Staff Profile
Dr Steven Masson
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
- Telephone: 0191 244 8567
- Address: Liver Unit,
Freeman Hospital,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
I am a Consultant Transplant Hepatologist based at the Regional Liver and Transplant Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle and an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University.
My specialist clinical and research interests are alcohol-related liver disease, genetic haemochromatosis, cirrhosis and liver transplantation. I have a strong active research program, with a current focus on improving outcomes in alcohol-related liver disease and liver transplantation.
I am the National Institute for Health and Research (NIHR) Hepatology Speciality Lead for the North East and North Cumbria Clinical Research Network (CRN). I deliver commercial and non-commercial NIHR portfolio studies alongside regional leadership for one of the most successful UK liver research groups.
I am a recognised expert in alcohol-related liver disease and liver transplantation. I am the British Society of Gastroenterology National Lead for Alcohol with national roles advocating for improved service provision for alcohol-related physical harm. I am the Deputy Chair of the Liver Advisory Group, which advises NHS Blood and Transplant to help promote liver transplantation and ensure equity of access and best outcomes for transplant recipients.
Area of expertise
- Hepatology
- Liver disease
- Liver transplant
- Alcohol
- Haemochromatosis
- Viral Hepatitis
Research impact
Alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD)
- As co-PI on a grant for an international genome-wide association study in ARLD (GenomALC, $2.67M), I coordinated UK delivery and highest global recruitment. We discovered a new genetic association between the gene FAF2 and the development of ARLD cirrhosis. We identified modifiable risk factors associated with ARLD cirrhosis. We developed a risk stratification score to identify those most at risk.
- I am PI on the MRC UK Cohort Study in Alcoholic Hepatitis (MICAH) (2018-23). This follows on from my collaboration to STOPAH, the largest ever trial in ARLD, which has revolutionised our understanding of this disease. Recent outputs continues to refine the diagnosis and treatment of AH. In 2020, I was PI for a phase 2 commercial trial in AH (ISAIAH, Novartis).
- I am co-applicant and founding member of the European ARLD registry (SALVE) and collaborate on international studies into subtypes and steroid responsiveness in AH (CLASH) and outcomes in ARLD (WALDO)
- I am a grant co-applicant for the forthcoming BASIS trial (studying Baclofen in AUD; £1.67M, NIHR)
- I am PI for the ongoing AlcoChange (digital alcohol remote monitoring) and PROMISE (using fecal transplantation in cirrhosis) studies
Alcohol-related harm
- I am co-investigator for the Programme of Research for Alcohol Care Teams: Impact, Value and Effectiveness (ProACTIVE) Research into Alcohol Care Teams (£1.7M, NIHR)
Liver Transplantation
- I am grant co-applicant on an international study into immune suppression withdrawal in liver transplantation (LIFT; £1.67m, NIHR). We discovered a new non-invasive alloimmune risk stratification method.
- I co-authored the first study of outcomes of COVID in liver transplant recipients, internationally. I lead the national study of UK liver transplant response to COVID. I lead local studies on improving transplant outcomes including understanding donor-specific antibodies and regional organ allocation sharing.
- I attracted a commercial trial in Haemochromatosis (Hercules, La Jolla Pharma) to the UK. As the UK Chief Investigator, I delivered 150% recruitment (2019).
Portal Hypertension
- I am PI on 2 NIHR studies (BOPPP and CALIBRE) into preventing variceal bleeding (2019-24)
Research output
I have co-authored 90 peer-reviewed articles (including high impact journals – NEJM, Nature Medicine, Gastroenterology, Journal of Hepatology, Gut) and have an h-index of 33 with >4800 citations (Google Scholar, January 2025).
