023, 14, 1177467.
- Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. Targeting the adipose tissue: heart crosstalk in pressure overload-induced heart failure. Cardiovascular Research 2022, 118(8), 1854-1856.
- Vlachogiannis N, Baker K, Georgiopoulos G, Lazaridis C, Schim van der Loeff I, Hanrath A, Sopova K, Tual-Chalot S, Gatsiou A, Spyridopoulos I, Stamatelopoulos K, Duncan C, Stellos K. Clinical frailty, and not features of acute infection, is associated with late mortality in COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2022, 13(3), 1502-1513.
- Stamatelopoulos K, Mueller-Hennessen M, Georgiopoulos G, Lopez-Ayala P, Sachse M, Vlachogiannis NI, Sopova K, Delialis D, Bonini F, Patras R, Ciliberti G, Vafaie M, Biener M, Boeddinghaus J, Nestelberger T, Koechlin L, Tual-Chalot S, Kanakakis I, Gatsiou A, Katus H, Spyridopoulos I, Mueller C, Giannitsis E, Stellos K. Cathepsin S Levels and Survival Among Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2022, 80(10), 998-1010.
- Bampatsias D, Mavroeidis I, Tual-Chalot S, Vlachogiannis NL, Bonini F, Sachse M, Mavraganis G, Mareti A, Kritsioti C, Laina A, Delialis D, Ciliberti G, Sopova K, Gatsiou A, Martelli F, Georgiopoulos G, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K. Beta-secretase-1 antisense RNA is associated with vascular ageing and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2022, 122(11), 1932-1942.
- Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. Therapeutic potential of adenosine kinase inhibition in vascular disease. Cardiovascular research 2021, 117(2), 354-356.
- Vlachogiannis NI, Tual-Chalot S, Zormpas E, Bonini F, Ntouros PA, Pappa M, Bournia V-K, Tektonidou MG, Souliotis VL, Mavragani CP, Stamatelopoulos K, Gatsiou A, Sfikakis PP, Stellos K. Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing contributes to type I interferon responses in systemic sclerosis. Journal of Autoimmunity 2021, 125, 102755.
- Gatsiou A, Georgiopoulos G, Vlachogiannis NI, Pfisterer L, Fischer A, Sachse M, Laina A, Bonini F, Delialis D, Tual-Chalot S, Zormpas E, Achangwa R, Jiang L, Kontogiannis C, Patras R, Hermeking H, Zeiher AM, Stamatelopoulos K, Dimmeler S, Stellos K. Additive contribution of microRNA-34a/b/c to human arterial ageing and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2021, 327, 49-58.
- Tual-Chalot S, García-Collado M, Redgrave RE, Singh E, Davison B, Park C, Lin H, Luli S, Jin Y, Wang Y, Lawrie A, Jakobsson L, Arthur HM. Loss of endothelial Endoglin promotes high-output heart failure through peripheral arteriovenous shunting driven by VEGF signalling. Circulation Research 2020, 126(2), 243-257.
- Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Palmowski P, Tual Chalot S, Suwana A, Chapman J, Jirkovsky E, Donastorg Sosa L, Gill E, Yausep O, Santin Y, Mialet Perez J, Owens WA, Grieve D, Spyridopoulos I, Taggart M, Arthur HM, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Clearance of senescent cells during cardiac ischemia–reperfusion injury improves recovery. Aging Cell 2020, 19(10), e13249.
- Dorn LE, Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K, Accornero F. RNA epigenetics and cardiovascular diseases. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2019, 129, 272-280.
- Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot A, Spyridopoulos I, Owens A, Arthur HM, Passos JF, Richardson GD. Pharmacological clearance of senescent cells improves survival and recovery in aged mice following acute myocardial infarction. Aging Cell 2019, 18(3), e12945.
- Anderson R, Lagnado A, Maggiorani D, Walaszczyk A, Dookun E, Chapman J, Birch J, Salmonowicz H, Ogrodnik M, Jurk D, Proctor C, Correia-Melo C, Victorelli S, Fielder E, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Owens WA, Greaves L, Kolsky K, Parini A, Douin-Echinard V, LeBrasseur N, Arthur H, Tual-Chalot S, Schafer M, Roos C, Miller J, Robertson N, Mann J, Adams P, Tchkonia T, Kirkland J, Mialet-Perez J, Richardson GD, Passos J. Length‐independent telomere damage drives post‐mitotic cardiomyocyte senescence. The EMBO Journal 2019, 38(5), e100492.
