Staff Profile
Dr Rachel Stocker
Lecturer-Exercise and Health Psychology
- Telephone: 0191 20 80576
- Address: School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Office 5.20, 5th Floor
Dame Margaret Barbour Building
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Lecturer in Exercise and Health Psychology (teaching and research) and a Chartered Psychologist. I teach on several modules in the School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences portfolio, in relation to health psychology, exercise psychology, behaviour change, and qualitative research methods. I also have roles as a research supervisor and personal tutor.
I have particular research interests in chronic and/or life-limiting conditions (particularly type 1 diabetes), ageing and the wellbeing of older adults especially in care homes, palliative and end of life care, the boundary of NHS and social care, and experiences/outcomes for patients, families, and staff.
I use a variety of methodologies, primarily qualitative, and have interest in mixed methodologies. I'm also experienced in trial co-ordination and systematic reviewing.
I have experience of involving patients and the public in research at all stages of the research cycle, including idea generation, design, analysis, and publication/dissemination. I have also published briefings on palliative and end of life care for Parliament, influencing Government and wider policy agendas.
Doctor of Philosophy, Durham University
Masters in Health Psychology, Teesside University
Bachelor of Science (2:1), Psychology with Criminology, Leeds Beckett University
Professional memberships
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society
Division of Health Psychology and Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, British Psychological Society
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
FUSE Associate Member
Co-supervision (PhD)
Dr Ayat Bashir, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship: Improving diagnosis and holistic management of patients with diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis: a mixed methods study
Keaton Irvine, NIHR ARC Doctoral Fellowship: Facilitating improved health in individuals with type 2 diabetes from historically underrepresented groups in the North-East
Blossom Bell: The lived experience of long-term follow-up clinical care for haematopoietic stem cell recipients in England: a qualitative exploration and practice recommendations
External and other roles
Grant reviewer for Diabetes UK
Consultant for Darlington Football Club Foundation
External examiner for Kate Mansfield-Loynes, University of Chester (EdD viva)
Previous positions
Research Associate, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University
Health Research Methodologist, NIHR Research Design Service, Durham University
BPS/POST Fellow, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Houses of Parliament, Westminster
Tutor (Qualitative and Quantitative Health Research Methods), Durham University
Module Leader (Promoting Health, Preventing Illness), Teesside University
Visiting Lecturer (Exercise Psychology I, II, Research Methods), Sunderland University
Research Assistant, University of Leeds
Honorary Assistant Psychologist / Research Assistant, Tees, Esk, and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust & South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
I am happy to be approached for PhD supervision requests, and external examination roles.
Current research studies:
Does resistance training exercise help prevent frailty and loss of independence for older people with insulin treated diabetes? The EXPLODE Trial - funded by the Wellcome Trust ISSF
A qualitative exploration of patient experience, issues and unmet needs within the NHS specialist CAR-T service with associated PROM validation – funded by Innovate UK via the Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC) (co-applicant)
Completed research studies:
Influences on physical activity and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic for those with type 1 diabetes: A mixed-methods study – funded by Newcastle University Covid-19 Research Fund (co-applicant)
Using early warning systems in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-method study [qualitative component] – funded by NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (co-applicant)
Evaluating the Health Call app in care homes in County Durham and Darlington in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative interview study – funded by Health Data Research UK & NIHR/DHSC/UKRI COVID-19 Rapid Response Initiative
Uncovering ways in which carers of very old people with multiple conditions can be supported to maintain their own physical and psychological wellbeing: a qualitative interview study – funded by NIHR School for Primary Care Research (co-applicant)
Acute home visiting in primary care – what is the role of ambulance service practitioners? A qualitative exploratory study – funded by NIHR School for Primary Care Research
Organising general practice for care homes: A multi-method study – funded by NIHR Health Services & Delivery Research
Engaging professionals in new ways of working: Evaluating the Gateshead Care Home Vanguard clinical engagement workstream – funded by Newcastle Gateshead CCG (co-applicant)
Innovation to enhance health in care homes and evaluation of tools for measuring outcomes of care: rapid evidence synthesis – funded by NIHR Health Services & Delivery Research
Module leader:
SES2001 Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology
DTC2001 Health Psychology & Behaviour Change
PSY2028 Introduction to Health Psychology
Lecturer on the following modules:
SES1005 Introduction to Sport & Exercise Psychology
SES2003 Research Methods for Sport and Exercise Science
NUT2006 Measurement and Assessment of Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status
MMB8044 Exercise in Health and Disease
DTC4003 Masters Research Project
- Preston N, Cockshott Z, Russell S, Stocker R, Knight J, Mason S, Hanratty B. Dying in residential care homes during the early COVID-19 Pandemic: A qualitative interview study. BMC Geriatrics 2025, 25, 126.
- Sim YJ, Townsend RF, Mills S, Stocker R, Stevenson E, McEvoy C, Fairley AM. Understanding engagement in diet and dementia prevention research among British South Asians: a short report of findings from a patient and public involvement group. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2024, 37(4), 899-908.