These articles are accessible via my ORCID profile
Research support
• NIHR Research Partnerships – Liver Disease (22/72 Lead: Dr Richard Parker, Leeds), 12/2022-5/2024 (£87K Awarded Oct 2022). North of England Alcohol Team (NEAT) (Co-applicant)
• NIHR Health Technology Assessment (19/143 Lead: Dr Paul Richardson), 10/2021-9/2025 (£1.6M Awarded Jan 2021) An adaptive-design randomised placebo-controlled trial of baclofen in the treatment of alcohol use disorder in patients with liver cirrhosis (BASIS) (Co-applicant)
• NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (13/94/55. Lead: Professor Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo), 4/2015-3/2021, £1.67M. Prospective randomised marker-based trial to assess the clinical utility and safety of biomarker-guided immunosuppression withdrawal in liver transplantation - LIFT (Co-applicant)
• National Institutes of Health, US: National Institute on Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism (1U01AA018389-01A2. Lead: Professor Tim Morgan) 9/2011-8/2016, $2.67m. Genetic risk factors for alcoholic cirrhosis - genome-wide case-control study (GenomALC) (Co-applicant)
• European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) Registry Grant 6/2016-6/2019, 50,000 Euros. The European registry of studies on alcoholic liver disease in Europe (SALVE) (Lead: Professor Philippe Mathurin) (Co-applicant)
Research leadership
Regional Hepatology Speciality Group CRN NENC lead (June 2017- )
I have been Speciality Group Lead for NENC CRN since 2017. I provide regional strategic leadership for 4CIs, 7PIs and the wider hepatology research team, having delivered recruitment to >50 hepatology studies. Under my leadership, we are consistently one of the most successful UK liver research groups.
- Burke L, Bernal W, Pirani T, Agarwal B, Jalan R, Ryan J, Bangash MN, El-Dalil P, Murphy N, Donnelly M, Davidson J, Simpson K, Giles H, Mone PS, Masson S, Davenport A, Rowe I, Moore J. Plasma exchange does not improve overall survival in patients with acute liver failure in a real-world cohort. Journal of Hepatology 2024, 82(4), 615-621.
- Gil-Pitarch C, Serrano-Macia M, Simon J, Mosca L, Conter C, Rejano-Gordillo CM, Zapata-Pavas LE, Pena-Sanfelix P, Azkargorta M, Rodriguez-Agudo R, Lachiondo-Ortega S, Mercado-Gomez M, Delgado TC, Porcelli M, Aurrekoetxea I, Sutherland JD, Barrio R, Xirodimas D, Aspichueta P, Elortza F, Martinez-Cruz LA, Nogueiras R, Iruzubieta P, Crespo J, Masson S, McCain MV, Reeves HL, Andrade RJ, Lucena MI, Mayor U, Goikoetxea-Usandizaga N, Gonzalez-Recio I, Martinez-Chantar ML. Neddylation inhibition prevents acetaminophen-induced liver damage by enhancing the anabolic cardiolipin pathway. Cell Reports Medicine 2024, 5(7), 101653.
- Bernal W, Taylor R, Rowe IA, Chauhan A, Armstrong MJ, Allison MED, Webb G, Pirani T, Moore J, Burke L, Masson S, Cressy D, Hogan BJ, Westbrook R, Jalan R, Simpson KJ, Isaac J, Thorburn D. Liver transplantation for critically ill patients with acute on chronic liver failure: a prospective national programme of waitlist prioritisation. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 2024, 46, 101067.
- McPherson S, Dyson JK, Jopson L, Masson S, Patel P, Anstee QM. How effective are experienced hepatologists at staging fibrosis using non-invasive fibrosis tests in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease?. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2024, 60(2), 267-273.
- Dhanda A, Bodger K, Hood S, Henn C, Allison M, Amasiatu C, Burton R, Cramp M, Forrest E, Khetani M, MacGilchrist A, Masson S, Parker R, Sheron N, Simpson K, Vergis N, White M, Saleh A, Boyd A, Brind A, Joshi A, Rund A, Srivastava A, McCune A, Gartland A, Hudson B, Stableforth B, John C, Maxan E, Unitt E, Beetteridge F, Lewis H, Fellows H, Haq I, Patel J, Ryan J, Cobbold J, Pohl K, Raeburn K, Corless L, Johnston M, Subhani M, Shah N, Ali N, Rajoriya N, Bendall O, Saeed O, Berry P, Moodley P, Abdelbadiee S, Davies S, Kotha S, Ryder S, Verma S, Manship T, Kumar V, Haddadin Y. The Liverpool alcohol-related liver disease algorithm identifies twice as many emergency admissions compared to standard methods when applied to Hospital Episode Statistics for England. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023, 57(4), 368-377.