- Bailey KE, MacGowan GA, Tual-Chalot S, Phillips L, Mohun TJ, Henderson DJ, Arthur HM, Bamforth SD, Phillips HM. Disruption of embryonic ROCK signalling reproduces the sarcomeric phenotype of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. JCI Insight 2019, 4(8), e125172.
- Gallardo-Vara E, Tual-Chalot S, Botella LM, Arthur HM, Bernabeu C. Soluble endoglin regulates expression of angiogenesis-related proteins and induction of arteriovenous malformations in a mouse model of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Disease Models & Mechanisms 2018, 11(9), dmm034397.
- Thalgott JH, Dos-Santos-Luis D, Hosman AE, Martin S, Lamande N, Bracquart D, Srun S, Galaris G, de Boer HC, Tual-Chalot S, Kroon S, Arthur HM, Cao Y, Snijder RJ, Disch F, Mager JJ, Rabelink TJ, Mummery CL, Raymond K, Lebrin F. Decreased Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Type 2. Circulation 2018, 138(23), 2698-2712.
- Redgrave RE, Tual-Chalot S, Davison BJ, Singh E, Hall D, Amirrasouli MM, Gilchrist D, Medvinsky A, Arthur HM. Cardiosphere-Derived Cells Require Endoglin for Paracrine-Mediated Angiogenesis. Stem Cell Reports 2017, 8(5), 1287-1298.
- Redgrave RE, Tual-Chalot S, Davison BJ, Greally E, Santibanez-Koref M, Schneider JE, Blamire AM, Arthur HM. Using MRI to predict future adverse cardiac remodelling in a male mouse model of myocardial infarction. IJC Heart & Vasculature 2016, 11, 29-34.
- Tual-Chalot S, Mahmoud M, Allinson KR, Redgrave RE, Zhai ZH, Oh SP, Fruttiger M, Arthur HM. Endothelial Depletion of Acvrl1 in Mice Leads to Arteriovenous Malformations Associated with Reduced Endoglin Expression. PLoS One 2014, 9(6), e98646.
- Tual-Chalot S, Gagnadoux F, Trzepizur W, Priou P, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez MC. Circulating microparticles from obstuctive sleep apnea syndrome patients induce endothelin-mediated angiogenesis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease 2014, 1842(2), 202-207.
- Tual-Chalot S, Allinson KR, Fruttiger M, Arthur HM. Whole Mount Immunofluorescent Staining of the Neonatal Mouse Retina to Investigate Angiogenesis In vivo. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2013, 77, 1-5.
- Jeanneteau J, Hibert P, Martinez MC, Tual-Chalot S, Tamareille S, Furber A, Andriantsitohaina R, Prunier F. Microparticle release in remote ischemic conditioning mechanism. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2012, 303(7), H871-H877.
- López-Andrés N, Tesse A, Regnault V, Louis H, Cattan V, Thornton SN, Labat C, Kakou A, Tual-Chalot S, Faure S, Challande P, Osborne-Pellegrin M, Martínez MC, Lacolley P, Andriantsitohaina R. Increased microparticle production and impaired microvascular endothelial function in aldosterone-salt-treated rats: protective effects of polyphenols. PLoS One 2012, 7(7), e39235.
- Tual-Chalot S, Fatoumata K, Priou P, Trzepizur W, Gaceb A, Contreras C, Prieto D, Martinez MC, Gagnadoux F, Andriantsitohaina R. Circulating microparticles from patients with obstructive sleep apnea enhance vascular contraction: mandatory role of the endothelium. American Journal of Pathology 2012, 181(4), 1473-1482.
- Trzepizur W, Priou P, Paris A, Nardi J, Tual-Chalot S, Meslier N, Urban T, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez MC, Gagnadoux F. Nocturnal release of leukocyte-derived microparticles in males with obstructive sleep apnoea. European Respiratory Journal 2011, 37(5), 1293-1295.
- Rottner M, Tual-Chalot S, Mostefai HA, Andriantsitohaina R, Freyssinet JM, Martínez MC. Increased oxidative stress induces apoptosis in human cystic fibrosis cells. PLoS One 2011, 6(9), e24880.
