Staff Profile
Dr Zachary Petzel
Lecturer in Social Psychology
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6264
Roles and Responsibilities
Lecturer in Social Psychology
PhD, Psychology (emphasis in Behavioural Neuroscience), University of Missouri - St. Louis
MA, Psychology (emphasis in Behavioural Neuroscience), University of Missouri - St. Louis
BA, Psychology (minor in Philosophy), University of Missouri - St. Louis
Previous Positions
Lecturer, Queen's University Belfast (Sept 2020 - Dec 2020)
Postdoctoral research fellow, Queen's University Belfast (Jan 2019 - Sept 2020)
I am a social neuroscientist interested in how the environments we live in shape our behavior. For example, did you know that merely viewing an alcohol advertisement can increase aggression and racism? My research attempts to understand these kinds of phenomena. So, do you act differently after consuming alcohol at home versus in the pub? Do Star Wars posters negatively impact women’s interview performance? Do recent trends towards atheism in the United Kingdom mean spiritual interventions are unappealing? Does use of the stars and stripes on beer cans increase purchasing among patriotic Americans? Stay tuned to find out!
My recent work has focused on mechanisms of self-control and stress-induced alcohol consumption, examining the role of cardiovascular responses and interventions to improve coping strategies. Other work examines alcohol intoxication and mechanisms of impulsivity, measuring cortical activity and its relation to task performance. Notably, this work is interdisciplinary, drawing from social, behavioral, health, and clinical psychology, in addition to neuroscience via the use of electrocardiography (ECG), impedance cardiography (ICG), electrodermal activity (EDA), electromyography (EMG), and electroencephalography (EEG).
My research also emphasizes the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). My postgraduate work with Dr Bettina Casad examined how stereotypes and sexism affect mental and physical health of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). After completing my PhD, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for the EPSRC funded project "Inclusion Really Does Matter" led by Dr Ioana Latu. This research used virtual reality to inform development of intervention techniques to promote engagement with diversity initiatives in STEM. Current EDI work examines the impact of prejudiced large language models (e.g., ChatGPT) and extended contact to reduce prejudice against racial minorities.
I am module leader for PSY1008 (Personality and Mental Health), PSY1016 (Foundations in Social Psychology), PSY2003 (Social Psychology), and PSY3040 (Psychobiology of Drug Addiction). I have previously led PSY2021 (Introduction to Health and Addiction Science; not currently offered) and contributed to PSY3047 (The Social Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination; not currently offered).
I supervise students for the BSc Psychology, MSc Foundations in Clinical & Health Psychology, and MRes Neuroscience programmes. I am also open to supervising MPhil and PhD students, see details here. If you would like to discuss potential supervision, feel free to send me an email so we can discuss it further.
- Petzel ZW, Sowerby L. Prejudiced interactions with large language models (LLMs) reduce trustworthiness and behavioral intentions among members of stigmatized groups. Computers in Human Behavior 2025, 165, 108563.
- Petzel ZW, Farrell L, McCormack T, Turner RN, Rafferty K, Latu IM. A collective action approach to improving attitudes and self-efficacy towards gender equality among male STEM academics. European Journal of Psychology of Education 2024, 39, 3161–3184.
- Petzel ZW, Casad BJ. More Than Meets the ERN: Suppression of Confrontation Moderates the Effects of Sexism on Error-Related Negativity. Social Psychology 2023, 54(4).
- Petzel ZW, Casad BJ. Take a chance on STEM: Risk-taking buffers negative effects of stereotype threat among women. The Journal of Experimental Education 2022, 90(3), 656-672.
- Petzel ZW, Noel JG, Casad BJ. Discrimination Without Intoxication: The Role of Controlled Processes in the Promotion of Racial Bias After Viewing Alcohol-Related Cues. Social Cognition 2022, 40(5).
- Farrell L, Petzel ZW, McCormack T, Turner RT, Rafferty K, Latu IM. When you put it that way: Framing gender equality initiatives to improve engagement among STEM academics. BioScience 2021, 71(3), 292-304.
- Petzel ZW, Noel JG. Don’t drink and drive, it’s a prime: Cognitive effects of priming alcohol-congruent and incongruent goals among heavy versus light drinkers. Journal of Health Psychology 2021, 26(14), 2966-2972.
- Noel JG, Petzel ZW. Not by automaticity alone: The role of contextual factors, individual differences, and propositional learning in the malleability of implicit alcohol attitudes. Addictive Behaviors 2020, 108, 106460.
- Casad BJ, Franks JE, Garasky C, Kittleman MM, Roesler AC, Hall DY, Petzel ZW. Gender inequality in the academy: Problems and solutions for women faculty in STEM. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2020, 99(1), 13-23.
- Petzel ZW, Casad BJ. Sexism predicts alcohol use and motivations among college women with stronger alcohol identity. Social Cognition 2019, 37(3), 341-354.
- Noel JG, Petzel ZW, Mulderig TH. Of two minds about alcohol: Specific effects of evaluative conditioning on implicit, but not explicit, alcohol cognitions among heavy versus light drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2019, 33(3), 285-296.
- Petzel ZW, Noel JG. In the eye of the drinker: Drinking motives influence the effectiveness of conditioning implicit alcohol attitudes. Addictive Behaviors 2019, 92, 24-27.
- Petzel ZW, Noel JG, Casad BJ. I’m tired and feel like drinking: Viewing alcohol cues after exerting self-control increases approach motivation among individuals lower in alcohol sensitivity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2019, 33(7), 626–636.
- Casad BJ, Petzel ZW, Ingalls EA. A Model of Threatening Academic Environments Predicts Women STEM Majors’ Self-Esteem and Engagement in STEM. Sex Roles 2019, 80(7-8), 469-488.
- Casad BJ, Petzel ZW. Heart rate variability moderates challenge and threat reactivity to sexism among women in STEM. Social Psychology 2018, 49(4), 191-204.
Book Chapter
- Casad BJ, Petzel ZW. Neurosexism. In: Nadal,K, ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. Sage, 2017, pp.1243-1246.