- Parker R, Allison M, Anderson S, Aspinall R, Bardell S, Bains V, Buchanan R, Corless L, Davidson I, Dundas P, Fernandez J, Forrest E, Forster E, Freshwater D, Gailer R, Goldin R, Hebditch V, Hood S, Jones A, Lavers V, Lindsay D, Maurice J, McDonagh J, Morgan S, Nurun T, Oldroyd C, Oxley E, Pannifex S, Parsons G, Phillips T, Rainford N, Rajoriya N, Richardson P, Ryan J, Sayer J, Smith M, Srivastava A, Stennett E, Towey J, Vaziri R, Webzell I, Wellstead A, Dhanda A, Masson S. Quality standards for the management of alcohol-related liver disease: Consensus recommendations from the British Association for the Study of the Liver and British Society of Gastroenterology ARLD special interest group. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 2023, 10(1), e001221.
- Tyson LD, Atkinson S, Hunter RW, Allison M, Austin A, Dear JW, Forrest E, Liu T, Lord E, Masson S, Nunes J, Richardson P, Ryder SD, Wright M, Thursz M, Vergis N. In severe alcohol-related hepatitis, acute kidney injury is prevalent, associated with mortality independent of liver disease severity, and can be predicted using IL-8 and micro-RNAs. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023, 58(11-12), 1217-1229.
- Johnson A, Shearer J, Thompson C, Jelley R, Aldridge J, Allsop C, Kerry J, Jones D, McCullough F, Miller C, Valappil M, Taha Y, Masson S, Jefferson T, Lawton C, Christensen L, McPherson S. Impact of 5 years of hepatitis C testing and treatment in the North East of England prisons. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2023, 30(12), 914-921.
- Theodoreson MD, Aithal GP, Allison M, Brahmania M, Forrest E, Hagstrom H, Johansen S, Krag A, Likhitsup A, Masson S, McCune A, Rajoriya N, Thiele M, Rowe IA, Parker R. Extra-hepatic morbidity and mortality in alcohol-related liver disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Liver International 2023, 43(4), 763-772.
- Mansour D, Masson S, Hammond J, Leithead JA, Johnson J, Rahim MN, Douds AC, Corless L, Shawcross DL, Heneghan MA, Tripathi D, McPherson S, Bonner E, Botterill G, West R, Donnelly M, Grapes A, Hollywood C, Ross V. British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 3: special circumstances. Frontline Gastroenterology 2023, 14(6), 474-482.
- Mansour D, Masson S, Corless L, Douds AC, Shawcross DL, Johnson J, Leithead JA, Heneghan MA, Rahim MN, Tripathi D, Ross V, Hammond J, Grapes A, Hollywood C, Botterill G, Bonner E, Donnelly M, McPherson S, West R. British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 2: decompensated cirrhosis. Frontline Gastroenterology 2023, 14(6), 462-473.
- Mansour D, Masson S, Shawcross DL, Douds AC, Bonner E, Corless L, Leithead JA, Hammond J, Heneghan MA, Rahim MN, Tripathi D, West R, Johnson J, Botterill G, Hollywood C, Ross V, Donnelly M, Compston JE, McPherson S, Grapes A. British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 1: compensated cirrhosis. Frontline Gastroenterology 2023, 14(6), 453-461.
- Malik AK, Varghese C, Pandanaboyana S, Sen G, Robinson S, McPherson S, Dyson J, Manas DM, Masson S, Hammond JS. Risk factors for decompensation and death following umbilical hernia repair in patients with end-stage liver disease. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2022, 34(10), 1060-1066.
- Gonzalez-Recio I, Simon J, Goikoetxea-Usandizaga N, Serrano-Macia M, Mercado-Gomez M, Rodriguez-Agudo R, Lachiondo-Ortega S, Gil-Pitarch C, Fernandez-Rodriguez C, Castellana D, Latasa MU, Abecia L, Anguita J, Delgado TC, Iruzubieta P, Crespo J, Hardy S, Petrov PD, Jover R, Avila MA, Martin C, Schaeper U, Tremblay ML, Dear JW, Masson S, McCain MV, Reeves HL, Andrade RJ, Lucena MI, Buccella D, Martinez-Cruz LA, Martinez-Chantar ML. Restoring cellular magnesium balance through Cyclin M4 protects against acetaminophen-induced liver damage. Nature Communications 2022, 13(1), 6816.