- Warner J, Stocker R, Brandt K, Crabtree DR, Ormond L, Stevenson E, Holliday A. Appetite, food intake, and gut hormone responses to glycomacropeptide protein ingestion in older adults: A feasibility, acceptability, and pilot study. Appetite 2024, 200, 107509.
- Stocker R, Gupta A, Taylor GS, Shaw JA, West DJ. Adapting to compromised routines: Parental perspectives on physical activity and health for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the UK during COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2024, 77, e242-e250.
- Cockshott Z, Russell S, Stocker R, Knight J, Mason S, Hanratty B, Preston N. ‘In the shower crying ...but we came back in the following day and did it all again’. Distress and resilience in care home staff during the COVID-19 pandemic – A qualitative interview study. BMC Geriatrics 2024, 24, 286.
- Bond Z, Malik S, Bashir A, Stocker R, Buckingham J, Speight J, Shaw JAM. Validation of Igls Criteria for Islet Transplant Functional Status Using Person-Reported Outcome Measures in a Cross-Sectional Study. Transplant International 2023, 36, 11659.
- Stenson CL, Vidrine J, Dewhurst F, Osborne W, Menne T, Stocker R. A qualitative service evaluation of patient and caregiver experiences of CAR-T therapy: Recommendations for service development and implications for palliative care teams. Palliative Medicine 2023, 37(2), 215-220.
- Anderson A, Stocker R, Russell S, Robinson L, Hanratty B, Robinson L, Adamson J. Identity construction in the very old: A qualitative narrative study. PLOS One 2022, 17(12), e0279098.
- Wylie TAF, Morris A, Robertson E, Middleton A, Newbert C, Anderson B, Maltese G, Stocker R, Sinclair A, Weightman A, Bain S. Ageing Well With Diabetes: a workshop to co-design research recommendations for improving the diabetes care of older people. Diabetic Medicine 2022, 39(7), e14795.
- Stocker R, Brittain K, Spilsbury K, Hanratty B. Patient and public involvement in care home research: Reflections on the how and why of involving patient and public involvement partners in qualitative data analysis and interpretation. Health Expectations 2021, 24(4), 1349-1356.
- Barker RO, Stocker R, Russell S, Hanratty B. Future-proofing the primary care workforce: A qualitative study of home visits by emergency care practitioners in the UK. European Journal of General Practice 2021, 27(1), 68-76.
- Stocker R, Russell S, Liddle J, Barker RO, Remmer A, Gray J, Hanratty B, Adamson J. Experiences of a National Early Warning Score (NEWS) intervention in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open 2021, 11, e045469.
- Stocker R, Shaw JA, Taylor GS, Witham MD, West DJ. EXercise to Prevent frailty and Loss Of independence in insulin treated older people with DiabetEs (EXPLODE): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT). BMJ Open 2021, 11, e048932.
- Russell S, Stocker R, Barker R, Liddle J, Adamson J, Hanratty B. Implementation of the National Early Warning Score in UK care homes: a qualitative evaluation. British Journal of General Practice 2020, 70(700), e793-e800.
- Barker R, Stocker R, Russell S, Roberts A, Kingston A, Adamson J, Hanratty B. Distribution of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in care home residents. Age and Ageing 2020, 49(1), 141-145.
- Stocker R, Bamford C, Brittain K, Duncan R, Moffatt S, Robinson L, Hanratty B. Care home services at the vanguard: stakeholder views on the development and evaluation of novel, integrated approaches to enhancing health care in care homes. BMJ Open 2018, 8, e017419.
- Stocker R, Close H, Hancock H, Hungin APS. Should heart failure be regarded as a terminal illness requiring palliative care? A study of heart failure patients’, carers’ and clinicians’ understanding of heart failure prognosis and its management. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 2017, 7(4), 464-469.
- Fenton G, Hill K, Stocker R, House A. Older adults at risk of a cardiovascular event: a preliminary investigation of their experiences of an active lifestyle scheme in England. Ageing and Society 2015, 35(10), 2141-2155.
- Stocker R, Close H. Assessing the uptake of the Liverpool Care Pathway for dying patients: a systematic review. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 2013, 3(4), 399-404.
- Stocker R, Close H. A novel method of enhancing grounded theory memos with voice recording. The Qualitative Report 2013, 18(1), 1-4.
Book Chapter
- Stocker R, Close H, Hungin APS. End of life care in heart failure: Is it time to reinvent the wheel?. In: Richards,R;Creek,J, ed. Chronicity, Care, and Complexity. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.
- Russell S, Barker R, Stocker R, Liddle J, Adamson J, Hanratty B. Evaluation of the Sunderland Connected Care Homes programme: Stakeholder views of the Telehealth Care Home Digital Tablet. 2018. Submitted.
- Stocker R, Hobbs A. Palliative and End of Life Care. London, UK: Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2014. 481.