Staff Profile
Dr Uche Anyanwagu
Clinical Research Associate
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- Telephone: 0191 208 8025
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- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Biomedical Research Building, Level 2
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Uche Anyanwagu is a versatile professional with expertise in Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine and Surgery from Abia State University, a Master's Degree in Applied Epidemiology from the University of Nottingham, and a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology. Currently, Uche works as a Primary Care Physician in Newcastle, UK, and as a Clinical Research Associate at Newcastle University. His research interest focuses on the nexus between stroke, diabetes and other cardiovascular outcomes; and he is interested in exploring these health dynamics and outcomes in deprived communities.
Uche has published over 40 research works in high-impact international medical and academic journals and has presented over 30 papers at international scientific conferences. He is also a creative writer, social critic, and poet with 4 published literary works (three currently on Amazon). In his leisure time, Uche enjoys reading, writing, traveling, swimming, and playing the piano
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Research Background
My background in public health in Nigeria kick-started my interest in clinical research. Over the past 13 years, my research area has transcended infectious diseases to exploring the cardiovascular (myocardial infarction and stroke) and metabolic events (weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance and hyper/hypoglycaemia) associated with insulin and glucose-lowering agents in Type 2 Diabetes.
I later focused on the association between diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular events (non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke) and mortality in insulin users with type 2 diabetes. With time, my interest has evolved to examine the nexus between stroke, diabetes and other cardiovascular outcomes and in exploring these health dynamics and outcomes in deprived communities.
Educational Qualification
Royal College of General Practitioners, United Kingdom (2019 – 2024)
Certificate of Completion of Training in General Practice (Jab 15, 2024)
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (2014 - 2017)
PhD (Clinical Epidemiology)
Thesis Topic: Cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes associated with insulin use in type 2 diabetes: Evidence from Insulin Users in the UK Primary Care.
University of Nottingham, UK (2013- 2014)
MSc, Applied Epidemiology
Thesis Topic: Occurrence of Liver Cirrhosis in England (1998-2009): Association with Socioeconomic Deprivation.
West African College of Physicians (October 2011)
Primary Fellowship in Community Health
National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (September 2011)
Primary Fellowship in Public Health
Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria (October 2000 – August 2007)
Bachelor in Medicine, Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS)
Honours and Academic Prizes
Excellence in Research Award, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK (July 2019)
Contributor, Current European and American Joint Guidelines for the management of Diabetes (October 2017)
Nomination for Best Research in Type 2 Diabetes in UK, Diabetes UK (March 2017)
Doctoral Research Scholarship Award, University of Nottingham (October 2014)
Commonwealth Scholarship, for Masters in Applied Epidemiology (September 2013)
APHPN Prize for the Best Candidate in Public Health Primaries of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (September 2012)
Distinguished National Development Award for Service to Humanity, by the Centre for Advocacy Against Corrupt Practices, Nigeria (December 2011)
Service Award for Visionary, Intuitive and Dynamic Leadership, School of Clinical Medicine, Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria (January 2007)
- Volunteer Module Instructor – BMS BMS3017, Clinical Ageing and Health, Newcastle University (2022 – Date).
- Volunteer Examiner - School of Medicine Phase 1 OSCE, University of Sunderland (2021 – Date)
- Volunteer Assessor - School of Medicine Multiple Mini Interviews, University of Sunderland (2021-Date)
- Volunteer Examiner in the stage 5 MOSLER examination for the MBBS programme, Newcastle University (2021-22)
- Associate Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Nottingham, (Oct 2017 – Jan 2021)
- Support Supervisor - PhD thesis on Effect of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Events and Metabolic Outcomes in Obese Patients with Insulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes: a Retrospective Cohort Study by Mohammed Alkharaiji (2016 -2020)