- Ye H, Chen C, Wu H, Zheng K, Martin-Adrados B, Caparros E, Frances R, Nelson LJ, Gomez Del Moral M, Asensio I, Vaquero J, Banares R, Avila MA, Andrade RJ, Isabel Lucena M, Martinez-Chantar ML, Reeves HL, Masson S, Blumberg RS, Gracia-Sancho J, Nevzorova YA, Martinez-Naves E, Cubero FJ. Genetic and pharmacological inhibition of XBP1 protects against APAP hepatotoxicity through the activation of autophagy. Cell death & disease 2022, 13, 143.
- Askar S, Jelley R, McQue K, Allsop C, McCullough F, Miller C, Taha Y, Masson S, McPherson S. Determining the frequency and characteristics of Hepatitis C reinfections in North East England. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2022, 29(8), 685-690.
- Geh D, Watson R, Sen G, French JJ, Hammond J, Turner P, Hoare T, Anderson K, Mcneil M, Mcpherson S, Masson S, Dyson J, Donnelly M, Macdougal L, Patel P, Hudson M, Anstee QM, White S, Robinson S, Pandanaboyana S, Walker L, Mccain M, Bury Y, Raman S, Burt A, Parkinson D, Haugk B, Darne A, Wadd N, Asghar S, Mariappan L, Margetts J, Stenberg B, Scott J, Littler P, Manas DM, Reeves HL. COVID-19 and liver cancer: Lost patients and larger tumours. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 2022, 9(1), e000794.
- Ventura-Cots M, Argemi J, Jones PD, Lackner C, Elhag M, Abraldes JG, Alvarado E, Clemente A, Ravi S, Alves A, Alboraie M, Altamirano J, Barace S, Bosques F, Brown R, Caballeria J, Cabezas J, Carvalhana S, Cortez-Pinto H, Costa A, Degré D, Fernandez-Carillo C, Ganne-Carrie N, Garcia-Tsao G, Genesca J, Koskinas J, Lanthier N, Louvet A, Lozano JJ, Lucey MR, Masson S, Mathurin P, Mendez-Sanchez N, Miquel R, Moreno C, Mounajjed T, Odena G, Kim W, Sancho-Bru P, Sands RW, Szafranska J, Verset L, Schnabl B, Sempoux C, Shah V, Shawcross DL, Stauber R, Straub BK, Verna E, Tiniakos D, Trépo E, Vargas V, Villanueva C, Woosley J, Ziol M, Mueller S, Stärkel P, Bataller R. Clinical, histological and molecular profiling of different stages of alcohol-related liver disease. Gut 2022, 71(9), 1856-1866.
- Whitfield JB, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Stickel F, Soyka M, Muellhaupt B, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Foroud T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet J-M, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Mathurin P, Morgan TR, Seth D. Obesity, Diabetes, Coffee, Tea, and Cannabis Use Alter Risk for Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis in 2 Large Cohorts of High-Risk Drinkers. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2021, 116(1), 106-115.
- Neilson LJ, MacDougall L, Lee PS, Hardy T, Beaton D, Chandrapalan S, Ebraheem A, Hussien M, Galbraith S, Looi S, Oxenburgh S, Phaw NA, Taylor W, Haigh L, Hallsworth K, Mansour D, Dyson JK, Masson S, Anstee Q, McPherson S. Implementation of a care bundle improves the management of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Frontline Gastroenterology 2021, 12(7), 578-585.
- SchwantesAn TH, Darlay R, Mathurin P, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Muellhaupt B, Stickel F, Soyka M, Goldman D, Liang T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet JM, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Botwin G, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Foroud TM, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Whitfield JB, Morgan TR, Seth D. Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis on alcohol-related liver cirrhosis identifies novel genetic risk factors. Hepatology 2021, 73(5), 1920-1931.