- Benameur T, Tual-Chalot S, Andriantsitohaina R, Martínez MC. PPARα is essential for microparticle-induced differentiation of mouse bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells and angiogenesis. PLoS One 2010, 5(8), e12392.
- Tual-Chalot S, Guibert C, Muller B, Savineau JP, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez MC. Circulating microparticles from pulmonary hypertensive rats induce endothelial dysfunction. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2010, 182(2), 261-268.
Book Chapter
- Booth k, Redgrave R, Tual-Chalot s, Spyridopoulos I, Phillips HM, Richardson GD. Heart Disease and Ageing: The Roles of Senescence, Mitochondria, and Telomerase in Cardiovascular Disease. In: Harris, J.R., Korolchuk, V.I, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part IV, Clinical Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023, pp.45-78.
- Amponsah-Offeh M, Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. Repurposing of an antiasthmatic drug may reduce NETosis and myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury. European Heart Journal 2024, 45(18), 1681-1683.
- Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. Chrono-pharmacology-based antiplatelet therapy for acute myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal 2022, 43(24), 2335-2337.
- Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. MicroRNA-based therapy of postmyocardial infarction heart failure. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2021, 62(2), 149-151.
- Mareti A, Kritsioti C, Georgiopoulos G, Vlachogiannis NI, Delialis D, Sachse M, Sopova K, Koutsoukis A, Kontogiannis C, Patras R, Tual-Chalot S, Koureas A, Gatsiou A, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K. Cathepsin B expression is associated with arterial stiffening and atherosclerotic vascular disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2019, 27(19), 2288-2291.
- Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. First-in-human gene editing for lipid lowering: the initial results. Cardiovascular Research 2024, 120(4), E5-E8.
- Rios FJ, De Ciuceis C, Georgiopoulos G, Lazaridis A, Nosalski R, Pavlidis G, Tual-Chalot S, Agabiti-Rosei C, Camargo LL, Dabrowska E, Quarti-Trevano F, Hellmann M, Masi S, Lopreiato M, Mavraganis G, Mengozzi A, Montezano AC, Stavropoulos K, Winklewski PJ, Wolf J, Costantino S, Doumas M, Gkaliagkousi E, Grassi G, Guzik TJ, Ikonomidis I, Narkiewicz K, Paneni F, Rizzoni D, Stamatelopoulos K, Stellos K, Taddei S, Touyz RM, Virdis A. Mechanisms of Vascular Inflammation and Potential Therapeutic Targets: A Position Paper From the ESH Working Group on Small Arteries. Hypertension 2024, 81(6), 1218-1232.
- Sachse M, Tual-Chalot S, Ciliberti G, Amponsah-Offeh M, Stamatelopoulos K, Gatsiou A, Stellos K. RNA-binding proteins in vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2023, 374, 55-73.
- Jusic A, Thomas PB, Wettinger SB, Dogan S, Farrugia R, Gaetano C, Tuna BG, Pinet F, Robinson EL, Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K, Devaux Y. Noncoding RNAs in age-related cardiovascular diseases. Ageing Research Reviews 2022, 77, 101610.
- Lambrinoudaki I, Delialis D, Georgiopoulos G, Tual-Chalot S, Vlachogiannis NI, Patras R, Aivalioti E, Armeni E, Augoulea A, Tsoltos N, Soureti A, Stellos K, Stamatelopoulos K. Circulating Amyloid Beta 1-40 Is Associated with Increased Rate of Progression of Atherosclerosis in Menopause: A Prospective Cohort Study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2021, 121(05), 650-658.
- Stakos DA, Stamatelopoulos K, Bampatsias D, Sachse M, Zormpas E, Vlachogiannis NI, Tual-Chalot S, Stellos K. The Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid-Beta Hypothesis in Cardiovascular Aging and Disease: JACC Focus Seminar. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2020, 75(8), 952-967.
- Tual-Chalot S, Oh SP, Arthur HM. Mouse models of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: recent advances and future challenges. Frontiers in Genetics 2015, 6, 25.
- Tual-Chalot S, Leonetti D, Andriantsitohaina R, Martínez MC. Microvesicles: intercellular vectors of biological messages. Molecular Interventions 2011, 11(2), 88-94.
- Martinez MC, Tual-Chalot S, Leonetti D, Andriantsitohaina R. Microparticles: targets and tools in cardiovascular disease. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2011, 32(11), 659-665.