- Masson S, Taylor R, Whitney J, Adair A, Attia M, Gibbs P, Grammatikopoulos T, Isaac J, Marshall A, Mirza D, Prachalias A, Watson S, Manas D, Forsythe J, Thorburn D. A coordinated national UK liver transplant program response, prioritizing waitlist recipients with the highest need, provided excellent outcomes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Transplantation 2021, 36(4), e14563.
- Forrest E, Petts G, Austin A, Lloyd K, Wright M, Vergis N, Atkinson S, Masson S, Patch D, Quaglia A, Thursz M, Goldin R. The diagnostic and prognostic significance of liver histology in alcoholic hepatitis. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2020, 53(3), 426-431.
- Webb GJ, Marjot T, Cook JA, Aloman C, Armstrong MJ, Brenner EJ, Catana M-A, Cargill T, Dhanasekaran R, Garcia-Juarez I, Hagstrom H, Kennedy JM, Marshall A, Masson S, Mercer CJ, Perumalswami PV, Ruiz I, Thaker S, Ufere NN, Barnes E, Barritt AS, Moon AM. Outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 infection in liver transplant recipients: an international registry study. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2020, 5(11), 1008-1016.
- Mafeld S, Logue JA, Masson S, Thakkar R, Amer A, Wilson C, Sen G, Manas D, White S, Williams R. Treatment of Visceral Transplant Pseudoaneurysms Using Physician-Modified Fenestrated Stent Grafts: Initial Experience. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 2019, 42, 920–926.
- Gurusamy KS, Walmsley M, Davidson BR, Frier C, Fuller B, Madden A, Masson S, Morley R, Safarik I, Tsochatzis EA, Ahmed I, Cowlin M, Dillon JF, Ellicott G, Elsharkawy AM, Farrington L, Glachan A, Kumar N, Milne EJ, Rushbrook SM, Smith A, Stafford L, Yeoman A. Top research priorities in liver and gallbladder disorders in the UK. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3), e025045.
- Houghton D, Zalewski P, Hallsworth K, Cassidy S, Thoma C, Avery L, Slomko J, Hardy T, Burt AD, Tiniakos D, Hollingsworth KG, Taylor R, Day CP, Masson S, McPherson S, Anstee QM, Newton JL, Trenell MI. The degree of hepatic steatosis associates with impaired cardiac and autonomic function. Journal of Hepatology 2019, 70(6), 1203-1213.
- Abou-Beih S, Masson S, Saunders R, Haugk B, Oakley F, Tiniakos D. Sinusoidal and pericellular fibrosis in adult post-transplant liver biopsies: association with hepatic stellate cell activation and patient outcome. Virchows Archiv 2019, 475, 233–243.
- Parker R, Aithal GP, Becker U, Gleeson D, Masson S, Wyatt JI, Rowe IA. Natural history of histologically proven alcohol-related liver disease: A systematic review. Journal of Hepatology 2019, 71(3), 586-593.
- Malik AK, Masson S, Allen E, Akyol M, Bathgate A, Davies M, Hidalgo E, Hudson M, Powell J, Taylor R, Zarankaite A, Manas DM. Impact of Regional Organ Sharing and Allocation in the UK Northern Liver Alliance on Waiting Time to Liver Transplantation and Waitlist Survival. Transplantation 2019, 103(11), 2304-2311.
- Forrest EH, Atkinson SR, Richardson P, Masson S, Ryder S, Thursz MR, Allison M. ACG Clinical Guideline for Alcoholic Liver Disease: The MELD Threshold for Corticosteroid Treatment has Yet to be Established. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2019, 114(1), 175-176.
- Boyle M, Masson S, Anstee QM. The bidirectional impacts of alcohol consumption and the metabolic syndrome: Cofactors for progressive fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology 2018, 68(2), 251-267.
- Whitfield JB, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Hyman J, Mueller S, Aithal G, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Stickel F, Soyka M, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Liang T, Foroud T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Bence C, Jacquet J-M, Louvet A, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Podevin P, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Mathurin P, Morgan TM, Seth D. Evaluation of laboratory tests for cirrhosis and for alcohol use, in the context of alcoholic cirrhosis. Alcohol 2018, 66, 1-7.
- Forrest EH, Atkinson SR, Richardson P, Masson S, Ryder S, Thursz MR, Allison M. Application of prognostic scores in the STOPAH trial: Discriminant function is no longer the optimal scoring system in alcoholic hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology 2018, 68(3), 511-518.
- Barbier-Torres L, Iruzubieta P, Fernández-Ramos D, Delgado TC, Taibo D, Guitiérrez-de-Juan V, Varela-Rey M, Azkargorta M, Navasa N, Fernández-Tussy P, Zubiete-Franco I, Simon J, Lopitz-Otsoa F, Lachiondo-Ortega S, Crespo J, Masson S, McCain MV, Villa E, Reeves H, Elortza F, Lucena MI, Hernández-Alvarez MI, Zorzano A, Andrade RJ, Lu SC, Mato JM, Anguita J, Rincon M, Martínez-Chantar ML. The mitochondrial negative regulator MCJ is a therapeutic target for acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Nature Communications 2017, 8, 2068.
- Hardy T, Zeybel M, Day CP, Dipper C, Masson S, McPherson S, Henderson E, Tiniakos D, White S, French J, Mann DA, Anstee QM, Mann J. Plasma DNA methylation: A potential biomarker for stratification of liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut 2017, 66(7), 1321-1328.
- Vergis N, Atkinson SR, Knapp S, Maurice J, Allison M, Austin A, Forrest EH, Masson S, McCune A, Patch D, Richardson P, Gleeson D, Ryder SD, Wright M, Thursz MR. In Patients With Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis, Prednisolone Increases Susceptibility to Infection and Infection-Related Mortality, and Is Associated With High Circulating Levels of Bacterial DNA. Gastroenterology 2017, 152(5), 1068-1077.e4.
- Houghton D, Hallsworth K, Thoma C, Cassidy S, Hardy T, Heaps S, Hollingsworth KG, Taylor R, Day CP, Masson S, McPherson S, Anstee QM, Trenell MI. Effects of Exercise on Liver Fat and Metabolism in Alcohol Drinkers. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017, 15(10), 1596-1603.e3.
- Verma S, Hand F, Armstrong MJ, de Vos M, Thorburn D, Pan T, Klinck J, Westbrook RH, Auzinger G, Bathgate A, Masson S, Holt A, Houlihan DD, Ferguson JW. Portopulmonary Hypertension: Still an Appropriate Consideration for Liver Transplantation?. Liver Transplantation 2016, 22(12), 1637-1642.
- Dyson JK, Rajasekhar P, Wetten A, Hamad AH, Ng S, Paremal S, Baqai MF, Lamb CA, Masson S, Hudson M, Dipper C, Cowlam S, Hussaini H, McPherson S. Implementation of a “care bundle” improves the management of patients admitted to hospital with decompensated cirrhosis. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016, 44(10), 1030–1038.
- O'Neill G, Masson S, Bewick L, Doyle J, McGovern R, Stoker E, Wright H, Newbury-Birch D. Can a theoretical framework help to embed alcohol screening and brief interventions in an endoscopy day-unit?. Frontline Gastroenterology 2016, 7(1), 47-53.
- Thursz M, Forrest E, Roderick P, Day C, Austin A, O'Grady J, Ryder A, Allison M, Gleeson D, McCune A, Patch D, Wright M, Masson S, Richardson P, Hood S, MacGilchrist A, Grant A, Vale L, Mellor J, Stanton L, Bowers M, Ratcliffe I, Downs N, Kirkman S, Homer T, Ternent L, Deverill M. The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of STeroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis (STOPAH): a 2x2 factorial, randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment 2015, 19(102).
- Thursz MR, Richardson P, Allison M, Austin A, Bowers M, Day CP, Downs N, Gleeson D, MacGilchrist A, Grant A, Hood S, Masson S, McCune A, Mellor J, O'Grady J, Patch D, Ratcliffe I, Roderick P, Stanton L, Vergis N, Wright M, Ryder S, Forrest EH, STOPAH Trial. Prednisolone or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis. New England Journal of Medicine 2015, 372(17), 1619-1628.
- Marrow B, Clarkson J, Chapman CE, Masson S. Facilitation of blood donation amongst haemochromatosis patients. Transfusion Medicine 2015, 25(4), 239-242.
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Robinson SM, Fox C, Anstee QM, Ness T, Masson S, Mathers JC, French J, White S, Mann J. Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. Clinical Epigenetics 2015, 7(25).
- Whitfield JB, Rahman K, Haber PS, Day CP, Masson S, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Mueller S, Seitz HK, Liangpunsakul S, Westerhold C, Liang TB, Lumeng L, Foroud T, Nalpas B, Mathurin P, Stickel F, Soyka M, Botwin GJ, Morgan TR, Seth D, GenomALC Consortium. Brief Report: Genetics of Alcoholic Cirrhosis-GenomALC Multinational Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2015, 39(5), 836-842.
- Masson S, Emmerson I, Henderson E, Fletcher EH, Burt AD, Day CP, Stewart SF. Clinical but not histological factors predict long-term prognosis in patients with histologically advanced non-decompensated alcoholic liver disease. Liver International 2014, 34(2), 235-242.
- Masson S, Marrow B, Kendrick S, Elsharkawy AM, Latimer S, Hudson M. An 'alcohol contract' has no significant effect on return to drinking after liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease. Transplant International 2014, 27(5), 475-481.
- Moles A, Murphy L, Wilson CL, Bagchi Chakraborty J, Fox C, Park EJ, Mann J, Oakley F, Howarth R, Brain J, Masson S, Karin M, Seki E, Mann DA. A TLR2/S100A9/CXCL-2 signaling network is necessary for neutrophil recruitment in acute and chronic liver injury in the mouse. Journal of Hepatology 2014, 60(4), 782-791.
- Hardy T, Wells C, Kendrick S, Hudson M, Day CP, Burt AD, Masson S, Stewart SF. White cell count and platelet count associate with histological alcoholic hepatitis in jaundiced harmful drinkers. BMC Gastroenterology 2013, 13(1), 55.
- Forrest E, Mellor J, Stanton L, Bowers M, Ryder P, Austin A, Day C, Gleeson D, O'Grady J, Masson S, McCune A, Patch D, Richardson P, Roderick P, Ryder S, Wright M, Thursz M. Steroids or pentoxifylline for alcoholic hepatitis (STOPAH): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2013, 14, 262.
- Orr J, Bury Y, Hudson M, Masson S. Liver transplantation for acute liver failure caused by macrophage activation syndrome. Transplant International 2013, 26(11), e105-e108.
- Elsharkawy AM, Schwab U, McCarron B, Burt AD, Daly AK, Hudson M, Masson S. Efavirenz induced acute liver failure requiring liver transplantation in a slow drug metaboliser. Journal of Clinical Virology 2013, 58(1), 331-333.
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Wong YK, Mathers JC, Fox CR, Gackowska A, Oakley F, Burt AD, Wilson CL, Anstee QM, Barter MJ, Masson S, Elsharkawy AM, Mann DA, Mann J. Multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound-healing response. Nature Medicine 2012, 18(9), 1369-U110.
- Masson S, Mardini HA, Rose JD, Record CO. Hepatic encephalopathy after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt insertion: A decade of experience. QJM 2008, 101(6), 493-501.
- Masson S, Chinn DJ, Tabaqchali MA, Waddup G, Dwarakanath AD. Is anaemia relevant in the referral and diagnosis of colorectal cancer?. Colorectal Disease 2007, 9(8), 736-739.
- Newsome PN, Tsiaoussis J, Masson S, Buttery R, Livingston C, Ansell I, Ross JA, Sethi T, Hayes PC, Plevris JN. Serum from patients with fulminant hepatic failure causes hepatocyte detachment and apoptosis by a beta(1)-integrin pathway. Hepatology 2004, 40(3), 636-645.
- Elsharkawy AM, McPherson S, Masson S, Burt AD, Dawson RT, Hudson M. Lesson of the Week: Cholestasis secondary to anabolic steroid use in young men. British Medical Journal 2012, 344, e468.
- Masson S, Taylor R, Thorburn D. Long-term Outcomes from the UK Pilot of Early Liver Transplantation for Severe Alcohol-related Hepatitis. Transplantation 2024, 108(8), e198-e199.
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